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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the season for 2 women fought for justice. i get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people vs agents, orange on knowledge, a 0 the . ready ready ready the wrong launches several 100 drones and missiles on is running a retaliate tree attack the 1st time most are intercepted, the thoughts of them and what you want to say were life. my headquarters here in the also coming up celebrations into the wrong us. iran was of a stronger response. israel retaliates international goals for a strange increase. israel's little cabinet and the un security council of jew to
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means present job. i brief um, once he calls i implant supports the israel buddies, reports of the toll benjamin netanyahu, that the us will not support any counter attack against the welcome to the public and they're all as president as well. and as well against any retaliation. after an unprecedented miss solid and drove an attack over night, it was the 1st wrong has laws against israel, from rainy and soil. these ready governments as mold and 300 attack drones, ballistics, and cruise missiles targeted it's territory most. what intercepted iran said the attack was the response to as well as the bombing of the rainy and cold sealants in sylvia 2 weeks ago. and the king called republican god commend as well. we have correspondence following the latest developments from washington, dc and london. and they found, con, isn't occupied east jerusalem,
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but 1st victoria case and the leads of coverage with this report of israel says the vast majority of a radium missiles and drones intercepted outside israel's territory, such as this one that was found in a bill in northern iraq. these really minute theresa is the few that did full in israel, only closed minded damage issue on the club. and we took last night around launched an attack against israel and launch more than $300.00 threats of various kinds. the rainy and threat met the air and technological superiority of the ideas combined with a strong slicing coalition. the attempt was the 1st time around his lunch to direct a minute result on these rail from rainy and soil attacked drains, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. we launch from around and its allies. i'm out of the yard as now that we see this operation is completed in successful task.
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it's over from our perspective. but if the, as rarely army does anything against us, either in iran or elsewhere, our next operation will be much bigger. if the u. s. gets involved title, none of it spaces in the region will be 6 into ram. the attacks were celebrated by government supporters who said they were satisfied with the response the so was retaliation for water ran, said was these really foaming of the rainy and diplomatic compounds and the syrian capital damascus. earlier this month to each to study. i've not seen people this happy about toward before. people have given up their sleep to be here and show how important this work is to us. and how glad we all know about the set tackling is what have you as president joe biden phone, as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu to re, if um, what he called americas on cloud support need is in bruce in canada and the
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european union condemned to rims, actions is reckless, unacceptable, and destabilizing for the region. israel has signaled it will respond to iran's attack, and an emergency meeting of the un security council is expected soon aim to preventing a direct rule between the 2 countries. victoria gave some b, l, g 0, a physical server table and cause it all bodies to resubmit, a name or the authority. will tablets cabinet is meeting later today on a potential response? what do you think we can expect? well that's incredibly enclave at the moment because of one simple thing we've heard from the political and the military establishment that they've owned praise, base attack, retired from isaac heads or the is rarely present. and we've heard from the gland, the defense minister, all of them saying that this was a successful defense of israel and israel and its allies have succeeded. but we
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haven't heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. that is actually unusual. now the wood cabinet does meet and about 90 minutes time. normally we do start hearing things um from that meeting, a couple of hours off. first off, everybody's meeting is kinda one for a little while, but the assignments from prime minister benjamin netanyahu has come as a real surprise to many people here. normally he's very quick to react to things like this, particularly when it comes to it wrong. who is loan blamed a 20 is in fact for being is rolls greatest enemy. so it is way that we haven't heard from him, but it's likely that we are going to get some sort of statement. the one thing that perhaps we can only guarantee this statement will be, is a very strongly wooded one and the amount of coal. so schools in daycare centers are closed today as well as the space. what's the situation like now in terms of what's going on across an over israel as well, there's been boss, travel destructions. as you can imagine,
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the space in israel is now open. however many airlines have canceled flights. as the pos, i have a holiday, a big weekend for travel for is raise. we were expecting about 53000 people to be traveling. that number's going down to about $30000.00. the airlines that have stopped by flights having confirmed when they'll get the flights back up and running. and indeed if they do in the coming weeks or so, also these disruptions of ever taking place within schools. schools are actually off um, restrictions on the amount of people that can gather in one place at one time. also in place were expecting those to remain in place until at least 11 pm on monday. everyone's gone thanks very much. unoccupied easter eastern side to the rainy and foreign minister, i mean the and who's speaking into wrong. that's listening and we have confirmed to them that we don't seek to expand the conflict in the region and we would never
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accept that. but we wound them is about, oh is that to me that if i have a ron will start to get that is a iranian targets are being targeted then i will reply will be there. and it is a boat from america to in this, with god. in this case, we will target the metric and bases in these countries. we appreciate the neighbor encompasses efforts. we appreciate the efforts of our friends in so many companies in the region. those concerts have received our message and our statement, they have in full then that the states administration. and they have confirmed to them that america will never use their lands. all the space,
