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tv   Talk to Al Jazeera Roberto Alvarez Gil  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am AST

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let's see here, the sirens on the alarms, you need to head to the shelters, and you need to stay there for at least 10 minutes. notice them that and you would be informed if you need to stay longer. we would like to ask you to not to spread. i me role models. you need to seek your information from the military on option blog forms, i will keep you updated on latest, develop them. and so i would like to stress the importance of following instructions and guidelines on what military is when a read the own readiness through all throughout all it's brand shares. now we are in close coordination with the united states on our part doors in the region. to work again is such a lone chairs and drop them down the way out on the high alerts and readiness. but by what airforce, we also have other defensive defense of platforms. all. what ad force is excellent
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on, on how you read them as to how we are using. we need to remember that defenses are not 100 percent effective. however, we need to follow the instructions by the domestic phone question, the ones that have been loans when aware of the sirens activated. i wouldn't report on launch drones. they take some time before they arrive to the in the aerospace so once they and thought i want to add a space, the sightings wouldn't be sits all 4 in the areas where they in total all water span. so, and we will publish some of the latest developments across all platforms. another question, why, why the plan?
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a value on a wing is on deployment. there are things on platforms that are deployed to defend as right. you. this includes such, it'll planes on other drumming devices on last month. now, i would love to go into details about all of randomness and the scenarios that we have. but it pad our duty is to defend the citizens of s, i. e everywhere and where to submitted. well, shortly before that announcement, that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu address the nation saying that the army is prepared for any scenario. for my son in law, who is really citizens in recent years and even more so in recent weeks, israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from iran or defense systems or deployed. we are prepared for any scenario, both in the defense and attack. the state of israel is strong,
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the idea is strong and the public a strong. we appreciate the us standing by israel side as well as the support of great britain, france, and many other countries. i established a clear principle. whoever hurts us, we hurt them. we will protect ourselves from any threats and will do so with coolness and determination. i know that you citizens of israel are also keeping your cool. i urge you to listen to the directives of the homefront of command together. we will stand and with god's help together, we will overcome all our enemies. uh and uh, we have a re challenz who's running is not from occupied east jerusalem. uh where we, i believe we're just gonna show some pictures of there that we'll come back to in a 2nd, but that is a live picture from uh, the joint base andrews over in the us. and that's the president in the helicopter right there, president biden. so arriving now with a joint face andrews as this developing stories is ongoing with israel with a ron launching drones towards israel. now we'll bring and we'll reach out and sees
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joining us from occupied east jerusalem following all the developments from there for us. so rory, you've also been listening to the military, radio and israel, whatever they've been saying at this time. well, what i think people here would, would be very surprised if it was just a drawing and striking that's what was being reflected on his way. they made a tree right here with the moment as well. if this is just a driver and then the expectation is that as rails multi lead a defense system could probably do with it, fairly effectively boss that they don't think that it will be just drug. and so i think that's a iran will most likely use drones as an initial buy raj. and then that might be a follow up with ballistic or cruise missiles. now they're wrong. would it be blushing out what's being going on and you try and very closely hire the the last
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year or 2. and what the russians have been doing is exactly that. they use uh drones, at the same drawings that iran has just launched against israel, because that's where they originally came from. the show has 136 se sending those 2 items, the russians to ukraine, to deplete the defense pass rays of ones, photos, pad defense box raise. however, low on the ad defends myself, advanced when they send in ballistic missile is full cruise missiles. adams, the ad defends batteries have nothing left in them to shoot those down. so it means there's a greater chance that the, that the missiles be the cruise, whole ballistic, get through and hit that target spouse a 0. israel has a much better system because at defense the new crane county has it has a multi last defendant system which includes time done, which we all know about because that skill sets off very frequently to do with
