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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

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because they do not have these types of bomb shelters are safe rooms that are located in other sorts of is really towns and homes that are easily accessible and develop. busy so these really say that while perhaps this part of the evening is over, but the longer in game for them is going to be a retaliation. and look, it's still a known if this part specifically is over. it's on know if there will be this 2nd insert wave of launches from it on that was reported. that is really officials are still perhaps bracing for but they say again that they are prepared for any possible scenario. i mean it's a honda civic life. it's the intel of the time to thank you. well, as we mentioned to us president joe biden, that's kind of we can trip short on his return to washington dc to consult with his national security that spring. and how does your pastor, joseph live from washington dc? so we know that security meeting heidi at the white house as everybody started who was in that meeting and what kind of response then we'd like you to expect from washington. i mean, us officials knew this was coming absolutely,
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and by then rushed to the white house today, prior to the announcement, the rest of the world learning that iran had launched these drones and did have some heads up. and he is continuing to meet with his national security council, which includes the u. s. secretaries of defense and of state, the director of the c. i a, the national intelligence director, the national security adviser. just a list of who's, who's the top us officials who say they are working close coordination with their is rarely counterparts interacting. the way that the us is supporting israel's defense against this iranian attack. and we just got a statement from a senior us defense official saying that the us will continue to shoot down iranian launched drones that have been targeting israel. so a confirmation that the us has indeed been taking down these iranian drones. meanwhile, a spokeswoman for the national of security council. again,
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use this word we've heard over and over again coming from the bottom white house iron clad to describes the level of support that the us has for israel security. and though we're not getting much more detail about how, what assets the us is willing to take down these drugs and other incoming projectiles from ron, we are getting some clues for a british. a british official saying that british air jets are now replacing some of the us fighters that have been doing counter terrorism work in iraq and syria in order to free up those us fighter jets to now support is real. in total, there are still tens of thousands of us troops who are deployed in this region. i should remind us, and there's another $1000.00 us troops that are in route to the coast of gaza at there to build a humanitarian here to receive the delivery of food there. but the pentagon has
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been moving to even be thought more the presence of us troops in this region, not to mention the us as eisenhower carrier group, which includes 2 destroyers as well as a $69.00 rather air force quadrants that have all been placed there waiting in anticipation for this moment to arrive again, we're not exactly clear which assets for you to take down these iranian drones, but that, that response continues as we speak. yeah. how do, let's just go back to a present by them because there's some speculation that he knew about was the time what, what sort of behind the scenes, diplomatic warnings or intelligence lead button to believe that the response will be sooner rather than later. i he certainly hinted at that. he said there was intelligence that he knew of the couldn't get into publicly yesterday when he said those words exactly that this attack will be coming sooner rather than later. and he told you, ron, at that time is about 24 hours ago. now. don't do it. well,
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obviously that advice that advice was disregarded by iran. but behind the scenes, the u. s. has been over the last 10 days or so really ramping up diplomatic pressure trying to avoid this very moment from occurring using pressure on 3rd party countries to try to pressure e wants to back down from its threats. but the fact that this is taking place came as a surprise to no one given that the us had intelligence that this would be occurring in the many clues. and the telegraphic study, ron gave that this moment would arise. alright, so how does the castro alive as the in washington dc heidi's? thank you. well, it's been strong reactions from leaders abroad. i'm the region that you use for and policy chief use it for i would release the following statement on the x. he said that he was strongly condemns the unacceptable or any of the attack against israel . this is an unprecedented escalation and a grave threat to regional security of the okay, it has been
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a firm supposed to have his royalty, but his prime minister research to knock has reacted by saying i can dime in the strongest terms, uranian regimes attack against israel. iran has once again demonstrated that it's intent on selling chaos and its own backyard. but you cable continue to stand up to as well as security and full regional partners, including jordan and iraq along sort of allies with urgency working to stabilize the situation and prevent further escalation. no one wants to see more blood shifts or what are the common that you're on suffering the to has issue. the video statement on x c says the malicious design is machine will be punished. talking conflict is like attacking us soil and malicious regime has made a wrong move. in this case. all right, just bringing david dura. she's an associate professor at the national defense university, joins us live from washington, dc. david, always good to have you with us. that particular night, like tonight,
