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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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how would they would response but ultimately, the commander in chief, in iran, that is as a free leader, i told i li, comedy would have to have given his final approval to this plan that was brought to him by defense officials and the revolutionary guard. so certainly am i to loudly hominy would have the final say on what is taking place this evening. of course we have to remember this is something at this. every supreme leader who has been in power since 1989 would have certainly wanted to avoid a given that he came into power after the iran iraq war, which ended after 8 years in 1988 and really decimated iran both morally and economically. and this was something that's the 84 year old supreme leader certainly did not want to see like full on confrontation with israel, but was put in a position after israel kyra carried out that attack in damascus, killing high ranking revolutionary guard commanders, including one of his closest friends at the brigadier general mohammed was
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a heavy so certainly i think supreme leader, along with other high ranking officials here, felt that they were in a position that they had no choice but to respond to israel. not only because they were going to certainly look weak to their proxies in the region, but also to deter israel from repeating these kinds of attacks. which at the supreme leader himself was an act of war with a which they carried out on a rainy. and so when they attacked the waiting consulate in damascus, okay, doors, so thank you so much for the time being well as just the past 2200 hours gmc. so we're bringing you continuing coverage of iran, launching waves of themselves and drones at israel. senior us officials have told american media, they believe as many as $400.00 to $500.00 drones and miss solves will be launch towards is really territory. it comes nearly 2 weeks after an attack on the iranian consulate in syria, with to ron has blamed on is real. well the is really prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu, who is meeting with his work cabinet right now. and the is really combat planes are in the air. schools across the country have been closed for 3 days until he has been glory. an airport is temporarily shots. earlier he said the country is prepared for any scenario. for the, for the much anymore. we have is really citizens in recent years and even more so in recent weeks is real, has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from iran or defense systems or deployed. we are prepared for any scenario, both in the defense and attack. the state of israel is strong, the idea is strong and the public a strong. we appreciate the us standing by israel side as well as the support of great britain doctrine, france, and many other countries. i established a clear principle wherever it hurts us, we heard them. we will protect ourselves from any threats and will do so with coolness and determination. i know that you citizens of israel are also keeping your cool. i urge you to listen to the directives of the homefront to commend
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together we will stand and with god's help together. we will overcome all our enemies and us presidential byte. it has cut short a weekend trip to delaware for urgent consultations. and he's also meeting with his national security team to monitor the situation. his defense secretary lloyd austin, said israel can count on for us support against attacks by iran. well, jordan, iraq and israel have all temporarily closed their aerospace. this comes after earlier reports of interference with the gps navigation system. we have a team of correspondents covering the story we started to run with doris central bari doors. so tell us what's being said officially in iran, on these drone attacks initially. and now we're hearing that missiles have been lost as well towards israel as well. the revolutionary guard has issued a statement saying that operation true promise is underway, that they've launched
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a series of drones and missiles towards the occupied palestinian territories. and that this was a plan that was approved by the supreme national security council, along with other defense officials in the country. and that more details will be released soon. and according to a source speaking to the state news agencies, the 1st phase of ballistic missiles have also been launched to work towards israel . we also heard from the country's defense minister as saying that any country that opens its aerospace or soil for an attack against iran will be matched with a decisive response. also important to point out that the wave of drones that we've seen heading towards israel appear to be the sha had 136 drones that we've seen being used extensively by russia and ukraine. the rainy and foreign minister jose, and i'm, you're up to law here on his set on his x social media accounts. that's all the necessary warnings were provided to the united states, indicating that the officials in the united states were well aware in advance of
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what was coming. and it was made clear that iran is targeting israel and it doesn't want to direct confrontation with the united states. and the ortho, any sort of information you're hearing about how iran would be preparing for and is really response if they're indeed is one. i know we have had no official warnings or any kind of alerts by the rainy and officials for the journal public. as since the past few days or even the past few hours, there has been no guidance provided for the general public. in iran, there has been no warnings issued about flights cancel being canceled or anything of that nature of. but israel has made it very clear that it will respond directly and one of the possible scenarios provided by israel is to target or any nuclear
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facilities. there are 6 nuclear sites in iran that have been declared, and one of them is here in the middle of to hong it's a research facility. but of course, these rarely use have said that anything is possible in their retaliation, but there for the radians, there have been no measures taken to provide any kind of guidance to the public about what could possibly be a response from israel. okay, to us. i thank you so much for the time being. we're bringing very challenges. joining us from occupied east jerusalem, so the prime minister is meeting with the work cabinet, rory, what do we expect to come out of that meeting to expect them to be taking any sort of next steps? i think all the steps that stays around and its allies, uh, all gotta be tight, you know? probably in effects right now. i mentioned that benjamin netanyahu in that will competent beach a is being kept appraised of, uh, the threats that are incoming right now, let's recap of what those all,
