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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 15, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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in western and it needs to be questions. this is not the time to turn this to kind of way examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, the best, the in the middle is, is on the bring the people of the region i can from thinking real dangerous. the devastating scale cause a cool to diffuse and the escalate tensions view and security council discusses a wrong attack on israel. the none of them or a kyle, this is down to 0 live from time. ha. also coming up. israel's ami release is
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a video of what it says is the altima of a runs attack on an ad face in the neck of the test. is rainy. so just opened fire kind of city is trying to attend to that homes in northern gone so many inches and it's one. yes. has conflicts broke out between 2 johns army and a paramedic tree group, causing one of the wells plus humanitarian dissolves. the view and security council has held and emotions. he may think following a ron strikes on as well, on saturday, or on accuses as well a violating international no, by striking its diplomatic mission in damascus. 2 weeks ago. you inspector general antenna gutierrez, said the middle east is confronting a real danger of a devastating full scale. conflict goes on. there has moved from new york to you in
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secretary general, urged the world to take a step back and avoid any military provocation us. and we have a share, the responsibility to actively engaged all parties consent to prevent further the escalation. you're on to and bassett, or said he's country does not seek war and only took action after the un failed to do so. so typically the security policy that has failed and it's due to, to maintain international piece of security. especially i propose that plus a statement to denounce this. this is a 3rd shift act which was backed by china audio and many members, but was blocked by the u. s. u. k. and france. phase which such says comes down says they stomachs. republicans, you don't have the no choice, but to exist size is in head on the right to self defense on the international law
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. supply is real set. the fact you run itself struck is real and didn't use the proxies. marks and new phase and regional tensions following such a massive and direct attack on these read the entire world, let alone is read, cannot set them for an action. we will defend our future. as for the us and russia, they have differing views on who started this and who's to blame. the us pointed the finger directly at tech, ron, in the coming days and in consultation with other member states, united states to explore additional measures to hold iran accountable. here at the united nations, more immediately of the security council must unequivocally condemn ron's aggressive actions and call for ron and its partners and proxies to cease their attacks on russia reminded the counsel that the us france and u. k. o fail to condemn israel's attack upon the reigning and consulate in syria,
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a blatant violation of international law, but now want to condemn iran for its response. what does she wouldn't? it was billed as well as you. it's today in the security council. we're witnessing a display of hypocrisy and double standards, which is almost embarrassing to watch. after the meeting concluded, multis ambassador said the security council's focus needs to return to gaza and a ceasefire release of captives and unhindered aid gabriel's on don't. i'll just either at united nations in new york, new video released by israel's army, shows the damage to one of its base is off to a ron's attack. the barrels of drones and missiles left a large hole in the ground, then never to him, a base in southern israel was also damaged to a road. and the area of home on israel says the vast majority of a runs projectiles. intercepted is where the government held several meetings to discuss the wrong. so unprecedented attack and how to respond to it. really
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challenges has moved from occupied east jerusalem. a decision is right like a what to do next is remind all the high stakes that's everyone's involved with it, but also the particular personalities and perspectives of those of the top of the is ready decision making structures. we have benjamin netanyahu, his wiley, political operated a prime minister. then we have grizzled hop in military men at the defense. but as the guidelines and the former general central position politician, very dense, and then we have the 5 brand alternation this, these fall, right? politicians, it's them up and give a and betsy del smocks, which now it's my bent vs said in a tweets of the wrong that in order to credit the terence for is the wrong in the middle east. the boss says he put it must go nuts, but ultimately it is benjamin netanyahu. penny counts and you have clients that
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have that decision to make and they haven't made it yes. now there is an opportunity for israel that it can see. because for a brief moments yesterday, when the is a raining and attacks were coming in and it's ro was getting support from the united states, from france, from britain, those fray international relationships that are going to tear right thing since the war on cause a started. well, they will put to one side for live and, and is back to the good old days of israel having the store support the homepage allies shooting things out of the sky. these robots to build on that. so we have a conversation earlier on between your clients, defense minister at his kinds of potts in the united states, lloyd austin, in which you have good land, was advocating for an international coalition to take on a ron together. but the united states, we know, is reluctant to do anything that would involve a tenant attack on iran. once
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a drawer line onto this and deescalate to say, to license site. the choice that israel has to make now is whether it's a go. is it like it seems to wants to do so, but the question is, what is it going to do? and when, or which happens, i'll just say era, you know, it's a party source. and then a wrong. some people took to the streets to celebrate the attack on israel was to all those joined long choose of petrol stations. worried about what comes next. dose of jabari reports from tapper on. this is how radians learned that their government had launch the countries 1st ever direct attack on israel, the state tv broadcast, because the moments a waste of miss 1000 drums were fired. but the country's foreign minister says that prior warning was given, i have on total mortality, so deep as you know, last night the forces of the, as long as the republic of your on struck design is regimes. military targets or
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actions were limited. we had informed the white house that our military actions were to be limited, precise with the intention for self defense, and to punish the is really wishing this newspaper headline reads, the time of revenge. those who talk to the media were equally supportive of her on actions. hey, to the eat on. um, it was very good. and the fact that iran showed is real that we are strong. and my opinion is that to this extent, israel to realize is now who they're dealing with. after each event, when they attack karen to see it means they attacked s o l. so according to what the supreme leader said, it happened and they go punished. this poster went up early sunday morning as the attack against israel came to an end. it says and hebrew, the next slap in the face will be stronger, as both countries remain on the high alert. many here are hoping the worst is behind them. but with israel vowing a military response, the situation remains tense nationwide,
