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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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is due to the, [000:00:00;00] the flow this is in use our own ouch is 0. i'm fully back. people lives in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. 8 is really settlers a ton palestinian villages the occupied west bank after a missing teenage settler is found dead. a bronze revolutionary god sees
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a container ship in the gateway to the gulf. the vessel is links to an is really 1000000000 that is really as strikes strong as 711 on hours after hezbollah fights is 5, dozens of rockets across the board. also this, our 6 people are killed in a stabbing attack at a shopping mall in sidney. the suspect is shot dead by australia and put in the in sports. it's moving day of the mos as will have the latest action. once the 3rd round, get some, do i ask who augusta and could that be another not to talk them types of a tough pull. finish in the premier league above 3 nail down against the costs of the it is $13.00 g m t. thank you very much. for joining us,
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we begin in the occupied wes bank. where is really settlers are talking polish to me in villages after a missing 14 year old settler was found dead? the circumstances surrounding his death are unclear, but israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is calling it a heinous matter. in one of the latest attacks, settlers stormed a village south of nablus, burning several houses, and opening fire injuring at least 3 palestinians. they've been similar scenes in other villages since the teenagers disappearance on friday. at least one palestinian was killed in the violets. we'll get the latest from israel in just a moment with him. the saw hotels in tennessee, but 1st we go live to the occupied westbank. anita ibrahim is in ramallah forest, anita, and extremely follow ty, situation across the occupied westbank bring us up to speed with the latest
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developments 1st. as well as the morning we've been seeing groups of settlers gathering all at the entrances of some of the villages around them a lot, including the village which palestinians could not even access. for the hours. there has been a funeral for 25 years old, who has been killed on friday by settlers fire that took city hours to be able to get from the hospice in here in the low to the final resting place in the yet not only because of settlers who have been gathered all across but also because of his really soldiers who have been looking rhodes and basically making it impossible for the convert to take the huge with metro to the village that has been attacked on friday by hundreds and hundreds of is really subtler is also today, those attacks have been renewed. this is the 2nd day of those attacks and we're seeing more and more subtler is making that way to also do my village, which is close to. and then what i get after news surface of the fact that the body
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of the 14 year old is really subtler who went missing on friday, was found. you know, as far as we've been hearing from these radio official sources, they are saying that this has been done by palestinians. they suspect that there is $2.00 to $3.00 palestinians will have been accused of a, basically as throwing stones at the 14 year old settler, who comes from and nearby illegals is really supplement out for us. now we're talking about the tension and the occupied with baghdad. now only have we not been able to go to eliminate you to many journalists could not access though. ma is the settlers attack is really ongoing, making a palestinian, there feels that they're unsafe. there's nothing they can do. even the fires truck who went inside duma to be able to put all some puts off some of the fires that what caused by some of those has been attacked by settlers as well. there's all things to 6 injuries. at least we have city injuries in the village. one of them is in a critical condition on our way back to them a low. we met
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a su palestinians who have been attacked by such as less listening to what they have to tell us. when the machine was shut up, we were in the streets. i was driving my car and there were many calls all over the place. done to such as it blocked the road in front of us and attacked us the 2 stones at us and had guns. i was scared to death. only god saved us on the yeah. so as we've been hitting here to palestinians are concerned of those growing set to the facts that they're not just limited to the villages that we were discussing already and the yet to do them. i will for that i had the surrounding villages of i didn't want you to, but we're also talking about being a people being on the streets. it's becoming very dangerous to come in with already . we've been talking before the word about the dangers that is imposed by settlers on palestinians due to the fact that some of those have been armed have been already
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a 2nd palestinians before the war. but after the war we've been seeing is really ministers who some of the motor stuff. there's encouraging some of those to be able to get things to access mod arms. so there's a lot of tension, a lot of concern amongst palestinians as to you know, the, the sceptre, they now, if some people are observing somebody at the jewish holidays where they do not go out, they do not engage with, with, with the elder world. let's say that they would come out of that then be could that we could be seeing more and more such that attacks against palestinians. we know from these radio official sources the, the continuing the search for the 2 or 3 palestinians. a baby are connected to it. what we believe now is a murder of the 14 year old is really popular one. let's find out more about what these really authorities are saying need to thank you very much for that. let's cross over $200.00 us out. in tennessee, i'm does need a said the body of the teenagers really settler was found in the occupied westbank . what are these really, it's already saying and doing about the situation and you know,
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this vala type situation that is happening at fos, the occupied with back of the will. these rarely prime minister has released the statement calling it quote, a heinous murder and a grave crime. saying that the is really army as well as mission best. that's the internal security service and the agency are looking for the perpetrator or perpetrators of this crime. and the statement ends by saying quotes that he's calling on is really citizens to allow, is really authorities to do their jobs. but there is no mention whatsoever about the settler rampages on these palestinian towns across the occupied west bank. there was no mention of the palestinian who was killed by these is really settlers when they storm the items i a village yesterday on friday. so the is really, authorities are saying that they are looking into the matter what solely looking into it for what they are calling the murder of this 14 year old settler from an
