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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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sure, he's got now the support of these very probably which he lost in october service, usually that he's talking now about the duct, these nobody's talking about this. i mean, in gaza. it's only about you on the fax on out find united states is willing to go. 2 what is the american leverage on iran, and how will the members of the ever quote, who has a clear interest to stop to you on from the giving the heads your money over the me lease. and the how this all these little react when it's just on past midnight. so that's o g m team and bring you continuing coverage of iran, launching it's retaliatory attack against israel. the 1st wave of missiles launched by the revolutionary gods have reached is riley cities. the
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sermons of sound that in more than 720 locations and rocket 7 insisted above tel aviv and jerusalem. there are reports, a 10 year old boy who has been killed in southern israel, tyrone since this price. i'm in response to as well as the bombing of the rain and consulate in 3. what is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is meeting with is will cabinet intel of eve is really come about plays a role 7. the skies is really official, said the response will be fun and clear of cold around the attack has to be a dangerous escalation. meanwhile, us president joe biden cousin, we can finish short and rushed back to washington, and he's met with his national security team and says us commitment to as well. security is quote, i am glad around his wanting that any threat somebody us the palms that runs interest with met with a reciprocal response. a jordan iraq 11 on israel have old temporarily close the
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space that comes up to airports of interference with the gps and navigation systems without just a was dosage of bobby joins us live now from the uranium capital to air on those tests that we've had. this statement then on x by the uranium saying this is our only response and consider the matter concluded. and they don't want a further escalation, if the widening of the conflict. what should we make about responsibility as well? i think it's a bit premature based on what we're seeing on local media. this attack is not over yet. it's continuing. the 1st wave of the attack is over. we're expecting another series of drones and missiles to be launched, or if they haven't been so already from what we're hearing, based on local news outlets in the country. now, we've had another statement from iran revolutionary guard, and they said that after 10 days of silence by the international community, especially the united nations security council failure to condemn these really
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aggression in the i r g c has responded and decided to punish the aggressor being is route and that there's, they are hitting military targets and that they won the us government's that any supports or to get involved will be faced by a decisive response. we also heard from the foreign ministry. they've also issued a statement here saying that the on forces of iran under article $51.00 of the united nations charter. so it's the right to self defense and then legitimate research, right, to respond to the question by the right design is regina is what is being carried out and the target to their diplomatic mission on april 1st is what has led to this points. now, i also want to point out that we just heard on the state news agencies, that's one of the locations that was hits by a number of missiles by
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a medium range. ballistic missiles from iran has been reportedly the ramon air base in the negative deserts. in israel and they radians are saying that they launch multiple pay bar ms solves, which has a range of about 2000 kilometers. and the target was this military air base which they've had in the negative deserts. a. all right, that don't have to stay with us because these randy armies specialists and they'll have knobby speaking non western using assessments. many things in areas for risk. we are ready for such a develop bins and we're working according to our operational plans. continue to observe the instructions on ment in your coolness as you did over the past few i was the military has done and continues to do everything to prevent as right. you learn the citizens, i will keep you updated on the questions. well,
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i've heard a number of titans in the more now it has the, the mono or has a switch. it just thought get to being a threat. and this is a result of the, a small number of muscles that had been intercepted and the military base in the south was a sustained some damage is in this infrastructure. very mind, the damages, the question iran says that this is their response and they can, should we consider this, that the, the, this policy is over. and so the military will continue to do what is in the did the event is locked it over. do we expect and for those threats? oh, i'm sorry. as i have said, that it's still exist and a water arrow planes continue to drop the drones outside. our s
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pay is water. it. this is high. we continue to fees. such threats does, is our intent to attack uranium the nuclear facilities? the answer is that is the military will continue to do whatever is needed to defend the people to visit. right? you know, me, ok, has the military decided not to launch an attack? i goodness the wrong, they used to own the agreement with the united kingdom and the night. the states will not talk about this, but the military will continue to do whatever is needed to protect our people. they're going to send it to us because you know, for the stuff, is it through that, was it on the stated that the evidence is behind us? and so much as i have said, the evidence is not here to behind us and the 3 wouldn't do what do but mississippi
