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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the thoughts funds, emergency donation spends on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st over 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, the hello i'm signed me say that this is the use our live from dell on coming off in the next 60 minutes. israel will cabinet and needs to discuss action against iran officer launch the major thrown and beside look, tax g 7. lead is renew the support for as well, and say a ron's retaliation risk provoking, an uncontrollable regional escalation. ben
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garza is ready for his open fire on civilians trying to return home from the anniversary in nigeria, 10 years since the kids not being of almost 300 to bump school goals by ball cut off and on piece of fitness with your sports. he's buying a decrease in have one the bundle. be good for the 1st time in the history of 5000000 nova vertebrae minister to has been made in the titles and aids by music 11 year reign x chosen chance. the way begin in tel aviv, whether it's rouse, war cabinet, has the meeting to decide what action to take off to the unprecedented or rainy and miss holland drive and strike overnight. it's the 1st time a rain ends of directly targeted israel from iran. the rainy and say it was interest responds to the bombing of the consulates in syria,
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2 weeks ago. revolutionary god, come on, is what killed in the attack to wrong blame zone. israel speaking ahead of the meeting war cabinet men, but then again said israel will respond when it feels the time is right. well, now you should be gone. and in the face of iran, we will do the regional coordination and exactly the price from it on. you know, we, on the time that suits us on so on, most importantly in the face and for in was designed to how much we will unite and become stronger. and what is go around 300 the rain in drones, as well as ballistic and cruise missiles will find it is right along saturday night as well says most were intercepted bites, defense systems runs. joint chief of staff says it's operation against this. riley's over for this promising to continue if as well strikes again,
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i'm out of the yard as now we see this operation is completed and success. it's over from our perspective. but if design is per diem, does anything against us onto either in iran or elsewhere? our next operation will be much bigger for us gets involved, but none of it spaces in the region of what we say. all that spring, and now i'm the solid hope she joins us from tel aviv. how do we know the world cabinets? been meeting with donnie to get lines out of mitre spokespeople, take us through the lines to dropping the well, initially in the day we had the war cabinet member, just these really prime minister, the defense minister and war cabinet member benny gans. and those 3 will ultimately be the ones who decide if there is some sort of retaliation or response against the audience. then we had a meeting of a wider type of war cabinet in which these really army chief of staff was present. and the head of israel's air force,
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along with other security and defense officials. now this evening, these really army spokesperson, daniel, have got a, has given a press conference and he's just wrapped up his st. quotes. israel has approved new plans for both defense and attack. now we've been hearing from is really readers all day saying that an attack will come at a time and place of their choosing. and that this is not over yet. this has been the question on everyone's minds, but these really prime minister has not spoken, has not given any guidance on what exactly will happen. but people in israel are shortly anticipating that these really are going to respond as they have been quite tough in their rhetoric. especially over the last day since it on launched what they say is now $350.00 drones crews and ballistic missiles and an unprecedented attack. and is really aerospace, we understand is us pressure to what extent is the us position weighing in on these riley will cabinet meetings there's
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been a lot of us pressure and in fact, a lot of conversations between is rarely and american officials. in fact, there are several reports in american publications that say new as president joe biden had dissuaded that prime minister benjamin netanyahu from launching an attack right after it on has launched the missiles and drones on to israel. now you the us defense secretary lloyd austin has also spoken with your wife colanda and those conversations are still ongoing. the united states has said that they don't want to see some sort of wider conflict. they don't want to see a bigger war in the region, but these really say that they must respond to this. it's not going to go unanswered. and we've heard from it audience as well. what they've had to say about all of this. if the united states is going to get involved, they're going to be a target, their assets in the middle east. and if these really is responded to the it on an attack, which initially was a response to it,
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is really air strike that killed members of the i r g c. then the audience will respond again, and the attack will be even greater in both size scale and the type of damage they could inflict in israel. right? this although that from penalties in iran, some people took to the straits to celebrate the strong, con, israel, all this joins long queues at gas stations. worried about what comes next. those have jabari reports from to her on this is how radians learned that their government has launched the countries 1st ever direct attack on israel tv broadcast. because the moment a waste of ms 1000 drums were fired. but the country's foreign minister says that prior warning was given, i have on total mortality, so deep as you know, last night the forces of the, as long as the republic of your on struck design is regimes. military targets or actions were limited. we had informed the white house that our military actions
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were to be limited, precise with the intention for self defense, and to punish the is really wishing this newspaper headline reads, the time of revenge. those who talk to the media were equally supportive of her on actions. hey, to the eat on. um, it was very good. and the fact that iran showed is real that we are strong. and my opinion is that to this extent, israel realizing now who they're dealing with after each event, when they attack our embassy, it means they attacked s o l. so according to what the supreme leader said, it happened and they go punished. this poster went up early sunday morning as the attack against israel came to an end. it says and hebrew, the next slap in the face will be stronger, as both countries remain on high alert. many here are hoping the worst is behind them. but with israel vowing a military response, the situation remains tense nationwide, with cars lighting up for fuel when then use 1st broke the currency at
