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tv   Talk to Al Jazeera Roberto Alvarez Gil  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm AST

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is of oregon, these helicopters flying over the ribs, sprang something and they didn't even see the care for 2 women fought for justice. i get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people vs agents, orange. my knowledge is 0. the dominican republic and have him share this caribbean island much more ways than one . the distance neighbors. one speaks french, the other spanish. but more importantly, patients suffer from acute poverty, extreme political instability, and now and controllable violence. on the other side of the border in the capital samples of legal life looks peaceful and prosperous, but looks are deceiving. there are 2 things. people agree on the fear that the
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violence next door could spill over into this country. and the desperate need for safety to restore law and order with the help of an international community that seems to have forgotten the silent hold but go for nobody, no pass for the 9th time in less than 4 years. i come before this distinguished party of the united nations to reiterate the dominican republic governments concern about them, assistance and acute crisis affecting the violence and political instability. experience now neighboring nation have a devastating impact on the civilian population, patient democracy, and regional security. understand human incentive, the legal concerns of worsening here in the capital of the dominican republic. in the midst of a worsening security crisis in neighboring haiti. here on the ground, many fear the consequences of criminal gains taking over much of the haitian capital. the dominican republic is also confronting this to install lessons as
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prices as the ports, tens of thousands of on documentations across the border. so what impact is the security crisis in haiti having on this nation? and what steps will the dominican government take to confront these challenges? in the next half hour, we don't deeper into these issues as the foreign minister of the dominican republic for best. so i, but as he talks to al jazeera, the really thought of that is fine minister of the dominican republic. i'd like to start by reminding everyone that you have said that no country in the western hemisphere has the security problems of your neighbor, haiti. so what does that mean for, for the dominican republic, because you are the only country that is sharing the island of you, spend your love with haiti, and thank you for the invitation. this is a pleasure to be with you and your audience that that is correct. the because of
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the fact that we share a relatively small island of maybe 90000 square kilometers total of which we have 2 thirds in haiti. one 3rd of the island because we are obviously being an island surrounded with water. and nowhere else for any haitians wanting to leave their country to go immediately. so the adjacent country is a drawer. in addition, because of our economy, which has been growing for the last 50 to 60 years, at a 5 percent clip more or less. that is also an attraction, a big magnet. so given the current situation in haiti, where there is blowing order has basically broken down. so the only place that haitians can flee to immediately is towards the dominican republic. that is,
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that is why we have up to $10000.00 of our armed forces members at the border. we have to take care of the fact because there is no interlocutor on the other side of the fact that thousands of criminals were set loose even recently up to 3600 from the national jail, of which many are murderers, convicted murderers, rapists. even some who are involved in the assassination of a former president and maurice. so it is indeed a, an issue of national security to the dominican republic. one, your foreign minister are very well known for your very long career in the defense of human rights. and yet, as you very well know, a m, just international, just to give one example has just issued a press release, accusing your government of defect a, racism, and
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a thing to main treatment of your neighbors of patients. how to justify, for example, the duplication of tens of thousands of on documented patients that have been living here in this country when they very clearly are facing danger as they return home. well, let's address 3 issues that you just mention. one is racism. that is completely false. we have a totally different history in our national independence and the way that our economy was developed us and our identity, meaning we never had a plantation society in the dominican republic on like 80, on like the united states. and on, like most, carrick on countries that was never the case ended dominican republic. i don't want to get into the reasons why, but we can. so we've developed as a, really a mistesia and lots of nations. 73 percent of our population is mixed blood.
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16 percent black, 11 percent white. so there's never been a within dominicans, a distinction as to race. that is completely false. number one. so there are no political. there are no policies which you can point to that established as, as a racist country with the port people who are illegal in the dominican republic, just like any other country, all countries in the neighborhood. i don't want to get into naming them. but to all of them are also the forwarding haitians back to their countries. now that does not mean that we put the port every one with the port. they are considerable number hundreds or thousands of patients in the dominican republic or not bothered but the numbers. the increasing numbers,
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given the situation in haiti is something that we can not shoulder. we cannot shoulder the total social needs of haiti. we have our own population, which is our basic responsibility, what your government and i'll consider a humanitarian car door. for example, we know that people in haiti at this moment i'm going hungry because of this crisis . is that not something you would consider? well, 1st of all, the border markets are open completely. there are more than 50 markets. there are 4 main ones, but there are over 50 others, smaller markets where haitians were not for those markets. the level of hunger in haiti would be far greater. so on thousands of patients come to those border markets on a weekly basis. now you have to understand today the airport is closed, the porch is basically close. so how can you get any humanitarian assistance?
