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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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history on the phone, me and mom on the, on the ropes on al jazeera, the palace to name is killed in at least 46 south is a wounded in attack spies, riley settlers in the occupied westbank. as the missing 14 year old, secular was found dead. the funds, i mean say them, this is i'll just say we're alive from dell hall. so coming up where i live in tel aviv with thousands of back on the streets to protest against these randy governments and it's handling of the war and garza, ron's revolutionary god sees it contained a shift in the gateway to the golf vessel. this link between his riley billy, in that rapid reporting from the call keep region of ukraine. we're up to
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a crane in a different system. as russia continues, one of his heavy useful baldwin, crated energy infrastructure. civil began the way begin in the occupied west spine quite as riley settlers are attacking palestinian villages. it comes as a missing 14 year old settler was found dead. the circumstances surrounding his desktop, unclear, but as well as prime minister scolding it that he missed mother. in one of the attacks settlers stone, the village south of nablus binding several houses. and the opening fire have been similar scenes in all the villages since the teenagers disappearance on friday. at least one palestinian has been killed in the finance and at least 46 wounded in the
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past 24 hours. that abraham has moved from ramallah and the occupied westbank. we are seeing those subtler is expanding their presence in the occupied westbank. but not only that presence also that attacks against palestinian homes. we're talking about villages. not only need enclosed by and the year, which is east of them a lot like we've seen in the morning such as duma and the apple for that and the approved into the messiah. but now we're seeing the subtler is moving to a village is close to navigate to the north of the occupied west bank a. so we built 40 as well as well, sort of with it. we've been speaking to local there who say that the 3 to 3 homes that have been burned by is really such as of course, when we talk about those homes, we know that palestinians are inside the homes and sometimes that are elderly people. we would have a heating from palestinians in eliminate, yet that has seen the sunset and the majority of the attacks on friday saying that
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they were trying to take the other and the up to the rules. that's when they so these really forces it coming in also with these really stuff those you're talking about this really such a there's what also are this has led to the killing of a 25 year old palestinian from the village of the year. and it took the saw many hours to be able to get to live without you because of how much the roads are fluid, how much these really forces that are imposing clues or is it kind of thing? is it only expecting those attacks to be continuing? now it's going to get dark and it's going to be it really a tie before is really sucked to those to get the way with more attacks against palestinians, when protestant incense on, on the defensive re, chapman's has more on these riley response from occupied east jerusalem or yeah, will, the is ready for official them is concentrating much more on the death of these or
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any settler than is on the secular violence that's ongoing at the moment. benjamin netanyahu the front, a prime minister, he's done, must have encouraged the sense of the movement, has cooled it a heinous motor, a serious crime. he said. he sends his condolences to the family of the boy and he goes on say we will get the murderers and those who helped them as we do to anyone who homes the assistance of the sites of israel. jo collapse, who is the defense minister, has similar sentiments. i'm saddened by the death of the boy who was murdered in cold blood by a vials hatteras, but he does war against vigilance. he is, and he says, i appeal to the public that the security forces acts quickly in the hunt for the terrorist. revenge actions will make it difficult for all flights. as an admission, the lawyer must not be taken into one's hands, and the army is boost states its presence in the west back trying to keep a lid on this situation. but the westbank is boiling are the moments that the lives of have been attacking villages, northeast from other and south east of nablus. we're hearing of costing,
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but houses being fund palestinians being attacked 17 wounded. as far as we know today, one increased school conditions, even in his writing news photographer, who was trying to take photos of the violence, was attacked by the sap lives he had his fingers broken. he had his equipment. buns, is there any? yes, drugs are intensifying in northern and central parts of gauze are killing thousands of people and the say it on the refugee camp in the center of the strip was heavily bummed, or you and run evacuation shelter and residential towers were among the targets for the north giovanni as being hit by a series of strikes, more than $33600.00 palestinians have been killed since the war began in october. a tiny maximillian joins us live now from bravo. how one of the strikes in the knolls of gauze are 6 months in to tell them
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yes, the 6 months into this genocide, the war and the we, we don't see any sign of a slowing it down and there is definitely no lit up in the talks across this trip deposit free a day that we're supposed to be that you'd holiday at the time for a celebration of facilities turn into a time of bloodshed and more. a closet is committed just within the past 24 hours of looking at at least 50 to a palestinian have been killed across the gulf industry. but merely the attacks have been concentrated in the central area and that area. and i'd been, i'd talked repeatedly, we're talking about refugee calms, and there is more of this happening not only in the central area where a refugee most of the refuge accounts are located, but also in the northern part including jump out. yeah. and your body of town with more people are being killed in the potter we've been seeing so far within the past couple weeks. the palestinians are gauze on that particular hour,
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only given those as little as a few minutes to evacuate the home or their residential before they're getting bombed in just to day we were told by the eye, witness of the entire family was only given a minute to evacuate a residential building in the northern part of the site, right refuge account that the, the new block of the, of the account. less than a minute before a mazda of various truck destroyed it. and many of the people, many of the cars are still trapped and missing under their rumbles. all right, thanks so much honey. my smooth, the meanwhile empty government, the process of taking place in tel aviv protests as an israel caring flags enchanting to the base of the drums. a calling for early elections, families of captives in gauls, are also holding a separate rally. demonstration is taking place almost weekly since the sound of
