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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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in it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a then this has been use our live from dell hawk coming off in the next 60 minutes . a palestinian is killed and at least $46.00 wounded and attacked spies, riley sap lives in the occupied westbank. as the missing 14 year old settlers found
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dead as a ron seizes and his railings contained a ship, as well as government deploys plains our concerns of a plan to write me a tax. live in tel aviv with thousands of back on the streets to protest against these, right, the government and its handling of the world. garza jones dropped the board and from the call keep region of ukraine. we're off to a ukrainian, a different system. as russia continues, one of the heaviest bull, baldwin, crane, and energy infrastructure. since the war began, and on piece of standards within your sports news, match the city on top of the english premium. e. and it's moving to a at the mazda is on. i have the license from augusta for us tons of woods because in search of a 6 degree jacket, the we begin in the occupied westbank. where is riley settlers are attacking
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palestinian villages. it comes as a missing 14 year old settler. is found that the circumstances surrounding his death unclear this rolls prime minister, is calling it a heinous mud in one of the attacks senseless storm. the village south of annapolis binding several houses an opening fire and have been similar scenes in all the villages since the scene ages disappearance on friday. at least one palestinian has been killed in the violence, at least 46 others wounded in the past 24 hours. that abraham has maul from rome along the occupied westbank. as we are seeing those subtler is expanding their presence in the occupied to us bank. but not only the presence also that attacks against palestinian homes. we're talking about villages and not only need and close by name of the year, which is east of them. a lot like we've seen in the morning such as duma and the
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apple for that. and the approved into the messiah. but now we're seeing the subtler moving to a village is close to nablus to the north of the occupied west bank a. so we bit 40 because what us posted are with we've been speaking to locals, better who say that these 3 homes that have been burned by is really such as of course, when we talk about those homes, we know that palestinians are inside the homes and sometimes that are elderly people, we would have a heating from palestinians in the year that has seen the sunset. and the majority of the attacks on friday saying that they were trying to take the other in the up to the rules. that's when they so these really forces it coming in also with these really so for those who are talking about this really such a there's what also are this has led to the killing of a 25 year old palestinian from the village of the yep. and it's to the saw many hours to be able to get to
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a level that you had because of how much the roads are fluid. how much these really forces that imposing clues or is in the thing is the only expecting those attacks to be continuing. now it's going to get dark and it's going to be it really a tie before is really settlers to get away with more attacks against palestinians when protestant incense on, on the defensive roll. the challenge joins us now live from occupied. these 2 is not stopped with the situation in the westbank water is right. the officials hinting at when the vowing to take action the as well. they're concentrating, watch more on the death of the satellite boy than they are on the secular violence against palestinians. benjamin netanyahu as calls the killing a heinous motor, a serious crime. he says that he is sending his condolences to the families and his promising vass the people who did this, and those who helped them,
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we will get them is what he says. now, you glance the defense minister, similar sentiments from him saying that the satins, by the death of the boy who was murdered in cold blood. he says by violets iris. but he's also warning against vigilance. he is and he says that i appeal to the public to let the security forces hands quickly in the hundreds for the terrorist revenge actions will make it difficult for all flights. as in their mission, the little must not be taken into one's own hands. now the army is boosted its presence in the west bank trying to keep a lid on nevada and that that's flat on that. um, but the westbank is boiling, the army says that tonight things are calm down, but generally across the way occupied westbank. we've seen an explosion, nevada, as and in the last couple of days with the attacks by illegal settlers on
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a number of villages to the northeast of ramado in the, the southeast of annapolis. this is lead to the housing is being burned cause being burned. palestinians attacks and injured and, and even kills the the united nation says that since october the 7th to the beginning of april full, a settlers of being killed at 5 members of these ready security services. if you're out in the lights of secular death, that brings the settler that say to $5.00 to $5.00. but in that same period, more than 460 power steering's been killed. and rory is ready. officials also again talking about preparations for it and the rain in attack. what measures are they taking today? yeah, what i think the, the, the, the sentiment here is that whatever is coming,
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it's going to be pretty soon. and these ready defense minister, your glance has said that, so we have strings and our defensive and our friend the offensive arrays. we've added new capabilities. he says on the lines in the at c, intelligence within the states of israel. and together with that part is led by the usa that is off to the us general in charge of central come on, wrapped up his trip to the region. now, what these ready governments in the army have been saying until recently was that people, the civilians should go around their business, go about their business as normal. vast is changing in a briefing that's just being for the house. uh, the her friends come on has updated it's advice of people and what they say is that from at 11 o'clock local time tonight, which is in a couple of hours, any gathering across these around more than
