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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the l just the the hello, i'm sammy's a them, this is the news. our live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes. at least 46 palestinians are injured in a tank spies ray, the set lives in the occupied westbank. is it missing 14 year old sites or is found dead? armani hardship in the news is really border. what it's called 6 between is red and
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has the lar, if significant g s connecting entering the new phase. we've been using this. 6 people are killed in a staffing attack of the shopping moulding. sidney suspects shot dead fine straight in police just dropped the reporting to the call keep region of ukraine. we're all crazy in a different system. as russia continues, one of his heaviest old baldwin's crated energy infrastructure. civil began, and piece of same it's with us. both manchester city are heading to the top of the premium. these are in front against lisa, and we'll talk them so. so the top full finish, the 2nd we look after that was correct, little refine utah the we begin in the occupied by spying clothes, right? these sites lives are attacking palestinian villages. it comes as
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a missing full 10 year old sensor was found dead. the circumstances surrounding is death. around clear. is there any prime minister, ben? you mean nothing? yeah. who's calling it a hideous mother? on the one of the attack, sightless storm, the village south of nablus, burning several houses. an opening fire have been similar scenes in other villages since the teenagers disappearance on friday, placed one palestinians being killed in the violence, at least 46 wounded in the past 24 hours. well that abraham joins us now from the muller in the occupied westbank. so how is that wave of sites low volume is looking now? yes, we are seeing those subtler is expanding their presence in the occupied westbank, but not only the presence also that attacks against palestinian homes. we're talking about villages. not only need enclosed by nimble that yet or which is east over them. a lot like we've seen in the morning such as duma and the a bull for that had any approved into the messiah. but now we're seeing the subtler
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moving to a village is close to nablus to the north of the occupied with the bank a. so we bit 40 because what as well, sort of with we've been speaking to local better. who say that that leads to 3 homes that have been burned by is really suff. those of course, when we talk about those homes, we know that palestinians are inside the homes and sometimes that are elderly people, we would have a heating from palestinians in it. and then what i e, and that has seen the sunset and the majority of the attacks on friday saying that they were trying to take the other and the up to the rules. that's when they so these really forces it coming in also with these really some of those you're talking about. this really sucks. there's what also are this has led to the killing of 25 year old palestinian from the village of the. yep. and it's to the families our is to be able to get to live. well that yeah. because of how much the roads are
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fluid, how much these really forces are imposing clues or is it kind of thing? is that oh, really expecting those attacks to be continuing? now it's going to get dark and it's going to be it really a tie before. is really settlers to get away with more attacks against palestinians when protestant incense, alarm of defense. the and the that as is where the officials like the missile defense, they talk about the importance of people not taking the lower in the hands. what posts to though, we actually seeing the on the take a minutes the sensor attacks while on the ground. when we go to those villages and see how these really set, there's an odd attacking palestinians. we often see these really forces bad. these really are me, but instead of shooting towards palestinians, they often shoot to where it's sorry to was these really stuff there's they often shoot where's the palestinian and past thing is with telling you that it is the
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presence of these read the army that gives these really, soldiers, the dash that needs to continue their attacks against palestinians as they feel that they are empowered by the presence and covered by the presence of these way before it says, you know, they were saying, let's not this, this take the law into our own hands. but this is the same load that has been allowing settlers to get away with attacking how this thing is. just as the start of this, what we're talking about more than 700 attacks by is really settlers against palestinians. and that's according to the figured it's recorded by the u. n. and that was in it is just the span of the last 6 months already that you and has been saying. and in 2023. they've seen the highest sacks on record by is really sub list. again, felice thing is it's kind of sitting is, would send you it is because there is a lack of accountability that says those feel that they have the opportunity to go ahead and attack palestinians, not only in the homes,
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not only in the villages we've been on the roles and on the line we've been speaking to palestinians with a tax buy is where the settlers who am i shouldn't be sure to. as we were in the street, i was driving my car and there were many cars all over the place. dentist such lives up, blocked the road in front of us and attacked us. they 2 stones at us and had guns. i was scared to death, only god saved us. and this is the feeling that has been shared by many, many palestinians because with the growing number of settlers here in the occupies westbank, they have been increasing bit of tax gotten getting off together to attacking palestinians about a city and say that the main goal of those attacks is not only to intimidate palestinians, but to make their lives. so mister, been so difficult that they have no option, but to name the settlers are not hiding it, but they want to take as many lands as possible with as, as less people as possible. so palestinians he'd feed let down by the leadership