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we understand that there are at least a 100 trains on their way from here, right? the entire tree assessed by ra shows, ballistic missiles, we understand is the lowest as well. and that has the rockets fired by head spa against a is ready positions in the occupied colon heights. and here's the, the who sees of lowest tribes. we have to stand against his rab as well as like a multi phase, multi problems. multi threats. a sold to is underway at the moment with his random photography. israel has a very capable defense system, a multi multi lead defense system that's made off of the time domain is made up of something called david slings is made up of arrow to an arrow 3 as well. but not just that. it also has the help of various other countries and policies and
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from local allies, such as jordan, who are trying to shoot down some of the trojans that might be going over his power train departments. but also the united states and pon, has liked france and the u. k, we have the been indications off stuff seems to come in the french atoms, you take pains might be assisting as well as well. then talk to some of those drains or, and other targets and, and chasing them down. but these rabbits not faced a stretch like this before with a and on the flows of drones combined with my sorrows. he will be a severe test of it smells, he let ad defense system that will be electronic boyfriend that's going on at the moment, trying to disrupt the navigation systems, advice drawings. and the navigation system is called the missiles that might be incoming as well. plus you've got the things that, you know, the defense tables will be sheets and things down planes up in the up in the
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hearing jets. i'm seeing jacks in the sky about jerusalem. so all of these things are in play at the moment. and at the moment, we're just waiting to see what the impact is going to be and how many of these projects, how's drives, missiles, etc, actually make it through that net as well. yeah. and where are we getting any sort of sense or idea about which targets of these drones will head to in israel? if in fact they do make it through the air defense systems, as you're saying, as well as some speculation is going around in these ready media. the, the, with the ministry targets in the go to the nights, perhaps ministry targets in the negative deserts. the assumption is that the radians wouldn't be going off to civilian targets because they don't want the, the, the blow back, the reputational damage show of what that would entail. perhaps you could assume
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that cities like to reset them would be more or less safe because of the high arrow populations as well. um, but it's, this is all speculation. so no, we don't really know at the moment. one of the targets are likely to be the country is on the high in the event. so the minute 3 has been sending people to stay here, right? sirens to go to the nearest had right shelters at the state. and them until old plan is given. we know that the greens cause more than a 1000 people a band at the moment they assembling together, right? you understand this schools and universities. any educational facility is going to be closed for the next couple of days at least. and that is where the space is shots. yeah. really and those demonstrations that you were speaking off, we're taking place in tel aviv. so let me bring it home this summer, which was joining us from there. we thank you for the time being honda and just
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tell us what. so what you're hearing sort of fun in your end and kind of even what the mood is like with this breaking news story. full of israel's prime minister, actually convened his security cabinet this evening advocating ya. that's his rules . defense ministry, right? in the heart of tel aviv. and it's also where there was a protest happening right outside of it, calling to house that same prime minister. so there was a lot of fear there is a lot of worry the police, in fact, it ended up telling demonstrators to leave this protest immediately. so because of new guidelines that were issued by these really army and by the homefront command, which is essentially rules and regulations that everyone must follow when it comes to these types of emergency situations. so those guidelines state that as of 11 pm tonight, gatherings of more than a 1000 people are banned, which is why this protest was broken out. but it's, it was quite interesting hearing from demonstrators there who even said on the loud
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speaker that in the face of visit on an attack, whatever might come their way. they still want new leadership. so these really security and defense officials that have been preparing for this for quite some time, essentially since the april 1st. since they knew that there was going to be some sort of retaliation for their airstrikes on the it on e and consulate building in the mask. is killing several i r g c command or some of them quite senior as well. these really defense minister you'll have the launch has spoken with american counterparts speaking with the us defense secretary lloyd austin 2 times in the last several days alone. and this evening he said that israel now has what they're calling new capabilities, not just on the defense front, but also in terms of our response. what those new capabilities will look like are still on known. these really is, are also kind of hoping for neighboring countries in the region like jordan to help
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shoot down these several drones that are coming in the audience say they're also firing ballistic missiles. but when it comes to an attack of this size and scale, israel has never been faced with anything like this. and we heard from our colleagues rory, and occupied east jerusalem, who talked about this air defense system. that is 3 fold. the iron dough missile defense system is the most commonly used in israel, but it's for short to medium range projectiles. meaning this is for rockets that don't really have any sort of guidance with them. they're not very technologically advanced. these are rockets, we see pro merrily coming from dogs the but in this war the david sling has been deployed once and we haven't really seen israel use the arrow system, which is actually 2 fold, one and 2, the it on in weapons capabilities are something that israel has not gone against, so it's shortly going to be a test to how well they say they are going to protect themselves and be, is really army spokesperson. daniel, how gaudy himself has said that there are air defenses that are lined up. they have
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been bolstered, but again, nothing is a 100 percent. we even saw that in the beginning of the war on gaza when there were barrages of rockets coming from the gallons of strip. the iron don't missile defense system was over. well and, and the reason why you would fire hundreds of projectile dozens, all at once, is to overwhelm these air defense system. so these really say they are prepared, they're taking all measures possible, but again, they say that nothing is guaranteed. okay. have the thank you for the time being. well, as we mentioned, the us president joe biden has now cut a weekend trip short. he's returned to washington dc to consult with his national security team. heidi so caspar is joining us from washington dc. and we understand that that meeting has now begun heidi to that's right, joe biden is in the oval office meeting with the national security council, the senior members, which include the us secretary of defense,
