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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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ation and concealing corruption. speaking up in thailand, which is 0, what we do in all just sarah is try to find those 2 stories and he's the people who allow us into their own lives, dignity and democracy. for the 1st time ever a direct to reigning attack on israel, a biology, drones, and dishonest funds in retaliation for strikes from uranium concerts in syria. most will shut down. but the world watches with deep clean concern, who be saying what to whom to try and bring com. this is inside store the hello that wrong. james pays it wrong. who owned it? would attack israel and reprisal for the bombing of its consulate in syria? and 13 days later, it did
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a huge wave of weapons and watched most shut down by israel's ad defense systems with limited damage will casualties. we had told perhaps some list of said it's a kind of high stakes sparring with the wrong choosing. not to alicia, much greater for our power. it hasn't, it's arsenal, aconia golf display to flex and rainy and military muscle against its arch enemy may be as much for domestic consumption as to send the message to tel aviv. however, the diplomatic reverberations being felt far and wide with fee is about what might happen next. so how serious is the risk of wider conflict and what's being done to prevent that? and is the us president joe biden, the only person who can now rainy and is ready? prime minister benjamin netanyahu will be exploring what might happen next with i'll probably have guests and a few moments. but 1st, this report from lina, i will actually the shock waves from iran attack or reverberating worldwide with many political leaders alarmed by the garages,
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drones and miss irons. it's the 1st time uranian weapons have directly targeted israel from iran. israel said air defense systems intercepted most of them to her own had vowed revenge after revolutionary guard commanders were killed in the bombing of the iranian consulate and syria. 2 weeks ago, the missile barrage increases international worries of sparking a wider regional conflict. but a rainy and military leaders sought to draw a line under the latest hostilities in either you'll receive this will produce and has completed and successful. and there is no intention to continue it. and it's over from our perspective. but if there's any stream does anything against us inside the soil or anywhere in the city or as a country is our next operation will be much bigger. if the us gets involved in any action against us, none of its basis would remain safe inclusion. but towards,
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from the top in israel will do little to east fears of more conflict to come a model of causal diagnosed. i'm off this campaign is not over yet. we need to remain prepared and attentive to the ideas and homefront commands, instructions and to prepare for any scenario. at the same time, we blocked the 1st wave of attacks and we did it with great success on the us. presidential biden has again vowed to defend israel, but wants to avoid open conflict with you on since israel genocidal war and gods are beginning october, killing and wounding more than 100000 palestinians. fears have grown debt. the violence could explode into a wider war. international diplomats or were thinks frantically to avoid further military action that could have devastating regional and global consequences. leno, ball, claire, which is 0 for insights story. but
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we're going to define the significance of this escalation in the wrong israel conflict with all panel today into ron mohammed. brandy is a professor at the university of toronto and he's advised the uranium negotiating team of international nuclear tools in london. you'll see medical book is an associate fellow at the british think tank chatham house and the motion of dc. i boss, shaheed ahmed, is senior diplomatic correspondence huff post. he's coming to us foreign policy since the obama administration. thank you. all 3 of you for joining us today. mohammed, let me start with you. we have had literally decades of hostility on proxy attacks between israel and the wrong. but what has changed in recent hours? would you say that israel and iran now at full? well, 1st of all, the strikes last night against is really regime were very devastating. the iranians
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severely damaged to military bases and the propaganda that were seeing 24 hours a day and literally now in the western media about how little damage was. cause is that absolute nonsense. the iranians sent many very cheap drones and old marseilles as decoys. maybe a couple of $1000000.00 and is riley spent $1300000000.00 to down them. and then the main missiles all got through then struck the military bases. and if the is there any of these are so confident about themselves? and i guess today that it can take international reporters to see the base of the 2 bases for themselves. but beyond that, we have to remember that iran has shown strategic patients for years. and there's rarely is carried out assassinations any wrong years passed and sabotage. when that