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a 1000 people is outlaws for 2 days. and schools are going to be kind of universities are going to be closed tomorrow. i'm the day off that. so that's a big change in the preparedness of the country. so clearly the governments and the minute treat think that something is coming. all right, thanks so much for the challenge that of those, these right. a preparations, commas, regional tension has arisen. nobody around the seizure of a container ship in the gateway to the gulf. the m. s. c. aries was boarded in the strait of hole moves by revolutionary gods. ship is linked to in this, riley been the of that. but it's for the gods of sailing the hijacked vessel into a rainy in territorial waters. those that jabante has mo, from to her, on the naval division of the wrong revolutionary guard, sees a cargo ship in the northwest, the united arab emirates, port city of which era,
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earlier on saturday. now, according to state news agencies in the country, this happens as the cargo ship was trying to make its way from the way you to india . it was just about to enter the strait of her moves that we have not had any official statements from the revolutionary guard, as of yet. if i what transpired and why they decided to seize this vessel. what we do know about the ship is that it was a portuguese flags, a vessel belonging to a cuz the m s. c company that is owned by a zodiac group, which is owned by one of the richest men in israel. now, according to the portuguese government, they are in a communication with the relevant authorities in iran, about the incidents and also the geneva base m a. c is also speaking to officials here to ensure the safe return of the vessel and also the wellbeing of the 25 crew members on board. for now, this comes at a time when tensions are very high in this region. as
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a result of these riley air strikes on the radian console in damascus on april 1st, which killed 7 revolution cock members. doors such a bar a l to 0 to air on to the strays of whole moves is one of the world's most impulse that it was a ways for trade. so tight sea passage just below it wrong. cisneros' point is just so i think 3 comments. his wife, well, the shipping lines in each direction on just 3 kilometers wide, yet about 20 percent of the world's oil passes through the strait full moves at times of diplomatic tension around as in the past threatening to disrupt the shipping traffic. christine doug goes, they also are all on the standing maritime security. he says this latest incident highlights, that's right, facing the shipping industry. we have to see the any way that on the one side, the attack is good news because it apparently, it might mean that iran has not chosen to retaliate with israel on land.
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but quite obviously for shipping. this is a bad news because it adds to the dangers that we already have in this region. the shipping system is already under severe stress from difficulty attacks . the return of this one morning pirates. so it is really, really bad news that we're seeing an attack like this. this is not the 1st incident office kind. let's keep in mind that the ron has captured and at tech ships in the past. however, it means a dentist through the western indian ocean region overall, it is increasingly becoming even secure for shipping on swords and which is best pirates plus the uranian eh, activities leads to a very made and secure environment. luckily, we have several neighbor and missions in the region,
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and the snow need to reconsider how they can act to protect shipping. better from these 3 threats of us president joe biden is called a weekend trip shoals and is returning to washington to consult his national security team, john henry, and now joins us live from washington dc. so why is binding returning his name? it is suggest, the white house thinks that this attack, this retaliation by iran, is imminent and more imminent, apparently, than they for. when biden went to spend the weekend at his robot beach vacation home at the white house says, this is for urgent consultations. over matters in the middle east that suggest buying, we will be meeting with his national security team in the white house, in the war room, talking about the u. s. response. will there be a direct us response? almost certainly not. that's the last thing the us watch,
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but it has pledge through lloyd austin that defense secretary and by them directly speaking his pledge, the us report to israel saying that that support is on waiver. inviting on friday said he was expecting it as an attack sooner rather than later. and he offered a one word suggestion for ron. he said, don't he ignored questions about what would, what would involve a direct us response? of course, he doesn't want to contemplate that kind of direct response from the us. the us does not want to regionalize this conflict at the question now is really how is real response? what the us does in order to support israel and whether that becomes a series of escalating attacks, which had been through around in proxies and now could directly involve a wrong batch with the white house is strategizing about this weekend. all right, thanks so much john henry and then
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a variety strikes are intensifying in northern and central parts of gauze are killing thousands of people. the site on the refugee camp in the center was heavily bombed. are you and run the evacuation shelter and residential towers are among the targets for the north. giovanni as being hit by a series of strikes, moulding, 33600 pounds to indians have been killed since the war began in october. of handling my mode joins us live from it off off now and honey. you might remember as many of our view as might do that on january the 7th, these riley's announce they had dismantled from us in northern gauze at one of a striking then now the the yes samuel, this can be safely added to the list of allegations made by this really military, within the past 6 weeks,
