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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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the government challenge as well as the the israel except sunday dismissals and drives launched by rhonda the interested in to the, to the, the strong called celebrated to her on the government says that they were in response to his roles. plumbing. if it's coincidence in syria 2 weeks ago, the thoughts of robin you're watching, obviously are like my headquarters here in the hall. so coming up international
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calls for a strange group as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu on this little cabinet considered their options and present j biden's lunch, as opposed to as well saying us false has helped to take down the old at the drugs on missiles from the from the book into the park and left the days of the threats around as low as going precedent to the tackle. this while these right, the government says, mold and 300 trains ballistic. i'm cruise missiles will find towards its territory, most of them, but intercepted the attack came in response to israel's and strike home to her on this concepts in damascus. 2 weeks ago. now it's the 1st time iran has lost a direct ministry. a sold on israel was there is heidi joe castro. it begins on coverage. the explosions lead of israel's night sky is interceptors took down dozens upon dozens of you,
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ronnie, and launch drones. israel's military spokesman to the nation's defense systems detected incoming drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles launched from iran and its proxies together with the allies. in fact, moves across the region. we're operating at this very moment to defend these red from your onto the tax sofa. we have intercepted the vast majority of income making me sides by eas, rarely systems. ready the damage to israel was far less than had been feared, is really official said one child was hurt and a military base suffered minor damage. schools and israel had closed early, and civilians had been warned to seek shelter from the attack that many had suspected was coming. as it unfolded, jordan, iraq and lebanon closed their air space. and you as president joe biden, cut short
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a trip to delaware, rushing back to the white house to meet with his national security council in a statement bite and said us forces health israel take down nearly all the incoming drones and missiles and bite and spoke with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu by phone of firming the us is iron clad support. a he wants to the weekend's attack was retaliation for is real strike on any rainy and diplomatic count found in damascus earlier this month. even as the drones rain down on is real, you runs mission to the united nations dead. the matter can be deemed concluded, but warrant more violence would come is real or the us retaliated. iranians rallied in front of the british embassy into run after the attack concluded to each case, i have never seen in any country anywhere that attacking another country and war makes people happy. but to night, people gave up their sleep so that they can come here and show how important this 4
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is to us. and how glad we are from this attack on these are leaders in the u. k. europe and canada condemned. he runs actions as reckless unacceptable and the stabilizing for the region. you and secretary general antonio gutierrez, also called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. but israel has signaled it will respond to your was attack. the un security council is expected to discuss efforts to prevent a direct or between the 2 countries on sunday, high digital castro algebra. one has warned against any counter attacks following it's miss allan join us on israel saying that it's next actions could be much bigger. mall in payroll, we see this operation as completed and successful. there is no intention to continue it and it's over from our perspective yet if desire just rejected them.
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does anything against us either inside or his toys or anywhere in syria or other countries on next operation will be much bigger. if the u. s. gets involved in any action against us, not nobody's basis will remain safe in the region be named as well. we have correspondence following the latest developments in washington, london that occupied easter eastern. but 1st let's call save it to turn around. but those set jabari is standing by. i don't say wrong, says that it because it is the magic closing. what can we infer from that statement? well, we can conclude that, that to this mission adopt true, true promise has been concluded by the ringing a revolution of guard forces. and now they're waiting to see if there will be any kind of a response from israel, according to the had overwhelms revolutionary guard. the commander of the i r g c
