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tv   Generation Change Greece  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am AST

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us and the end of the day we hear that you're not to say being sold category. it covers, it comes to iran, but so wobbly when it comes to is right. so could there be anything it doesn't have anymore because of his right. and i mean this, this, this a continuous justification of israel's action defense or is as action promoting is resurrected with this of defense is it is justifies anything including 56 years of occupation and 75 years dispersion of that sort of stuff on the part of the united states is undermining it, standing in the region for sure. the us said that it in the coming days it will explore additional measures to hold around accountable. what kind of measures could they be? and you know, what difference will that mean? i think it's the kind of thing that's being discussed with the g 7 and i'm sure it was discussed today. and the problem you would expect more sanctions eventually
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against the iran. i was a bit taken back to not. i mean, i was surprised, but not shocked. usually you would not shop by surprise, but anyway, it in the way that from the u. k. came together with the united states to actually get involved in many federal in them. at least in the, in defense of israel. is there a does violated international law on april 1st and allow it for this to happen? us? and they have also allows for this to happen by not condemning it at the destination security council. because one was looking for the nation. if there was a condemnation of this end, the act on april 1st, there's a good chance we, hon wouldn't have acted against is the yesterday. so they are complicit with is read and now they are complicit in military action on behalf of israel. and the reason of this escalation pending because i've been without it. right. so i think they are coming together. is there it is hoping that there will be
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a new we invigorated on site uranium coalition faxed to yesterday's attack on his rights. and that's what biden is bleeding with, his red not to react, but to allow with this new situation. this or for trinity, if you were finding or for trinity in yesterday's attack word, why 1st of all is there. i looks like a victim right? being attacked by your on that i q and actually that will definitely gives it a better b, auto van being the general side there in gaza to it will allow the united states to bring together this unpack everything and coordination and support to visit city. it will allow washington to give even more support for his art because i'm sure nothing you know is going to be bought of getting for that. right. and as part of his bargaining, what do you think the implications off of the people have goals?
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i think the people, the guys allow me to say they were going to be exclusive, you're going to be screwed either way. right? because when you're, when you go into a palace between your lawn and is read along with the united states, the palestinians, you know, would be at the back end of it. and they wouldn't be subjected to what is really refreshing or oppression, water and so on. so forth, and if there's more explanation, then it's sort of deflection. so i thought, why is, why was nothing, you know, at that they are in the, in the concert it's in syria. i mean, he's been attacking your on for many years now in syria. but going after the concert, it is a direct strategy i to deflect away from guys. i knew they would be a response, a lot of absolutely. yeah, absolutely. and they wouldn't knew what was that they wouldn't be able to uh, defend against that as well as that's why we've been saying that 99 percent of all the $300.00 plus massage and drones that we use that is. busy where in fact it both . so in the end of the day with the help of the united states from sunday, okay,
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is there i was able to different if i that's not to say that you're on broke out of is the parents that, that, that nothing else i've done for the past 30 years to i didn't know if you're on the capacity or backpacking is a big thing for fear that is as retaliation. i think certainly your want has broken that psychological and strategic denial by attacking is right directly. and by saying that from now on, if you attack us, we're gonna attack you directly, right? this is, this is a serious, i would say serious today. that's not to say that today is the security is in jeopardy. because once again, it's supported, defended by the united states, right? plenty more to discuss the various other countries of speaking. now we will be hearing from the russian federation. we'll come back to of the 5 from them mon,
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for the time being. thanks very much right now. we're going to go to occupied east jerusalem and really challenges live for us that se rory being is ready. war cabinet is being made in reports of some divisions. yeah. indecision past the moment. so a long series of meetings in israel this evening. i think this indecision is a reminder of 2 things. as a reminder, 1st of all, all the high stakes of the situation that we're reading at the moment, but it's also a reminder of the different personalities and perspectives. the makeup is rails decision making, ashton's high political structures at the moment. you've got a widely political operator in the form of benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister, you've got some hog, but the military man, the defense minister, you glance, but also very dense. who's the an opposition politician,