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a record low and the threat of more economic sanctions. the repercussions from neurons, retaliation could soon be felt. door so jabari ultra 0 to air on the defense side, it's a alex gets helpless, takes a closer look at the weaponry around launched. and the defense system is ro use to intercept to run a tax as well last night with some $330.00 cruise missiles, drones and ballistic missiles. now in terms of flight times, the ballistic missile is only going to take less than 5 minutes to be able to get to as well. but the cruise missiles being launched here are going to take between one and 2 hours in flight time. and the slowest of all is going to be these drugs the should head 136. i'm going to take 7 to 8 hours before they can even hit anything within israel. plenty of warning for them and is, will use this equipment to be able to shoot down most of these. so what we have
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here, the lowest level we have, i are and um, and the flight to chat. so i'm going to take out the drugs and some of the more basic cruise missiles. and in the middle we have david sling. there's going to be taking out some of the more advanced stuff. it's on the level of the patrick missile battery. so a fairly complex, fairly capable. and then, but the most, most of the newest is arrows 3, just come on line in november of last year, but attacked and destroyed. who's the missile? this is going to be intercepting the most powerful over runs missile inventory between all the full things they managed to shoot down to 90 plus percent overruns, missile, and drum infantry g 70 does have condemned the around strength on israel saying it risks provoking, an uncontrollable regional escalation, the latest held, the video come from signed, and the statement off to woodside, the working to try and stabilize them. at least the us president joe biden met with
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these national security advises. he reaffirmed what he calls americas, i in club commitment to as well. security. all right, well now drawing by white house correspondent, kimberly how good. so what do we hearing? first of all, the lines of dropping about it rainy and communications with us, both before and off the the attack or. yeah, that's right. now we know that the united states does not have direct communications with iran. it goes through swift intermediaries and what we understand and we're getting a clear picture from us officials about how it worked diligently for 10 days prior with not only the iranians, but also the as rarely to try to prevent the conflict that ultimately occurred on saturday. that being the is the a ronnie and the air attack on israel. now what we know is that there were caustic
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communications between the us and is really officials. but the us also had contact with a rod through swift intermediaries. and this was occurring multiple times a day. what we know is, in the end though it was not effective, what the us visual say was that iran did not give what was to be a 72 hour warning before they launched any sort of attack on israel of us versus saying instead what are on did was intended it to be without warning it to be highly destructive. still what occurred the united states says was that there was an effective defense. it was 99 percent effective in stopping the more than $300.00 munitions and $100.00 ballistic missiles that were fired towards israel. now the us president did have a call with the is really prime minister following those attacks. uh,
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the us president made it clear as israel made it clear, but they are not looking for an escalation with a ron or ron also send a message to the united states after the attack. but the united states is not providing any details of what that message was, but what the united states is, underscoring at this hour. so me is that is not seeking conflict with a ron. and what the us presidents also said benjamin, that's in yahoo is but they are not looking to escalate tensions of the us will not join any is really retaliation against iran. we understand that the 7 spin meeting as well are talking about stabilizing the middle east slowly proposing or thinking . well, that is certainly the goal. what the hope is, is that they can do it diplomatically. and so they were a, in their statement that has been released they on a critically can damage these attacks by a ron, what they called unprecedented using the language that the president also use. in
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his statement on saturday, there's the need to hold a ron accountable again. but through diplomatic means, what they're saying is that they want to try and work to do this. also by ending the crisis in gaza by working for an immediate and sustainable cease fire. by seeing that the tactics that could, they can be released. but also by trying to get to what are essentially the root causes and much of this. and that is bringing home not only the captive, but getting in the humanitarian assistance, the palestinians that is so desperately needed. all right, thanks so much. kimberly how could fly these are these and associated professor the faculty of world studies at the university of ron. you joins us from the now by scott. good. have you with us? so 1st of all, how much concern is there
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a new wrong tonight about what is roles next step might be following. it runs retaliation. you know, people to see the pictures, they look as a and then they realize that it needs to have know that take on the site and then they are engaging in a genocide. well then you have a genocide, then the state in the neighborhood people get cancer. and that's the bottom good news is that, you know, it is able and willing to defend itself and that's, but there are the best buy. i was other about the idea of was, oh there is there anything the minds that neither i can get on what have it costs. so at the same time that people are concerned, the confidence that the country is able to defend. and the. busy the young people and then we have this political thing. busy and the man from the general public that they need it to be in as soon as their dfacs from dependence.
