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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 15, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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through the rustic crossings in recent months, most of these bless and the bless. i'm wheel turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the in the middle is, is on the bring the people in the village and not confronting good, real dangerous. the devastating scale cost a call to the fuse and to escalate tensions view and security council discusses a ron's attack on israel, the kind of them or a kyle, this is algebra life window. how also coming up as well as will competent debates. it's response size of ron bones against any rec plus retaliation.
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is there any soldiers? i can follow it kind of simians trying to return to the homes in northern, gone so many in judge the one of the was humanitarian does all says in recent memory, we take a look at the conflict between the 2, johns army and a powerful power mercy was yes, since it broke out, the un security council has health and emotions. he may sing following iran strikes on israel on saturday. the ron accuse is rather violating international no, by striking is diplomatic mission in damascus. 2 weeks ago, you inspect your general intent of good terrace at the middle east as confronting a real danger of devastating full scale conflict. with us on the has moved from new
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the un secretary general, urge the world to take a step back and avoid any military publication. us. and we have a share the responsibility to actively engaged all parties consent to prevent further the escalation. you're on to and bassett, or said he's country does not seek war and only took action after the un failed to do so. so typically the security policy that has failed in it's due to, to maintain international piece of security. and i shall propose that plus a statement to denounce this as this is a 3rd shift act which was backed by china audio and many members, but was blocked by the u. s. u. k. and france. phase which such says comes found, says they stomachs. republicans, you don't have the no choice, but to exist size is in the head on the right to self defense on the international
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law. supply is real set. the fact you run itself struck is real and didn't use the proxies. marks and new phase and regional tensions following such a massive and direct attack on these read the entire world, let alone is read, cannot set them for an action. we will defend our future. as for the us and russia, they have differing views on who started this and who's to blame. the us pointed the finger directly at tech, ron, in the coming days and in consultation with other member states, united states to explore additional measures to hold iran accountable. here at the united nations, more immediately, the security council must unequivocally condemn arrives aggressive actions and call for ron and its partners and proxies to cease their attacks. to both russia reminded the council that the us, france and u. k. o fail to condemn israel's attack upon the reigning and consulate in syria,
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a blatant violation of international law, but now want to condemn iran for its response. what does she wouldn't? it was billed as well as you. it's today in the security council. we're witnessing a display of hypocrisy and double standards, which is almost embarrassing to watch. after the meeting concluded, multis ambassador said the security council's focus needs to return to gaza and a ceasefire. release of captives and unhindered aid. gabriel's on don't address either at the united nations of new york. okay, is writing the governments held several meeting throughout sunday to discuss around so unprecedented attack on israel and whether or not as well would respond. i'm just all hooked reports from tel aviv of the this is not over down according to war cabinet minister ben against the day after israel says it on launch 350 drone cruise and ballistic missiles. officials here
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say they will respond to the attack when the time is right. well, now you should be on an even a quote in the face of the iranians, right? so they will build a regional coalition on the exact price for move on in the fashion. and timing that is right for us and that we could probably minister benjamin netanyahu convened his war cabinet to discuss what comes next. i mean, pressure from his own government members to retaliate, but no decision to respond has been made. israel's defense minister, you'll have gallano, described in the event as one of the most dramatic in the country's history and said, cooperation with allies in the region showed what he called impressive results. lupus thought that good can we have an opportunity to establish just as easy to elias against his grades right by your ron, which is reddening to mount nuclear explosives come on dismissal. which could be an
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extremely great threat will be open to us israel and his allies, sam shoulder to shoulder, to defend us against this threat to remove these rarely army says it is ready for any event to ality iran from the beginning of the war. once only one sink to escalate the region over the last 2 hours, we approved the provision of plans for both the offensive and defensive action reports indicate american officials had dissuaded there is rarely counterparts from launching an attack of their own. but officials within the political and security establishment say that it onto the tac will not go on, answered the central jersey don't. televi really challenge has more now from occupies east jerusalem. the decision is right, like a what to do next is a reminder of the high stakes that's everyone's involved with it, but also the particular personalities and perspectives of those at the top of the