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to defend armoire people. now i would have speak in english, also not like good diploma as well for him. if you're not the so it seems that the amount of court about on the human center allowing me to assume an emotional cuz so specifically that i'm going to print out the slide, the whole and throwing it gives me science and bodies. stick me science towards the state of israel, a degree with that we thought a lies and boss moves across the region. we're operating at this very moment to defend these red familiar arms attack. so far we've intercepted the vast majority of incoming. these signs by ease ready systems, sofa we have intercepted and i'll continue doing so the to intercept dozens of tech drones as well as cruise me, science and bodies degree sized outside of these words. both the and number of for any and me says friend inside is really 30, tory called is causing minor damage to
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a military base with no casualties. only one little girl has been hurt and we hope she will be when they run in a tech is ongoing. our plans are india. tonight's white scale attacked by your ron is a major escalation together without realizing partners we are operating at if it were operating at full force to defend the state of israel and the people of these when we will continue to fulfill this mission. questions please. cnn is asking what type and how many projectiles have been fired towards as well tonight, so far. and how many drones and missiles have been intercepted? can you specify by region? the event is still occurring. but until now, over 200. different kinds has been fired to reason
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killer drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. we have already in the set that the vast majority of the threats is where the systems and with a sixpence from a partners that we are still in the event of plans of feeling via into something targets. and we are ready for any sweat that we've come to as well. we will do everything we need everything to defend the state of israel. thank you very much. all right, so you're watching the ever live press conference the from daniel how gary, these really ministry spokesman talking the he was saying that israel was ready for this attack. he said the public must remain cool and calm and not panic. and he was asked about what was happening, a demona, which is an area where israel, we believe, has a nuclear facility. so there was some mine of damage caused some,
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a drum there, but nothing major. he says, the is really response isn't over yet, even though iran says that's the end of their response. he was saying they still have things in the skies and their response will continue. because these are the uranium threats still exist. he said they've intercepted most of the drones and miss opposite of into his radio space. so that's done to a guy with his right. the ministry spokesman at the spring and really challenges he joins us live from occupied eastern roost and wrote me that. so there's right, the ministry of course, trying to reassure the public that own as well of the well, the thing is not really. yeah. i thought i was saying that they all still hopping the and shooting down drug and targets outside of his right space. so although the radians are saying we have made all points and that is the thing concluded, i think from these writing standpoints,
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it's not an old play yet set. and so that is why daniel, who gallery was telling people that they should carry on listening to the instructions, as i told you, go to shelters, thanks you guys shelters. and i'm of a basically sort of maintain that kind of hiring from come on a list of what they should and shouldn't be doing. so, you know, we know that they have the apple or the bang get better than been good or an app or it is a is going to be close to been definitely, we know that and schools, universities, daycare, etc. that's going to be shots for the next couple of days, and nobody is allowed to gather in numbers greater than a 1000 people. but i think generally these ready military and uh, its uh, friends and partners can conclude that this was a pretty successful defense of the country. as long as there is no further waves,
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that significantly degrades the defensive capabilities to deal with the situation. they say that they were more than $200.00 various types of cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and drones looms the vast majority of them. according to these right, is what intersected. only a few go through and cool some damage at a base admitted fee base in the south of the country. and daniel gallery said that as far as there were at the moment, there was only one casualty, a small go who they say they hope to get better soon. all right, so really challenge i live, press the in the studies to some movies of the time being. thank you. let's bring in our in see if he's a journalist and come and say to these way, the magazine 972 are in good. have you with you, i believe that you're in tennessee, but we understand you've seen some of the interceptions of these drones that tell us what you've been seeing. i'm hearing the way you are. it's so it's the middle of the night here until the beef,
