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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm AST

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for at least 13 bodies has been a recovers and evacuated from the area that they have been for pad liza for perio. so generally, what we can see on the ground to you and ruffle has will, is on going cold. spring is really surveillance. the germans is a completely here right now with the becky ground as a part of it's going intelligence efforts and operations here. type of thing that for us say, and rasa and gaza. thank you. the before you, some of the days of the news though, the officials in southern russia say around 1000 homes are flooded in the city of all room. the again, the last 24 hours was the levels in the year over event, which runs through all the now sold to be subsiding. having reached at 812 meters full authorities and the city told thousands of residents to evacuate immediately on friday. for the water size continued to rise above critical levels
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driven transfer electronics has arrived and try and hold a 3 day visit. i am just improving relations. charles expected to stress germany's commitment to doing business with finishing. his trip comes as the pushes back against chinese states subsidies for its green technology, including electric, cause it will stray the detectives, investigating the killing all 6 people in a stopping attack. say that the nice man had a history of mental health problems. 40 year old jo couch it was shot dead during his run page to a shopping mouth in sidney. on saturday, a 9 month old baby was amongst 12 people needing hospital treatments. full of injuries of the, the asking you need is urging molly's military need is to provide a roadmap to stay of the country back to democratic rule. the june to seize pallet
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and the military coup in 2020 the lead dissolved, facing international pressure of to, failing to meet the problem is to hold a presidential election in february. so let's just remind you of our top story. the covering here on out is there of today's, of threats around as low as an unprecedented attack on israel. these way the government says mold and 300 trains, ballistic, and cruise missiles, with 5 tools, its territory. most of them went into set to know the attack came in response to israel is as try come to runs. come see, let's in damascus 2 weeks ago. this, the 1st time iran has moved to the right to minute results on israel, of course will bring you more about, you know, bulletins threw out that out. but the more news in hoffman out of the bottom line is next to on. i'll just say the
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ra, this will be the last day of extraordinary spring, won't for good positive here, at least the noise in the off the track is clear already sinking, increasing your desktop and using the well it's actually going to happen is more cloud is goes develop, i think over the middle, so this is sunday's picture. this is through the, into the nice warm days for the nice problem. that rate equally, it is cooler and part of and then it's raining down the voltage states and this very windy weather through ireland and scotland, but power southwards losey sunshine and quite warm sunshine after sizes. so the picture, the more closely observed is of a fairly windy one, but the time she's in the teens is cold enough in from time. and in central sweden for yet most day with a case mid april, with a lot of that. there is a bit of a cold push coming down to the british advocate. this now on the hills and reading, developing for the science and much of northern europe, will see a big change in tied eventually come for the south, could see the change in temperatures here. so i grab still in the room, that saves our grab 3 day forecast, 28, dine to 20, then down to 10,
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a huge shift. is that right and has your way as well? we also have castille windy, no destiny, if not sand, and libya and algeria was rein potential flash flooding here, which is suppressing some of the shelves for the sense the the, the latest news, as it breaks in wrong on, has given a cause that people have just come out in large numbers. the guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better. it's driving some residents to the break from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, it even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have a hi, i'm steve clements and i have a question, isn't arms embargo and sanctions on israel? the only way to prevent a genocide in gaza?
