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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the challenges here with the the come on. so rahman, you're watching the old is a news life from the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. this really does ups, hundreds of missiles and drones launch by iran in an unprecedented attack. these drawings on celebrates intern from the government says that they were in response to israel bombing of it's considered in syria 2 weeks ago. international
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goals grow for restraint as israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu and his little cabinet considered their options and present a button clutch of support as well saying us false has helped to take down any, all of the drones on missiles from iran, the book into the news. all right, so 700 g m t and after days of threats, iran has little and unprecedented attack on israel. these, when the government says more than $300.00 trains, ballistic and cruise missiles are fired towards its territory, most of them were intercepted. the attack came in response to as wells, as bronco and tyrants can see, let in damascus 2 weeks ago. it's the 1st time around his last direct military assault on israel's as well. we have correspondence around the world following
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these developments. and in a few moments, john henderson will have reaction from washington dc. pull. brendan is in london with the latest from europe. direct i will assume is in rafa in southern garza. well, the abraham is standing by for us in ramallah in the occupied westbank event con. will also be occupied east teresa with developments from israel. but 1st, how does your account start? begins our coverage with this report. the explosions liter israel's night sky is interceptors took down dozens upon dozens of you, ronnie, and launch drones. israel's military spokesman to the nation's defense systems detected incoming drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles, launched from iran and its proxies together with the allies and faith moves across the region. we're operating it this very moment to defend these real familiar arms with tech, a sofa. we have intercepted the vast majority of income making me sides by ease,
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rarely systems. the damage to israel was far less than had been feared, is really official said one child was hurt and a military base suffered minor damage. schools and israel had closed early, and civilians had been warned to seek shelter from the attack that many had suspected was coming. as it unfolded, jordan, iraq and lebanon closed their air space. and you as president joe biden, cut short a trip to delaware, rushing back to the white house to meet with his national security council in a statement bite and said us forces health israel take down nearly all the incoming drones and missiles and bite and spoke with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu by phone of firming the us is iron clad support. iran said the weekends attack was retaliation for israel strike on any rainy and diplomatic count found in
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damascus earlier this month. even as the drones rained down on israel, he runs admission to the united nations, said the matter can be deemed concluded, but warrant more violence would come. israel or the us retaliated. iranians rallied in front of the british embassy into one after the attack concluded, months to each case. i have never seen in any country anywhere that attacking another country and war makes people happy. but to night, people gave up their sleep so that they can come here and show how important this 4 is to us. and how glad we are from this attack on these are leaders in the u. k. europe and canada condemned. he runs actions as reckless unacceptable and the stabilizing for the region. you and secretary general antonio gutierrez, also called for any immediate cessation of hostilities. but israel has signaled it will was lawn to see was attack. the un security council is expected to discuss
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efforts to prevent a direct war between the 2 countries on sunday high digital castro alger sierra. let's go see the 2 montano key parties through streaming spending by for us. so these really military have been speaking him wrong in terms of the volume of missiles that were targeted towards israel that increased that number. so that's why we initially had to figure out all the $200.00 projects. how's up in the eye, including drawings and missiles, and that number has now been revised to 331. that figure is a far larger than we were expecting for any kind of a type a may have taken place. in fact, before the attack took place, most people were considering it might be a limited attack on a military base, or perhaps even a strategic target by default. and hi fi did come as a surprise that it was such a large scale attack and taking place across the whole of these writing territory.
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no, the political, a military establishment. i've also been speaking, we've heard from israel caps use the foreign minutes that we've heard from your client who's a defense. what is the uh, the is ready person isaac heads up. i would also head from daniel rigari dislikes and they've all said pretty much the same thing that the defendants of israel was a strategic victory was a victory, the israel. it was a victory for israel and the us and a victory for israel and its allies. that's what they say in public. be privately, they will be looking at the scale, a nature of this attack and trying to figure out whether uh a wrong could have actually go through whether this was telegraphed and it phones so far ahead in advance about 2 hours. in fact, the, the windows system and the, the of the defense systems worked as they should. but if there was an attack coming from perhaps close citizen from 11 on a, then that may well overwhelm that systems. but still a lot of questions beyond,
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despite the fact they all cordless a victory, it might, we might get some more clarity later in the day. because on a sunday, normally these really will cabinet. all the cabinet meet. i never know misstatements made. i mean, what is the timeline and when do you think we should be looking out for the sound bites later in the day? i as well if you look at june tay, it's about 70 m t. now the war cabinet is actually going to meet around 13 gmc, so we should get some statements off to that. but i just told you all of the people we have heard from who haven't we had, we haven't heard from the prominence themselves. benjamin netanyahu, he has been uncharacteristically. i have to say quite know that you would expect a statement coming immediately from him. why that's happened. we don't know. maybe he is waiting for that security that will come to me. thing. sorry, in the little cabinet meeting they will be discussing any potential response and any potential pull back, push back from site united states or other countries,
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the present drug gardens because of the same. i call it john henry to get into this a little bit later. he says this is a victory as well. so perhaps that's the reason we haven't heard from the pm. he's waiting for that little cabinet. we think before issuing a statement about my time. yeah, thanks very much for the update that everyone called the forest and occupied east choice. not your own supreme lead. uh, so a lot of the human a has issued a statement and then he says, and we quote, the malicious design est regime will be punished a talking or comes through. it is like a talking with social. he goes on to say that the malicious regime has made a wrong move in this case, dosage of already has multiple times around operation to promise appears to have wrapped up after over nearly 3 hours of it barrage of drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles that were launch towards israel. now iran has said that this is their rights to defend themselves, and that is why they've launched this unprecedented attack against israel,