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is ready decision making structure. and so we have benjamin netanyahu, his wiley, political operator, the prime minister. then we have grizzled hop in military men at the defense. but as the guidelines and the former general general position, politician by any chance. and then we have the 5 brand alternation this, these fall, right? politicians. it's a me up and give a and pets. adults smart rich. now it's my bent vs said in a tweets out a wrong that in order to credit the terence for is the wrong in the middle east. the boss says he put it must go nuts, but ultimately it is benjamin netanyahu. any guns and you have clients that have that decision to make and they haven't made it yet. now, there is an opportunity for israel that it can see. because for a brief moments yesterday, when the is a rating and attacks were coming in and it's ro is getting support from the united
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states, from france, from britain, those fray international relationships that are being to terror, right? thing since the war on cause a started. well, they will put to one side for 5 and, and is back to the good old days of israel having the storage supports always highlights shooting things out of the sky. these robots to build on that. so we have a conversation earlier on between your line of defense minister as kinds of parts in the united states, lloyd austin, in which you have client was advocating for an international coalition to take on a ron together. but the united states, we know, is reluctant to do anything that would involve a tenant attack on iran. once a drawer line onto this and deescalate to say, to license site. the choice that israel has to make now is whether to go is allowed . it seems to wants to do so, but the question is, what is it going to do?
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and when, or which happens, i'll just say, right, you know, parties and iran, some people took to the streets to celebrate the attack on as well. last of those joint long queues at petrol stations worried about what comes next. those of jabari reports from tanner on this is how radians learned that their government had launched the country's 1st ever direct attack on israel tv broadcasting at the moment. a waste of ms 1000 drums were fired, but the country's foreign minister says that prior warning was given, or how much the mortality so deep as you know, last night, the forces of the as long as the republic of your on struck design is for james military targets or actions were limited, we had informed the white house that our military actions were to be limited, precise with the intention for self defense, and to punish the is really wishing this newspaper headline reads, the time of revenge. those who talk to the media were equally supportive of her own
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actions didn't eat on um, it was very good. and the fact that iran showed is real that we are strong. and my opinion is that to this extent, israel realizing now who they're dealing with after each event, when they attack our embassy, it means they attack test. so. so according to what the supreme leader said, it happened and they got punished. this poster went up early sunday morning as the attack against israel came to an end. it says in hebrew, the next slot in the face will be stronger, as both countries remain on the high alert. many here are hoping the worst is behind them. but with israel vowing a military response, the situation remains tense nationwide, with cars lighting up for fuel when then use 1st broke the currency at a record low and the threat of more economic sanctions. the repercussions from your ons retaliation could soon be felt. door so jabari ultra 0 tower on
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j. 7 leaders have condemned the wrong strike on israel saying it risk provoking, an uncontrollable regional escalation, and they just held a video conference and then a statement of to upset the working to try to stabilize the situation in the middle east. the us present, joe biden met his national security advises, hey, we have fun for the cold americas on cloud commitments to as well as secure as a, a white house correspondent, kimberly how kit has more on the us response to the attack in the 10 days leading up to a ron's attack on israel us president joe biden works with the is really prime minister trying to prevent the attack. there were constant communications between us and is really officials. but we are now learning that there was also through swiss intermediaries contact between the united states and a ronnie in officials. what we know is there was an effort to try and prevent what