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and by the world heated the occupied with bank, but they are really in a direct contact with onset. those why they are on our field has this and defense. all right, thanks so much knew that abraham, that let's take this to the source code. she's joining us now from tel aviv other rhetoric from his riley officials. what exactly they value to do in the west bank? well, this really prime minister has released the statement calling this quote, a heinous murder and a grave crime is saying that his really authorities like the army ambition, beth, as the internal security service, an agency or looking for the perpetrator or perpetrators of this crime. now, these really defense minister, you know, of the last in his statement said, quote, is really should not take the law into their own hands and called on is really citizens to not get in the way of authorities trying to do their investigations. but additionally,
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there was no mention whatsoever about the settler rampages on these posting and villages across the occupied west bank. no mention of the palestinians who have been injured by live fire from these is really settlers and certainly no mention of the palestinian who was killed on friday by the same arm is rarely settlers. now additionally, israel defense mentors that minister has said that acts of revenge are going to get in the way of his really authorities. but he's not mentioning anything else about it, but simply calling it acts revenge. and in fact, there was one is really photographer who went to the village to document the crimes by the settlers. and he was beat and by a group of around 20 or 30, he said, and he was shouting and calling for the army. but to his dismay, he said that many of them were in fact dressed in army uniforms. so he could not differentiate on who was the army. and who was the settlers or for their indicating that the settlers are acting under the protection of the occupation forces. with
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impunity and feel emboldened by a right wing and religious government in israel, who essentially is not doing anything to stop this problem and protest. what planned for this, for this day, how they building up this now as well as these demonstrations come on the heels of a lot of internal issues within his role, specifically the fear of some sort of retaliatory attack by the an audience. there has been no word from officials on whether or not people should or should not gather, but historically we've seen whenever there has been some sort of threat against me is really, as crowds have been smaller at these demonstrations. but the overarching theme for months now has been the same, but nothing yahoo and his government have failed. he is really public, not just in this war, but even before that. and they are calling for a deal to bring back the remaining is really captive. but above all, they want him to be ousted from office and they say they're going to continuously
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protest block rose to disrupt the society every single week until that happens. all right, thanks so much. i'm the sun. so the is ready as strikes are intensifying in northern and central parts of guys, a killing dozens of people inside on the refugee camp in the center was heavily bombarded. or you and ron evacuations, shelter and residential towers were among the targets for the north jabante. it has been hit by series of the strikes, more than $33600.00 palestinians have been killed since the will began in october. i called a cab. i assume, isn't it off this one has been run me, got to submit a cheap abutment and it strikes in on as a rock refuge account because according to initial reports, that the is where the military had the composite. are you on run school in the know the route possible bundles iraq, a refugee camp. this school as everyone knows since the beginning of the school,
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it has been time to be any vacuity since since uh, for thousands of palestinians, they are still people. the truck inside coding for the rescue to be made within the coming hours box. civil defense crews are facing please a problem in terms of accessing and reaching to the location of that time. you think because of because very intensive farming company in the us of the entire areas that have been what this collateral destruction because of the, is very ongoing bombardments over residential houses. but yet not only understand ross has been attacked to day, but also the northern parts of the territory were to palestinians have been killed in a value of refuge account in the north. and also most in a direct neighborhood has been reduced through the russell. but clearly is where the ministry spoke to us and said that within the past few hours the is very forces . i found that we would then set the targets of course, the chat, 3 to solve and 11. and now where is ray? the jets of launched a new round of ass strikes local media reported loud explosions in several places
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including mounts way hon. the area seen regular cross border attacks between his riley forces and has belong sciences. since the war on gauze began in october of these right strides, followed has belong rocket attacks from southern evidence, at least 50 were fired towards up a gallery in northern. these rel, i'm the occupied golden heights somewhere in septic by these, right? the defense system probably hash them joins us now from not quota in southern lebanon. what is the off them off of those strikes look like how they yes, i mean actually in the past i was there was an a talk, a couple of with docs by his blood on is really me the truth force, mainly this military post behind me. i think i'm like some of them out and we'll show you that same as honey top has will launch 3, midsize towards this military post at the beginning. and then it launched to
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jones exclusively didn't drones towards the minutes we position them according to what's being heard. now there is one casual if the, the actually someone was critically injured. now, following that, we've been hearing a lot of opportunity, shunning towards a village is just beside the sea. i knocked off a pray all through that there was that is really a strike on a town i'm particularly does from what we all to watch. the central effect of all so many a strikes today towards the east and sector, mainly the one that you mentioned. the monks are hon. several strikes there also. sounds like probably be hit also today. you know? yes it has. the law announced that it launched a drone to watch a couple of drawings to upset. i'm with natalia and also the 50 mit size. it didn't