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and since the beginning of this genocide award across the gaza strip, where there's really military a non serious being cleared and secured because it the, it cleared them if from a palestinian finding grooves or from how much offer it did, but without offering any substantial evidence whatsoever. in fact, what we, when we looked at the patterns of destruction on a tax so easily, we can find that the part of the of attack and been directed to a civilian infrastructures, residential buildings and hospitals, health care facilities, educational facilities, international organization facilities such as on or why they've been directly targeted in the northern part in gauze and city and more recently, and con, units were at least 4 warehouses, manage and operated by honor. what being the either completely damaged or severe, completely destroyed or severely damaged. this pattern of attacks is an indication that this really military is conducting this war,
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merely on civilian population because the evidence on the ground suggest and just goes very consistently with the narrative. uh, since the beginning of dor when these really military and its uh, political leaders and military leaders announced that you are going to send god off to the stone age. and just more recently the past the 3 days i've been very, very bloody and very difficult mentally. concentrated in the central area, we're seeing more of the uh, residential buildings are being destroyed, including lost in the schools and public facilities and further civilian casualties that been the by product of, of this, of this ongoing war on the central area and pushing more people into further displacement something that has been feeding into the permanent sense of, of shot or safety and further, a permanent displacement for already a traumatized that and, and large the display of population and overcrowded, the rough estimate, the and had
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a talk to us about warning signs of disease spreading with more of the evidence on the ground that was documented by the world health organization and by organization on there, the umbrella of the united nations for a policy and a refugee's document. the cases of molly nutrition of the spread of infectious diseases and the fact that we there is a uh huh. oh hi is you and facilities have been either destroyed or severely moved to the cause of the spread of disease. and then when we look at where people have been shouldering and weather and evacuation centers, these are overcrowded spaces, works and people are, do not have enough space in order to take care of this. how you doing very well. the lack of sanitation just makes it very difficult, particularly when we looked at a society that is made large deal vulnerable, improve the children and women who are either pregnant or breastfeeding. and those
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with health complications. just make it very difficult. melanie nutrition has been right now in the for the 5 minutes, the leading cause of death, but also the spread of infectious diseases, including habits i the say has also been the reason the leading cause of death across the gospel. we're talking about the close to 640000 cases, documented by the world health organization. a. thanks so much. hi me, my fluids that i'm anti government protests are taking place in tel aviv demonstrates isn't as well kang flags and chanting to the base of drums, calling for early elections. families of captives in gone. so also holding a set foot round a protest. i have been taking place almost weekly since the south of israel's warm garza that spring and now i'm the sun hope she joins us from tel aviv. i think it's still at the sight of one of those protest holiday looking now
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the family police have actually informed decisions the government demonstration that they need. so we immediately, and that's because of new guidelines that were given by these really are me and homefront from in the saying the gatherings from a more than a 1000 people cannot take place as of 11 pm to night. but with all of that aside, this is a demonstration that protesters say is going to continue in the weeks and months to come because they want to call upon me is really prime minister to not just resign but to be overthrown. they want new elections to be held immediately, saying that he is the main obstacle to not securing the deal to bring back the remaining is really captive, but he maintains, but he is actually not what is standing in the way. he says it's time as with their quote on found the demands of wanting the war to end of wanting these really military to completely withdraw from the gaza strip. demands that he said will
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simply not be met. all right, we'll leave it there. thanks so much. i'm the social for something 11 and now when it was ready, the jets have launched a new round of ass strikes. local media reported loud explosions in several places including mounts, way. hon. the areas seem regular across the border. attacks between is riley forces and has the law sizes since the war and also began and also by these right. strong as follows, has belong rocket attacks from southern lebanon, at least 50 or 5 towards up a gallery in northern israel, and the occupied golden heights somewhere, intercepted by these radiated defense system. ali hasha as well from the florida in southern lebanon. this is on is really a strike just on the top of the hill there. it just happened. now one strike hit this area that's uh, i found a 34 kilometers from where i'm standing. also. there was another,
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as far as to the east for where i'm standing. however, this comes just a couple of hours after has been law attacked and is ready position in the uh, i need to community. the talk stopped as fast with a 3 missed thoughts towards the ministry position and then also the another 2 explosive laden uh drones. now, according to media reports of those one is really that to us critically injured. however, this day, a witness separately is really a strike on different areas, around self lab and on from basically which is like $515.00 can meet this for where we are standing on to watch the se. mount 300 was hit with several strikes, according to his really ministry spokesperson, the area that was a come phone for his beloved. no, there was also,
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there were also other strikes on it. yes. to the south east, but in general, the nor reports today of casualties on the living these side. these, the thoughts come just a day after has been long launch tens of rockets towards the occupied. golan heights has, will i said that that was in retaliation to a tax on lebanese villages in the south. however, does something different to you with the number of rockets used and also the significance of the target, the goal and because in the past has lost, you struck that goal. and just when they live in these depth, mainly because the valley which is 100 going to meet this from the border is head. this time, it seems the rules self engagement being update updated from the south lebanon ali ashan address here. the