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ultimately occurred. the united states saying what did not occur, however, was a 72 hour warnings that a ron had promised to give prior to any attack. instead, the intent to us officials say was to be highly destructive. still, the united states saying that the defense was 99 percent effective in stopping $300.00 munitions and $100.00 ballistic missiles. now in a call between the united states president and the as rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu was told that the u. s. president will not join any effort to retaliate against iran. the goal of the united states is to de escalate pensions halt further attacks the united states. not seeking any war with iran. the us president, also holding a call with g 7 leaders, where they on equivocal, we condemn the international community that is unequivocally condemning the what
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they call unprecedented attack on israel as the need to hold iran accountable. the goals they say is to try and address the root causes as much as this conflict. and that is israel's war and gaza by calling for an immediate and sustainable cease fire. calling for the release of passive and bringing humanitarian aid to the palestinians. kimberly help it out to 0. the white house, the is where the soldiers have opened fire on palestinians and gauze us to see who were attempting to attend to that homes in the north of the strip. several people were injured. they decided to make the journey off to woods, but that it was safe to leave central gauze them. well then a 100 palestinians were killed by his wally spices on the same, which was collecting food aid in february. well, despite those attacks,
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many palestinians are still making the dangerous jenny to the homes in the north hinge. alco diary has more from what you gotta cranky, standing a couple of meters away from web d because that the area the separates the north of glass out with the south of gaza . earlier today in the morning, a couple of families had the opportunity to go back to the north. it was a very surprising people started coming from all parts of the southern areas to this area where they're saying that they want to go back to the north. as you see, people are holding their bags are, are holding a, all are but the own and have, and they are walking to that check point, hoping they could cross back to the north. but on the other hand, people know that in the north, there is our vision,
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there's farm and they want to find food. they know that's the situation in the another and gaza strip is very volume. and it's odd livable. but these 10 want to go back to their houses, they want to check up on their beloved ones. most of these properties have there been enough to instill trap under the robot they want to go and see their families see their houses if their system are not. we have been talking to more than one family and they said that they do not have anything to lose at all. the ones right now is to go back to their houses. what's the job? we don't want to stay and roughly, we want to go back to our hood, but there's nothing to do in process. we're looking for pieces, you know enough for the situation. well enough for, you know, look, people are running to go back, but we will only get sick here. if we stay in the model. some people have the ability to leave and to cross from the south to the north. and others are telling
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us that they're going to stay here and they're going to wait till the morning to cross again. those are the i just want to go back to my home. um, i ended up living in the 10th. yeah, there was, i'm suffering every day and every day is a challenge about not the us. this has been on president and, and palestinians believe that there is hope because they lost hope that they would ever go back to the north. but still, there's fighting going on in minnesota, and people think that this is a step towards definitely incursion. this isn't included as a z y, because the new site of pensions remain high in the occupied west by enquiries. riley settlers have been targeting palestinian villages. this was the scene in between the east of ramallah stuff was a scene has such a, a call, a light that they just bought as was bought for the disappearance of a 14 year old settler, whose body was later found thousands of properties of insects on fi with 2
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palestinians killed in confrontations this week. phil ahead head on out his era. we report from bangladesh on the wrangler who managed to escape, forced recruitment by them in law military plus hold on. usually invasion of jelly fish in venezuela is disrupting the local fishing and tourism industries. the of the as ongoing flooding in vermont, it's been a very wet, wild spring around the gulf this year. and this streak of cloud is not as benign as it looks. this is a video recently art many or why these are no longer dry. the, for the both of them haven't in the eastern side of our mind. and they collected the traffic with them. have to say it may be the worst is ever for our model,
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or at least it will be by the end of sunday. but during monday redevelopment, this general area looks quite dangerous in that the flood flooding likelihood is quite high for the u. e. and in this problem solving around as well, it will catch in, cuts out, it will still run across the board into our minds and most likely to come wrapped around it fairly windy weather. so in some places where it's try enough, the stones are also a risk. full cost of dividing. next tuesday adult g day, she made windy thunder storms fed risk, and then things cool down and brighten up and the humidity drops as well. so maybe it's a short lived fab. i wouldn't guarantee that in tropical africa warnings of heavy right instead of running for tens and they have the seasonal range a little bit weaker. if you look for the west to and go to in south africa has been recently dry, was 5 warning, sorry, but the shares once again, a building virtually every way of the
