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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm AST

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of buying cycle, it says riley restaurants, counting the costs on al jazeera, the meeting of israel's will cabinet in mid report, se, but unable to reach an agreement on action against their own profit loans, the main to drive the miss on the, on the clock. this is down to their line from the halls to come out. the g 7 lead is renewed, the support for israel and say around retaliation risk provoking. uncontrollable regional escalation in gaza is ready for it is open fire and civilians trying to return the some of the anniversary in nigeria, it is 10 years since a kid not being eval most. a 300 school bills,
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bye back around the . so let's begin in tennessee. israel is will cabinet, has repeatedly been unable to agree on what action to take off the unprecedented rainy miguel and drain strike over nights. it is the 1st time here, radians have directory, talk through this route from iran ministers. once the response but a divided over the timing and its scale, the writing and say it was a response to the bombing of the concepts in syria 2 weeks ago. revolutionary gone, come on. that's what killed in the attack. speaking ahead of the meeting will cabinet member of any guns says israel will respond when it feels the time is right . it will not, you should be gone. and the only thing the face will see are honestly, that we will do the regional coordination and affect the price from it on, you know, we, on the time that suits us on so on. most importantly, in the face and thought it was designed to harm us. we will unite and become strong
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and what is cool? around 300 rating drains as well as ballistic. and cruise missiles will find it as rel on saturday night, as well say is that most what intercepted by its defense systems. around this joint chief of stops is operation. the gates has relatives over this promising to continue. if israel strikes ok, i'm out of the yard as now we see this operation is completed and success. it's over from our perspective. but if design is for team does anything against us and on either in iran or elsewhere, our next operation will be much bigger. for us gets involved, but none of it spaces in the region and what we save, that's at the tel aviv honda salutes is live for us there and hundreds of divisions reported it is ready will cabinet. what are you hearing as well, this is a war cabinet meeting that went on for hours, and initially it was just these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. defense
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minister, you'll have to launch and war cabinet administer benny gas. now these 3 individuals will be the ones who decide if there is any sort of retaliation through the don't an attack that occurred last night, but in the wider or a cabinet meeting that took place at the defense ministry and telling me earlier today, it went on for several hours and there was a lot of disagreements on how if and when is role should respond. there were some members of the government who've been putting pressure on these really prime ministers. specifically, members of the far right known alter nationalist members of nathaniel whose coalition, but not exactly members of the war cabinet. some are members of the security cabinet, however, but there are members of the war cabinet who are reported. we are putting pressure on netanyahu to respond immediately, in fact, right after the attack had taken place. now, after all of this, the is really political apparatus is saying that still no decision has been made. however,
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these really army has announced this evening that after several situational assessments that they upheld after all the meetings that have taken place today, they're in a critical 24 hour period. and they have approved plans for both defense and attacks. so what is seeming like they are heading in that direction, but there's a lot of the american pressure to dissuade these really is from doing just that. the americans have spoken at length today saying they don't want to see a wider war. american, it is really officials have been speaking constantly and that's, and y'all, when binding speaking on the phone and reports had indicated that by that himself persuaded netanyahu now to retaliate. because remember, the audience had watched this attack in retaliation to one is really air strife. on need on e and consulate in damascus that killed several people among them senior members of the i r j c. so a lot of still up in the air as me is really say there in a critical point. but they do have plans that have been approved and they say
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they're going to use them at a time and place of their choosing. the moment thanks very much for that update. honda civic, the intel of eve willing there on some people took the streets to celebrate the attack on israel, while others joined in long queues gas stations. worried about just what comes next door jabari reports from her on. now this is how radians learned that their government has launch the countries 1st ever direct attack on israel tv broadcasting. at the moment, a waste of ms tiles and drones were fired, but the country's foreign minister says that prior warning was given, or how about the total mortality, so deep as you know, last night the forces of the as long as the republic of your on struck design is resumes, military targets, or actions were limited. we had informed the white house that our military actions were to be limited, precise with the intention for self defense, and to punish the is really wishing this newspaper headline reads the time of
