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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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a few kilometers away in the middle of the house. one is not missing 12, or even see members of his property 5 in the occupied west bank, at least 9000 listed in families are missing at least one of the one at the start table. the israel into 6 hundreds of missiles and jones off to iran launches its retaliate tree attack. it's now reopened. it's is face the for the put on. and this is, i will just hear a live from the also coming up the separations in iran, which says the attack was the response to as well as the bombing of its counselors
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in syria, 2 weeks ago. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu and has, will cabinet consider their options to what officials have cooled, a severe and dangerous explanation. and president job item types of support as well . and says us, this has help take down the old drones and the salts from the rod. the house of days of trip yvonne has launched as vitale. a tree attack on israel. that is very say more than $300.00 drones ballistic and cruise missiles target the country, most of which were intercepted the attack mock. the 1st time fed on has launched a direct military assault on israel. heidi jo cost ro begins on coverage. the explosions leader of israel's night sky is interceptors took down dozens upon dozens of you, ronnie,
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and launched drones. israel's military spokesman to the nation's defense systems detected incoming drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles, launched from iran and its proxies together with the allies and faith moves across the region. we operating it this very moment to defend these real familiar arms with tech. so fall, we have intercepted the vast majority of incoming commit sides by ease, rarely systems. the damage to israel was far less than had been feared, is really official said one child was hurt and the military base suffered minor damage. schools and israel had closed early, and civilians had been warned to seek shelter from the attack that many had suspected was coming. as it unfolded, jordan, iraq and lebanon closed their air space. and you as president joe biden, cut short
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a trip to delaware, rushing back to the white house to meet with his national security council in a statement bite and said us forces health israel take down nearly all the incoming drones and missiles and bite and spoke with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu by phone of firming the us is iron clad support. a he wants to the weekends attack was retaliation for israel strike on any rainy and diplomatic count found in damascus earlier this month. even as the drones ran down on is real. you runs mission to the united nations, said the matter can be deemed concluded, the ward, more violence would come, is real or the us retaliated. iranians rallied in front of the british embassy into ron after the attack concluded to each case, i have never seen in any country anywhere that attacking another country and bore, makes people happy. but to night, people gave up their sleep so that they can come here and show how important this 4
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is to us. and how glad we are from this attack on these are leaders in the u. k. europe and canada condemned. he runs actions as reckless unacceptable and the stabilizing for the region. you and secretary general antonio gutierrez, also called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. but israel has signaled it will respond to your was attack. the un security council is expected to discuss efforts to prevent a direct or between the 2 countries on sunday high digital, castro algebra. and heidi will have more reaction from washington dc in a moment while pull brennan standing by in london. and ron con as an occupied east jerusalem. but 1st let's get the reaction from ted on the wrong supreme. lita, i have the ali how many has issued a statement saying the militia, zionist regime will be punished. attacking counselors is like attacking al soil. he goes on to say the malicious regime has made a wrong move in this case, dosage
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a body has move on to head on. the operation to promise appears to have wrapped up after over nearly 3 hours of it barrage of drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, summer launch towards israel. now, iran has said that this is their rights to defend themselves, and that is why they've launched this unprecedented attack against israel, the re, new foreign minister america who's in after law handset that iran had given the united states advance warning. the revolutionary guard issued a number of statements, the last of which said that they had military targets of that it was successful. of course that is being disputed, biased really official saying that sustained, minor damage at this is going to be seen by many rings who will wake up to the news on sunday morning as the historic events in the country for over 40 years. iran has been talking about a going to war with israel as one of its main adversaries as
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a result of a number of events. but certainly over the past few weeks, things have really increased the tensions between the 2 countries. after these really are struck in uh earphones console section and damascus killed 7 members of your own revolutionary guards. course. it was not the 1st time israel carried out such an act. this was something that the united nations security council refused to condemn israel for, and that was one of the points made by it when he and diplomats on saturday evening that there was not enough in the condemnation. and therefore, a wrong soul set in needed to defend itself against the threats coming from israel . and that has been continuing for many years since october 7th, until now in syria or alone is really airstrikes of killed 18 members of rooms, revolutionary guard. and not only that, since 2010, at least 6 nuclear scientists in iran had been assassinated. one of them survived