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gemini is to deliver an additional patriot missile system to ukraine, from protection against russian drone attacks. president of all the means that has to be signed the germans full the announcement at a crucial time. it follows warnings of a catastrophic shortage of ad defense systems. child stratford reports the how to keep region clear. sky is over ne, in ukraine. no cloud cover means the soldiers with the 77th and mobile route gate aren't especially high or low. it's in the tree lines around 10 kilometers from the russian border. they're trying to intercept the russian drones. the, the recognizance will kind of cause the 3 to seem cooling of up 37 minutes ago, a drum circle dis twice in return to russian lines. it was so high we couldn't intercept if it was cloudy, then it would be forced to fly low at around 8 to 900 meters. then we could take it out with this width and it goes, it goes all the guessing allies on what the man,
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his say are increasingly sophisticated on man and russian drones able to fly long als at high altitude is exceptionally difficult on days like this. you currently middle teresa is being outdone, an outlined in various locations along the front line. this comes as an escalation in russian target to attacks facing ukraine's energy infrastructure continues. but there are a villages in this area that are also being hit villages where they are still thousands of people living the farm. it works in these fields among the newly set lines of anti tank defenses. the so called dragon's teeth trots across the nit flat expanse. freshly dug trenches exact towards the rise and ukrainian tank rumbles through the nearby community, a small town which is being published day and night. joining bomb craters,
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the consulted remains of homes, aris in memory of the dead. so then what do myself i do for me yet? the man was changing the oil in his car. he was blind to pieces. it was 130 in the afternoon. though strikes almost every day, the center of town is hit every night was by the playgrounds that empty, many families have left in recent days. getting a chance with the friends in the local shop. she's move to children out of town because it has to keep working despite the danger, plus where it has to do, but the still have to take my kids away because they couldn't endure anymore because you couldn't sleep. the children were terrified, so i took them to is you. but as long as my job is to have to come here to work every day, and all the air raid siren a russian ballistic missile on that says this woman and she ducks inside an
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apartment block across the fields. soldiers scan the skies and listen prepared as they can be with the guns they have to defend against the on demand russian threat. charles profit, i'll just air a cube region northeast and ukraine. detectives in australia, trying to establish a motive for a stabbing attack in a shopping mall which killed 6 people. a 9 month old baby was among those traces at the hospital. police shop the attack a dead onyx thomas reports now from sidney or the people sleeping for their lives. as emergency services arrive in full regular stand today at the move, turning to horror when a man with a knife rampage through going to sidney's main shopping hubs.
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everything was only sold when a senior police officer who happened to be nearby on. so because the hell she confronted defend that who had moved by the stage to level 5 as she continued to roll quickly behind him to catch up with same he turned face to rice and north shady shots to far um and that person is now deceased by then more than a 1000 people had been stabbed, including a 9 month old baby. on the terrified side of the baby, australia's prime minister, addressing the shops nation within hours. the only consolation for
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a country and morning of the tales of bravery and heroism that all remoting stuff to him, they should have been in noble shift shelf as peacefully going about their lives. i knew it for these, the strata instead, 1st instinct and the vice of danger was to help someone else. local police have declared this a critical incidents and hours off the attack is normally bustling area remains cold and off while investigations continue. well, the officials insist there is no ongoing threats. new south wales police are convinced the assailants acted alone and the biggest on on. so the question is why he mode seemingly at random. alex thomas, how does the era sidney now and the investigation is on the way following a cable call collection and substantive kia, 19 was killed, 7 others were injured and they plunged to the ground. and calia also sought about
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has more defensive rescue mission and saw the enter key at 1.4 hours. a cuban cock would like to be the broken pilot in the tourist. the result of on top of the crash, the cabin burst open sounds, and passengers plummeting to the mountain side below the detection, interior ministry reported the death of 54 year old. took his man and easily to 7 others. they were all torture citizens, accept a could you stand. national images of teams dispatched helicopters yvette creat injure as the by the car cable sways from these last cables on the side of the mountain. maddox tended to the one some of the future of working critical condition after before headquarters transferred them to nearby hospitals for 3 teams. all the initial number took your card while we would do sending and really high. it smells like something was
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a new month after that the cabin she'll call and then we stop. how long have you been up there to get more than one hour and 10 minutes? we were really going to start. we scream and shout to let you know that it's over now are the top cover. the cable cost system has struck the $6.00 cabins, each able to accommodate 6 people. 24 of them were hanging in the sky. emergency rescue and it's you bet creative. more than 150 people left strand with the cable cost carrie torres from coney alta bitch restaurant and leaving platform at the summit of this 618 meter, connect over peak dependent on mac, reeves on tanya, at tex, tens of thousands of taurus from around to where it's unclear how long repairs was take before a tourist attraction can be reopened. what is your side of that? which is also