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again is iran, and this must be very clear to everyone. on the other hand, we quite keen on the stability in these countries. this has been said and confirmed by our president rodney and president a, it's on the top of our foreign policy agenda. so kids of the neighboring countries as far as all the security of the ron and despite the thing, the run, the united states of america before the operation that a and ad humiliating this, i understand that they was informed that the information or and that
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was saying i mean the, and he's the is right in foreign minister speaking to the president. i wrong, that's close. i used to john 100 and who was also listening in to that to a general overview such and the from the writing and foreign minister, they came very clear that it was not going to be any more action from the radians, but a very clear warning to the us, if they change that mind a very clear warning, so have that was about as clear statement as you could get saying if the u. s. were involved, none of their basis would be safe. and he said if the us uh, i believe the word, the translator use, which supports an effort by israel, that would be a lower standard than the us directly participating. and we've heard president biden say that the us is iron clad behind israel. but behind the scenes,
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we're told that he is specifically told nothing yahoo, the prime minister of israel, that the us will not participate in offensive operations against iran is apparently told netanyahu. and a 25 minute phone call. that is, that the night was a wind for israel, that nothing of true value was struck. the by the administration is trying to tamp down any expectation that is real would launch a major retaliatory strike here. the us is not interested in getting involved in a wider war there, and the president has reportedly expressed concern to aids that and that's in yahoo is trying to involve the us deeper in this conflict. so that's one reason that us doesn't want to do it. the warning we just heard at us is not interested in a wider conflict or a direct conflict with a wrong. do you think that's the message that you might see us politicians
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certainly from the democratic side will be trying to get hold of a sudden rises across the us suddenly sunday morning talk shows begin because later in the day. but there's also got to explain his position to his g 7 colleagues as well. that's right. the president did say he was going to meet with the g 7 leaders. and that the goal of that was to have a united diplomatic response any emphasize that it was a diplomatic response. so i think indeed, we're going to hear from democrats that they want to at they want to pursue diplomacy. they don't want to see a big retaliatory strike or the prisoner also knows he has no control over what is real does directly of us. does it support is real mer militarily, but he and nothing yahoo don't seem to have a particularly good relationship. so we've already heard from republican just say they want to give his real more money. they want to change the agenda in the house of representatives, which republicans control in order to do that. so yeah,
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there's likely to be some conflict here in the us at. but the us message from the administration is we, we need to resolve this situation diplomatically, and he is apparently privately urging netanyahu not to launch a major retaliatory strike or see what the was that come out of washington or later in the days of the moment. john, engineer, washington, d. c. thanks so much on the european union and the united kingdom have condemned it on the attack on israel, the british prime minister of issues to night pledged his government would continue to stand up for israel security. you foreign policy chief just to throw cold, old as a grave threat to regional security. let's close eva to poll brandon, who's standing by for us from a london broad cast center schultz shop and straight to the point to pull, staffing. many of the concerns of john henry and express from the us side of the
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atlantic being shed by the european nations looking in at what happened during the nights with that attack. launched by around concerns about the possibility of a why the conflict in the middle east is concerns about what level israel might choose to retaliation concerns about whether there's western nations which have given different magic cover. israel up till now, whether they might actually be dragged in reluctantly to some kind of military involvements as well. they have been militarily involved, but in the defense of israel. so for example, american men of jihad, where i was involved in helping to shoot down some of those drones and missiles, which are flying from the around towards israel urbanized the united kingdom as well. also had jets in the, as it appears from the statement from the ministry defense here in the u. k. that those british jets were involved in locking back feeling roles that the american jets would've been flying over an ice. but there's american debts then,
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because those american jets have been divested to deal with the iranian ms. aust, i'm friends to it's been announced by israel were involved in patrolling the sky is no details revealed. so exactly whether the french jets were involved in shooting down any iranian massages as well. so. so it's clear that western governments are allowing the military to be involved in defensive duties. but the prospect, the idea of the concepts of being dragged into some kind of offensive involvement with israel against iran is very much off the table from the western governments. now, the other point that is universal across the western governments, particularly european governments, is the idea of condemning iran's attack. and we can take a look at a statement that was issued by the european union foreign policy chief yoseph burrell, in reaction to arouse attack. he said, the e u strong me condemns the unacceptable. it raining,
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an attack against israel. this is an unprecedented escalation, and a grave threats to regional security. you see that concern about a snowball effect militarily, diplomatically very much at the forefront of the minds of european diplomats. and with that in mind, as perhaps, as soon as within the next hour, the g 7 nations, united states, japan, germany, france, a, u. k and canada will be having a video conference in order to get. busy heads together to decide what they're going to do next. well, branding that for us in london. thank you. in the sled here on out, is that where we live in garza, with several policy needs to be in, in just up to is where these policies open 5 on the, the the latest news as it breaks around on