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the assassination attempts, but all of those attacks iran has but israel, for, in an attempt to at, to deter or delay iran. nuclear program at this certainly will be an events that ray news will be talking about as they wake up to the news. what we do know is that the 2 airports enter on the capitals, the domestic one, and the international one. how about airport and implementing airport have to cancel or delete all flights? possibly in preparation for any kind of a retaliatory attack that could be carried out by israel in the coming hours. and the revolutionary guards have also issued warnings to the united states and those countries that of health, as well as discrete, defend itself, against the attack that was carried i by or on earlier on saturday, saying that they will also be paying a price for their assistance they've been providing to israel dosage of bar it out
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to 0 to air on this. go now to our correspondent and non con his life or isn't occupied used to boost lemon. one more information coming from the israeli military about giovanni and attack. they're also saying in wrong that the overnight launches from iraq and yemen. in addition to those from the ron that has the right to roadside hearing the rock is they'd come in from southern level as well inside as well. reacted is where the air force a bombed sites in southern lebanon as a response. we don't know how much of that attack took place from syria as already from yemen and iraq. but it clearly was a coordinated attack. and now we're hearing from the political and military establishment is old. israel daniel guard who has been speaking, he called the fact the 99 percent of the attack was tortured by these ready defense systems as a victory your client,
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as actually been speaking as well. he has said that this is a attack that was full, that it was a rejection of what we were thinking of happening. so let me just bring this up again together with the united states, additional partners we managed to defend the territory of the state of israel. very little damage was cause we've also heard from the is riley present, isaac heads, or who once again congratulated the people of israel for defending themselves. but perhaps the most interesting statement is very, very short statement came from israel caps, the foreign minister said, and he said, basically that the way they were still on a war footing. now that's what the public statements, privately is ro, is going to be looking at the rony and strategy and seeing if the all gaps are in the i key military base is also targeted to have another team. a face about attacked was a full set, but the intention behind it will be worrying to as well and run. thank you very
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much for that. that is, and one cause of all the laces lines of reaction from israel, his live and occupied east jerusalem. the us present joy bite and cause a weekend trip short rushed back to washington. he's met with his national security team and says us commitment as well. security as iron clad, let spring, and heidi joe cost, or she's live in washington dc reaction from the us coming 2nd foss, heidi the basis from the us defense secretary saying they don't see conflict with the rod, but why don't hesitate to protect their faces or support as well as defense to that's right, elizabeth and that is directly following reports of biden's phone call with this really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the 2 leaders speaking for 25 minutes either right at the end of or after the session, there's a task from e. ron, and in that phone call, the official read out from the white house and
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a statement from bite and himself saying that this is when president biden again reaffirmed the us commitment to israel's defense. no surprise there, but the reports are that bite and also stressed. it and then yahoo and this phone call that the u. s. would not participate in any sort of offensive strike against iran as retaliation for this attack on israel and reports that is real. did it give guarantees or assurances rather to the us that any sort of strike on iran would only be a take place after advising or letting the, the us know that it was about to take place. now the, the statement that you reference from lloyd austin, the us defense secretary, was clear in that saying that the us does not seek conflict with the ron. but that the us will not hesitate to act, to protect its forces and support the defense of israel. and we heard nearly the
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same words echoed and another statement from the us. secretary of state. all of this pointing to what's going to happen next. that is top of mind here in washington as president biden has said that on sunday he is convincing the g 7 leaders to discuss how to respond to this in a united front. yeah, top of mind of washington and very much around the world. how do you thank you very much for that, heidi joe castro, joining us live from washington dc. let's get reaction from europe now. pull brennen his life for us in london. very strong condemnation from the brush prime minister and the you pull. yes indeed. in fact, there was a flurry of reactions coming in as soon as the attack began to reigned against israel was such as condemnation uh, grave concern. as you heard from heidi the stuff, the concerns about escalation, and we just a couple of them. you, you mentioned the european union's top different ideas of burrell,
