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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 15, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the, the middle is, is on the bring, as the people of the region are confronting good real dangerous, devastating seas gave a call to the fees on the escalate. tensions as un security council needs to discuss their ron's attack on is the con, carry, johnson. this is out of here a lot from so, so coming up as well as war cabinet discusses response as
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a wrong ones against any reckless retaliation is ready. so just open fire and tightest indians trying to return to this homes in northern johnson, many of the decade off. and the idea is that you bought the kidnappings. dozens of goals are still missing. as a country struggles to stop child abductions, the needs to diffuse and the escalates. that's the message from you and the secretary general to the security council. during a meeting to discuss the runs unprecedented attacks on israel becomes a day off the ty, wrong door. hundreds of miss 1000 drones act is wrapped around says it was in response to israel's attack on its conflict in damascus. 2 weeks ago, which killed a senior reputation with god come on this technique or terrace condemned around to tax. instead, the middle east cannot afford another will now is the time to the fuse and the
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escalates. now is the time for the maximum restraints, it's time to step back from the building. it's vital to avoid any action that could lead to measure the military confrontations on multiple fronts. in the middle east, miss celia is that already bedding the brands and bathing the highest price. and we have a share the responsibility to actively engage all parties concerned to prevent further escalation. meanwhile, as well as war cabinets has reported, they've been unable to agree on what action to take next. and it says one to response against do von. but to divided over the timing and its scale. the 7 days is because condemned around is a tax thing. it looks provoking on uncontrollable regional escalation in a few moments to be speaking to our correspondence is on day or is that you in
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headquarters in you? and what would challenge is occupied is through us than the 1st. let's here from the reading and i'm back to the, to the united nations. he said the attack on israel was proportional and that international community had left it no choice because of the secuity call and see if it was too long. really the nose, this unjustified because they may not until the least ext taking decisive an appropriate measure to beating the paternity test with justice swiftly and prevent the requirements of the such honey. but crime against a diplomacy. put him, he says, of any member of the state. so just simply the security policy that has failed. and it's due to you to maintain international peace, a security phase which such stuff comes stone, says they stomachs. republicans, you don't have the no choice but to exist size. it's any head on the right to self defense on the international law. okay,
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bro. and is on the joins us live from the united nations headquarters and well around says it had no choice. but what did these rarely say as well, he's real uh, basically said, and tried to portray that they are the real victims here, even though it was his real, that struck the iranian diplomatic mission in damascus just about 2 weeks ago against all the norms of international law, however, because of this retaliatory strike by iran or strikes, i should say it was is real that painted the picture in the security council that they were the victims are, are the victims and called on the rest of the security council members and the world in general to rally to israel side to rebuff. what is real cause is the global threat that you ran a place in the world. the run, the israel also said that they were calling for more sanctions against the wrong as
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well. and basically, also this is a little bit more of what israel's ambassador had to say. this, that, that crossed every red line and is red reserve, the legal right to retaliate. we are not the frog in boiling water. we are a nation of lions. following such a massive and direct attack on these read the entire world, let alone is read, cannot set them for an action. we will defend our future, or that clearly israel wants sanctions against iraq. and after this, and the united states actually mentioned that the deputy ambassador robert would mention in his his remarks that the us, that the us was going to look in the coming days of what more that you guys could do with it in the united nations. and the security council against the wrong,
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but didn't hint at what that could possibly be. so we watching that closely in terms of a security council meeting. they concluded with outreaching any sort of decision or taking any action. and there was also norm, no formal security council statement condemning iran at all. and that was also the case on april 2nd, when the security council met, after israel attacked the runs diplomatic mission in damascus, the security council met, and that's there as well. they did not issue a condemnation at that point, either. gabriel is on the route to you and for us that is where the government held several meetings throughout the day to discuss around unprecedented attack on the as well. whether or not israel would respond on the subject reports from tennessee. this is not over that, according to war cabinet minister ben against the day after israel says 8 on launch
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350 drone cruise and ballistic missiles. officials here say they will respond to the attack when the time is right now, you should be on the call. it's in the face of the uranium straight. we will build a regional correlation and exact the price from iran in the fashion and timing that is right for us. and that's when we could probably minister benjamin netanyahu convened his war cabinet to discuss what comes next. i mean, pressure from his own government members to retaliate, but no decision to respond has been made. israel's defense minister, you'll have gallano, described in the event as one of the most dramatic in the country's history. and said, cooperation with allies in the region showed what he called impressive results. lupus thought that good. and then we have an opportunity to establish just as easy to elias against his grades right by your ron,