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we've seen some flares an airplane on the sky. it's hard to say if it's easily flare. so other things, there's not have been any hit in tennessee or in, in the area earlier today. there was a on the government demonstration and also ford lease of the hostages. during the demonstrations. the organizer got the orders from the army from the police and they asked the people to leave. and since then, since. busy around 10 in the evening, we've seen the streets getting empty people leaving to their homes built to lead the demonstration, but also other crowded area. a, i've seen people a buying a bit of food, something in their own water, and basically it, the streets are empty and many people chose to spend the night in the shelters in their houses. i'm, i'm, i'm, i'm are, and what more can i tell us then about these ran the government and the miniature response to this attack. you would seen a lot of flux dvd in the sky, but at the moment it because in the middle of the night it was getting the report
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about the a, a bed with 40 a girl that was injured in the south, in the bed with community we're hearing about other minor hit, but till now what i heard, we haven't seen any major good or major location it that's were damaged specifically not in television. jeff adults are very quiet just at the, at the moment. i'm more than just a final thought to you. i wanna just pivot quickly to the war on dogs or we understand your magazine. got somehow some detailed information about how these randy ministry is using artificial intelligence to acquire targets in gaza. can you just tell us a little bit more about that? yes, definitely. or a story from last week, but you follow what i was talking about how the valley view it. ready easily intelligent students use a i in order to repay and a size tonight, a policy that in so you guys us and not only that, the, the,
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the research also showed how much correlates or a gym. it's so called colacho damage. it is approved by the cd or a military officers to even a very low rank. eh, impala stevens that's i believe, the 3rd part of the boss. so in general, i could say it does show that a lot of the docs in a gas up it's caused major casualties of to begin. we're almost of the best majority of the process was done by itself, doors and a i and just in the reading shortly approved by you wouldn't be all right to our ends in reporting that from tel aviv orange is a journalist from 97 to magazine, all right, thank you very much indeed. well, as we mentioned us, president joe biden has caught a weekend trip short on his return to washington d. c. a short time ago, the white house post and his response on x thing i just met with my national security team for an update on a ron's attacks against israel commitment to as well as security against threat
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some iran and his proxies is i am glad that's been in the white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare and kimberly, so by didn't have that security meeting at the white house earlier as we've already stated. who was in that meeting. kimberly and what kind of response, apart from this statement can we expect from washington? i mean, us officials knew this was coming back of the yes that's the case has been reported for a number of days. that in fact there was an anticipated and evidence threat from arrive some sort of retaliatory strike the size scope. and scale of the attack was something that was not being revealed by the national security council spokesperson john kirby. but having said that, there was something that was intense of pay. they didn't as a result, the 4th past year as it snowed. in other words, the military assets of the us military war being adjusted, that we did know. we also know that the u. s. president is recently is in just the
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last couple of days repeatedly iterated to a ron. but he was cautioning it not to retaliate. what we say retaliate, what we mean is that in response to the attacks that took place on april 1st, when the embassy in damascus was struck, or rather the consulate. so as a result, us presidential by the says, it really just gave a one word warning. he said don't, but as we know, that response is now underway now as to who was present for the national security meeting that was taking place. and we should tell you has just wrapped up in the white house just behind me in the situation. room is it's known. we know the c i a director bill burns was present, also the director of national intelligence, arrow haines, the secretary of state antony blank, and was also there. of course the us president. we know the vice president. she is
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in los angeles, but she was participating via video link, also the national security advisor, jake sullivan, and the defense secretary lloyd aust, as well as the joint chiefs and staff among others who advise the president. we know that this has been going on for many, many hours. the present, in fact, having short his trips the over the weekend where he was in delaware, coming back to the white house so that he could be in close consultation with is rarely officials and counter parts. so this is something that's for it to continue and be ongoing, given the fact that we know there has already been action that has been involved during the us military. in fact, the pen to the on giving us this statement that our forces were made. postured, provide defensive support and to protect us forces operating in the region. our us forces have been shooting down a raj, a ron, lots drones targeting israel. so already there has been us activity in coordination
