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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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so yes, 7 members of the revolutionary guards were killed in damascus, in a strike under reading consulate. now the reigning officials, including the supreme leader, said that this was a declaration of war. it was an act of war because they considered, or consulate iranian soil. and that this is the response be ringing. a representative to the united nations had said over the past 48 hours that had the officials at the security council condemn israel. iran would have been satisfied without response. but that did not happen in the united states. the u. k. france, as they did not condemn israel's acts, they refuse to take that step of that security council emergency meeting that was called within 24 hours of the air strike and syria. so that followed what followed . that was the officials here using the rhetoric that is now in the hands of the radians to show a response to israel. because of course,
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this is not the 1st time israel has done something like this. carried out targeted assassinations on high ranking officials of the revolutionary guard. there has been assassinations in syria, in iran, inside the country, as well as of course the united states a when they killed us. and so the money in baghdad in 2020. so iran felt that it was in a position that if they did not respond to this time, then really this kind of behavior by israel would continue indefinitely. and they couldn't afford to look week, not only to their proxies in the region, but also to the public inside the country. because they have been preaching this narrative for decade. now that they are able to defend themselves, that they are strong and powerful defensive at country. they spent nearly 50 percent of their budget annually on defense spending. so what it, where is all that money going? if they're not going to use what they have to defend themselves when israel attacks
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them on a continuous basis from october 7th until now is rarely airstrikes have killed a team, members of a wrong revolutionary guard in syria alone. iran has rest responded by striking various different positions before until tonight. so this is how it is unfolding now as a result of all the events leading up to this. okay, the door. so we'll let you go for an hour. we'll check in with you. i'm sure in the next few minutes. thank you so much for the time being for that reporting from toronto, that is a live picture of from tel aviv where in the past hour or so, we were told that iran has launched roan attacks towards israel. so it's just gone past 2100 hours gmc, this is continuing coverage or for breaking news or developing new story. or iran has launched an attack against israel using dozens of drones and missiles. so it comes after that uranium embassy in damascus was attacked at the start of the month
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of to ron blames israel for that attack. well, the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu as address the nation saying the country is prepared for any scenario is really combat planes are in the air. until of eve's been glory, an airport is temporarily shot for the, for my son in law who is really citizens in recent years and even more so in recent weeks, israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from iran or defense systems or deployed we are prepared for any scenario, both in defense and attack. the state of israel is strong, the idea is strong and the public a strong. we appreciate the us standing by israel side as well as the support of great britain, france, and many other countries. i established a clear principle. whatever hurts us, we heard them. we will protect ourselves from any threats and will do so with coolness and determination. i know that you citizens of israel are also keeping
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your cool. i urge you to listen to the directives of the homefront combined together. we will stand and with god's help together, we will overcome all our enemies a while the us president joe biden has cut a weekend trip to delaware, sort for urgent consultations. he's meeting with his national security team to monitor the situation. jordan, iraq and israel have all temporarily closed their aerospace. we have a team of correspondents covering the story we started occupied east jerusalem with rory, child and so rory and tell us what you're hearing from your end at this very moment . well we've had the confirmation now haven't way from iran, from the gc that the attack that it is launched on these route is not just limited to drones box. it includes massages as well and that's,
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i think was always the expectation of that. so the israel and the united states had this, when this attack came, if it did come from this guy, it was going to be a combined attack. it was going to be a multitude of different aspects coming from iran, perhaps from is proxies as well. now, the american official has been talking throughout his era and said that they haven't, yes, see evidence of miss launches, but we know that the radians have confirmed that that is what they all of these going to be doing. so we also are hearing that is rails power of friends in the region ah, per pads to do some of the heavy lifting in, shooting down, intersecting these trends. and we are starting to get some reports coming in already that that has begun to take place. when any of these drawings and
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missile do gets, as far as israel, then they are going to meet with these rails multi lead defense system. it includes of course, and i'm the famous one that's frequently shoots down rocket is coming from gaza and rockets coming from has blah and 11. and but israel has all the defense system as well. it has david smearing it has power to an arrow 3. these together make up a multi lead defense system designed to deal with a multitude of different aerial threats. now, in this morning, wells in which we are living and of course, drones of the coming, increasing the prominence and what we've seen from ukraine in the past year or so, is the russians using combined threats. they against
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a crazy and ad defenses to overwhelm those? a defense isn't that he's exactly the type of driving so that in coming a mile into it is what it's doing. so it's saying that that cold, the shower head, 136. so the frightening is a very, very familiar with these trains when they start to be used against them, the ukrainians of according to mode pads. but because of the incredibly sort of piercing sounds that the engines made as, as they came out of that, those drugs been updated since then. they are now whites out. but they still have a very distinctive sound and videos of being shared on social media and environment of that particular sounds being had in the dark skies of iraq as ease of reading and writing is kind of like that. but what the russians have been doing in, in ukraine is using these drugs as a sort of initial bi raj to exhaust air defense systems. and then they launched ballistic whole cruise missiles to cause the significant amount of damage. so we