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revenge. those who talk to the media were the police supportive of her own actions? did you eat on? um it was very good and the fact that iran showed is real that we are strong. and my opinion is that to this extent, israel realizes now who they're dealing with. after each event, when they attack our embassy, it means they attacked s o l. so according to what the supreme leader said, it happened and they got punished. this poster went up early sunday morning as the attack against israel came to an end. it says in hebrew, the next slot in the face will be stronger, as both countries remain on the high alert. many here are hoping the worst is behind them. but with israel vowing a military response, the situation remains tense nationwide, with cars lighting up for fuel when then use 1st broke the currency at a record low and the threat of more economic sanctions. the repercussions premier owns of retaliation could soon be felt. doors to jabari ultra 0 to air on
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g 7 lead is have condemned or on striking israel saying it risk provoking. an uncontrollable regional escalation lead his health video conference, and in a statement afterwards said they're working to try to stabilize the situation in the middle east. and yeah, you, as president job, i met with his national security advises, he reaffirmed what he calls americas, i am clive commitment to israel security can be how could this more now from the white house in the 10 days leading up to a ron's attack on israel us president joe biden worked with the is rarely prime minister trying to prevent the attack. there were constant communications between us and is really officials. but we are now learning that there was also true swiss intermediaries contact between the united states and a ronnie in officials. what we know is there was an effort to try and prevent what
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ultimately occurred. the united states saying what did not occur however, was a 72 hour warnings that a ron had promised to give prior to any attack. instead, the intent to the us official say was to be highly destructive. still the united states saying that the defense was 99 percent effective in stopping $300.00 munitions and $100.00 ballistic missiles. now in a call between the united states president and the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu was told that the u. s. president will not join any effort to retaliate against iran. the goal of the united states is to de escalate tensions halt further attacks. the united states not seeking any war with iran. the us presidents also holding a call with g 7 leaders, where they on equivocal, we condemn the international community that is unequivocal. the condemning the what
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they call unprecedented attack on israel as the need to hold iran accountable. the goals they say is to try and address the root causes as much as this conflict. and that is israel's war and gaza by calling for an immediate and sustainable cease fire. calling for the release of passive and bringing humanitarian aid to the palestinians. kimberly help it's out a 0, the white house, a russia and around for a ministers. they've spoken on the phone rushes for a ministry saying that the 2 diplomats discuss preventing scenarios that will at escalate the situation. them, at least in the wake of a round to tact musket has a full size to show restraint. let's discuss this now. if possible, if i can, how, who's an independent defense on his drawings is from moscow and probably i'll say russia very much across his skin in the game it receives on supplies from iran is had significant interest and troops in syria. where does it stand on the list as
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well as the russia? yes, surprisingly right now stands more or less with the rest of the international community that does not want that sort of the restoration of the state. george. basically no one wants it, but everyone's afraid that that may happen because this could indeed, russian interests in the region. the children in bro rom, in a more trying me the wrong, would be hardly capable of sending more weapons to russia. and of course, it could then go, the russian troops on syria, syria, and what, but now, and the boss of bo escalation of this conflict into regional one, unless she does not want that at all rusher. basically, especially with the russian foreign ministry and russian intelligence miller treat, committed these kind of good a long time relationships with many muslim
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countries. but there are parts of the russian establishment that there are more pro, is rarely and don't want to have to have a confrontation with israel to. israel has not drunk fashions, it's not educated this. and then in the country, israel is not supplying weapons or military technology to grain. so we're going to keep this, this quote, right, and not to be put in a situation on o. 8 sites, right? what would escalation look like? from russia's point of view, what would have to happen for this to go to a more dangerous place and we're in already, it was clear around this stuff that the right our, if israel a counters the, the bank breathtaking targets inside the rob, possibly uranium nuclear program, may be some military bases, and