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give us 1st then your response to ron's retaliation against is when the how surprised on you david that iran use a direct attack rather than virus proxies. and i strongly respond. so i, i, you know, honestly i'm, i'm amazing as having your so i got to exactly long. i didn't think they do this. i think what it shows, it is 2 things. the 1st thing is we say around, but we're really talking about revolutionary guards, which increasingly controls the country and they are very embarrassed you. my assessment is that this is not a move in the strategic interest of your on unless they're able to effectively deter israel's body. is directly to restoring the prestige and her pride as the brochure regard, which clearly isn't penetrated by is really intelligent. but i'm also a little concerned that if you know the radians have made a statement from there, you went in, bass are saying, okay, this is it, you know, we're done. but yes,
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there are target selection use. do bias rule as over. we proc again, or if they just manage to kill a large number of his royce israel cannot we have this here. so, you know, wherever a dangerous moment and you know, we're not sure what the reading intentions are, but we actually, it's on support of their churches problems potential for leading to this ratcheting investigatory mechanism. and type of just just focus group that through what more we know about the sure head, drones that, that up in the skies of israel and many have been shut down. the range, the speed at that will hedge that payload, it cetera as well. the payload is somewhat so that's the interesting part. so the payload is about 50 kilograms, is about the size to coffee cans. i've got to have a few. these has copper penetrating weights all around. it is house high explosives and there has bits of shrapnel. i'm really kind of glued to it in sort of the,
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almost an aftermarket with the picture. so it's not really unexpected weapon against the hard military target. it's more of a tier weapon is designed to the copper plate shoot out penetrating jet. so we hit some sort of machinery like an electric transformer. it will cause some serious damage. and of course the shrapnel will create damage to vehicles, especially personnel, but it doesn't have the ability to penetrate. the propeller driven should be, is very, um, slow moving. uh the um, there is an accurate version and at least one channel is the point of the jet version is being used. that moves faster. but the big challenge is actually tracking is because most here depends on radar. and the body of this is fiberglass . it doesn't have much of a radar signature. paradoxically, if they're using the jet version, you can track that because it has the thermal signature, the engine, it's actually easier for an aircraft to identify and acquire sheets. and yes,
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they are on an inertial guidance. you know, they're not being active, we steer which is subject to a report where they're just being put on the dead reckoning path. if you see them once you can project where they're going and intercept them either with aircraft or with ground based systems. but it's still significant generally if you've got, you know, hundreds of them coming at you, you're going over. well, anybody with numbers? yeah, that's an important point. you make the type of because is the uranium strategy then to overwhelm israel is multi layered at defense system. i mean, and also by using other relaxed sites like ballistic missile, cruise, marseilles, so in effect, the attack itself is multi layered as well. exactly. i think that, you know, when you look at defense, you probably divide into one sector looking at low low. ready defenses, and that would be your own was increasing, this was the one looking at listed missiles and obviously you have different systems for acquiring and intercepting with ballistic missiles. you can do that with radar pretty effectively. and systems like good 0 is designed for ballistic
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missile defense. for the, the other air readers, things operating close to the ground, you need to have different. so systems and you can actually, uh, effectively are system with, you know, aircraft in other east. and of course, overlying all of this is electronic work here. the accuracy is what makes these things really deadly if they're going to be hyper, actually, that requires usually some sort of active guidance. and if you can, cham, the guidance system, which is usually gps, or the russian version of gps, probably in this case. then the missiles become being accurate. although that creates the possibility of the wrong hitting a target that they may not want to hit newbert. and the causes cavities that will state and is really response. so it's a very, very dangerous thing. yeah, let's just hope if we can david about them to calibration of that response. because if the a tank is just using drones, uranium is,
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must have calculated that as the slow uh most to be shut down. so it does have something less than the response threat level, as opposed to if ballistic improvement solves a use, then that could be a higher responsible from these ratings. and of course, the damage assessments will, we'll, we'll, we'll show how these ways respond to one of this that's exactly right. yeah. you know, is. ready well, it's easier to acquire and a cruise missiles and drums at a short distance, even the long range, these are attacking every, you know, why would you give an energy that much time to, to acquire a target, impossible to you. so it seems to indicate that this is sort of a procurement thing just to say that we've done it in the hope that you don't cause enough damage. that the cycle escalation starts off. so that sir, put with boot with chris missiles, you know, they move fast, but they have more of a heat signature. they have more of a metal signature, but it's,