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the secretary of state, as well as the joint, the chairman of joint chief of staff, the director and the national. so the national intelligence director, all of the senior us officials putting their heads together to coordinate according to our spokes person. the us is response alongside with israel to this attack from iran. what that coordination and what the actions will look like. that is what's unclear. so far there has been no indication that the us has engaged its forces against the incoming iranian strikes. those that may change and how that may look like. it depends on of course the, the force pastoring and we have seen over the last few days as a task for me. ron was evident that the, the pentagon has been you moving around us warships and war planes. and now at least 2 destroyers are in the region. please to perhaps help assist
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is will in taking down any of these incoming missiles or drones. notably, at least one of the ships does carry in a guess, a missile defense system, which is capable of taking down a ballistic missile. i will have to see whether it is engaged. we of course know that the us defense secretary has been in close consultation with israel's defense minister through the last few days. now touching base multiple times a day and working in close coordination as the 2 countries together decide how to respond to this ronnie of attack. notably, the disagreement that has been very publicly made over gaza between bite and, and netanyahu about israel's course of action there having been set aside as now there's a task for me, ron take center stage. heidi what the u. s. had been,
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it had been given advance notice through diplomatic channels about this it raining an attack from iran itself. well, it appears that if this is speculation, but if a timing of it does appear that the positive bite and knew about the attack before we knew about it, which it would be of no surprise. he cut short a weekend vacation at his beach home and delaware, and was already in route back to washington as we saw the 1st drones launched in iran. we also know that just yesterday bite and specifically told a porter as he thought that attack from you, ron would be sooner rather than later. he wouldn't sight the specific intelligence, but the us and the white house has been preparing for this moment over the last few days saying that it had also ramped up its coordination with israel in preparation
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for this. notably, the, the head of the us central command had just been and is real in consultation about how to respond to this. now he's still in the region and directing how us forces may potentially respond to this. okay, heidi, thank you so much. let's, i'll speak to david the ross, he's an associate professor at the national defense university joining us from washington. d. c. thanks for your time with us on al jazeera david, the ross gave me your initial reaction to what's happened over the past few hours. a well 1st off i, i really got it wrong. i didn't think that a wrong with washington tax on their own soil. and what underestimated was the cry and uh, your own clearly thinks that this is a moment to establish the doris. i thought that they would can find the response to the proxy group. so let me start off by admitting failure. i think that it's clear that what they're trying to do is saturate israel's air defenses and slick,
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some sort of damage. i don't know what the targets are. i don't think anybody goes at this point. but so oh, you know, a long multiple attack, i drones taking hours to get there. israel clearly has the ability to attract the significant number of those drones and root. i think they will deal with the drums, this one threat and they will deal with ballistic missiles. is another threat? um, i don't think that any us capability will come into play in defending israel because our assets are our missile defense assets are either in the goals or they are in the mediterranean right to the, to route effect. you, if you have to be on the path as being over over a flight by missiles, okay, hang on a 2nd, you're raising a lot of points here. let's just break and let's just break some of the points down on the points you make about the drones, right? you're saying so they're going to take a few hours to arrive to israel,
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but we now know that miss owls have been launched as well. reportedly cruise missiles, what's the strategy there and what impact i know, you said that you don't know what the targets are, but what impact could we expect to drones and the missiles to huff? okay, good question. so, um, so let me, let me start. well, so, so we don't know what they're looking at drones generally have a small um, uh, relatively small warhead, uranium mach. ready drones typically is about this big size of about 2 coffee cans, and it has copper penetrates on each side. so what we've seen in ukrainian usage of the russians, for example, is that they, the moment she read the cost maximum damage. so it would be possible if these would be uh, aspire to a civilian infrastructure such as the power grid to disrupt it. that's what we've seen in the crate. they don't have the ability to penetrate hardened structures, so it, so i'm not a decisive military. where is more of
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a harassment weapon and effective against the veneer structure. crash muscles are basically unmanned on jets that fly, you know, at a low level they would have the ability to carry a larger warhead and create more damage. is there also a little bit more precise because they're less affected by uh, weather and damage the weather and going offering as they covers large distance ballistic miss. ready if you know ballistic missiles take minutes, not hours to get from your ron or your rock choices real, those do have a larger warhead and they have a much more destructive capabilities. so i'd expect those to be in that hard military targets. and do you expect them to a either be interested somewhere along the way and if so by who and my 2nd question is about the tape abilities of israel's defense system like the iron
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dome system. and also because will the will, the, is really, is be somewhat apprehensive since they don't, they're not fully aware of what they're ranging capabilities actually are. yeah. so the issue, the 1st issue is can you require these? and the 2nd just the. ready way to track all of so uranium start floating this down here and trying to overwhelm the cognitive capability is, is, is really defensive. i think that these release will have multiple layers and they will have a different way of reach up to 3 different dress. so the 1st, the costs will be electronic warfare. so they've been report set of various satellite navigation. um, uh, systems have, have been disrupted any rock. and that is probably because some of these missiles, we believe are guided by um, the russian version of gps. so if you disrupt that, this will store course and you know, they,
