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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 15, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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read, watch, wrote on daryl d m b a and more exclusive spots on be the color on. so robin, you're watching me all just it renews on life and coming up in the next 60 minutes . the middle is, is on the bring the people of the region confronting good, real dangerous, have a devastating scale come from a cold to diffuse and deescalate tensions. the un security council discusses around time on israel as well as on a release of the video of bullshit sizes,
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the aftermath of a rounds attack on the base and the negative deserts. he's way the soul does open fire at palestinians trying to return to the homes in northern garza. many are injured. the one of the was to monetary and disasters in recent memory. we take a look at the conflict between saddam's ami and a possible power ministry group. but yet since it broke out the welcome to the program, the you and school counselors held an emergency meeting following iran strikes only as well on. so today, iran accuses as well a violating international law by striking its diplomatic mission in damascus. 2 weeks ago, you and the secretary general antonio guitar. irish said that the middle east is confronting a real danger of
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a devastating full scale conflict. gabrielle is on the hospital from new york. as the un secretary general urged the world to take a step back and avoid any military provocation. and we have a share the responsibility to actively engage all parties consent to prevent further the escalation. you're on to and bassett, or said he's country does not seek war and only took action after the un failed to do so. so just simply the security policy, it has failed in its beauty to maintain international peace and security. i shall propose that plus a statement to denounce these accesses. officious act which was backed by china or julia and many members, but was blocked by the u. s. u. k, and france faced with such. so it comes down says they stomachs. republicans, you don't have the no choice, but to exist size is in head on the right to self defense on the international law
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. it is real said, the fact you run itself struck is real and didn't use the proxies. marks a new phase and regional tensions following such a mess. even direct attack on these read the entire world, let alone is read, cannot set them for an action. we will defend our future. as for the us and russia, they have differing views on who started this and who's to blame. the us pointed the finger directly at tech from in the coming days, and in consultation with other member states. united states will explore additional measures to hold her on accountable here at the united nations. more immediately, as the security council must unequivocally condemn, arrives aggressive actions and call for ron and its partners and proxies to cease their attacks on russia reminded the counsel that the us france and
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u. k. o fail to condemn israel's attack upon the reigning and consulate in syria, a blatant violation of international law, but now want to condemn iran for its response. what does she wouldn't? it was billed as well as you. it's today in the security council. we're witnessing a display of hypocrisy and double standards, which is almost embarrassing to watch. after the meeting concluded, multis ambassador said the security council's focus needs to return to guys a and a ceasefire. release of captives and unhindered aid. gabriel's on to l, just either at united nations in new york, media release to buy israel's army, shows the damage to one of its base is off to iran's attack. now, the biologist drains and missiles left a large hole in the ground, the negative and base in southern israel. there was also damage to a road in the area of headphones. israel says the vast majority of rounds projectiles was intercepted as well. these are in the government held several
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meetings on sunday to discuss the wrong unprecedented attack on israel. but it was silent about its possible response to select reports from tel aviv. this is not over that. according to war, calvin administer ben against the day after israel says it on launch $350.00 drone cruise and ballistic missiles. officials here say they will respond to the attack when the time is right. well, now you should be on the when you've nicole in the face of the iranians, right? so we will build a regional coalition on the exact price for move on in the fashion and the timing that is right for us. and we could probably minister benjamin netanyahu convened his war cabinet to discuss what comes next. i mean, pressure from his own government members to retaliate, but no decision to respond has been made. israel's defense minister, jo, i've got
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a lot described to the event as one of the most dramatic in the country's history and said, cooperation with allies in the region showed what he called impressive results. lupus thought that good. and then we have an opportunity to establish just as easy to elias against his grades right in the, by a ron, which has brought them into mount nuclear explosives come on dismissal. which could be an extremely great threat and will bill through the us israel and his allies, sam shoulder to shoulder, to defend us against this rather, to remove these rarely armies says it is ready for any eventuality drawn from the beginning of the war. once only one sink to escalate the region over the last 2 hours, we approved the provision of plans for both the offensive and defensive action reports indicate american officials have dissuaded there is rarely counterparts from launching an attack of their own. but officials within the political and