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israel's foreign garza, a spring in hand, the sides ho cheese instead of a following that anti government very we can see the demonstrations behind, you know, the crowd swelling now. well this demonstration has just kicked off, and in fact, this is an anti government protest where is really so essentially demanding that these really prime minister resign a process. there is a place has to rally rather held by the families of is really captive calling on their route this evening. these really prime minister's office statements, etc. in fact, is not to get a good deal to bring back but rather give that up simple thing. they have to unfounded demands like wanting the war to end all of these really military too. so, but it's interesting because there were family members that was really tough to
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release the statements of joint statement earlier on saturday. who said that even if it needs ending the war, even if it needs for the entirety of these really aren't me to retreat when gone to completely stop the war. and that should be the price that israel is willing to pay to bring back. the remaining is really some are still helped him don's uh, more than 6 months into this for the people here or saying that they're simply fed up and that they need new leadership to guide them in order to bring back there. and they need new leadership. they say immediately. all right, thanks so much. i'm the vast and tel aviv rainy enforcers of seas to contain the ship and the gateway to the gulf. the m. s. c. aries was bored in the strait of home, moves by revolutionary gods. the ship is linked to and is rarely penny in that full last sailing the high jack vessel now into a radian territorial voters, dosage a body has more to the naples division of the wrong revolutionary guard. sees
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a cargo ship in the northwest, the united arab emirates, port city of which era, earlier on saturday. now, according to state news agencies in the country, this happened as the cargo ship was trying to make its way from the way you to india. it was just about to enter the strait of har moves that we have not had any official statements from the revolutionary guard, as of yet. if i what transpired and why they decided to seize this vessel, what we do know about the ship is that it was a portuguese flags of vessel belonging to a cuz the m. s. c. company that is owned by a zodiac group, which is owned by one of the richest men in israel. now, according to the portuguese government, they are in a communication with the relevant authorities in iran, about the incidents and also the geneva base m a. c is also speaking to officials here to ensure the safe return of the vessel and also the wellbeing of the 25 crew
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members on board. for now, this comes at a time when tensions are very high in this region as a result of these really air strikes on the radian console in damascus on april 1st, which killed 7 revolution guard members. doors such a party l to 0 to air on the german, they used to deliver an additional patriot missile system to ukraine for protection against russian driving the tax president. the lot of them is that landscape signed the germans for the announcement at what it called a critical time. it follows warnings that like catastrophic shortage of air defense systems. this child stripe for the explains from the how to keep the region. a clear sky is over ne, in ukraine. no cloud cover means the soldiers with the 77th and mobile brigade,
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oregon especially high or low to tree lines around 10 kilometers from the russian border. they're trying to intercept the russian drones. the, the recognizance will kind of cause a 3 to seem cooling level up 37 minutes ago, a drum circle dis twice in return to russian lines. it was so high we couldn't intercept if it was cloudy, then it would be forced to fly low at around 8 to 900 meters. then we could take it out with this width and use it as well. no. guessing allies on what the man here say are increasingly sophisticated on demand russian drones able to fly long als at high altitude is exceptionally difficult on days like this. you currently middle, teresa is being outdone and outlined in various locations along the front line. this comes as an escalation in russian target to attacks facing ukraine's energy infrastructure continues. but there are a villages in this area that are also being hit villages where there are still
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thousands of people living the farm. it works in these fields among the newly set lines of anti tank defenses. the so called dragon's teeth costs across the near flat expanse, freshly dug trenches, the exact towards the rise and ukrainian tank rumbles through the nearby community. a small town which is being published day and night. joining bomb crate is the control to it remains of homes. a reese in memory of the dead. so then what do myself i do for me yet? the man was changing the oil in his car. he was blind to pieces. it was 130 in the afternoon, though strikes almost every day. the center of town is hit every night. the playgrounds empty, many families have left in recent days. getting a chance with the friends in the local shop. she's moved to children as a town,
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but has to keep working here despite the danger. plus, we do put them in front of us. we'll have to take my kids away because they couldn't endure any more because you can't sleep. the children were terrified, so i took them to is you. but as long as my job is here, i have to come here to work every day. another air raid siren a russian ballistic missile out of that says this woman and she ducks inside an apartment block across the fields. soldiers, scam the skies and listen prepared as they can be with the guns they have to defend against the unmanned russian threat. charles profit, i'll just air a clock cube region ne them ukraine. still a heading now this era i'm on the how she in the quarter on disability is really bored. the where the conflict between is red and his beloved is significantly
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escalating and entering a new phase was being used in the in the cable calculation sentence, passengers plummeting to the ground and something to the, the critical debate. pony farmers are angry, people are starving, and we actually have to be experts all good because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for addition to the page the often in the highest level they've been using games for the policy for the comics starts doing some of the even colors the rivals inside story on al jazeera pod came in to be used as the oil c suffered casualties we have not suffered states pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on
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a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double stand to all of us . any anyone in particular i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy. it is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the challenges with the all the while come back to watching out is there a time to recap?