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to be the name then for you to put the number 50 right, said tens upfront gets to was administrator position in the occupied going on. and of course the significance that was number and also i think or target things occupied syria and goal and which was in general, being ahead whenever his role is, hey, think areas and the needs depths, for example, because the valley so like 100, going to meet us from the border. all right, thanks so much. i'd be hash and that is now rainy and forces have seized a container ships and the gateway to the gulf. the m. s. c. aries was voted in the strait of hall moves by the rainy and revolutionary dogs. a ship is linked to him, his riley pinion that it's for sale, sailing the hijacked special into a rainy and territorial voters. adults and chip already joins us live from to her on. now this incident is just part of
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a bigger patent of tensions between around and as well. right. and certainly, sammy comes at a time when things are very tense in this region. given the fact that iran last 7 members of the revolutionary guard in syria, after that is rarely ever strike on its console, its section of the embassy in damascus on april. first, for this incidents, what we understand so far is that the naples division of the revolutionary guard as use the helicopter to chop or down their forces onto this cargo ship, excuse me, that was making its way from the u. a to india. and it, just as it was around the entrance of the strait of her moves, it was seized by uranium forces. no, we don't have an official statement from the revolution guard as of yet about exactly what's transpired and why they have sees the special. what we do know is that according to the portuguese government, it was the portuguese flagship. they are in communication with the relevant,
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arranging authorities to try and figure out what happened and how to resolve this issue. we also understand that the geneva base m a c shift is also in contact with the relevant facilities in around to ensure the safe return of the 25 members of crew that are on board. now, we don't have any further information from the rep guards, like i said, we're waiting to get an official statement, but certainly this highlights the current tensions in the region. and that this incident is one of the few things that iran has done over the past few days of whether or not it's in response to what israel has done is not clear yet. all right, we'll leave it there. thanks so much. joseph jabari, a little bit about the state of whole moves. it's one of the world's most imposing waterways for trade. so types the passage just below or on it's narrowest point is just 33 kilometers wide. the shipping lanes in each direction. will van just 3
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kilometers wide, yet about 20 percent of the world's oil passes through the strait of home lose at times of diplomatic tension. iran is in the past, threatened to disrupt shipping traffic. kristin boy guy who is a professor of international relations at the university of copenhagen is also the author of the bulk understanding maritime security, joins us from the other filed in germany, trying to slice thanks so much for being with us. so 1st of all, how will this incident impact shipping through the straightest form is well, we'd have to see the any way that on one side, the attack is good news because it apparently, it might mean that iran has not chosen to retaliate with israel on land but quite obviously, for shipping, this is a bad news because it adds to the dangers that we already have in this
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region. the shipping system is already under severe stress from difficulty attacks . the return of this morning hybrids. so it is really, really bad news that we're seeing an attack like this. we'll send insurance and shipping premiums into an upward spiral as well. this is not the 1st incident office and kind let's keep in mind that the ron has captured and at tech ships in the cost. however, it means a dentist through the western union ocean region overall, it is increasingly becoming a being secure for shipping on swords and who do use best pirates plus uh the rainy and uh activities needs to be made and secure environments. luckily, we have several neighbor and missions in the region and the snow need to reconsider how they can act to protect shipping. better from these 3 trips and on that
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point, i'm glad you mentioned the name of a charles. what kind of pulse joe response to expect them to take, given that they're not dealing with pirates or militia the dealing with the state force? yes, absolutely. so this is a very, very sensitive environment to operating. what the navy's can do is they can offer reassurance though to the shipping industry act as a deterrent and a clearly signal or to iran. and that's these forms of capture, not tolerated. so it is but important that there's not that man much that maybe it's can actually do in practice. it shouldn't be. and then me and hope to ration underway. if there's not much i can do, do you think we're going to see an intensification of this was a friend in the golf as well. so now we'd have to wait a little bit today with the radiance i actually can. i mean,
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i am mainly concerned for now about the seed ferris on board, the welfare of the c favors. and let's see what kind of statement the iranians are actually coming up with. it is however likely that we're going to see more of these caesars. but as i said before, it is possibly also good news because it's real x and d escalades. actually the conflict with iraq erode, it gets ro that is in the back of it just pops in the also good, good news, not for shipping about 40. 0, perfect. all right, thanks so much for your analysis on that good. there have been more of texas, we've been reporting on the northern and central parts of golf, so let's go back and out and speak to mazda fluid. he joins us on skype from jabante, a. in the north of gaza and i want you to comment or report on one
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point we've been hearing wives, which is that prices might be dropping in the markets. the money and the ultimate cause of markets is what's the thing looks like a capital ya. so the entering go uh to the, on somebody's trucks from the it can reach around to the actual video. so gotcha. so finally you can find people into markets and you can see sellers are offering some thinking there are stalls. so the products are not affordable. so everyone, it's good, the price is getting cheaper, but still an affordable for it for $1.00. so we want to compare between devices to the as long as the default. yeah, uh, before the war, a no of october 7. so
