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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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is that the military is ready to invade drop off, despite criticisms from allies, from the heart of the story. everyone is terrified. thank you. shelter in this hospital for more than 6 months. right now. nowhere is case and kind of seen. these are targeted. the israel says it's putting all its forces on fire alerts for possible attack from iran. large gatherings are banned, including antique governments. protests the you're watching elza 0 light from headquarters, intel fine data, you navigate to also coming up there runs revolution regards, sees a container ship and the gateway to the goals the vessel is linked to and is really billionaire. 8
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name is killed and at least $46.00 others are injured and attacks by is really settlers in the occupied westbank as are missing 14 year old settler is found dead . plus the electrostatic reporting from the call keep region of ukraine. we're off to a crane in a different system. as russia continues, one of his heaviest, baldwin's crated energy here, the structure, single began the israel says it's closing all schools and binding large gatherings for the next 3 days and mid concerns of what it's calling a planned attack by iran. israel says all of his forces are on full alerts and war plains have been deployed police of order protest or is it an anti government riley
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and tel aviv to disperse immediately under the new guidelines? the one. so the sightings of the alarms are set to offer you every one should the seats shouldn't total within 10 minutes and even if needed, you might to stay there for a long time. we would give you enough time before the fire ends that we need to be alert and responsible. and at the same time that us president joe biden has cut short a, we can get away to return to washington dc to consult with his national security team. we've got more of the washington shortly with john henry and but 1st we started it occupied east jerusalem with very challenged. so really, the defense minister you'll have the launch has said that israel are preparing for an attack by iran without giving further detail. what are we to read into this? well, i think what we read into this is that the attack the, the is riley's and this the united states feel it wrong, has been preparing,
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is eminence and could come to as soon as in the next few hours. we don't know a specific details about what israel is doing. minutes had relates to prepare for this the defense minutes ago. could i, is keeping things vague. he's saying, i don't need that or offensive and defensive a raise of being strengthened. he says that we've added new capabilities on the lines in the sea, in intelligence, within the state of israel, and together with upon his legs by the united states. so we know that the u. s. has been increasing its force pulse stress in the region. we know that he is ready planes of patrolling the skies, but that rate is as far as it goes, in terms of the ministry preparedness that we're aware of in the last day or the sides. benjamin netanyahu. tonight, he's on his way to a couple of fatty key meetings he meets, he's meeting with the won't happen. it's,
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and he's meeting with a slightly larger, uh, security cabinets. and most crucially for new people, everyday people in israel, the biggest mass and has come from the defense forces in the military, basically ordering that full gatherings of people, bigger than 1000 people, all bands for the next couple of days. school, those universities de cap school comes all of that kind of business. that is all being close for 2 days as well. oh, learning is going to be done on line. having said, for several days, don't panic. everyone got about that is normal, that has significantly changed tonight, and that suggests that whatever they is right, these things coming is coming soon. okay, thank you so much. laurie jones for that update from occupied is through southern. so as rory was just reporting on to government protests have fallen under the new measures that prevent gatherings of more than
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a 1000 people have the son who's has more from tel aviv police have actually informed this anti government demonstration that they need to leave immediately. and that's because of new guidelines that were given by the really army and home front command, saying the gatherings from a more than a 1000 people can not take place as of 11 pm to night. but with all of that aside, this is a demonstration that protesters state is going to continue in the weeks and months to come because they want to call on the is really prime minister to not just resign but to be overthrown. they want new elections to be held immediately, saying that he is the main obstacle to non securing the deal to bring back the remaining is really captive. but he maintains, but he is actually not what is standing in the way. he says it's thomas with their quote on sounded demands of wanting the war to end of wanting these really military to completely withdraw from the gaza strip demands. but he said will simply not be