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the reigning foreign minister. i mean, who's been up to a lawyer on set that iran had given the united states advance warning. the revolutionary guard issued a number of statement, the last of which said that they had military targets of that's, that was successful. of course, that is being dispute advise really official saying they sustain minor damage. and this is going to be seen by many rings who will wake up to the news on sunday morning as a historic event in the country. for over 40 years, iran has been talking about a going to war with israel as one of its main adversaries as a result of a number of events. but certainly over the past few weeks, things have really increased the tensions between the 2 countries. after these rarely ever strike in uh earphones consulate section and damascus killed 7 members of the wrongs revolutionary guard course was not the 1st time israel carried out such an act. this was something that the united nations security council refused to
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condemn israel for, and that was one of the points made by it when you and diplomats on saturday evening that there was not enough kind of condemnation. and therefore iran felt that it needed to defend itself against the threats coming from israel. and that has been continuing for many years since october 7th until now in syria or alone and is really airstrikes have killed 18 members of her loans, revolutionary guard. and not only that, since 2010, at least 6 nuclear scientists in iran have been assassinated. one of them survived the assassination attempts, but all of those attacks iran has but israel, for, in an attempt to, at this her or delayed around nuclear program at this certainly will be an events that ray news will be talking about as they wake up to the news, what we do know is that the 2 airports enter on the capitol since a domestic one and the international one. how about airport, and it won't call me in the airport, have to cancel or delete all flights,
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or possibly in preparation for any kind of a retaliatory attack that could be carried out by israel in the coming hours. and the revolutionary guards have also issued warnings to the united states and those countries that have help israel defeat, defend itself against the attack that was carried i by or on earlier on saturday, saying that they will also be paying a price for their assistance as they've been providing to israel dosage of bar it out to 0 to air on the time he was present. dr. barton coach all day weekend drip and return to washington dc. he's met with his national security team and says us commitment to israel security remains and client told him to enjoys me out from washington dc with the violate system. excuse me, your reaction coming in from the us, stick and fast obviously in lots of companies including the defend secretary as
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walden saying, what the rest of the you might say, american cabinet is saying they will continue to protect israel. uh that relationship is i implied, but really nobody knows what the next step might be and the conversations that are being had behind closed goals. and that's right. so hell in the initial response has been uniform support for israel from us officials. you have lloyd austin, as you just mentioned, the secretary defense condemning what he called reckless and unprecedented. attacks from the pentagon gave is a little more information about the breakdown of those 331 strikes that im run con was speaking about just a minute ago. say that, saying that a 185 drones, a 110 surface to surface missiles. 36 cruise missiles were lodge and even told us how many were knocked down by us forces the us intercepted at least 70 of those drones and 3 ballistic missiles. and we've got a statement from antony blinking,
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the secretary of state saying, well, we do not seek escalation, we will continue to support his real defense. and he went on to say, we will, we will defend us personnel. and then of course, the president joe biden. and after speaking with nathan yahoo and a 25 minute phone call, he put out a statement and he said that he will be calling for a meeting of the g 7. that is the group of 7 major industrialized nations so that those leaders can gather together for what he calls a, a, a unified diplomatic response to or what he calls or runs brazen attack. so, so far, the response from the by did ministration. they've all been on the same page. we may hear more from members of congress tomorrow, and i suspect that will include calls for more money for his really military support. sometimes don't we look at the new one says in the comments as you say, being made by various members of the american cabinet. but one statement this does
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seem to creep in that certainly has in the last 24 hours, is the statement that the us has said that it does not support and is riley counter attack. of course, what's happened is all of how it was all happened within 2 weeks era, israel sitting in the rainy and concealer office in syria, iran now getting back. they don't want this to escalate any further in the us saying, we're not going to support you at the moment if this happens to absolutely the by the administration has sent out the message biden, apparently, according to a us official told netanyahu directly, the us will not participate in offensive operations against iran directly. and he went on to say that he told literally all who this was a when that nothing of value was hit. this is according to a us official. so he's clearly trying to push back on getting yahoo as he said before, don't overreact,
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which is what he said to nothing yahoo about attacking gaza. he's, he's talking about some of these same things he'd been calling for a cease fire. been very critical live netanyahu. now, after this attack, he's been much more supportive, but behind the scenes, one suspects that he is being very clear about saying, don't overreact. and the administration is talking about using diplomacy and insisting it will not be directly involved. so this is clearly the bite and administration pushing back a little bit quietly while offering public support for nothing. yeah, in the middle of the night though, as well. i'm sure we'll get more reaction. the sun rises in the us later in the day for the moment, joan, thank you. now the un security council is holding an emergency meeting on sunday to discuss the rawlings attack. and the secretary general has an end to the fighting in the, in the statement. he said, i strongly condemned the serious escalation represented by the large scale attack and launched on israel by iran. i called for an immediate cessation of these
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hostilities needs of the region low the world can afford another will as well, which we know by articulate together to james base contact with this james. uh, can we just follow up on, on this comment? we've just got from john 100 as well, a bout america's statement that they do not want to escalate this. they do. don't want to see israel counterattack. it's not on quantity at the moment. isn't. is these riley pull the teeth and the is really thinking yes, we know that publicly they all together and the us participate in, in, in, in repelling. those miss allan drone attacks on the us is defending israel publicly . below the water line, the bit we can see a lot of pressure, i think, from the bite and ministration. i'm from president biden directly to prime minister netanyahu and not 25 minute phone call that john was just referencing you've got the when take the wind is what the us president test as told is, right?