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and that's other than i think there's maybe 5 levels, whole flaws feel that iran is a chief. that goal has introduced a cost that the strikes was successful, given that most of the rockets and the drones were intercepted before they entered it is right, yeah, space. it may be true that most of the rockets moving or something and then some got in and you know, and in ballistic my, some of the play store and the few of, of those lessons that you can achieve it on the subject and which is creating the the, the task there is the idea of doing that packet on because they've got it on there is going to be a cost. okay, so i don't see any error on it is, is that people happy that the government to answer and i guess is there any
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aggression the and the is that the, is there any is on americans have a technology 3 percent, some of the missile, but they're not able to intercept all of that myself and the few in katie, the message that needed to be good. does this change the future all dynamic, all the engagements between israel and the wrong to being much more direct now, rather than going through proxies. and this is what to define in general is also about 2 days ahead of i gc said that from now on if there's a new backpack, you know, you're not in the response using missiles that are going to be sense busy. i'm telling you that, but this is a change if i'm lucky you had before and i think and that is the patients that you know and then government health issues that exist. i didn't think this i think is uh. busy yeah, and then they realize that that this,
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this is the best solution that they have is if they don't respond to, is there any i faxed you, that textbook continue and, but they would increase and they may have gotten a profit in order to change the parents you're gonna need those seem to have decided to change the practice and actually engage as a means that it runs to find. these are the thank you so much for your thoughts on that. the is right, the soldiers of open fire on palestinians in garza city who are attempting to return to the homes in the north of the strip. several people were wounded. they decided to make the journey off the woods right. it was safe to leave central garza image in king, but has more hundreds of people leaving central goes to trying to reach the homes
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in the news. traveling through over sheet street, the runs the length of gauze as the case going, but the journey is cut short by this rate and strikes. many palestinians hood is ready, minute tree is allowing safe passage. good over the theaters, who are somebody? they said there's a return to the north, we want our homes, we want our lives. we want to return with a with or without a truth. we want to return enough or not in the israel to noise offering people access to travel instead claiming wound people against moving news and saying the area is still of was as it has been since the will began on 7 to tell you the conditions for the vin point, knowing 1000000 displaced people in central and southern garza, that's 80 percent of the population. a so difficult many kind of bachelor remain where they all. yeah. and that's how yeah, but it's like that life years very miserable. the necessities of life are non
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existent at risk to ourselves. we are trying to return to the places we were in before and meet our families, children, and loved ones who remained. thousands of people are an overcrowded homeless shelters that were formerly schools. and many more are intense and make ship shelters were inadequate access to running water. food annoying us. the ones that we have not no comfort since we were just places we want to rest and return to our places. for the journey home is dangerous. and if they manage to get death, they'll find widespread destruction with the majority of buildings, including the homes, plotting the image and can buy out a 0 phase. right. the ministry says it plans to call up to is of divisions for operations in casa, is it this use? it's war on the strip. causes media or office says 6 is right,
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the attacks within 24 hours and on the side at all, the refugee camp of killed 19 people and wounded more than 200 for the north divide. it was also hit by a series of strikes. these 33600 palestinians have been killed since the war began in october. as goes to the honey my mood, who's in the alpha in southern garza. so the dynamic between israel and the wrong maybe distracting attention regardless of what it's not holding back on those bloody strikes on, on the strip. right. the yes i mean, and much of them dissipation of the iranian retaliation that was cause or slow down the talks across the gaza strip of the lars, the inaccurate. in fact, the height of the retaliation as of late last night here and hours this morning and all day long with seen a storage in the talk across the central area where there's really
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a military continue to pound across the northern part of the refugee camp. and the area between the camp itself and why the it has that was an area that particularly designated as a safe area for people do evacuated to older, to find so themselves right now under you've gone bartman, more residential and been targeted and destroyed more infrastructure of schools and evacuation centered through the northern part of the strip, mainly and your valia area and your value refuge account, more of the toxic waste targeting residential buildings and also targeting much of the infrastructure in the area of just within the past 6. our d is really monetary a now is that is calling the to reserve by battalions to get back together. something that we've, we've seen as an indication of the continuation of the, talked on a thursday and no signs of, of load off. as this, the story keeps evolving on what's going on between is real on iran. all right,
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thanks so much honey. my fluids. the tensions remain high and the occupied westbank is riley, sightless target palestinian villages. well this was in between east of ramallah specialist seen setting a car on fire. the lights, his violence was sponsored by the disappearance of a 14 year old settler. his body was later found. thousands of properties had been set on fire and 2 palestinians were killed. this week knew that abraham is in the occupied westbank with this report. it hasn't time. it says he lives in a small prison, isolated by his real separation well and surrounded by an indian is where the supplement, his father built the family home in the 1970s before the supplement of it as a new drama law was established. late on saturday, the postilion families were attacked by his ready suckers. how they're related to the sol took place last night at 11 p. m. local time. we will shortly dental. we