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met. well, the us president joe biden has cut a weekend trip short and is returning to washington to consult with his national security team. let's bring in john henry. he's joining us now from washington dc. so um, what does biden's return? tell us, john, why is he returning? well, it tells us that by the next best it expects this attack to occur very soon. possibly within hours. delaware is not very far away. he was at his home is beach vacation home, and this suggest that he wants to be in the white house when this happens in the war room meeting with his national security team. talking about what the us is going to do now. he's already pledged full support to israel. he's done that directly himself. he's done it through lloyd austin, his defense secretary talked to his counterpart and the wheels of diplomacy have been churning day. jake sullivan, the national security advisor,
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who reports directly to biden said he talked to his counterpart in israel this morning, and that he assured them of the us as iron clad, a commitment to israel's security. in this instance, if it is attacked by or on and what will happen depends on exactly what kind of attack this is, will around attack inside of israel. that would be an escalation of what's happened up till now, or what it attack is really, assets elsewhere. those are the kinds of things that the white house is thinking about is talking about. and they're going to be looking at all of the options as to what they will do to assist israel in that case that let's put binding in a pretty difficult situation because he hasn't been asking, nothing yahoo! to ratchet back is war in gaza, just to minimize civilian casualties and ultimately come up with at least a temporary cease fire that would end this. this of course puts him in the position
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where he is once again asserting full throated support for israel in the subject that we are expecting any time now. all right, john, thank you for that update from washington dc. and so those is really preparations, commas, regional tension has risen over iran. caesar of a container ship and the gateway to the gulf. the m a. c. aries was boarded in the strait of horror movies by revolution regards. the ship is linked to an is really billionaire. now it's fault or sailing the vessel into iranian territorial waters. so the strait of formula is one of the world's most important waterways for trade. it's a tight sea passage just below iran. at its narrowest point is just 33 kilometers wide. the shipping lanes in each direction are just 3 kilometers wide, get about 20 percent of the world. oil passes through that streets. and at times of diplomatic tension, iran has in the past, threatened to disrupt the shipping traffic. we cannot cross over it. so how much
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moran dave has a political and security alice at the university of to ron? joining us up by skype, welcome to alta 0. mr. at merante, if we 1st talk about the seizures of got ship, what can we so what can you say about the timing on the significance of this the ronnie and say that the transponder was off and that created suspicion. but of course, it has everything to do with this riley regime. this is, this ship is linked to the regime. and there isn't any mis carrying out genocide in gaza and like the, i'm in the armed forces and, and sort of law which is which is enforcing the genocide convention and the red sea, the ryans consider their responsibility to put pressure on this. right. they resumed and the genocide, what is the feeling and are on, on whether this a seizure, this capture of the shift is linked to iran, retaliation against israel,
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or is it a relevant? and it will impact the retaliation limits? highly ation will come. of course, uh, as we have seen does rarely use and americans are claiming that it will be tonight . but they've been saying that for the, the last 8 or 9 or 9 days, they keep saying, unintelligence official says within the next 24 or 48 hours, they really don't know. the ryans were prepared almost immediately after this ran the a tap on the iranian embassy. but it could happen tonight. it could happen later on, but people in the run are expecting they're demanding that the government retaliate against the. is there any regime in the running, as i've always been serious about, the regime in the past is around these have murder iranian officers in syria. but because of the situation in see, or in the fact that the us and its allies were carrying out a dirty warren,
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syria for many years. the ryans didn't want to create greater difficulty for the syrian government. but this is a, something a very different they attacked the ronnie and territory basically you ryan's sovereignty. and so people in iran and everyone expects that the military give a very strong response. but is this not a dangerous moment? the, mr. moran z, i mean you have israel now saying that it's forces on full alert. you have president biden, who's going back to dc anticipation of a possible strike. it's, it's a dangerous time, isn't it? well, this is a dangerous time for this really regime in the united states, which is waging war and creating hostilities across the world. we have ukraine where ukraine is being used by nato, against russia. you have high intentions with the chinese in the south china sea