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they won't hit their intended target. so that's the 1st one. the 2nd is i would expect us to guess drones and possibly cruise missiles of these rooms with launch aircraft helicopters and fast movers, and try to just shoot them down. kinetically. the challenge there is not so much. can you do damages? can you find those? because um, you know, like the sure heat is made out of fiberglass is very low radar signature. so what you would have to do is a project for. ready where they're coming from, and then i guess the ballistic missiles, i think that that's where you get into things like david sling an arrow. so those are your defenses against ballistic missiles. there's a possibility of some what tronic work, your defense. when you get to your terminal phase or don't maybe of some use against drones and possibly cruise missiles, but only in a limited areas. and i think that so uh, patriot which is really what has uh,
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would be used against uh, uh, listing nestles, but again, only limited areas. right. chris muscles i think would be with his aircraft. do you expect and is really retaliation? a boy, that's a good question. and as i said, i got, i got the uranium response wrong out of the proxies. i think there will be a depends on the damage. so who, you know, is israel managed, has to intercept most of these, and no serious damage is done. that is quite possible that they'll just say ok, they'll be some pro for reaction against them. rocher guard personnel elsewhere in syria, which we've been seeing for months and indeed years um. but i think that some, uh, you know, this could be if there's no serious damage, this might be like the or any of the attack on the iraqi, based on the last side of the american troops where no american troops were killed after the, after the assassination of customs for money and both sides kind of just said ok,
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that's it. we're done break. right. but this is the 1st time though that the iran tries to hit israel directly. so it's in some, you know, a different situation. yes. from really well. yeah. yeah. so if, if this really is able to carry the flow that is real, will emerge with a high level of teacher as they will have shown that they've taken everything herancha and throw at them. and deal with it yesterday is slicked real damage. then israel will probably by the logic of the tourist, have to strength back against something important to the wrong. you were to destroy the tourist offensively. i think it be best for the region. if israel's able to restore the charge to a steve has a capabilities and um, what about the us? what, what's the whole brand all of this? i mean we oh yeah. going west, you know, less than we think. so. the ships in the mediterranean will be unable to play any significant role in the defense of israel. their interest is only effective and
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again, it's most effective, i guess, missiles that directly or flies and the indications i'm seeing is that, um, you know, the re and this will not be watched across the goals cross at any rate that they're being watched over the, along the border with the rock. there is no high level intercept capability for those uh at the us. any us facility uh in the rock or syria. um so you know, the forces we just watch them go past. i think that our role is to probably resupply israel's there. um the with the coordinating israel's response. if there is one and advising the is release. yes. well, one possible is there, maybe there maybe, uh, coordination of electronic warfare and certainly threat coordination, you know, sharing of light pass and capabilities. and then of course, you know, also be re supply of israel's surface to air missile inventory. i think that that's
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something that we can expect. okay, so it's, we're not gonna be directly involved in shooting down missiles. i don't think all right where they will wait to see how this develops for the time being davis or ross, me. thank you for speaking to us from washington dc. thank you. so this is what the aerospace over the region looks like right now. and you can clearly see the areas the planes are avoiding. and iraq is one of the countries that has shot its air space. we have our correspondence and how much i'm doing with joining us. nothing about about how much, what's uh, what's being said by officials on this development. so that in the only official statement we've gotten from many government agencies not at all as far as from the transportation ministry. that was the statement that was issued about 2 hours ago in accordance with the iraq. you civil aviation
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authority as well, announcing that the aerospace over the entirety of at off had been closed if that was going to be in effect from 11 30 pm last night until around 5 30 am this morning in about 4 hours from now. now, what's interesting about all this is what everybody's trying to figure out right now is if in fact there is going to be any kind of participation in the attacks from iran towards israel. the retaliatory strikes is going to be any participation from any groups affiliated with the ron inside the right off, i'm talking of course about vs nomic resistance in 8 off. this is this umbrella group of consisting of arm groups that are either affiliated with either on or are backed by year on. and that's something that's very concerning to officials here. part of the reason for that is not just because of the escalation intentions in the
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region, but also because of the timing of this just earlier today was announced that yesterday rather the 3rd off the prime minister of how much. yeah. so danny was on his way on route to washington dc because he is scheduled to meet with us president joe biden on monday. one of the reasons for that meeting is not just to strengthen by lateral ties with us, but also to come up with a timeline for the further withdrawal of us troops in there at off and at off you have around 2500 us troops in syria. you have about $900.00 us military personnel and over the course of the past several months since october 7th, you had close to a $170.00 attacks emanating from inside of at off for to us military assets in there, at off and in syria. then what happened is that at the end of january, you had an attack on a us base in jordan, the killed 3 us soldiers. and as
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a result, you had retaliatory strikes towards groups inside of right off by the us. in early february, there was essentially a unofficial ceasefire that was put in place so that these groups would not attack us assets inside the bed or syria. for the time being in the last 24 hours, we have heard from the hispanic resistance in there at all. and they put out a statement in which they said that if israel or the us were to attack your on, or iranian allies in the region, that there would be a response from these groups. so that's where the tension is right now. people concerned about a conflagration in the region, people concerned about what this would mean for at all. as of now, we haven't heard anything else from it off the officials, but we're waiting to see if there are any statements that will be released in the hours to come to. yeah, and we'll be crossing back to you a little later on how much i'm john. thank you for that reporting some of that. here's a recap of the breaking news. the shower and iran has launched that attack against israel using dozens of drones and miss owls. and this coming off to the iranian embassy and damascus,