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the prime minister, the wind, was repenting this attack. do not go to the next phase because that's where we all we have the initial attack on the it raining constant in damascus on the 1st of april of iran says that that was a breach of international law. it was, it saw it. oh, that's defined under the vienna convention. that's the, the documents that covers diplomatic embassies and consulates around the world. the rom took almost 2 weeks to calibrate its response. i think partly because they didn't know that they were in a dilemma and they didn't know quite hard how to go and exactly what to go. but also that we developed and so on the ground and gaza that would have to the right, the response. iran is saying that it's response that you saw on this massive miss allan driving attack, which is the 1st direct attack of iran on his right is sold despite all the party harsh words. that's saying that's perfectly justified with the security council made. so they said all the go 51 of the you and funk founding charter says we have
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the right of self defense when our own soil was attacked. and i think the intention to mean dates, particularly on the security council table, is going to be somewhat divided on this. i think russia and china a probably going to buy uranium position, but they already have being divided. haven't they, to a certain extent, james? because this old could have been settled, had the security council condemned what is rarely done. and that didn't happen because of 3 permanent members of the security count. certainly there was an effort to put out a statement by the security council condemning that april 1st attack. and that was stopped in its tracks at a very, very early stage by the us. and it's 2 key allies on the security council, both permanent members, the u. k and friends. they said that they were there with question marks about the attack. so question marks about the diplomatic status of the building, and they said israel hadn't actually admitted to it carried to that will be old and i was rel, carried out. that's a talk. so certainly on that that those,
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those 3 members of the security council stopped a statement and the writing for minister then said that the fight that was knows that there was no statement or o position of the security council on this is one of the reasons why wrong decided how to attack is whether now is route is going to follow. again, we've had one cycle. we've had an attack in the counter attack and this is a dangerous moment. if israel goes the next phase, then we start getting a spiral. we start getting escalation, we start getting miscalculation, and that could potentially become an old out, which would engulf the region. and if you're living a little way from the middle east, it's going to affect you to because it's going to affect the global economy and it is the absolute nightmare for president biden step, amounts out from the election. the idea of a collapse of the global economy and a major war in the middle east side is something no us president want. so i mean, we seen the full out even every night with space being plays across the middle east
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and disrupting global flights across the region. 2 things we have to just keep an eye on this. well james, i wonder whether we have your opinion on this. we've got this, the 77 cold i'd be late during the day. and, and we've also got to think about the american top shows that will come to light later on in the day. and what politicians might say that we can some inkling of the american positions you think in those sunday morning shows somebody from washington's point of view. yes, i mean i, we will certainly, i think here the position the washington is going to be very, very supportive in public of israel, but privately real pressure on this and yahoo, who's main name and his time is prime minister, has been to take on the wrong that's been his enemy, number one. so real ra straight on on this and yahoo! i think the g 7 will show support for israel and support for the us bought cool for no more escalation, a to come all this down. the other tea place to look is, is route. and these randy, cabinet,
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it's sunday we're expecting for the cabinet meetings. what is it israel going to decide to do? will they decide this is concluded that they have responded or they've attacked and the wrong has responded, or will they decide that they need to state another attack? if they do, i think the us side will be saying do something symbolic. do not do something that's going to drag the whole region into a major conflict. we'll have more idea of pumps is about 5 or $600.00 tons of them . it would change based on the diplomatic editor. thank you. a let's go say if it's tara covers, the more correspondent in rasa, in southern gaza, topic. i'm sure you've been able to hear exactly the reaction counter reaction of what's been going on from america to even though ha, what's the reaction way you regarding the strikes into israel from around the world, sir? at last we have been talking to an impulse as ins in gone. so have we, they have been saying that the iranian retail, yay, shouldn't,
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has been moved. what has been expected in reality. they have been saying that this is the 1st direct confrontation between iran and israel, offset the road up to the is the ready attack on the run you called so that in damascus. they have been also mentioning that a, the, the region might read a witness by the escalation within the coming days and hours of specifically that is, but as right now, coordinating a unified response to the is running an attack yesterday with it's the ladies in the region in order to reach any age to the running and attack. so clearly what palestinians here believe is that it's completely a clique confrontation come to a to the public right now, but we now run and it's been a not like before in terms of the will among 6 proxies in the region. so as the are even confirming that the entire region will be completely witnessing totland events within the coming days if it's going to be new kind of controlling or the is
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collecting the situation by state to national powers in the region. so clearly it's also said that it's the attack has been completely out of the rules of engagement. this time we're palestinians are afraid that there is going to be the tension between those spots. so in the ground which will reflect and negatively on the situation here on the ground, while they are completely under constant ease. very bombardments in the past. a few hours. and also in the past couple of days, where as we have been hearing from them, they say he's, that's how our main interest right now is to reach for a cease for t in gaza, at least to guarantee that there is a kind of the escalation of the situation as a tire. let's just pivots on what you've just said about the overnight buildings. all certainly the tax in the past 24 hours. why should we be focusing our attention on sunday? well generally within the past 24 hours, the main focus of that is when he strikes an opportunity from bottom,