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and, and alongside taiwan, the americans. that's how they've been behaving they, they continue to think that they are the only super power on the world that they are high for power. and that what they say a must be obeyed. but the fact is that the iranians, over the past few decades, they've um, supported the palestinian cause. you're on is the only country that uh, supports the defense of gaza. it supports the people in yemen and 11 on against this raving machine. and the ron itself will strike back at this riley machine when there's ran the regime target. see ron? because when the regime targets you running and sovereignty, if you're wrong, doesn't reapply, then that basically means that the regime will do it again either or to another building in the embassy, or they may strike the you running embassy and i've been on some of that all right, so you're on has to punish them. look, i don't want to get into the realm of speculation because obviously no one knows
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what the iranian response is going to be. but is iran going to aim for some sort of retaliation? but at the same time, without sort of sparking a bigger regional war a well, definitely one is not seeking a regional laurie one once an immediate cease fire in gaza. and the ryans will continue to seek a ceasefire so that the genocide will discontinue. in addition to that, iran does not want the united states and the europeans and the canadians, and the australians to be able to shift the narrative away from uh there they are genocide in gaza. so you're on, we'll definitely punish the is ray the regime. you, ron, will continue to help, but the resistance in gaza defend itself. it will continue to help loving on. but it will not to do anything unreasonable. it will do what is necessary to
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teach the regime of less than not to their attach. ronnie and assets again. thank you so much mohammed the wrong. thank you for joining us from to ron. thank you. is really air strikes or intensifying in the northern and central parts of gauze or killing dozens of people. the new site us refugee camp and the center of the strip was heavily bombarded. un run evacuation shelter and residential towers were among the targets and then further north is a bad idea has been hit by a series of airstrikes, more than $33600.00 palestinians have been killed since the war begun in october. we have our correspond to a tiny muscle which is joining us now from it off. so honey, um, what does it tell us? but israel are striking the north of gaza and what's been the impact of the strikes a tablet?
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yes. well, are there in the, is really military has made these repeated allegations that the northern part on ga, the city. i've been clear the now secure a, from the palestinian finding groups of, from us operative on the ground. but without offering any substantial evidence whatsoever. and just judging from the patterns, the bombing and the uh, the targeted rules, the asian group, the, the, the casualties arriving to the hospital. it's a clear that there's really a military continues to pound, densely populated area would largely civilians inside the residential home, giving them as little as couple of minutes notice to evacuated their homes, afford to get and bomb directing them to areas where they're supposed to be safe. but ended up bombing them inside these evacuation is doing the fact that we looked at the entire health care sector in another part and gas that have been either destroyed or severely damaged. and the vast majority of educational institutions and public facilities all means of life,
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have been damaged and destroyed just something that is really military is far more interested than providing the evidence to support its allegations within the past 6 months. just within the past hours today, alone in and they'll say that refuge recap the northern part of the account. that's the new block. as it has been expanded, given that population is increasing, more of their residential homes have been targeted, destroyed, including 2 schools, the mosque and of public health care facility. a small one in the area pushing further people may pushing people into further displacement and just cause that a great deal of damage to basically all means of life and there. yeah. and that has been going on for the past 6 months. very consistent with all the roderick and the narrative leading into the genocide relax across the district. and i need a, we understand a time us has said that it's now submitted a response to the negotiators for
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a possible ceasefire. what more do you know about this? as well, one more time how much response as it made it clear in a statement, just a put concentration on an already declared demand. the full withdrawal of there's really military from across the entire gaza strip and the increase of a humanitarian aid as well as the return. this is one of the elements, one of the major demands the return of all this place, the palestinians there who are now sheltering in the southern part of the service to their homes and north and. 1 engaged as they on the city of fine units, as well as the reconstruction of the gaza strip. what's important about this is steven is how much reiteration that it is really for a solid and a, a large scale dealer swap deal of the of, of hostages. and palestinians that could not be obtained by the time of this 4 or
