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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the use around the world, we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems. now, how come from a generation? because 0 is being seen the groups, the size of the system says no for most painters of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the system generation change on al jazeera, the israel has put all its forces on high alert for possible from iran, old schools will close and large gatherings have been done. the you're watching all the 0 life for my headquarters and tell find that you navigate the also coming up. it runs revolutionary guard, seized as a container. second, the gateway to the gulf, the vessel is linked to an is really billionaire. 8 1
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palestinian is killed and at least $46.00 others are injured. and attacks by is really settlers and the funky pied westbank as i'm missing 14 year old sadler is found dead. i'm just drafted reporting to the call keep region crane. we're off to a crane in a different system. as russia continues one of his heaviest, baldwin, crane and energy infrastructure to civil began the hello israel says it's closing all schools and banning large gatherings for the next 3 days. and it concerns of what it's calling a planned attack by iran is really military says, all of its forces are on full alert and we're plains had been deployed. neighboring jordan has closed its aerospace and made reports of gps jeremy, the one. so the silence of the alarms are set to offer you every one
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should a seat shouldn't settle within 10 minutes. and even if needed it, you might to stay there for a long time. we would give you enough time before the fire ends that we need to be alert and responsible for. at the same time the west president joe biden has cut short a. we can get a way to return to washington dc to consult with his national security team. look up more out of washington dc, shortly with heidi. so castro, but 1st we started occupied east jerusalem with re trial. and so re, uh, the defense minister has said that is really is preparing for an attack by iran without giving further detail. what more do we know about this? well, not just the defense minister you got going on, but also the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has spoken a half by the last half hour will sites now warner, he says, so will they both say that the messages are pretty similar. our defense systems are
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deployed. they say we offer pad for any scenario targets in defense and in attack. benjamin netanyahu said he appreciate the support service allies c names from the united united states, the names the u. k, as well. he reiterated the line that he's been saying a lot of the past days, which is, whoever hurts us, we will her him, and he will. so judge is raised to listening to the come ons, all the higher than friends. come on. now what's the height in front of combined has said, is that his radio shows no gather uh for the next 2 days in numbers. great. so that $1000.00 anywhere in the country all sides. that schools, that universities, that day, you can cetera should be close from 2300 to 9. that's now for the next couple of days. so obviously, the is riley's,
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the government's the minute tricks that trip off eating that whatever iran is about to launch. he's eminent, if it hasn't already begun for somebody for a moment because we're actually going to listen to what benjamin bethany, i will have to say, or the much anymore we have is really citizens in recent years and even more so in recent weeks, israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from iran or defense systems or deployed, we are prepared for any scenario both in defense and attack. the state of israel is strong, the idea is strong and the public a strong. we appreciate the us standing by israel side as well as the support of great britain, france, and many other countries. i established a clear principle. whatever hurts us, we heard them. we will protect ourselves from any threats and will do so with coolness and determination. i know that you citizens of israel are also keeping your cool. i urge you to listen to the directives of the homefront command together
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. we will stand and with god's help together we will overcome all our enemies. okay, so that's what nothing yahoo had to say a short time ago, rory, and we're also hearing that jordan's aerospace has now been closed. what does that mean and what are you hearing about this? yeah, what was it? having the, the expectation from anyone who's been watching this, this situation play out over the last few days, is that the most likely full of attack that they're on is likely to use against israel. he's from the so that might be drones indeed. reports are starting to circulate on social media already. that drones might have been launched from the wrong drugs being heard over the skies of the rock. the expectation, the my apologies were re but i'll have to just crossover to take to our viewers live to is really listen to the is really government military spokesperson
