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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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and assigned to the biggest call system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef needs many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it. the israel is war, cabinet needs to discuss action against iran officer and launch the major drug and miss all attack the mindset. me say them, this is out just here alive from the hall. so coming up to 7 late is renew this a pool for as well. and say, ron's retaliation risk provoking and uncontrollable regional escalation. and didn't garza is riley falls,
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is open fire on civilians trying to it's on how some brian of us read nigeria 10 years since the kidnapping of almost 300 to book school goals by book a hold on the beginning and tell him beef ways rouse, war cabinet has been anything to decide what action to take house to the unprecedented the rain in miss all and drawn strikes of the night. it's the 1st time the arrangements of directly targeted israel from the wrong they ran. the insight was in response to the bombing of that comes phillips in syria. 2 weeks ago . revolutionary guns come on. these were killed in that strike which iran blaine's on these rail. speaking ahead of the main thing, more cabinet men. but then again said, this roll will respond when it feels the time is right, as well that you should be on the face of your on that we will do the regional
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coordination and affect the price from it on, you know, we, on the time that suits us on so on, most importantly in the face and thought it was designed to harm us. we will unite and become stronger. and what is cool? around 300 the rain in drones, as well as ballistic and cruise missiles will find that as well on saturday night as well says most were intercepted in its defense systems. around joint chief of staff says it's operation against israel is over buddies, promising to continue if israel strikes again, i'm out of the yard as now we see this operation is completed in success. it's over from our perspective. what if design is for z and does anything against us and onto either in iran or elsewhere? our next operation will be much bigger if the us gets involved. none of it spaces in the region and what we save back to stratus last spring, and how to solve,
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how she joins us now, live from tennessee. so that will cabinet may say, well, it's emerging from the as well. let's begin by saying that 1st there was a war cabinet meeting with just these really prime minister and the defense minister and been against a war cabinet member. and those 3 individuals decided last night that they weren't going to be able to make decisions on their own without consulting the wider cabinet. now later on in the day, there was the wider war cabinet which did include the army, chief of staff, the head of israel's air force and other security and defense officials. now the question on everyone's mind remains the same. is israel going to respond to what happened last night according to gallon? so according to ganz, the situation is not over and they're going to respond at a time and place of their choosing. but there are still a lot of questions up in the air, and there is also reports from american media that after discussing things with
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american counterparts. and it's in yahoo speaking with bind. and, you know, i've gone speaking with lloyd austin, the us defense secretary, that perhaps the americans are trying to dissuade them from and now they're retaliation. and remember, all of this happened initially because these rallies had struck the it on in consulate in damascus, killing several people among them senior members of the i, r g c. so there is a lot of questions, so, and answer and be is really, are we spokesperson, daniel, how god is expected to give a press conference tonight? we're not quite sure what's going to come out of it. he's actually having that press conference as we speak, in fact, but not really know what type of decision the work cabinet has made as we haven't heard from these really prime minister just yet. i'm the, i guess the one of the key elements and this is the us intervention. as you mentioned, do we know how much us rhetoric is weighing in on is ready to government thinking at this point? a well, according to one report,
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it's weighing and quite heavily. and in fact, i mentioned you all who wanted a retaliation quite soon. in fact, immediately after the it audience had launched more than $300.00 drones crews and ballistic missiles. but she was dissuaded by the americans, but these really say that this is not the way they want to do with things that they cannot leave this on answered, especially because it was so unprecedented. but again, the americans don't want to see some sort of wider regional war. they don't want to see a war with it on specifically, john kirby, the national security council spokesperson, has said that this afternoon at the white house. these really are also saying that this is a chance for new partnerships, new strategic types of alliances within the middle east, in order to combat it on. they say when it comes to american pressure, there's so much already on israel that perhaps in this instance, it could persuade them. but these really say again that this is not over. okay,
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thanks so much. i'm the, some of in the wrong. some people took to the straits to celebrate the strong con, as well, while others joined long queues gas stations warned about what might come next. those jabari reports from tad on this is how it rains, learned that their government had launched the country's 1st ever direct attack on israel tv broadcasting. at the moment, a waste of ms 1000 drums were fired. but the country's foreign minister says that prior warning was given, how much total mortality so deep as you know, last night, the forces of the as long as republic of your on struck design is resumes, military targets or actions were limited. we had informed the white house that our military actions were to be limited, precise with the intention for self defense and to punish the is really regime. this newspaper headline reads, the time of revenge. those who talk to the media were equally supportive of your