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a to make an emergency situation if you know of tomato you, you advise at 4 to shake is which is about one less than $1.00. 1 dollar. so a few one now to buy one to the off for me to be to, to you would be uh, more than a state or $9.00. so entering eh, these food and some was flex, is any way you can be the human attorney crisis fee and then also does a month. so know why we have to apologize for the audio issues. we are having that with wives in jabante and gone. so the bout germany used to deliver an additional patriot missile system to your crime for
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protection against russian drone attacks. president of all of them is that as the sign, the germans for the announcement at a critical time as follows, warnings of a catastrophic shortage of ad defense systems. this child stratford reports from the hockey region. a clear sky is over ne, in ukraine. no cloud cover means the soldiers with the 77th and mobile brigade aren't especially high or low in the tree lines around 10 kilometers from the russian border. they're trying to intercept russian drones. the recognizance will kind of cause the 3, the same coolant goes up 37 minutes ago, a drum circle, dis twice them or 10 to russian lines. it was so high we couldn't intercept if it was cloudy, then it would be forced to fly low at around 8 to 900 meters. then we could take it out with this width and music as well. no. but guessing, allies on what the men here say are increasingly sophisticated on man,
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russian drones able to fly long als at high altitude is exceptionally difficult on days like this. you're currently middle, teresa is being outdone, an outlined in various locations along the front lines. this comes as an escalation and russian target to attacks facing ukraine's energy infrastructure continues. but there are villages in this area that are also being hit villages where there are still thousands of people living the farm. it works in these fields among the newly set lines of anti tank defenses. the so called dragon's teeth costs across the near flat expanse. freshly dug trenches exact towards the rise and ukrainian tank rumbles through the nearby community. a small town which is being published day and night. joining palm crate is the consulted
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remains of homes, a reese in memory of the dead. so then what do much, what i do for me yet, the man was changing the oil in his car. he was blind to pieces. it was 130 in the afternoon, though strikes almost every day. the center of town is hit every night. as of the playgrounds that empty, many families have left in recent days. getting a chance with the friends in the local shop. she's moved to children out of town, but it has to keep working despite the danger. plus we do, but the still have to take my kids away because they couldn't endure anymore because you couldn't sleep. the children were terrified, so i took them to is you. but as long as my job is to have to come here to work every day, and all the air raid siren a russian ballistic missile on that says this woman and she ducks inside an apartment block across the fields,
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soldiers scanned the skies and listen prepared as they can be with the guns they have to defend against the on demand russian threat. charles profit, i'll just air a cube region ne and ukraine. a detectives in australia trying to establish a motive for a stabbing attack in a shopping mall which killed 6 people. 9 month old baby was among others needing hospital treatment police shop. they attack died under thomas results from sidney. people fleeing for their lives as emergency services arrive in full a regular stance today at the move, turning to horror when a man with a knife rampage through one of sydney's main shopping hops,
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he was only stopped when a senior police officer who happened to be nearby on so the cools the hell she confronted the offender who had moved by the sides to level 5 as she continued to roll quickly behind him to catch up with same he turned face to rice and north shady shots of far um and that person is now deceased by then more than a 1000 people had been stabbed, including a 9 month old baby. on the terrified side of the baby, australia's prime minister, addressing the shops nation with an hours the only consolation for a country and morning of the tales of bravery and heroism that all remoting stuff
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to him, they should have been in noble shift a shelf, as opposed to fully going about their lives, i need it for these, this strategy. and so 1st instinct in the vice of danger was to help someone else. local police have declared this a critical incidents and hours off. the attack is normally bustling area remains cold and off while investigations continue. well, the officials insist there is no ongoing threats. new south wales police are convinced the assailants acted alone. and the biggest unanswered question is why he murdered seemingly at random. alex thomas, how does the arrest? sydney still ahead on al jazeera, a cable call colors, incense passengers plummeting to the ground in southern sophia plus my mom and find outside the city of faults. with done with the or 40 to see a launching
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a major plan to and a city award to crisis affecting the states. and will have the best of action from the 2nd round of the mazda is, is tiger woods brakes, another right corner of the golf stuff that's coming off the sport with pizza, the, you know, a slow moving line to fund installs, which is more or less this one here doesn't look as always starting with thing, but it is, and it's given funding in athens here in empowered wise, probably getting funding currently in the southeast result and only your to go on board or possibly further inland. it's so much cool around it really shows the change in the season south of that and much adoption teen is enjoying recently. fine weather. no for it is warm or of course, but it's also pretty shy already. and the seasonal ryan is particularly heavy in