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might well be saying that models playing out here. and of course the big question is how capable he's, he's way the headphones combined with that. how paul's a power of countries in the region, and of course, combined with the united states and what it can do in the region as well. we will have as plans off, it will be using it says assets to, to help as well. shoot these targets houses. the sky is well done, a hook already was speaking out here on the is what he meant. if you spice person, se, sending these ready people that if you had the alarms, the right sirens, then you go to the right shelters. the stay that for it seemed to be the amount of time you follow the orders. he'd made his res, aware that yes, as well as of a highly capable, very proficient defense system. but it's not immune and it's not a 100 percent. it's not automatic. and it's already possible of things we'll get through. okay. all right. uh, thank you for the time being,
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let's get the perspective from iran and bringing dorsey jabari joining us from to her on so the door. so what's being said officially about this attack? well, we've had a statement during from the revolutionary guards, they are now calling this mission, let's say, to promise that is what is the title of this attack by the revolutionary guard. and they said that they have launched dozens of drones and missiles a to hit specific targets um inside occupied territories to punish do in legitimate regime. and the details of the operation was approved by the country's national national security supreme national security council and other defense apparatuses in iran and the details of it will be released soon. what we understand is that these drones are now under way to, as well as thousands of them had been reported spotter than the era of we've seen
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footage of the drones that the appear to be the shy head 136 drones. they have roughly a speed of a 185 kilometers per hour. we expect them to so not interested at to arrives in israel to the next few hours. what we do understand now is that the domestic airport into hong how about airport has seized operations between midnight and 5 am . so roughly for the next 5 hours, there will be no flights inside the country. the aerospace appears to be closed. we're checking on the status of the international airport to them. i'm hoping the at this time we don't have any details yet, but there's most likely that this waves of drones will continue in the coming hours . and this is the strategy that is being adopted by the revolutionary guards to exhaust what defense systems there are in place by not only israel, but by its allies, mainly due united states as well that have been put in place in the middle east,
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and then possibly see further attacks taking place with missiles door. so there was some sort of a speculation one can say coming out of the us, especially over the past few days as to when, how, where this arrange and retaliation would take place. but the radians themselves were largely silent. was this type of a task expected at all from it radians themselves? well, the silence was alarming to many inside the country. usually in these scenarios we've seen many high ranking officials from the head of the revolutionary guard to the head of ron's revolutionary guard aerospace division. these men come out and speak against the threats that they were facing an issue more threats for as well. but they've been fairly silent. the only person we've been hearing from is the man in charge of the armed forces and you're on supreme leader. i to live a hominy who said that on wednesday,
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during his age and prayer service and so wrong, he said that this was an attack on the line in iranian soil, and israel will be punished. that's all we really needed to hear the, the, when the, how we'd really didn't know. but we did. there was a lot of speculation by many that this, it would be some kind of a, a large scale multi pronged drone and miss all attack because that is the strength of iran. at the moment. iran has one of the biggest missiles arsenals in the middle east. so certainly that's what they would use and i think it was estimated by many that iran, this time around would have to respond directly from its own soil and not use neighboring countries or proxies in iraq or syria or 11 on a, or human to respond to israel and what they did in damascus on april 1st. so that was the general sense here. yeah, i'm just, i'm glad you bring up uh,
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damascus. because i was going to tell you to sort of put this all into a context for us and, and worth mentioning, that rainy and say this is in retaliation. it's a baby, a talk that took place on their embassy in damascus. yes. on april 1st, the israelis carried out an air strike on the console that section of the range, an embassy in damascus, killing 7, members of the wrong serve will be sure to guard, including for good year general zions. you one of the highest ranking revolutionary guard commanders who is very close to supreme leader. i told her how many was one of the in part of the inner circle of hominy who had been, has been in charge of this country over the past 3 decades. so that strikes really had a huge ramifications for the establishment tier and they felt that this time israel went too far. they did not attack this person and his entourage outside of the
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embassy grounds. but inside when they were having a meeting. and so they felt that they have to directly respond to this. and of course, this is not the 1st time israel has carried out this type of assassination. they killed factors. are there any waiting in nuclear scientists into wrong in 2020 and that was never of course, acknowledged by israel, but many here pointed the finger at israel and it's network of agents in the country. iran directly hadn't responded, but they felt that this time it was one step too far. and also, as they didn't have the condemnation of the united nations security council, which had an emergency meeting following that attack, the united states, britain and france did not condemn israel's actions. and they just called for de escalation. and iran is said that they are not trying to escalate the situation. they are trying to defend themselves. and that is what is being seen happening tonight. this is a wrong retaliating to an act of war by as well. okay,