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failed for they started to assassinate iranian officers and syria who are fighting peices and outside in their affiliates who are being supported by these rallies among others alongside the goal on heights and uh, and during the last 6 months, when the ron has been supporting gaza and the resistance and i've been opposing the genocide, there's rarely as murder to the number of officers. everyone is here and the run did not retaliate at least directly because you're on wanted to keep the focus in the past on the fight against ice as an outside of that. now the focus on guys because americans wants the americans and this right. and he's in the west want to change the narrative. but since there's really regimes trucks, the running, the embassy and the us, britain and france and human security council refuse not only to punish those reading, raising, but to condemn. and you run into obviously force to punish the regime. and this has changed the equation. this is the big change. okay, now the bringing whatever,
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let me bring in, you'll see an off couch change. the question people have talked about this for a long time. is that shot the war? is it now halt tool? so yeah, it's, it's, so it's a direct attack. it's literally so it's what i actually agree with the previous because it's a 200 showed strategic patients, full full menus. and that's, you know, fighting sort of boxes actually sales day that day then in the gym. but it definitely didn't sleep last night. and i don't know, well this information about taking i'm 90 to 90 percent of the don't say a $150.00. me so it goes to me. so ballistic, my says, willing to step in and probably it didn't cause much, much damage said leads. and joe bentley, one young go and i think in this sense, the question is, what happens next? but it's, it's a change that the problem in terms of this conflict from a should,
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the will for what is of cause will between was insight into it that x, y. now it on says on the one hand, this is a close chip that we want to move on from the he's us agents will do is probably a thing in the sense is better for, is that not to be time yet? because what that thing yesterday of to it. so actually experience months and months of criticism from its closest allies for the way it conducts the will and unacceptable way conducts to what we mean guys are actually in the room. and there are limits yesterday to unite the united states as some companies in the region your in defending in is that so i'm not so sure in, in what sense this is a slip that jake success a full a full full a lot. but at the same time though, but i chose to be seen, these are the governments we seem to to, to retaliate. but it's as, as, as it stands. and if you are the cause, always present then by then to ensure that there is no ice field that escalation,
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a bar. how worried all day in dc. because of course, there's a new, clear dimension to this. israel doesn't talk about it, but we'll know it's a nuclear power. iran has a nuclear program and most experts say if they wanted to develop a nuclear device, the breakout time is just a matter of days now. absolutely, that's a huge be a that i think that's an awareness for the vitamin ministration in particular, which did not as you write the obama here. i mean that deal but prep, donald trump, trump, vito devices an association knows that that choices have brought there on much to such a new thing about seeing that, you know, ever before know, israel right now has a huge incentive to begin to be more i think for us officials, what they're thinking right now is, how do we get israel to adjusting said c, as in logical and beneficial to not as fully. however,
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what we know from 6 months of this conflict now in casa, is that this document, and it's relative particular, is not being driven so much by necessarily rationality strategy achieving its actual warning. but it's being driven really by the political calculations of having to send that and yahoo and importantly, those around him. so you need to succeed have, right. so you show the type of you off the defense minister, very much seem to someone trying to hold that in the right. you've not seen any guidance. the, the kind of dc preferred alternative to netanyahu also come out and say, we want to hit her on her. now what that means for the us is even if they're in a scenario, whether by him ministration, kind of voice. and it's really a sketch of police and against iran. i think that they then seal, they lose political capital to stop israel for doing other things. you don't want us out to do. so that means the operation and rough i and got that which the us, they can seem to be worried about what that would look like and what that means
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about city animals, for example, opinion against israel, that it also means that the dog, right? dr. pays for, as you all can see. okay, shut off in let us he back in or on in such a huge dramatic we, we have been kind of jumping up a bit to go into a lot of that. he does a real fear among us officials that the leverage the saw i the rough uh, all that on is now finding low on the us side, especially because the present biting, chosen in this moment to refer to what school and his, their strategy with his route so demonstrating over allow me military for about a rhetorical support for israel in a bit. it's a kind of gain american incidence that happened less in the process. so i don't know if it'll work to be american who's going forward. looking at the scale of the attacks mohammad, you are telling us things that are not what we are hearing from the americans. and these riley's, you type say that to bases well hit and severely hit. we've got no pictures of that