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of course we're more than willing to help with humanitarian assistance. and the question is how you have trucks going through land through the roads. they are controlled by the gangs. we've had sort of scores of dominicans who have been kidnapped by the game in the past. so of course, we're more than willing to help with the international community with any in a few minutes area and assistance. but the question is being asked, why isn't the dominican republic shouldering the black, the bulk of it? that is not, we can't, we're developing country as well, even though we're richer than havi. that doesn't mean that we are a rich country either. i understand, but basically you're saying that the patients are on their own. well, unfortunately the we've, that's precisely why we've been going to the international community, the united nations,
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all of these years we've been calling the attention of the international community . we've been crying out. it's the time now what for the other side, in september of 21, he shopped a tree at the united nation general assembly. unfortunately, that was after the assassination of president royce week. we're not the creators of the haitian situation. there are many actors who have a lot more at stake in this situation. not in terms of national security. we are the ones who do have the greatest at stake in that around. but in terms of who are the actors that have in have a greater responsibility for the situation in haiti is not the dominican republic. so we're willing to do our part. we have been doing our part, but the international community has not stepped up to do this. i understand that the binding administration had promised something like $300000000.00,
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at least on it. and in fact, a bit more to help in this situation. but that money, as i understand, hasn't been distributed yet, but what's happened in the united states as an essential and central actor in resolving and solving a part of the haitian crisis. and they have, in the past, they have been an actor and they will continue to be one of fortunately carol. com has also stepped up at this point in time. but as you write point, that rightly pointed out the end of the actual really has pledged. but not actually the positive yet, or the funding in the haiti trust fund at the united patients. it's still lacking those funds. hopefully they will be coming soon so that the countries that have offered a police forces to integrate the multi national security mission can go to haiti and a the haitian police. as soon as possible. i understand that,
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but what is preventing it? what is stopping it or denying it? is it because the congress has this is got, is not authorizing it, or is it because they don't believe that there is any one who they can have is an interlock picture right now in haiti? you would have to ask that question to the us so far. it is directly lucy, i don't want to speculate as to the reasons why they've, they've not moved any faster. i do know that they may be sort of soon, very slow moving in that direction. but again, you have to talk to our friends in the us while i'm not just referring to the united states. you did mention also that there are other governments that were willing to send in a police force a military force, in fact, to help to prop up the very, very weak police force of hazy, whatever is left of it. but that hasn't happened either. so there must,
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there must be other concerns other reasons. well, the way that the multinational force is, has been structured by the un security council is a unique massett. the haitian did not want a peacekeeping force or un blue helmet force, which is what the one is accustomed to doing. had been a peacekeeping force as it would be there already. why? because anyone has the expertise, the funds would come from new, from the you when everything, the operations, etc. but given the fact that they did not, the haitians did not want a peacekeeping force and that several members of the security council also did not want to pay any longer for another p k o. in that case, it's had to be this unique force. it requires
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a lot of thought as to how to set it up. this is the 1st time that they're doing a someone is supposed to lead, but then that like a leading country has to reach agreements with the haitian government and all the other governments also reach by latrell agreements. then you have to have a court meeting unit somewhere, who is going to be doing that. all of that is on those are being looked at at the moment, as well as who is going to give the blessing of the legitimacy to the success of government. there are a lot of questions at stake that are very difficult to answer at the moment, and that is perhaps what it's so complex to do this transition. i was suppose one could argue that there is no government in haiti. the, the prime minister is no longer there. he says he's resigned. the games are in
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charge of 80 percent at least of the capital in other parts of the country as well . so who is there to, as you say, your country also doesn't have an interlocutor. who is it? is it possible to set up a stabilizing a government, internal government that has been, as i understand in the works now for not just now, but for the last year without any success? let me clarify a few things. number one, there is a government in place, very precarious, but there is one prime minister and he left the country. he designated a, an entrance prime minister who is still in place. and that is the finance minister, who is the acting prime minister with the council of ministers pro understood form that formerly prime minister audrey has not been able to return to haiti. but he said when he offered his resignation, he said,