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with cars lighting up for fuel when then use 1st broke the currency at a record low and the threat of more economic sanctions. the repercussions from neurons, retaliation could soon be felt. door so jabari ultra 0 to air on g 7 lead to is have condemned the wrong strike on israel saying it risks provoking, an uncontrollable regional escalation. lead has held a video conference to discuss the crisis. they release the statements saying that trying to stabilize the situation in the middle east and the us present job i met has national security advises and we have funds where they called americas on cod commitment, as well as security of white house correspondent, kimberly how kit has more on the us response to the attack in the 10 days leading up to a ron's attack on israel us president joe biden works with the is really prime minister trying to prevent the attack. there were constant communications between
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us and is really officials. but we are now learning that there was also true swiss intermediaries contact between the united states. and iranian officials. what we know is there was an effort to try and prevent what ultimately occurred. the united states saying what did not occur, however, was a 72 hour warnings that a ron had promised to give prior to any attack. instead, the intent to the us officials say was to be highly destructive. still, the united states saying that the defense was 99 percent effective in stopping $300.00 munitions and $100.00 ballistic missiles. now in a call between the united states president and the is rarely prime minister, benjamin netanyahu was told that the us president will not join any effort to retaliate against iran. the goal of the united states is to de escalate pensions
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halt further attacks. the united states not seeking any war with iran. the us president, also holding a call with g 7 leaders, where they on a critically condemn the international community that is unequivocal. the condemning the what they call unprecedented attack on israel as the need to hold iran accountable. the goals they say is to try and address the root causes as much as this conflict. and that is israel's war and gaza by calling for an immediate and sustainable cease fire. calling for the release of passive and bringing humanitarian aid to the palestinians. kimberly help it out to 0. the white house, the that is where any soldiers have opened fire on palestinians in gauze, a city who were trying to attend to that homes in the north of the strip.
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several people were injured. they decided to make the journey up to would spread that it was safe to leave central gauze them more than a 100 pounds of citizens with killed. by his way. the snipers on the same route was collecting food aid in february. well, despite those attacks, many palestinians are still making the dangerous journey to the homes in the north handle could already has more from once he gone. so the keys standing a couple of meters away from web d as as that the area the separates the north of glass out with the south of gaza earlier today in the morning, a couple of families had the opportunity to go back to the north. it was a very surprising people started coming from all parts of the southern areas to this area where they're saying that they want to go back to the north. as you see, people are holding their bags are, are holding a, all are but the own and have,
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and they are walking to that check point, hoping they could cross back to the north. but on the other hand, people know that in the north, there is our vision, there's farm and they want to find fluid. they know that's the situation in the another and gaza strip is very volume. and it's odd livable. but these 10 wants to go back to their houses, they want to check up on their beloved ones. most of these properties have there been up to and still trapped under the robot. they want to go and see their families see their houses if their system are not. we have been talking to more than one family and they said that they do not have anything to lose at all. the ones right now is to go back to their houses with the job. we don't want to stay and roughly, we want to go back to our hotel, but there,
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there is nothing to do in process. we're looking for pieces, you know enough for the situation. well enough for, you know, look, people are running to go back, but we will only get sick here. if we stay in the model. some people have the ability to leave and to cross from the south to the north. and others are telling us that they're going to stay here and they're going to wait till the morning to cross again is all the i just want to go back to my home. um i ended up living in the 10. yeah. there is. i'm suffering every day and every day is a challenge about the re us. this has been on president and policy news, believe that there is hope because they lost hope that they would ever go back to the north. but still, there is fighting going on in minnesota and people think that this is a step towards definitely encouraging. this isn't included as a z y because the new site of pensions remain high and the occupied west fine
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clothes writing satellites have been targeting policy. and in villages, this was the scene and between the east of ramallah south as a scene has sessing a cause, a light. the latest bottoms was boxed by the disappearance of a 14 year old settler, whose body was later found. dozens of properties have been set on firewood to palestinians killed in confrontations this week. so it has hair on alex's era and venezuela, how an unusual invasion of jelly fishes disrupting the local fishing industry and tourism the a critical debank. pony farmers are angry. people are starving and we actually have to exports the whole while good because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank
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assessments politicians and may be often in the highest level they've been using games for the policy. let me come out to him today. then course the rivals inside story on al jazeera, not in america is a region of wonder i'm joy tragedy and yes of violet. but it doesn't matter where you are. you'll have to be able to relate to the human condition. the i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is a like, and it's my job defense life on how and why to understand the work. we must experience life through now. designs, discover the stories to go with the 1st to take the voice these drowned out by the witness on, which is era. the
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diag annual what challenges era has reminder of our top story is this, our, you and sexy general has called the escalation oft runs unprecedented attacks on israel during an emergency security council meeting. i'm 20 a good terrace at the world and also for another role in the middle east. the video released by israel's army shows what it says is that much to one of his bases all for a long time. the barrels and friends of miss all set to launch hole in the ground at the never tim at the base and some of them israel under the cabinets as opposed to being unable to agree on what action to take up to saturday nights strikes.