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let's get to the bottom line. the after half a year of continuous bombing is really me to say they are still far from stopping the war and gaza. israel's allies say it's a legitimate war because israel space is a threat from hamas and is acting in self defense. but international law experts say something different. they say nothing justifies what's been going on. whether it's israel's killing of so many innocent people, it's use of food as a weapon of war or the destination of all civilian life and gaza. no schools, no homes, and so no hospitals. so what can be done to stop the death and destruction and what damage is being done to the credibility and legitimacy of international law itself . the longer this work goes on. today we're talking with francesca alban a say the you in special rapids or on the situation of human rights in the palestinian territory occupied since 1967 francesca. thank you so much for joining us today. i am looking forward to this conversation. look,
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you are recently presenting your report at the un human rights council, and you stated that the threshold indicating the commission of the crime of genocide has been met. and you called for an arms embargo on israel. can you go into greater detail about what that threshold is? absolutely, and thanks for having me. i've been in the study what has happened in gaza into gaza for the past 5 months or 5 months. and i didn't start this investigation thinking that i would conclude that israel has committed the crime of genocide or acts of genocide which eventually i couldn't do otherwise. he goes for civil. i've studied the fact that it is really forces, have committed mosque evening mosley infliction of the physical and boldly harm
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where it extend prevention of this and the creation of pollution steps lead to no other outcome then destruction. and this in the english to be good to civil life in gossip and dice and which pit bulls these goes to jude of genocide to ox is supported by the tend to destroy the people in the in fluid part and a phone dissing 10. no telling me as it had already been on the documented by the sounds top because he got a team of the board, the international court of justice a couple of months ago. uh, through the order of statements that had been made by people with commander for a nice strong political. let me tell you the leaders, but also emerging from the conduct of soldiers on the ground who had
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internalized of sold and acted upon those words. those orders uh like the cool that they give. okay. should obama lack cool? am i like this guy? destroyed old young aleck, including women and children, or there are no waiting us in the building dock. oh, we have to where i the key to everyone who's i'm us and eventually no, no. why don't you seem to sense this as soon as they're buried the other day. i actions old soldiers infantry on the ground. those who have binders and destroyed is that is that the guys ought to be getting for structures. um, but what is the most important finding in my board is what i call you. my daughter, him come a flash of israel's genocide logic. i argue that east has not the night will, the, will these, the community and get into my destruction because just just divided as equals
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alliance with the international you money tiny little. for example, the use of human shields. israel has used the human shoes as a, as a concept that can be expanded. i didn't see need to. so any one was that was that was considered a human shields. but this has been done by he's when he gets worse in 2008 doesn't what doesn't put the 2020 to 2026. and he has been demonstrated either a fabrication or an excuse. and the son was not the, every time the, the national young dial know the concept of human. she's the use is to begin, let's face it, you know, as the buying power. you kind of us boxing, go the deal every one and say, well the where you and she is, cuz it's also mirrored by the crowns. and neither you my design concept, she's collateral down much international humanitarian law,
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is not the super productive. because routine is just, you know, to try to prevent the most violent defects of war and protect those who are not involved in conflict, which is not spared any one in discovering the patient. right? who's going to quote, anything that's being could see the clock, the hutch, and also evaluation orders, safe zones warning. so all of these language has been used to come flash, the genocide of the logic of the destruction that you set up. it has led to this page to francesca. what does it say about the state and the solvency of international law? today? i am very impressed that you presented your report, that you've had both critics, particularly the us state department, but also those that have applauded your bravery. at this moment, but do you believe that your findings will be act up, acted upon that you believe that the mechanisms within the united nations and
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within the institutions of international law are going to create real penalties for is real right now, or is this any road where we see any rose and of international law by the failure to act. there is no question that we also see a new version of the capacity or international to be enforced. or you can say something that true that international law without the this trend of political will is uh, like that letter. but politics that, um, freedom says this from the need tend to go straight to the international law. the can be criminal and this is worked in today, so there is an erosion. and all the international law says the multilateral system that does not allow me to, to have any, any realistic for cost because i do see the impact of my work and my record to
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let's look at this genocide, the anatomy of a genocide report on a few days after i presented the report of the members of the human rights comes to pass the resolution and i've come to be that inserted specific language that i address and that is an arrow symbolical uh, on a 0. no, no, no, yes. uh, who's going to enforce that? it mean it is, it is important at the top of those align with that there's also being a resolution of the security council asking for as his fire or beans. several provisional measures, single mended findings for national court of justice induced for legion and measures are compulsory, are binding on every watch. so the fact of the neglect in eastern regarding or over 3 by when an international law only we could the system because key express
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events for, for others to really get what culpability do nations have that supply is real. with the weapons it's using slippery has a report out saying that basically over the last decade or so, germany so supplied almost 30 percent of israel's weapons. united states about 66 percent of israel's weapons. what's your view about the the culpability of other parties in this um, well the book just says, oh, the complexities there because the genocide convention is very dear. he beats any form of the aiding and abetting of the conduct of the state that might be committing genocide to providing the weapons that likely to be used in the, in the car in to see reduce the threat. so you can to genocide the might be seen as