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to or so thank you for that update from to her on a muscle bringing us us president joe biden has cut a weekend trip short and he's returned to washington dc to consult with his national security team. let's bring and heidi's or cast or joining us from washington dc. so what more do we know about if anything's come out of these meetings and what the president has have to say on an official capacity to these developments heidi to hold the ring a spokeswoman for the us national security council has confirmed that the us is monitoring minute by minute, this incoming drone attack from iran and that us president joe biden is en route now. in his motorcade toward the white house where he will convene a emergency situation room meeting with the top u. s. military commanders, as well as with the secretaries of state and defense,
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the director of the c i a and the national intelligence director. all of these high level us officials to help coordinate how the us says it will support israel's response to this attack from a ron would bite. and again repeating that phrase. we've heard over and over again that the us support for israel security is quote, iron clad. now the president is rushing back from the previously planned a stay at his vacation home this weekend. as we heard word of this incoming drone attack from iran, the president was already en route back to washington. as far as what the possible us support for israel's response may be. the pentagon has really shed very little information on that. what we do know isn't that the days leading up to this and as you, as official, after years official, including president of binding himself said that this attack was imminent. the pentagon had been moving around us for ships and war planes in the region. we know
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that there are at least to us navy destroyers loading off the coast of israel. one of them reported lee armed with the i us missile defense system, which is capable of taking down a ballistic missiles. and as far as what, how that will be gauge whether it will be engaged, whether the us mason fighter jets up into the air space of, of jordan, or a rock to try to intercept these drones in route. all of that remains to be seen. but the us president and his highest military and intelligence officials keeping tabs on exactly what's happening and saying they are monitoring this alongside. there's really allies. yeah. and heidi, i suppose, i mean, we'll have to wait and see how all of this develops, of course, but many people may be asking whether the us forces and the bases themselves might be at risk going forward. right. it's been notable that while us
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forces in this region in syria, in, in, in iraq have been previously targeted by iranian proxy, militias, those that have had really ceased after the us retaliated and taking out some iranian proxy, military assets. so it has been relatively quiet as far as iran oregonian proxies targeting us forces in this region over the past month. and it is notable, and the defense official telling out a 0 that there is no signal out of at this point that any of this iran attacks that are eminently arriving israel are targeting any us assets. certainly both countries have been clear iran and the us that they want to avoid a direct confrontation with one another. you're on here now targeting israel and retaliation for that strike in damascus. but it remains to be seen to be seen how
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far the us is willing to go in its defense of as well, whether that will be only defensive or whether it may go further and targeting run . okay, uh heidi, thank you for the time being as well. that ross is one of the countries that has also sort of the aerospace we have the how much i'm june. he's joining us now from the capital above dad. um, how much just tell us what you were hearing, where you are in iraq about this latest development. so that as far as the official statements, the only one we've received thus far is from the ministry of transportation, the civil aviation authority which announced that rocky aerospace would be closed from 11 30 pm. tonight. that was about 45 minutes ago until around 530 a. m. this next morning at dawn, but they also said that that could be extended. let me read you a portion of the statement. it said that the closure of the air space will be
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temporary and precautionary. this comes in order to preserve the safety and security of civil aviation in the rocky air space and in light of the increasing regional tensions in the region and through a risk assessment for civil aviation security. and in accordance with the standards for civil aviation safety followed globally. so that's all we for any government officials thus far. we have seen some posts on social media sites, videos uploaded via accounts in there at all. reporting. just show drones that originated in iran crossing through right off the aerospace we've not been able to verify those, but there are more and more of those videos that are being uploaded, reporting to show those drones from different parts of right off. now this comes at a very interesting time when it comes to write off and us relations because just today you had to adopt a prime minister. i'm how much as to daddy leaving it off and barking on a trip to go to washington dc. we're on monday. he is scheduled to meet with us president joe biden. now one of the things that was to be discussed in that meeting,
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which would have been his 1st meeting with by the in d. c was trying to figure out a timeline for the reduction of us forces in there at all. that's been something that more and more people in our at all are upset about. now. another key thing that's going on in the background of all of this is the expectation about what if anything. right now our response might be going forward from these iran affiliated arm groups that are based in the off because you have uh, between those groups. and the us, as heidi was mentioning just a few moments ago. right. and how much exactly the we have we have we heard anything from these a rocky, these resistance groups that are based in iraq and what their next steps life or couldn't be. so these bonacre's is of at off, which is comprised of these dozens of groups. we believe of a ron backed or affiliated parent military groups that are based in that right off