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which is reddening to mount nuclear explosives come on dismissal. which could be an extremely great threat and will bill, us israel and his allies, sam shoulder to shoulder, to defend us against this threat to remove these rarely armies says it is ready for any event to ality iran from the beginning of the war. once only one sink to escalate the region over the last 2 hours, we approved the provision of plans for both the offensive and defensive action reports indicate american officials had dissuaded there is rarely counterparts from launching an attack of their own. but officials within the political and security establishment say that it onto the tac will not go on, answered the central jersey. don't televi roy tons joins us now live from oakside east to some. so i'm is the typical division within these ready will cabinets itself. and what was it to be divisions
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between those who are pushing for an extreme or hot response and those are pushing to something more limited. now, the ones who seem to be pushing something more limited to your, fill out the defense minister benny dense, a little cabinet minister who is from the opposition. those pushing for a hoss response on actually in the war cabinet or the wider security cabinet. they all been give a, it's my bank of it and that's about smart fish the far right now alternation this members of uh have benjamin netanyahu is government snouts, it's mom and could be. and it's, we had the wrong set this in order to create to terrance in the middle east. the process he puts it must go nuts, but we don't really know what benjamin netanyahu wants to do at the moment. and that's why there seems to be this, this, this decision knows and no decision being made so far. israel does see an opportunity here because obviously for many months now, those rub,
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normal bottoms. so fits alliances and friendships around the world to be frank, because of the core of gaza and the slow. so that's going on that i'm not this what happened over the last a few houses and, and had the, the attack that happened last night. well, that's be the real boost for israel because for the short amount of time the, that the criticism move that civilian casualties and how you going into a gaza room to stay solutions and all that kind of thing. well, that fell away and it was back to the good old days for as well as having a store and supports of its its allies. and it wants to build on that. so we had a phone call earlier on between york and the defense minister and his counsel pause in the united states, lloyd austin, in which the client was pushing for an international coalition to take on it runs together. the americans don't really seem to be thrown into that. yes. and we know
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from the white house it wants to drawer lines on this and basically de escalate. the situation is not going to support a, as a cut and is right, the attack back on iran. so we're in a position now where we're waiting to see what these readings choose to do next. next and when i'm already, we're hearing reports. that's a drone has been saw head from yemen. let's woods israel. what more do we know about that? yeah, with these really made it trees saying that it's a spot, a suspicious aerial objects heading towards is a space of the red sea and say just as it is getting into the region around a lot, it shuts it out of the sky and it did that using a warship, one of its coal, that clos warships with a version all of the and i'm add defense system now. and i have everyone is
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familiar with is the system that is used to shoot down rockets to come out of cause a and i the border from has the lower 11. and now it has a version of that co c dime which it has mounted on some of it shifts. and for the 1st time, either on this week. so you don't show, say a drug and out of the sky that possibly came from, from yemen. and the 2nd time happened just now it drains. that's these ready site. most likely i came from yemen was, uh it was taken down to roy times. thanks very much indeed for that. in iran, some people took to the streets to celebrate the attack on israel, while others joined. don't choose at gas stations. worried about what comes next. dosage of body reports from tyrone this is how radians learned that their government had launched the country's 1st ever direct attack on israel tv broadcasting at the moment. a waste of ms 1000 drones were fired. but the
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country's foreign minister says that prior warning was given, or how much the mortality so deep as you know, last night, the forces of the, as long as the republic of your on struck design is for james military targets or actions were limited. we had informed the white house that our military actions were to be limited, precise with the intention for self defense, and to punish the is really wishing this newspaper headline reads, the time of revenge. those who talk to the media were equally supportive of your own actions didn't eat on um, it was very good. and the fact that iran showed is real that we are strong. and my opinion is that to this extent, israel to realize it now who they're dealing with after each event, when they attack our embassy, it means they attacked s o l. so according to what the supreme leader said, it happened and they got punished. this poster went up early sunday morning as the attack against israel came to an end. it says in hebrew,
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the next slot in the face will be stronger, as both countries remain on the high alert. many here are hoping the worst is behind them. but with israel vowing a military response, the situation remains tense nationwide, with cars lighting up for fuel when then use 1st broke the currency at a record low and the threat of more economic sanctions. the repercussions from the runs of retaliation could soon be felt. door so jabari ultra 0 to air on so it's a come off of the break why india is 5 minutes to the ranger. moody's favorite to win a 3rd time in upcoming elections. the critical debate. punish farmers are angry. people are starving and we actually have to exports the whole while good because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank