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ah, headlines is riley. settlers are attacking palestinian villages and be occupied westbank at least one palestinian has been killed in the violence and 46 wounded in the past . day comes as the missing 14 year old sentiment was found dead and the government protested, taking place instead of these demonstrations once he's ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign, calling for the elections. families of the captives garzo also holding a separate from the writing and forces of seas to contain the ship, the gateway to the gulf. the m s. c. areas is linked to it is really busy in that full plane, hijacked ship is being sailed into arabian territory. waters the southern 11 and now it is right. the jets of launched a new round of air strikes. local media reported loud explosions in several places, including bounce re hans the area,
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seeing regular across for the attacks between these riley forces and has the law sizes since the war on guns that began in october. these right, the strikes followed has the law rockets attacks from southern lebanon. they use 50 will 5 towards up of galilee and northern israel and the occupied golden heights somewhere intercepted by these ready air defense system. hash and reports from the florida in southern lebanon to this is on, is really a strike just on the top of the hill that it just happened. now one strike hit this area that's uh, i found a 34 q to me to us for where i'm standing. also, there was another as far as to the east for where i'm standing. however, this comes just a couple of hours after hes law attacked and is ready position in the uh, i need to community. the talk stopped as fast with
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a 3 midsize towards the ministry position. and then also there was another 2 explosive laden drones. now, according to me, jerry posted as one is ready to us critically injured. however, this day, a witness several is really a strike on different areas, around self lab and on from basically which is like $515.00 can meet this for where we are standing on to watch the se. mount 300 was hit with several strikes according to is really move free spokesperson, the area there was a come phone for as long. no, there was also, there were also other strikes on it. yes. to the south east, but in general, the nor reports today of casualties on the east side. these, the thoughts come just a day after has been long launch tens of rockets towards the occupied. golan
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heights has will upset that that was in retaliation to a tax on lebanese villages in the south. however, does something different to you with the number of rockets used and also the significance of the target, the goal and because in the past has blah, you struck that goal. and just when they live in these depth, mainly because the valley which is hundreds going to meet this from the border is head. this time, it seems the rules of engagement are being update updated from the south lebanon. natalie, how should i address you? the palestine solidarity rallies are being held in london and all the british cities, demonstrations. according for a permanent seas, 5 and gossip, the riley's follow growing international discontent over the failure. when the will pull brendan, is that the protest or 6 months, the public concern about the people are saying every day on the television screens is only right. this is not one of the national protest. this is just
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a london vice protest. and yes, thousands of people had signed up on a sunday afternoon to register the protest about the scenes of thomas and johnson. and we are entering the really dangerous phase. it seems of this conflict, at least the people here believe. so it's all spectrum from in, in garza, i'm the perspective of the political complex should around you start to get involved. but most of all the protests here are concerned about the industry civilians who's been hit so hard quite as rarely the world is saying, what's happening is the, the, the china saw the massacres, forming hospitals to monitor in a people. so there's enough is enough. we want to save large boxes fired to survey the message. now tomorrow, this piece for school. yeah. what
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is the biggest single thing that you think would make a difference right now for, for my country? cutting our finance military support is real. first. i find it quite difficult to be assa mara just to be around everyone, but it also feels like the only time when things kind of make sense as well. i guess that's why it is important to come back again. and again, just to show that we're here, we're listening, we're not taking no for an answer, trying to call government to comfortable where and when we can often and solidarity and collective action depending on the chances of the problems as far and they want . and i hope the fight putting pressure on government's largest such as this. they will get it sooner rather than like a whole brennan ology. is there a central london detectives in australia, trying to establish a motive for
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a stabbing attack in a shopping mall which killed 6 people? police shot the attack a dead. alex thomas reports from sidney. people fleeing for their lives as emergency services arrive in force. a regular stance today at the move, toning to horror when a man with a knife rampage through going to sidney's main shopping hubs. everything was only stopped when a senior police officer who happened to be nearby. and so because the hell she confronted defend that who had moved by the stage to level 5 as she continued to
