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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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it was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later, the same house in the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ribs, bring something, and they didn't even see the case. for 2 women fought for justice. i get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange analogies 0 the israel is wall cabinet considered as well the action to take your gains to run off to its massive drone and miss hall attack over. not israel as allies condemn a ron's response, but support for accounts to strike against that are on is limited. the,
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i'm sammy's. i them, this is i'll just say we're alive from the hall. so coming up is ready for us is open fire on civilians trying to return home to know of in gaza into some of the right of a 3 in nigeria, 10 years since the kidnapping of almost 302 books school goals, 5 book us out on the now is just gone $1600.00 g m t, that's about 7 p. m in tel aviv way is rouse wall cabinet, is meeting to decide how to deal with the unprecedented arabian miss all and drone to tack overnight. so 1st time it rains of directly targeted as well, from iran reading and official say it was in response to the bombing of the consulate in syria. 2 weeks ago. the members of the rainy and revolutionary gone
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commanders were also killed in that attack, which ron claims, israel full speaking ahead of the meeting will cabinet member ben again says israel will respond, fills the time is right. well now you should be on an interface. we'll see runs, we can really do the regional coordination and the price from it on, you know, we, on the time that suits us on so on. most importantly in the face and thought and was designed to how much we will unite and become stronger. and what is cool around 300 uranium drains, as well as ballistic and cruise missiles will find it as well on saturday nights as well says most were intercepted by its defense systems. ron's joint chief of staff says its operation against israel is over, but it's promising to continue if israel strikes again. i'm out of the yard as now
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we see this operation is completed in success. it's over from our perspective. what if design is for z and does anything against us and onto either in iran or elsewhere? our next operation will be much bigger if the us gets involved, none of it spaces in the region and what we save dr. stratus, what do you enjoy? well, that spring and how to solve ho, cheese and tell of age, so we know the world cabinets when nathan was coming out of that, as well as the roles wor, cabinet had convened, which discounts the state of these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu defense minister, and your wife go launch and war cabinet minister benny gans but now there is a wider meeting going on in the que. yeah. which is roles defense ministry that does include these really army chief of staff. it also includes the head of these roles, the air force. now the main question on everyone's mind is, what are these rarely is going to do? are they going to retaliate against viewed on in many gaps?
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and you'll have the launch have indicated that this is not the end. there will be some sort of answer from israel and a time and place of their choosing. but all of this comes as there had been conversations and reports between both american and is really officials of the americans are perhaps trying to dissuade these rallies from attacking the audience . and remember all of this started because these rallies had targeted. be it on the and console and building in damascus, killing more than 7 people among them i r g c, commanders, and sounds them quite senior. so the question on everyone's minds is, what are these really is going to do? we are expecting some sort of press conference or statement from these really prime minister and the war cabinet this evening. all right, thanks so much. you'll be watching that for us and we'll come back to like to for more on it. thanks so much from the sun throat. gideon levy is an offer and columnist with these writing newspaper hearts. he says, 5 minutes of anything,
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nothing. yeah, we should not launch retaliatory strikes against iran. i do know we didn't hear him saying anything, which is a good sign and dicing that he understands, at least the fact that without it beckoning overnighted states is the focus. but the thing in the expos, this who may be, it was i think the last night we're going to put this is right. this is going to do it independently, a games they advise so precedent by that. so as long as the logic prevails, cycle in the case is there a does not have an option to if they didn't show the doors, by the way, the room to the issue was yesterday to fix the thing about an open penetrate the defensive system. this way is enough for the to