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it has been directed towards and so right, that refuge account. now this area is a bucket zone, but we almost might as i think is what a story just in particular. and it's nowhere in part where in the past hour been recording me as strikes on residential homes were moved, palestinians have been injured and they have been transferred to unlocks the hospital to receive medical treatment. but clearly would have been also recommended more attacks on guns of 60 in it, tell it how what neighborhood, where a residential building was completely destroyed. and it's henry bombardment has also still ongoing in a bridge refuge account that are targeting or took true lands and areas that is considered to be densely populated by residents have been say, invest. they have been subjected to drones. why is wait a minute you have been using has been using the intensively in order to mitigate the costs of the humanitarian loss among it. so we'll just as people are completely track the without us having a safe access to sleep from the area. so have to have
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a couple of things as far as saying rough. thank you. the hello cindy villages and the occupied westbank called reading from 2 days of a time. spying is really satler's property was set on fine, and at least one palestinian killed in the confrontations. now they began after the disappearance of a 14 year old settler, whose body was found on saturday. the circumstances surrounding his death or unclear. but is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu called it a scene this matter that the abraham jones is not from ramallah in the occupied. westbank has been incredibly tens 48 hours. and i don't think that situation has changed much. how's it? as we look forward of the, not the total, the wave of a tax buys, right? and you said there's continued overnight, then it even happens in near the place where we are now. right now, we're in ramallah, very close to angela's own refugee camp. and behind this hit is an indian is where the supplement, there's those is really separation wall that is built in front of it and
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a suck. there's have tried to talk one of the homes close by here, but this is kind of like a limited scale attack. when we talk about what we've been seeing in the past 48 hours, we're talking about 2 palestinians will have been killed as a result of the attacks. the last one is a 17 year old was to come to was late last night as to discussions with happening and use what emerging of the it amy and it strikes here. so there's already a sense situation that palestinians has been feeding for the past 2 days. not just because of the stuff that they say that is really is are using the fact that the 14 year old went missing to carry out more and more effects on palestinians. now, after the details emerged that the body was found, those attacks also intensified, was talking also about is really forces closing the ro is that the leading to those villages, making it difficult for palestinians. we wanted to offer support to the people in
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the yet, and it's sort of aside and there was be able to seek help. c o. o we seem to just last need to abraham that i think we go, the general dressed of the tension. that's a continues to remain and the occupied westbank are by level costs will continue to monitor events and you'll keep probably the best thing would need it on the team throughout the day i. it was just as defensive as i like the topless is joining us now. like suddenly moving past what's going on uh over the past 24 hours. i just specifically look obviously is a defense editor at the military issues around what's been going on. the type of trends that iran uses targets is royal. just tell us what we're talking about. uh, what sort of drawings they might have, be sure, and it's certainly not the court cop to claim that we've seen taking pictures. these are low ratings that are about 2000 kilometers in range. they carry
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a 50 kilogram bullhead, there's a head 136, the lowest and the rocks. and it could be fun, all mass as they have been tonight. it will be about a $185.00 that will find from the ron 70 percent 70 of those were intercepted by to the united states a since although they have a lower rate and so they can reach as well, they are more kind of owns and uses weapons they really designed to overwhelm, is really a defense systems as well because there's so many of them is really simple eggs to intercept each and every one of them. and therefore, expanding an awful lot of missiles and then sometimes more powerful cruise missiles, a ballistic missiles, could maybe get through as well. we talk about that is really defense system. it's obviously in cooperation with the united states and they'll be very pleased at what happened over night in terms of the way they were able to defend the space. for the most part. yes, and this is the 1st time it's ever been put to this kind of test. and this is several levels as well. so you have, i are, and that will, it's
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a set low level root of main tree missiles and drones say like this sort of missiles 5 by hum us. and then you have a david sling, which is the middle levels of like the patrick battery, which leads to intercept schultz. arrays, missiles, cruise missiles, and then you have the top tier arrows, 3 designed by israel and the united states into set the major ballistic missiles coming through as well. and it looks like they did that tonight very successfully. but some of the souls have gone through and i'm going to stress that and i have bass in, in southern israel was taken out of commission last night and hit by 15 ballistic missile. so some are definitely getting through. it's sort of a 100 percent. and again, it does make you wonder about what is it wrong, actually launched, a multi didn't launch what it's called up its sleeve. i mean, those are questions that is rarely and american intelligence will be asking themselves as a. so to take a look at how things and fold it in the past 24 hours. this is very much so,