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was attacked at the start of the month to run blames israel for that attack. israel jordan iraq, i'm loving on. have o, close their error spaces. we have already have some who's joining us, not from tire. that's in the south of lebanon. so i need besides 11. on closing, it's aerospace. we're also getting reports that has a button that says that it's fired rockets asked the occupied go on. heights is not confirmed. yes indeed, says the law announced that it launched dozens of rockets towards the kayla defense and a defense, a box in the golan heights. and that's of course, part of what you're saying because at the end this is kind of a, an attempt by his beloved, cuz this is not the 1st bottle itself was hit today. there was separately, but i just got to have hit on indifferent. i was in this night, and this is possibly to diverge the attention of the iron door and the defensive
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layer was in and is, or this is one. so i'll go back a bit to the uh, a sure about the closing the air space. i spoke to the been as a minister responsible for the ad 4th. and he said nothing for the nation with the 5 minutes of the speaker. they did that in order to kind of defend or order or to keep this short of the of the been use of ation safe. so with respect to what's happening in the south is where it is now conducting 7 on as sites on different areas. that's what's the southeast, and that's also in coordination. order for the impact of that with friends with law . launching rockets, it's going to be a busy night, the 11 on. and of course, because the moment the impact of the rockets and the drones alive from here on to what's the, the, the is ready space, probably this situation is going to escalate more or more on the east border. okay,
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honey, thank you for the time being. we cannot bring and have somebody as a professor for international affairs as cuts. our university is thanks for your time. we just go through some of the reactions that's been coming through. so now we're hearing from iran submission to the un saying that ship is really risky. make another mistake then it runs response will be considerably more severe. what are you to read into that? oh, i read one thing that was a ring that had been doing is like a good source task. so these ladies have stopped to this by attacking the, the, the diplomatic premise and, and damascus. and the uranium is, i'll ask you to tell you, i think so it has, if they are in want to tell them that we are just doing this 11 attack. and that's it. they don't to any for this collection. so they warning these ladies that they need to behave. so any attack, any counter attack by these ways would be responded in time via the attack. my doing and so you think it stops here. you think? i mean, i, we, you know, we don't want to speculate, we don't know what's going to happen or over the next few hours,
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but it could be other fronts be activated like we, i was just talking to our colleague, i called the guy who was saying, since the one that has launched rockets towards it. okay. if i go on hypes from love it on without doubt that the has been line probably with the as well as well as not that that thing is when they've been, they've been doing this actually before. even at this exchange between there isn't, there's right there. they've been doing this since the beginning of the war and gets up and then it's not changing the rules of engagement. but this is the 1st time that they are any of themselves, lotion attack against as well, from the really and the territories. and does the residents and the visits for the 1st time, right? so what the radians are trying to do is to come up with the measure that we'll see calculate to the fact in order to uh, 3 gain to terrorists and not to be seen as weak in front of their own proxies. well, israel and the united states see this as a calculated unmeasured attack,
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or do you expect a response from the is really, is does, is one thing of the news that they hear that the present by the noise putting this lady that they cannot to retaliate without sco dancing with united states, meaning that the americans want to give their reading something because a, as a, something for a face saving ad. but it all depends on how they're in a doing this actually. uh they're gonna hit civilian targets or only ministry. what is this quote with the damages, all these will be taken into account to as well decides to at the 30th or not. so what by saying measure that would say, i think the readings are really clever and not provoking is led into retaliation simply because it's going to be um, against their interest because they have no interest in a wider engagement with these weight is the uh, we're also getting reaction from the end user joseph barrel, who's saying that the iran strikes on israel are an unprecedented escalation? do you show that assessment? it isn't as connection, but as i told you,
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it is calculated it's measure. it will all depends on what is actually in there. in pocket, are they gonna follow this way into the attack? uh, what kind of most of the be gonna use, but what they're going to hit in as well. what is the, the total is? well, i'll see if it is going to be killed or only some. um, you know, some sites minutes just nights. we don't know until now we, we have no ideas about the targets. so right? because the analysis is that's the drones can take 8 or 9 hours to actually arrive exactly to israel. what about um let's, let's talk about actually the u. k prime minister, who came out very quickly and condemned the iranian attack on israel. and we understand that president biden will be giving an address to the nation at some points. we believe in the next few hours this condemnation, by the united kingdom. if we didn't see that, come through the nation when israel struck that iranian consulate in damascus,
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killing the b 7. a commander isn't this, in fact is the reason why iran says it carried out this retaliation. absolutely means one thing that this is a reflection of the son does on default of lewiston policy. so in the one hand they give is where the free hand, the is right, can do whatever they want to. that is really going to do whatever they want to do with infinity, but when some other people retaliated the media the condemned at the end. and this is actually an to create the kind of the anti wisdom symptoms in this part of the world. but also it gives them a munition in the are in this, i've seen this as a kind of the stand that i, that they need to respond to. i mean, i mean, it actually, it contributes it into the arena in the decision to respond. how do you think this is going to impact the world, gaza when the world's attention now and let's see, this is, this is one thing that, you know, everybody's speculating about this. i think that would be a little bit the kind of a level maybe. and so it would be