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daniels that are all that you need to be alert on full instructions of the domestic from the so we had no such threats, so we have dealt with them in the past. uh so once you hit the site, it ends on the alarms, you need to head to the, the shuttle starts and you need to stay there for at least 10 minutes. no less than that, and you would be informed if you need to stay longer. we would like to ask you to not to spread. i me role models. you need to seek your information from the military on option blog forms. i will keep you updated on latest, develop them. and so i would like to stress the importance of following instructions . i'm guidelines on what the military is when a read the own bread, dennis through or, or throw out all it's brand shares. now we are in close coordination with the
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united states and our partners in the region to work again as such, launches and drop them down. we're out on the high alert and readiness by all what air force we also have other defensive defense platforms. all what air force is excellent on, on hybrid and as to how we are using. we need to remember that defenses are not 100 percent effective. however, we need to follow the instructions by the domestic phone question, the ones that have been loans when where the sirens activated. i wouldn't report on launch drones. they take some time before they arrive to the in the aerospace. so one of the survey and thought i want to add a space. the sightings wouldn't be sits all 4 in the areas where they,
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in total all water span. so and we will publish some of the latest developments across all platforms. another question, why? why the air plan a value on a wing is on deployment. there are things on platforms that are deployed to defend as right you. this includes such, it'll planes on other driving devices. on last night, i would love to go into details about all of randomness and the scenarios that we have. but it pad our duty is to defend the citizens of s, i. e, every where and where to submit that i would do it today again that i will address who again on this platform with any new developments. okay, so that is the, is really ministry spokesperson announcing that israel has laws. so iran, excuse me,
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has launch several drones that are on route towards israel. so he was giving a military briefing. he's saying he's talking to the public saying that he will keep them informed of any further developments. let's bring in. we're a challenge. once again, here who's joining us from occupied east jerusalem. so rory, um israel. now making that announcement that iran has lawn several drones. what else has the military se, the good that we got out of that is the confirmation. isn't that i was just saying uh before i got ready came off so they were report circulating on social media that drains being told with the skies as a rock already. that was the is ready, minute feet confirming exactly that that so essentially as we speak right now, israel is under attack, so we know that deborah plains, patrolling in the skies above the country. we know that benjamin netanyahu is meeting with the, his full cabinets and the security cabinet this evening. we understand that they
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are considering the shopping down of ben gerber in apple. it's inside of the, that's the international apple. it's a full set, the whole country. so this is a country, basically by name, down the hatches of the moment, waiting for those dragoons to arrive dining a gallery that was saying that everyone should be listening to the instructions that put out officially, that's uh, the he said, go to the shelters when you're told to use and stay there for a significant amount of time. if they made sure that everyone understood that the is ready, the defenses are good. but then not a 100 percent low ad defense is a 100 percent effective. so it is very possible that some of these drawings might get through that net and caused disruption, damage wherever they hit. and any information, rory, on how long the event drones take to arrive
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for they had already didn't confirm how long they would take to arrive. know what i heard anyway bots from what i have been reading these are the shot head drones. the 136 trojans that i've been use extensively by russia in to, in ukraine. so he trying to have the lot experience of his phone sold, some bombardments by these tribes, then not lost the gens be binding any stretch. so, you know, it's a, it's a considerable distance from here on out to israel. they will have to go over several countries through other countries as space. the expectation is that these, these drugs could take as much as 9 hours to arrive. so yeah, these were i'll have some time to get ready for this. that's assuming that there is no other kind of a sold that is on the way as well. ms. silas cruz and it sounds ballistic missiles that kind of thing. this could be a multi pronged attack,
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but as we know at the moment, is there any drains that are being launch, rory, and up until this point, what sorts of preparations had been taking place in israel? i mean, we've heard from several officials that israel has been on is on full alert since forces are in full alert. yeah, it has been for, for the 5 or a week now. so the fast preparations that we had in the off them off of that. so april, the 1st strike on the rainy and come to that complex and in damascus, when they were on then said that it was going to retaliate. so that the immediate thing that israel date militarily was to cancel whole leave full combat forces. so any better group of troops there was about to go home, go on, home, needed cetera. that was cancelled. they had to stay exactly where they will be, we deployed or around the country. the other thing the, these, right?