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hosted and telling me he's told a rainy and state to be a short while ago that this is a new equation that they've now created in their ongoing conflict with israel. and it should serve as a warning and a lesson to the israeli officials that any kind of further re, retaliation on their part would have a harsher response from iran. we also just had a statement issued by the waiting president abraham, where you see on his website in which he congratulated the revolutionary guard forces. and he said that's, you know, the, the admission was carried out after the supreme leader. i saw i like how many made it very clear that israel, we have held accountable for their actions. and that is what's happened. and he also warned that any further lines is between us forces. that is really one's in terms of a retaliatory attack against iranian interest. or iranian soil would be met with a very harsh response. i think it's safe to say that the menus are not waiting to
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see how these riley's will decides to respond in the next 24 hours. indeed, i mean you have a lot of pictures that we're seeing now alongside you to also show people that are very happy on the streets of to her on that is not the overall general consensus about. so the way around is conducted itself right now. i think based on what we've seen and heard from ordinary iranians over the past few hours this morning as they woke up this news 1st. and there was a sense of relief that iran has finally managed to stand up to israel after 4 decades of this shadow war that has continued between the 2 sides. uh, this is the 1st time you're on has taken a direct response to israel standing up to where the wrong cause is really aggression. and people here are certainly happy about the fact that iran made the decision to react. but there is
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a sense of worry about what israel will do next. many people believe that while you're almost within, it's right to retaliate and the response was proportionate to what has taken place in damascus on april. first, there is a sense that israel, especially benjamin netanyahu, is looking for any excuse to attack iran that he has set over the past 20 years. that are wrong is one of the biggest threats for israel. and that's one way of eradicating this right, is by attacking the reigning nuclear sides. there's 6 the facilities across the wrong, but the ordinary iranians are so basically waiting to see what happens. life continues here as regular. nothing has been closed. there is no, any warnings issued by the government. we did see line up. so the gas stations late last night at the start of this operation. and we saw people gathering outside the british embassy and impala sign square into her on to chance. and the for the show,
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their support for the decision, mr. made by the leadership in the country. we also understand that all domestic flights has been halted in the country until 230 gmc on monday morning. this is the power that for us in general. thank you, that's the concept among con, isn't occupied these teresa and it seems that the is right. ease uh, able to give a little bit more clarity now the number of ms files, but they were able to repel successfully. that's that's, that's the right. a few hours ago, they were both taken up the world, at least $200.00 project calls of different ages, drones and miss solve the figure. it has now come up to 331 for these, right? these all cooling the defendants of israel, a resounding victoria, we've heard from israel caps, who's the foreign minister? we've heard from isaac, because of who is the president we've heard from the outlet, the defense minister, and from daniel, regarding the is really military spikes. and all of them saying effectively the
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same thing, that this was a resigning victory. and this was a victory for israel and the us and a victory for israel and his allies in the face of iranian aggression. now that while they doing all of that publicly privately, we all hearing that there is the stress of the meetings taking place. that if iran had succeeded in hitting sites, the team minute treat base that we might well be in a very different reality right now. so public facing this is being seen as a big success of is reading defense human. com, thanks very much. okie bodies to resume the know after the attack the us present. dr. barton cut short a weekend trip and return to washington dc. now he's met with his national security team and says us commitments to israel, remain i in cloud. let's close over to john henry's also in washington dc. so we do know that the, the us fully supportive of israel right now. but only to
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a point, john, that's that's right, joe biden had put out a statement, very supportive of israel in general. he took credit for assembling us battleships and planes in the region for over a week. he said beforehand, but he also sent other messages to us would not be involved in any direct attacks on iran. and he also said that this was a when he conveyed the message to benjamin netanyahu and a 25 minute phone call. he said nothing of value was struck in israel, which seems to be another way for him to say, stay your hand jo, retaliate and continue this escalation. or at least if you do retaliate a, make it a very measured attack. he hasn't said that publicly, but this is the message we're told that was conveyed to nation, yahoo!