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with the israel military in response to israel's attack. yeah. company and are around to town. yes. and, and it's worth pointing out, isn't it the pentagon because you just touched them. it should very little information about what sort of support it'll give to israel. all we have a clear as to what sort of military assets are deployed in the region or are being moved into the area in response to their rating and attack. so we know that since october 7th and when we talk about october 7th. so we mean when i'm off at launch this attack into israel and took captives, some of whom are still accounted for that. that is when the us began to very physically show it support for israel one. but the us, we're p have at least a it says iron clad as recently as again in the president's statement that he issued. when this, the national security team released that statement saying that this attack by
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a wrong design going would last for several hours. that was reiterated, we know that there were joint chairs, carriers, trade groups that were produced, the region. and we also know as recently as just a couple of weeks ago when these really defense minister was in washington, there was yet another package that was delivered to israel. c that were included yet more fighter jets and bomb. so this is, in addition to the annual, nearly 4000000000 in military support is given to israel on an annual basis. so this is what israel has been given. and this is also what the united states has positioned in the region. so there is a half the amount of military hardware. there's the position, however, where it is precisely the national security council spokesperson, john kirby would not say. all right, kimberly, how could i live there at the white house? a can be fun to. let's go to gabriel as on though now with the un headquarters in
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new york and gave me on a sound, you've got some breaking news from the un for us. the you and boss has been speaking. what can you tell us? as yeah, that's right. just in the last few minutes, we got a written statement from the un secretary general antonio gutierrez. this is his 1st reaction to the events unfolding right now. and i'll read you his statement in full word for word. it says, i strongly condemn the serious escalation represented by the large scale attack launched on israel by the islamic republic of your on this evening. i call for an immediate cessation of these hostilities. i am deeply alarmed about the very real danger of a devastating region wide escalation. i urge all parties to exercise maximum restraint to avoid any action that could lead to major military confrontations on multiple fronts in the middle east. the statement concludes with this,
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i have repeatedly stressed that neither the region nor the world can afford another more. that's a statement that we just got in from the secretary general written statement. he is here in new york. it's a little after 8 pm here local time, and that is the 1st reaction that we've gotten from him. now. we've heard from him previously over, over, over the last weeks and months. and he is both publicly and privately stressed how concerned he is about the events taking place in gaza. israel's war on gods and how that could have a spillover effect. we heard the secretary general previously talked about that when we seen the tax and the red sea. but he was really concerned about exactly a situation like this, playing out where you could get it straight by israel, against the iranian diplomatic office in damascus that we saw on,
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on april 1st. the secretary general on that day also condemned that it should be noted. but also then the potential retaliation by iran that we are now seeing play, you know, in real time. yeah. gabe size. you say a little worried. i'm concerned about any further escalations and also did the overnight developments in terms of a ron's response and the rain emission to the un also issued the statement the game . what did they have to say then? a yeah, this was their 1st official response and at least uh at least it was directed to the world. if you will, outside of t, ron and on the, on the x platform, the a rainy and a mission to the united nations. i put out a statement saying that they conducted on strength of article 51 of the un charter . this very important document, of course, pertaining to the legitimate defense. iran's military action was in response to the zionist resumed aggression against our diplomatic presence in damascus. the matter
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can be deemed concluded. uh, i went on to say however, should these rarely read you make another mistake, your ends response will be considerably more severe. is a conflict between e ran. and the rope is rarely regime from which the us must stay away. those are the words verbatim, that the rainy admission to the un posted or a little over an hour ago. it's important that the reference this document article, 51, because that is important because that is in the un charter and it says, any member state of the un that is a victim of aggression, military aggression does have the right to respond. essentially, that is what article $51.00 says, and so your end very clearly laying out in that post on the x platform saying essentially we are in accordance with our rights under international law. and under
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the un charter in our response or response, meaning you are hands, retaliatory a response here. and of course, as they posted it, the matter can be deemed concluded. this was a post a little over an hour ago. so, you know, we'll see how all that plays out, but in terms of the security council and this is important, the security council, of course, is tasked with overseeing peace and security in the world. we've been told by diplomatic sources that all to us and they are the president of the security council for the months of april. as of right now, we're told by diplomatic sources multi has not received any request from a security council member to hold an emergency meeting. however, that could change at any moment. all right, so i'll just grab, let us onto the reporting from you in headquarters in new york, gabe, thank you for that. when they come back to, let's get some of the different magic reaction. now the e was foreign policy chief. yes. at barton released the following statement on x,