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a given across the street. but it does come out, but galvanized populates the board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brakes from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, it even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have. growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change a playful series. it seems to understand this highlands. the idea is moving, lies in use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0 is being theme, the groups, the size of the system as no for most painters of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the 5th generation change on al jazeera, examining the headline, unflinching journalism, sharing personal stories with
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a global audience explorer and abundance of world class programming. on alex's era, the the back you want to, i'll just bear with me single rom, and in the whole reminder of all top stories, the wrong president has warned israel against any retaliation. after an unprecedented ms. allan joined. it's not good even though it's. it was the 1st of all and has closed against israel from a rainy and soil around said the attack was in response, as well as the bombing of the a rainy and come see let's in syria 2 weeks ago, governments around the world calling for restraints on all sides of us just says
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it's next. it is extremely concerned about another dangerous escalation in the middle east. the to gaza and several paula cities have been injured. have to is randy faust is open fi on the in garza city and these are trying to return from central garza to the north and indicates the road mold at a 100 pallets. stadiums were killed, biased by the snipers on the same route in february while trying to collect food aid. kansas media office has said that 19 people are being killed the more than 200 injured in the past 24 hours. in 6 major is rarely a time, so this refugee come further. ultimately, it was also hit by a series of strikes, bulls and $33686.00 palestinians have now being killed since the will began in october. but let's close the topic of resume who's standing by 1st in rafa in southern gaza. while you might say topic the wells attention was on that driving to
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tackle this route coming from iran. the tool that continues for godson's way you are yes. so here that's right, so these are the men of trees bouncing the guns. this trip here on an hourly basis, like one of the latest is very, a tax has been carried out on a thousands of kind of city and people who have been gathering on the coasts or roads. a rashid road in order to return back to the houses in the north, off to a number of palestinian families earlier today, you have been having an access to the knows the so literally these many, many treat tanks at the rows are using ox marie fire and smoke grenades to force those people to return back to the south. were a police, as far as palestinians have been killed to these attacks on these people and people have started to gradually return back to the show to is he and the software costs
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of cars about generally the main focus of the is very military. bombardment is i'm going to survive refugee camp where and i'm tells palestinians that have to report of it because of the ongoing from bottom into residential houses. agricultural lands and people have been appealing and sending more fields to evacuate them from areas of confrontation as he and the pos house in a rough off situations is relatively calm. but these ready surveillance of drones that was to pull her and since the hours of these morning. yeah, that's the home that we can here above you. terry. just give us an idea as well. all the age situation. you know, we do continue to focus on this. the aid is apparently coming in from several locations. is it coming in and how much of it is that to be arriving in the gaza strip as well? so here we've been talking about this story again and again, specifically that the is where the ministry has been saying that they are,
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they are a, they are willing to open a new crust, things full for the flow of humanitarian chromeboys to people. and then other parts of the gaza strip, but yet none of that has been really taking place. as the only outlets for the majority of age flow to the garza service is all through out a rough current sounding requesting board. as far as the capacity of a deliveries to the gaza strip has a relatively, is slightly increased specifically that is it the international community, the american administration of been about it, regional act as have been cooling as well to increase the capacity of to its latest attack on the central kitchen, but we can say that to, from 300 to up to at least a 500 trucks are getting into the gorgeous strip. but news trucks included a commercial trucks that were directed to the private sector, which completely will be sold in the palestinian market market by palestinian
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traders. so we cannot say completely that all of the what is getting into the gaza strip because it, it to be few minutes. are you in troops at the situation on the ground post in the south and in the north, the still critically dial tone recovering that for us in rough and thank you. let's take a look at some of the days of the news. now i went to nigeria, where collaborations are being held 10 years after the abduction of 9300 school girls by bulk of hold on their kidnapped by the home group in 2014, in the northeastern town of to bulk. some of them are still unaccounted full address, attended the event in to book it's it's tough for the students who have been released. it's also tough for pairing, so also being released right now. what do we, what's happening in this particular hole is a commemoration of the 10th anniversary and the keeping up of the school. the children were here and the government, the 2nd to school here in chicago. and parents have been in the mental 10 years, often non, most,
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many of the children i have to come home right now we talking about $82.00 was too much so uh, there was several speakers in this for the 2 down to demand action of the company they were asking questions, asking button questions, how come, what was it that some keeping of victims in other parts of nigeria hopkins released yet the government was unable to secure the release of old book goes up to 10 years . so those are some of the key questions being raised by people who are here to let me come and visit me another all being accused of altering the abduction and false recruitment of what i think of most things to find to guys, buddhist rebels, activists say the name on military is using the right thing as human shields and sticking tension between produced and muslim communities times a tragic how's the story may need? well, hang up teenagers and young man have recently flat rock kind state emily on my or they have gone into hiding in the jungle to avoid transcription into the me and my