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have 2 little girls who are 6 years old. they were very skit. they were crying, so our neighbors came and took them a week since the start of the war on gauze that is really forces. i've established the gates, you're saying it would prevent palestinians from attacking is really such as what what's happened late on saturday is that is really subtler, attacked palestinian families here. and that gave me the difficult policy and you could come and offer help until they to the in other villages. it was impossible for palestinians to rush to the rescue is where the forces news through leading to the villages under attack. the dusts barely settled in one place before 3 appears in the village over the years. this home was attacked not once, but twice on friday and again on saturday and we were inside. oh, look, we were having lunch when we were exposed to gunfire, shells and stones. this up to the run page store through the after and is really teenager went missing. the 14 year olds body was found on saturday,
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needed his house in an illegal supplement out post. circulars spread out their attacks from the center of the occupied westbank to the north. soon after these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu described the killing of these really teenager as a heinous murder and pledge to bring those responsible to justice. if such justice published and you see there denied just since the start of the world goes on, the one has recorded more than 7 hundreds. a thorough attacks against palestinians writes groups say 94 percent of the poor to the tax go on punished. many see the policy being authority has undermined people's ability to defend themselves and how to create a mock. it's a complicated political situation, while the international community is silent again, that's what's happening in guys as if it's normal. the kind of thing enough tote is doing. it's huge withdrawal with supporting district fastness over budgeting is on their land. ca, sutler groups calling for more violence. the result is,
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i mean the on, on palestinian population facing many heavy arms is really such, there's been growing in numbers and increasing their violence that but he is here to be occupied. westbank the it's 10 years to the day since 276 school girls were kidnapped from the school in northern nigeria. thousands of the goals remained missing off the duction bible caught on finances. no one has ever been charged with the crime which made headlines, world wide anniversaries being commemorated in the town of chip book, an address as more from the it's tough for the students who have been released. it's also tough for carrying stuff. also being released right now. what do we, what's happening in this particular hole is
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a commemoration of the 10th anniversary and the keeping up of the school children were here in the government. the 2nd to school here in chicago. and parents have been lamenting that 10 years after none, most, many of the children i have to come home right now we talking about $8.00 to $2.00 was to me so they want several speakers in this for them to down to demand action of the company. they were asking questions, asking part and questions, how come, what was it that some keeping of victims in other parts of nigeria hopkins released yet the government was unable to secure the release of old book goes up to 10 years . so those are some of the key questions being raised by people who are here. so i'm this, the international says many of the 276 girls were freed or escaped, but 80 to remain on the accounted for. i'm just the ones that i do and authorities to investigate the allegations of false marriages between 22 bulk women who are
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rescued. and for my book a how to find says, since your bulk nigeria has suffered at least 17 similar abductions with guns and seizing nearly 1700 schoolchildren july. and that is a visiting professor at new york university. she says the nigerian government could have done more to secure the release of the missing goals of the company, just making that achieved collective action. trying to pressure the nigerian government to bring back these girls that were kidnapped by football or a questionnaire. if the 10 years of age i, she your 1st funded had noticed the parents of the remaining abductor girls have really reported that there's this lack of political commitment by the nigerian authorities to ensure that all the goals are accounted for and or found. we have seen unfortunately the last 5. yes. the a lot of non state arms which the northern nigeria are adopting. this book are
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obstructed, your masking nothings and wonder of the populations such as women and school children are particularly are risk because this month, the abductions are during this significant domestic and international pressure as well as media attention that'd be in order to press the 2 minds to the nigerian government a still i had an al jazeera why prime minister in lorenzo. nobody is save it to win us the time and upcoming elections in the world's most populous nights. and stuff on us so fast. this is showing good for my mom's house and the french of been pizza will be here with more in school. the there is all knowing, flooding in or long be alone, but this is the current situation just from fairly recently
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a very wide drivers of value, not full of right, which is typical is what they, they for was for the cold water is however, what comes up more detailed, the 2nd will go up to talk here which having see reason, the flesh things now enjoying the beautiful weather. there are 12 large chairs and the full costs for 11 and the answer guys. and maybe they all light, very light breezes. well, they stretch through iraq, most of the raleigh's, near dry, the last pressure, wet weather, which went through our mom as an a giving rain or so it was found all of us to indeed push. but we'll come back down to them at least development on monday nights and choose the means where the weather forecasts out and once again, possibly a month more especially i think it's a focus on the u. e, which we'll get really went to during tuesday. that stretches across to some of the wrong flood risk here is also particularly high. so device forecasting particularly went on tuesday when the flashlight certainly possible. i would say quite likely to be honest things improve after what tropical after gusto sees fairly heavy rain