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security establishment say that it owns a tac will not go on, answered the central jersey don't televi as well as the i'm fix this a little bit more. we got 2 different kinds of correspondence. ok, by the story. single one of them on a close those details. now imagine on the pictures to about what was hits in israel and the damage caused the top see, right. what we're hearing was that at least 9 of those iranian ballistic missiles, us breach these roles at defense, 5 hit the never team at base damaging ac one place he transported across and then use the runway and the empty stores facilities, and then an additional full ballistic missiles have the negative advice, but there were no reports of significant damage, but now these ballistic missile should have been in just have to buy the arrow free system. the, our 3 system is a very new system for the is ready to use it as a 1st time. it was deployed. in this case,
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it's designed to bring down ballistic missiles. now the fact that 5 of the 9 get those because i should go through is going to be a cause of concern for these rallies. in fact, what we're hearing right now is there is almost a post mortem going on about the effectiveness of the arrow 3 defense system, where it can be re calibrated to what needs to be learned from those lessons. so it is very consenting to these right is privately that those missiles came through. but once again, these riley's public, the talking about the fact that the defense systems, all of them with thing to david's thing, the i'm talking defensive. some of the are a 3 was successful, aim on israel is certainly beating the war drum right now, but its allies have in the last 136, i was drawing the line under this incident. it does seem that these way the cabinet has splits on the decision that not hold on the same page. that's absolutely right. you've got 2 key divisions going on here. the 1st one
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comes from the far right of the government coalition. people look at them or if they give a whole, but they'll smoke tre, 2 of 6, we need to hit tear on in the heart of a turnaround. they going to see a further, a escalating retaliatory strike against typed wrong. but then you have people have many guns and the defense was that your client who are looking to this as an opportunity to build a coalition against iraq. that's not a new idea here in a israel and he's ready politics. remember during the beginning of the war on goes up the post, all type of sudden defense he's right. he's actually did try and quote for an international coalition against somebody actually went away fairly quickly. but the fact that they will this international coalition, they see an international coalition against iran as an opportunity they can build upon and liked the attack is crucial because if you all got to respond to the wrong,
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you need international cover. and 8 co, alicia's gives you that cover right now is all doesn't have the kind of support it needs internationally to be able to mount a key retaliatory strike, which is what the far right of the policy want for the thank. so it's a mind comment occupied east jerusalem in the wrong some people took to the streets to celebrate the attack on israel, while others joined long keys at petrol stations. worried about what may come next . also, jabari has moved from the reigning capital. this is how it rains learned that the government had launched the country's 1st ever direct attack on israel tv broadcasting. at the moment, a waste of ms tiles and drums were fired. but the country's foreign minister says that prior warning was given him until late, so deep as you know, last night the forces of the as long as the republic of your on struck, design is resumes, military targets or actions were limited. we had informed the white house that our
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military actions were to be limited, precise with the intention for self defense, and to punish these really wishing this newspaper headline reads, the time of revenge. those who talk to the media were equally supportive of your own actions. did you eat on? um, it was very good and the fact that iran showed is real that we are strong. and my opinion is that to this extent, israel to realize these now who they're dealing with after each event, when they attack our embassy, it means they attacked s o l. so according to what the supreme leader said, it happened and they got punished. this poster went up early sunday morning as the attack against israel came to an end. it says in hebrew, the next slot in the face will be stronger, as both countries remain on the high alert. many here are hoping the worst is behind them. but with israel vowing a military response, the situation remains tense nationwide,
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with cars lighting up for fuel when the news 1st broke the currency at a record low and the threat of more economic sanctions. the repercussions from the runs of retaliation could soon be felt. door safari, alpha 0 to air on the it is already sold as an open fire on palestinians in gauze and city who were trying to attend to the homes. in the north of the strip several people were injured. they decided to make the journey afterward spread that it was safe to leave central garza more than 100 protest. indians were killed by as ready snipers on the same route while collecting food aid in february, while several palestinians were injured. when he's ready forces they've been fine on them as they did that to not despite those attacks, many palestinians were still making that dangerous journey. knowles,