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any ron. some took to the streets to celebrate the attack on israel. while all those joined long ques, a gas stations wind about what comes next. dose of jabbar reports from that on this is how radians learned that their government has launched the countries 1st ever direct attack on israel tv broadcasting. at the moment, a waste of ms. 1000 drums were fired. but the country's foreign minister says that prior warning was given, how much total mortality. so these as you know, last night the forces of the islamic republic of your on struck design is resumes, military targets or actions were limited. we had informed the white house that our military actions were to be limited, precise with the intention for self defense, and to punish the is really wishing this newspaper headline reads, the time of revenge. those who talk to the media were equally supportive of her own actions. did you eat on um it was very good and the fact that iran showed is real
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that we are strong. and my opinion is that to this extent, israel realizes now who they're dealing with as to when they attack kind of embassy, it means they attack test. so. so according to what the supreme leader said, it happened and they go punished. this poster went up early sunday morning as the attack against israel came to an end. it says in hebrew, the next slot in the face will be stronger, as both countries remain on high alert. many here are hoping the worst is behind them. but with israel vowing a military response, the situation remains tense nationwide, with cars lighting up for fuel when then use 1st broke the currency at a record low and the threat of more economic sanctions. the repercussions from neurons, retaliation could soon be felt. door safari ultra 0 to air on but on the defense side it's alex good. topless takes
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a closer look at the weaponry iran launch time. the defense system is ro use to intercept it or wrong attacks as well last night with some 330 cruise missiles, drones and ballistic missiles. now in terms of flight times, the ballistic missile is only going to take less than 5 minutes to be able to get to as well. but the cruise missiles being launched here are going to take between one and 2 hours in flight time. and the slowest of all is going to be these drugs the should head 136 are going to take 7 to 8 hours before they can even hit anything within israel. plenty of warning for them and is, will use this equipment to be able to shoot down most of these. so what we have here, the lowest level we have island um and the flight to chat. so i'm going to take out the drugs and some of the more basic cruise missiles. and in the middle we have david sling. there's going to be taking out some of the more advanced stuff. it's on the level of the patrick missile battery. so a fairly complex,
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fairly capable. and then, but the most, most of the newest is arrow 3. just come on line in november of last year, but it attacked and destroyed who's the missile? this is going to be intercepting the most powerful overruns missile inventory between all the full things they managed to shoot down to 90 plus percent overruns, missile, and drone infantry. the us presidents has been meeting all the g 7, lead us to discuss a diplomatic response to a ron's attack. joe biden is also matthews national security advises. he reaffirmed what he calls america's iron clad commitment to as well security on the wrong is wanting any american threat, the homes, its interest will be met with the reciprocal response with joins now by a white house correspondent, kimberly how could so kimberly, what do we hearing is the us message to as well as it can consider as it's next
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steps. so yeah, well, we're hearing more about that telephone call that took place on saturday between the as rarely prime minister and the us president. it took place for about 25 minutes and the us president reported lee, i really conveyed to the is really prime minister what he believes that success looks like. in other words, the defense is a victory and there's no need to retaliate. according to a senior white house official. the u. s. also sent the message that the united states has no intention of supporting a counter attack against iran. the big concern for the white house and for the us presidents is that there's this belief that benjamin netanyahu does not have a strategy when it comes to arrive, but he's behaving rationally that he is also doing this, essentially for political survival and that he is pulling the united states into a larger conflict. so as a result,
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the us president is working hard to try and prevent that. he also in the call can fade this very clear message to the is really prime minister. the united states does not want a war with iran. take a listen to this message from the national security council spokesperson john kirby, as he was on one of the us chat shows. and clearly, you know, we stand with you and your self defense. that was the main message that the president delivered to the prime minister. he graduated the prime minister and the idea for the extraordinary job. they did knocking things out of the sky. but i will go into more detail again. i just go back to what the president has said time and time again. we don't seek an escalation, we don't seek a wider war in the region. now, as you mentioned, the president has also convened a call with the g 7 leaders. and what we know about that is that he really is trying to coordinate a diplomatic response to arise attack on israel. what we also know is that