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a head on i'll just say era. i'm going to go. busy is the government pushes forward with a plan that could change the way the president is picked and positive news for i filed and the dollars is hopes of playing at the french open pretty to have those details in the school. the system a little boat is a mechanical or even that self driving train. the vehicle with envoy today can be the or the human robot like me, will be everywhere else. your 0 documentary, which to lead on the weird and wonderful world of global learn. think and even trust, i feel like i'm alive, but i know i on the machine origins of this, which is the
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the truck back you're watching out to 0. the time to recap, the headlines is riley sap lives are attacking palestinian villages in the occupied westbank. at least one palestinian has been killed in the violent some 46 injured in the past day comes as the missing 14 year old settler was found dead writing and forces it seems to contain a shift from the gateway to the gulf. the m s. c. every is linked to in his right, the billionaire as well says it's closing schools and as long as the war plains, the concerns of what it describes, describing as a plan to rainy and attack. and the government protests,
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so taking place instead of it demonstrates is once it's ready, 5 minutes the venue mean us and the out to resign. the calling for riley elections . families captives in gauze are also holding a separate valley last spring. and now, so i'm talking about a cost, he's a professor of public policy. it's haven't been highly for university, joins us live here in the studio. so the latest lines say the us president is cut is we can shorten heading back to washington dc over these concerns of the target rating and retaliation for the attack on its concept of what it, what does that tell us? well, obviously when nothing else took the decision to attack the consulate to you exactly . the reaction that the around will do. it says this is not the 1st time he attacks everything and targets in syria. this is probably $300.00 plus of those events i've taken face, but this one is significant being an, an active. so my thinking, just because it is
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a silver and part of the if of your on is to try. and he knew that that they wouldn't, they wouldn't be able to action. now, what sort of actually we can discuss later. but i think the reason he's doing it is, is a shipping color for objects as one is extending the status of 4. and with a day measure unsuitables that keep them in power for now, by reminding everyone that the at on will retaliate your own will retaliate is a 3. is also managed to silence the criticism relative chris and that started to come from washington dc concerning his operations and gaza. now was very unlikely that we have anyone saying anything against israel and over the coming few days. he's also you as far as the, is rushing back to dc others and those rallies ongoing war planes in the suggest that they think is, is imminent. nothing is happening either they probably think or they're made to think of them and then bye bye as well. and they think that these are all needs to be even more. he's also going to accelerate the delivery of the weapons that the body that has a promise, including the critical f, $35.00 jet fighters. and,
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and the most, i think critically is, is going to silence the opposition within his own country. now, it will stop the, the right for demonstrations on the basis that we're all on the threats of iran. now it's a lot of depends on how it on responds as opposed to this. if you're on doesn't respond in a measured way and keep him guessing for some time. then maybe that is not, not my tom, you like to the region. and i hope that this is the go to take similar to what they've done with the almost straight today. small and measures that they have tested in the past. they may me and should under pressure to establish some kind of to turn off to the pressure to attack the nations of the scientists and attacks while they have a system that is quite a few of the scientists and the jobs in the past. but i think this, this time, they're under pressure to protect their own standing within their own alliance of resistance. i mean, they've been encouraging the palestinians, the lebanese hezbollah, the government is to fight,
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stand up to his right and so on. and now they've been heads right. to the heart, this guy who they killed is the head of a puts brigade and, and syria and you know, and 11. and so it's a, it's, it's, they, they have to do something. now, what is it that they do depends on, on how careful their calculations i've been, it's going to be. and i think they must remember what they've done wrongly back in 2020. when they reacted to the association of customs today. many remember they shut down by mistake in the ukraine. an airliner. so the more time they take, the better i think they need to keep it is guessing for some time not to rush into a retaliation that looks like i mean, your attraction to the, to the come back to the us positions the us has not condemned the attack on the radian diplomatic, a facility right when they did it, which is weird. i mean that's so. yeah. which makes the question it has condemned before that happened at any rate in retaliation in advance,
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but it didn't condemn the initials. what is the rules based international or the that bite and talks about then at this point? while it's highly selective, the way he's in the us deploy is, at the moment embassies are protected by, by the vandals, by g of arrows. and whatever happens inside the embassy is, is not to cannot be taken as an excuse to attack an embassy. and in the past with these res used argue, is that they're attacking iran in areas where they're not supposed to be. so they had the right to attack them, the city i loved them because that's not the solvers land. they would not be invited to be. and so yeah, they kind of acting on the shuttle a proxy arrangements. this is what they used to use as an argument, and i think now the other thing is even if they decide to retaliate physically, they may want to go to the areas where israel is not legally accepted. they're