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a rom or a gallery does that, does that go into a uncontrollable spine or no less go ration. and israel could be monday to move against pro it range in force as in syria. it's not the director against the syrian regime but still destabilizing it. there's even a possibility. so maybe right now seems remote the restroom. there's really no extreme count. there's inside syria, and that's the worst case scenario. but right now, no one really once in moscow, they split through. so that's more up to date on moscow within the situation can become kind of low and uncontrollable. iran has said it one things to end. it has it says completed is operation. so long as israel does not retaliate, how much face is the in russia? that is the case a little bit. so no bigger problem because in israel
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and there are in the reserve at miller tree and the board to go establishment there goes to believe now is a good time to destroy the right from the south right from the north to go and crazy. now in syria and where, but then they drove the rain in a proxy courses, the heat, the middle of the street enter these bond and to pro rainy and forces their to a very serious we the situation. and of course, there's the re union where our program underground nuclear facilities as well as being preparing to attack them for a long time. basically, the end of all the americans directly from kids, american bases and the americans dragged in. this could go very, very, very bad and very, very quickly. all right, i'll pop,
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i'll leave it that we'll be hearing from the russian ambassador to the un security council a little bit later. and that's an uh roughly, but public i'm time being nice very much public health and health speaking just for most and you the so is there any soldiers have opened far and palestinians in dallas a city who were attempting to return to the homes in the north of this trip, several people injured that side to make the journey afterward spread that it was safe to leave central tanza image and timber as more hundreds of people leaving central garza trying to reach the homes. and the news travelling through over sheet street the runs the length of gold as coasts blowing, but the journey is cut short by. it is ready to strike. many palestinians. hood is ready the minute. truth is allowing safe passage over the theatre. awesome. i remember they said there's a return to the north. we want our homes,
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we want our lives. we want to return with a with or without a truce. and we want to return enough or not in the israel to noise offering people access to travel instead claiming wound people against moving news and saying the area is still rules as it has been since the rule began on 7 to tell you the conditions for the vin point, knowing 1000000 displaced people in central and southern garza, that's 80 percent of the population. so difficult. many kind of bachelor remain where they all. yeah. and cannot tell. yeah. but it says that life years very miserable. the necessities of life are non existent at risk to ourselves. we are trying to return to the places we were in before and meet our families, children, and loved ones. what do you mean that thousands of people are in over crowded homeless shelters that were formerly schools, and many more are intense and make ship shelters who inadequate access to running
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water? food, annoying us. the. we have not known comfort since we are displays and we want to rest live and return to our places for the journey home is dangerous. and if they manage to get this, they'll find widespread destruction with the majority of buildings and creating the homes. 2 lot and the imaging can the how to 0, where these really ministry says it plans the caught up to reserve divisions for operations in gauze as it proceeds. it's more than the strip does, is media office says 6 is ready attacks within 20 for us on, on this over at refugee camp of killed 19 people. and if we did more than 200 for the north 100, valia was also hit by a series of air strikes at least 33600 policies have been killed since ball begun in october. pensions remain high in the occupied westbank is these ready sightless
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target palestinian villages? this was in the theme east of ramallah surplus, a sing assessing a call on 5. and the latest violence was sparked by the disappearance of a 14 year old circular whose body was later found. dozens of properties have been set on fire and to palestinians were killed in confrontations this week. the abraham is in the occupied west bank and felt this report from the us has i'm time it says he lives in a small prison. isolated by his real separation, well and surrounded by an and leaking is really supplement. his father built the family home in the 1970s before the supplement of it as new drama law was established. late on saturday, the postilion families were attacked by his ready suckers. how the nice old took place last night at 11 p. m. local time. we will show we have 2 little goals for 6 years old. they were very skit, they were crying, so our neighbors came and took them a week. since the start of the war on gauze is really forces of established the
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gates here saying it would prevent palestinians from attacking is really suckers. but what's happened late on saturday is that is really subtler, attacked palestinian families here. and that gave me the difficult palestinians to come and offer help until they to the in other villages. it was impossible for palestinians to rush to the rescue is where the forces news druids leading to the villages under attack. the dusk barely settled in one place before 3 appears in the village of the year. this home was attacked not once, but twice on friday and again on saturday and we were inside. oh, look, we were having lunch when we were exposed to gunfire, shells and stones, the circular run page store to the after and is really teenager when missing. the 14 year olds body was found on saturday. need his house in an illegal supplement out post circulars spread out their attacks from the center of the occupied