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the northeast of brazil. tales off if you go further west to ecuador and columbia, it is hardly burned dry. here are the and significant shares, or possibly in the bahamas or cuba. and if you're lucky, over the still building prompts of growth tomorrow is the spitting rain here, but unfortunately, not helping our tool with firefox a significant shaft to his fine year. there are a potential and the breezes picked up the trade winds. so like shell run through fairly quickly for the small academy and i'd like to say as dicing, class and the rest certainly is williams critical reps, the canadian powers. this is still cold and of course it's cold up the divine to and we'd start. yeah, still some winter at least impossible material quebec, but look at california. can you see disappointment in the eyes of those in san francisco? the, the, the,
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you're watching now, this is time to recap. the headlines now is right. the sensors are attacking palestinian villages and be occupied westbank. at least one palestinian has been killed in the violets and $46.00 injured in the past day comes as the missing 14 year old satellite was found that the rain in full season of seas to contain a ship in the gateway to the gulf. the m. s. c l raises link to a company owned finance, right? the billionaire is full, the hijacked ship is being sailed into a raymond territorial voltage is ready jets of launched a new series of ass strikes and southern lebanon. local media reported loud
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explosions in several places booting about right now, police in germany have shot down a pro palestinian congress being held in berlin. the officer said, one of the main speakers was subject to a band on political activity, but gave no details. the conference was a that examining german support for as well as war on garza, germany denies accusations of complicity in genocide that the international court of justice, the doctors, i sign up a cities, a plastic surgeon and rank so at the university of glasgow. he was invited to speak of the conference spot was denied entry into germany, and it says germany is trying to battery evidence of its involvement in israel's war on cancer. i was told that that even if i participate the once back in the
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u. k by soon or by sending a video recorded video that would make me in violation of german know at the excuse and the ludicrous excuse that they could not ensure the safety of participants in the conference. and that's why they were shutting the conference though, the companies that make these weapons are have a, are owned by individuals and by institutions the own shares. and these companies have made money from the murder of my patients. and countless other patients implies that and continue to make money from that slaughter. and so, you know, it's what is critical for us is not to view the ongoing genocide. and because in an abstract form, we need to view this as an ongoing crime of murder and that crime has a weapon. and that weapon was provided by someone and someone made money selling
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that was like every it comes like as of as if germany wants to prove the nicaraguan case that it is an accomplice to the genocide in because germany is trying to silence to it. and that's what the accomplice is. do they bury the evidence of the silence? the. what does that mean? the irrational erotic behavior of german authority that managed to turn a small conference that could have just best been attended by 500 people into a major global. instead. that shows that the problem that the, the government's in the west, you know what i call the access of genesis at the program that they're heavy, is that they can no longer control the matter of security full susan target have prevented 3 days of plan demonstrations against proposed constitutional reforms. the changes within direct selection of the president. i'm hand that responsibility
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to parliament. critics accuse president followed a mess may of trying to extend is to decades in power. the dispute comes the head of a delayed parliamentary election. my colleague follow back to both spoke to i should that both. she's the co founder and programs coordinator of africa to this. these civil society organization providing democracy, a rule of law. she says the push for form may backfire on the government. this is not an ordinary precedent. this is someone who came in fall after his father has been in power for the kids. and the trend has been every other time. there is a constitutional amendment to make sure that there is a way for the nursing the pharmacy i'm here for. who is this one of the my to stay in power. and by moving all the powers from the press you, then the position that we've become under reach to that of the president of the
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council of ministers will be elected by the national assembly members without any to be. it just shows that actually this is another attempt you know, for um, for nesting. bit to be in fall way beyond 2030 because during the 2019 because there's not a reform. there is a to tom, i'm date and he's mondays actually his time is suppose to and entrenched to if he's 6 another one in 2025. and after that also here we'll have to sit down. so this is seen as another attempt by the, the government and specifically for an estimate and he's prices to stay a longer empower. why? uh, what do you see that people are not satisfied with, with his, you know, with what is achieved for the country. the issue here is the, the, the respect for fundamental human rights who would be doing well in
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economic other areas. but the problem actually is there is no respect for fundamental rights. they've been many killings along the years that have happened. i'm from 2025 to the last major projects in 2017 and printed 18 and the most serious um, you know, investigation to make sure that the potatoes have 2 accounts. and then another problem is actually the freedom to freedom expressions, freedom of profit, freedom assemblies, all the council on continuously by this rate team actually, which is a complete capture by applying of people who have been in power. us who use you could be doing, having doing well in terms of the economy. but one of the fundamental arrived for citizens arnold of how base a huge problem when it comes to democracy. i'm the well being actually of those people parliamentary elections are due to take place. very sewed. how do you think it's going to play out? i'm very thoughtful because one thing about to go is people,