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encountering has more from what you guys were currently standing, a couple of meters, a ways from web d, because that the area of the separate the north of glass out with the south of gaza earlier today in the morning. a couple of families had the opportunity to go back to the north. it was very surprising. people started coming from all parts of the southern areas to this area where they're saying that they want to go back to the north. as you see, people are holding their bags are, are holding a, all are but the own and have, and they are walking to that check point hoping they could cross back to the north. but on the other hand, people know that in the north, there is probation, there's farm, and they want to find food. they know that's the situation in the another and gaza
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strip is very diary and it's a livable. but these 10 wants to go back to their houses, they want to check up on their beloved ones. most of these properties have their beloved ones feel trapped under the robot. they want to go and see their families see their houses of their system or not. we have been talking to more than one time and then they said that they do not have anything to lose at all. the ones right now is to go back to their houses with the men will, did a got a job. we don't want to stay and roughly, we want to go back to our hood budget. there is nothing to do in process. we're looking for peace is not enough for the situation. well enough for, you know, look, people are running to go back, but we will only get sick here. if we stay in the model. some people have the ability to leave and to cross from the south to the north. and others are telling us that they're going to stay here and they're going to wait till the morning to
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cross again. those are the i just want to go back to my home. um i ended up living in the pen. yeah, there was, i'm suffering every day and every day is a challenge about not the us. this has been on president and, and policy news believe that there is hope because they lost hope that they would ever go back to the north. but still there is slicing going on in minnesota and people think that this is a step towards definitely incursion. this isn't included the address either. why? because the new site on the so it's been a year since 2000 plunge into a devastating conflict. now it's on the brink of simon, with thousands killed, millions will displace the army has been fighting the power military rapids full, full size has integration into the suits. and these army was one of the main causes
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of this conflict that saddam had been trying to establish a civilian life. government publications broke down after disagreements on how and when to integrate those fights is that the violence is false mold and 11000000 people from the homes. and what the un, it's called, the wells was displacement crisis. 32000000 suits and ease of fled to you bring countries. half of them have gone either to chantelle egypt. the rest have been to the south to down ethiopia, and even the central african republic putting added pressure already discussed results is that of that on the spread of fighting to rural areas and restrictions on the delivery of humanitarian aid of also i pushed it on to the brink of finding the you and says at least 5000000 people that are facing catastrophic, hung up. they been move into a pool. so from on demand, they the suit and these capital, a block tower and rolling along with many of the buildings. this was the municipal headquarters of undermine sedan, 2nd largest city,
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and the capital have to be destroyed by a year of conflict between the sudanese army and the power of military rapids support forces or r s. f repeated artillery. drone and strikes has left it void of any signs of life . much of the city was once a strong cold of the recess during the 1st days of the fighting, which began a year ago. the army and the recess had been battling it out to have the upper hand in the capital. in the 1st days of the conflict iris, the fighters took control of the presidential palace state tv headquarters, a major oil refinery in the capital, parts of the main airport and many residential areas. the armies offensive came in december and started in, undermine resulting in the recapture of tv headquarters. government forces have also regained some territory in the northern parts of the capital in order to lo fi
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thing. close at least 13000 people on demand. city plays a major role in this conflict, serving as a supply line for the rapid support forces in the 1st few months of the fighting. it's also where the power military and the student needs, obviously, fee respectful, have been followed and where some of the worst disruption in the capital region can be seen. a year after the battle began, it talks to try to find a dentist the blood shed have failed to produce results. the recess also took over much of the r 4 and to view the state in the center of the country, the u. n. has accused the power i'm going to treat group of ethnic cleansing and we're crimes in west dar for when it's an allied to malicious targets. as nic muscle, each tribesman, the international agency, said in that state alone were between 10 to 15000 people have been killed. and more than half a 1000000, displaced by violence in the past year. more than 9000000 for denise have been