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. we've got no report has to go to the stain on yet the narrative is coming out from the us side. let me quote you the national security council spokesman of the us. admiral john could be an incredible minute tree achievement by israel is just an extraordinary example of move that minute teresa perry or see what do you say to the us in the, you know, isn't this damaging for israel's us? why it runs military reputation in the region and damaging full domestically for iran? are these the same americans who are saying we have no evidence of genocide and gaza or as are these the same americans were saying that our intelligent says that they were tunnels under our ship a hospital or that the and it had that the resistance they would they found their own hospitals. i think that's the same intelligence agency so i wouldn't to take it too seriously. okay, well my mom i, you,
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you made some specific claims which i haven't seen elsewhere before this program. certainly these rallies are saying that the base could nip out team, which is in the south of israel in the desert that suffered some minor damage just just to be clear for us. where is the other base that iran says it was the very coach. first of all, it's very surprising that in this base in southern israel, only a small little girl was severely wounded. i, i wonder what she was doing there. but uh i, i, it's all you have to do is ask, there's really so let you see the base and take a comprehensive tour of the bass. i'm sure all is well, but it is really indeed the is, were heavier regime was successful, then why are the americans so worried about the uh, expansion of the conflict. okay, i'm sorry to interrupt me, but just for you just to be clear because you made navigation about to basis, can you name the other baseboards, please?
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it's an intelligence gathering base, which there's rarely use of using against the resistance in the north. and in particular in syria. so i think, you know, this 99 percent stuff reminds me of the elections of these governments that are controlled by the united states. these presidents which i'll get 99 percent of the but the fact is that to the is randy regime last night was simulated, and the iranian hit them back. and when you're, you know, when your gas goes and says that the arab governments hardwood or, well, you know what the, what their position may be. we have to look at what people on the street so say is not at what the government's are saying. in fact, if the greater the gap between the governments and the people in the region when it comes to as well, the worse it is for those governments. so when, for example,
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the jordanians are seen to be citing with this way of the machine. that's the jordanian government, that's not the jordanian public. let's. let's separate these 2. but again, as i said, if the ronnie and if the ronnie in the offensive capabilities are so weak, then then the united states should, in crisis riley is to attack you run again. but i think americans know that if israel strikes one, again, the response will be time even more harsh this time wrapped by any chance of one of the key members of the wall cabinet you'll see is saying that israel will extract to price in the time and manner of israel's choosing. do you think it plays into this in any way into the calculations of, of exactly what scale israel's responses, the fact that this attack by iran was very clearly telegraphed in advance. it took
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place at a time when both israel and the us, well on the highest state of blood, and the fact that there were no dest. it was that it was an element of the i see at the dates where they were, we could watch at home and actually know exactly when they did dwellings in the ballistic. lisa live because me sides where, where we launch and what we allow, that basically the tool is any negative in that contradict each other but one full domestic consumption and one for the installation of slippage, equation for domestics vision is presented as a great success. and there are some story about about a certainly basis beverly fans, though you can imagine that such an image that it was like now with a very exposed something like this in billing failed in the, in the, in probably. so this probably is, is a coming from the end that they've developed domestically ended on, on the other hand, it was almost all the as the 2 on didn't for them to out. these are too much because done to spend the consequences. so for you,
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and that didn't want to push either the inside of the united states, the agent into, into a cost schedule. well, so between the strategic and the need to pay some domestic pushes the cutting house some, some love $25.00 boxes, but the, that the tension and what benny guns, which is one of the more responsible. and then bills of, of, of discovery that says, you know, is what we chose each time and, and demand that was retaliation. in other words, is a doesn't need to retaliate sites. no, because there was no major danger. and may major, major was fatal material damage stories that let's we mind those have actually the damage to us because 2 weeks ago and everyone expect expected and accepted the seat on salt to a certain degree as device to respond so that the question was, is the time the scope and, and the place and that we. busy always happened,
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then everyone can move, move on, and again in many ways by fighting some boxes, what's best to off, and what is the, is been criticized for for the last 66 months and being isolated. like now, you know, i'm actually maybe is a, is a standing intellect smelling that way, but to stand the right bar, we seem to have evidence that the us did get a direct warning. and certainly the writing inside us saying that they did well on the us the evidence i have, for example, the us president joe biden was at his home in delaware, and many hardly heard back to the white house because he knew this was coming as a diplomatic correspondent, bureau organization, how much knowledge do you have of what's been going on behind the scenes in recent hours and days? yeah, they're all june shuttles between the u. s. center, i just kind of box these messages about the confliction or any other kind of