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and it's also a debate on whether the iran and his rogue, who thinks their tax was the most successful around lawyers. this huge attack somebody gets never really done before i but it will be analyzing it states. so for the real part to see how accurate these things were, how efficiently is really a defense is. well, of course these ratings themselves are going to be looking back and thinking, well, i'm gonna say kid did, we always gets phone choice is somebody we can easily tackle in the past. it's not so much what's being left off. the table is, how much is it wrong? is its own very sophisticated burgeoning missile manufacturing system an industry. so they're changing these things out, not just for themselves, but also for russia, whether it be learning a lot of the data from the you pray war as well, which is be very influential. be interesting. see what sort of statements come out to about there's massages and as time progresses as the top of us, our defensive to thank you. a still head here. hold the i'll just have a news. uh,
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we'll have more in depth analysis of around the technical needs when it responds to the strike items that are on calculus in damascus. 2 weeks ago to stay with us, the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest factor? is us president joe finding the right to stand with israel with no red line, as long as us support continues? is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line holding the powerful to account was we examined the us each row in the on out your 0 now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but it was not a jew, israel's, of state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough
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questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen? this is the most important point and bushy poll, unapologetic, i'm just awesome. upfront on out, i didn't want the average person to know what the truth was. scientists dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by lead is seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency air is which is here as new series died. last futures, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the book about to the opposite. when these are with lisa, who around the reminder of oswald story, so we can think of goals that iran has launched an unprecedented attack owners right off the days of threats. these are the government says, $300.00 drawings, a ballistic, and cruise missiles or launch towards its territory. place to the point intercepted, [000:00:00;00] the red sirens sounded in need, and 720 locations overnight to her own says the strikes and responds to israel. the bombing of the arabian can see that in syria 2 weeks ago, as well as military has told residency of time,
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is now over of the european union and the united kingdom have condemned around this attack on israel. the british prime minister refused to like place his government would continue to stand up for israel. security in you foreign policy, chief joseph bureau, a cold old list, a grave crept to regional my security. let's join our correspondent, pull brenda's his line for us in london poll. your opinion, reaction swift done to the point or indeed, and that very much a signal from the same him sheets. as far as that reaction goes, i mean, was like a strong condemnation appealing for uh, the escalation, unequivocally condemning, and very concerning situation. these are the kind of phrases which are appearing again and again in the public pronouncements from the european leaders on social media overnights. and as you say,
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the g 7 lead is we'll get together early afternoon european time in a video cool. uh, which they will confess and consult um, it seems that america that joe biden is the one who says that he's sec convening april cooling is protocol times, dictate that actually if it's somebody who has the current presidency of the g 7, it will be then that actually, convenience in reality, but we're talking united states, canada, japan, germany, france, united kingdom and uh, the importance of been all getting together and bringing a unified front to that is absolutely vital on the reaction. for example, from the european union's top policy chief, joseph burrell. i can give you the quote to europe in union, strongly condemned the unacceptable, it ran an attack against israel. this is an unprecedented escalation on the grave stretched to regional security. and that threat to regional security is
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a concern that pops up again. and again, richie cynic, the u. k, a prime minister also reacting overnights. he said he condemned in the strongest terms. the arabian regimes attack against israel. iran has once again demonstrates it that is his intent on so in chaos, in its own back yard of a u. k, well, it continues to stand up for israel, security and vassar or our regional process, including at no to beach to jordan and the racks. and finally, alongside our allies, we our urgency working to stabilize the situation and prevent further escalation. those that can sign up for the escalation, a concern. again, that's no trouble to say as well that the allies that i've mentioned that aren't just giving a diplomatic support to israel. they have also been letting the military support as well. american pie was involved in shooting down some of the drums and missiles the iran launched on u. k. jess was involved. we understand nothing directly shooting down any rate in
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project house, but then back feeling for the americans in other operations against dice in rack and, and i'm in syria. and these ratings of also said that there was an element of french involvement as well. and then ministry support without specifying exactly what military coupons, the french provided. so there's 2 problems that they're promising on military on. this will continue to monitor what happens then. are you familiar with you? pull us the day progresses, pull brandon, that for us a little so moving parts, we're drawing now by 2 guys to dissect it. otherwise, all of this moment how mastery is a professor of the day heinz, you will graduate studies to stay with me in the studio and until 11 sinus i during this nova all the post on the board sample con, as well as alms and surveillance industry. he joins us from sydney, genuine kentucky with us here by his student and dental striding on sunday morning . uh, how many kinds of begin with you uh for us 24 hours ago. i mean we,
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we sat here, we spoke about what might happen, the reaction that could happen. um, what do you make the rounds responds and the big issue of whether a raw israel might again retaliate to what's just happened. yeah, well, as i said yesterday, it was pretty much inevitable that iran was going to respond in some form. the question was, who exactly would respond to? would it be iran from, from iran, or would they respond through one of their affiliates in the region? there was also the question of what that response might look like. obviously now, now we know, i think for the most part this was a performative act. iran knew that israel's air defense system would be able to intercept those drones and the, the, the few missiles that were, that were sent that were fired along along with them. so iran is sending a message that we have a deterrence capacity that you shouldn't strike us in this in this manner. and if