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i will resign when the presidential transition government is installed. so she has still formally he has offered to resign. but she's still technically the prime minister and extra or abroad if you will. not an ex out because he's not able to return to his country, but there is a government. now when i set, there is no into locket or in the other side in terms of 1st of all of who is in charge of law and order. there is no one at the border on the other side, trying to establish that. and you don't know who the other person on the other side who may be armed or not. who they are. it's not easy to determine the number one. number 2, as you said, 80 percent of the capital is in the control of gangs, but they're still 20 percent public government. still precariously there. and that
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is what is required for it to maintain that semblance today. a lot of still a government so that they are able to hand over to the new provisional council. i think you would agree that havi is, is living so perhaps for its worst x, a central crises. what would happen if there is a, is this becomes catastrophic. and millions of haitians feel they have to flee. where would they go? and indeed, we think that this is the most profound extra central crisis that haiti has faced. and no doubt everyone as it seems to be in agreement in contemporary terms and the last 6070 years. number one, number 2, in terms of a stampede of,
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of patients that hasn't really occurred to me yet until up until now. well, you have, remember a nurse quick and 2010. the killed up 230-0000 people, left the capital for prisons in total shambles. and the other end the country. and in opposite the term shut, the whole world came to hades aid at least, and coyote, including the dominican republic. oh, really the 1st responders to the haitian crisis, but then there was no stand paid. they've been other hurricanes other earthquakes. and that hasn't occurred either. so we don't expect that to be happening any time in the immediate future, but we also in the dominican republic, we have a plan in case something of that nature were to happen. so it's our
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security forces. we do have a plan, we would have to have something of that sort, but we don't expect that to be the case. so, but, but, so that's why we are crying out for the international community. do step in. it's really late in the game in order to establish some basic law in order in and haiti very much. so i would say, but if i could i ask you, what is your plan? unfortunately, i don't know because it is a plan which is privy to the security forces. i do know that it exists, but i can't go into that detail. i can imagine. but tell me your government to a president has said in no uncertain terms that the dominican republic would not allow the refugee camps of haitians even temporary refugee camps because of quote, security and historic reasons. what, what does that mean, especially that historically, since how, what, how does that way in?
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well, 1st of all, you'll see there are only 2 countries in latin america that did not achieve their independence from spain. that is panama and the dominican republic. our independence happened from havi. we've declared a what we call an a funeral independence in 18. 21. and within a month or so, haitians occupied our side of the island as well. so we were under haitian occupation for 22 years from 18. 22 until 1844, when we declared independence. but then for the next 12 years haitian armies continue to invade the dominican republic trying to recapture the country. so this is one of the fundamental reasons that perhaps the international community is not aware and doesn't understand this particular part of a history that we have this fraught relationship in terms of our independence and
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our identity as 2 very needed separate entities in such a small space so we cannot allow when you have a country that has a very different culture, very different language, very different customs to come into your own country in such large numbers as we already half and use our social services. use our space to a point where functions are created inevitably and that would be a refuge account where refugee camps, we know, look at palestine, look at the temporary provisional refugee camps and palestine may have been there for rep. and so that is one of the reasons why we cannot allow refugee camps in
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the dominican republic. besides the cost, the burden of that would be instrumental for us. we have our own population to as a priority. everyone seems to agree on the need for very rapid stabilization, for a very rapid stabilization process in haiti right now. and yet, over decades i have seen and you have seen a vicious circle of political and in security cows in hated, followed by international intervention. then the new government, then the to a national, just as stabilization force leads. and then there's cal c as again and then there's another intervention. and this goes on and on and on. never seems to end. what is the solution for hated for haitians to wake up the
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smell, the roses, the haitian, particularly the haitian political bish, this religious all leads and understand that they have to get together stick to a national plan and really come together because no one you can bring in a temporarily, but no one is going to be able to fix permanently the haitian situation. for them. only haitians and haitians themselves can fix it. and this is precisely the conundrum. when will they get religion in a way? when will they understand that it is only up to them that they cannot be looking out to the international community. and they have to stop victimizing themselves or feeling that they have all that they're only country in the world that has been a victim of the international community. we in the dominican republic, as i said,