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before who had been spending long sentences inside as rarely detention thompson in his room. okay, thank you. honey, who? thank you for that update from dust off is really subtler is our attacking palestinian villages and the occupied westbank comes as a missing 14 year old settler was found dead circumstances surrounding his death are unclear, but they is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is calling it a humorous murder, and one of the attack settlers stormed a village selves of novelists burning several houses, an opening fire. and there have been similar scenes in other villages since the teenagers disappearance on friday. at least one palestinian has been killed in the violence and at least 46 injured in the past 24 hours. need that but he has more from it. i'm a let him be occupied. westbank we are seeing those subtler is expanding their presence in the occupied to us bank, but not only their presence also that attacks against palestinian homes. we're
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talking about villages. not only need and close by and the year, which is east of put them a lot like we've seen in the morning such as duma and the apple for that and the approved into the messiah. but now we're seeing the subtler moving to a village is close to navigate to the north of the occupied west bank a. so we built 40 g as well as posted a with a we've been speaking to local better. who say that that leads to 3 homes that have been burned by is really stuff. there's of course, when we talk about those homes, we know that palestinians are inside the homes and sometimes that are elderly people. we would have a heating from palestinians in eliminating that has seen the sunset. and the majority of the attacks on friday saying that they were trying to take the other and the up to the rules. that's when they so these really forces it coming in also with these really stuff those you're talking about is really such a there's what also are this has led to the killing of
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a 25 year old palestinian from the village of the year. and it took the saw many hours to be able to get to live with a because of how, how much the roads are close to, how much these really forces are imposing flows or is in the thing is that only expecting those attacks to be continuing. now it's going to get dark and it's going to be it really a tie before is really settlers to get away with more attacks against palestinians when palestinians then on, on the defensive. still ahead on al jazeera, a stabbing attack at a shopping mall, and sidney leaves 6 people. that the of the now the couple of days of warm,
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sunny weather for most of europe. and then what appears to be it may be confined to the north. this line take, weather will move in to some degree. so the picture then on sunday. so brings wind and wet weather across poland and it just stopped to reach for the sire. so you can imagine what's going to happen. this doesn't stipend on other after yes, another fairly stormy day for good part of ireland and scotland on a moving land. so the current war, which is that is probably a hungry noise in the balkans. certainly spend in portugal is our grab gives you the full cross those degrees on sunday that will be pushed out of the way considerably by twos. and this is why that stormy system moves down through much of the half of your brings effectively developing cold front attempt is, will drop and it will rain the some fun to, to be in this 23 that were last longer. that doesn't quite get for this as yet. it's still nice of all the few shaft developing in space for all the actor where the renewal fabric of the next day. so, oh, so as well, this spinning larry producing big showers in algeria and look up the winds,
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pretty strong, potentially bringing dust storms through new share and libya and maybe as far west as martin, you know, right. trump 41 reflects that hot weather dusty weather coming out from the interior, the boss, or a 10 year journey, in which it has become the most important translation award from. i'm into the outer big language world wide. shea come out award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the gun here, the top stories on how to 0 this hour as real size. that's closing all schools and banding large gatherings for the next 3 days. i'm it to sermons of what it's calling a planned attack by iran. israel says all of its forces on full alert and war planes have been deployed, police afford or protest, or is it an anti government riley? and telling me to disperse immediately under the new guidelines. and just really centers are attacking thomaston and villages in the occupied west bank. at least one palestinian has been killed into violence and 46 injured in the prostate. it comes as a missing 14 year old settler was found dead. irina and forces have seized the container, shipping the gateway to the gulf,
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the embassy areas as links to when is really a billionaire. israel says it's closing schools that has lost more planes over concerns of what it's describing as a planned iranian attack. to southern lebanon, where is really jets, have launched a new round of air strikes. local media reported loud explosions in several places, including mount a han bay area has seen regular across border attacks between is really forces on hezbollah fighters since the world girls have begun in october. and these were the air strikes, followed his butler rocket attacks from southern lebanon, at least 50, were fired towards the upper gallery in northern israel, and the occupied goal on heights. some were intercepted by the is really air defense system on the hash and has more from now kuda and southern 11 on this is on is really a strike just on the top of the hill that it just happened. now,