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you do it again, then there will be a stronger response where we are right now is in this kind of tit for tat. we're in this kind of danger zone where we don't know exactly what israel is going to do. they may take the us as advice and stand down or they may further escalate. okay, let's bring it down. so you noticed on here as well. let's just develop that, you know, what could as well as response be. we have this little cabinet meeting later in the day. and the house being told, keeping within the cabinet studies in the right wing elements of the cabinet to respond to again, this is what the us doesn't want, but it's certainly a dilemma as a prime minister netanyahu. and in some ways what's happening in the last 12 hours, very much playing sniffing. yeah. who's hands? what i mean by that is that to mystically in israel, who is deeply unpopular, is increasingly unpopular in the us of a single though the us has actions speak differently. they obviously still giving
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weapons to these rel for, it's nicely because in gaza. but this is a long term plan of these arroyo and many of its allies across such as the region, but frankly around the world to what they view was defending iran that they say, ron is the same for both problems. and as you and this is a great distraction from what's happening and gallons of which i note in the last week for the 1st time, really in 6 months you have some including some right wing is riley. common tide is saying that the war and gaza has been a disaster for each route, but the line and caused palestinians and the more could these round. so in response, these rail could obviously continue on. it's been doing for years, which is striking the rain in a minute, mostly strikes out. no targets in syria, could actually strike you ron. so when each row has been striking inside the ra, 80 rod for years, killing a writing and scientist, so then escalation could well have another concern. i think he's that much of the us administration, i would argue, still does not want an o out regional war, which frankly, many. and these ro do the anthony is the us and washington between
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a rock and a hard place at the moment when it comes to not just talking with his royal, but negotiating with its cabinets about it the way it's conducted as well. regardless of the way it's dealing with its regional labels because it's really ignoring even it strong, gets darlise of jordan and israel who recognizes ryle and then we have the rainy and cold in this very complicated set of wheels that's going on right now. this is rose, ignoring them, but ultimately he's around knows that at least us 5, no one is cutting ties. in fact, the opposite. i mean, all the nations that ascending weapons principally us and gemini, still sending weapons. and i think a lot of arab countries around israel also know that yes, they assisted israel image cycle defenses in the last 12 hours with the rainy and me, solves, and drawings coming into the trial. but the fact is that none of those are states have comp ties with these role, and none of them will,
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i would argue because they so reliance on these riley surveillance technology and refractive tech. and i think ultimately is riley is not my goal is to develop, getting this me out who is, becomes, is said roy figure out, in fact, the fact these in these rel of cells. and it's, and you know, he's not popular, but he's likely replacements are remarkably similar. there is very little difference. and i think what's happening in the last 12 hours, obviously, it's concerning. but frankly, what we need to have is massive international pressure on israel, not to unleash a potential war against iran, which many in israel and wanted for a long time. okay, and let's just bring it back in here because that is the real world, isn't it for washington dc, as well as european capitals that the cost of the neighborhood around israel. they do not want to see israel iran clash on the very large scale. this may have just been a token tips the thompson area. right? no, i think you're absolutely correct. and i think anthony is also correct. i mean, where we are right now is,
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is largely because of joe biden. benjamin netanyahu has succeeded for 6 months and in taking bite and by the hand and walking him down almost every single rabbit hole after october 7th, whether that was adopting the is rarely talking points, even the absurd mips about the head and babies or on or why being effectively a terrorist organization or a systematic rape, obviously the funding, the funding of the, the, the, the genocide in gaza, the some court at the united nations. and now, even though the united states does not want a war with iran, a direct confrontation with iran, here we are with the united states using its air power to shoot down iranian missiles over israel on behalf of israel. so again, the question remains, to what extent is by than going to continue to be used in this way? by netanyahu, in ways that i think everyone agrees, do not serve us interests and do not serve biden's own personal interests. he's on the road right now to losing the selection to donald trump in november. yeah,
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but it has to keep an eye. it does neil on nothing. the all the that's the only has a wonderful way of saying to these by the public. i am defender of the country. i am the one that can control the situation. and by engaging a role in setting in the way that israel has in the past 14 days, is he not feeding into that narrative? will it work with the is why the public from waste sitting at the moment to the way we've been observing them? at least let me be clear, i think this is last 12 hours are a victory for netanyahu. notice what we're not talking about today. we're not talking about a getting into guys, we're not talking about the massacres and gaza. no one in israel was talking about the hostages anymore. everyone's talking about talking about what happened with, with iran, right. and so this is the distraction that netanyahu wanted, and we're seeing syntheses now, in the western capitals, be reversed. they, they were critical of israel, they were condemning israel. and now they're embracing is really narrative,