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rockets when they come from has bola and, and and 11 and also a large part how may i assist in gaza? but there are other defense systems that israel has as well. cool. one, a good david slayton, and another one called arrow to an arrow 3. and together, these make up a, kind of what's called a multi letter defense system, which means way to deal with different friends in different ways. now these rel, their defense systems are being well tested against things like rockets, computer records, that sort of thing. and that's what they've been tested against a cruise missile, and that less well tested against drones who owns as well. so there was a big question about events about how well he's rails pad defense can deal with the kind of things that are just being launched against it. and we will see when they, when they arrive, and that, that is believed to be properly in about 6 to 9 hours time, which is that duration that it takes for the drones to get from the inside skin
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iran to israel, assuming that they haven't been any launch from case of buy. okay, rory, stand by for just a moment. i'm going to bring and heidi, so castro, joining us from washington to uh, you're looking at the live picture there. are president biden now arriving at the joint base andrews over in the us. so, i mean, president biden, heidi will be keeping a very close eye on the developments he'll be getting a regular updates. have we had any official reaction from the white house amid all of those going on a well, we've had confirmation from a national security council spokesperson that indeed, the us says, iran has lot launched this round stripe toward israel and president biden cutting short his plans. this weekend and his vacation home and now hurrying to get back to the white house for a meeting with his national security council at the highest of level. this meeting will include the us defense secretary,
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as well as the secretary of state and abide and has been getting continuous updates about this unfolding situation. according to the national security council spokesperson, as he's making his way back to the white house, and that the us is in constant communication with is really officials and its partners and allies. this coming, just as we've known that uh that of lloyd austin, a u. s. secretary of defense has been in constant communication with israel's defense minister earlier a statement from the pentagon saying that us, once again, we committed it's quote, unwavering us support for israel's defense. now we will see how that coordination, how that response may unfold. biden's a bite and netanyahu's differences over the way that the israel has been waging as for on gaza, apparently now set aside as the 2 partners respond to this attack from iran
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in a coordinated manner. yeah, and i mean, we'll, uh, we'll have to, i guess, wait and see what that manner would be. but do we have any idea based on recent comments? how that reaction will actually play out to the pentagon and the white house has been very mom on that. obviously it's something that we're all wondering. what we can look at though is the us reordering are moving around its military assets in the region. exactly how they have also not shared publicly. however, we know worship us. worship, says us war plains have been reconfigured in the region at the time it was announced, saying that it was to protect us forces and also to deter this type of escalation from iran. now that this moment appears to be unfolding, we will soon find out how the us is planning to respond to this, to come to israel's defense as of the top officials about. okay, um heidi,
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i'll let you go for now and not as a live picture once again of the us presidential bite and now arrived at the joint base andrews over in the us. so of course, we'll cover any reaction out of the us and bring it to you once again, we'll bring in a row. a challenge soon is joining us from occupied east jerusalem. so rory was this sort of attack expected in israel as at this time of the i think these readies were trying to provide for numerous different types of a sultan. and that's why they took various different precautionary measures more than a week ago. and what size mattress? well recap was israel dates and several days ago when the french was initially made by iran that it was canceled latavia. and so they cancels leave for
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a combat units of the army. so that meant that they were basically preparing for the possibility of some sort of ground action, not just things coming for the sky, but things happening on the grounds. now the most likely location for that to happen would have been from lab and on that and then you know to, to the noise. that's, that could have been some sort of ground. the caching has been a flights as for example. um, but i also got pulled up for this for the defense units, which indicated that they were preparing for things to be coming from the sky. they oversight started jamming gps around the country. and we understand from daniel allegories that advance is going on today as well. as they are now, that these drawings are incoming, that there is widespread gps traffic going on. so try not to disrupt those drivers when they get place to is ready space. and the other thing that these are at these