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own actions. did you eat on um it was very good and the fact that iran showed is real that we are strong. and my opinion is that to this extent, israel realizing now who they're dealing with after each event, when they attack, i remember seeing it means they attacked test so. so according to what the supreme leader said, it happened and they got punished. this poster went up early sunday morning as the attack against israel came to an end. it says in hebrew, the next slot in the face will be stronger, as both countries remain on the high alert. many here are hoping the worst is behind them. but with israel vowing a military response, the situation remains tense. nationwide, with cars lighting up for fuel when then use 1st broke the currency at a record low and the threat of more economic sanctions. the repercussions from the runs retaliation could soon be felt door, so jabari ultra 0 to air on defense added to alex, good thoughtful. this takes
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a closer look at the west under a lot iran launched and the defense system is wrong use to intercept to run a tax as well last night with some $330.00 cruise missiles, drones and ballistic missiles. now in terms of flight times, the ballistic missile is only going to take less than 5 minutes to be able to get to as well. but the cruise missiles being launched here are going to take between one and 2 hours in flight time. and the slowest of all is going to be these drugs, the sure head 136, are going to take 7 to 8 hours before they can even hit anything within israel. plenty of warning for them and is, will use this equipment to be able to shoot down most of these. so what we have here, the lowest level, we have iris and the fight to chat. so i'm going to take out the drugs and some of the more basic cruise missiles. and in the middle we have david sling. there's
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going to be taking out some of the more advanced stuff. it's on the level of the patrick missile battery. so a fairly complex, fairly capable. and then, but the most models, the newest is arrow 3. just come on line in november of last year, but it attacked and destroyed who's the missile? this is going to be intercepting the most powerful overruns missile inventory between all the full things they managed to shoot down to 90 plus percent overruns, missile, and drone in victory. g 7 leaders have condemned it wrong, strong company as well, saying it risk provoking and uncontrollable regional escalation. the leaders held a video conference and, and a statement off to and said they were looking to stabilize the situation in the middle east. the us president job, i've met with his national security advises he really, if um, what he calls america's, i inclined commitment to as well security as clearly, you know,
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we stand with you and your self defense. that was the main message that the president delivered to the prime minister. he graduated the prime minister and the idea for the extraordinary job. they did knocking things out of the sky. but i will go into more detail again. i just go back to what the president has said time and time again. we don't seek an escalation. we don't speak a wider war in the region. the european union and the u. k. of course, have condemned the rounds attack on israel. we can get more on particularly the us response. now if we go to kimberly, how could joins us from washington, dc that you go. so kimberly, 1st of all, we know that there's been this a g 7 b team. what's coming out of that when they talk about stabilizing the middle east, what are they proposing us? yeah, what we know is that the us president convened a meeting of those g 7 leaders. and what has come out of it has not only been an
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unequivocal condemnation of the a ronnie, an air attack against israel by the international community, but also the need to hold ron accountable and terms of some sort of diplomatic response. no, we haven't been told what that diplomatic response will be and we're hoping to get some id or sense of that in the days to come. but certainly what we're being told is that it was a unanimous feeling that this was an unprecedented assault. something the us president used in his wording and his statement shortly after his phone call with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu on sunday or saturday. now what we also know is that the group did also reaffirm it's a commitment to israel security. and the feeling is, is that if this attack had been successful,
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this would have been an uncontrollable spiraling of what sort of a broader concern of escalation in the region. something that the group is keen on trying to avoid. and the us national security council, they've been to okay, what do they say? oh yeah, they have been holding a briefing with reporters. and what we can tell you is, this is really more of a bit of an after action, a briefing to kind of bring reporters up to speed on exactly what has been going on in the last 10 days to kind of prepare, given the fact that the united states was aware of the tact was immune as against israel. what we know now is that there were in fact, 300 munitions and 100 ballistic missiles that were targeted against israel by iran in its air attack. 99 percent of those were stopped according to the us military or senior defense officials. and what we can tell you is it the days
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leading up to it. the v us president was in constant communication with his national security team. as we know, he did interrupt his trip to delaware over the weekend to come back to the situation room to monitor these events very closely. he was doing so with his national security team. and we also know in the days leading up this, there were forced past year adjustments that were made even the authorization we understand of an additional missile destroyer. what we can also tell you is that in addition to watching these events unfold in real time, what we know is that he has a tradition to call it in the us press, or rather b is rarely prime minister. he has also 12 a call with jordan's king abdullah to discuss the iranian attack. we know that the message conveyed by the king was that any further escalation would be a brave concern and would widen the conflict something that again,
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the us president is trying to avoid. all right, thanks so much. kimberly houses and the oh, the goals are now and several palestinians have been wounded officer is ready for us, is open fire on them. in garza city, hundreds of displaced families in central garza were trying to return to the north along coast road. well then, a 100 palestinians was killed by israeli slices on the same route while collecting food a in february gauze as meteor office says, 6 is right. the attacks have been 24 hours on the site at all. it's refugee camp of killed 19 people and wounded many more. for the north, giovanni, it was also hit by a series of strikes. at least 33600 palestinians have been killed since the war began in october. these righty ministry says plans to call up to reserve