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a low intensity war far until this comes on in. and i don't think that is really to have an interest in getting it off for the since then these days. but also it all depends on how it is where it is. you know, read the situation. i know some right wing politicians in the government will see this as an opportunity because the world, the pension is shifted into around this lady and then they can do something. probably the hondas and guys are okay. somebody thank you so much for your analysis door. central bar a once again, joining us up from a to ron, it's ortho, the uranium in mission to the un has been speaking out. are you hearing anything from ringing? and officials where you are on the ground of what we heard from the range and for mr. jose number at the law here. and who posted on his social media accounts on x, saying that they have given the necessary warnings to the united states. but i think it's more important now to highlight what we've just seen on ex,
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posted by iran, permanent mission to the united nations. possibly providing a, a window of what is wrong thinking in the coming hours and what they're hoping for . following this attack, which continues as we speak towards israel and conducted on the strength of article $51.00 of the un charter for pertaining to legitimate defense. ron's military action was in response to designers, regimes, aggression against our diplomatic premises, into baskets. the matter can be deemed concluded, however, should these re we'd really make another mistake. ron's response will be considerably more severe. it is a conflict between iran and the rope is really to regime from which the us must stay away. i think this is a, all this branch being extended by the reigning officials as the one saying that this attack, that is happening at the moment is going to be the response that iran will have to . these really act,
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it does strike in its consulate section in damascus on april 1st, and warning at the same time that the united states should not get directly involved any kind of assistance provided to these riley military will be seen as direct interference by the united states and that is something iran has one that gave saying that this is a conflict between iran and israel and they wanted to stay that way. there was no desire for the radians to further expand to this conflicts. they didn't get no further for iran, the door. so we heard over and over again that they felt like they had no choice this time around, but to respond to israel despite this, having happened before, i mean, it's not the 1st time that israel has killed iranian commanders on syrian soil. you know, since just since october 7th in syria alone, 18 revolutionary guard members have been killed by israeli airstrikes alone. now
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that is not even considering loving on and, and also attacks that have happened over the years inside or on. and of course, and this is something iran felt like was just crossing a red line. the iranians have said that this was an attack on their own soil. and that's the supreme leader said. this was something that israel will be made to feel sorry for. they will be punished. the reading an official said that this was an act of war by israel, and the fact that the international community refused to condemn israel for this action. at the un security council, within 24 hours of the attack, it was really something the radians took into consideration when deciding how to respond. so according to the revolutionary guards, this mission is being called the true promise. and the statement that they've issued in, in it, they say that the decision was taken by the supreme national security council of iran,
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along with other defense officials. which of course would have to be approved by the commander in chief in the wrong. that is the supreme leader i, it's a lot of a harmony. this is the 1st time in iran history that the country has taken action against israel, despite being in this shadow war for over 4 decades since the revolution of 1979 in this country. certainly this was something the supreme leader himself would have wanted to avoid at all costs, but not acting or not reacting to israel's actions would have been very, very costly for iran, not only to its proxies in the region would. they have seemed weak, but also inside the country. there was a lot of pressure for iran to respond directly to israel. because if you recall in $22.00 plenty, when the american and the american government carried out a attack that killed cost them. so the money in baghdad, iran responded by launching $13.00 missiles toward, towards the us base in a know
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a side. they didn't hits anyone. they didn't kill any american soldiers. and that was felt if that felt like it wasn't a strong enough response because there was no direct hits to the us forces. it was seen as more a symbolic gesture. at this time around, it was felt that they had to provide a stronger response and launching hundreds of drones and missiles towards israel and is seemingly what they believe to be an appropriate response. and that we've seen from the explanation provided by iran submission to the united nations that this is an act of self defense and source. so what are we learning about these drones that were launched from iran on their capabilities? well, from what we've seen online, they haven't officially announced the revolution or guard. aerospace division hasn't officially announced what they launch, what type of drones they've launched. but from the footage that we've seen on
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source of social media, they appear to be the show. had $136.00 drones which have capability of about 185 kilometers per hour. that's the speed. these are drones we've seen used extensively by russian forces in ukraine. so we know the kind of damaged or capable of, but of course they take a while to reach their destination. and of course uh from a wrong to tel aviv is roughly about 1500 kilometers. this is seen as at possibly a deliberate choice by the rain in military to give these rarely forces enough time to respond before these drones hit their desires and their targets. so this is seen as a possible, an as a way for iran to both simultaneously, right? it's 2 things that needs to do one, to deliver a response and 2nd, so not escalate further into
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a full on regional war door. so thank you so much. i'll have to cross over to tel aviv uh, thanks store for that reporting from a to her on from this i'm from joining us from tel aviv hemmed uh, what are you hearing on your end? i mean i, i have there, there are, there is active interceptions happening here in the sky is over telling me there are sirens ringing all over israel. there are projectiles flying in the sky, but it is a little bit difficult to point out what it is. there are explosions happening right there. up our cameraman, and getting those shots for you. but there are sirens blaring all over israel, and it looks like there is air defense that is also coming from the opposite direction as well, where we're standing. we have not yet heard any sirens just yet, but there are flashing lights as you can see, active in perceptions right now, projectiles here, following from this guy behind these clouds. it's just quite an active situation. there has been a lot of updates from is really homefront commands. it's calling on people to go to