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it's hard to acquire them with ground base rate or because of the current richard here isn't a lovely slash. so that creates a group potential and also have a fear warheads. of course, ballistic missiles, extremely expensive to defeat the, the technology for defeating them is there, but it's, there are large numbers of them. fire, particularly they're fired at one point. then you can overwhelm defenses and costs of serious damage. and the warhead escape causes serious damage. so, you know, when this is over, they'll be some analysis as to what was targeted and what was targeted with what weapons next. and that really, i think is how israel will determine what a risk intentions are and what their response needs to be. yeah, that and, and the just remind of us then if you can, um, talk us through as well as a defense capabilities. and then we have so much about the end item system. but of course as well as many more advent assistants and a multitude of electronic jumping measures as well then. thank yeah,
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that's exactly right so, so i think underlying it all, you'd have with tronic work here. and the purpose of electronic warfare is to, to see any kind of a guided system. uh so you know, guided system require some sort of what your leak, that goes from the aircraft, whether it's a drone or you know, a missile or some instances back to somebody that can maneuver it. so if you just drop that in, the missile is, is useless as a target away, mobile can still cause damage, you know, can still land in an apartment building or something that was on intent. it's the 2nd thing is using gps, the satellite, it aided navigation. it's relatively easy to the gym or to block or to even screw because it's such a weak signal. so that's your 2nd, but then you're dealing with weapons that may be just fired on an inertial system where they're fired at a bearing and a distance. and they don't have any guidance, so those are not susceptible to electronic warfare. but the longer those weapons have to travel less accurately become the greater the chances of i'm doing. of
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course. then you look at your interceptions for ballistic missiles. things like uh, arrow and easiest to the us system that intercept at a high level. they're part of the target. ready radar and heated at a high level for a cruise missiles and for drug was a that's a little bit harder because radar usually can't require them both because they're made out of part of the lesson because they operate lower to the ground. if you have some sort of airborne asked that you can acquire it, particularly if they're on a straight path over long distances, you should, he's are reported to be. and with the slow moving ones, you can, they're usually horrible to attack by aircraft. it's like hitting a assessment aircraft with a bullet from a fighter jet. and of course, we have ground base short ranger defense systems on the iron don't use design for use against relatively low tech rocket soon in our 2 rounds, coming by sophisticated things they are effective against drones. and of course,
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ground based machine guns use you have adequate targeting or effects and it gets terms as well. there's probably more than you want to apologize for. no, that's absolutely fine. david, always always good to get your thoughts and your analysis on a night. like tonight, and we will obviously come back to you later on to give us so you want me to try now is this of this developing story david, to rush the professor at the national defense university in washington. david, thank you. before we move on there, let's just a recap, something home the fluids, um a correspondent, intel of people saying that there was a young, tangible boy who was injured by one of those drones in so many of them to get does that. we understand he's now become the 1st casualty, so we'll have to come back to that just a little bit later. but let's just talk to now about this is what the s space of of the region looks like right now. you can clearly see the area is the planes are voiding those big holes in the middle of your screen. we know that jordan as close as acetate iraq has israel has. so that's big blank areas in the middle of the
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space they've been close down. so that's what you're seeing on the screen from flight rate of $24.00. well that's what you're saying that wrong because one of the countries that's close excess base. uh for the next couple of days i'll just there was mom a jump june is that he joins us from a capital bank that i'm mom. and so it rock announced it says space is close that what more is being said that by officials and back, that is the only official statement we've gotten from any government entity thus far. the last few hours there and is from the transport ministry in alignment with the civil aviation authority announcing the closure of the aerospace until around 5 30 am at. but if they say that that can be extended depending on the security situation going forward. now, one of the key questions that people in that office have had the past few days as it looked more and more as though iran was going to be launching this retaliatory
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attack on israel was. would this involve any iranian proxy groups, any iranian paramilitary groups on groups that are linked with the ron or backed by iran? of course you have the islamic resistance in there right off that as an umbrella group comprising of many of these iran aligned and they ron backed groups just yesterday. they issued a statement, this umbrella group, essentially saying that if israel or the us were to attack your on, or any eat on allied countries here in the region, that there would be rep precautions. and that there would be retaliatory strikes from within those groups inside. right? off now thus far. in the last few hours, we have not heard any claims of responsibility from any of these groups. groups, including uh, car type has by law here in out of the part of that umbrella group. any of the other groups as well as far as talking about having participated in iran strikes on