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are thinking might be a possibility, was an attack on a coincidence or an embassy somewhere. so they have put that the difference in their confidence menissi is around the wells on, on highlight space of he's heading them to take all the precautions that they need to take to make sure that they are safe. but i think one of those things a standing the thread of an arrow attack, some sort of driving old me saw by raj. that was always going to be the most likely . that was what the americans was heading them. there was my slight feet from the intelligence that they would gathering. that is why we have had a visit to his rad over the last couple of days from the general in charge of us central come on to the a's with the, with these already made a tree about what to do with intelligence sharing signals, intelligence, all that kind of things that america is high tech ministry as well suited to do. they were sharing that information with the x rays. and the assumption was that it
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was likely to be some sort of combined attack by driving this and cruise or ballistic missiles and rory we're hearing as well. um or can you confirm then that is realizing the close the fit your space a. hi, congress is what it said that it's pricing is headspace, but we do know that passengers who've been going to been good in a tube that's the main the on the international level to and is ready to, to get so on how to national carrier planes to go on a holiday or what's a guy, wherever they, they going all being turned away from the gate. so flights being cancelled at the moment. i con, confirm with it as space in, in general is being shot down uh for the whole of the country. but we do know that jordan, the next door has shut down, it says space. we know that a rock has shut down, it says space as well. these are the countries that these drawings are going to be
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kept passing through on that route from there on to israel. so as space has been shut down across the region, and we understand that benjamin netanyahu was meeting with the vote, cabinets of this evening. he was also meeting with a security cabinet which they were going to discuss whether or not so shut down a space, but yes, passengers are being turned away from flights of development and flights of being canceled. okay, roy, thank you for the time being for the occupied east, jerusalem, and just to pick up on what roy was saying. so take a look at with the aerospace over the region. looks like right now. there it is. so you can see that the other areas the plains are avoiding so it's not patch in the middle there where plains are clearly avoiding that area. that is but your space in the region as it stands right now. what we can ask them, how much veronda has a political and security analyst at the university to to her on joining us on skype
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. welcome back child to 0. so just about an hour or so ago when we were speaking on air, you were saying that the iran will be retaliating, did you expect this type of a response? and yes, i was very confident that we would have a significant response. and i think that there is a bit more to come. what do you mean by that? that's just my understanding that the, the risk be ronnie and response will be significant and it will be a complex operation. they run into been playing mind games with b is rarely rushing for the last week and a half and i think people have been enjoying it. and ultimately the is right in the regime has to face the consequences. it has carried out assassinations in iran over the years. it has
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a carried out to sabotage. it has repeatedly bombed syria against international law and targeted iran and its allies. and ultimately the regime. the genocidal regime attacked the iranian embassy and the un security in the un security council. the united states, britain in france, refuse to condemn this strike on an embassy. so there was no other way for them to directly punish this, right in the machine. they basically were asking for it. when you say that there is more to come, i will the response if there is more to come. indeed, will it be from radians, soil or is the expectation that attacks could take place from other countries in the region, syria, iraq, lab, and on, for example,
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as well. the attack from iran is what is being carried out of the iranians have also uh, i think warren today is right in the regime on many occasions that it will be punished and when they did carry out the final attack on them. but yeah, i think that was the straw that broke the camel's back in the past. the iranians refrain from responding both because syria has had so many problems, it has enough problems as it is due to the dirty work carried out by these rarely used americans, nato, on the countries since 2011 and as they deployed isis. and now how kindly they against the syrian people and sanctions and us occupies the country as we speak. so the iranians showed strategic patience. in addition, over the last 6 months, the iranians also again showed strategic patients because they wanted the focused on of the world to remain on the genocide and gossip. but now these are,
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these have gone too far. and the iranian so are showing this really is that they can hit them and they can hit them hard. and then also showing to the americans that the wrong cannot be intimidated. and without a doubt, if, after this strikes the nothing yahoo regime makes the foolish mistake of striking back at the running targets. then it's going to get much worse for the regime where the iran not big concerns. but this is indeed taking away from the attention of, of calls on what's going on in gaza. the hey, ryan has made a huge sacrifices for the policy and people for decades. we all know that the resistance in palestine who's supporting it, we all know who's supporting the resistance and 11 on into supporting the resistance and iraq and siri and gammon. and we know that the ron has been paying