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and then you've got the strident alternation this fall, right? politicians been give it a n smartjets not been there even said on twitter or x and they were on the savings . if these red ones to the next true to terence in the middle east, as he put it, the boss must go nuts. but ultimately we have to say it's the boy cabinet that we'll decide on at if and was kind of action israel might say, against iran. and the only 3 members calls that will come to that actually have a vote and it's have a site and it's uh, benjamin netanyahu, benny dense, and your glance, roy, do these rainy's see opportunities in this concentration? yeah, i think they absolutely do. and my mom and was go in to some of those opportunities
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that i mean good or is there i was aware that it's long standing political friendships and alliances have been framed recently because of international consternation over the sl, what's going on in gaza and last nights for the 1st time in a while, one of our international coughing about the civilian casualties and aid supplies and the 2 state solution to bowl that away from his risk perspective. it could get back to the good old days of storage military as the poles. and so we have united states, we have the u. k, we have the front side even comes like jordan stepping in and the helping is ralph, shoot things out of the sky. so yes, he's real sees that there is an opportunity hit your dilemma that the defense vanessa was speaking to his us counts of pods. lloyd austin,
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hot air on by phone and he highlights it's in that. so if i'm cold, as he put it, read out, put it the opportunity to establish an international coalition at strategic allies, the accounts of the threat posed by iran. but as we know, the white house is not really playing bold at the moment from israel perspective. and it is saying to israel that a waiting support, any kind of retribution attack or against the wrong for a runs retribution against israel sites. the united states wants to master the saw pay or of course the question. the big question is, and we don't have a public, a bicycle onset for this. the department is, is well prepared to go to line. we don't, i worry. all right, so that's we're trying to, in occupied east jerusalem as well in around some people took the streets to celebrate the attack on israel, while others joined long queues, a gas stations worried about what might just come next. sort of jabari reports from
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tara this is how radians learned that their government had launched the country's 1st ever direct attack on israel tv broadcasting. at the moment. a waste of ms 1000 drones were fired. but the country's foreign minister says that prior warning was given, or how much the total mortality. so these as you know, last night, the forces of the, as long as the republic of your on struck design is for james military targets or actions were limited. we had informed the white house that our military actions were to be limited, precise with the intention for self defense, and to punish the is really wishing this newspaper headline reads, the time of revenge. those who talk to the media were the police supportive of her own actions? did you eat on? um it was very good and the fact that iran showed is real that we are strong. and my opinion is that to this extent, israel realizes now who they're dealing with after to the when they attack,
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i remember seeing it means they attacked s o l. so according to what the supreme leader said, it happened and they got punished. this poster went up early sunday morning as the attack against israel came to an end. it says in hebrew, the next slot in the face will be stronger, as both countries remain on the high alert. many here are hoping the worst is behind them. but with israel vowing a military response, the situation remains tense nationwide, with cars lighting up for fuel when then use 1st broke the currency at a record low and the threat of more economic sanctions. the repercussions from the runs of retaliation could soon be felt. door so jabari ultra 0 to air on g. 7 leaders have condemned their own strength on israel saying it risk provoking, an uncontrollable regional escalation need as held a video conference and then the statement offers. so they're working to try to stabilize the situation. them, at least in the us president joe biden met with his national security advises
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anywhere from 20 calls americas on 5 commitment to israel security can be how it could as more from the white house as the 10 days leading up to a ron's attack on israel. us president joe biden worked with the is rarely prime minister trying to prevent the attack. there were constant communications between us and is really officials. but we are now learning that there was also true swiss intermediaries contact between the united states and a ronnie in officials. what we know is there was an effort to try and prevent what ultimately occurred. the united states saying what did not occur however, was a 72 hour warning that a ron had promised to give prior to any attack. instead, the intent to the us officials say was to be highly destructive. still the united states saying that the defense was 99 percent effective in stopping $300.00
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munitions and $100.00 ballistic missiles. now in a call between the united states president and the as rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu was told that the u. s. president will not join any effort to retaliate against iran. the goal of the united states is to de escalate pensions halt further attacks. the united states not seeking any war with iran. the us president, also holding a call with g 7 leaders, where they on a critically condemn the international community that is unequivocal. the condemning the what they call unprecedented attack on israel as the need to hold iran accountable. the goals they say is to try and address the root causes as much as this conflict. and that is israel's war and gaza by calling for an immediate and sustainable cease fire. calling for the release of passive and bringing