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illegal outpost near the village in the occupied westbank for when it comes to the settler rampage, and attacks on these palestinian towns there was simply no mention of it. i'm to stay with us because we want to get reaction to another stories that's developing in the region. and yvonne's revolutionary god has rated and seized a container ship in the gulf. the vessel was ported in the strait of homeowners, a key transit point for the wells gas and oil supplies. the shipping company operating the m. s. c. aries has confirmed the husband sees is really the ship is being transferred to iranian territorial waters that spring and dosage are barry a correspondent entail on what more doors. so do we know about this incident, which obviously plays into a much larger story within the region is certainly slowly uh, what we know is according to say media reporting here. um that, uh, this ship was seized by the naval division of the revolutionary guard. as it was
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making its way towards the strait of hormones to pass through, this was a shipped that was making its way from the united arab emirates to india. it is a cargo ship that carries a portuguese flag. now it is reported that this ship belongs to zodiac maritime. a company that is owned by it is rarely billionaire. and we understand that. so the ship is now making its way to iranian ports in the south, most likely and home was gone province. the question remains now is we still haven't heard an official statement from the revolutionary guard, and that is usually the case in the past when they, she sees ships like this. what we do know is that this ship was seized by the revolutionary guard, and we're waiting to find out more when the statement is issued, but certainly it comes at a time when punches are running very high in this region. as a result of a possible response by the radians after 7 of revolutionary guard officials were killed in damascus on april 1st. and what is believe to be it is really our strikes on the waiting and consulates in damascus. but for now,
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we're waiting to see what the revolutionary guard the media division will say. what is certain is that people are wondering what is special about this particular ship, other than it's affiliation with. this is riley billionaire who owns the company that this ship is registered to. we'll have to wait and see once we get more information, whether or not the questions that we have at this point will be answered door. so thank you for that dose of jabari live the entire on. let's go back to hum, to side halting tennessee. so honda, what are these really saying about this incident in the gulf? well, initially we heard from me is really our re spokesperson, daniel, how god you who did not address this specifically, but he rather send that quote it on. we'll pay a price, should they choose to escalate things for rather and not israel is prepared for whatever kind of retaliatory attack to quote, defend israel, and also to respond. should there be any sort of attack in retaliation for that is
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really strike on the it on the and console it's in damascus on april 1st. now we are hearing from israel's foreign minister, israel thompson, released a post on x, formerly known as twitter, or saying that quote it on is conducting piracy and should be sanctioned for it. this is the 1st official government reaction. we have gone about this incident as a whole, b is rarely army statements, did not address this directly, but only address the tensions and the anticipation for a wider sort of escalation with need audience would not addressing the ship that was seized by the i r g c, just yet, i'm the saw who team, tennessee. thank you very much. from 9 to 711 on where is really just have launch a new series of ad strikes. local media reported loud explosions in several places, including monterey, on the area, seeing a regular fonts for times between these really forces and has full of fighters
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since the war on guys have begun in october. these really, s y followed has been a lot rocket attacks on southern lebanon on friday, at least 50 were fired towards oper gallery late in northern israel, and the occupied the golden heights somewhere intercepted by these really defense system. let's get the latest we've ounces. here is alley high sion who is in my core. i 711 on alley. i understand there's been more strikes in just the last few minutes a while in the last few minutes had been heading explosion, explosions on the other side of the mountain. know this re mountain, he has the body of between 11 on and is right. it's got i actually the, the board up and just like 30 minutes from now the couple of massages launched from around this area and then decide and to sound it from the united nations headquarters, which are, which isn't not florida here. and it said that level 2 are there is on which means
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that there might be, is really a tax at any time now we've been hearing explosions. it seems that those are tillery prior to what's the town of honda, which is just, it's close to the next town after here where we are. but the explore all the explosions were, has from behind documents from inside this really bold as this is what's been happening over the past 30 minutes. however, during this day there were many is really strikes especially to watch the se mondrey, honda, as you mentioned, also all the towns in the region all. but the principal also claimed responsibility for launching and a drone have an explosive laden drawn towards the is really communities in the north. and this all comes to draw stuff to ours from has been laws launching of tens of missiles into the occupied golden heights. ali thank you very much for the best options here is annie. hi, sion revolting, they live from the cora and
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a 711 on 2 guys are now where is really as twice are intensifying in northern and central parts of this trip. killing dozens of people. no say rod refugee camp in the center of guys i was heavily bombarded. are you and run evacuation shelter and residential towers were among the targets for the knowest or by yeah, has seen a series of strikes more than 33000 to polish simians have been killed since the war began in october to let's get the latest with terry god was in rough, i'm with strikes across the gaza strip tied topic as we've seen. talk to us about the latest targets and what these really military has been focusing on. yes, fully more attacks on, on the right to refuge account in the past few hours. we've been seeing that now as well is coasted pricing too much on that very densely populated areas. the