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a photo has been released out of that meeting. what they have said so far is that they have condemned to be attacked by a run and also reaffirmed the g seven's commitment to israel's security very quickly. we should also say, as they are working to try and avoid this tit for tat between israel and a rod up on capitol hill. the members of congress are also working to try and provide israel with more funding for their defense. we can tell you that this week and the house of representatives, there will be another attempt to try and put forward to 14000000000 dollar spending bills for a israel's defense, something that failed twice before. but now there is this belief that given this attack on israel that there will be renewed support within the us congress for its passage. only. thanks so much kimberly how could be your opinion and the u. k. of
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also condemned ron's attack on israel. you foreign policy chief, you'll said, but i will call that a great threat to regional security. german, john, so that all of shelves has described their rounds of salt on as well as unacceptable the time we strongly condemn the rainy and attack and one against any further escalation. your honor must not continue down this spot. but the same time, it is absolutely clear to us that we stand in solidarity with israel, which has every right to defend itself. to gauze and now and several palestinians have been wounded off through his writing forces. open fire on the ban garza city. hundreds of displaced families in central gonzo it trying to return to the north
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along the coast to road more than a 100 palestinians with killed by his riley snipers on the same route while collecting food days in february causes media or office as 6 is ready. the attacks within 24 hours and on the side at all, it's refugee camp is killed 19 people and wounded more than $200.00. further north to valley. it was also hit by a series of ass strikes. at least 33600 palestinians have been killed since football began in october. it was a honey my clothes who was in the off in southern gaza. so i guess the, those scenes coming out of rashid street just on the lie that the dynamic going on between israel and iran does not mean any laptop or a spite for god's in families. the
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we're seeing on the ground is the quite the contrary. it is really monitoring the process. i know you can just within the past 45 minutes, we've received confirmed report of one more person who just died of us trying to get to his home and the northern part of the raising the number of casualties it to people been killed this man. another woman at the rear hours and a close to $25.00 people with different injuries but wrong retaliation. dis rolls due to the so talking to one. so that is not abused by palestinians here as deterrence. do they really have talks across, distributing definitely is not leading into a slow down of the talks and fox. right. a late hour, the walks out at the high to be the talks they run in the retaliation. there's really military. it's delayed. it is a talk with cross the central area eastern part of robot to be another part of the
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street with more residential building, being targeted and destroyed more public facilities have been. 1 destroyed as well, an infrastructure just to turn pedroza into into the title of dirt. but what the talk did inside that it created a conditions for these really military to have a load for funded presence at the coast. the road. that's a rescue toward connecting days, the northern part of this trip with the southern part of the central area. and that low presence of the military motivated people that encouraged them to take decisions, their hand of going back to their home, to the another part on ga city as the, the day the day, a progress as that is rid of it, as a gather gathered, is for is that started in this permit, and the shooting at people where the top of ground with the army vehicles and machine guns on time sent with a tart, yates flying at a very low level in the area, the scaring people off and driving them back to the know the valley flows through a couple of 100 people who manage to get to their homes, into another part and garza city. but here we're looking at 1500000
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a palestinian display. it's how soon is the beginning of the war and all very proud of dropbox city. all right, we'll leave it there. thanks so much, honey. my smooth. in the still ahead on al jazeera, why prime minister random modi is save it to in the 3rd time in upcoming elections in india. the while the shares have been big recently, locally in indonesia, and they've been focusing in west and job. and i think that is still the focus for the 24 houses. so along with west kind of on time, on southern sumatra. and as you go further east, yes or pockets where it could be, particularly where are a few more, shall tries develop in south east asia, mainland. but really the impetus is to the north of that through southern china.