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humanitarian aid to the palestinians. kimberly help it out to 0. the white house, when it's ready, soldiers have opened fire on palestinians in dallas, a city who are attempting to return to their homes. in the north of this trip, several people were injured and they decided to make the journey off to wed spread that it was safe to leave central garza, everything came back as more than a hundreds of people leaving central garza trying to reach the homes and the news traveling through over sheet street. the runs the length of gold as coasts blowing, but the journey is cut short by. it is ready to strike. many palestinians hood is ready the minute. truth is allowing safe passage to our somebody. they said there is a return to the north, we want our homes, we want our lives, we want to return with a with or without a truth. we want to return enough or not in the israel to noise,
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offering people access to travel. instead, claiming wound people against moving news and saying the area is still elusive, as it has been since the will began on 7 to tell you the conditions for the vin point, knowing 1000000 displaced people in central and southern garza, that's 80 percent of the population. so difficult, many kind of bachelor remain where they all. yeah. and cannot tell. yeah. but it says that life years very miserable. the necessities of life are non existent at risk to ourselves. we are trying to return to the places we were in before and meet our families, children, and loved ones who do mean that in thousands of people are in over crowded little shelters that were formerly schools. and many more are intense and make ship shelters and inadequate access to running water. food, annoying us. the. we have not known comfort since we are displaced. we want to rest
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and return to our places. but the journey home is dangerous. and if they manage to get this, they'll find widespread destruction. but the majority of buildings, including the hiring lot and the imaging can the how to 0. these ready ministry says it plans to cool up to reserve divisions for operations in gaza. is it just use? it's will on the strip because it's neither offices that 6 is really attacks within 24 hours on, on this route to refugee camp has killed 19 people and wounded more than 200. for the most of all, it was also hit by a series of strikes. at least 33600 palestinians have been killed since the war began in up to the tensions remain high in the occupied. westbank is, is rarely senseless. target pulsating and villages have looked at this. this was in between east to ramallah settlers. a scene setting a car on fire lights as violent spots by the disappearance of
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a 14 year old settler, whose body was later found dozens of properties that have been set on fire and to palestinians were killed in the confrontations this week. it abraham met a family in the occupied westbank, this being attacked twice, including on sunday. she felt this report. it hasn't time. it says he lives in a small prison, isolated by his real separation wall and surrounded by an antique and it's really supplement his father built the family home in the 1970s before the supplement of which a new drama law was established. late on saturday, the postilion families were attacked by his ready suckers. how they're related to the sol took place last night at 11 p. m. local time, we will shortly. then we have 2 little girls who are 6 years old. they were very skit. they were crying, so our neighbors came and took them a week since the start of the war on gauze, that is where the forces of established the gates. you're saying it would prevent palestinians from attacking is really suckers. but what's happened late on saturday
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is that is really subtler, attacked palestinian families here. and that gave me the difficult palestinian to come and offer help until they to the right to the un security council. we're hearing from the russian, them pass it is vasily the bins you at speaking at the security council and you know, to, to the secretary general the fact that yesterday you instantly publicly reacted and condemned the actions of a by ron if there's regrettable that, unlike the meeting today, you did not propose to break to break the council on the 2nd of april. way up on the russian initiative, an emergency briefing was called to discuss the east riley, striking against the concert the premises in damascus. where you would like to also see a greater activity on your part. so as to convey to a members of the columns of information on other no less turbulent topics for the middle east today. for example, a bout of the, um, now,
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original attack spot israel against neighboring syria, and lebanon. i. m. e for sure, for me to toot. uh well, such things will continue on notice then. your appeals to restraint by all parties, which were sure can become few time was distinguished colleagues, civilians, when we met in this chamber on the 2nd of april and the so as to discuss the strike by israel against the concert of the premises of the as long as you're public around damascus, we warrant of that. what was needed was a strong and unified signal by the cause of death. such actions were not acceptable and not only against us over in states of iran or syria and not only in the middle east, but anywhere in the world. we called upon the colleagues of insecurity kyle, so to clearly i'm in a quick loop kinda quickly condemn such reckless steps to make sure that they don't get repeated. we also warrant about other why is the risk of