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just yesterday. put out a statement, essentially threatening israel and the us that if israel or the us were to attack either adopt or iran, or any countries that are close to eat on going forward, that that would mean that they would have to respond. now the reason this all becomes more precarious is because in the last couple of months we've seen a sort of unofficial ceasefire. when it comes to these groups targeting us bases, us person now in there at all, and syria. what happened in late january is that these groups, and many people believe one group in particular uh, within the, the, the sonic or just as an adult that has been less targeted. us soldiers killed 3 us soldiers when they launched drones on a base in jordan, after that the us retaliated since then as heidi mentioned, there had been no other attach it off by these groups towards us assets,
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us military personnel, us base is the question now becomes if this becomes a regional conflagration, does at all become involved at a time when v 8 op prime minister is supposed to meet with president joe biden to try to get the relationship to get better at the time of there's rising and taught us sent them in at all, and to try to decrease us sports levels in there at all in at all. you have around 2500 us soldiers that are still stationed in the countries. you have around $900.00 us military personnel at bases inside syria. so this is all very complicated right now. we're not hearing about any activity happening and at off we're not hearing currently this evening about any more threats or any more statements from any of these groups or what goes forward. that's what's going to be crucial to see how all this plays out specifically, you know, at off in the days ahead studies. okay, well how much i'm doing. thank you for that update from baghdad. so let's just take a look at what the aerospace over the region looks like right now. and you can
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clearly see the areas of the, the gray part right in the middle of your screen. that is the areas the planes are avoiding over the region. for now we can speak to patrick berry, who is the defense and security analyst at the university of bath. welcome to algebra 0, mr. berry. first of all, what's your reaction to the drones that had been launched from iran towards israel? and i wonder if you can tell us a little bit about the types of drones that they are and what you know of them a good evening. my reaction is it's obviously a pretty sight and i'm going to an international security. um let's see what happens. uh, because you know, we could be at the start of a major war in the middle east, which isn't good for anybody really. and also 2nd major war it strategically. it could be the opening of the 2nd front if you take the car, increasing cooperation between uh, iran and russia and obviously differs from being ukraine on a possible
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a 3rd from denise. those are retiring on lines being and move on taiwan. so watch that space in the coming my, you know, weeks and months. and so that's it, it's depressing, isn't just i suppose on the, on the actual show heads, which just seems to be if being fired as your reporter from the lab and on. i think it was set at the top of the air is x and dispatch was essentially the, these are cheap, you know, $50000.00 dish to produce dollars drones. and they've got a range for by 2 and a half 1000 kilometers. they don't move that fast. you know that a 185 kilometers top speed and so the long time and the uranium is well known ones, they don't send, they'll be detected. that's half the game here. and the, and the other half of the game then is the, let's see how many get through. we're trying to overwhelm, go ahead. yeah, no, go on can. so please go on. yeah, sure. and then the idea here is they far enough drones in ways to overwhelm the
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multi layered is really the air defense. these ratings will be trying just exactly the way the ukrainians have this problem with the russians. are we trying to pick out on their radars and on their electronic warfare suites? what is wash and by their speed, and then allocating their best resources to deal with each dress? so for example, if you're trying to shoot and drones, the best thing you can do in terms of cost and a result worth is use your air force 1st of all and but if the is right, the radians are going to fire then cruise missiles that they would be dealt with more of the pay treatments or systems the arrow to arrow $3.00 systems. yeah, that's what i wanted to ask you about because there are reports. yeah, well that's, so 1st the drones were alonza and this is according to is really news is really media saying that iran had 1st launched around a 100 drones and cruise missiles have also been launch. what would be the impact of those little if it's just drums and the radians, know that it's 2 hour flights and most of them will get shut down by these radio to
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find that it's more signaling really is we're tiny a tree, it's escalate tree, but a signal if it's cruise minutes, all this is a stage on the state war and we're in a different ball game. if you ask me the, the usual shoot down rate of the iron down sweets are of age 75 to 95 percent. depending on the rockets and of course the idea is then, as we've seen and you find what you, what the radians will be trying to do, just like the russians were and you find is to fire a lot of different drones foods, missiles with longer range, much heavier way, uh, more head so much more damage on different objectors from different locations. uh, you know, in new tenants and make basically to make people make choices expend their reserves or whatever missiles they're firing out. as i mentioned, the patriots the arrows and the on down system and eventually overwhelmed that. so the, some of your systems get through the iranians decide to use ballistic missiles,
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which are much faster than any take by 12 minutes to get from is right. sorry from around to israel, then, and again, that is even a higher escalation so that hopefully they've kept that back and it's just crazy if it, if indeed it is. and we'll see if this happens. but it looks like what came it. and the last and 15, you know, 1215 hours is us and he's very intelligent restaurant intelligence. we're expecting cruise missiles to be fired the minute the as well. could this be the 1st off a series of attacks, or is it just too early to tell at this point? well, how does it stop? yeah, well, what happens if one of these goes, miss oz gets in and hits is running, isabel is going to sit there and take it. what would be the is really response in your opinion for an attack on iraq. so it's a dangerous moment. it's very dangerous moment and in terms of you were talking about the is really a defense system a moments ago and how,