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the position civil society is the veteran resilience. despite all the challenges that continue to be committed, i believe with the re send amendment that's of the conclusion that happen through a problem. and that was no longer um you know that they monday it expired in december. so they usually didn't have the power to make those changes. i believe that this wouldn't mobilize citizens to go out in port in favor of the position so that the position can have, you know, majority or most of them, both in, in the, in the national assembly. keeping in mind that it's very difficult to have a free on the elections in this country. that's one of the reasons why the opposition boycotted the elections and print it in, but this time around the taking stop and i think it's a very positive sign. and there's a slide quote for change to these elections, a few minutes,
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the rulers of these arrow calling for protests against us forces face that depends, go on, have friendly relations with the jazz government before the coo last year. some of the officers who sees pallet, we're trained by american soldiers, jazz military root is now, so you can close the ties with russia. the african union is urging molly's ministry latest to provide the road map to stay the country back to the democratic rule. for june to seize power in mexico in 2020, the lead is facing international pressure of the fighting to meet that probably is to hold the presidential election in february, a rising temperatures are worsening. the long running shortage of drinking water in sedans, largest for another fax or is the influx of people falls from the homes by fighting . and so then how much all has the story one of the toughest daily spike goes in full. so that is to get the needed drinking water. in
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many places, basic facility is off by the end, efficient broken or non existent people here, ely, mostly on water sellers who has done keys and will the fight oil bottles to transport the flights of commodity. they've got a specific locations to fill up the idea. if it's the shaft, we just wait for the lots of tags here, of the popular market. people off the street. we don't know when the water with come or where it comes from. we have to wait as long as it takes because all our livelihood depends also like want to, we have know of toner to of just the head of the item. these people have been waiting here since the early hours of the morning for the best. lots of time to our life. i know that it has a life. the scene is one of the thoughts of then have suffered from water shortages for decades. but it needs to be a level of this. yeah, because of increasing temperatures and the influx of civilians is taping the fighting. you know, the pots of food on the need for water has increased from
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a 120000 to a 180000 cubic meters, according to local ex pats. in an attempt to ease the suffering, the state authorities have launched an emergency plan of action head and closely monitored by ports advance government that dana and i think a bible. we have urgent and long term plans to deal with the problem with you. we've long studies for the construction of the roof stem, but right now we're going to operate the $32.00 wells. we have and start clearing the settlement, assessing from the auto body down. i mean, one of the 3 major sources of water for the city, of course, of that is the all, by the time while i'm standing, this time was built in 2004. but now it has lost 75 percent of its in storing capacity of the initial capacity was 16000000 cubic meters. but after 20 years it can only hold
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a quarter of that for you. another way to obtain 3 could work to is the funding nation. the states has a plot, but it's 4 bucks and capacity is far below a very, quite a level for the what the cost is to be overcome. people here say more than one type of facility is needed. how much fun are the 0 parts of that? the still ahead on al jazeera australian open champion, bionics in itself is just a 2nd loss of the show you what happens in this fault with pizza, the and a line so that they come groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries, since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote camps and find find battles. shouts, the progress of an idealistic young generation of ripples is
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a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries. the trouble of history on the phones. me in my, on the, on the ropes on al jazeera reporting in the field means i also get the witness. not just news is breaking, but also history. as it's unfolding from serbia one day i might be covering politics. i might be covering protest. what's most important to me is understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. just here to we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the car that's find dallas happening in the football who's pretty tech savvy. thank you very much. and then just the city, or heading to the top of the premium, the pipe or the other side of 31 up against newton immunity kickoff. saw some type of a top full finish attempt taking a knock off the beaten by new call. so alex on the effects gave the inside the lead off the half an hour 35 seconds later it was to anthony golden with the finish. this time you called so got a food off the break, a sack racing through to school. he's 21st. all of the season, you know, competitions and anyhow, side we're not finished with a fairly and she made a photo to compound systems, misery, space drop down to the right hit the top of the table. it's couldn't be much closer between the top $31.00 man who knows what it takes to win the premium. he gives me called john obee. the former chelsea and jerry and the field
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a spoke to al jazeera about who he thinks the favorites all been in the types of ways is that, that, that i've been, you know, that i've gone, you know, you know, to the lives of the, of the season but not which such good teams. you know, you look at all 3 teams, you can call it, you can call it, you can say this is what i'm going for. this is, wes, thing is going to win. delete cause me know, see to have been get, they've done it for so you know, they want it, you know, see, you know, for years in a role now and they've been very successful with pat and, and when you look at the national team, young to the end from last year where, you know, they kind of bought all that and now the season they look like they look stronger with the likes of the cameras come into the team. and they look very selected by sleep and gabrielle played really well. didn't concede a lot of goals, this go a lot of goals and then you look at the again level, pull the yoga and you know,