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forced from their homes. it's the world's largest displacement crisis. the missouri, yes. on it's about 3 or 2 refills fell on our homes. we were not able to sleep the night before we left in the morning. we took off with only the clothes we were wearing. we were many families. the kids had no food or water for days, setting that much, i didn't, i hire the you and has words that the fighting is preaching what it's called a catastrophic humanitarian crisis. efforts to revive talks between the wearing sites are ongoing. what's for now? the sounds of artillery and gunfire continued to dominate the capital and other parts of the country. people more than all just their own on their mind. well, as we mentioned, the are fighting in sit on has push millions to the brink of time in the united nations sizes on goals to become the wells was tongue, a crisis. now the world food program says 18000000 suits and these don't have
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enough to eat. that's nearly half the population. many of trump to the areas that can't be reached by humanitarian agencies. the one estimates the 220000 children could dive malnutrition in the coming weeks and months and the fighting has destroyed fall blinds and falls. many farm is to abandon that land was thing the situation. how's the dollar pulls from polt? sit down for over a decade i'm the name of the law has been relying on the profits from the city of farming to feed his family the farm and go down if you east. i'm so that says most of his farming materials locally souls, but they are hard to find now after a year of fighting between us within his army. and the problem is the total opposite. both forces quite a lot more product movie that the materials that we need for planting the paste the sides, the seeds, the 1st alliance of the story. they used to cost a certain amount before the war, but the price is more than doubled after the war. even the empty sacks that i used
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to put my habits then, now costs more than double what it used to be the fighting cause. also effective collecting the harvest, even in states. well, there is no active conflict that's leading to less food being available in markets . and was that if, if you want to make sure that all the farmers in my area have crops that they couldn't, thomas because the recession dropped us of our equipment and fuel to operate the machinery. if you do manage to hot or something, they chase you and take away what you've collected. you and says celia production alone has own most house in the past year. and was of what to make 10 to the world small just congo causes. if it's not already given that there is no sudanese in the entire country that is touched by the conflict, people simply will not have the means to be able to put the food on the table. and this is why we are desperately concerned. the agencies say at least 18000000,
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so then these are already going hungry with 5000000 of them. just one step away from finding most living areas where it's difficult to get food deliveries. what's complicating the situation even further is the f, a whitening scope of the conflict out of the bottom in the study have recently managed to strike us about east of the state of go by the government lead as of the competing priorities of humanitarian intervention. to prevent funding and military action to provide security. how much fun. i'll just see you folks with that. but we're joined by others, so they know he's the is lubbock release country direct to full sit on and joins us now from got a in the east of the country. mister low. good talking with us on al jazeera, before we talk about the age of your in charge of full sued on your life before the conflict was not as an age was what happened to you
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splits tend to do much when they come to the director for the assignment, the even busy own the company that will hold the country on the head quite a bit on sunday because as you have many, some offices in other space, what happens exactly. and 15 hole in the fighting group in between the out of say about a saw on everyone at that time. so it could be ended in one week or 2 weeks or 3 weeks. i spent that all in total weeks you can kind of home, including all this 5 being very strong, straight boots on very good, the under base uh, a dozen. and finally, i decided to go out from blue mound or you look at michael, this is what i was with. i need to log in to continue with the business and to be located all are confused up with a yes yes, i'll obviously the fight to get in. call to him has been pretty horrific this past 12 months. so just give us an idea now on how you're trying to help those in and
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around. call to on the field. let's just talk about the transport links to get to aid. anyway, how difficult has that been? or is this big situation, or did you buy the engine so gun has to be in a be attending by many, many, many costs to go to state is one of them is, is security especially in the area is controlled by, by anybody out of safety data for it as low as possible because for assistance for supplies from a boom from both of dental uh data for because of the inaccessibility and there is no safety supplies may be new d l. so at any point, so this is one of the, your deep over the issue there is enough for civility. there is basically team and that is law from the, by the to,
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to provide assistance of those people. despite the iphone, the exhibited by old international then yours, i knew it soon, but as far as the remains far below the actual needs of that, okay, miss the season doesn't knows what the so if i could just jump in that if, when you try to get a to into the country. yep. pulled. so don then just took us through then how and how the security around those transport trucks for example, is conducted because you say that is in the country is experiencing and security. but you need confirmation that your age will get from a to b. how do you, how do you secure your common voice? okay, as it does suddenly, as long as you live now, now is when you both stay under the safe areas. um and the areas for the uh like is controlled by odyssey,