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growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change, a playful series that seem to understand the challenge is mobilizing, use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0 is being seen the groups, the size of the system. there's no for most painters of working class people. there's a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the system generation change on al jazeera, the . the 3rd annual what challenges era has reminder of our top story is this,
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our view and sexy general is called the escalation officer. that runs on president of the tax on as well. joining emergency security counts. so me thing i'm trying to guitar said was also for another war in the middle east runs on boss. so that's v u n says his country was left with no choice spot to act options. national communities failed to denounce, as well as attack on its embassy, is really a mass of the code for all possible sanctions against a wrong set to run across a red line. and this was woke up not test reports of being unable to pre, a more action to take off the saturday night strikes. as long as presidents has warned, as well, against any further attacks. it's the 1st time the run has directly targeted as well, from that soil. and it's been one year since to dawn plunged into a devastating complex moving 11000000 people have fled the homes because of fighting between the army and permanent to rapids support forces. now the country is on the brink of famine,
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with the un warning that hundreds of thousands of children could die in the coming weeks. haven't moved on reports from on demand. now the student needs capital. a clock tower and rolling along with many of the buildings. this was the municipal headquarters of i'm through mine to dance. second largest city in the capital have to be destroyed by a year of conflict between the sudanese army and the power and military rapids support forces or r s. f repeated artillery drone and s tribes has left in the void of any signs of life. much of the city was once a strong cold of the recess during the 1st days of the fighting, which began a year ago. the army and the r a staff had been battling it out to have the upper hand in the capital. in the 1st days of the conflict iris, the fighters took control of the presidential palace state tv headquarters, a major oil refinery in the capital,
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parts of the main airport and many residential areas. the armies offensive came in december and started in, undermine resulting in the recapture of tv headquarters. government forces have also regained some territory in the northern parts of the capital and how to alone, fighting close at least $13000.00 people under mine city plays a major role in this conflict. serving as a supply line for the rapid support forces in the 1st few months of the fighting. it's also where the power military and the student needs obviously be respectful, have been followed and where some of the worst disruption in the capital region can be seen. a year after the battle began, it talks to try to find a dentist, the bloodshed have failed to produce results. the recess also took over much of the r 4 and to view the state in the center of the country, the u. n. has accused the power i'm going to treat group of ethnic cleansing and work crimes in west dar for when it's an allied to malicious targets. as nic muscle,
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each tribesman, the international agency, said in that state alone were between 10 to 15000 people have been killed. and more than half a 1000000, displaced by violence in the past year. more than 9000000 for denise have been forced from their homes. it's the world's largest displacement crisis. the yes on it's about 3 or 2 refills fell on our homes. we were not able to sleep the night before we left in the morning we took off with only the clothes we were wearing. we were many families. the kids had no food or water for days, setting that much, i didn't, i hire the you and has words that the fighting is preaching what it's called a catastrophic humanitarian crisis. efforts to revive talks between the wearing sites are ongoing. what's for now? the sounds of artillery and gunfire continued to dominate the capital and other parts of the country,
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even more than all just their own. on their mind. i tried to enter and president obama addressed debbie has kicked off his election campaign due in a, in a votes to, to be held for next month that bc's power 3 years ago, officer has longer and father was killed in the front lines against the levels and the news is promising to restore a civilian rule, but has already delayed elections, ones which triggered the deadly protest federal otherwise that cause i'm more from the capital engine, may not come pen election. is that the gun or it's not there? they would continue until far may vote that it would have cost that bought on 6. may the choice app. what is it on for 10 candidates among of them that cut on the president of the jobs and what, how much, if it is they be in his prime minister 6, it must that are the quotation met by they have to charge you. and for those, you don't know how much is this database, the biggest, they're not, is it quite a shot?