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situation is that you're racing when hourly by uses. now clearly what we use i've been hearing from eye witnesses. the is that the is really military right now. has, has been using military quite cool to drones, to open fire and chasing people in the streets of industry, rough refuge account. but specifically in the know the right parts of the camp where the is really military operations are still going on the as more a tax issue has been carried out against a number of residential homes where one palestinian and the past hour has been killed with a number of injuries that have been transferred to an out the hospital to receive medical treatments and people that in fact being threatened to have been quoting for rescue of ration. but the reality of the stuff civil defense teams are facing the problem in terms of getting and approaching to that area, are talking about how intense rates have been boatman and people there have been even a freight to say the so they started to partially fleet from the areas of confrontations
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in order to rest to the family members. and what is important also to mention is that the author, the re units of the spend a minute, we had been bouncing agricultural lands and also residential houses in a great, a refuge account as a part of their ongoing operations. there were people have no longer know where to go, but the entire goal is district has been under fire of this, this is happening tyrique as the united nations is warning that um, cases of water born diseases such as diarrhea are increasing because people in guys i cannot access clean water and the weather is getting warmer. also talk to us about the conditions for people not just in the south where you are and where a lot of people have sought refuge, but also in central areas with some returning to that homes of the one that is a clear results from the easily ongoing compartment that destroyed the majority of
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water lines with a majority of voices, and the patient is stationed, as people are no longer able to get you on the clear water sources in the territory . as we have been recording a cli and increasingly more rates and cases being recorded in hospitals for the surprise of what's it boned diseases alongside with impact to us want including diarrhea, post of hepatitis age we're hospitals are saying that we are struggling to provide them with the treatment because of the majority of casualties being arriving such hospitals as also people who have been returning back to the houses such as in front of you in a city that been saying that they found nothing. nobody will just sources because of because by the collateral destruction that has been posted the entire area and also the garza's, the ministry at the gauze. i mean it's abilities have been saying that the majority of their vehicles have been destroyed as they are no longer able to operate, to help to clean the rubbish and the garbage from the streets of the gaza strip as they have been also
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a clear source for the spread of disease that the majority of abuse of both vehicles being completely destroyed. so clearly what is observed and recorded on the ground. that gospel has been completely collapsed in terms of the hygiene conditions in terms of the hill sex stuff. and right now, probably the hospitals are some operating where people are only looking for a cease fire that can help to reduce that relates in crisis. that's an old levels including the sanitation conditions that get your rates on a daily basis. date of worsening crisis. every single day topic. thank you very much for bringing us the latest, the from gaza. terry a couple a so the the best turn to out of while he is now. and in australia, 6 people have been stop to death, fat shopping mall, and sidney. several others were injured in taken to hospital including a 9 month old baby police shot. the attacker dead,
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they say it was entirely related, but it's still investigating the motive. hundreds of saturday shoppers, where he evacuated from the west hill center at bondai junction in sydney. i saw him woman lying on the floor. miss chanel? sorry. i didn't see him properly. i was running, but on it's just, it was insane. it was insanity. i wasn't expecting it in by running around saving. seems pretty random. we're just looking. somebody was injured down. there were just looking because everyone is looking to see what was going on. then we saw all these people running towards this and then we had a shot and my husband drug this into the dash shop. and then we got the lady that china locked the doors. and then she put it up the front door. so we, we went in the office which was, which is a lot, and then we were in there until the police came together. alex thomas has been
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monitoring developments for us from sidney. in this part of sydney would normally things already busy and bustling on a saturday nights instead, like much of the city and the why the country there was a sense of shock and morning off the unprecedented attack here, the shopping center bones i junction early this afternoon a man walking in and attacking several people, killing 5 of them at the scene, and one lights of dying and hospital. when he was approached by a senior police officer, he raised his weapon and lunged. uh huh. and police say he was shot dead at the sea . so 7 victims in total, including the lights, perfect right to. and the sense of shelf is expensive as far as the australian prime minister. and to the album easy getting an address for the nation. the devastating seems to fund the junction beyond woods or understanding. strivings will be show the say this was i have repeat the bottle
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indiscriminately targeted innocent people going about an organ reset or die doing their shopping. arthritis, prime minister was one of several officials who would not be drawing on the motive of the attack of god as the one big question mark at the moment. you can see that the streets are still cold and off and investigation is continuing. it is a critical incidence boss officials and says that there is no ongoing threats. alex thomas out is the era sydney, the, the war and ukraine now and warnings of a catastrophic shortage of defense systems to protect ukraine from russian drawing . a tax i'll just here is john's transferred re for some of the khaki of region you for is that you create into offensive. it ends up paying the price of the decline