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the price to decades of sanctions and harassment. but this is, randy regime has struck iranian embassy and that is a run in sovereignty. if you, ron does not respond to this road regime tomorrow, it will strike another embassy the day after it will strike even, or yet another embassy. so since the un security council, since the british, the french and the americans support the bombing of the rhyming embassies, the ronnie ends have no option, but to make the is riley regime, pay the price and it will pay the price of what it also did in the past, so what impact do you expect these drone attacks to have? i mean, we're just hearing from this is, according to the reuters news agency who's reporting that jordan's air defenses. jordan, of course, has closed their space. jordan's air defenses were ready to intercept and shoot down any iranian drones or aircraft that violate it's aerospace. well,
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i think history will well remember where everyone stood during the gaza genocide who was supporting casa, who was supporting the palestinian people and who is doing business. and trade with it is right in the regime. this will be for the history books. but the ronnie ends of their attack on the is really rigid regime is substantial. the hope and expectation is that there will be damage to the regime and we may see more than just drones. this is a ron for pared, for a possible, is really retaliation. again, possibly in coordination with the united states. a very, very, very small part of the ron's arsenal is being used tonight. and if there's really regime attempts to strike back,
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they will be hit even harder. and if the americans make this stupid mistake of carrying out aggression, they will lose the rock. they will lose syria and any country that host american bases, they will be sorry for it, but the united states and the white house has already said that the us will support israel's defense against any airborne attack from iran. this is what we're hearing right now. as well as i told you, the united states is redeemed. that is a partner in this genocide or in this how the costs as the president and president and many others have called it comparing it to what the german nazis did during the 2nd world war. this is the european genocide, this is the canadian genocide. this is the australian genocide that's being carried out in front of the eyes of the world. they have no dignity, no honor, no shame and no morals. but they know that you rom has power and they know that you,
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ron has the will to defend itself as it is showing tonight. so if the united states wants the global economy to go down, if it wasn't oil and gas exports throughout the world to be undermine, and the price of gasoline could to go through the roof, then it can make a stupid decision. but i think for the sake of self interest, the united states will make a smarter choice. and i think also that since they have also another war going on in the ukraine and they sanctioned the russians any, any problem that is created in the oil or gas market will definitely help their adversary in moscow. i mean, up until this point we understand wisdom or on the that there had been sort of diplomatic back channels and conversations that were, are taking place in directly between the united states and the ron. and can you
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tell us about some of those conversations on the diplomacy that was going on behind the scenes? but obviously there are many things that i don't know. i do know that the iranians told the americans that if they stay out of the way and if they say out of harm's way, nothing will happen to them because it's not up to none of their business. also, i think the iranians have pushed for an immediate cease fire to end the genocide and gaza. uh, but uh, the americans and their allies are keen on continuing their full support for the is riley regime. iranians are demanding an immediate see sign up. uh, because of any problem that come on sort of stomach joe hard or has, but a lot of homes that are not for the hash it in the rock or the resistance in iraq
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and see already have no they're, they're actually beating the is really regime on the battlefields, it's only because of the women and children and innocent men and women who are being massacred in godaddy. ron wants an immediate cease fire, but um, the americans don't have the political will to do anything to end this. they will, can they continue to support this ongoing genocide and so on their partners? so there's really no path forward. but for you, ron, to punish the is randy regime for it's repeat, it strikes on the running targets to teach the regime a lesson to not to, to make sure this continues this aggression but the resistance fronts, the heroic resistance in gaza and loving on in human analysis where they will continue to feedback. it is randy regime and ultimately the only solution for