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divisions for operations in golf, even as it continues it strikes on the strip. i mean, my fluid has more from rough and southern garza, it is really the process about rest and you can just within the past 45 minutes, we've received confirm report of one more person who just died of us trying to get to the northern part of the raising the number of casualties, just 2 people being killed. this man, another woman at the rear hours and a close to 20. 5 5 people with different injuries but wrong retaliation. these are all due to the on the top one. so that is not abused by palestinians here as a deterrence. do they really have talked across the street? ben definitely is not leading into a slow down of the attacks and soc, right of late hours of walks out at the high to talk to ronnie and retaliation is
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really military. it's deleted. it's a tract across the central area, eastern part of the city, and the northern part of district with more residential building, being targeted and destroyed more public facility they've been destroyed as well and infrastructure just to turn pedroza into into a pile of dirt. but what the talk did inside that it created a conditions for these really military to have a low responded presence at the close the road. that's a rashid word connecting to the northern part of this trip with the southern part of the central area. and that low presence of is really military motivated people that encourage them to take decisions, their hand of going back to their home, to another part. and ga city as the, the day the day progress there's really military gather, gather that's for is that started in this permanently shooting at people with a topic droned with the army vehicles that machine guns on tanks and with a targets flying at a very low level in the area the,
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it's 10 years to the day since $276.00 school goals. what kidnapped from the school and know the nigeria. thousands of the goals remain missing off to their adoption by bulk of hold on. no one has ever been charged for the crime which made headlines world wide. the out of us raise being commemorated in the town of to bulk. his race has moved from by the 10th anniversary of the members of the abduction of 276 school girls here. and sure bulk was really tense. there's a lot of under that, it's a lot of accusations of count accusations patterns. so you know that it's unfortunately unfair for the government to save kids came out from other schools across the country within a matter of weeks or even days. while there's yeah,
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we'll have to wait more than 10 years to get everyone back there asking the nigerian government to act strongly negotiated their way possible to get this kids back. why don't be one of the parents told i just see that that they can't even understand how suddenly the international community has lost interest in what's happened into about 10 years ago. yeah. into book parents who got their children back happy, but that are some who we spoke to will feel unhappy that not all the kids are back then i don't and government keeps reassuring the patterns that they will have their children back. unfortunately, up to 10 years aged to are still missing that the parents here in triple also often than i did and government just dep operations because up to no 10 year says these goals have been taken to book. it's not entirely safe. they say that all tax and the situation here is pens. how many degrees i just need to book that jetta. so i
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had an al jazeera live 5 minutes, then the movie is save a twin. a said tubman, upcoming elections in india, the growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change a playful series. it takes to understand the challenge. the idea is mobilizing use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems. know how come from a generation because 0 is being seem the groups the size the, the system says no for most painters of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being representative of the 5th generation change on al jazeera, critical debate, punish farmers are angry, people have starving, and we actually have to experts all good because we need money to buy informed
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opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for addition to the highest level they've been using games for the policy for the economy service. so we can submit even close the rivals inside story on al jazeera. to understand why we must experience life through not design, discuss other stories, forgotten. we spent alone in the past due to the voice these drowned out by the can witness on, which is there the come back. you're watching out. just a real time to recap,
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the headline is israel as prime minister by new mean that's in the hours war cabinet has been meeting to decide on action following and then rainy. and miss holland, driving the taco the night. it's on the pressure from the us to avoid further escalation, runs, presidencies, warning israel against any further attacks on sizes strikes was in response to as well as the bombing of uranium comes to us in syria. 2 weeks ago. d 7 leaders have condemned durand, strong economy as well, saying it risk provoking, an uncontrollable regional escalation. they held a video conference and the statement off to had said that was going to stabilize the release of hundreds of his riley sites. those of a tax palestinian villages in the occupied westbank. properties was set on fire, and 2 palestinians were killed in the confrontations. again and off to the disappearance of a 14 year old sap left, his body was found on site today that abraham pulled from the occupied westbank
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hasn't time. it says he lives in a small prison, isolated by his real separation well and surrounded by a deacon is really supplement. his father built the family home in the 1970s before the supplement of which a new drama law was established. late on saturday, the postilion families were attacked by his ready suckers. how they're related to the sol took place last night at 11 p. m. local time, we will shortly. then we have 2 little girls who are 6 years old. they were very skit. they were crying, so our neighbors came and took them a week. since the start of the war on gauze is ready, forces. i've established the gates, you're saying it would prevent palestinians from attacking is really suckers. but what's happened late on saturday is that is really subtler, attacked palestinian families here. and that gave me the difficult palestinian to come and offer help until they took of the in other villages. it was