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in western military support. a clear sky is over ne, in ukraine. no cloud cover means the soldiers, but the 77th and mobile brigade aren't especially high or low in the tree lines around 10 kilometers from the russian border. they're trying to intercept russian drones. the recognizance will kind of cause the 3, the same cooling of up 37 minutes ago, a drum circle dis, twice them are 10 to russian lines. it was so high we couldn't intercept if it was cloudy, then it would be forced to fly low at around 8 to 900 meters. then we could take it out with this width and music as well. no. but guessing, allies on what the men here say are increasingly sophisticated on man, russian drones able to fly long als at high altitude is exceptionally difficult on days like this. you're currently middle, teresa is being outdone, an outlined in various locations along the front line. this comes as an escalation
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in russian target to attacks facing ukraine's energy infrastructure continues. but there are a villages in this area that are also being hit villages where there are still thousands of people living the farm. it works in these fields among the newly set lines of anti tank defenses. the so called dragon's teeth trots across the nit flat expanse. freshly dug trenches exact towards the rise and ukrainian tank rumbles through the nearby community. a small town which is being published day and night. joining bomb craters, the consulted remains of homes, aris in memory of the dead. so then what do myself i do for me yet? the man was changing the oil in his car. he was blind to pieces. it was 130 in the afternoon, though strikes almost every day. the center of town is hit every night. as on the
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playgrounds empty, many families have left in recent days. getting a chance with the friends in the local shop. she's moved to children out of town, but has to keep working despite the danger. plus what you wish to do, but the most of the girls will have to take my kids away because they couldn't endure any more because you called sleep. the children were terrified, so i took them to you, but as long as my job is here, i have to come here to work every day. and now the air raid siren a russian ballistic missile out of that says this woman and she ducks inside an apartment block across the fields. soldiers, scam the skies and listen prepared as they can be with the guns they have to defend against the on demand russian threat. charles profit, i'll just say we're a cloud cube region, northeast in ukraine. and in the last few minutes, germany is defense,
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ministry has announced that germany will supply another patriot ad defend system to strengthen ukraine in his defensive campaign against russia. thailand is preparing to accept small migraine sling fighting in neighboring myanmar after the fall of the border town in myanmar to rebels fighting government forces, some disgrace. people have already crossed the border. the ty government says it's willing to temporarily show to a $100000.00 refugees, and the time military has reinforced border areas with uncertainty high about what is next for the region. the moved along the border is tense. tony chang re for some a salt on the tie side of the border with me and more. the quad has fallen over the town. me a while the on a day when it would normally be full of life. people out celebrating the balmy's new year thing jen. the today muted celebrations. we can still see the militia who,
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being guarding the boat of crossing for the last few days. the still the in greater numbers than we've seen before. the behind the screen relaxing in hammocks. they don't appear to feel the position is on the immediate stress. there is much less traffic going across the bridge into thailand. we've seen that very busy in the last few days. but i think those who have wanted to come across, taking century on this side of the border have already come. we understand the current as they call me and their allies maintain depositions on the outskirts of milwaukee. we don't know is the position of the government forces who'd be moving in a column to relieve the troops inside the city troops who are already floods to friendship . bridge number 2, we think they're about 10 kilometers outside the city. but at this stage, nobody's entirely sure. no one knows what their intentions are when they arrive. ties still 9 tiny,
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very tight security alone the board. and we heard from the foreign minister, the message he's been sending to the military john to enough to do. there's an additional cost they want to see peace maintained across the board. in tony chung al jazeera on the time. yeah. and modeled still i had on alger xerox food for thought by shoppers in argentina. i'm not convinced by government claims that recognized station is slowly and another milestone for show, hey, or tiny in majorly, phase 4 will tell you about his latest achievement ends for the, the political debate. pony farmers are angry, people have starving, and we actually have to exports a whole lot because we have money to buy informed athenians. the relevance of the
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security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments, while in addition to the highest level they've been using games for the policy, let me cut out of the student's name and date, and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera. now let me tell you almost suffice. cold results, the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we enter the a coupon occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only look, just very close here, like come in here, sits on to play with a large stairs face with a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also offer somebody valley equal, restored to me and gone the the
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the welcome back. a recap of our top stories on this challenge is here and use our violence is escalating between that lives in palestinian to be occupied. westbank after a missing 14 year old is really sadler, was found dead settlers of attach several villages in town. seems to teenagers disappearance on friday. at least one part of simeon has been killed. the rainy and forces have seized a container, shipping a gateway to the call c m s c areas is links to in. is there any pending in there and saw that the high drop ship has been saying to uranium territorial waters? the seizure was on the street of homeowners, which exports much tripping wells for oil and gas. and is really just said launch a new series of as strikes in $711.00 on local media, reported loud explosions in several faces,