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the ring is re developing, but there's a lot of pay. it is come either china, particularly heavy units, drop temperatures by 10 degrees on its way from west to east, is doing that in. so during the day then it becomes rather weak or a failure on the time sheets where it dropped very much beyond that for his arm, for a soccer drops just to degrees. the rain comes through. and once it's all through, most of the cree implants are central and northern china are back in to enjoying the warm sunshine. but there is more rain guthrie not real produce yet more funny. almost already. more or less or fairly southern southern grand dorm released by his go further west. the heat warnings have been more or less compressed to andrew production for the service. there been some big shells recently has found, offers new delhi visible, significant rain coming across at the moment. this doesn't look too bad except in those impacts. time was heavy, right. and, but there is more to come through around later of the,
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at the one, the average person to know what the truth was. scientists dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by lead is seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency? air is outages here as new series died. last futures. the combined kill watching out just here at the time so we can't follow headlines. is
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there any 5 minutes of anybody? nothing. yeah, those will cabinet is amazing to decide how to respond to the unprecedented iranian this island driving a tank of an ice is under pressure from the us to avoid any further escalation. drones president is wanting israel against any further action. the wrong sense, be attacked, was in response to as well as funding of the uranium concert as in syria 2 weeks ago. so they have informed washington to tax against israel with the limits is riley false is of open 5 on a group of protest, simians, and guards assisting, who are trying to return to the noise. several people were injured in the attack. more than 100 palestinians were killed in the same group. in february, while collecting food. a some bakeries have reopened the northern garza and the started setting small amounts of bread. these righty army has destroyed bakeries across garza and has prevented the entry of flower and other
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basic goods. palestinians struggle with full starvation while the flute as mo, from to bother you as ever dates is the process is getting down. so the process of today is cheaper than the yesterday when it comes to flaw floors. finally, eh, offered in the markets, and there was one only a factory in north of gauze and garza city, which has come out of old cabinet. jewel jewel bakery in this, in the gaza city, that to provide a dread for the people. and if you want to buy these a dread, these 3 kilos are for bread, for 5 shape because you would a wait for a very low line in, in the victory the, so a, these trucks and these are fluid that's arriving to the north. then the to the
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north of garza is a and evaluating the the problem of the human to turn requests is about so lot souls and get so people who are here are asking for low trucks asking for not killing the or denise. it was between the a traders and the other side and the south hundreds of is right. the central is have a tax palestinian villages and the occupied west bank properties was set on file 2 palestinians were killed in the confrontations began off to the disappearance of a 14 year old settler, whose body was found on site today. they that abraham revolts from the occupied westbank a has of time. it says he lives in a small prison, isolated by his real separation well and surrounded by an intriguing is really supplement. his father built the family home in the 1970s before the supplement of it as new drama law was established. late on saturday,
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the postilion families were attacked by his ready suckers. how they related to the sol took place last night at 11 p. m. local time, we will show we have 2 little goals for 6 years old. they were very skit, they were crying, so our neighbors came and took them a week. since the start of the war on gauze is really forces of established the gates here saying it would prevent palestinians from attacking is really suckers. but what's happened late on saturday is that is really subtler, attacked palestinian families here. and that gave me the difficult palestinian to come and offer help until they to the in other villages. it was impossible for palestinians to rush to the rescue is ready for his news druids leading to the villages under attack. the dusk barely settled in one place before 3 appears in the village of the year. this home was attacked not once, but twice on friday and again on saturday and we were inside. oh, look,
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we were having lunch when we were exposed to con, flash shells and stones. this up to the rampage store to the after and is really teenager went missing. the 14 year olds body was found on saturday. need his house in an illegal supplement out post circulars spread out their attacks from the center of the occupied westbank to the north. soon after these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu described the killing of these really teenager as a heinous murder of pledge to bring those responsible to justice. if such justice posted, you see there denied. just since this part of the world goes though, the one has recorded more than 7 hundreds set through a tax against palestinians rights groups say 94 percent of the put through the tax go on punished. many see the palestinian authority has undermined people's ability to defend themselves, but how the mock, it's a complicated political situation. while the international community is silent