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important message they need to pause, right? so one is to to switch to the don units. i didn't get dramatic relationships by the time and future countries and the who is present vitals. quite controversial, at least advise that but very influential. bradley has been running his own kind of channel in recent months, a little mine, and i received some documentation, some degree invitations, but or so they're all these channels and certainly in funds. so in, in the see that here on the one just lead in some huge way right now. and also perhaps as lot have the bandwidth to do so. i mean, given the regional situation way, yes, higher. it's all very conscious of all that population based bags. palestinians are also very worried about it, right. i mean that something suitable that a lot there. right. and then there's a ron old domestic situation coming now. little street off to mass protests,
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full the beginning of a civilian woman. so that there's a lot of reasons bye around me about what has sleep right now. washington doesn't want to sleep. but i think the wild card room means that it's really hot bed right, by saying, well, i just want to highlight this that in this moment of loss. so it is a little bit low and it's still talking incredibly right off the test legions on both sides. the 3 attack engine mask a c around in the top to the, from iranian soil into israel. what so talking about further aspirations. okay. now who's going to bounce back in a big, scary be. and that's exactly the kind of talk that a lot of the officials don't want to see um, good advice, the at the political level and you have to. so we see present buying a lot as well. because especially republicans saves the time, is right to send $14000000000.00 more and weapons says ralph rex about the sold moultrie package to buy it and has wanted since the father of the problem was so vile. that's a lot of hesitation. there's also a lot of political media rate including nbc, not in israel,
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to escalate for that to arm and sell more, which leads to greater risk. to mohammed, let me ask you about diplomacy that might be going on behind the scenes. you've heard breton mccook may be talking the power saying directly to the radians. what's your understanding of any direct contacts? because it go brentwood because part of the obama administration has many of the officials into by the administration built on the c. i a director. he was involved in nuclear diplomacy, jake sullivan, the national security advisor. he previously was both negotiations with the radians, you know, as well, but haven't because you were an advisor at one point. so the wrong nuclear team, all the direct tools between the 2 sides, you know, there are no direct thoughts between iran and the united states. and we have the indirect communications between the 2 countries that have been utilized for
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years now. and of course, the right instead of sending messages to the united states in the united states has sent messages to run and united states knows quite well that the escalation is not something that's an interest of the united states. if the united states were to get involved, these very same mist files and drones that are highly capable will destroy us spaces and the persian gulf region. and then across the region. and those countries that house, those bases will be seen as compress it. and that would bring about massive destruction and they will destroy the global economy because energy energy prices will go through the roof. so the americans may have enough same people left in washington. i think that would understand that they can say the propaganda about how all the drones and missiles were stopped and, and all that. and how and gaza israel is winning and holland up in on their winning
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. and after the americans are winning everywhere and how russian drowned and miss files are all shot down. they also, they're also being shot down. 99 percent of them in ukraine, but the americans are losing across the board. and the west is on the decline. and so, okay, i can let, let me, let me put, let me bring in. you'll see on this because it's pretty clear the us, i think all of us saying this wants to draw a line onto this and stop any further escalation of that seems to be around this position to. but you'll see we've seen president biden in the last 6 months, give unconditional support to israel to defend itself. we've seen present biden send a naval, a amada to the region we've seen in provide diplomatic cup of israel at the united nations. and we came and seen him continue you, despite all it asked of civilians to send weapons to israel, and yet whenever buying me a said show restraint, respect my red lines, missing you all who does not listen to him. so was way. does joe biden have over
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israel and the current is ready to government right now a and i say we need to differentiate between the usa policy. we need to come to guys and i think we should have seen that way more blocked to present than by then insulting the wall that will assist value money, 765 and, and, and, and allowing mo, mo, who, your money to an, a, the entering the release of the hostages, and so on and so forth, that that was not enough place you on the attorney out and differentiates the phone . they talked last night that that thing do elected states and other allies with lights in still pick a this income at the homes in and me side. but when it comes to the united states, it as well, because when it comes to is that if it's one seats can actually put enough for showing these are again, not necessarily to do exactly what the washington wants, but to enough sometimes to say these are just for myself and the way and then the