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israel. we've seen one of those groups which is catch it said a show head that the head of that group posted on social media, expressing support for either on to attack on israel, but nothing beyond that. we've not yet heard anything from any better off the govern officials with regard to these attacks or what they expect to happen in the days to come. and this is all happening at a very interesting time because they are off the prime minister. how much? yeah, so danny, left yesterday from both a dad heading to washington dc because he's supposed to meet with us president joe biden on monday to discuss about only bilateral relations between the 2 countries, but also trying to come up with a timeline to decrease us troop presence in iraq, of course, there are around $2500.00 us troops. and at off there are about $900.00 us military personnel in syria, us military assets in iraq and syria have many times over the course of the last
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several months in the last several years. come under attack bytes, these iran linked groups in right off and in fact, after october 7th, around a $170.00 attacks from these groups towards us, military personnel had been happening that all ended in late january. that's when there was an attack by god. his beloved and that killed 3 us troops at a base in jordan after that you had retaliatory strikes by the us on some of these groups, killing some of their leaders. and since about early february, there's been an unofficial ceasefire because there were pressure put on these groups and not try to whiten this conflict. unclear what's going to happen now going forward. but i will tell you that in the last half an hour, we are seeing reports emerging from northern, at off in the kurdish region, that in fact, the sirens, this is in and around the u. s. consulate compound in at a b, and that they were activated for
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a short time. we're also seeing reports that there were loud booms heard in that area. and also there are reports that there was one of those, at least one of those iranian drones headed towards israel that was shot out of the sky that was intercepted by coalition forces. so a lot to take in right now a lot to try to piece together we are reaching how to adopt the government officials. we are reaching out to curtis officials so far, nobody's responding as to what exactly is going on. it's a very tense situation, but at the moment, not a lot as far as what we're hearing from any officials here in there at all. even though this is a moment of great tension and a lot of confusion about what will happen here in the days to come to mama does it say of the timing of this is really significant because of the rocky 5 minutes of trip to washington to meet the president 5 and then to meet the officials that, um you were, you were talking to us earlier about the risk to us troops and us assets and they
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have been a tax on them in iraq. for as long as we can remember, what is the risk now given me the rain in retaliation against these, right? well, that's the big question right now, because people are concerned about what happens specifically when it comes to right off. if these iranian proxy groups, these paramilitary groups inside of at all get involved. and that has been one of the things that people have been worried about as it became clearer and clearer that either on was going to be launching their retaliatory strikes their attacks. their direct attacks on israel is, would they be involving those groups that they have links to and that they back inside of it off. and we just don't know the answer to that question right now, because if they are involved, it might be expected that perhaps the west would retaliate in some way as they have
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in the past. when us troops have either been attacked directly by these groups, or had been under threat by these groups. so right now, especially at a time when the are off, the prime minister is scheduled to meet with president biden on monday and, and all indications at this point in time is that that meeting will proceed. how is that going to impact? they adopt us relationship because we both, we all know that, you know, adopt is for a long time now stuck between 8 on and the west, the prime minister, who came to power backed by iranian groups in adopt. that's what got him into that position. he is navigating a very delicate balance right now. he wants to see us troop levels. it up significantly decreased. he wants to see a time table for the full withdrawal of those us troops. there has been rising and taught us sense of it in there. it off the last several months when these
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retaliatory strikes by the us against these are wrong back groups in or it off had been happening. so obviously the us would not want to decrease its presence here if they feel that there are groups in the dogs that are now going to pose more of a threat to israel. these groups have also attacked israel since october 7th. so it's a very, very complicated situation. the timing arguably could not be worse for the right off the prime minister at a time when, as you mentioned, not only did they want to discuss, try to strengthen bilateral relations with the us. but trying to ensure that the us as mission in that at all, finally comes to an end and all of this now, a very big question mark at a very crucial time. there and all right, so i'm gonna jump jim life as the in the rocky capital i'm. it will not be coming back to you later on throughout the night. so, but for now, thank you as well. yes, president joe biden has just released a statement on x. he said i just met with my national security team for an update