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the white house is very concerned about this escalating. they're also very concerned about us troops and facilities in the middle east that could be targeted . and you heard a little earlier that was not just an implicit threat, but a direct threat from a wrong that the us, it better not get involved directly or it's basis would not be safe. that's something that president biden is certainly thinking about right now. and of course, guess as the morning talk, chase begin to feel his time will get low reaction. i'm sure it's on engine that for us in washington dc, the european union and the u. k. of condemned around the attack on is riley british prime minister wishes to night pledged his government would continue to stand for israel security. you foreign policy change? yes it, but i will call this a grave threat to regional security pulled brendan is joining us now. small london broadcast and other calls to talk shows already begin that in the u. k poll, but your p in reaction, generally swift, on straight to the point. indeed,
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and frankly, the uranian attack had been telegraphed stays in advance, but perhaps the scale of it was something of a surprise to european leaders and the impression of it somewhat aligning, as well as your pen needles. i'm scanning down the messages that have been issued by governments across europe during the course of the last couple of as condemn condemn, unequivocally condemned, strongly condemned. these are the words of one phone of the messaging that's coming out from european capitals. the other one being though about conduct condemnation name that iran, but they have a positive thing that regional escalation must be avoided. further escalation must be avoided, more bloodshed must be avoided. and i think that the, that pause of the statements is definitely aimed at israel to bowl. now being very familiar, israel is called a how it uses to respond to the overnight iranian launches. i mean,
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the foreign policy chief, joseph morales. look at his statement of the you strongly convince the acceptable range an attack against israel. this is an unprecedented escalation on the grave threats to regional security. and it's that i think the regional security elements is what's really worrying here for the governments. i'm the u. k. prime minister, as you see, an act along a statement from him. i condemn in the strongest terms the uranium re, james wrecked us attack against israel. iran has once again demonstrated, but it is intent on so in chaos, in its own back yard. the u. k. will continue to stand up for israel security and best of all our regional process, including jordan under rack. and then he finishes with alongside our allies with urgency working to stabilize the situation and prevent further escalation. no one wants to see more bloodshed. now with that in mind, the g 7 is going to convene in just a couple of hours time. early afternoon,
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european time i was, that's the us, canada, japan, italy, germany, friends, the u. k. by video. it's going to be can be by it's live because it's we has the rotating presidency of the g 7 at the moment and finding ways to prevent that proto conflict erupting is going to be, i think, talk with their agenda. hold on to that for us. and linda and thank you to well, still a head here on the houses are more coverage of the rounds of technical nature. all plus are those trainings, most of the victims that i start being attacked in sydney. more information emoji is about the killer without the light, just straight up to the right, the that are still very big chairs with the potential flash flood, over se i stick to engine easy of,
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of the area where they are. most threatening tends to move around is of the moment just about average accounts or, or a rest kind of on time and probably, so that's too much of the heaviest, right. and he is going to be about 50 minute bases, but i think it's the full cost of your property double, right. the risk extends further east was puffing again. he's also in it, but not units the philippines. they're all more shaft developing in mainland southeast asia to kansas full cost reflects the nearness of the thunderstorms, but i've dropped some china and all of them. so as often new thunderstorms, which is i have to say fairly normal as the strength from that varies australia as well as cost. now there are few. thunderstorms arrives, you can see there's bits of disappointing writing west australia, but that's not really being repeated in yes. rate has been warranted here, but it's not coming. queensland least tropical queens and we'll see a bit more significant. right in the next day. also asked for news even when the picture here looks benign. doesn't know if there is rain in kind of getting from the west for no file and maybe south problem, but you know as bright them as christ church. that 18 degrees?
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christ church gets to 20 on tuesday as right increase up suicide 5 and, and by wednesday, while it's benign again, or the now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but it was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what, this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even have this is not important. which of these are going to and bushy hold unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on, out of the