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his post on social media saying the european union strongly condemns the unacceptable. they ran the, an attack against israel. this is unprecedented escalation, under grave threats to regional security. the others as well as the spanish president, the dutch prime minister, mach rough, uh, the charles rachelle, the president of the european council. but i pick out richardson act the u. k. prime minister, who said he condemns in the strongest times the reigning and origins, reckless attack against israel. iran has once again demonstrated its intense on so in chaos, in its own backyard. and the u. k. will continue to stand up for israel security and vast of all of our regional partners, including jordan and iraqi. it's a difficult position for some of these european leaders who in recent months have been very strongly critical of israel actions in gaza. the way israel has
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prosecuted its war on garza, i'm the escalating college that we see every day on, on television screens as a result of israel bombing and bullets. and now at the same time, the same allies having to fall in behind israel and offered support. so there is a, a diplomatic difficulty that, but it's a, it's on the field of regional escalation is what really worries everybody, and particularly the european leaders who have expressed it most directly in their social media post 7 i pull. thank you very much for that. that's pull brandon with the reaction from from europe. and i'll just do as defense editor alex good talking . this is joining us now. alex, tell us about the drones to miss sauls, the wrong choice to the pro and how they did it. so the photo for about $350.00 of these and in the total make. so these would have been a mix of drones. it would have been cruise missiles about
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a $110.00 ballistic missiles. now the drums that they fide off, we call them drones, but really they're being used in a cheap cruise missile way of that. so she had 136 that's being used in ukraine. it's called the range, but it hasn't really caught that much of a whole head which looked like 50 kilograms compared to say, a tongue or half a ton of war, head for ballistic missile. so this small there, um, they could have been use and space. they're designed to try and overwhelm, as well as very advanced, very sophisticated air defense systems, which all multi layered. so the real test as being of israel tonight is to be able to intercept that many ballistic missiles fired the country itself. and the is really ministries folks this and has said that the dentist have to something like 99 percent of what's being 5 from the on the said a victory for over on to be able to send hundreds of drones and missiles into israel. something they haven't done before or how much or is it a victory for israel being able to intercept most of them?
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but that's a really interesting question. this need a iran is obviously never done this before, but is holding a lot of what it's in its inventory. 5 kids got hundreds of moments, so it's got probably high hundreds to a few 1000 more drones as well. so i think both sides will be analyzing the data here to try and see how accurate so the ones that they get through, by the way, the and it's ready at base was put out of action. so it was sick. but these 15 of these ballistic missile, so it has done some damage. some have gone through saying that these ways of also intercepted vast amounts of these and they've done so very well. they've got to use the arrows 3 into, let's say here, which some took out ballistic missiles outside the outer space. so as will defend the system works on the multi let things go and go into sit in the low level stuff that's the one we handle is that when we hear most about because it's based around i'm colors and it's been intercepting how most of all kids in the past,
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but you're being very, very rudimentary, very basic. and then you go to a high, a t, a mid level stuff about the level of the pie tree. it's me, which is david sling. and then you put arrow 3, which is designed to into intercept all the thoughts stuff, the big stuff that we are seeing here being tested. okay, alex, thank you very much for that. that's the defense editor editor alex, could top of this well, let's go to gaza now and drug and alcohol is one of the products of was in his joining us live from the alpha in the south and thought of how people they're reacting to these. yvonne and strikes on his ro yes, elizabeth, in facts that are running attack, whom they use valley a territories, have been sparking a more reactions among palestinians who have been closely following the latest runyan retaliation to the it's very late to attack on the,
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on the run you come to that in damascus, they have been describing that as a normal retaliation. and that's practically what have been noticed in come off official. the statement that has been released just a couple of minutes ago describing the runny of retaliation to be normal and also to be as i freely within the ation to the is really on getting a tax on the iranian consulate and also targets across the middle east. so clearly what palestinians are seeing is that they have been also observing that this attack by your wrong could be actually on the side of potential escalation looming of the horizon as they are completely seeing that days in the region as witness in high tension and high escalation in becoming ours as the i've been also saying that is with well a strongly originally a to the run unit tack. as of right now. uh, no coordination has had that has been made between israel and it's k ladies in the region. far, palestinians here right now are no longer care much about the run you or even the