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including mount rayon strikes. con powers up the hezbollah fighters, fives. dozens of rockets across the border entries right now in germany, police, i've shut down a pro palestinian congress being held in berlin. the officers said, one of the main speakers was subject to a ban on political activity, but gave no details. the conference was aimed at examining german support fraser as war on gaza. germany denies accusations of complicity and genocide at the international court of justice. on dr. hassan, i will see to is a plastic surgeon and rector at the university of glasgow. he was invited to speak at that conference, but was denied entry and to germany is joining us on the news hour from london. thank you so much, dr. obviously to for your time,
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can you tell us about what exactly happened when you landed in germany to attend this conference? so my flight landed the 10 o'clock in the morning and, and when i got to the passport office i was told to wait. and then police officers came and they escorted me to a room where i stayed for 3 and a half hours. i was then ask questions about that. and my experience and wednesday, at my experience, giving evidence to the international criminal court. my experience as someone who's evidence was part of the south african submission to the international court of justice. and then i was asked to why i was attending the congress. and i explained that this is me giving evidence and testimony to what i had seen when i
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worked in gaza leading shift unlikely baptist hospital. i was told that i would not be able to enter a germany. mm hm. and that to that band would continue for the duration of the congress and into the rest of april. i asked the policeman whether if these rainy's manage to wipe out 4 of the 2 and a quarter 1000000 palestinians in the gods district. before the end of april, the german authorities left me back into germany. busy a year and strangely enough, he didn't have an answer to that question. thought tablets. uh, let me just ask you something because i want to understand whether they gave you specific reasons as to why they weren't allowing you into germany. i understand it wasn't just finding you, but it was also telling you forbidding you to participate in the conference via video link or via zoom. they threatened to find you if you did participate via so
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yeah, i was told then that that even if i participated once back into u. k by soon or by sending a video or recorded video that would make me in violation of german know at the excuse and the ludicrous excuse that they could not ensure the safety of participants in the conference. and that's why they were shutting the conference though. okay, were you provide a doctor obviously to any assistance by, by the british authorities? has they've been any official protests made by the u. k. with what is the german authorities a regarding your treatment? no. no none. none whatsoever. uh, my local and be reached out to me through my lawyer, but that was the extensive. okay. now if you'd be unable to attend the conference, what would you have told the participants about the situation in gossip of what were, what we witnessed and what is continuing to this day is
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a genocide. these 14000 palestinian children were killed by these really armed that army was using weapons provided by germany and the united states and the united kingdom and norwood. but the companies that make these weapons are, as a, are owned by individuals and by institutions the own shares. and these companies have made money from the murder of my patients and countless other patients in the hosting and continue to make money from that slaughter. and so, you know, it's what is critical for us is not to view the ongoing genocide and because in an abstract form, we need to view this as an ongoing crime of murder. and that crime has a weapon. and that weapon was provided by someone and someone made money selling that was germany, you know,
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is one of the countries that is providing one the weapon previously providing the political cover and enjoying it before the genocide to continue on. hindered a now was every come lot as of as if germany wants to prove the nicaraguan case that it is an accomplice, do the genocide in regards to germany's trying to silence the witness. and that's what the accomplice is. do they bury the evidence and they find, let's do it this. yeah, i was going to ask you what lessons you drew from, from your experience being banned in germany, to attend that conference on the tablet. see to, you know, with more than 6 months since this war and guys, a started with over 33000 people killed. and now she is of an old out regional war . we still see, as you said, there are many western countries position, not changing. how do we change of how do we bring about change? oh,
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i think that means the irrational an erotic behavior of german authority that managed to turn a small conference that could have just at best been attended by 500 people into a major global is eh, shows. that's the problem. that the, the government's in the west, you know what i call the access of genocide. a problem that they are having is that they can no longer control the matter. we live in an age where people can see this genocide on food. they see israel starving people in northern because they see is really troops. many things hungry in northern was the so that they can shoot them. they see is really getting counted as children every day, the total continuous on pender and without it ever slowing down. and the problem that they have is on one side, they want the genocide to continue because we shouldn't be under no english it if
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the united states and western powers wanted this genocide to and it would have and, and on the other side, they don't want the pub backdrop, the publicity and they want to continue to control the narrative. so at best, we have a process in which, you know, this process of humanitarian authorization of the genocide as long as they're throwing at. busy a food and i'm a meals by fire sheet or providing aid through the spear, the genocide will be able to continue. dr. i will see to thank you so much for talking to us. have fun. i will see to is a plastic surgeon and rector at the university of glasgow joining us and from london. thank you very much for your time. we appreciate you are now to africa and security forces in total have prevented 3 days of plans, demonstrations against proposed constitutional reforms. the changes would end