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westbank to the north. soon after these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu described the killing of these really teenager as a heinous murder of pledge to bring those responsible to justice. if such justice that published and you see there denied just since the start of the world goes on, do you want has recorded more than 7 hundreds, a thorough attacks against palestinians writes groups say 94 percent of the poor to the tax go on punished. many see the palestinian authority has undermined people's ability to defend themselves, but how the mock, it's a complicated political situation. while the international community is silent again, it's what's happening and guys are as if it's normal, the understanding authority is doing it's huge. withdrawal of supporting district fastness of a bunch of thing is on their lands. sutler group. so calling for more violence. the result is, i mean the on, on palestinian population facing many heavy arms is really sucks. it has been
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growing in numbers and increasing the violence that but he is either the occupied westbank, still the head there and out 0. why prime minister in the ranger moody favorites when if the media's upcoming elections, the that's right. the last day of extensive voltage, also european plane is this cloud inevitably bikes into the will from the clear sky . so the picture then on monday will be of increasing cloud and rain and wind through the low countries as one by then the forward van line across the outs. from this time it will make a big change to the weather. second, the help on results, but even in the bigger towns and cities now admittedly spend in public schools are
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developing one or 2 showers will probably hang on to the woods. this is the picture that sits on monday. that's the real help is being pushed slow. the other way of the young guy in plain, but zagreb still has it on the 28 degrees down to 20. it's a ring comes into you on tuesday, then down to 10 by wednesday or yeah, this is fairly cold down this way that'll make, you know, it will feel quite shocking to even see bits of snow forwarding as on lower ground . gemini certainly will be so on the out what stuff used to stay, but snare will the same and it stretches over down through italy to some degree. so it's quite a major change in just 2 days. in north africa, the spinning lows for when you're popping out, you're still some bush asked to come in when the weather means sand stones for places like the share and libya, the showers though big not penetrating much in west africa. the in thailand, defamation is a criminal offense. critics, a powerful people,
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a using the quotes to sign. it's we so the lowest $1.00 oh $1.00 east investigate. so allegations that defamation case is being used to bring to mutation and concealing corruption. speaching up in time 91020. what's most important to me is talking to people, understanding what they're going through here as a theater. we believe everyone has a story. we're hearing the the, [000:00:00;00] the again you watching out 0 and remind about top stories as well. and israel's will, cabinet, has reportedly been unable to agree on what action to take off to the unprecedented
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the rainy and missile island try and strike over night. it's the 1st time the radiance of directly talked it as well from iran around the president as one of his round against any further attacks. tyrone said that strike was in response to israel's foaming of the reading consequences 02 weeks ago. g 7 lead is a condemned around strike one as well saying risk provoking, an uncontrollable regional escalation health video conference, and an estate and talked with said they're working to try to stabilize the situation in the middle league or whether you and security council is meeting in the next hour to discuss around to tack on as well. the main thing was requested by israel. they want the council to condemn the assault. israel also wants to counsel to designate the reigning reputation regard. as a terrorist organization. government is under joints live now from the united nations in new york, and it gave us a lots of people. judging, restrains that since including the russians on the united states, among others. this is, might this be
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a rare occasion where the security council will actually agree on an issue well, i think it's an issue where they agree that the situation is very tense and it calls for an urgent security council meeting. i think they definitely agree on that, that they don't want any sort of further escalation. i think where the council probably is going to disagree when we hear the council members speak and about half an hour or so. and this meeting begins is who is to blame. clearly, allies of you are and such as russia and china and maybe perhaps even others as well probably will voice their countries official position saying that you ron's attack on israel was simply a response to the april 1st attack by israel on the iranian diplomatic commission in damascus, and that's what we've already run, say that this is all within the realm of the security count, the un charter article, 51,