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these stayed with a whole lot at defense reserve is to mind the defense raise. they also started jamming a gps around the country. and that jamming has been on and off since then causing some disruption for people trying to navigate the way around with, with that phones all signed have equipment. and of course, uh consumers and ends. the embassies around the wells were put on high low because that was the other fed, not just that is around like the attacks from the to the country itself. but that israel side facilities around the world might be vulnerable to sites embassies and concepts put on, put on hot, but now we understand that that'd be more precautions taken since then. we have planes up in the sky and these are out of thing working very closely with the united states. we had a high profile visits to israel in the last few days. the general who heads up the
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us central commodity, was it basically coordinating all of the sickles intelligence uh, the united states force pulse jack in the region. how it might help israel, both the tax and rep how or shoot down, etc. whatever a rom boys got before i got there and that bowen is right now. so we will see in the as the comments how this is all gonna play out. okay, well we will let you go for the time being. thank you so much for returns for that a report from occupied east jerusalem and well, not bringing heidi so castro who's joining us from washington, dc. so uh, heidi, i mean, earlier we were reporting the us president joe biden had returned to the white house and made all this tension. has there been an official reaction to this development? the during is actually still in the air right now for this emergency meeting of the security council. so that was called just hours ago. he had been planning to spend this weekend at his beach home and now should be landing at the
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white house in the next few minutes. this is a meeting again of the national security council, which in this meeting specifically will be at the highest level report only. there will be the secretary of state as well as the secretary of defense who will be meeting with president biden. so it appears that there may have been some intelligence, perhaps of this drone a fleet that we were just hearing for a tell us about that is now heading toward israel. and that we're seeing that you as president hedge of the white house to help coordinate the us response to this. this is something that perhaps was for shadowed just a day ago when the president, speaking to reporters, said that he saw that attack from iran on israel. what happened sooner rather than later. his word, one word of warning to you wrong yesterday was just don't that appears to have been ignored. as we also know that,
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that the us secretary of defense has been meeting continuously with israel's defense minister and has been continuing to coordinate what could be the potential us response. the message from the pentagon and describing that conversation was that the us was reiterating his unwavering support for israel's defense, which we may cease to unfold. okay, uh heidi, thank you so much for the time being a heidi reporting for us from washington dc. slow allows me to todd curtis has an aviation, and i listened the founder of era safe dot com. he's with us live from san francisco . welcome to alger 0. thanks for your time. todd curtis. we're hearing that. jordan is announcing the closure of its aerospace under reports also that israel is closing its air space. what does this mean? this is not in my opinion or abundance of caution. the kinds of aircraft that
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apparently heading toward israel aren't necessarily targeting airliners or other aircraft, or the kind of drums that were mentioned earlier wouldn't be the passenger air traffic. however, there are going to be a lot of on those most situation, including any sorts of defensive activity on the part of israel and others. so airliners even if they were not told to not sign that space. the management of those companies have taken steps. in fact, looking at a live picture from one of the tracking services, there are a lot of aircraft going to the east and west of jordan and israel, but very few in those aerospace is do expect other countries to follow suit in the region. as far as avoiding that aerospace a certain of the countries in question, any country has the right to open or close its air space as jordan has already stated that and given what might be happening in israel, even if it's real. there's not especially close at aerospace, most airliners,
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most airline management companies, even the executive jet squid, avoid their space simply because of the hazard that exist, not just from military activity, but from the reported jamming of gps signals. yeah, i'm glad you raised that point. so that's what i wanted to get onto next because some countries in the past recently actually not in the past the past few days have been reporting a gps disruption countries like jordan iraq, kuwait, syria, 11 on what is that down to as well? because the why that's being done, there's many ways that this can be done because the signals from the gps satellites can be overwhelmed by defensive measures. but with respect to aircraft operations, uh gts navigation is one of the key assets of navigational tools that most airliners even small aircraft that it's not the only tool. and in fact, in the us and elsewhere, there's actually plans in place to use
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a limited set of navigational signals to take off and land from airports. should gps be compromised. and i'm pretty certain that around the world that sort of backup plan is in place. either with the individual aircraft operating companies or with nations that if you do not have the primary means of navigation, which is g p s. many cases, there are secondary means, many which existed before gps that can allow aircraft to fly safely. what are the reasons why a country or states or whoever would want to jam gps a well, on a state level, that is a state level actually like a kind of like a national authority. there could be some immediate, a national security issues that would cause them to jammed the settings. and as i stated before, the gps satellites are sort of like radio stations. that is a broadcast continuously. and it's up to the receiving area as to whether or not