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so shut by farms down hides even guys out by directories if they hit them in any of those areas is they could still argue that they're doing exactly what is relative to them when they entered into sylvia and devon. all right, thank you so much. we'll talk about accounts. thank the installation gemini have shot down the pro palestinian congress being held in berlin. the officer said one of the main speakers was subject to a band on political activity, but gave no details. the conference was aimed at examining german support for his rose war on casa, germany, denies accusations of complacency in genocide at the international court of justice . richard boyd virus is a member of the irish parliament. these, this freedom of speech in europe is under attack assignments. those who oppose as well as actions and goals. and we have the protest outside the german embassy in
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dublin today because of uh, the general japan complicity of germany. you, of course, are one of the main suppliers of arms to is royal. i'm one of the mains orders of israel, protected israel from the criticism of the sanctions. indeed, we believe should be imposed on israel. but now they're actually trying to silence the public criticism and debate about germany's complicity. i would say the white or european union and complicity with his rails crimes and genocide. so it is, but it is very serious that we're now talking about this. moving over into a tax on civil liberties on freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. i raised space in the yard apartments on thursday. we will be raising it again in the ours parliament and demanding that our government spiegel publicly in your, of about these very serious attacks on freedom of speech. it's absolutely
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a range of them that i'm indeed if you have as far as like as is being banned, they wasn't entirely surprised me. if by i'm was, was extend it to me, i'm to, well, there's security forces in to go have prevented 3 days of plan demonstrations against proposed constitutional reforms. the changes would end direct selection of the president and had that responsibility to parliament for ethics accused president, following that same day of trying to extend this to decades in power. the dispute comes ahead of delays, hollow entry, elections, and effective way through your tongue. lease population is always in support of the opposition because we're tired of the way the government has been ruling the country. we always vote against them during elections. we all know they're always trying to rig the elections. at this time, we're quoting on the people to stay and that it's not just about voting at the ballot. we must remain vigilant. right off to the verge,
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the citizens must stay behind and check that they boat doesn't get changed. lockwitzer select the wrong move. it looks to role is wrong. the constituency bundled is a bad. we've said it's wrong and they made it worse. but people say it's worse not to attend defendant is to do so. so let's go. so don't say that just because we didn't go 5 years ago and we're going to day, it doesn't mean the conditions have changed. i'm saying that the conditions of bad west today than before, a study and not blame as a human rights activist. i'm the executive director of the n g o, the totally civil lead. she's in nairobi and joins us now. why from that? so 1st of all, do you feel that what the president is proposing with these constitutional changes are in fact simply a way to try and extend his rule just absolutely. as a matter of fact, we believe that issues the move that will lead him to remaining presents of trouble
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for the remaining of his life just by his fight a route to until he died for 38 years. this one additional change was designed specifically to suspect, the suspect that's objective and ease ease intention to buy boss popular votes and to, to re drums the police cities in the rights of universal suffrage. this way, he's going to ensure that he doesn't have to be challenged in the upcoming presidential elections by simply cancelling them altogether. well, it works to think of or will it work? it will depend on 2 things. number, while depending on the how much the police people respond to this level of resistance, greet are moving to wage against this cause additional cool will they come in where it is being power or not in the by the approval has really said did not protest set for months within the or much with depression. and we still have
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a lot of deep trauma from domestic depression from the $21718.00 frontier switch less that each month. and clearly they said into the a national dialogue which was maybe a call us. so today we are active as, as to calling on the message to respond, which we are not seeing the same level of engagement as we did the 17 difficult people. i feel very much afraid close to the original have side all forms of got to being in the country. and apple tv, you tend to people that have arrested seems a 1017 and 18. we got trials for the level of depression and the civilians having facing at the hands of the meet the resumes has been the main reason why we have seen the a master process taking place in trouble. and i'm speaking to the point is that we called on by civil society and do a position, but any form of guthrie and toggle is bonded, including press conferences to those made some economic development as
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a trade havasu logistics hub. why is the president's popularity at this level now as well? the president is extremely unpopular. yeah. in the past we have seen the past couple years, 2 or 3 years. we have seen the reason a investigator of resources into repairing is reputation. internationally, by positioning itself as doing well, we cannot make fully, but that's economic growth. that the setting is look translates into the reality of the police citizens, inflation employees almost at 30 percent. and we still have one of the lowest salaries rates in the, in the west african region where minimum wage and trouble is less than 70 us dollars a month. in addition to that, you have one of the highest unemployment rate in the country. so economic coming to you because most of the companies doing really well. and addition to that, they have been a complete, a verification of civil rights in the country will leave on the,