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again, it's what's happening and guys are as if it's normal, the understanding authority is doing it's huge. withdrawal of supporting district fastness of a bunch of thing is on their lands. sutler groups are calling for more violence. the result is, i mean the on, on palestinian population facing many heavy arms is really sucks. it has been growing in numbers and increasing their violence. but he is either the occupied westbank the now all mean come on those and in morrow being accused of ordering the abduction and false recruitment over hang up, most of them. so find the games for this rebels. activists say the minute raise using the anger as human shields stoking tension between buddhist and wisdom communities. lametre did not respond to 12, just see what else to react to the allegations. sounds good chandry reports. as
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many as well hang up teenagers and young man have recently flat rock kind state, emily on months or they have gone into hiding in the jungle to avoid transcription into the me and my army. oh yes. i spoke to a 21 year old. we hang up recently managed, escaped to bangladesh, from a military camp and put it on the sides. many office comrades were killed in greece and fighting against rebel forces with no legal refugee status in bangladesh. he doesn't know where he'll end up next. the duties, someone says you, we were facing a very difficult situation over there with very this will suit the ace in the camps . after just 10 days of basic military training. they forced us to take pots and battles against our con rebel groups, deliver mobile phone video secretly filmed by ro hang a, have surface on social media revealing the recruitment process that is to i'll get it from the military side that we can see. one is to use
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a routing to use as immense, you at the better fee. and now that is to create the tension between the 2 communities. what kind of, what is the mislead? uh, because uh, this is the very sensitive issue. tensions remain high on the border between bangladesh and me on my because of fighting and what kind state between government forces. an arc and army rebel good dark anatomy, but this condemned uh for sick treatment. no, for reading of most things, citing there historical co existence, utility barry almost like it really becomes an f b a as a religious conflict between what i can community and reading the community does business upon which looking for the meditations many to hang out describe being arrested in nighttime rates, of course, with false promises of citizenship and threatened with arrest, abduction and feelings. you know, the force of the people or the you decide what did this people have no choice. they
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cannot so say themselves, this is the against the bench and that's the law. we can uh, push it through in the unethical mood, even the un, more than a 1000000 drawing a refugee is possibly displaced from me on my upside shelter here in bangladesh. additionally, an estimate of 630000 ethnic growing, i mostly designated the state bless by the united nation faces of restrictions on their movements or are confined to camps in direct kinds stayed in west and me and my the me on my military's flows, recruitment of ring i is the latest instance of expectation of the ethnic community that as long complain of persecution and marginalization to enrich audrey. i'll just see the doc. com and the as prime minister in the under moody is expected to, in a 3rd term as the world's most populous nation, goes to the polls starting on april 19th. but the critics argue he's enhanced his
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popularity by promoting religious division between hindus mullins and alpha on this reports. the governing bond at the agenda pod to you'll be popular among the countries can do. majority is choosing a certain power. and this is the man, the believe will achieve that. money is a good leader with a strong determination. he has done what he promised stood with if you want to approach development to everyone. you got a slick publicity machine works overtime to market because it does movie present to him as a decisive due to who has delivered his capital across the image analyst see is made him the beach if he's most powerful weapons, are pro the opera by friends to fulfill the dream is it developed india every minute, every single 2nd of my life is dedicated to this country. the economies one is both of these major achievements. india has become the was 5th largest economy,
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and it's projected to become the 3rd biggest by 2027. that's why g d p is going up . some economy see it only benefiting a very small segment of the population. unemployment is on the rise and the informal sector, which accounts for up to 90 percent of employment is struggling to visit us behind the mall. the machine is easy to do to political ideology, which promotes hinduism as the dominant, political and cultural force in india. in january, he opened a partially completed drum, the. the $217000000.00 handed temper was built on the ruins of a 16th century most that was destroyed by him to mumble in 1992 is no longer considered politically in clinic. to see that this is the country of the hindus, if the religious minorities wants to stay, they all will come to stay. but on our terms and conditions, minorities,
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especially muslims, are felt increasingly discriminated against.


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