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around like victoria and the warning of such on the east coast of townsend near south of that and itself. i've got to see the big shaft developing once again. the on the the oh go back. you're watching out to 0 time to recap, ah headlines. as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu was wool cabinet and the nice thing to decide on action following in the rain in the solid and drone strength over night is on the pressure from the us to avoid further escalation around president is wanting israel against any further attacks that are on says
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it's strike was in response to as well as forming of the uranium concert of some serious 2 weeks ago. of the un security council is meeting on sunday evening to discuss the ron's attack on israel. the meeting was requested by israel. they want the council to condemn the assault style also has also once the council to designate the rainy and revolutionary gods, a terrorist organization. all right, gabriel, as on the joins us now live from the united nations. gabriel, what is the un security council heading on this? all right, apologies. we seem to have lost the connection of the heading of this should be we . we haven't back. let me try again. gabriel. if you can hear me. sounds, can you do? we have any indication of the, the temperature and the security council,
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whether heading on this now, but that all right, clearly we don't have gabriel right now. all right, that's or maybe we'll try and come back to gabriel a little bit. we're just running pictures that, that is of course, from last night's drone and ms. heil strikes that we saw from iran launched towards israel. alright let's, let's shift gears a little bit and talk about what's been happening in another hot spot on the come on those in me and my a being accused of ordering the abduction and forced recruitment over hangup. most things to find the gains. but it's rebels. act of a say the ministry is using the hank as human shields and stoking tension between but his most and communities. the ministry did not responding to al da 0. when off
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to comment on the allegations come, the child really explains as many as well hang up teenagers and young man have recently flat rock kind state, emily on my while. they have gone into hiding in the jungle to avoid transcription into the me and my army. oh yes, i spoke to a 21 year old or hang up recently managed to escape to bangladesh from a military camp and put it on the sides. many off his comrades were killed in reese and fighting against rebel forces with no legal refugee status in bangladesh. he doesn't know where he'll end up next. the duties, someone says you, we were facing a very difficult situation over there with very little food to eat in the camps. after just 10 days of basic military training, they forced us to take pots and battles against our account. rebel groups. mobile phones video secretly filmed by ro hang a have surfaced on social media revealing the recruitment process. that is to
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objective from the military side, that we can see. one is to use a routing to use as immense, you at the better fee. and now that is to create the tension between the 2 communities. what kind of, what is the mislead? uh, because uh, this is the very sensitive issue. tensions remain high on the border between bangladesh and me on my because of fighting and what kind state between government forces an arc and army rebel, good dark, an army, but this condemned uh for 600 men of reading the most things, citing their historical co existence you told me to bury us like it, we becomes an f, b a as a religious conflicts, and we through rec, and community and written to communities. this is the one who's looking for the message on the menu to hang out. describe being arrested. the nighttime rates, of course, with false promises of citizenship and threatened with arrest,
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abduction and feelings. you know, the force of the people or the, your, decide. what did this people have no choice. they can not so good themselves. this is the against a bent and that's the law. we can uh, push it through in the unethical mood, even the un, more than a 1000000 drawing or refugee is forcibly displaced from me on my sod shelter here in bangladesh. additionally, an estimate of 630000 ethnic, i don't think i must name designated the state less by the united nation faces restrictions on their movements or are confined to camps in direct kind. stayed in west and me and my the me on my military's floor. so recruitment of ring i is the latest instance of expectation of the ethnic community that as long complain of persecution and marginalization of each other a i'll just say to dot com. now, india's prime minister and nor end remotely, is expected to witness the thomas the world's most populous nation,
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goes to the pulse stock on april 19th. critics argue, though he's enhanced his popularity by promoting religious division between hindus and muslims. nelson on this now the governing bond at the agenda potty will be popular among the countries whom do majority is producing a certain power. and this is the man, the police will achieve that money is a good leader with a strong determination. he has done what he promised stood with a if you want to approach development to everyone. you got a slick publicity machine works over time to market because it is moody present to him as a decisive due to who has delivered his castle across the image. analysts see as made him the beach, if he's most powerful weapon. i pro, a pop up by friends to fulfill the dream is it developed india every minute, every single 2nd of my life is dedicated to this country. the economies one is will
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these media achievements, india has become the, was 5th largest economy. and it's projected to become the 3rd biggest by 2027. but why g d p is going up? some of the economy see it only benefiting a very small segment of the population. unemployment is on the rise and the informal sector, which accounts for up to 90 percent of employment is struggling to visit us behind . the multi machine is easy in due to a political ideology which promotes hinduism as the domain in political and cultural force in india. in january, he opened a partially complete syndrome of the the $270000000.00 handed temper was built on the ruins of a 16th century most that was destroyed by him to mumble in 1992 is no longer considered politically in clinic. to see that this is the country of speaking,