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direct election of the president and hand that responsibility to parliament. critics accused president fornia same day of trying to extend his 2 decades in power. the dispute comes ahead of delayed parliamentary elections. the military who is of new share calling for protests against us forces base. the. the pentagon had friendly relations with new jazz government before the coo last year. some of the officers who sees power with trained by american soldiers, the jazz military rulers, and now seeking closer ties with russia. as relations with washington sour, russia sent an ad defend system to the share along with training personnel. the instructors of part of the african course is seen as the successor to the russian mercenary club vac. now not as a don way of rising temperatures or worsening the long running shortage of drinking water in the launch of sport. another factor is the influx of people for somebody
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at homes by fighting. and so don wanted vaughn has the story of the one of the stuff as they start building, pulse of that is to get, find they need to drinking water. in many places, basic facility is off by the inefficient, broken or non existent people here, ely, mostly on water sellers who has done keys and will the fight oil bottles to transport the flights of commodity. they've got a specific locations to fill up the idea. if it's the shaft, we just wait for the lots of tags here of the popular market. people are 1st. we don't know when to watch the cops or what it comes to. we have to wait as long as it takes because all our livelihood depends also like want to, we have no alternative just the head of the item. most of these people have been waiting kia, silsbee, early hours of the morning for the best, lots of time to our life. i know that's it has a life. this is one of the quotes that have suffered from what to show to just for the kids. but it needs to be a level of this. yeah,
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because of increasing temperatures and the influx of civilians is taping the fighting. you know the pots of so then the need for water has increased from a 120000 to a 180000 cubic meters, according to local ex pats. in an attempt to ease the suffering, the state alternatives have launched an emergency plan of action head and closely monitored by port. so that's the government that dana and isaac, a bible. we have urgent and long term plans to deal with the problem with you. we've launched studies for the construction of the roof stem, but right now we're going to operate the $32.00 wells we have and start clearing the settlement from the auto body down. i mean, one of the major sources of water for the city, of course, to that is the all by what i've started this time was built in 2004. but now it has lost 75 percent of its in storing capacity. as the initial capacity was
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16000000 cubic meters. but after 20 years, it can only hold a quarter of about the volume. another way to obtain drinking water is the funding nation. this state has a plot, but it's 4 bucks and capacity is far below a very quiet level for the what the cost is to be overcome. people here say more than one type of facility is needed. how much fun does the other parts of that high time now for a check on the world, whether a with rob, starting in spain last spring, months and not very particularly in spain, came into these exceed the self import codes not reached the nor suspending. we're showing, so let me know if it's spain with a bill by about 3 degrees for his record, but compare with the average of 13 degrees above which is pretty typical, not drive area. and it extends into the northwest of after recently was off show breeze into the canary. els last promise was up to 32 as 2 of its reco that was on thursday. come down little bit since then because matter cash with the same when
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flow, it's also been hot, full cost still to be off the reco bye back for degrees with well above the average . and it was in this heat. does not a storm develop. you now, would you really, that'd be so flesh funding from this. so upon our, a bigger system which extends into north africa, which is just recently really picked up the winds, which means sandstone was not going to be a rare event in, for example, libya throughout the somehow. and the games that when coming off there are shots $41.00 degrees is pretty much near record hy name and go years and the heat sees no . right. and that is also showing itself the problematic this time we're talking about late victoria eastern side it off. therefore kenya, this has been a slow process going on for years, but every yeah, this flooding extends a little bit more. and it still guy a. rob, thank you very much. now an investigation is underway after a cable car crash above
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a mountain in southern took. here. one person died and 7 others were injured when a pond burst open near the city of antonio res. so said r has more defensive rescue mission, southern turkey at 1.4 hours, a cuban cock would like to be the broken, pay them in the tourist. the result of on top of the crash, the cabin burst open, sending passengers plummeting to the mountain side below the detection, interior ministry reported the death of 54 year old. took his man and easily to 7 others. they were all torture citizens. accept it. could you stand national images of teams dispatched helicopters yvette creat. inger as the bad of car cable swayed from this last cables on the side of the mountain. maddox tended to the one some of the future of working critical condition after before the headquarters
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transferred them to nearby hospitals for the cable cost system has towards the 6 cabins, each able to accommodate 6 people. 24 of them were hanging in the sky. emergency rescue and it's yvette created more than 150 people left strand, the cable cost carrie torres for them calling you all to be a restaurant and leaving platform at the summit of this 618 meter. connect over p depending on the leaves. i'm tied, yeah. that text tens of thousands of tourists from around to where it's unclear how long repairs was take before the tourist attraction can be reopened. what is your side of that? i'll just feel i had on the news. i will have the best of the actually from the 2nd, brought up the master's as tiger woods breaks. another record at augusta that's coming up in sports makes with jim s stay with
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the delightful. the 9 year old under was a brady bombardment. trauma center is displacement scarcity and the moments where childhood still shines through the child of cuz i'm not just in thailand. defamation is a criminal offense. critics. a powerful people, a using the quotes to silence with the lowest 101 east investigate. so allocations, that defamation case is being used to bring to invitation and concealing corruption . speaching up in time 9 o 20. the us is always of interest to people in the world. people pay attention to this one here,