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it's been one. yes, since 2 tom plunged into a devastating conflict. more than 25000 people have been killed and fighting between the army and power. no true, rapid support forces. 11000000 people have fled. the homes talks for association of hostilities have repeatedly filed a memo gun reports from undermine that a student needs capsule, a block tower, and ruins along with many of the buildings. this was the municipal headquarters of i'm through mine to dance, 2nd largest city and the capital have to be destroyed by a year of conflict between the city news army and the power military rapids support forces or r s f repeated artillery. drone and strikes has left it void of any signs of life. much of the city was once a strong cold of the recess during the 1st days of the fighting, which began a year ago. the army and the recess had been battling it out to have the upper hand
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in the capital. in the 1st days of the conflict iris, the fighters took control of the presidential palace state tv headquarters, a major oil refinery in the capital, parts of the main airport and many residential areas. the armies offensive came in december and started in, undermine resulting in the recapture of tv headquarters. government forces have also regained some territory in the northern parts of the capital and how to alone, fighting close at least 13000 people on the minus 50 plays a major role in this conflict. serving as a supply line for the rapid support for in the 1st few months of the fighting. it's also where the power military and the student needs armies to be respectful, have been followed and where some of the worst disruption in the capital region can be seen. a year after the battle began, talks to try to find them into the blood shed,
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have failed to produce results. the iris stuff also took over much of the r 4 and to view the state in the center of the country. the u. n. has accused the power and military group of ethnic cleansing and work crimes in west dar for when it's an allied to malicious targets it ethnic muscle. each tribesman, the international agency, says in that state alone, well between 10 to 15 by the people have been killed. and more than half a 1000000, displaced by violence. in the past year. more than 9000000 for the needs have been forced from their homes. it's the world's largest displacement prices. a lot of missouri, yes. on it's about 3 or 2. refills fell on our homes. we were not able to sleep the night before we left in the morning. we took off with only the clothes we were wearing. we were many families, the kids had no food or water for days, setting that much, i didn't, i hire the you and has words that the fighting is preaching what it's called
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a catastrophic humanitarian crisis. efforts through 5 talks between the wearing sites are ongoing. what's for now? the sounds of artillery and gunfire continued to dominate the capital and other parts of the country. people, morgan, i'll just 0. i'm through mind trying to enter. i'm president mohammed interest debbie has kicked off his election campaign and evict judy beheld next month. that he seized power 3 years ago after his long ruling father was killed on the frontlines against rebels in the news. he's promising to restore civilian rule, but it's already delayed elections once triggering deadly protests. it's been 10 years since the abduction of 276 school goes from a secondary school in northern nigeria by the onto the book. how her m dozens are still missing. i'm going to just report from to a book where there was still hope that all the gulls will return 10 years on the emotions. as to roy, she woke in nigeria as north eastern board,
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real estate, of the 276 goals. taken. 194 back among them. 57 who escaped the captive in the early days of the kidnapping by boat quite on fighters. a for the parents of the age of 2 girls who are still missing the weight continuous. on the 10th of us, we get the most of the duction parents inactive is gather to remember what happened and tomorrow, and pressure on the government. we want them to be free from. that's a visa to be united with the us in the whole at home. and that's what we want. after a decade of competing parents to you, i worked, but international interest in the goals plight is we we don't know, we kind of 10. what is the reason they have with golf on? i don't, we don't know. we parents, we don't know. but do we asked them to call on them? they should not lift bus laptops,
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but we need the assistance we knew hello. on our print, $42014.00 ball court on fighters apparently looking to steal food for my secondary school that was supposed to be shot. it goes up to 10 of your writing security situation in board and estate, right? it bits of a co go 2nd to school. they counted hundreds of students and took them away. a late response by security forces. complicated the rescue and cost of global outreach before leaving the fight to set the school and try to it looks like the schools rebuild the sense it goes sometimes, but it's always continued to be haunted by what time the school has become a shrine for victims and their families will gather here and want to move on and to remember that an idea is you have to overcome. active has blamed governments, past and present, fulfilling just q a. schools and students as most abductions,
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reach, a crisis point to nigeria form a captive leader. joe show a sense of freedom is incomplete. as long as us coordinates remain missing me from lucky happy. because in the year that was meant for many for us of them, the 2 years on day so far paid that quarterly bindham buck. but this year, no oldest lose. all the evils, the terms that device read. a few heard what to one of the kidnapped school goes now a university graduates got chose among those whose rescue was the goal shifted along with dozens of others by the previous night general government. at the commemoration parents marked the end of the gathering with pray that when they meet again, mixture of the parents will it be mocking delegation with their missing children? or at least have found the closure to the doc moment in not just recent history.