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you said that you strongly condemned that unacceptable and radiant attack against israel. this is an unprecedented escalation and a great threat to original security. but u. k. has been a firm support of israel, the british prime minister, which is so not as reacted by saying i can diamond the strongest terms, irena and regimes attack against israel. iran has once again demonstrated that it is intent on southern chaos and its own backyard. he went on to say that you pay will continue to stand up as well as security and for all regional partners, including jordan and iraq along set of allies. we are urgently working to stabilize the situation and prevent further escalation. no one wants to see more legit. well and accommodate iran separately. that has issued a video statement on the x. he says the malicious is honest machine will be punished. as you said, a testing consulate is like attacking us soil. the ministration machine has made a wrong move. in this case. all right,
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this is what the space of the region looks like right now. you can clearly see the areas, the planes are important. those big blank areas in the middle of your screen, of the spaces of been shut down. israel jordan, iraq, an increased number of countries closing the address space as this reading and response plays out overnight. so those big thoughts spaces in the middle of all those empty spaces rather, all those spaces that have been closed down that spring and how some barry, he's a professor of international affairs. he comes to like university, have some talk to much for waiting. you've been with us all night waiting patiently, no problem. so let's just talk about some that response from the radians. then they made the statement on on x saying this, this was the one and only response, and there's no desire around to expand the conflict. what do you make of that state? i think this serves its own interest. the rate in doesn't have any interest in oculus collection like in the ones that would lead to direct war between these writers on the regions. and possibly also dragging the american into it. but at the same time, the america, the,
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the writings can't really afford not doing anything and action was not an option for them. so they have to do something. and because for, for stories in a, they want to read it into terms and secondly, they want, they don't want to be seen week in front of the process. so they come up with this . um, i would say calculated measure response and retaliations in order just to make their point that you know they have right to do with and they are willing to do it. let's just talk about the us because this is the worst case scenario for the us. they didn't want to see an escalation in the region. president biden had wound iran not to retaliate. how do you see that us involvement now? and then you would tell you, issued by israel against what's happening tonight. there's one thing very important that they heard the news that when the americans ministration told these, waited that they cannot or they should not tell you to don't go to the nation. and this is important to statements made by the americans because they don't want is vital to retaliate in a way that would probably to original war because the americans have no interest
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into that. and the, all these states has come combined in that the americans would stand up for his raiders and stand with them at to contain the aggression that you'll see in the us band could actually calibrate israel's response to this. i think i think they will, because these raises would not have it free free hand. and that because i know it is like, you know, the, the, one of the objectives of scenarios you know, to escalate because this is his own political agenda. but the mart cuz i think we'll have to finally say because this way, because then as well, it includes television. yeah. and that's an interesting point you make about the strategic imperative. because netanyahu has been talking about the range of nuclear threats for years, has me, has that, and i mean, yeah, do you think is relevant but use this opportunities to now to complete this strategic imperative, which is to destroy a bronze neutral assets. what are the, you know, this is a part of this, so who the government actually um saying this is a golden opportunity for them. since the ariens have a talk is to them directly targeted these really territories. then they have the
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right to this point that they wanna probably take advantage of that and do what they want it to do from the very beginning. if you know, danny and how guy was saying that, you know, there's way, let me tell you what to do. what is, what, what do what is necessary to protect as well and protecting is i can be interpreted differently because one of the things that they've been talking about is that the nuclear program is frightening 1st. right? um, let me just get to another fort from u. s. on because i want to ask you, you know, it's, it's, it's easy to focus on what's happening tonight and lose perspective in terms of the broad, a geo political situation in the middle east. so what are the implications and the reason implications for things like oil production, oil prices, and it's not just the red sea, there's the persian gulf. so what does this mean for global shipping and the oil market? what it has been a problem until this.


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