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once again. and today we bring you in here, you would know thing as well. uh, in agreement test page. you can only agree with his route so far at the moment as, as the public will most probably in israel until the bombing continues. the getting calls because that isn't stopping and won't see it wrong. issue has settled down and the dust has settled down. everybody focuses back to goals based probably because it's read hasn't stopped his assault on, on the straight a thoughtful mind it infects the cycle goals. i mentioned yahoo! outlined on october 7, none of the van and shave the hostages. had not been retained nicely. and it's like it's pretty clear, but many of those hostages are probably did. it's not old. and how my system in control of large pods. oh gosh. and obviously that being the fang to a points, middle terabyte, but they still control pots and cancer. much of leadership still exists. i think this really goes to a broad question of a long term plan that many in the us and the republican party part, some of the democrats, and indeed much more conservatives,
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us all the us. so that's interesting. the last few months, we can certainly move minis, increase nice place on these ro, they're obviously some who are very, very hotline and support anything use rel does. but there is some, including, for example, someone like tucker calls. and he's hardly a radical, leftist who increasingly seems to be much more critical of what these rails doing and gals and beyond. so the concern, i think that many of us should have is that these ro has never known what restraint means because they've never been restrained. and this is a classic example. ready of and i agree with lots has been said before me that you know, ultimately without some america or europe or frankly the arab states saying 2 e's real. you cannot to begin with some kind of regional warranty which nobody seriously wants. i mean, just finally, finally, you know, he, ron is economically very weak and they know a dash, and they're also incredibly unpopular within their own country by many, many of their own citizens and iran from my understanding having brain. and many
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years ago, a lot of your writing friends will say, i don't think of me writing my shame on committee safely critical over them as i have been for 20 years. i don't think there's any indication they want full blind war with these, right? because it would be catastrophic for everybody, and frankly it's on clay with the writings would lean. so no one wants that apart from a handful of radicals on both sides. so let's just pivot then to the issue of god. so right now, which is ongoing, we know it's going to put it some time during the day in the as ready will cabinet . right now we've got small, rich and bank of a, you know, economy and internal security ministers, the heavy weights that cushing for much more stronger approach to the military assault into gaza. you know, we talked about restraint that there was a very difficult job within the is really will cabinet now full netanyahu. and he knows that americans on his back about this as is europe. and these 2 individuals
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and who they representatives of these ready to spoil all the people that keep him in power. absolutely, i mean, ultimately it's way assignments and yahoo, good full is prime minister tomorrow. as i've been writing and saying some mountains, the likely replacements on these key issues. iran gaza, the westbank, the occupation are remarkably similar because actually they reflect mainstream is riley society, which is predominantly quite fine was there was messing probably will sentiment losing his route in relation to concert. i'm talking about and it's been a little will understanding. oh, really appreciation of the profound damage ends and strangulation and college that israel has on least if i don't understand, is also a great deal to support the killing. tell us the names the treasury army about all these at the end is ease of riley's annoy safer at the end of it when it ends. we think gaza, hopefully today tomorrow is really the more on the safe. they're actually more
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isolated, regardless of what happens with the ron, i would get much more lice lighter. it's not even wasted in a late circle, certainly in the public, in much of europe in the us. that's the reality of 6 months of killing 40000 predominately palestinian civilians that we will have to leave it for the night even to until 11 to do that for us in australia. thanks so much of course now, and we'll be speaking more and i'm picking good as the day progresses for the both of you. thanks so much. still have here. we'll have all the world news as australians, mon, the victims of a stopping attack in sidney noise making. the match is about the killer to stay with us here on the alger 7 use out the these are the most teeth on the drum is they used to march 3 d o t before 2 on the box with an increase is right. the ministry presidency,
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it's too dangerous. as daylight arrived at costing begins instead of traditional decorations, the street a full time cards and says it's young palestinians killed by use ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will or is the city often defies the seasonal suite. use of the law on the street right now that it's easy to move around. i think there could be different and exploring. going to change the situation in nablus. we had 70 percent more business before people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and
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suffering in gaza. the welcome that, let's take a look at some of the days news now job and transfer a lot. schultz has arrived in china on a 3 day visit. haines is improving relations. charles is expected to stress jeremy's commitment to doing business with aging. nice trip comes as the pushes back against chinese think subsidies for screen technology, including electric cons. it'll straightly detect is investigating the killing of 6 people in a stopping attack. say that the nice man had a history of mental health problems. 40 year old joe cookie, he was shot dead during his run page. it's a shopping mail in sydney on site today. alex thomas has this report, or even 24. as all, i'm concerned that i sent the motion as being clear to see on the faces of so many
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who have come to light flowers, candles, a balloon, even a tiny bit late. so distance away shopping center, one by junction with so many error messages of custodians, including one from your straight in 5 minutes. easy. and the new southwell site. premier express means results of cutting through the individual stories of the sea . thank you. to complete strangers. rushing into health as well as axes, carriage and bravery, main that with you know, the individuals being killed or not, you craving today. more detail is had on those throughout the day with one of the victims named as 38 year old actually good. she was the mother of a 9 month old baby girl who was injured in the attack and it's still being tactful in hospital. we also know the identity of the killer is full to your old jo, count chief from queensland. you know, he moved to sydney last month and although he was no until authorities were having