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those if the religious minorities wants to stay, they all will come to stay. but on our terms and conditions, minorities, especially muslims, are felt increasingly discriminated against any of these india. the recent amendment of citizenship rules, which excludes muslims and fall struck citizenship as not to mentally save the mainstream media, has been bullied or boats or leaving few critical voices. but this hasn't affected the prime ministers international to does. he has walked, was stage with confidence featured and celebrated around the globe. movie says is motivation is ensuring a license dignity for every indian where they can achieve their dreams. he's test as a leader with no the winning of the but all of the countries, 1400000000 people benefiting from his policies, mean that fernandez g 0. so let's go back now to the united nations where the
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security council is set to meet in around an hour and a bit. just to discuss the ron's strikes on the is ro, gabriel, amazon joins us live from the united nation. so gabriel takes the temperature for us from the room. where is the security council heading on this one? well clear that is real. wanted to have happen and it will be happening. they are the ones that requested it. they're not a security council member, so it essentially was left up to molto. the president quotes the presidency of the counsel this month and seeing no opposition, decided to hold this meeting so quiet outside the security council chambers right now, but that's going to change very soon. as investors start to arrive here, what you're probably going to see is again, when we hear from these rarely ambassador, at towards the end of the meeting is he'll be wanting not only the secretary
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general, but also the security council as a whole, to condemn these attacks by around in the most uncertain of terms. i mentioned that because we are now hearing that the secretary general, antonio gutierrez, will be addressing the security council. so be watching his remarks very closely. the fact that he's coming in on a sunday to brief the council on this publicly just shows you how serious this issue is and how worried they are for increased escalation. and i should also point out to as well, that iran will be attending this meeting. we'll be hearing from the rainy and, and baset are who will be speaking during the meeting. will probably be hearing more along the lines of their defense of this in a accordance with article 51 of the un charter, which says ensured that any security council, i'm sorry, any a member state of the un that is a tacked to an armed attack has the right to respond in that is what the writer
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said in messages that they've sent out since then saying that they are the well within their right and the forms of international law and the security council to respond. any ranches, that's exactly what they did. we'll probably hear more of that. all right, thanks so much. gabriel. about an hour and a half from now. great stuff. i gave it. we'll come back to no doubt to get an update. when they that meeting does get on the way. or how does ever seen the input? so i'm list model on the chart, joins us here in the studio. says gabriel's explain a lot of global concerned about it runs retaliation for as well. strike on the consulate. is it well founded? what? how do you read? what is rarely is going off to this war cabinet meeting and the messaging from the us. you know, it's not clear exactly what they're about to do, but they do have many options. i think uh, nathan now has been encouraging his phonetic ministers to speak out about uh,
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you know, uh, more sensation, other scenarios. and the need to react court and quote. and that is what i cannot ticket laying down, and that it must, uh, read tati 8. does that just strengthen his bargaining position with the you? absolutely, absolutely. and that's why every time i hear someone say nothing, you know, is boxed in between his coordination partners in the united states. i laugh, he's not bucks to not all he's just basically using the people is to his right and the america administration in order to improve his own marketing with both. and i think he's succeeding to a large degree. he is the architect of the modern american is around the relationship and he's the architect of this coordination government, the worst, most phonetic, most precious question government in the history of his ride. he's not, he's not a guest to it. he's indispensable leader of it. so if we're talking about people to
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a box, then to a certain extent is the us president boxed in by a position that to some appears to be contradictory in the one hand. he's been criticizing that then. yeah, i was saying he's making a mistake. he's hurting mold in helping as well, but at the same time, saying, i've got your back, how do whatever it takes matter what you do. it's almost a conventional wisdom today that by then boxed him says in since october 9, when he decided to provide unconditional support to a. and is there any prime minister who is bent on putting everything at the risk for his own personal ambition for a so unconventional support a government that he realized from the very beginning. it's unfair stores, he is fanatical, it's reckless, it's dangerous. so it was by their own fault for deciding from the outset me for
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basically invest heavily in this very erect, this is where the government basically providing the paychecks saying that's how much is like i so, and that is where i should go get justice. and the result has been an and drive it in genocide the by 6. all right, so we're coming back to, you know, what we've seen of the last 24 hours, which i think is a big concern for a lot of people. do you think the us is going to succeed in convincing israel to be more restrained? what might that look like? are we going to see nothing now decide? maybe it's in his political interest to actually escalate things and drag the us into a wider consultation where they will look up as a student of history. i'll tell you that that that was probably was going to have the right to have it both ways is kind of tied to the thought of yet. and so i have to get the most out of the united states if you can. but i think now the option for