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consistency the moment that it's key or that there is this rece, there is the i c, g, a telling states excuse me, to the goal measures uh possible steps to make sure that the general tide is prevented me, those measures are in no thinking but also steps to continue to view. will that general signed those boxes are taken? well, i think that you need to 80 today. i suppose this is all complete to be to be very, very real i guess makes me ask the question about how, how jaded we have become to these kinds of conflicts and to the moral questions involved. and you've been in the middle of a storm. but i'd be interested in your perspective on the rest of us that are watching this and what our responsibility is to better document and highlight these moral moments. not just when a celebrity ships, workers are killed,
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but everyone else that's killed and has been dying along the way. a look, i mean, the king of all the 7 age workers of the darkness, c, w t shirt in charge of the there is no. any price, there's no question about this, but it's a, somebody in fossil of, of the very complex in created criminal seeing which i couldn't describe otherwise . and then, and in general side, uh, in the men said we'd mother mean settings up methods or was there. so it's interesting that the fact of but as being international here, the brewing just pension back on the unit and no one is safe things outside including you. money, not even workers. there are all there 190 you want and i am workers with you guys
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off in the past 6 months alone, 175 of them are un some members to and the fact that there are no many foreigners there as created this sort of on the bottom, you haven't seen any good their policy yet, but they're kind of stands academics, lawyers, human rights defenders, jordan and assigned to 13000 and change it. i mean, it's the, it's so blue telling simone's true, said i, i really, i mean, not probably a given to 100 interviews by now in the studio every time i've, i see how many children have died in the scar need something it's, i need the brakes because the normal should, oh, we don't get the we mean some of us don't get used to these, but i do recognize this one's gonna be mobile ism of with 6 a, sorry, this is because we are, we have 3 minutes to time and, and it doesn't match us, which speaks of our humanity because, you know, i mean i lose so instead of just
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a moment where i knew i should either way under the big over 0 please. the legend their own comfort so that someone else doesn't have to renounce it all. and we are still, we are still there with these, so we'd be spy. it's a central size. it's also a month. you're a real expert on genocides and have studied other genocides as we know from report bosnia in the 1990 is the wrong thing. yeah. in myanmar i'm reminded that 30 years ago about 30 years ago, the rwanda genocide against tutsis took place. and when you go, when i've looked into the rwanda genocide, i was surprised that the systematic planning that had previously occurred before that date on april 7th. when that started, and then i was disturbed greatly by the slowness of global reaction, a bureaucratic reaction and even at the united nations with united nations,
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had been been warned, and told in advance of what was happening. un gave instructions not to do anything . i'm interested in that element of how this particular act in is real, gaza compares to those it does indeed does know in the sense that of the many respect i've learned it through the past mom. so, so digging into a genocidal or a genocide related lead. sure. of that genocide is never come so sunny that you never it so it's an insult to now it's a process. so it's not just the act of cheating, the act of killing the name to destroy a population. and there we're riding on the walls so to speak. in the case, so the relationship between each one and the policy continues respect probably it's not different for delivery. we'll see you on a nation,
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the rule that as and for me to the political spear and then the kind did all that the media as lead to is significant in for training or given narrative. but to hear the districts, i mean this genocide, us the legal 0. so i think that's obviously said is the 1st that is documented by the seats and each group asked, it didn't be all the time. this is quite unique. so there was not the month delay. ready between the occurrence of a general aside in the and after the realization of each of the level of public opinion. so it's yes. what do you said it should be when we're unable to prevent the genocide? in rwanda, there you, when we're unable to prevent the jones, i pretty much anywhere including the in the, in myanmar ending both 00 be now meeting all be have another
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cases, but not, not this one for sure. and what is shocking is that in dispatch, with your case, that i've seen that there's been a cation of, is re, these political rectory. justification of the word is essential, as represented by the body as being is the being the fact that this was, it has to send music. i thought, well, i mean the, sometimes you something that you sent a message, but they don't think that the hatred, the ma, my have few were. the effects of issues writing cv is generated by up to some it is, there is no evidence. so we rather, there is evidence of the country that they have reacted, gazed israel as little to buying power and as an upper side state, which doesn't justify the crimes of course, but understands the call of hips understandable. the and so, and there is be also a role of western media in sort of sizing the language and still
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keep on doing that with the dc 1000 policy in q $72000.00 missing probably are then under durable this, you know, talk to the people talking oh, find main moving on god. so when this is a man made starvation, it's intentional because the and so every become faster fee as a, as in sort of and those are in, in god's off and there is not enough integrity and more cool world storage. so the nonsense to the state department? yeah. states department smoothman. matthew miller kind of attacked you and said united states did not support your appointment. said that you characterized some of your comments as a anti semitic in this i've been trying to sort of navigate what is a more constructive stance and engagement strategy for the united states and this
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then what we've been seeing and what you do, given the kind of statements that we heard from matt miller about your work. yep. i found, i found the us spokesperson comments about me. so obviously predictable for someone who doesn't have arguments. and even these, you know, is the body language was selling? i don't know what to say, so let me blame her because it's silver convenience. this is our rabbits. and so i mean he's been driving, he's been completely lockboxes in social media. he's received the letters in the request for for resignation by many to read, including authority off. sorry that the reading to maxwell is andrew scanners. and so you know, it speaks for itself and is the usual the usual read 3. 0 but throwing delegations on to them. it isn't as anyone who there's 3 designs, these are
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a practices or do i have the time to engage with the signs of the behavior? no, i don't. at the same time, at the same time, the fact that he asked for my for my us of the show by the way it will be, shall go to them. it was providing whitford since probably going to be found on police. it's, you know, trusted the primes, you know, to know, who knows. but the fact that such a statement comes from my us will be show, is this packaging because he has no idea of the pressure. clearly he has no idea of the pressure that this monday is on there also because of the lies for billed by people like he and um and i have no means really no means to make sure that are every everything is controlled because what can i, what can i do to protect myself?