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and i'll just do this very good. they're bringing the news to the world from here. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the trend numbers forces, gemma, thank you for the tiger. woods is i got his 6. they may decide to last to creating more history at the most is the 48 year old made of record 24th consecutive costs as well. gusta to ensure he's sitting with the chance of taking have a 6 green jacket. what is that one? i have a pa, that's 7 shots behind the latest max. how about price? and to shop by and discuss the chef law, the american tre or on 6 on depaul lost as dave. you told me that big ole buck and
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it's 7th place. he was the any plans to shoot to the sixty's on day 2. tom size then has the best of the action for the 2nd route. the history make in a run started back in 1997. it's like it would since may 24 consecutive cuts. it will gusta before the tournament started, he said he has won major victory, left and, and he goes into the 3rd round believing that it could happen here. means i have a chance going in the weekend. i'm here, i get a chance to win the golf tournament. i don't know if there are going to all the finish today and but i'm, i'm done like i my my 2 rounds in i need some food and some caffeine la, i'll be good to go. he played with max homer who is in the 3 white sites of the lead, with 2022 champions, cookie shiffler and bryson december a golden opportunity for home between his
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1st of a major. but it was his time playing with woods that stands out. his answer, i mean, is it really is a dream you have to play with them here. you know, i've been saying i've always wanted to just watch them and iron trucks around here and i was just right up next to them is really cool. jesus special. i mean, to wait a really quick turn around if i was feeling tired and off or imaginative, these things even worse, it was difficult out there for the majority of the building when the conditions to somebody might be in a share of the lead. but he said it was the toughest round of his life. yeah, i've never experienced augusta national in these conditions before and being able to stay patient and play football and crack location
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patients was most in victor halterman's game plan. it wants to get this one. he finished on a type of pulse and missed the cuts. 2060 most is when a denny will. it is in the mix on one under, but how much better it could've been? he triple bug. last but he's still in the top 10. is feeling a frustration shed with another form of major when a really tough day. uh yeah. just hard to hard to make a score and just sort of trying to make as many pas as possible would said that anyone who has made the carts has a chance moving down the sent today will provide move offices from size and out to 0. so let's take a look minute, some of the t times full, the sat around rory mcroy at 4, if upon with a mountain to climb, he goes out and around an hour along side to columbia is a, cumulative is a guess, a woods that sees off at 1645 gmc, he's playing with englishmen, serial hoffman lot, number one, school 2, chef. look at some the way just off to 6 30 pm with most has to be told that nick,
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like we got. and the final part of max time price of this, somebody get going up $1845.00 gmc manchester city will look to pile the pressure on also on little pull in the premier league tied to erase flights that they will go taught with a when a pollutant in the early kickoff totland sites at the top, full finish of a can a knock off today would be since i knew call. so i was on the east side gate behind side to leave off the half an hour long since 5 seconds later it was so you know, and to go to the dentist as a new console, gonna set also the brake insight, racing 3 to school. his 21st goal is to susan into competitions at the house side. once i finish that, i saw the and she made it full. now, to compound sultan's misery was dropped down to rights at the top of the table. it couldn't be much closer between the top $31.00 not who knows what it takes to win the premier league is maquel john irving,
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the former chelsea and nigeria at midfield a spect out as ever about who he thinks the favorite. so i've been tied to races that i've been, you know, that i've gone, you know, you know, to the last the of the, of the season and whatnot. which such good teams. you know, you look at all 3 teams, you can call it, you can call it, you can say this is what i'm going for. this is wes thing is going to win delete cause we know see to have been cut. they've done it for so you know, they want it, you know, see, you know, for years in a role now. and they've been very successful with pat and, and when you look at the national team, young to defend from last year where, you know, they kind of bought to live and now the season they look like they look stronger with the likes of the cameras come into the team and they look very selected by sally and gabrielle played really well. didn't concede a lot of goals, this go a lot of goals. and then you look up to, again, live a pool, the yoga, and you know, a guy who's been able to create a game. when you look back a,
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when live a poor one to premier league, they have sim mentality. now when you watch them, they have that 2 legs. they, they, they think when they're break, the break with a lot of pays, a lot of, you know, i received the, do you want us call goals and when, when games and when you look at that, that, that, all for your teams, if you're a batch and matt, to show you're going to put your money. we see that because they've been dead their buddy. everybody keeps saying when it comes down to the 10 to the last and cancel the season vitric and to get while the premier link types of race is going right down to the wire, it's a very different story in germany by level keys and are on the verge of the coming, when does they get champions for the 1st time in the history? that's 16 points cleared with 6 games to go. that the keys and can wrap up the tides along south state without kicking. a bull is based upon me. i'm still got loose the matches, the coach is usually a long so says he'd rather they went at home sunday are the things that have ramen in front of the home funds. that's to buy a gate and that goes without the festival by end against glenda, and we still got full signs to car. it would be