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on those killed many to resume that as much give them, give us a form of what it was for us to be able to organize and made our right, we under football dictatorship where things like freedom of expression of free but with assembly or even if you're able to press the button in the past 3 years alone, we have had 4 or 5 to one eastern or these will flesh to exhaust and many who was rested in some way, even with the rest of we simply as far as last month so we can see what you leave on. but it shouldn't a repressive environment in total, which is depriving civilians of both economic and political freedom. all right, thank you. so much for your thoughts on that asked us on that. thank you for having me. now. rising temperatures, listening the long running shortage of drinking water in sedans, largest pools. another thank so is the influx of people falls from the hubs by fighting. and so that i'm involved as the story the,
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the one of the stuff is daily spike goes in full. so that is to get found that they need to drinking water in many places. basic facility is off by the inefficient, broken, or non existent people here, ely, mostly on water sellers, who has done keys and modified oil bottles to transport the flights of commodity. they've got a specific locations to fill up the idea. if it's the shaft, we just wait for the lots of tags here, of the popular market. people off the street, we don't know when the water was cut off or when it comes to, we have to wait as long as it takes because all our livelihood depends also like want to. we have no alternative just the head of the item. most of these people have been waiting kia, silsbee uh, the hours of the morning for the best worth of time to arrive. i know that it has otherwise. the seed is one of the quotes that have suffered from what to show to just for the kids. but it needs to be a level of this. yeah,
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because of increasing temperatures and the influx of civilians is taping the fighting. you know, the pots of food on the need for water has increased from a 120000 to a 180000 cubic meters, according to local ex pats. in an attempt to ease the suffering, the state of thought of these have launched an emergency plan of action head and closely monitored by part. so that's the government that dana and isaac, a bible. we have urgent and long term plans to deal with the problem with you. we've launched studies for the construction of the roof stem, but right now we're going to operate the $32.00 wells. we have and start clearing the settlement assessment from the auto body down. mean, what are the 3 major sources of water for the city, of course. so that is the all by what i've studied. this time was built in 2004, but now it has lost 75 percent of its in storing capacity in the michelle capacity
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was 16000000 cubic meters. but after 20 years it can only hold a quarter of about the volume. another way to obtain drinking water is the funding nation. the state has a plot, but it's $4.00 and capacity is far below a very quiet level for the what the cost is to be overcome. people here say more than one type of facility is needed. how much fun does the parts of that oh, still i had an al just era function, them's hopes of a talk for premier league finish service taishan and not to have the action. we support the call, choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself,
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and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those stages we want we want to break because the women in my country and that's suite one. we are not denies all of who we are human beings, and this has to be treated equally. we are working in their thoughts, that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done. as long as the human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords. you
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the, [000:00:00;00] the large and team his government claims is f as to boost the economy. are working with the annual rate of inflation remaining at almost 290 percent on many shop as i'm convinced of the government's optimism. imagine getting but has the story. the social post implant is eddies hoping to catch a ball game as, according to the government, the soaring rate of inflation. everyone and stuff like the decades has begun dislike. nobody says he wanted me to draw up, the price is a little the same. i took advantage of coming to the market, thinking that it was going to be cheaper, but there's no drop in inflation. it's just what's economy say origin. tina's monthly inflation, right? pete in december, a 25 percent start to 11 percent last month. the auction tenens. se shopkeepers
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happened, reacted, and the cost of living prices continues like this. you are going through or the window low, low prices ro successfully with the rice of the dollar. now the dollar dropped and stabilized, but no one would lower the prices if there is no pressure from the 40s, the price is $1.00 moment. when the right wing presidents have you, i mean they took office in december effect and what he cooled decades of decadence and decline and introduced a sturdy measures including costing states subsidies in energy and transport in a bid to cut the deficit and the pay. so was de valued by 50 percent, right? guess what? the i p i then go to thought it was when this government took office, they stopped issuing money altogether. even at the cost of making disco adjustment, in order to cutoff hyper inflation. you have to stop issuing money, so the government decided, well,
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let's go for it. but the annual rate of inflation is almost 290 percent. that's a 30 year high. i'm one of the wealth was the presidential spokesman touch that the government would kill inflation, but it's hard to say how quickly for more and no money bad your sense on the money tree side, we are doing everything we need to do the end of inflation a will be a reality one when, of course we don't know because we don't have a crystal ball told the future. but the end of inflation can't come quickly enough . with an estimated 40 percent of the $46000000.00, which continues stuck in poverty. imaging came out to 0, or i have sports fans as catch up on the game with pizza. every, thank you very much. it's what they call moving day and goals. day 3 of the 1st major, the mazda is, has 2 of the 3 coordinators or 6 of the problem. but for those who tito from the earlier he has to happen with an ice booty on the food a been back and 15 time major champion,