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how many degrees? i'll give you that i get here. 12 people have been killed in widespread floods across a mon, emergency services have rescued dozens of people from affected areas. thousands have been evacuated as a precaution. that thing has also so much pumps of northern catholics. don, moving a 108000 people have been evacuated from their homes, high temperatures in the region along with heavy rains of let to rapidly melting snow last week, several rivers that flow through russia and causing stones bus. the binds causing a deluge and dozens of towns along the border. the 2 police officers have been shot dead in the us state of new york authorities. the city of sarcuse say the offices were investigating a complaint about a cough fact when the shoot to us in fun. and he's one person is in cost of a fisherman and venezuela,
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a warning of an unusual invasion of jelly fish. millions of appeared off the coast and we spent week severely affecting much needed fishing and tourism. alexandra by his reports. local fishermen are calling it the plague. millions of cannibal jelly fish choking waters across the venezuela's coastline. q and the way. yeah, well no, nothing much of it used to see a little on every now and then. now it's like the flowers in the sea floor. now, it's too much too much, too much. silly. most young. the swarm seem to appear out of nowhere. it's thousands of miles from where this species is normally found in the atlantic pacific and gulf coast. the invasive jelly fish is filling fishing net and crowding out other species and is having a severe impact on the fishing and tourism that locals depend on. what i want to put them, i know see, i don't know. could tell them i know when you dive in the worst look proficient you
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brush against a lot of jelly fish with your head. you body get stung along. i can't look for fish right now with completely stuck up anymore. entire dougherty, weekly halls have dropped to less than a 5th of what they once were. local organizers say it's the industries biggest decline in recent years. and then as well as environment ministry says, warming water is caused by climate change, pollution and over fishing, maybe to blame. scientists in the capital are trying to pinpoint the exact cause. the invasion to say is when you're going to add the because this isn't a typical event that's occurring, it's a complete and normally in previous use only a few has been observed. however, the increase in the population of this year has completely exceeded previous estimates. what i'm saying, daniel jellyfish populations around the world have seward in recent years. the thrive and harsh conditions and need very little oxygen. and researchers are
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warning of a looming tipping point, where jelly fish could overwhelm other species and dominate the world's ocean. alexandra buyers, algebra, stay with us now the inside story, the the is ongoing funding in vermont. it's been a very wet, wild spring around the gulf this year. and this streak of kind is known as benign as it looks. this is a video recently art. many of the bodies are no longer dry, the, for the both of them haven't in the eastern side of our mind. and they've collected what traffic with them have to say. it may be the worst is ever for our model, or at least it will be by the end of sunday. but during monday, redevelopment, this general area looks quite dangerous in that the flood flooding likelihood is
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quite high for the u. e. and in this profit something around as well, it will catch in town. it will still run across the board into our minds and most likely to come wrapped around it fairly windy weather. so it's some places where it's try enough. the storms are also a risk for cost to divide, then makes tuesday adult g day. she made windy thunder. storms fed risk and then things cool down and bright enough in the humidity drops as well. so maybe it's a short lived fab. i wouldn't guarantee that in tropical africa warnings of heavy right and sit around for times and they have the seasonal range a little bit weaker. if you look for the west to and go to in south africa has been recently dry was 5 warning, sorry, but the shares once again, a building virtually every way of the
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for the 1st time ever a direct to rain unit tank on israel, a barrage of grows and miss on his 5 invitation for a strike from uranium consulting syria most was shot down, but the world watches with deepening concern will be saying what to whom to try and bring. com. this is inside store the .


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