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1st of all we were occupied by heavy reason were occupied by the united states twice in the 20th century. in 1916 we were occupied by uh, the united states for 8 years, just like haiti were occupied by the united states and 1965. yet we have our leads have stuck together throughout it. and we have come out of this situation and we don't feel victims of anyone. we believe very much. and we're very proud of our history. in spite of all of those terrible, we would be far more advanced in our development. we're not for all of those happenings. so hey, shows themselves, hey, the was more developed in the dominican republic up until perhaps the early 20th century, the economy one economically. well, you just mentioned the, i don't know if you're being fair. i mean, we've got the lead which managers the country which is responsible for the,
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the governance or the lack of governance. and then you've got a population, much of which is illiterate, starving, and being kept under the boat of successive military dictatorships and other forms of force. right now they are armed gang. so what can you expect from ordinary haitians? if the elite won't step up, as you say, and smell the roses, we had a famous dictator for 12. i don't remember exactly how many years in the 19 century, but lease is at all i. we have plenty of until 18991 who was killed and then we had trujillo for 31 year from 19 as 832-1961. so, you know, no one can lecture us on a very difficult these, that we've had to face to come out of these, all of these situations. so every country faces their own,
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they have their own particular history, their own particular needs, their particular moments of darkness. and as they have to come out of it, you can't what is, who has immeasurable solutions here? how can you get any country to look ahead and strive ahead and get out of the the old drums unless they themselves do it? well. i understand that it was certainly these moments of darkness that you mentioned in the case of hazy, have been very long, and i can't really remember any moments of like, but you're going again, i understand very, very soon or the meaning and republic will again, appeal to the security council later this month to do something, what is, was a drug spect to speed up the transmission and hopefully through the process as you said, the money's so that the multinational support the mission can,
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can go to haiti as soon as possible. and also to help in, in the international banks multilateral financial banks, to they have done analysis of the haitian situation where the world bank created the into work and development bank, the international monetary fund. they all have analysis and plans is, but you can't do any of this. you can't put them in action until there is some semblance of law and order. that's one of the reasons why are 50 percent, almost 50 no more than 50 percent of the haitian population today. suffering from some type of mount latricia is not because they cannot produce their food is because most of the lands are follow. they cannot get the need, it seems the, the financing and there are no structures now that allow a normal, the development of the agricultural sector because of the gangs and the violence.
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so until this has stopped, haiti is going well suited bravo program can help them personally, but they can solve hunger and have it by themselves. it sounds to me that you believe and that the international community perhaps believes that there is nothing to be done that they haven't lost face in the possibility of change in haiti. am i right? i, i don't. if you're asking me, i, i believe that the haitians themselves look at when they leave haiti, how industrious, and as they are in the united states and everywhere they go. basically, you know that there are problems like in any community anywhere. but haitians themselves are very creative, they work hard and they have, there is no reason why as a nation, patients cannot get a hand they have in the past. question is getting together, deciding to do it and doing farmers stuff related thought about his thank you so
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much for talking to just thank you so much. i appreciate the i didn't want the average person to know what the truth was assigned to dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was gonna go? buy lead is seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to merge in this area, which is here as new series died. last futures and the lines of ethnic groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries, since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote camps in front buying battles,
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shouts, the progress of an idealistic young generation of rebels is a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries, the trouble of history on the phones, the in my, on the, on the ropes on al jazeera. now let me tell you about safari, the cold result, the fast of its kind. in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon, occupied right now able to practice what the now be used, only elected very close here, like coming here, sits on within large tears. faced with a look in my private now, thanks royal. i can also visit somebody valley equal, resorted in gone to the colleges when the
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. ready ready the hello, i'm sam is a them, this has been use our lives from del, coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel's war cabinet considered as action against iran for its massive drone and miss on the attack over night drawn launch several 100 drones and missiles most were intercepted. israel's allies can damn you wrong, but the support for a counter strike against the header on these limits has been gall, so is rarely false. is open fire on civilians trying to rest.


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