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assessments for the edition today's the often in the highest level they've been using games for the political economy service doing. and course the rivals inside story on al jazeera injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war or a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand in a simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days at the will. i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland, best produces the best spaces. and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world. the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the we watching out just here a reminder about top stores this un secretary general has quoted the escalation, often runs unprecedented attacks on israel during an emergency security council meeting. when a good terrorist at the world cannot afford another one least. ron's, i'm faster to the un says this country was left with no choice but to act of international communities. failed to denounce israel as it is ready and passed
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close to all possible sanctions against a wrong crust. originally, israel's war cabinets reports and they've been unable to agree on one's actions, states, assassin, date nights, strong. drones president has warned. it's right against any further attacks is the 1st time around has their written tongue from it. so the is where the soldiers have opened fire on palestinians and goes a straight to who are attempting to attend to that. to the north of the street, several people were injured. they decided to make the check the off the word spread that it was safe to leave a central concept. i mean my food has moved from rafa. hundreds of people leaving centro dogs and trying to reach their homes in the north, traveling through a rashida street that runs the length of dogs,
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the coast line. their journey is cut short by in his regular surprise. many palestinians had heard that these really military was allowing safe passage the theaters, who are so many men of josh, whom they said, there's a return to the north. we want a holmes. if we want our lives, we want to return with a with or without a truce. we want to return enough was not in the road denies offering people access to travel that land and get warrant people against moving north and saying the area is, it's still a war zone. and it has been since the war began on schools, large stuff, but conditions for the 1900000 displaced people in central and southern guns that 80 percent of the population are so difficult. many cannot bear to remain where they are. yeah, and that's how yeah, but it says that life use very miserable. the necessities of life are non existent at risk to ourselves. we are trying to return to the places we were in before and
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meet our families, children, and loved ones who remain 30000 people are in overcrowded honor with shelters that were formerly schools. and many more are in 10 and may shift shelter all with inadequate access to running water, food and toilet the. we have not known comfort since we are displaced. we want to rest and return to our places and talks about wanting to return to their homes in the north. but the journey home is dangerous. and if they manage to get there, there was winds widespread destruction with the majority of buildings, including their homes, latin, honeymoon, more vieira, cut off by southern gauze, and the tensions remain high in the occupied westbank houses where the satellites target posting in vintages. this was in between east of ramado south was seen setting a car as nights the latest of audits with spots upon the disappearance of
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a 14 year old settler whose body was native found. thousands of properties have been set on fire with 2 palestinians killed in the confrontations this week. the abraham met a family in the occupied the westbank who have come under attack or hasn't time. it says he lives in a small prison, isolated by his real separation wall and surrounded by an and leaking is really supplement. his father built the family home in the 1970s before the supplement of a new room, a law was established. late on saturday, the postilion families were attacked by his ready suckers. how they're related to the sol took place last night at 11 p. m. local time, we will shortly. then we have 2 little girls who are 6 years old. they were very skit. they were crying, so our neighbors came and took them a week since the start of the war on gauze that is ready forces. i've established the gates, you're saying it's with prevent palestinians from attacking is really suckers. what's, what's happened late on saturday is that is really subtler,
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attacked palestinian families here. and that gave me the difficult palestinian to come and also help until they to the in other villages. it was impossible for palestinians to rush to the rescue is where the forces news, drones leading to the villages under attacked. the dust barely settled in one place before 3 appears in the village over the years. this home was attacked not once, but twice on friday. and again on saturday and we were in sight. uh huh. look, we were having lunch when we were exposed to gunfire, shells and stones, the sucking to run page story through the after and is really teenager went missing . the 14 year olds body was found on saturday, needed his house in an illegal supplement out post. circulars spread out their attacks from the center of the occupied west bank to the north. soon after these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu described the killing of these really teenager as
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a heinous murder and pledge to bring those responsible to justice. if such justice published and you see there denied just since the start of the world goes on, the one has recorded more than $700.00 sets a tax against palestinians rights groups say 94 percent of the poor to the tax go on punished. many see the policy being authority has undermined people's ability to defend themselves and how to call them. ok. it's a complicated political situation. well, the international community is silent again, that's what's happening and guys are as if it's normal, the kind of thing enough tote is doing. it's huge. withdrawal of supporting district fastness over budgeting is on their land ca, sutler groups, calling for more violence. the result is, i mean the on, on how this to me and population facing many heavy arms is really such. there's been growing in numbers and increasing their violence that but he is he to be