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mental health issues, he has never been prosecuted, arrested, or even charged with any criminal offense. police also say he had no ties to any extreme religious or political ideologies. really need to stress, people need to be patient. this is not only a desperado, it's also a critical incident investigation where it officers discharge they play around. so it's very, very complex and it will take on the police officer to show that the perpetrator has also been named as inspector ab scouts. officials say hub bravery, save many lives. alex thomas out is era sydney protest, as in john, have demented. the withdrawal of us soul says not americans, right. and space the slice of valence mission. so again, i'm groups in the south region. i'm home. it does look the julians on the much of game they took to the streets last year to the month,
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the withdrawal of french forces. i'm the succeeded a law but this time the protesting to them on the close of us on the basis in the country. the, the with them in body and soul. the immediate withdrawal of american troops from our soil, not just america in france, but until the countries totally free from all those who are harmful to these year. of course, we want cooperation with the united states, but not to bring it soldiers to settle and legally, you know, country the us, how's that on $1000.00 and security bus and then in the jet on a mission to fight. i'm groups and decided region. but the protest to see, that's not the reason why washington has so just in the country for $0.50. these waste and forces are coming to our country because it is full of uranium and diamond and gold resources. and these resources are on tap to then these forces are at the origin of the arrival of terrorism. in our country. jap was
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a key list like in the region until, i mean it could of june, thought to pilot in the army last year from the gym to us down to russia for support. the protest comes a day of the russian military plane loaded with equipment and instruct this london news. uh, i remember last month the june to ended immediately. agreement with washington. after the we asked the americans to remove the soldiers from our country. really lives that they to not serious washington has not commented on the demands of the participants who see that we keep returning to the street until the american. so just leaving the job. i'm just deal the security forces, intake, hope preventive planned, riley's against proposed constitutional reforms. critics, the keys president found the sunday of trying to extend his 2 decades in power.
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barbara, and as will demonstrate, says defy a purchased fence to attend the rally against propose changes to take this constitution. riley organizers fear their reforms within french to look president for a mess in the next 10 for family dentistry. which has led to this the 60 s effective way to insure the tongue, the least population is always in support of the opposition because we tired of the way the government has been ruling the country. we always vote against them during elections. we all know they're always trying to break the elections that support has that's a routing call to rally. say that the government is still delivering for citizens. there's club except the mobility that's known as well. i think that with these high engagement people have been supporting mr. for a message based policies for decades, and today, it's a way for us to express our gratitude to the under the proposal of the presidency will become a ceremonial role. executive powers would be transferred to
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a president of the council of ministers or a prime minister for a 6 year term. critics, we have, i took the changes of cost assumed they could switch to the new prime ministerial role to remain in power every other time. there is a constitutional amendment to make sure that the day is a way for the not seem to find me. the i'm here for who is the son of a the month? just a power triggers government delayed parliamentary elections until april the 29th, to give more time to discuss the reforms, but opposition activists say that hasn't been enough time to prepare for the vote. was interested electron move it, it looks little role is wrong. the constituency bundled, he's a bad, we've said this wrong and they made it with for in that same day came to power in 2005 succeed in his father, who ruled for almost 40 years of turn military. cuz his child and just say attempts
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to change to this constitution could amounts to a to by sto barbara and good, but i'll just say right. and so that's it for me. so robin sold the volume and all the bucket. more news on the other side of the right to stay with us here on the off the months of fight with thousands of people killed and millions from the house. what does the future hold for? sit down and it's people to sit down context one year on out to 0 in thailand. defamation is a criminal. understand critics. a powerful people, a using the quotes to sign and whistle blowers 101 east. investigate. so allegations that defamation case is being used to bring to mutation and concealing
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corruption. speaking up in time 9 o $20.00, growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change, a playful series that seem to understand, hollins, the idea is moving, lies in use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0, this is being seem the groups the size of the system as know for most painters of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the system generation change on al jazeera. ok foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts, and emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates
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with confidence. we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get for places that others tend to all the data by the police on purpose. as far as the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the piece well in steps, hundreds of missiles and drives managed by a wrong. in an unprecedented attack, the strikes on celebrated intern from the government says that they were in response to israel's foaming of it's can see lots in syria, 2 weeks ago,
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the colored so rahman, you're watching of their life,


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