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impossible for palestinians to rush to the rescue is where the forces news through leading to the villages under attack. the dust barely settled in one place before 3 appears in the village over the years. this home was attacked not once, but twice on friday. and again on saturday and we were inside, oh look, we were having lunch when we were exposed to gun flash shells and stones this up to the run page store through the after and is really teenager when missing. the 14 year olds body was found on saturday need his house in an illegal supplement out post. circulars spread out their attacks from the center of the occupied westbank to the north. soon after these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu described the killing of these really teenager as a heinous murder and pledge to bring those responsible to justice. and it's such just a step published and you see there denied. just since the start of the world goes
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a, do you want has recorded more than $700.00 set through attacks against palestinians rights groups say 94 percent of the poor to the tax go on punished. many see the policy being authority has undermined people's ability to defend themselves, but how to quote a mock. it's a complicated political situation while the international community is silent again, that's what's happening and guys are as if it's normal, the palestinian authority is doing it's huge. withdrawal of supporting district fastness over budgeting is on their land. ca, sutler groups, calling for more violence. the result is, i mean the on, on how this to me and population facing many heavy arms is really such, there's been growing in numbers and increasing their violence that, but he just need to be occupied. westbank, india is 5 minutes. a neuron dra moody is expected to witness the tom as the world's most populous nation, goes to the post office and on april 19th. critics argue he's enhanced his
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popularity by promoting religious division between hindus and muslims. and l fernandez reports the governing board at the agenda pod to you'll be popular among the countries. hindu majorities is choosing a certain power and this is the man, the believe will achieve that. money is a good leader with a strong determination. he has done what he promised stood with a if you want to approach development to everyone. you got a slick publicity machine works overtime to market the conduct of moody present to him as a decisive leader who has delivered his capital across the image analyst. see as medium the beach, if he's most powerful weapon. i pro, a pop up by friends to fulfill the dream is it developed india every minute, every single 2nd of my life is dedicated to this country. the economies one is will these media achievements?
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india has become the was 5th largest economy, and it's projected to become the 3rd biggest by 2027. but why g d p is going up. some economy see it only benefiting a very small segment of the population. unemployment is on the rise and the informal sector which accounts for up to 90 percent of employment is struggling to this. so this behind the multi machine is easy to do to political ideology which promotes hinduism as the domain in political and cultural force in india. in january, he opened a partially completed drum, the. the $270000000.00 handed temper was built on the ruins of a 16th century most that was destroyed by him to mumble in 1992 is no longer considered politically in clinic. to see that this is the country of speaking, those if the religious minorities wants to stay, they all will come to stay. but on our terms and conditions, minorities,
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especially muslims, are felt increasingly discriminated against in one of these india. the recent amendment of citizenship rules, which excludes muslims and foss, direct citizenship as not to mentally say the mainstream media has been bullied or brought or leaving few critical voices. but this hasn't affected the prime minister's international to does his work. that was stage with confidence featured and celebrated around the globe. movie says is motivation is ensuring a license, dignity for every indian with they can achieve their dreams. he's test as a leader with no the winning of the but all of the countries, 1400000000 people benefiting from his policies, mean that fernandez g 0, a land slide has drunk villages in the mountainous region in central indonesia
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kenning at least 19 p for the current hit 2 communities in south, so the y c province rescue teams is searching for at least 2 missing people inside story. next, stay with us. the so there is ongoing flooding in or mon be alone, but this is the current situation just from fairly recently a very wide drivers of value, not full of right, which is typical is what they, they for was for the cold water. these, however, will come to a more detailed the 2nd will go up to talk here, which having see reason, the flesh things now enjoying beautiful weather. there are 12 large chairs and the full costs for 11 and the answer dolls. and maybe they all light, very light breezes. well, they stretched through iraq, most of iran is near dry. the last patch of wet weather,
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which went through our mom as an a, giving rain or snow. it was found all of us to him do crush. but we'll come back down to the middle east and development on monday night and tuesday means wet weather forecasts out. and once again, possibly a month more especially i think it's a focus on the u. e, which will get really went to during tuesday. that stretches across to some of the wrong for risk here is also particular the high. so do buys forecasting particularly went on tuesday when the flashlight certainly possible. i would say quite likely to be honest things improve after what tropical after gusto sees fairly heavy riding around like victoria and the warning of such on the east coast of townsend, near south events and itself. i've got to see the big shaft developing once again, the in thailand, defamation is a criminal offense. critics. a powerful people using the quotes to sign and it's we
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still the lowest 101 east investigate. so allegations that defamation cases are being used to bring to mutation and concealing corruption, speaching up in time 9 o $20.00. what we do in all just sarah is try to find those 2 stories and keep the people who allow us into their lives. they get into minuses for the 1st time ever, a direct to rein unit tests on israel. a biology, drones and miss uh, as far name is sally ation for strikes on your writing inconsistent series. most will shut down, but the world watches with deepening concern who be saying what to whom to try and bring com. this is inside story the .


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