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occupied westbank. it's 10 years since 276 school girls were kidnapped from the school in northern nigeria. thousands of or goes, remain missing off to their duction by boca around finances. no one has ever been charged for the crime which made headlines, world wide, diverse res being commemorated in the town of she bought a home address has moved from there of the 10th anniversary of the members of the abduction of 276 schoolgirls here ensure bulk was really tense. there is a lot of anger that is unlocked all of our cues issues with the count accusations patterns. so you know that it's unfortunately unfair for the government to save. kids came out from other schools across the country. within a matter of weeks or even days while they yeah, well have to wait more than 10 years to get everyone back there asking the nigerian government to act strongly. negotiate
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a better way possible to get this kids back. why don't be one of the parents told, i just see that that they can't even understand how suddenly the international community has lost interest in what's happened into about 10 years ago here into bulk parents who got the children back happy. but that are some who we spoke to will feel unhappy that not all the kids are back then i did. and government kids reassuring the patterns that they will have their children back. unfortunately, up to 10 years, a to, to us still missing that the parents here in trouble are also often been i did and going to step operations because up to know, 10 years since these goals have been taken to book, it's not entirely safe. they say that all tax and the situation here is pens. how many degrees i just need to book my jetta. as 12 people have been killed in widespread floods across a month. emergency services have rescued dozens of people from effect to there is documentation. thousands,
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most of the caution searches are continued for people who are still missing. india is prime minister in that range or moody is expected to win a 3rd time as well as most populous nation. goes to the polls, starting on april 19th, the critics all get, he's enhanced his popularity by promoting religious division between hindus and muslims, and out for not just reports. the governing board at the agenda are about to you'll be popular among the countries came to the georgie is choosing a certain impala and this is the man, the police will achieve it. more money is a good leader with a strong determination. he has done what he promised stood with every one approach development to everyone. you got a slick publicity machine works overtime to market the conduct of moody present to him as a decisive leader who has delivered his capital across the image analyst see as
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made him the beach. if he's most powerful weapon pro, a pop up by friends to fulfill the dream is it developed india every minute. every single 2nd of my life is dedicated to this country. the economies one has both of these major achievements. india has become the was 5th largest economy, and it's projected to become the 3rd biggest by 2027. which why g d p is going up? some of the economy see it only benefiting a very small segment of the population. unemployment is on the rise and the informal sector, which accounts for up to 90 percent of employment is struggling to this source behind. the multi machine is easy to do to political ideology which promotes hinduism as the dominant political and cultural force in india. in january, he opened a partially completed drum, the the $217000000.00 handed temper was built on the ruins of
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a 16th century most that was destroyed by him to mobs in 1992. because no longer considered politically in clinic. to see that this is the country of speaking, those if the religious minorities wants to stay, they all will come to stay. but on our terms and conditions, minorities, especially muslims, are felt increasingly discriminated against any of these india. the recent amendment of citizenship rules, which excludes muslims and fall struck citizenship as not to mentally say the mainstream media has been bullied or boats or leaving few critical voices. but this hasn't affected the prime minister's international to does his work. that was stage with confidence featured and celebrated around the globe. movie says is motivation is ensuring a license dignity for every indian where they can achieve their dreams. these test
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as a leader will know the winning effect. um, but all of the countries, 1400000000 people benefiting from his policies, mean that fernandez g 0. now there is next then inside story would examine the implications of vaughan's direct attack on israel. just as a spell of some of the rain one this slowly east, which is this beautifully picturesque system is currently going through the other city. so time sheets behind it have dropped by 10 degrees of happening installed. the naming is coming a week or a fan, so being some rain into a good positive japan over the next day or so, we weren't dropped times as much behind it. it's nice and boiled and that was more rain developing in southern china,
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and that's over some the exec existing. some writing run along, for example, will produce yet more flooding. but it'll improve into the cream theater. didn't central newton china jumping soft to indonesia, a big shalysea and the still the potential for flooding from them. not much admittedly, but if you're in borneo possibly dropping something too much at that risk has increased function, napkin, risk, time on tendencies thunder every day. but it's often new, it's under generally speaking, it's not too dramatic. it's just in decatur, it's still, but we're a new season talent, they're off of bosses. so hots and enough or least some warnings are done for this . much of india is dry. similar to sharon's but the big stuff is coming into practice down as it disappears north on to say look what's coming across me wrong that for later on tuesday or wednesday
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over 30 years of to the assignment. also 0 was tell us the behind the scenes, the story of nor waynesville, and the oslo accords. they wanted to have what they phrased deniability and reveals how the secret negotiations were skewed. this room decided to go back to talk to terms of the negotiations and why they're still far from delivering and forth was. the price of all is all just for the 1st time ever, a direct to rein unit time on israel. a biology, drones and misses 5 invitation for strikes from uranium consulate and syria. most were shut down. but the world watches with deepening concern who be saying what to whom to try and bring com. this is inside store
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