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is when you read to the ation because they have been on the wide minutes. we have tax in the past few hours where many areas of course, the church who have been widely bound to it, including m as a right to refuge account where isabel is focusing right now. and gauze is irena as they are trying to expand the curriculum with that has been recently established splashing between the north and the south. wild casualties amongst the begins continues to rise because the continued to rise as specifically that one of the late that has been widely recorded and understood. rochester g counselor, people that are so trapped on the intense is very bombardment. so clearly, palestinians right now, of course, then tracing what a footing the basic needs unrelenting bombing campaign. of course, the top 3 to thank you very much for that thought of was in with the latest live in that off in southern gaza. we spoke earlier with david devora, she's an associate professor at the national defense university in the us. and he says he was surprised that around carried out a direct attack. it seems that the iranian leaders are um,
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determined not just to take action to that, but to be seen to take action. what that indicates to me is that there's considerations of pride in prestige that are divorced from strategy and tactical utility, which may indicate a more dangerous error than we thought. so the most important part is the payload. the payload is about 50 kilograms of high explosives, but the explosives have copper penetrating plates that are not just on the ends, but also one sides. and there's also um, around the side of the warhead metal fragment that sort of in like a little bands that can create damage. and so what you have is a, by military standards, relatively small weapon, that's not capable of any great penetration of the hard military target. but if it lands in a thing like we've seen the russians using this, against the electrical power stations in ukraine, it can cause a great amount of damage complex, mature. then of course, if it hits
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a large concentration of people, the, the shrapnel from the fragmentation can cause of great, great degree of damage. then you have the body of the sure he gets self, which is made out of fiberglass. that means that it's both cheap to make, but it's also difficult to acquire by radar. the guidance of this your heating can be guided actively, although. ready that is somewhat hard for iran because it requires a camera and only a few are made with those because of sanctions surrounds finding a hard to get those. so most of them are on a sort of inertial guidance. so either using gps, which i'm sure that there was extensive, jeremy jeremy was reported and so gps may have been disabled that may have led to a lot of these going down. or it has an active communications link, which it also is disrupted by electronic warfare. jeremy, uh or it is just put on a dead reckoning. and if it's on a dead reckoning pattern, and then it's, you know, once you acquire it it's, it's, you know, you can,
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you can shoot it down if need be. as the un security council is holding an emergency meeting on sunday to discuss yvonne's attack and the secretary general has urged and enter the fighting in the statement. he said, i strongly condemn the serious escalation represented by the law of scale attack launched on his room by ron icore for an immediate succession of these hostilities . neither the world, no, the region can afford another war. let spring in diplomatic editor james bays and james rhonda saying that it's responding to an attack by israel on it's comes to us and the syrian capital damascus 2 weeks ago. but is rather saying that it's going to respond to the latest attack. so what will as well as calculations be here, do you think that it will in fact respond? i think that is the very big question right now and how much was straight the us has on israel at this moment. suddenly this moment i think is a dangerous moment. there is the real risk of a miscalculation yes. to take this,
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take a look at it again. step back, 1st of april was when the israelis attack the it writing consists in damascus, 7 killed. they were 3 of them, very senior generals in the out codes force of iran, now around says that say, consider it. so it's that soil. it was a direct attack on rain installed and they put this the vienna convention on diplomatic relations. they took a long time to calibrate their response, 13 days, and then they attacked israel around again saying that's legitimate, some of the un shots that because they say best. so it was attacked, the child to says that there was a right of self defense article, $51.00 of the child. so so we've had a complete cycle. we've had an attack and we've had a counter attacked. if the us can put pressure on his route and say you was successful because you repelled this attack them, that's a victory for you. you don't need to then go to iran again, then perhaps a, a line can be drawn under it and certainly the radiance and made it clear in the