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roll quickly behind him to catch up with the same he turned face to rice and north shady shots to far um and that person is now deceased by then more than a 1000 people had been stabbed, including a 9 month old baby. on the terrified side just for the for to the baby australia as prime minister, addressing the shops nation within hours. the only consolation for a country in morning of the tales of bravery and heroism that all remoting stuff to him, they should have been a noble shift a shelf, as opposed to fully going about their lives. i need it for these the strategy. and so 1st interesting can vice of danger was to help someone else. local police have declared this a critical incident and i was off the attack. this normally bustling area remains
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cold and off while investigations continue. well, the officials insist there is no ongoing threats. new south wales police are convinced the assailants acted alone. and the biggest unanswered question is why he murdered seemingly at random. alex thomas, how does the arrest? sydney, an investigation is on the way following a cable called collision in cells and took here. one man was killed and 7 others injured when they plunged to the ground. and on top of you for sol, solved as well as more frantic rescue mission and salt in turkey. at 1.4 hours, a cuban cock would like to be the broken pilot in the tourist. the result of on top of the crash, the cut, the inverse for pin something passengers plummeting to the mountain side below the
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attraction. 10 minutes report at the death of 54 year old, took his man and easily to 7 others. they were all torture citizens. accept a could you stand national images of teams this past helicopters event creat injure as the by the car cable sways from this last cables on the side of the mountain. maddox tended to the one some of the future of work in critical condition . after before the helicopters transferred them to nearby hospitals for 3 for the initial them, the took your car while we were defending and really high. it smells like something was very new. most often that the cabin she'll car, then we stop. how long have you been up there? hard to get to more than one hour and 10 minutes. we will really see what we scream and shout to let you know that it's over. now are the top of all the cable cost system has struck the $6.00 cabins each able to accommodate 6 people. 24 of them
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were hanging in the sky. emergency rescue units. you bet create of more than 150 people left strand. the cable costs carry tourist franconi off the beach restaurant and leaving platform at the summit of this 618 meter, connect over peak dependent on mac reads on tanya x x, tens of thousands of tourists from around the world. it's unclear how long repairs was paid before the tourist attraction can be opened. but as use out of the houses secures the forces in total go have prevented 3 days of plan demonstrations against proposed constitutional reforms. the changes would end direct selection of the presidents and had responsibility of that to parliament. critic syracuse president followed the same day of trying to extend this 2 decades in power. that's it. so may weather is up next then inside story will examine the runs right to
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retire for games. it's around the same with the the spinning flash flooding in turkey a couple of days ago. but that's gone now into full costs to see shows on the east, which extends down into a syria nevin and towards northern jordan. maybe the dead sea just about the they're not particularly significant just to change in the tax if you like. the real heavy stuff is to the east and it's in the wrong moving into us kind of style and northern practice down significant summary, rain and snow calendar which goes off into a month, which could wells cool, some flooding on saturday night in the miscast and still potential on sunday, if it's a site that looks pretty benign elsewhere,
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but even here in eastern sides you'll see a development takes place big some of the storms around and slow moving potential flash flooding with enough when to pick up. whereas driving the driving, the east, mostly the sand, all the desk. so that's called like 2 picture, which does it cover the house full cost just the around the sun, the stones, morning meeting bears monday and tuesday. how many days we had some storms so far and april, the average is one we must have had about you to i think it certainly cools down and becomes finer again during wednesday. got to $25.00 from $30.00 to $8.00 africa, the seasonal range, and particularly heavy amount off the coast of times and there. and in the sea, this is a region that is what we need to fill up thing, but it's one also that is afflicted by conflicts, flip flops, people, some of those we talked to elsewhere saying that they sled up to a hearing that other villages had been a talk,
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what we do in all just there is try to balance the stories, the good, the bad, the id, tell it as it was, and the people allow us into their lives. these meetings you mind if you ask me to tell this story. you, yvonne is threatening retaliation. these radiates hacked on the radian conflict in syria. the us to accept the possibility of an imminent strike bite to ron and valves to defend israel. how dangerous is the situation and what's the risk of a wider conflict? this is inside store, the hello.


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