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shelters in specific areas. but there are still a lot of other interceptors that are flying from what looks like the southern part of tel aviv here. and behind this cloud, which is a little bit difficult to see, but again, these are there are yes, these are more interceptors that are coming up and at or siren blaring out. and telling me you've in several different locations. and additionally, over the country, this is an active situation here. these early army was warning of something like this happening. and in fact, we're preparing for it for several days. it's not weeks. they said that they have the new capabilities for not only air defense. good. so for some sort of what you allegations as well, there is a lock that is falling from the sky. at this point in time, we are from a high view on a roof, kind of look out. and
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a lot of these types of projectiles that we saw came from many different areas. some of them came from the mediterranean, above our heads to behind us. and we can hear some explosions in the distance here . but again, it is hard to tell if these are the drones themselves, these are other types of projectiles that were launched. but again, these early military is actively intercepting projectiles all over israel. not just in tel aviv and there are areas all over the country. in fact, specifically in the south, in your demona, where there is a nuclear plants that b is really home front command has told people to remain in sheltering and safe areas, meaning bomb shelters until further notice where we are specifically again, the sirens have not wrong, but there are rad alerts all over the state of israel at this time, and these interceptors that are being launched by these really military again, are 3 folds. we have the iron don't missile defense system,
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which is the most commonly used in israel. then 2nd we, we have the david sling which is for medium to longer range projectiles. and then finally the arrow for longer projectiles. ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones, b is rarely as have confirmed that at least a 100 drones were fired by the audience, from the audience territory towards israel. but it's not really known. if all of them have reached as the sirens are now still wearing all over israel at local time, $14730.00 and i'll keep you with me for an hour. if you need to go at any point you letting me know. and i know that this is sort of a developing story and you're just trying to gather as much information as you can . but from what you see, is it possible to say where they're being launched from, in which areas as well because really, interceptors are being launched from military position, their iron don't batteries and other defense systems that are stationed all over
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the countries. but we did see some coming off the mediterranean, coming towards the sea to behind us, which is quite interesting. and these projectile still in the sky here is you can see and there are, there is active air defense happening all over the country. there. you can see that was a live interception in the sky radiating and a lot of the shrapnel is now going to rain down into the areas where they were intercepted. it's, it's quite it. and it is, looks like it's in the distance, but it is quite of us and to be is really military again, did give out guidelines for what to do in situations like this. no, there haven't been sirens in this part of telling me if you can still see the activity in the sky and it is quite active. the interceptors are coming from different is really military bases. and again, the iron don't, is stationed in many different locations across the country. but there are also other air defenses that are near other airfields for this type of reason
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specifically. and these really armies said that they would deploy those resources when it came to a situation like this. these early army has never been faced with this type of weaponry that has entered its aerospace and as a result they have closed their space that they have blended civilian flights. the air space is completely closed. there was wars of is really fighter jets in the air earlier in the evening. and it's part of this multi layered defense mechanism that they're talking about in order to shoot down these drones and potentially these ballistics perhaps cruise missiles that are also coming towards is really air space . um, and we're also hearing and this is according to the news agency and i believe that you were saying this a moment ago as well. so air raid sirens are sounded in jerusalem. essex closings are heard in the skies above and we're looking at the live picture right now from western rooster lamb. you're speaking to us though from
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a tel aviv talk us through what sort of preparations were being made by that is really military and anticipation of an iranian and attack. and, and do you think that this is what they expected as well. these really said that they were prepared for a wide variety of scenarios and in fact, they were ready for anything that could happen. and just this evening homefront command, that is an extension of these really military had issued an abundance of new guidelines. in fact, there was a protest going on until of even the evening that the police had shut down because of 11 o'clock this evening. they said that there would be no gatherings of more than a 1000 people. schools were closed in different work sectors were close as well for the next 2 days. and anticipation for this attack that they said was immune. and these really is we're expecting a response and that's because of their airstrikes on the it. on e and consulate in damascus. on april 1st,
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they knew they were anticipating this and kind of response. perhaps they didn't know the size and the scale and the type of weaponry that would be use. but none the less, a response in a retaliation from the audience was promised. these really say that they are partnering with regional allies and additionally, the united states and the united kingdom. in fact, these really army is reporting that several drones were already shot down before they have reached is really our space. you're looking here at more active interceptions that are happening in the sky. and what's following here is the shrapnel that will land in different areas. now, where that is happening over sirens are also ringing. and when that happens is really authorities say for people to go into these protected areas for a minimum of 10 minutes unless told otherwise, they usually get these types of alerts on their phones. but again, all of the gps and phone type systems are disrupted at this point, but you can just see it in the sky that this is clearly an active situation that