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the don't feel just bear with me. so robin, and i'll remind to of all top stories of to days of threats around as low as they can. the song and try to kind of go this route may so intercepted by it's really ad defenses. the thought came in response to as wells, as dry content problems come see let's in damascus 2 weeks ago. and the european union as well as the united kingdom of condemned or on the attack on as well. but prime and associates, united, placed as government would continue to stand up for israel security. the foreign policy chief isabel coal, the situation a grave threat to regional security. well joined, noted student by mohammed l master. he's a professor at the time. hot institute full graduate studies, kentucky back home. probably. com. again. it's been a very busy 24 hours and certainly overnight and now we're sort of getting the daytime reaction from the display thing. you're a bill of waiting,
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waiting for america to wake up. we can expect type as you move the same. yeah, i think it's an interesting actually to follow the reactions of european and other western leaders. so if you look at the u. k. france and the united states, they've unequivocally condemned this retaliatory strike by iran when they were silent actually. 12 days ago were 13 days ago, i guess it is now when israel struck the consulate iranian constable and in damascus, which was an illegal and illegal act. right. and in fact they, i shouldn't say they were silent. they actually went to some links to sort of defendant justify that act. so these western leaders are, are going to do what they do and, and i think we have to understand that they're staunchly a pro israel. and as you noted, we're, we're kind of waiting right now, we're in that tit for tat mode where the ron has responded. and now everyone's sort of waiting to see what,
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what is real might do next. and the ball is very much in their court and they have, they have multiple options at their disposal. yeah, we don't have any statements any from the us. and for me around that, that's sort of drawing a line into the mass of the unknown quantity is israel and there is this general cabinet meeting is held every sunday. it is ro wait and see what comes out to the, to the round about 4 hours time. we'll get back to indication really of the train of sold because nothing yahoo needs to keep the pressure on it wrong. and also these to make sure we can stay and his job. absolutely, as we've all noted for months now, all of this works into netanyahu's favor, the longer this turmoil and, and conflict and violence goes on, right, has his political career is extended so that, that all works and is in his favor. now the united states is, i think, another entity to keep an eye on. they do not want an all out war. and i think they've made that clear over the past 12 hours or so to israel. but they won this
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leg of the battle with iran and there's no need for any further escalation. the problem is that israel has not done much to respond favorably to us advice over the past 6 months. in fact, israel has in very, in, in many ways in sort of pushing the united states along its own kind of line or its own agenda. so i'm going to be very interested to hear what comes out of these next several hours statements by is really leaders. because that's going to give us an indication of whether israel is going to can to can sort of this a victory and sort of stand down, or whether they're going to further escalate this page with you. as far as that is really statement to happens. we're going to stay within that same time, spend the americans waking up as well. cause of the morning chase begin around about the same sort of time. we will get a better indication really, the american point to view the cause. this tension between the united states and
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reading benjamin netanyahu has not called away and is frustrating a lot of the decision makers behind the presidency. that's true, that is true, and there is a tension. and i don't think there's any love lost between biden and netanyahu, but i'm always much more interested in what the us is doing on the ground. and in terms of policy than what it's saying, either publicly or privately, i think policy is much more important than the reality is that the us has staunchly supported, they've given to quote bite and iron clad support to israel for, for almost 6 and a half months now they've done pretty much as, as israel has wanted them to do, starting with adopting all of is really talking points. and then defending israel, the united nations provide continuing to, to provide israel with, with weaponry and even bypassing congress to give israel even more funding for, for weapons and now shooting down and rainy and drones in and over,
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over israel. so really, the question that i have is, when is joe biden going to actually use his leverage to push back against israel. he hasn't been willing to do that yet in any meaningful way. and as many analysts have noted, this might ultimately lead in, in november to his electoral defeat at the hands of donald trump, all of the data that we have available to us. right, right now, whether it's from the presidential primaries or the opinion polls suggest that joe biden is in a lot of trouble. we just see what happens. certainly in the coming out. so the mustard, thank you. a pilot study village is multiplied westbank hall reading from 2 days of attacks by is ready settlers property was set on fire and at least one palestinian killed in the confrontations. they began after the disappearance of a 14 year old settler, whose body was found on saturday, the circumstances surrounding his death in clear. but these any problem in a slip in human destiny. all he called it a keen this letter that abraham join us from ramallah and the occupied westbank.