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how capable sort of is the defense system in dealing with these types of attacks. and also these drones that were launched, the likelihood is that most of them will be interested. half of them can you give us some sort of estimate because we're already hearing from a countries like jordan was saying that it will intercept that uranium drugs. so yeah, again, wait for a 100 percent confirmation, but it looks like jordan is going to part of the air force up to try and shoot and drums the route to help these raise and maybe other neighbors and potential partners well as well. does a whole mass of you can imagine to mount the electronic offer and gain going on as well? i would imagine with the u. s. and he is right in particular trying to disable and uh, the drones as they go through the rack essentially. and if they start to crash, interact, that's probably what's going on too. so that'll be the piece going on. but essentially,
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as i mentioned, the if you use maybe iron, jerome is the final reserve is which probably the is riley's will keep back for anything that gets through the patriots on their forced, on our house at that's got a 75 to 90 percent 5 percent shoot down race and indeed you know the is ray, these are the ukrainians i've been getting, you know, 95 to a 100, but only uh on on smaller attacks. you know, if it's maybe 10 cruise missiles or something like that. if there's waves and waves, you know, around has a 100 of these, and it could be launching over a 100 drones that have to come into a different ball game where the is radio defense just hasn't being tested like this . so i kind of like okay, uh, patrick berry, thank you so much for speaking to us from boss and the okay. well, we can recap this breaking news and iran has launched an attack against is really using dozens of drones and missiles. it comes off to the iranian embassy in damascus was attacked at the start of the month to ron blames israel for that
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attack. israel lebanon, jordan and iraq have closed their aerospace, let's bring a cube, a elder. he's a political analyst, he's also a contributor to the is really daily paper harris. he's joining us from tel aviv akiva elder. uh, thanks for your time with us on al jazeera this evening. what's your reaction to be this developing story in iran, launching drones towards israel? actually in braces back to uh the 1st dollars for in $91.00 and uh a. so will force the united states to take sides add to get involved, maybe not only in a regional, we have to wait to see what the rations and the chinese as well as the u. n. f. just say about this. if they were make uh, a 2 year statement against you on that uh is not the actually the one who
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start is a d e aggression. they may go back to the is riley target and killing all of the ride in officer in the masters near the embassy. ready as well, it is very clear that nathaniel was thinking so many years about this time of installation. he was planning with and with barrack at the time who was a minister of defense to strike one in a different context. the context was to stop the nuclear program. now, he has an even greater interest to do this because i'll say to convinced former president drum to pull out of the heel clear agreement. no one is few weeks, maybe miles away from a new agreeable. so uh,
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the other thing is this one has been hiding behind its proxies since october the 7th. and even before that, behind his by law come us and the whole, geez, and was hitting israel. and from the time, you know, this is an opportunity to go inside to go deeper into the sauce of the is there any strategic issue inside of the wizard? right. how will it be seen in tel aviv and israel that this attack did indeed now take place from iran itself direct from iran, not from any of the other countries in the region like syria, like iraq and loving on the weather. yeah, i think that it uh depends on the volume of damage
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and uh, the escalation that you are a few minutes ago if this may uh, be carried on with another attack. this is uh, not the end of the game tonight. um and uh, in this case i think um is right and we will have to pay you back. and then uh, the superpowers will have to take the steps and be clear about how do they solve difficulties. and the, these very response has to do with as last time. if i was uh and its on y'all's public relations, he has got now the support of these ready public which he lost in the service. nobody that he's talking now about the ducks, the snow, but he's talking about the famine in gaza. it's only about iran and it looks like
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is one of these becoming the victims. and this is a very uh, i think the popular and is rose to be the machine rather than yeah, aggressively. so its uh, the defax on, i'll find united states is willing to go. 2 what is the american leverage on iran, and how will the members of the error code, who has a clear interest to stop you on from getting the, has your money over the, me, the lease, and the how this all these literally acts as well as the arabs since we have a strategic, a common interest, as well as a defense agreement, if it is one of those entries, how will this impact the war on garza and what's going on there? i mean, for the past few days,
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we've been hearing that the is really military is on full alert. it's an anticipation of this iranian attack to actually the focus in the last few days was on the northern border. we haven't heard so far or didn't see anything coming from chris by law. we know that the husband as being launching dozens of drawings in the last 24 hours, we know that they also have long range missiles and if they will join them as well. will be shown as in free from this because the way you can imagine what happens in the west back since yesterday, when uh the, uh, is there any accident was killed by a, by the senior terrorist and the, the surplus of taking advantage of this kind of situation in order to
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escalate the relationship with the scene in the west bank. so we're looking at guys on the west bank level and you will know how is where we can deal with all those together with out the international support that has being enrolled is c. so the 7, the end the. 2 images that we see on a just from doesn't speaking of the international support, we aren't getting some reaction now in and the u. k. prime minister receives student has condemned, quote, the reckless what he describes is the reckless iran strike on israel. and we also understand mr. ellsbury that netanyahu will be holding a war cabinet meeting. this is according to the prime minister's office. this is reported on the news agencies. what do you think will come out of that?