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which says that any member state has the right to you and charter to respond militarily to aggression. that's what you're probably going to hear from you rand representative, assuming they speak, we expect that they will be here. we also expect that these really a master will be here to, to address the council as well. but it's clearly going to be an issue of who is responsible for the starting this really, and that's where you're probably going to see disagreements on the account. so i different members when they speak, partner point out that the secretary general, antonio gutierrez, is a expected to be in the building and he will be addressing the security council, giving remarks at the beginning of the meeting is certainly something that the secretary general has been watching very closely in a statement that he issued late on saturday. he said in part i have repeatedly stressed that neither the region nor the world can afford another war. we're probably going to hear the security and the secretary general repeating some stuff
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along those same lines. and that same theme in what will be a speech by the secretary general. that is one of the most important he's given in recent memory. or do i believe that it's gonna kick off in what 35 minutes time will say, so we'll be back with you as it gets under way. get rid of this on there for the time being in new york. thanks a lot. the . well, it's been 10 years to the day since 276 school girls. we could not from the school in north niger, dozens of the goals remained missing and off the adoption by broke her arm sizes. no one has ever been charged for the crime which made headlines worldwide anniversary is being commemorated in a ton of trouble. i would address as more from the it's tough for the students who have been released. it's also tough for carrying stuff. also been released right now. what do we, what's happening in this particular hole is a commemoration of the 10th anniversary and the keeping up of the school children
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were here and the government is 2nd to school here in chicago. and parents have been lamenting that 10 years after none, most, many of the children i have to come home right now we're talking about a to, to was to me. so there are several speakers industrial things to down to demand action of the company. they were asking questions, asking button question is, how come, what was it that some keeping of victims in other parts of nigeria i've been released yet. the government was unable to secure the release of old book goes up to 10 years. so those are some of the key questions being raised by people who are here and it seems natural says many of the 276 girls were afraid or escapes, but 80 to remain on account of for it must be once a night during the 30s to investigate allegations of false marriages between 22 book women who were rescued in form of buck around fights. his sister book. now
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jerry had suffered at least 17 similar attractions, would come and seizing nearly $1700.00 schoolchildren. dreema i am. that is a visiting professor at new york university and she says that during government could have done more to secure the release of the missing goals. the company just makes you cheat collecting action, trying to pressure the nigerian government to bring back these girls several kids up to 5 o'clock around or questionnaire if the 10 years of age i see your correspondence notes that the parents of the remaining abducted girls have really reported that there is this lack of political commitment by the nigerian authorities to ensure that all the goals are accounted for and or found we have seen unfortunately the last 5. yes. the a lot of non state arms which the northern nigeria are adopting. this book are instructed, you must get nothings and wonder if populations such as women and school children are particularly at risk,
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because this mazda abductions are during this significant domestic and international pressure, as well as media attention that they need in order to press the 2 minds to the niger and government to induce prime minister in range of id is expected to win a 3rd time as well as the most populous nation. go to the polls and we saw it on april. the 19th a bit, critics argue he is enhanced his popularity by promot. you really just division between hindus and muslims. nelson, on this as this report, the governing board at the agenda are about to you'll be popular among the countries him to majority is choosing a certain impala. and this is the man, the believe will achieve that. money is a good leader with a strong determination. he has done what he promised stood with if you want to approach development to everyone. you've got a slick publicity machine works overtime to market because it does movie present to him as
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a decisive due to who has delivered his capital across the image. and the lucy has made him the beach if he's most powerful weapon pro apo by friends, to fulfill the dream is to develop india every minute. every single 2nd of my life is dedicated to this country. the economies one is both of these major achievements . india has become the was 5th largest economy, and it's projected to become the 3rd biggest by 2027. but why g d p is going up. some economy, see it totally benefiting a very small segment of the population. unemployment is on the rise and the informal sector, which accounts for up to 90 percent of employment is struggling to visit us behind . the multi machine is in due to


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