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on a ron's attacks against israel, a commitment to israel security, against threats from iran. and his proxies is, i am glad. let's go to gabe lives on there now at the united nations headquarters in new york that gave will come to president barton statement in a 2nd. but the writing and mission and to the un issued a statement earlier. just remind us guy what they have to say. yeah, that's right. this is the only a statement that we've gotten out of the or any emission, but it's an important one. and it is well worth repeating in these very sensitive times. of course, the rainy admission permanent permission to the united nations put out this statement saying that they conducted on the strength of particle $51.00 of the un charter pertaining to legitimate defense. iran's military action was in response to in their words, design is for james aggression against our diplomatic presence in damascus. the
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matter can be deemed concluded. the 2 are the message on ex went on to say, however, should these rarely regime make another mistake. iran's response will be considerably more severe. it is a conflict between e ran and the rogue is rarely regime from which the us must stay away. so clearly 2 things out of that statement by the writing mission that are pretty important. number one is they are saying they make no mistake, they are saying it's in accordance with article 51 of this, the un charter, an article 51. it says nothing in the present charter show impair the inherent right of individual or collective self defense. if an armed attack occurs against a member of the united nations, so clearly you're in the positioning itself here that this is a response in line with international law in line with the un charter. because it
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was a response to israel's attack on the ranch diplomatic premises in damascus, of course. but then also the other important part of this statement as well, is the matter can be deemed concluded. clearly you are and they're saying that this is it, this is the response. and as far as they're concerned, at least from this statement and where we're at right now at this very hour, in their words the, the issue is concluded. so those are pretty important statements there from, from the right emission here at the us. yeah. good. but just a final thoughts here. and then what about the response? some of the union members, including the us, president biden responded that. how worried are they about any further escalation as well? the us of course, in washington, they're of course very worried about it and you saw it there from the statement to present joe biden, returning from rehab with beach, where he spends a lot of his weekend time late to late on a saturday to be back at the white house you knew when that happened,
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that there announce that he was come back to white house. that meant that something was probably going to be happening clearly. beyond that here at un headquarters in new york, it's a little before 8 pm local time. here. i can tell you we have got no other reaction so far from any countries here, member states of the u. n. i can't tell you that malta isn't, holds the presidency of the security council for the month of april. so if there were to be a, an emergency security council meeting called because of what's happening right now, it would be molto. they would have to plan that meeting and or, or schedule that meeting if you will. and according our diplomatic sources mode has not at this hour gotten any request yet for an emergency security council meeting. of course that could change at any moment. i should also say the secretary general and tony gutierrez, is in new york. uh, were hearing that he possibly i stress the word possibly could be issuing some sort
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of statement in the coming hours. all right, so gabrielle is on the line for us to have you in headquarters in new york. uh, gabe, thank you. wanna keep a l though as a political analyst and contributed to these really daily paper audits. he says that is real, i'm the united states will have to respond to the wrong as a tax. it is. well, it is very clear that nathaniel was thinking for many years about this time of escalations. he was planning with edward barrack at the time who was a minister of defense to strike one in a different context. the context was to stop the nuclear program. now he has even greater interest to do this because i'll say he convinced former president trump to pull out of the nuclear agreement. no one is few
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weeks, maybe miles away from and your clear ball. so uh, the other thing is this one has been hiding behind it's foxes since october, 7th. and even before the behind please bala, come us and the whole this. and it was, he is rare and funded anyhow, this is an opportunity to go inside to go deeper into the sauce of the is ready strategic history, ties wizard, right. this is not the end of the game tonight. 2 and in this case, i think that is right and we'll have to pay back and then uh, the superpowers will have to take the steps and be clear about how do they solve difficulties. and the,
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these very response has to do with as last time as a was the nose public relations. he has got know the support of these very probably which he lost in october service. nobody that he's talking now about the duck dease. nobody's talking about this and in, in gaza. it's only about a few of the fast on out find united states is willing to go. 2 what is the american leverage on you on and how will the members of the ever quote, who has a clear interest to stop to you on from getting the edge of money over the me lease in the how this all these when react when it's just going past midnight, so that's o g m t we're bringing you continuing cover.


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