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the number of steps, the number of a taxi b, c has increased? how do i navigate what the city is from? what is no. did you take one insane person to activate that to make any sense of defense? whiskers of people from an a central grants that might be identified in me. you see what i mean? right? so, well, let me ask you. finally, one of the other things we saw was after concerned that a few employees had been complicit with from us in on rush and, and the united states and many other nation suspended support in russia. and for those who don't know and right has this incredibly large footprint in social services throughout palestine and in other parts of the region as well as supporting refugees and in jordan and syria, etc. and i'm interested in whether the failure of the united states in germany, in particular, to reverse their views on your own. right. which is,
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which is i look at, it's gotta be a vital part of like that, that the next palestine, whatever it is, how you see that at the moment, many of the european nations that originally joined, that boy caught, have since reversed themselves. and i'm interested in from an, again, an international law perspective. is there some complicity or some crime in not supporting the you and institution inactivity that delivers most aids sustenance, medical supplies, schooling, et cetera. you name it within palestine? hm. yeah, i think there is, uh, there is margin to investigate of the city of sold. the responsibility will be throw in uh, trying to destroy henri, which is the only agency, was the capacity to the lever a that, you know, sort of organize the manner in today offered simplification, godsa. the reason why w a c k was very,
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very important from the c is why don't the effect of these drugs continues to attack on a box on the, on, on law which has been i'm p 5. the guy member states was you responsibly suspended their funding of ages of the, the, their funding to the agency on the basis of allegations from the states has a track record of lies after nice of the nice. but even if the indignation square and law had already terminated to staff members against due process, just to protect the condition of the agency. but what was the responsibility of the agency? why she would have the agency? why should have the agency responded? all the ok, so oh, some individuals. where was the count? how did you next?
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so it was, it was completely nonsense ago, i need to respond to people the more as this decision to suspend the, from the, to on why i was thinking today. after her, the international court of justice had the issue. these are the 9 distribution on measures asking for on the 5th or do you mind, are you an age which today would only be delivered by on russell yes, of course the where someone from pc. well this and this has been a sobering conversation, but we'll have to leave it there. francesca alban easy un special wrap our tour on the situation of human rights in the palestinian territory occupied since 1967. thank you for sharing your thoughts with us today. thank you. so what's the bottom line? i need to admit that when it comes to the gaza strip, the bottom line is increasingly just difficult to see. on the surface, israel seems willing to continue this war and has enough support to brush off calls
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for a cease fire. the destruction of massive amounts of causes, educational institutions. it's health care system. it's private businesses, culture and residential life. just don't align with the stated objective of just going after hom, us under us pressure that finally seem to click in israel is letting in more a trucks. but it's clearly not doing so because the international court of justice warrant that it shouldn't do so. and should do so immediately, back in january. none of the major factors that have led to the killing of 33000 palestinians, a massive proportion of whom are innocent children, women, and men are changed. there are no red lines, and morality is a factor. the bottom line is that there is no bottom line until israel's onslaught ends. maybe then a reckoning will begin. and that sadly is the bottom line. the
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one is the biggest elections of 2024 in the general election. will administer now render movies be taking increase of food across the country? how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment suede boots as in key states, and will the media be able to cover the vote freebie and fairly ongoing coverage. the, in the selections on out as the era and the lines of ethnic groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries, since the 2021 with the exclusive access to remote camps in front line battles, shouts the progress of an idea. at least the young generation of rebels is a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries, the trouble of history on the phones the in my, on the, on the ropes on al jazeera, the government challenges
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here as the, the israel except sunday dismissals and drives launched by rhonda the interested in to the, to the, the strong, so celebrated to around the government says that they were in response to his roles plumbing of its coincidence in syria. 2 weeks ago. the video of watching, obviously were like headquarters here in the hall. so coming up, it's a national calls. the restraints grow,
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as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i'm this wol cabinets. consider their options and present.


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