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they just want to accept the signal storage. and in most cases, radio signals that are like that aren't jammed course during the cold war. there is a lot of that going on, especially in the the countries line with the soviet union jamming radio signal is short way of another from the western states in the modern era. because gps is so heavily used by civilian and military and government entities. there's usually a lot of incentives, not to jam the seconds because if you're jamming it for one user, your jammy and for all use, right. what kind of impact does it have then on sort of commercial aviation? well, in personal aviation, again, there are procedures in place for that just about every airline has in many smaller operators. that is, if gps has an operating, there's certain kinds of things you can do. for example, in united states,
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many of the approaches in the aircraft and to airports rather than our precision approach is that is that in the old days, i used to use something called the instrument landing system. well, that still is in place, but there's also the gps space systems that have as good and sometimes even better fidelity than some of the older systems. but if those gps systems go down, or if they're in somehow or another, there's a problem with it. there are, in many cases, a backup system, you can use that airport does not have a backup system. perhaps that aircraft can't fly that running a and a, just a final thought from you're going to put this sort of all into context, give us an idea of how much traffic they are actually using the air. well, in the modern era, there are several services that use the signal, sir broadcast by just about every airliner where you can go online and look at and see what traffic is happening. and i looked at that just a few minutes before this interview is still
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a considerable number of airliners flying to and from the middle east area. and most of them are taking a route that goes over eastern or rock going north and south, and another set of routes going over western egypt. and there's still dozens of aircraft in the air. and in, at least for now, there is no real sense that there is possible military activity that's aimed at high flying aircraft. if that were the case, then you would see that traffic going on. but should that change? should there be a burial aspect to whatever is going on? then you might see a, a very big reduction in civilian airliners flying in that area. okay, we'll leave it there. thank you for speaking to us from a san francisco. thank you for having me. a whole list, i'll bring in some, some better costs. he's a professor of public policy at the time i've been hunting for university. welcome back to l to 0. so now we have this development as real is not confirming that
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dozens of drones have been launched from iran towards israel for us. can be your initial reading on this iranian retaliation. well, 1st i'd like to related to what's going on in guys that because i see what's happening, nothing. yeah. who is really getting his way into it in 2 ways. first, he's distracting the whole world from guys. all right. and the story has moved from the atrocities that he's committed and goes into the potential of iran retaliating to the talk zone. and the 2nd and 2nd, which is also important, is it by going for this embassy and mosque cuz he knew that you would provoke any action from your on that the line would have no choice. but to do something with a, this is going to be effective and also seeing few hours, but he knew that they would react. and by then, by acting, he will silence any criticism coming from the light taps for his operations. and guys, and it's got the opposite. he's now line them all up again. friends are united kingdom,
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the us to support him in defending himself from what she's now framing as an unprovoked attack by it, by iran. and this what's going on at the moment. they've just send the message to my brother, and i might ask him to check the gps that he said, his phone shows that he has an above 11. so what they've done with this must be with the support of the nice sites. and is there a big jammed the uh, the system between israel and, and the are on i was just a suspect. this is just to make sure that those drones and not able to reach their targets uh accurately. yeah. i mean, i know that um will obviously have to wait to see what sort of impact fees drones have, and whether they'll also be intercepted. correct. well, it's a very old way to react, to be honest, given the capabilities iran has, we know that they don't have the crafts the jets to attack as ro, but they do have long range missiles for the sticking sizes,
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etc. and then even iraq had to move in for 2 years ago. but to go for the drones which are not very fast, they take a long time to come and, and they're gonna have to cross a number of bases that are already operated by the americans. they can shoot them down before they come to israel. the iron government is ro, it doesn't really look like an attack that is intended to close that much, much time. so what's it reminds me is behind us that it's, you must be of the latest ones. they did in 2020, against the american bases in iraq, where the bases were emptied before the attack took place. it allows them to stand up in front of the population to say, we've done what we could. but we're going to stop at this. you know, we was not really intended to be as devastating as it could have been, had they, for example, as hezbollah to them directly from northern lebanon. what was the attack? would it be different exactly that?