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tweet they put out from the admission in the un. a that they say this matter can be deemed concluded, however, should these rightly raise you make another mistake? is it runs responsible to consider the most to be. i'm the out, the us must stay away. the question mark low is almost a right. what is right let's going to do because we know the prominent fitness in yahoo, his main estimates rep. oh is very long time in public 6 has been the wrong. he's got hard liners in his cabinet who will not be satisfied with doing nothing. sitting on my hands, so this is a dangerous moment and i think the most important thing to watch all the comments that come out of, of israel in the coming out. yeah. so prominence to benjamin netanyahu very much stuck in that, you know, between that rock and hard place between the hard liners in his cabinet, in between the united states, which does not want him to respond to this attack. what do you think is going to happen at the security council meeting that's going to happen on sunday. james, you've come to the united nations for many years. the same security council,
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which wouldn't condemn the, as a riley attack on the iranian embassy and damascus. and some have said that if the security council council had condemned that attack, if i might not have been forced to respond to the attack, that was even a comment from the rain informed minnesota. he said, if the security council had come out and set that attack was a legal on the international law, then it wrong would not have needed a to, to respond. i think the situation on the security council is likely to be divided. remember, it was 3 countries, the didn't sign up for the state and condemning the is there any attack on the consulate back on the 1st of april, that was the us problems and the u. k. i, as i say iran is saying what it just date. even though it was a mass attacked with elizabeth solves and trans was legitimate on the self defense . and the un charter will have to watch, i think russia and china because i think they may well support that are writing in position and say they believe to be it was a self defense security council like me to be divided. the other important meeting
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is the g set them coming up in a few hours time. they are likely to back. i think these rightly side spots at the same time. they don't want as well to take any more action. they don't want escalation because of the effect. this could have only reach you, and that's also the global, the com. and just lastly james, because of the possible implications for the global economy. do you see that us pushing a type of pressure on israel that they haven't or with the protection of civilians and gaza at the moment? president biden, his statement is praising israel, saying that the defense systems perform so wonderfully. but i think behind the scenes, there's probably a great deal of pressure on this route to show restraint at this time. because if you would have an will that will the economic effects of that the, the oil price and other things would be so catastrophic that it potentially puts the most important thing for president vitamin, which comes up in november. his re election at risk cool. at james, thank you so much. that side diplomatic edison james base a. well,
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let's recap. that may just story. now iran voice, it's a retaliatory attack on israel on saturday nights. often days of threats to is rarely say $300.00 drones. for less that can cruise missiles for the rest of the country. the majority of which were intercepted, the air raid sirens sounded more than $720.00 occasions that hours of an ice and rockets were intercepted across the country. ted on says the stripes are in response to as well as the bottom of the ronnie and comes to an end sylvia 2 weeks ago as well as military has told residents, the attack is now on that and that's set for me,
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elizabeth put on them. but do stay with us, we would have another full use religion for you and half a now without continuing coverage of yvonne's vitality. attacks on israel counting, the cost is coming up next. thank you for watching. the . the weather has not yet settled in the radiant peninsula. the still cloud streaking across, which gives a hint, this fost winds out there and they tend to cause developments. so significant rain of mind which then reaches west and pakistan out of my style starting to run that means flash flooding, snow on the higher ground of the hindu kush as well. bit of a gap towards more shelves developing in northern syria knows in the rock as well, but not particularly heavy. and then between using well that's not looking bad. but
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that to changes during monday with a proper revolving system developing, which means big thunderstorm, slow moving. yes, mr. mon, into this part of saudi arabia possibly got tile behind and then eventually q 8. now any of these could be big enough for some flash funding, but those do look particularly formulas. so the full cost of the ha, my funds don't monday and tuesday, gusty winds around them significant. right. potentially, they're not necessarily got to develop more likely. and sadly, i think the seasonal rate in africa is showing itself on the terms of am carson lab . that's not quite surface monsoon, but that's what you look for as it develops on its way up towards india. big house, the rest that will be great in the c, n mosh out. the big ones developing in south africa of the growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change,
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a playful series. it takes to understand the challenge is mobilizing, use around the world. we need to a political party that will talk about our problems. know how come from a generation because 0 is being seen the groups, the size of the system says no for most the interest of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in a 5th generation change on al jazeera, the hello, the nora kyle. this is counting the cost on out to 0, your weekly look at the world of business and economics this week. oil prices, i've had 7 months high off the middle east, pensions intensifies. will. this might continue. and how will that.


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