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us we need to hold is that the, the wall cabinets will make sure that, uh, we are not looking at the origin level and escalating, uh, maybe even to a broader wall makes you say vacuuming what, what, what makes you say that because a lot of people say that in fact, the reason netanyahu targeted is the consulate that uranium console and his mazda is because he wants to escalate into a regional or yeah, and uh, my answer is that uh, we hope people are not interested in this. i think the majority of these varies that uh, the members of the cabinet, mr. guns that i as in court and the ponti. a more reasonable. and uh, when we talk about this and yeah, we have to also mentioned his political interest in survivor.
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and they entered the wall cabinet in order to take control and to make sure that there's nothing you know, does not s today. even garza and in the north. and now we have to trust them. they will not allow and that's on the a bank view. and is elyse from do you read, arrives to uh, you know, go into a car and go from a c i o out floor, which of course will cause a lot of fatalities damage and it will end in abby's. okay. okay. the elder thank you for speaking to us from tel aviv, that is the live picture from tel aviv on the left hand side of your screen. and right hand is in lots, also in israel as iran has launched a more than a 100 drones from, from iran,
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2 words. israel let's bring into our central bari joining us friends that are on the door. so uh, what, what do you, what are you hearing on your end? well, the latest we have at the moment is besides these drones that have been launched in what is being called operation true promise by the revolutionary guards is that a source has told era. now, which is part of the, the states and use agency that iran has now launched a series of ballistic missiles towards israel would be occupied palestinian territories. we don't have any more details yet, but there's been unconfirmed sightings of ballistic missiles over the skies of iraq as well. and we also heard from the ringing defense minister who is said that if any country open that opens his aerospace or slow for an attack against the wrong will be um, will receive a there reading in response, a decisive response. this is what we're hearing at the moment. of course, we're getting information slowly. we're waiting for more details of this operation
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as and when it becomes available by the revolutionary guards door. so i wonder if this is the 1st time that iran tries to hit is real directly. yes, certainly during this is an unprecedented events in iran history since the revolution of 1979 when you are wrong. but cameron is ludovic republic, one of its biggest adversaries has been israel. and there has been this shadow war over the past 45 years, but never a direct confrontation between the 2 countries. until this evening, iran felt that it was in a position that it had to respond directly to an act of aggression by israel following the attack on its console section in damascus that killed 7 members of its revolutionary guard, including one of the highest ranking members in part of iran inner circle. the brigadier general was already who was killed. now, the iranian supreme leader,
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i told him, i would call me who i have to remember, or if he came into power a year after the war between iran and iraq ended, he came into power in 1989. and his whole legacy has been trying to revive iran post the, the devastating war that lasted 8 years. this is something that the wrong did not want to happen, but it felt that it was in an impossible situation if they didn't directly respond to israel. these kinds of targeted assassinations would have continued, but of course, what made this attack in damascus, different for a run was that it was considered to be on a radian soil, the consulate section, they felt that was part of iranian soil. and they had to respond because what israel did was an acts of war itself and they are now retaliating. and are you hearing anything from to around or saw on whether they were a rainy and profit rate preparations for
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a possible is really response if these really is decide to respond to this as well. during this release have been threatening your on for decades. specifically, benjamin netanyahu, one of his strongest positions, has been that iran is one of the biggest threats as well. but in terms of preparations here, we have had no warnings or no guidance from the officials about the general public preparing for any kind of a large scale. retaliatory attack by israel c is released had said that they would respond quickly to iran and they would as specifically targets nuclear facility is as well as military and defensive installations where that could be, we don't know, iran is a vast country and many of the defense apparatus is, have unknown bases and structures in different parts of the country. many of these missiles and drones that were seen being launched tonight are stored in underground
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facilities and parts of the country. we don't even know about. so it's very difficult to how to imagine how the officials here would prepare the general public for any kind of a response from. is there a israel? what we do know is there was rumors of text messages going out to radians earlier to nights that turned out to be a hoax about preparing to have enough food and water for the next few days. the officials who are denied that it reports so we have had no warnings as far as we know. when it radians wake up on sunday morning, life goes on, there has been no calls to cancel schools. no government offices will be closed. no flights have been cancelled so far, so there isn't a sense of panic or urgency in terms of preparing the general public here for what could possibly come in the next few hours. okay, doors, so thank you so much for the time being. doors are reporting from to hong. here's a look once again. there it is. what the aerospace over the region looks like right
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now. and you can clearly see that the areas, the areas plains are avoiding of the sort of empty grey spaces like we've been saying is real iraq, jordan, and 11 on we understand have all now shots, their airspace speaking of lebanon will bring it on. he has some who is joining us from tyre, that's in the south of lebanon. so, connie, i suppose, the, the, one of the big questions will be whether other friends will now open up like the front in the south of lebanon under his bundle. what does that mean? it's auto at the front since the 8th of october, and then for activating it in such a situation wouldn't be really complicated. and given the fact that the uranium national, that's a premium and your national, the concept security council said that this is going to be a complex operation. dots really suggests the new way or another that we might see