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a repeat of such acts and the general escalation in the region would grow many fault we. we even proposed a draft press statement by the security call. so this was put together on the basis of the standards for test cases, d politicized language. and what did we here at that time from our western delegations. they said of them to call them not everything was clear in office and in what was necessary was to assess and see whether such a signal from because that will help stabilize the situation of the region. usually the united states, u. k and france, their essentially was declined to confirmed of the basic principles of international law about the in file ability of demo diplomatic and commercial facilities which are enshrined in the vienna conventions on this issue. applied equally to whole stage because it does and the outcome is now clear for everyone to see, you know, very well the,
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to an attack against the diplomatic representation is a causes belly under international law. usually within a couple of a western representation that had been head, you would immediately have written down reprisals and would argue that you were right about this industry chamber. and this is because for you, everything that has to do with the western representations of western citizens is to say, credit and needs to be protected whole countries when it comes to other countries. their rights including the right to self defense. if you good about their national as well, that's a different matter, as you like to say. what happens when do you activate your favorite organization, about lack of information, you start doing realistic care, splitting, etc. and today, and a security council we're witnessing is a display of hypocrisy and double standards, one of those. but just, it's almost embarrassing to watch your business from russia has warranty on many
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occasions about the fact that many crises in the middle east are unsettled, 1st and foremost, and the arrow, but is really empower genuine conflict, which are frequently fueled by irresponsible unilateral and provocative acts will lead to a growth of tension and the whole region us, we knew that we have stated on many occasions about no country in the middle east or north northern africa should be coming to reno for regional international confrontation or in a reno for saddling political scores to what happened in the night till the 14th of april did not happen ended up in a vacuum of. the strips undertaken by a rock became a reaction to disgraceful inaction by the security council. and a reaction to an inquiry just attacked by israel. and i guess damascus and all the 1st one because syria is constantly being bombarded by israel. moody's was many o d u today and did not find the courage to state. clearly the outburst of as go
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violence in the middle east is developing the guess the background of an operation which is lasting more the 6 months is unprecedented in terms of a number of victims and operations conducted by west jerusalem is guys in west bank and this is despite and unambiguous demand and security council resolution 2728 to cease fire immediately or the most and such as islands above. the deep root of the crisis is unacceptable. we think especially against the background of the tension surrounding around which is viewed by the us and other colleagues. the facts of israel is not complying with the security council. resolutions isn't always disrespect shown to the council to all of us to judge you. right here in the members seats and a complete disregard to the decision was made. why does it go to college and non compliance with security council decisions?
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all something that bunch of get away with, and it's fraud with sanctions against the violator. madam president, we were all very well that the interest escalations in january 2021. the region was on the brink of a conflict as a result of what a legal limitation by the united states on a rocket territory off cassandra. so the money and, and number i'm, i think around the official screen. but the washington did not draw appropriate solutions from that, and as a result, the reckless acts undermined instability, security and sovereignty of regional neighbors overrun or continuing resorting with coal bundles involved in the incident of all parties involved as it can sit in 2 rooms too excited restrained under the extremely 10 says situation on the ground in the middle east, the city and you got to be able to crease the city and you conflict the land of the obvious risk over the console of the conflict growing and becoming a re the region wide sheets we expect the regional status to will result all of
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the issues they have using political and diplomatic means only. we also think it's important to make sure that the constructive international players assisted in this matter. this final level confrontation of blood should, must be stopped or do we think it's a good church and for the entire international community to undertake all the efforts necessary to de escalate the situation. otherwise, the region could become drawn into a vicious cycle of mutual attacks and violets, with disregard. we know the signal set by territory around that they, you do not seek for them. it was made of dre escalation against israel's. and we urge west jerusalem to follow suit and rejects the practice of provocative use of force in the middle east to us as a product with extremely dangerous risk risk. then the consequences for the whole region which is already destabilized as a result of intensified israeli palestinian confrontation. i think you,