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anita, needless to say, it has to be the very 10 spend of us 48 hours, i presume that miss fair continues. yes, the wave of subtler attacks. we can say so here's that they've some views, but they did not stop in facts. i'm standing here in front of one of the places that got attacked yesterday. we need a jealous owned refugee camp. and here that is the is where the separation wall. that's usually a cuts between these really supplements and the palestinian communities at needless to say. and the good is where the supplements. now there is a palestinian home inside with these really have been allowing is this person to go in and out through this? a gap in the walls is the start of the war on god. 8 the families tell us that these ready for doesn't have to establish the gates here, which made the found the more vulnerable to set to the attacks. and they attacked that took place. he had happened late on saturday with we've even went inside and
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seen the amount of rocks that were thrown at the families now has him. a residence of the house was telling us that he has 2 little girls. they would very scared of the attack. and in the end, what's happened is that the palestinians who is coming from the zone a few decals came here. they took out the gates and basically rushed to head of the palestinians. there this in are, you could not happen in all the villages that were under attacks by is really such . those were talking about the limit that you, we've been speaking to people, it whose homes were burned not just once, but twice a how the sinews could not get 7, not only because of the danger of bills this way, the settlers, but also because it's really forces have been imposing closers on roads. not allowing kind of city is to come and help those. what been under attacks by subtler so far, so it's friday to how the city is have been killed. one of them is
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a 17 year old from a village. nita, bye cool, the teen, we're talking about 50 palestinians who were injured in general when we talked to kind of sidney is all across so that it just went under attacks. they tell us one important theme they say is where the soldiers are looking at this stuff. there's and allowing them to continue their attacks against palestinians is the abraham that forest and rubella. thank you. is there a strong so intensifying, enroll them in central pilots of the gaza strip? garza's media office has said that 19 people are being killed more than 200 injured in the past day. and 6 major is randy attacks on own the threats refugee camp for the roles. jamalia was also hit by a series of aspects mold and 33686 palestinians have been killed since the war began in october. as closely with the topic of as a min, rasa in southern cause, a topic just give us an idea of what we should be focused on sunday morning
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considering that was also overnight. the tax across the goal is the stripe. so yes, so have the set to leave? that's right. so there is no any leak top and strikes. no, i'm fighting in guns on this specifically that we use while the military has been targeting multiple areas across the trip. and one of the latest hot targeted and my guys, the refugee camp, where to palestinians that have to reported in to that being transferred to receive medical treatments in a locks the hospital part yet is very military, is focusing and it's operation in the another at pots of them because they and number what i call a neighbor and the town where buttons are. so i'm going guns raging at the block. what we have been hearing from residence is that it's very forces are demolishing houses of top attacking people. and they have been using military quite cool to try just to attack and to shoot to need house. the name is moving in areas that are
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completely close to the combat. so between almost fighters and these are the sort just by that's absolutely terrifying because the vast majority of the injured people recorded today. we're from children. 11 of the palestinian children has been describing the situation to be absolutely terrifying. that as he has grown during the about what were their next destination to go? because this area has been designated for them as a saves on fox to allow and to solve the situation here. sounds relatively complex . these call a roof district is full of surveillance to drones that to now start its own, our own going what it's a buzzing guns gathering, get security and intelligence information. but civil defense themes have been announcing, in addition to that, they have managed to recover 15 palestinians from the city of hon. units of governors. his ministry has stated that at least 43 palestinians have they're both killed in the past 24 hours. a couple of weeks for us in rough. thank you. the
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the springs and the days of the news. now, the officials in southern russia say around a 1000 times are flooded in the city of all room. back in the last 24 hours, was the levels in the year over the which ones threw over and back off, sold to be subsiding, having reached nearly 12 meets as no thought which he has in the city to all thousands of residents to evacuate immediately on friday, the flood waters continued to rise above critical levels. it will stay, they detect is investigating the killing of 6 people in a stopping attack. say the nice man had a history of mental health problems. 40 year old joe county was shot dead during his one page of the shopping mountains. sidney on such a day, 9 month old baby was a months 12 people leading hospital treatments for their injuries antics. thomas, i sent this report. hey, steven 24. as all i'm concerned that i sent the motion has been clear to see on the
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faces of so many who have come to light flowers, candles, a balloon, even a teddy bit. light, so distance away. shopping center, one by junction west. so many last van lines including one from you'll straight in 5 minutes to the out and easy. and the new south wales sight finance, which means result of the cutting. so the individual stories of the sweeping cubes, the complete strangers rushing in to help, as well as acts of carriage and bravery main that with you know, the individuals who's been killed or not. you grieving today. more detail is had on those throughout the day. with one of the big savings names as 38 year old actually good. she was the mother of a 9 month old baby girl who was injured in the attack and is still being tactful in hospital. we also know the identity of the killer is full, 2 year old jo,
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count chief from queensland young. he moved to sydney last month. and although he was known until authorities were having mental health issues, he has never been prosecuted. arrested.


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