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a guy who's been able to create a game. when you look back a, when live a poor one to premier league, they have sim mentality. now when you watch them to have that 2 legs they, they, they, they think when they're break, the break with a lot of pays a lot of, you know, like with cvt, they want us call goals and when we can games. and when you look at that, that, that all see teams. if you're a batch and matt, to show you're going to put your money in the city because they've been dead their buddy. everybody keeps saying when it comes down to the 10 to the left hand guns of the season, vitric in to get a chevy, alonzo is by a labor coast and will have to wait at least one more day to secure the 1st one, the city gets idle by munich of let us see think the type of race going, but the thing coloring to know that the on serena rep out get it out of school to grace. always to put buying ahead. 65 minutes in the 2nd just before thomas miller added the 2nd and stuff which time they were to suddenly become champions of certainly on sunday if they be through the framing in front of their home fans,
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which would a live the news or find on the words diesel piece food round it the most is in around an hour and the 15 time major when it made a wrinkle. 24th consecutive capital gusta to ensure he's still in with the chance of taking home a 6 the green jacket. what does that one of the pull that 7 shots behind the lead is max home, a price in december and scotty shiffler the tree of old at $6.00 on the pole. most is debbie tones. little big old book. they you can see from sweden. he's a to on the over old. he was the only player to shoot in the sixty's on day to come 5 and has the best of the action from the 2nd round. the history make in a run started back in 1997. it's like it would since may 24 consecutive cut civil gusta before the tournament started he said he has won major victory left in and he
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goes into the 3rd round, leaving that it could happen here. means i have a chance going in the weekend. i'm here, i get a chance to win the golf tournament. i don't know if there are gonna all live finish today, but i'm, i'm done. i got my my 2 rounds in just need some food and some caffeine. i'll be good to go. he played with max honda who is in the 3 white sites of the leeds with 2022 champions guilty, shift and price in december a golden opportunity for home between his 1st of a major. but it was his time playing with woods that stands out. his answer, i mean, is it really is a dream yet to play with them here? you know, i've been saying i've always wanted to just watch them and iron shots around here and i was just right up next to them is really cool. jesus special. i mean to,
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we had a really quick turn around if i was feeling tired and off or imaginative, see things even worse. it was difficult out there for the majority of the field and when the conditions to somebody might be in a share of the lead. but he said it was the toughest round of his life. yeah, i've never experienced it goes to national and these conditions before and being able to stay patient and play football and correct location patients was the most in victor halterman's game plan. he wants to get this one. he finished on a 3rd of the parts and missed the cuts. 2016 mazda is when the denny will, it is in the mix on one on the, but how much better it could've been. he triple bug last but he's still in the top 10. is feeling a frustration shed with another form, a major when a really tough day. uh yeah, just hard to hard to to make
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a score and just sort of trying to make as many pas as possible would said that anyone who has made the carts has a chance moving down send today will provide move offices thompson's out to 0 as well. number 2 janik center has lost a tennis match with just the 2nd time this year. greece is stephano cc costs managed to bring the italian down at the moment. they called them off. those safety posts took the 1st at 6 full straight and ethan champion for the bank to take the 2nd 63. but he fell short in the deciding states since he passed, taking the on is 6 full. he's aiming for the title in monica. the greek will come up again, so i didn't know that talk a bit, you need to catch the root in sunday final it's crunch time in the n b a with the last day of spots up for grabs and the philadelphia $76.00 is i've given themselves the chance of making it with the victory against the orlando magic, the $0.76 have now $17.00 in a row and share
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a 3 way tie with the magic. and but the indiana faces with 2 of them likely to progress at the top succeed in the east of the confidence that was escaped for the savings of 6. is that as a jo ann be hobbled to the locker room with an injury? the n d a m v p between the mid with 52 points. the so i now need to, when they last way to the seems on the game against the brooklyn. that's just stand a chunk of security. it's all over in the wasted was another winful, the new orleans pelicans who are closing in on that coveted 6 pace and the tickets to the payoff. it'd be the golden state warriors who have had to settle for a place in the play in tournaments. h 3 pointers from cj, and we call them got them they, they both went in a row, leaving they fail sites in their own hands with one game left and not no good show, hey, autonomy has tied the record for the most home, runs hit by a japanese born player, as he struck the 100 and 75th, always korea, in the end, a judges defeats to the san diego padres. besides,
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were playing for the 1st time since they season opener in south korea. we have tony made each day before the judges and the most expensive face in history struck his full co run of the campaign and extended his beating speak to h games, says the record with fully yankee. still, he dickie my sweet, but it couldn't prevent the judges from falling to an 87 defeats just meanwhile, low tony silver interpreter, if a means to her has been ordered by federal judge in los angeles to undergo dabbling addiction treatments. and so he was accused of impersonating autonomy and stealing $16000000.00 from his bank accounts to pay off dates for over 3 years. and he's a how to appeared in court on friday and is expected to enter a plea deal way he has he's hearing next month is convicted, he could face up to 50 years in prison. all right, that's what was full of things for the time being all of another updates and a few hours sent me thank so much fee to know tylen days preparing to accept more