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him is how he can get or extract the highest possible price from the united states . for now, do you think it'd be just me? well that price be cut blanche to do whatever he wants in gaza and ruffle among among many others, such as more support, more finance, more arms, and clearly less pressure when it comes to the so called peace process to the support that a city and state definitely is going to try to extract things like, never recognize that, but a single state, if the united nations secures the cost of presents that issue, us on so forth, there's a long list. so what does this leave constance? what's the bottom line for them? what's happening in the last 24 hours? i think i think guys is not getting anything out of this. unfortunately, i'm not sure if the people and thought on or the people or whatever and, and they were done so on. i had the best in mind for guys up, but clearly a cold war or an escalation. what i thought i would say is between one and is read is not going to do much good to the people of guys or today,
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what needs to happen should have been more of a regional configuration where to buy people in the region in closing your, on and various out of countries step in and say, look, our region submitted to secure, what does that steak we need to find a solution to this issue? we will provide security guarantees to opinion states 1st, perhaps is there a 2nd? but clearly there has to be a solution. so what is come out of this? has this rel gained and a thing since striking the uranium concerts, which at least around blaine's israel for, i mean opening up another from is now establishing a dynamic. what you run can hit israel directly. is that a game for us? well, because i've, i've seen a lot of discussion in the past few days, especially that every time i said something about the fact that we need to differentiate between this government and is early in general. that doesn't mean
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that it has been innocent over the past 75 years with comes to palestine, when it comes to regional security. if anything is right and has been a destabilizing force in the region. but at this point in time, this nothing, the whole government is not put, the thing is are as safety security and thrust for 1st. so i think it's on has it run established with the parents? what is around it? you know, i'm not, no, i don't think the established test. what you're wanting to succeed at to do is break is the task isn't as important as the times when much of many of the countries and the reason for the past 33 years. no country in the middle east bed. i state that attack is right since 19 since 1991. no country has effect is that i can see it all by like doctors are with fuel besides, since they're not going through there. this time they're on there and has it broke
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the is where as the standards, when it comes to this kind of extra time, it's open to do one of the same of the future. all right, thanks so much mode one for your analysis a. how still ahead on? i'll just sarah. a boost for a may just stay full in garza, but it's far from what's needed to feed palestinians facing firemen. and it's a bad day for a little photo and also on the english premier league cycle, rice, people have that action in this the the latest news as it breaks the message, they say they're going to be to coverage these really prime ministers spoke this evening saying that the military is ready to invade drop off, despite criticisms from allies, from the heart of the story. everyone is terrified to shelter in the hospital for
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more than 6 months. right now, nowhere is case and kind of seen. these are targeted in thailand. defamation is a criminal offense. critics, a powerful people, a using the quotes to silence. we so the lowest $1.00 oh $1.00 east investigate. so allegations that defamation case is being used to bring to invitation and concealing corruption. speaching up in time 91020. there is no channel that covers world news like we do, we revisit places in the state. i'll just say we're really invest in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, all right, let's get all the sports news with tell you so now every thank you very much by labor cruise wouldn't have made history by winning the 1st ever buddhist. and he gets idle in doing so they break an 11 here, strangle hold on legitimately, by buying munich over to bonum fennel. he added them to the chevy alone says main double the advantage courtesy of this perfectly place, judge from granite shaka and then florian, it's got to be on the act with a great long distance strike of he's ours. it wasn't done the way the peace in between 0 given me a double these tele to make a photo is actually pitching. vision of the best of all the fans will be back on the field up to the young to be completed. these extra excessive support is simply could lot stay away. as they saw it consumed,
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amazing june the lead title in some style. they came very close in the late ninety's in early 2, thousands when they finished 2nd full times. but now they finally landed the big one, dominique, a group of simple, and so they finally done it. one, the button does lead to something the club has wanted to do for decades, and not being able to they even were given the unwanted nickname of it's a cruise and in german or nasa cruise in english. why? because they would get close to winning competitions, get to the finals of cups, get close to winning the blended so you get but then fail. but i've been speaking to a german sports journalist who's followed the point is to be good for decades and says, there is one clear of this fact uh which explains the success. you told me what it was. that was the, that's a problem on this. i believe alonzo is the central man because he is and we already know this from the start from discussions before the season. he's the one who brought players like running shaka and promoted to labor crews. and of course they play
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a very central role in this team. the kind of shock has an experienced man is basically who gets cory inverts, with space to develop as he has done the seas. and these are all the ideas of how the alonzo, in consultation with managers, even office as we go. and this is a young, fresh do the likes of which we have not had on the phone, just legal for a long time. and i believe essentially responsible for the success. and because he does, we can do those on then figured out. so he has proved that he is what the magazine says, the best train in the league, how simply by winning the point is the title. but that's not the limits of his ambition. this is berlin's olympic stadium. his team will be playing the day if people call sign on the german cup final against the low league else to exit kaiser's lounge. and at the end of may, he will won't. so when it the team, the friends will want that. and they've got the arrows on a potential travel, the road probably which it still involved in. and the hope being that they can make it 3 trophies out of 3. we'll find out how that goes in the course of the next few