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these really military is still saying could take hours. they weren't dissipating these types of drones coming in anywhere. reports indicated from 2 to 10 hours. so it still looks like it's going to be a long night ahead. as these really say they have defense, some mechanisms that are stockpiled and they are ready to go. and they are prepared for any type of scenario. okay, and we'll let you go for now. thank you. will bring an rory talons from occupied east, jerusalem, and rory can we, can you confirm? just tell us what's happening there because we're hearing air raid sirens, go off in jerusalem and explosions about this guys. what do you see in here? yeah, exactly that for the last 10 minutes. so. so we've been looking out from the balcony here, across the jerusalem sky. line, we see a succession of defense interceptors going out from various points around the city to meets targets in the sky. and then the still going on as
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a sort of dole start going around the sky line across the city as well as the into sections that i made about 10 minutes ago as well. the ad, right, sorry, and when cells and now the police seem to be going around on the streets in that cause with the announcement going out, which they seem is telling people to go to the nearest sat right shelters as quickly as they can. so this is the situation injuries and the moment it seems to be comma right now, but that could well be another by roger of drawings and coming in on the way we all see. it basically is route under attack from a rainy and projectiles. right now. what sorts of advice are preparations has the governments or, i mean you were just mentioning the police telling people to go to shelters. what more, how they told people to do a well, i'm going to be
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a space, have been sending people not to panic, and they have be issuing various uh, restrictions on movements and things like that. they have told people that they shouldn't be gathering anywhere in his or out in groups launches. and 1000 people. they've been saying that schools, universities, daycare, etc, is going to be closed for the next 2 days. and they have been saying to everyone, to listen to the advice full when the ad, right? sure. sirens guy was to go to the shelters and to take shelter for as long as it is necessary. but the, the, the advice is being just to sort of take it calmly and not to get too worried about things to use the are, they made it to his be 10 people that the defense system is that it's real, have that the on don't buy is david sling and that's arrow 2 and 3
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very capable systems designed to deal with multiple types of threats. it's a lead defense system to deal with rockets to deal with the massage ballistic, to deal with massage that accrues without having to deal with drones as well. and that is what we're likely to be seeing over the next few minutes and an hours as these different ways of projectiles come in. the big test. the cost is for this model had led at defense system candidates cope with the assault of its magnitude because this is not something that is ralph space for on this scale. it has a, it's a, it's a systems coming from the united states providing unvil watch providing that net electronic jamming electronic rules that and shooting down project solves before they even gets to his ready has space for this as a site is attached to it as well. as not face before on this go rolling it's um,
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it's darn and jordan. hey i've just taken over some doreen. um so you are with me now uh for the next few hours. um so those dealers will be who are just joining. i'll just be over now. to take in this, the developing story as it's happening to cut through again, what you're hearing from is really on the radio from officials the about the incoming drones. because we're hearing as you've been telling us throughout the evening. it may also include different threats like missiles as well. yeah. so the 1st that we had uh was fast uh, cut by raj of dozens, calls it rainy and drones to be launched from it right in territory. now, what we know about the uranium drones didn't use all the shaw heads. 136. now this is being used extensively by the russians. a boat from the right means this is being used by the russians in ukraine. the 136 has a bad, a warhead of 50 kilograms. so it's not huge,
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but it's certainly not insignificant to can do quite some damage when it actually reaches its target. i'm but the way that these drawings i use has that used as a kind of saturation tool. you might not get money through but a will exhaust the defense systems that'd be of the ukrainians defenses, which are now, you know, a nearest as a capable, as the as ready ones. and that's when the russians that any crane use that cruise missiles and that ballistic missiles, once the drones have exhausted their defense, then those missiles can hit that targets more easily. this is a different situation because israel is at defense is a much, much more sophisticated and more numerous and number. they've got the there at the web. and that's, that's being built out by for many years. levering different types of ad defense on, on top of each other, but we understand that there are cruise missiles on the way as well. and also that
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has the law in lebanon has been launching rockets into the garden heights to those these to be launching, dried, and states. so this is a multi phase, multi pronged attack quantity as well, with numerous different types of had real threats. and that's the big test. yeah, really. and tell us a bit more for those viewers who are just joining us now about the ministry. an ad defense preparations of israel is been making over the last week or so because israel knew this was coming on his way, of course is by technologically advanced in his head defense capabilities. and you've been telling us a well, yeah, it's around the something was coming but didn't know exactly what it was going to be. so they had to prepare for whatever it wrong chose to throw assets. and so in the immediate days oft of that strike on the right in the complex in damascus, the killed several right in the generals. and at the high ranking military people,
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the rest of these right is basically puts in place numerous preparation. so they cancels a leave full combat unit space to be signing any high ground force that was in and seen is positioned at that time that they couldn't go home. they couldn't leave that post. they could be be deployed. so wherever they needed to be, but going on leave. absolutely not. so that indicated that the authorities wants to be prepared, not just for somebody coming from the sky, but also for any kind of in cash and on the ground as well, which i assume they probably meant was going to be the most likely coming from has the law in the north, across the, the lebanese border a, it was a cold up, a defense reserve is of course. so what we're saying playing at the moment because that was always going to be the most likely thing. but then there was also like a threat to it's ready come diplomatic.


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