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one strike hit this area that's uh, i found a 34 kilometers from where i'm standing. also, there was another as far as to the east for where i'm standing. however, this comes just a couple of hours after his law attacked and is ready position in the uh, i need to community. the talk stopped at 1st with a 3 massage towards the ministry position and then also the another 2 explosive laden, uh drones. now according to major reports of those, one is really that to us critically injured. however, this day, a witness separately is really a strike on different areas around self 11 on from basically which is like $515.00 can meet this for where we are standing on to watch the se. mount 300 was
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hit with several strikes according to is really move free spokesperson, the area that was a come phone for as long? no. there was also, there were also other strikes on it. yes. to the south east, but in general, the nor reports today of casualties on the living these side, these, the thoughts come just a day after has been long launch tens of rockets towards the occupied. golan heights has will upset that that was in retaliation to a tax on lebanese villages in the south. however, does something different to you with the number of rockets used and also the significance of the target, the goal. and because in the past has last year struck dr. ready and just when they live in these depth, mainly because the valley which is 100 going to meet this from the border is head. this time, it seems the rules of engagement are being update updated from the south lebanon, natalie hash and i just, you,
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in germany is set to deliver an additional patriot missile system to ukraine for protection against a russian drone at fox president followed him as a landscape thank the germans for the announcement of the quote critical time. it follows warnings if a catastrophic shortage of air defense systems. as charles stratford reports from the court k for region clear sky is over ne, in ukraine. no cloud cover means the soldiers with the 77th and mobil brigade, oregon, especially highlights in the tree lines around 10 kilometers from the russian border. they're trying to intercept russian drones. the recognizance will kind of cause the 3 to seem cooling of up 37 minutes ago, a drum circle dis twice in return to russian lines. it was so high we couldn't intercept if it was cloudy, then it would be forced to fly low at around 8 to 900 meters. then we could take it
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out with this width and music as well. no. guessing allies on what the man here say are increasingly sophisticated on matt and russian. drones able to fly long al's at high altitude is exceptionally difficult on days like this. you currently middle, teresa is being outdone, an outlined in various locations along the front lines. this comes as an escalation in russian target to attacks teaching, ukraine's energy infrastructure continues. but there are a villages in this area that are also being hit villages where they are still thousands of people living the farm. it works in these fields among the newly set lines of anti tank defenses. the so called dragon's teeth costs across the near flat expanse. freshly dug trenches exact towards the rise and ukrainian tank rumbles through the nearby community. a small town which is being
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published day and night. joining bomb craters, the consulted remains of homes, aris in memory of the dead. so then what do myself i do for me yet? the man was changing the oil in his car. he was blind to pieces. it was 130 in the afternoon, though strikes almost every day. the center of town is hit every night. as on the playgrounds empty, many families have left in recent days. getting a chance with the friends in the local shop. she's moved to children out of town, but has to keep working despite the danger. plus whatever has to do, but the most of us will have to take my kids away because they couldn't endure any more because you called sleep. the children were terrified, so i took them to you, but as long as my job is here, i have to come here to work every day. and now the air raid siren a russian ballistic missile out of that says this woman and she ducks inside an
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apartment block across the fields. soldiers scan the skies and listen prepared as they can be with the guns they have to defend against the on demand russian threat. charles profit, i'll just air a cube region northeast and ukraine. 6 people have been stopped to death at a shopping mall in australia. several others were injured in taken to hospital, including a 9 month old baby police shop. the attacker dead inside that mall, and sidney investigator said the a tank wasn't ever related. and they're still investigating the most of alex thomas reports from sidney. this part of sydney would normally be very busy and bustling on a saturday night instead, like much of the city and the why the country there was a sense of shock and moaning off the unprecedented attacks here, the shopping center a bomb, died junction early this afternoon,
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a man walking in and attacking several people, killing 5 of them at the scene, and one later dying and hospital. when he was approached by


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