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army. oh yes, i spoke to a 21 year old or hang up recently managed to escape to bangladesh from a military camp and put it on the sides. many office comrades were killed in reese and fighting against rebel forces with no legal refugee status in bangladesh. he doesn't know where he'll end up next. can you hold on to the phone with us you? we were facing a very difficult situation over there with very this will suit the ace in the camps . after just 10 days of basic military training. they forced us to take pots and battles against our account, rebel groups, mobiles and video secretly filmed by ro hang a, have surface on social media revealing the recruitment process. that is to objective from the military side, that we can see. one is to use a routing to use as many as you at the better fee. and now that is to create the tension between the 2 communities. what kind of, what is the mostly uh, because uh,
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this is a very sensitive issue. tensions remain high on the border between bangladesh and me on my because of fighting and what kind state between government forces an arc and army rebel, good dark anatomy, but this condemned uh for 600 men of reading the most things, citing their historical co existence. you told me to bury us like it, we becomes an a p, a as a religious conflict between what i can community and within the community. this is the one who's looking for the him, a message on the menu to hang out describing arrested. the nighttime raids course with false promises of citizenship and threatened with arrest, abduction and feelings. you know, the force of the people or they, you decide what did this, people have no choice. they cannot themselves, this is the against the bench. and that's the law. we can uh, push it through a domestic community, even the un, more than a 1000000 drawing
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a refugee is possibly displaced from me on my upside shelter here in bangladesh. additionally, an estimate of 630000 ethnic growing, i mostly designated the state bless by the united nation faces restrictions on their movement or are confined to camps in direct kind of state in western man mar of the me on my military's floors recruitment of ring i is the latest instance of expectation of the ethnic community that has long complain of persecution and marginalization to enrich other agency to dot com. induced prime minister new under moody is why did you say that the school i said, as well as most populous nation, goes to the poll starting on april the 19th. but critics all gives enhanced his popularity by promoting him through nationalism at the expense of minority communities. and opposition politicians say that he's misused the tax and the government agencies to unfairly target them. but also then does reports the
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governing board at the agenda. so i'll talk to you will be popular among the countries can do. majority is choosing a certain power. and this is the man, the police will achieve. it will need the money is a good leader with a strong determination. he has done what he promised stood with a if you want to approach development to everyone was asleep. publicity machine works overtime to market the cognitive movie present to him as a decisive leader who has delivered his capital across the image analyst see as medium the beach. if he's most powerful weapon pro, a pop up by friends to fulfill the dream is it developed india every minute. every single 2nd of my life is dedicated to this country. the economies one is will these media achievements, india has become the was 5th largest economy. and it's projected to become the 3rd biggest by 2027. which why g d p is going up?
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some of the economy see it only benefiting a very small segment of the population. unemployment is on the rise and the informal sector, which accounts for up to 90 percent of employment is struggling to visit us behind . the movie machine is easy in due to a political ideology which promotes hinduism as the dominant political and cultural force in india. in january, he opened a partially completed drum, the. the $217000000.00 handled temper was built on the ruins of a 16th century most that was destroyed by him to mobs in 1992. because no longer considered politically in clinic. to see that this is the country of speaking, those if the religious minorities wants to stay, they all will come to stay. but on our terms and conditions, minorities, especially muslims, are felt increasingly discriminated against any of these india. the recent
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amendment of citizenship rules, which excludes muslims and fall struck citizenship as not to mentally say the mainstream media has been bullied or brought or leaving few critical voices. but this hasn't affected the prime minister's international to does his work. that was stage with confidence featured and celebrated around the globe. movie says is motivation is ensuring a license dignity for every indian where they can achieve their dreams. he's test as a leader with no the winning of the but all of the countries, 1400000000 people benefiting from his policies. mean that fernandez g 0, a good australia police investigating the killing of 6 people in a stabbing attack. say that the nice man had a history of mental health problems. full 0 joe could che, was shot dead during his run page at the shopping malins that be on site today. a 9
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month old baby was amongst 12 people need the hospital treatments the injuries. alex told us to send this report even 24 hours. so i'm concerned that i sent the motion as being clear to see on the faces of so many who have come to light flowers, candles, a balloon, even a teddy bear ladies. distance away shopping center junction with so many most van lines including one from you know, straight in 5 minutes of the avenue easy. and the new south wales, like premier asterisk means results of the cutting sewage the individual stories of the sea. thank you to complete strangers. rushing into health as well as axes, carriage and bravery, main that with you know, the individuals who's been killed or not, you craving today. more details have a most throughout the day with one of the big savings names as 38 year old actually good.


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