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all of the fronts participating in defend. we just had now about uh, drones coming from from yeah, man, i mean, we can, we can talk about this maybe later, but at least for this night, uh, there are several barge that been launched by his law over the past few hours. the 1st one, the 10, so to 30 and that is another one that was launched a few minutes to go. probably this bugs are made mainly aimed at destructing. the is randy i into them and this really anticipation system a in a way or not the off costs that this doesn't mean that live and on, in general is going to allow to actually this is not an all outward yet. this is an authorization, the radians are retaliated. think as they are saying to the king of the general in the sovereign lived in syria, which is the confidence i've given the fact that they are going,
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going to hit on at the same time that going to activate that allies or the a, the groups, the back, bye. know the issue about has the law, for example 11 or no free go i bits back to see the big picture. why that on uranium back to groups in iraq or 11 or in yemen or and see it. yeah. actually over the past year since the end of pollution, 1970 not there on. i've always tried to establish, let, they are, does on defense on one side of the same time. let us to be able to push forward it's, it's agenda and its influence. probably this is the 1st time that it sees itself on such a defensive situation because at the end, when that is an attack from one which its own presidents adjustments, doors, the said at iran would need these allies or these on the are you still with us all right,
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we have lost our connection to any how somebody was reporting for us from the south of lebanon. we can now bring in some time. but as we look at that live picture over a ton of eve, so we'll talk about a cod. so. ringback as we now know that about a $100.00, drones are more than 100 drones have been lost from iran were also hearing that to her on has launched its 1st wave of ballistic missiles against israel as well. is this going to be sort of a wave of attacks or what do you think is going on here? what do you think they're reading and strategy is? i think it all depends on what's happened between the 1st of june of april and today. these factional adults, we should not underestimate. this is something that has taken place before in 2020 and it has led to that kind of venting off of anger by here. and it gives the nice states and the bombing of the bases in there. right. and if, if those stokes have been serious and they have reached a conclusion where there can be an attack from there on,
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but with minimum casualties on that as well, minimum damage just to allow both sides to climb down. then that is one possibility . and i hope that that is the scenario that hasn't taken place, or it's not actually what is going on. and we have a serious attack now from the air on heading towards this ro, then his row will be a seeking and stripe for defense. and i think that will activate the pizza and a tax on the nuclear facilities in there. i mean, that's a now has spoken about this for 2 decades now about the new cost right there on the call centers to israel. it has a little bit as we talked about as having pre arranged ready times to take out those facilities and so on. so that's maybe you were, may take it as an opportunity to do it to the us. that's the biggest ally be looking to rein israel in at this point. what i think a, this is where i keep putting emphasis on what's happening in the back channels.
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because i think the honestly, as i've already tried to rein both a little bit back in the sense now, until now they have neutralized all the bases in the gulf, you know, and has present any of those spaces. the 10s of thousands of american soldiers between great, cuz i don't nice as i remember it's as i would do that for a couple of thousands in jordan and so on. so they're not going after those spaces . and there we have not had any signs so far of them being activated in response to the rain in the attack. so i think they're trying to limit it as much as possible to this way. and the reason the test is whether you're on now sparks off hezbollah has the law used to be known as the deterrence that the or on has against. and he's ready to attack because the law has thousands of rockets that if they were to launch and waves or, and one goal edwards confuse the whole scenario to make things very difficult for
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his route to, to make it there on the question that i have different course owns and how do you moments ago i said the concern is or some people now are asking whether these other friends will be open. and i know that they have been open already is on the corrective we pointed out, but will they have or, and helping in a very measured way so far, right. and there sort of have been rules of engagement so far is not all about to change. it could change. i mean, if it does change, then it does, it means that they are on is very serious about it's, it's an issue as well. if it doesn't change, it means that there has been this arrangement to allow them to at least save the say, face, particularly in front of the resistance alliance and the on the public. um what, and what the maximum is. think. yeah, also is the fact that in the air on so far, they haven't raised the level of your country to throw messiahs on his route and
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not expect his route to. so where's that tell you that caused by something that looks like there is something pre arranged that out there is to then their anger and tomorrow morning, things on up. this is the u. k. prime minister has come out and condemn this. what he's describing, this reckless iran strike on israel under also reports that the us president is expected to speak at some points we expect uh, in the next few hours. what do you expect him to say? what it would be very helpful for them, both to condemn these ready to attack on their day on which they did because they didn't. right. and they didn't call the checklist, and it's not provoked, you know, then they, they would say, listen for woking, their ideas. and that is part of the problem they should have really came out on the side of the low. the v in the conventions above the protection of the embassies is very, very clear regardless of what the tech space inside them. but so you kind of just do this kind of attacks and now they're coming back to blame the radians,