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palestine is to dismantle the apartheid regime to, to bring about a country, a state where christians, jews, muslims, are all considered as human beings, an equal human beings. okay. mohammed around to thank you for so much for joining us from a to hong this evening. we're going to stick with the wrong thing in our correspondence or so jabari has also joining us from there. so it's doors. so tell us what's being said officially about this to talk wells are in just a short while ago. we got a official statement from the revolutionary guard who set the following. in their statement. they said that's and they have launched thousands of drones and ms. ios to hit some specific targets inside, occupying the occupied territories, to punish the legitimate regime. and the details of the operation that was approved by the supreme national security council, along with other defense arthritis is in the country,
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will be announced later. we're waiting for more details, of course, from what we understand according to what we're seeing on local media. it radians, i've been hearing these drones passing over there and the skies in some parts of the country. of course, we didn't get any warnings from officials to or that this was about to happen. however, there had been threats over the past 10 days that iran would retaliate in some way . that is what we've been waiting for, and this is what we're seeing unfold tonight. and it's or so, how mean how is, uh, how do we expect the sort of a range in public to react to this as well. i think there will be certainly a sense of a worry once as they wake up or after the next few hours. it's quite late here now, and most of the public is gone to bed, but when they wake up, they will realize what has transpired, and we'll have to see what the status is. at that point. we know that israel has
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threatened to striker on immediately if any of the rainy and missiles or drones hit their territory. the question now is, will these drawings all the interest out that we don't know how many have been launch towards israel? how many will actually make it? how many will be interest? half that if there's any missiles to follow it, be written in public has been of course, worried over the past few days, but not taking these threats very seriously believing that iran was just pastoring trying to sound tough in light of what happened in damascus on april 1st, but, but certainly this will change that dynamic. there will be many people who wonder how life will go on when they wake up on sunday morning. what will need to be done? like i said, there's been no warning, no guidance from the governments or the security establishment about what needs to happen in terms of the general public should be prepared for any kind of a retaliatory response from israel and the door. so i know news just coming in
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and this is obviously a developing story. but are you getting any sense of whether there will be more attacks launched from iran a well, i think we're getting hints that this is the drones are not the, the beginning, and the end of it's from the language we see from the statement. would it be from the revolutionary guards? i think we're going to see more of what's to come, not necessarily just from iran, but also from neighboring countries that have proxies that are void loyal to iran. and it's a cause i think we're going to have to watch carefully how they, who sees will respond, how the militias in iraq will respond. and of course, has, will, is a big player in the region as well, how they will respond. and if this is indeed at a coordinated attack, they will have to be involved somehow as well. we'll see that in the coming hours for now it, we're just seeing what iran has done from the footage that we've seen briefly of
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the drones as flying over a certain parts of the country and then southern iraq aid appears that these are the show has 136 drones that we've seen be used in ukraine by the russians to which iran admitted that they had sold to rush out before the war started in 2022. and the is really officials estimate that these drones will reach their air space in the next 2 hours, roughly if they can interest something before then we're going to see how that will also unfold and ortho, um, just one more while i have you with us, i mean, up until this point, how much pressure has a rainy and government been under it to do something to respond to, of course, worth reminding our viewers that this is according to the iranians retaliation for the is really strike on their consulate in damascus earlier this month. with killed a r g c commander's. so yes,
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7 members of the revolutionary guards were killed in damascus in a strike under reading consulate. now the reigning officials, including the supreme leader, said that this was a declaration of war. it was an act of war because they considered, or consulate iranian soil. and that this is the response be ringing. a representative to the united nations had said over the past 48 hours that had the officials at the security council condemn israel. iran would have been satisfied without response, but that did not happen in the united states. the u. k. france, as they did not condemn israel's acts, they refuse to take that step of that security council emergency meeting that was called within 24 hours of the air strike and syria. so that followed what followed . that was the officials here using the rhetoric that is now in the hands of the radians to show a response to israel. because of course,
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this is not the 1st time israel has done something like this. carried out targeted assassinations on high ranking officials of the revolutionary guard.


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