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i mean, is it significant that the drones were launched from iran itself and not from, let's say, iraq, syria, or 11 on it, just significance in the sense that this is about them. uh, protecting their standing out amongst allies within the excess of resistance. that's not we were attacked, and they consider the embassy as parts of their southern surgery. we were attacked directly, we will respond from iran directly. but as i said, i think it's strange that they would do it with jones, with this long distance. how much pressure or where they are radians under to respond to that is really a talk on their consulate in damascus. and they're, they're under pressure, but they, they did not really have to do it if, if that makes any sense in the sense that from 2011 until today is that it has attacked 300 times or more every day and targets in syria and lebanon, and, and on responded to non, to why they chose to respond to this time. it's
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a question mark i'm and for some of you know, if you look at it from a conspiracy, if the raising the support thing now that's in the whole, or are they working? i guess that's a now because they've given him away out of the more of tie that has turned against him. you know, the whole world is so that has been on this slide installed for the last 10 for the last 2 or 3 weeks. and on the 1st of april, he went out on purpose to provoke them through this embassy. and now by the, by them react. they would help him really re position himself as the victim in the region. but in some ways, i mean, they were put between a sort of a rock and a hard place weren't they? because they, they had to look like they were doing something. and my guess from iran, a short time ago was saying there was a lot of public pressure domestically on the government to do some time. i'm sure there is, but there are many other ways that they wanted to be more effective that they could have done. and we'll see, i mean it's very difficult so we will see what happens in the coming few hours. but
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the likelihood my, my money is on there, what does not cause my child? how do you think is there going to be and is really retaliation? i mean, we know that the, the head of centcom wasn't israel and isn't israel. and he was reportedly coordinating the, is really response to the arabian response. what do you expect that to be if this is similar to what happened 2020, there would be no retaliation. it is just designed to allow the ideas to really some pressure and everything would go back to them. if it's not, then yes is, or i could be a retaliation. and the worst scenario is a little 1st, you will not vitality to so they will use the united states to retaliate united states as in for that they are now. their forces are in the mediterranean as, and they have that capability to, to retaliate them that towards the sites that they have the appetite to retaliates
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. i mean, do they want to get a, brought into this and principles actually not in principle? no, i mean by that whole who's doctrine has been about withdrawing from the me the days for drawing. so i've got his time focusing on china focusing on russia a, i'm sure them the session would not want to do it, but how they left with a choice this, but i don't know. i think that the now is, is definitely and now drawing the game he's, he's the man who's dictating the rules. okay. so tom part of thoughts will let you go for and i'll thank you so much for that analysis. well, let's recap. the breaking news for you and israel says that iran has launch several drones targeted israel. the is really a military spokesman, daniel how garry said the drones will take several hours before they reach israel's aerospace. to need to be alert to unfold instructions of the domestic from the so we had no such that i said we have dealt with them in the past. uh, so once you hit the site, it ends on the, on long as you need to head to the um,
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shelters and you need to stay there for at least 10 minutes. notice then that would be informed if you need to stay longer. we would like to ask you to not to spread, i me role models, you need to seek your information from the military on option blout forms. i will keep you updated on latest, develop them. and so i would like to stress the importance of following instructions and guidelines on what military is a will read the own readiness through all throughout all it's brand shares. now we are in close coordination with the united states and our partners in the region to work again is such a lone chairs and drop them down the way out on the high alerts and readiness um by a water air force. we also have.


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