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which doesn't try to how um, how do you see this impacting the war on garza and what's going on there? my worry is, this is taking away the focus from the war on gaza into something else. i mean, it is almost taking nothing out of the hook for the last few weeks. the a global public opinion has turned against what those rates are doing. and within hours as becomes a victim, and everybody's going to have to riley to protect the existence of reserve now. so what does that mean for the war? the guys of a, i hope that they're not going to take it as an opportunity to push further. the palestinians across the border to egypt. now it's, it's going to justify any action if those messiahs do land in israel and these
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raiders will use every single major to go the whole way with the policy is particularly does. and in terms of a 5 and nothing yahoo, i mean up until the past few weeks, there were reports, at least, you know, in the public saying that there were differences between them. but fighting was making comments that he wasn't happy with the, with the way of business and yahoo was conducting the warren guys are calling. it's a mistake with this development. so if somebody carts have these difference has not been put aside, well, they have to mean the, this is again, this is from one of the reasons why not to know who did provoke iran. he has now managed to silence the, the little position coming from the united states. he's also silenced his own a position within israel. and of course, he's going to not accelerate any deal that by then has promised as ro, including the f 35 jet fighters, the,
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to the josh can put 20 of those. all of that is now available to him. okay, so somebody so thank you so much for your analysis. let's not speak to andrew charlton who's in aviation analyst. he's also the managing director of aviation advocacy who's joining us from france. welcome to al jazeera. we appreciate your time with this the closure of air space. a certain countries like jordan, like iraq, like loving on tell you about the situation and maybe the way that it's going to unfolds. and what it tells me is that in civil aviation and commercial aviation, we are incredibly conservative. and it tells me nothing except that we're going to take really conservative decisions. and we're going to avoid any spice that might be at risk of any sort of conflict,
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any sort of firing any sort of anything at one level, it doesn't tell me anything at another level, it tells me that all of the security forces we need all the security stuff within a lines, very worried that somethings about to happen and we expect that airlines will now be diverting. uh also they're sort of incoming and outgoing flights from, from areas of tension. absolutely. yeah. you know, for sure that that's exactly what's gonna happen. my outgoing flights between europe and asia, for example, i going to the around this entire area. it made slots. it got to be longer, it made some flights are going to be canceled by a launch commercial airlines type, incredibly concerted. the positions on these things? is it possible to say how long these airports closer is, would last, or is it depending on how the situation develops? i mean, how long can it, can it country or for us to have its airport closed?
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well that's 2 different questions, full commission, my lines of either flying these areas. it will take as long as it takes it's how long is a piece of string for a line is that a bikes in these areas and that need to operate commercial flights into an out of these areas? it's a much more complicated question, but again, i think if there's any risk of danger, the not gonna fly, they're not going to oper, right? and so it'll just take as long as it takes on the front end, in your opinion, how big is that risk of danger right now as it stands? a me any danger? any risk of diondra is big enough for commercial airlines site. the last thing on, on a list that i want is to be caught up in a conflict like these. so they are always going to be incredibly conservative. okay, andrew charlton, thank you so much for speaking to us from friends. the pleasure dorset jabbar is joining us once again from 10 ron doors saw any more official reaction. you are
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getting out of iran, of what we've heard from the dear news agencies deleted with uh, the state tv here. and they have had a source, the recording source of saying that the ballistic missiles have been launched towards israel. and we've seen unconfirmed footage being shown up from various people in iraq and showing what looks like to be ballistic missiles flying over there. the air space at the moment, no official confirmation yet. we expect the revolutionary guard to provide more details of this operation. they've called true promise. we also heard from the reading defense minister, who said, that's any country that provides that opens at skies and soiled for an attack against iran will be met with this decisive response. we also heard from the rainy, informed minister jose, and i'm your out. the law here on, on x,
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formerly known as twitter, he said that the united states and they've given the united states and necessarily necessary warning ahead of this attack. now we know that's over the past few days. officials have been adamant that they don't want to full out war, and there's been a plethora of messages, a bit back and forth between the united states and iran, highlighting that fact that iran response would be precise and measured to avoid a larger conflict in the region and what we're going to see over the next few hours will certainly determine if that will be the case. there are so just to sort of take a step back for a 2nd when, when this decision would have been made, if we know, and also who would ultimately have have to sign off on it as well. the decision would have been made by the supreme national security council. it's made up of the presidents and higher ranking officials in the country who would decide how they would response. but ultimately the commander in chief in iran,
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that is just a free leader. i to, i like comedy would have to have given his final approval to this plan that was brought to him by defense officials and the revolutionary guard. so certainly am i to loudly how many would have the final say on what is taking place this evening. of course we have to remember, this is something this every supreme leader who has been in power since 1989 would have certainly want to, to avoid a given that he came into power after the iran iraq war, which ended after 8 years in 1988 and really decimated iran both morally and economically. and this was something that's the 84 year old supreme leader certainly did not want to see like full on confrontation with israel, but was put in a position after israel cairo to carried out that attack in damascus. killing high ranking revolutionary guard commanders, including one of his closest friends and.


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