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weeks. dominic cane al jazeera at billings olympic stadium. i also have some of the blow in the premium, the title race of the going down to know that home against asked them develop a when you would have taken the guns back to the top of the table. so i'd rather ahead other ideas of the $18.00 payment, it's the own bailey method for the businesses and then just 3 minutes later on, a watkins doubled the lease. so make sure of the victory. it means mentions to city leave the standings with 6 days to go. it also means the also team points to face testing and sort of the miraculous collapse will play champions league for to make season level. so stuff of the major players, they lost one of the crystal palace. they midway 0 for the defeat to atlanta, was they 1st answer forever? yeah, no, that's happened twice in the space of full days. ever richie is a school for 40 minutes a to, to being to know, minutes later, and the robinson to the rescue on the going on for level. the 2nd half was full of near misses,
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full. the raids love to be here for curtis jones is the 1st away. when's appellate since november topside remaining paid paid on the post job? i should be reading the leak if you play it like in a 2nd. hopefully we can be football games. so if we come in football games and then we will see how many of you can waiting, and we will see what we have to be around when the, all the guys now struggle x a struggle. so that's how it is. now macy school is 5th goal of the season in southern style as into miami beach, sports in kansas city. 32. i have a 72000 fans preferences arrowhead stadium, the 3rd largest, the same them imagining soccer history. and they would freeze it to renew the goal for the host through eric tony. but the majority with a to see messy and coding action. and the 8 tom found on the, when it delivered the start putting into miami to one a macy's full of both related to the basically be suarez so waiting,
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but increase of those sam and the $32.00 victory. that's the miami to the top of the standings. step out of the city pa slips to be coming into full, met just the right time with the french open about a month away. on sunday, the greek slip, the side casper. rude, 616 full. so when the monkey count them awesome. it's the 3rd time this way. the 5 year old has won the title in monica. it's all set the 1st row. see this year taking is over korea 10. 8211. there are 2 mole mazda is 1000 events in madrid and road before the goes 2nd, grassland starts in paris. the trinity is even more special than the 1st of the 2nd time. so this is surely unbelievable for me. capturing about the wind today. i would say it was nerve wracking. i really wanted to trinity, so i go to and i'm certainly happy in the indian premium e channel. i see the kings of beats and the moon by indians, by 20 runs and early in the cold cut them. i tried
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a soul for lack of the times because here in the, in on the on the 35 for luck most is because 90 manage 16147 calcutta opening batsman sol, solved was a man in a hurry sold to have an 189 north south was 57 bowls. you also pip the winning runs and i tried to swing by 8. we get 4 rovers and tables to stay the night, right. as when, what i guess that's what was most useful the time being, i'll be here again later with another updates that i so much paper. uh, some bakeries have reopened in northern garza, they started setting small amounts of bread, at least these right. the army has destroyed many of the bakeries right across garza and is prevented the entry of flower. now the basic goods palestinians been now struggling with full salvation. mazda and kept fluid has more from to bother you. everett dates is the process is getting down. so the process of today is it
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cheaper than the yesterday when it comes to flaw floors. finally, eh, offered in the markets and there was one only a factory in north of gauze and gaza city, which has come out of old cabinet. i to come on our door bakery in this, in the guise of city dr. provide a great for the people. and if you want to buy these a dread, this 3 kilos are for bread for 5 shade because you would a wait for a very low line in, in the victory the so uh these trucks and these are fluid thats arriving to the noise in the to the north of gauze that is a and evaluating the, the problem as a human to turner of crisis. but so lot souls and get so people who are here are
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asking for low trucks asking for not killing the or denise was between the a traders and the other side in south and the clock is back next. so stay with us. the as the sunsets individuals within the occupied west bank, the better once the family is getting the dinner table ready to break their dainty fast. but the buzz around the table is missing. the woman who used to put it all together ended. but lucy was the rest of the week before the start of his review. officials have not given their reason yet for detaining her during 8 of the home. a few kilometers away in drama. look, that's a has one is not missing 12, or even the members of his property 5. in the applied west bank, at least 9000 palestinians, families are missing. at least one loves one. at the start table. growing up in
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greece means taking action. welcome to generation chains, a playful series. it seems to understand the challenge is mobilizing, use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0 is being seem the groups the size of the system as know for most the interest of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the 5th generation change on al jazeera. now let me tell you about the co result, the past of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice much luck. the now be used only electric vehicles here like coming here, sits on to play with a large 3rd space with a look in my presence for me now. thanks. royal. i can also offer somebody valley equal, resorted in gun on accounting,
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the cost will oil prices keep rising and how will that affect the global flight against inflation symbolic way it's launched a new parents in a bit to end this financial top, wild eyed head 5 boy thoughts, mcdonalds is now buying side o it says riley restaurant. counting the pulse on al jazeera, the meeting of israel's will cabinet in the mid report, se, but unable to reach an agreement on action against their own profit loans. the magistrate in the middle of the on the clock, this is on the 0 line from the host to come out. the g 7 lead is renewed, the support for israel and say around retaliation risk provoking,


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