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i think the represents the rest consideration part of the 1st china. so that is the russian and bass of eventually dementia. at speaking, talking about how the russian rusty was citing how the un security council did not condemn israel striking of the wrong and consummate and damascus at early of this month. but yet now the united states and of this quality of condemnation of this attack by iran, he spoke of a double standards and hypocrisy, gabrielle is on de joins as live from the united nations in new york, watching everything that's going on that guy. what did you make of it? yeah, i think as expected, the, the russian ambassador laid out a very persuasive case, quite frankly, in defense of why you run, it took the action that he did. and he's, as you mentioned, he said, what he heard, and the security council we've heard from all of the, for the most part, all of the western countries of already spoken on the security council, with the exception of malta. they'll be speaking right after china is done,
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and in his words, it was hip hop prosy and double standards, as you mentioned. and really, what he laid out is his case that on april, 2nd, when the security council met after is real, struck the iranian consulate in damascus. russia said, let's have a condemnation of that because it's a direct, an obvious violation of international law, a direct, an obvious violation of the vienna convention that prohibits aggressions against diplomatic facilities. and the council didn't do that. the council could not reach any sort of condemnation of israel. in fact, to the russian investors said we even provided a press statement that we could have sent out in the name of the security council. and even that was rejected because as the americans told me, after that meeting was over there, they basically said on april 2nd, they said we, we don't know if he's real was involved. we need to wait,
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we need to get more information. we don't know how that condemnation could effect a potential ceasefire talks on the ground. and so the russian and bastard, cited all of that and said, now you want a condemnation, when it's the rand, striking israel. but just a couple weeks ago, it was a double standard and you did not want that. i think that was the big met and the message you heard from the russians, they're not surprising, but he really laid it out in very start terms. i will also say he was a little critical, a secretary general antonio gutierrez as well, the beginning saying on it on april. second, why didn't you secretary general come to brief, the security council then after israel struck the iranian consulate in damascus, and he didn't. and he said, we expect that you will speak out about israel's attacks that have been going on elsewhere, and he's cited in syria and lebanon as well. so listen, i think you heard at the very start terms air from the russian and bass are clearly
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russia is a close, if not the closest at why of you ran on the security council. so perhaps not surprising. nevertheless, it was certainly a counter view to this whole situation compared to what we heard from robert wood, the us deputy ambassador, who since stood lock step with israel painting israel out to be the complete victim here. right. okay, we're gonna talk uh the russian position with mom or shar, here in the street shortly. but i just wanna ask you very quickly, we've been hearing, we just be listening to, to rush runs of united states. so we're going to hear from israel and iran themselves very shortly. i bet you've been listening into lots of other countries speaking as well, like the u. k and front and so forth. what kind of impression have you called about this done? and they're, they're not quite as strong as you've heard from the us and from russia, they're let in what i mean by. they're not as strong as they're, they're all kind of saying variations of the same thing. for the most part,
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you know, i'm summarizing many different countries speeches here, but it's, it's condonation concern and de escalation that those 3 things are kind of the themes that you're getting from all of the other speakers. i will say we heard from slovenia, and sylvania, in their remarks, did say, you know, israel has not abided by the security council resolutions calling for a cease fire. and he said that is regrettable that the council has not been able to enforce that cease fire. and so you are hearing some countries kind of a also making not if you will, to some of the little bit of the double standards or how israel has not also a lift updates obligations under international law as well. but i think for the most part, what you're hearing is all countries in some way, shape or form, basically urging everyone to de escalate right now, knowing that we are on the brink of something that could turn very bad very quickly
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. all right, good, thanks for the time being. get rid of the under the, the, you and you, your mom shar, here in the studio, ah, senior political out, unless m. o, in rush, it very much has getting the game doesn't that it receives on supplies from iran is group significant interest on troops in syria and pretty unequivocal it's done as well. yes. but there's also the bigger picture, right? the geo politics of it all. and clearly russia and the united states are having a go item, at least, same thing that they having on ukraine, they're having already won over palestine. and i think that kind of a cold water, i zation of them. it leads to something that what you're saying, and hence they are full of ice and everything they, they, they by the, by the way, they agreed on one thing.


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