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migrant sling fighting and neighboring me in law off to the full of a boat a town to me and lots rebels fights and government forces, some of the sliced people of or they across that border. the tie government says it's willing to temporarily shelter a $100000.00 refugees. the time in that trade has reinforced for the areas woman, the temperatures are causing a spike and then gave fever cases across the world. in indonesia, at least 455 people have died since january. that's almost 3 times the number compared to the whole of last year. jessica washington results from jakarta, introduced a central java patients q 2 into the emergency room at commodities behind the hospital. yes. have to one of my children got sick on saturday. the other on sunday, high fever. i'm bloody noses. but the wound is already as capacity. it's
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dozens of children and teenagers experiencing symptoms of doing the fever. to take a look at our inpatient rooms are full. we hope there will be no increase in patients after either fits if it's in the lab because the hospital is already full bottom one of the hospitals around it. visa are also under strain. data from the health ministry indicates more than $60000.00 cases of daily fever this year, and at least $450.00 deaths, with most cases in west java. that makes a sharp rise compared to last year. in 2023, they were 162 deaths and more than 20000 cases for the entire year. get them uh me . last year lost it from july to november. then there is the transition to the new season, which makes the most acute, the ex hedge. and with that a lot, if you need it, the, it is easier for the most key to a lot of that to develop into adults mosquitoes. the ministry says most the feet of
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patients are children and teens. she must see it as somebody else him. i still feel emotions. i'm feverish. i don't have an appetite on my body does not feel good. with that. a public awareness campaign is underway, urging people to use repellent, and to drain stagnant water, new their homes. meanwhile, the government has launched a pilot project to control the long term sprint of doing a visa mosquitoes brand with the naturally occurring bacteria known as well back here has been released in some areas. these mosquitoes have a reduced ability to transmit a fever and other viable diseases to people. and the, so the search has already succeeded in jump to kind of the end, we are expanding to 5 cities. the government has set a target 0 doing dest. my 2013 jessica washington, which is 0 to casa. and the investigation is on the way, following a cable calculation in southern to the kia one man,
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died and several 7 others rather were injured. and they plunged to the ground and on tanya, the soles thought of them as more a frantic rescue mission, the southern turkey. at 1.4 hours a cable car collided with a broken pilot in the tourist. the result of on top of the crash, the cabin burst open sound, and passengers plummeting to the mountain side below the detection. 2 minutes reported the death of 54 year old turkish man and easily to 7 others. they were all torture citizens. accept a could you stand national images of teams dispatched helicopters yvette creat injure as the bad. the car cable sways from these last cables on the side of the mountain. maddox tended to the one some of the future of what in critical condition
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after, before helicopters transferred them to nearby cross between 43, all the initial number took your car while we would do sending and really i've high, it smelled like something was a new month after that, just the cabin, she'll car, then we stop. how long have you been up there? hard to get spit, more than one hour and 10 minutes. we would really see that we screamed and shouted to know that it's over not so it's come off. the cable cost system has struck the $6.00 cabins, each able to accommodate 6 people. the 24 of them were hanging in the sky. emergency rescue units, you bet. creative, more than 150 people left strand. the cable costs carry tourist franconi off the beach restaurant and leaving platform at the summit of this 618 meter, connect over peak dependent on mac. reeves, i'm tied, you at tech's tens of thousands of tourists from around to where it's unclear how
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long repairs was take before tourist attraction can be reopened. what is your side of that house as well? that's it from me for this news out. back for the full shows to stay with us the at the one, the average person to know what the truth was assigned to dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by leaders seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency? air is which is here as new series died. last futures, we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to the places that others can not be or guard by the parties on purpose to have the
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time and it to go live on the go live. another story that may not be mainstream the, the way that you tell the stories is what can make a difference. so how is your vacation in this, the shelves? the, [000:00:00;00] the chest. wow. the growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change, a playful series. it seems to understand the challenge. the idea is mobilizing,
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use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0 is being seem the groups the size of the system as know for most the interest of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the 5th generation change on al jazeera, the palestinian is killed and $46.00, elbows wounded in attack spies, riley sat close in the occupied west bank as a missing 14 year old essentially was found dead. the i'm sam is a them, this is out just
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a live from dell hall. so coming up on the how shoot in the quarter on disability is really bored. the for the conflict between is read and has beloved,


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