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a surprise to be honest. i'd rather we don't the pitch biased winning time. if i had to decide, i'd prefer to win the title like side of the this is crunch time in the m b i with the last play of spots up for grabs and the philadelphia at 76 have given himself the chance of making it the victory against you will under magic, the 76 is now 17 in the right and shift 3 way tie with the magic. and the indiana paces with 2 of them and likely to progress of a top succeed in the eastern conference. it was a scaffold of $76.00, is that it was jo l. m beat out to the locker room with an injury. the m, the i m b p, returns i would let with the 2 points inside. now need to, when the last regular season game against the book and that's the static chunks of securing top. so and i ran the west. it was another when. so the new orleans pelicans of the closing in on that coveted 6th place and a ticket to the piles, a beach, the golden state warriors who have had to settle for a place in the play in torment. 83 pointers from cj. i'm a call them got them that, that full. so when it arrives,
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leaving that playoffs fight in their own homes with one game left, the give a call back. hopefully it's not. no good show. hey, it's on a has type of record for the most high runs hit by the japanese born player. as he struck the 100 and 75th of his career in the la dodgers defeated to the san diego padres, besides were playing for the 1st time since betsy's and nathan is in south korea. very tiny made his davy for the dodges, and the most expensive flavin history struck his full home run of the campaign and extended his hitting street to 8 games. he says the record with form a yankee star, that he must 3 thoughts. he couldn't prevent the villages from following 287 defeats just assuming these honda is a form interpreter. if i miss you hara has been ordered by a federal judge in los angeles to undergo gambling addiction treatment. that's off the he was accused of impersonating a tawny and stealing $16000000.00 from his bank accounts to pay off debts for eva
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$3.00. yes. because you are a paid in court on friday and is expected to enter a plea deal when he has his hair right next month. if convicts, if you can face up to the 2 years in prison, that is what you'll support from me for now. but pizza will be back because another update right to gemma. thank you very much for that. not for me. us different man to admit it as buying for cuba has been sentenced to 15 years in prison. victor manju out of all child works for the state department for more than 20 years and also served as ambassador to bolivia. he was arrested in december after under cover of federal agents call him boasting about his spying activities. argentina's government claims its efforts to both the economy are working, but the annual rate of inflation remaining at almost 2290 percent of many shop is not convinced of the government's optimism image and came by has the story or some shoppers and when is that is hoping to catch a bargain,
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as according to the government, the soaring rate of inflation, everyone is subject to decades has become dislike the citywide made as draw up. the price is a little the same. i took advantage of coming to the market, thinking that it was going to be cheaper, but there's no drop in inflation. it's just what's economy say origin. tina's monthly inflation rate, pete in december, a 25 percent start to 11 percent last month. the origin tenens. so shopkeepers haven't reacted and the cost of living prices continues. this issue around the price is ro, successively with the rice of the dollar. now the dollar dropped and stabilized, but no one would lower the prices if there is no pressure from the 40s, the price is $1.00 moment. when the right wing presidents have you, i mean they took office in december the fact and what he called decades of decadence and decline and introduced austerity measures, including costing states subsidies in energy and transport in a bid to cut the deficit and the pay. so was de valued by 50 percent, right?
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guess what? the r t eyes are going to follow. what, when this government took office, they stopped issuing money altogether, even at the cost of making a fiscal adjustment. in order to cutoff hyper inflation, you have to stop issuing money. so the government decided, well, let's go for it. but the annual rated inflation is almost 290 percent. that's a 30 year high. i'm one of the world's worst, the presidential spokesman touch that the government would kill inflation. but it's hard to say how quickly for more and no money bad your sense on the money tree side, we are doing everything we need to do the end of inflation a will be a reality one when of course we don't know because we don't have a crystal balls to tell the future, but the end of inflation can't come quickly enough. with an estimated 40 percent of the 46000000 origin pinions stuck in poverty. imaging came out to 0 or more on this matter series or covering analogies. 0 on our website that out is
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there a dot com? that's it for this new zone. but stay with us. i'll be back in just a few minutes with around the top of the day as well. thanks for the now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what, this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even hacked? this is most important. which of these are going to and bushy polls? unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome. upfront on out of there and one of the biggest elections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer now render moody's
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b t p. increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment swaying, focused in key states? and will the media be able to cover the vote really and fairly ongoing coverage, the in the, as an actions on out to 0. on accounting, the cost will oil prices keep rising and how will that affect the global fight against inflation? symbolic way it's launched a new power and see in a bit to end its financial turmoil and hit by boy coats mcdonalds is now buying back o. it says really restaurant counting the cost on al jazeera as the sunsets individuals within the occupied west bank. but as long as the family is getting the dinner table ready to break their dainty fast. but the buzz around the table is missing. the woman who used to put it all together ended, but lucy was the rest of the week before the start is read. you officials have not given their reason yet for detaining her during 8 of the home. a few kilometers
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away in the look. that's a has one is not missing 12, or even see members of his property 5 in the occupied west bank at least 9000 listed in families are missing. at least one loves one at the start table the the. 8 is really set is a time palace to mean villages in the occupied westbank after a missing teenage settler is found that the flow for the back to bowl you're watching out your 0 life for my headquarters in


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