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he included with more than 220 product of this for collection met by allies, as well as the opposition that completely refused to participate in this election. is it that this election will not spring anything from new york to attack and fox? that is, no president has cancelled into little by the books the physician say that that is the son president. how much it is debbie, but it better than legislative this election to insure his victory in this election . they've called both are to by court and not participate. this is fedex for the lot. the resolved. does it uh, on your main army, come on, does in manual a bank accuse of ordering the abduction enforced recruitment of a hang of muslims to fight against buddhist rebels?
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acts of a say the military is using the rank as human shields and staking tensions between put us to move them. communities. luxury did not respond to out. sarah went off to react to be allegations. tunbridge andre has this report manual hangup, teenagers and young man have recently flat rock kind state any on my or they have gone into hiding in the jungle to avoid transcription into the me and my army. and i'll just say that i spoke to a 21 year old or hang up recently managed to escape to bangladesh from a military camp and put it on the sides. many off his comrades were killed in reese and fighting against rebel forces with no legal refugee status in bangladesh. he doesn't know where he'll end up next. the categories, someone says you, we were facing a very difficult situation over there with very this will suit the ace in the camps . after just 10 days of basic military training. they forced us to take pots and battles against our account, rebel groups. mobile phone video secretly filmed by ro hang a,
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have surfaced on social media revealing the recruitment process. there is 2 objective from the military side that we can see. one is to use a routing to use as many as you at the better feet. and now that is to create the tension between the 2 communities. what kind of buddhism definitely done. mostly because this is a very sensitive issue. tensions remain high on the border between bangladesh and me on my because of fighting and what kind state between government forces and artic and armies. rebel good dark anatomy, but this condemned uh for 600 men of reading the most things, citing their historical co existence. you to bury us like it, we becomes and it be a, as a religious conflict between that i can community and reading the community. this is the one who's looking for the message on many to hang out describe being arrested. the nighttime raids course with false promises of citizenship and
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threatened with arrest, abduction and feelings. you cannot the force of the people or that you decide what did this people have no choice. they cannot find them. so this is the against a bent and that's the law. we can uh, push it to in domestic or maybe even the us, more than a 1000000 joining our refugee is possibly displaced from me on my upside shelter here in bangladesh. additionally, an estimate of 630000 ethnic growing, i must name designated the state, bless by the united nation faces restrictions on their movements or are confined to camps in the kind of state in west and me and my in the me on my military's floors recruitment of ring, i is the latest instance of expectation of the ethnic community that as long complain of persecution and marginalization of each other agency, the doc of 12 people has been killed in widespread flooding across them on
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emergency services of rescue. dozens of people from affected areas and evacuate to thousands more as a precaution, such as all continuing for people who remain missing. funding has also so much parts of northern catholic stone moving a 108000 people have been evacuated from the homes. high temperatures in the region, compounded by heavy rains, have led to rapidly melting snow last week, several rivers that fly through russia and context on the bus. the banks causing a deluge and dozens of towns along the boulder. alarm slides has drunk villages in a mountainous region and central indonesia coming at least 19 people, a torrent at 2 communities in south sort of ways. the province on saturday night rescue teams and searching for 2 missing people who are fed to be buried under the debris and emergency services. a fighting to bring wall fives under control in
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south eastern spain. places are broken out and melting mountain area is the county of the season to be high temperatures in the region. go forward to say the landscape and drive vegetation a like a tend to box the fisherman and venezuela. a warning of an unusual invasion of jelly fish, millions that are paid off the coast in recent weeks of really affecting much needed fishing and tourism industries. alexandra bias reports local fishermen are calling it the plague. millions of cannibal jelly fish choking waters across the venezuela's coastline. q and the way, yeah, well no, nothing much used to see a little worn every now and then. now it's like the flowers in the sea floor. now it's too much too much too much salary must be on sale. i must see all this warm seemed to appear out of no.


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