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thing i agree with the i think, and that's what this i disagree because actually is on, is supporting all the wrong causes. like now in the me least, i know. so even in the last shot, a, an image which you claim, but when it comes to to, to guys that easily is not winning the wind garza, it's making only it makes it well for the other students and families and, and if it's the whole of the united states actually to have the is a to get to be all the will to think about the day off the, in gaza and ties to be. it's also a new secuity architecture in, in the middle east, which we include face with the listing is low, inclusive, including the field on, but at the same to look at it on as built in. eventually it's false that they stop the lice that agent us. so you say that the u. s. has all the cards you'll see, and there's not being prepared to use them until now. while we're at mohammed talk
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about potential economic meltdown globally. if, if, if this was to expand into an all out war between the 2 countries, well, just 7 months away, you've got a us presidential election. do you think president biden is prepared to use all these cards? now? i think it's in disputable. that therefore means the middle east outside gratian cars, which should, at the moment mention inc. so try that iranian or hockey strikes on us, be says, probably in the bus and the probably shutting down the shipping roots, energy exports. that would be a huge blow to american global insurance to pressing buttons, reelection prospects? a lucy, the us and knows it has to leverage. right. so i think what, why look, stop changes conflict that hasn't gotten enough attention. is that in a couple of states, the president biden has used that leverage, start october 10th, for instance, me know something,
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we'll see channels that israel was ready to try to pull out 11. all right. they had made a decision. they wanted to expand the want bathroom vitamin had a 45 minute phone call with mountain yahoo and said this is not happening. what i think it is so striking about that is that that means by and that his team have known since october time, that it will take about a little to stop you through the actions. the weather is impala sign in casa in the website, where they see that quite inside and also regionally. the haven't made that choice for be i think the occupational could shift as we get closer to the election. and i do things in the house. i bought a big so yes, present biden is thinking about is the election in november. but he and his team, this is a, this has been one of the handicaps of that release approach unfortunately. but it remains live that focuses the see themselves at these dots in a row, right, and not just dealing with the conflicts of to day, but setting the stage for us relevance on the stage in the future. so they are very
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much thinking about the pacific that thinking about the war and you've created that you're getting security of some top point of view. they do not want some of these stabilizing concepts of these stabilize and contact me at least right now. that upsets relationships that the pacific, right? and it's that sends you security that they do not want some kind of shift of our, of 6 towards russia feeling that recognize more successful new things. so that is very conscious of those factors as well as certainly in need of the social. okay, thank you very much to all 3 of you all guess today. well, how is mirandi? you'll see medical book and eyeball shaheed, ahmed, as of algebra, aims to give you the most comprehensive coverage of what's going on in the region. and you can always find context. i'm in the, let's just on a website out to 0, don't com. you'll view so much appreciate to you can contribute on all facebook page. that's facebook dot com. forward slash a inside story. you'll find this on x, but we're at a j inside story from all the team here. and so help please stay safe on chatting
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space. and i'll see you back here. very soon bye. for now. the one of the biggest selections of 2024 in the general election. will administer now render movies be taking increase its route across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment suede boots as in key states, and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading unfairly, ongoing coverage in the selections on out as the era. ok, foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts, and emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st over 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the rough,
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the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the the hello, i'm sammy say them. this is the use our live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel will cabinet and needs to discuss action against iran officer launch the major thrown and miss i looked at g 7. lead is renew the support for as well and say a ron's retaliation risk provoking. an uncontrollable regional escalation in gaza is right. the fulls is open fire on civilians trying to return home from the anniversary in nigeria.


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