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tiger woods is also out on the coals. target is tied to the 23rd of 2 of the par. i'm not expected to be from fiction for what would be the reason 6 rejected. mentions the city on top of the premium e golf to see will police and 31 audio studies rivals menu knighthood were involved in a through a i gains bonus. first, dominique salon key method, he's 17, can you go love the season? that is a club, rick or, you know, it has very little lead route for 9 days with the equalizer on the whole follow book. see and i to, to restore their advantage before you, hot so in just inclined to, to sign with the goal for the game the visitors would come back. this time of this demand is with a penalty to make it immediately kick of tokens, hopes of itself full finish of taking a knock off that they were beaten by new causal,
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alexander effect gave the inside the lead off the half an hour 95 seconds later it is to anthony gordon with the finish. this time. you call so the food off the break a sec racing 3 to school. he's 21st goal of the scenes, the minimum income position. anyhow, side, we're not finished today. savvy and shame. i did. photo to compounds. huffmans misery is dropped down to 5th. chevy alone says buying labor crews, and we'll have to wait at least one more day to secure the 1st one to sneak. a title by munich have managed to keep the type of ways going. but the thing to learn to know, look really on serena and i felt good at school. right. so to put buying ahead 65 minutes any and then totally. miller would score. secondly, in stoppage, drawn, play the cushions simply kind of chrome, champions of chivalry on sundays. they be sort of braving in front the sense that she was
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a new 11 years of buying dominance round madrid or 11 points cleared at the top of legal following a one know when that my, you ok, the only goal of the game. a truly stunning strike from french mid field. oh really? i'm not sure how many a go with the of any gave me grimsley could be cut back a little later depending on what they all try. baseball somebody to do at cubby 22 time grand slam champion. rough estimate bell is back on coats as he seems to be fits and ready for the friendship. and next month, the del practiced in boston, luna on saturday as it continues. he's rehabilitation. the spaniard has of withdrawal from the monthly call them austin's because of a persistence injury. you're gonna pay the competitive match since january the 37 year old has indicated that this could be keys last season. the dells grade rival know that you all can which meanwhile has been eliminated from the ongoing monthly call or boston. new ways. caspar rude, took out the will number. let me use any finals read, need
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a 3 sites to complete the victory. 6416, and $6.00, full root is a 2 ton friendship and run right? read will face the fun of 50 tossing sunday, so i don't. that's thanks to the greek inflicting just a 2nd. last this you on will number 2, unix center 60 past the 1st 6 full straight and i for chance to take the 2nd 6300 fell, showed in the deciding save 60 pos, taking the on and 6 full. he's aiming for suicide, monica, and like reared, he has also lost in a french open fine in the past. it's crunch time in the, in the a with the last play of spots up for grabs and the philadelphia 76 is have given themselves the chance of making it with victory against the orlando magic. the 76 is i've now 17 in a row. and she a 3 way side with the magic and the indiana faces, with 2 of a likely to progress at the top succeed in the sun friends. there was
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a stay for the city 6 as low as jolen beads hobbled into the locker room with an injury locked in. d a. m v p returned and laid with 32 points. he saw that meats, when they last regular season game against brooklyn, that's the standard shown. so security at the top, 6 sports over in the wasted was another waiting for the new orleans pilgrims will close again on that coveted 6 face and a ticket to the play will they beat the golden state warriors who have had to settle for replacing the play in tournaments h 3 pointers from c, j, mccullen, got them back, 7 turned over to a 55 concept. so hey, tony is tied. the record for the most home runs 8 by japanese born class. as he struck the 100 and 75th. always korea in the la dodgers defeats of the san diego padres. besides, were playing for the 1st time some space season open is in south korea. we're out of tawny lady's day before the judges, and the most expensive fire in history struck is for the home run of the campaign, but the dodges last 8 said that that's what we're supposed to use for the time being sammy, thank you so much. well, that's it for this news out,
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but the good news is debbie and number of eva is back in a couple of minutes we'll have our full show. so stay with us here. now to sierra the the lines of ethnic i'm groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote camps in front bind battles. people in shops, the progress of an idealistic young generation of the rebels is a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries, the trouble history. on the phones being ma, on the, on the ropes on al jazeera, you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use
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a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris the individual now more the us army use the highly toxic herbicides with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later, the same happened, the us state of oregon, these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the case. for 2 women fought for justice. i guess some of the most powerful forces in the world, the people versus agents orange analogies 0 the latest news as it breaks the wall and if a message,
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they say they're going to carry on the to coverage. these really prime minister spoke this evening saying that the military is ready to invade drop off, despite criticisms from ally from the heart of the story. everyone is terrified to shelter in the hospital for more than 6 months. right now, nowhere is place and kind of seeing these are targeted. the israel says it's putting all its forces on fire alerts for possible attacks from iran. large gatherings are banned, including antique governments, protests the you're watching else a 0 light from my headquarters and i'm getting you navigate to also coming up there runs revolutionary guards, sees
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a container ship and the gateway to the goals the vessel is linked to and is really


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