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but as our um groups are there in issue then the security situation is, is better than others. somebody was working in force of done in the little ninety's sonata. and we don't have properly the, there is no, it is security situation in this area on the floor smoothly. so these areas who don't have any problem in the funding does the, uh, what i, me the, where the, and we had the big office when the company expanded to this area is either as you know, this is one of the big areas and it just goes to that as good of boss people in the country. so i would always what they are, those blows on on a petition where to suspend, they do out unable to do that, but most of the pieces and dizzy to move again to see not godaddy, but also done on our team. out of the grown be responding to their needs in this area. okay. well, in terms of the,
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in terms of it is impossible in terms of let me just get in the side to get because you're mentioning a lot of places and we understand that you're trying to get a every way. but you must be concerned about certain groups of people, for example, nice thing about those children, old people, wherever, wherever you actually focusing your attention when it comes to getting aid to button ruble groups actually actually. busy as actually responding to i, the peas believe that it is incredible mind to 0 area in front of the thing. those bought another one also sort of a room like blocked 15 reading and on candidate. and we are also giving some nutritional supplies to this area. i'm kind of cool in the form. there is no supported this thoughtful, any of it on the from both. so then to that for you and it just as long. so the, so for the, for us to go to the operation function and it's, let me give you
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a sense of the ordering button that she was the be really see a 1600 meters fun to be distributed to i, the piece comes to the center and therefore, and just recently we receive also an additional supplies or get to the area. this is an area where we have 9 else facility, still running around by 11 can live in that day. it is difficult to get supplies, especially given the medicine without driving now to depict as much as in defend it, but so it's 2 out of certainly the same, but this include, this has spoken. it is getting better for okay. and it's an a no so done it is easy to to, to get on the spot to safely and was no security auditors. okay. we will continue to bother to with you. and of course, the other agencies that are working across it on the release aspect. so they've been to out, so they've got a little from islamic really thank you so much for joining us. a of the hundreds of thousands of people seeing the conflict didn't sit on all living in the crowded
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counts in south sit on humanitarian agencies save as a risk of an outbreak of disease for united nations. those 1500 people a day arriving in the board. a town of rank and most of south suits and eas. returning home. as catherine sorry, reports to arrive in the hand every day. at the board, a town of rank, hungry, tired and traumatized. they left everything behind. more than half a 1000000 cells to the knees returning home, as well as to the knees. refugees fleeing fighting into dawn across the border. the last. yeah. johnny has been powerless. all the 0 met laila peter, a transit comp. she fled from 2 don. copy to have to up to she and her children run out of food and the safe place to be. no, no, no, no many people died. she says some were killed by bones on planes. you then my best
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friend died. aid would cause us struggling to provide basic supplies for the new arrivals. sought to don is a country when 9000000 people need to money tare and assistance. someone beeping and comes with a displaced because of ongoing ethnic conflicts. the secretion i'm seeing now is not what i so in other places uh, this is quite a complex intervention because we are not totally dealing with one for a minute to help with that is coming back to the countries we have this huge is coming in and we have had that type, nothing was confusing. so coming in, the sudanese army and fighters from the rapids support forces have both been accused of human rights abuses. and so don, the 15th of epr for us is actually a mobilizing moment. it's a moment of totally died at the moment. well, random kenyon who perhaps was not aware that this is happening is now informed and is furious, is angry, is anxious, and perhaps collectively you can put more pressure on all the different access to
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the south. to dawn and it's not the neighbor share a troubled history of the 2 countries police in 2011. the civil war that lasted decades. more than 2000000 people accounts summary, tony's who had opted to stay in so done say they want to go back to the villages, but they've been away for so long. they don't know where to start catching sight all to 0, but drawing nearby down the bottom is a gentleman named. she is a student, he's activist and joins us now from cairo. is that something that could help you with us on out? is there uh, can i just begin by asking you what your life was like with your family before the unrest codes 12 months ago? um. typical time and we know we each had we had work. we were enjoying ramadan michigan transferring, then everything went up in smoke within minutes basically how, how did you buy,
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how did you end up in conway then? and why did you choose egypt was i think maybe your extended family is quite scott's head right now. i believe, yes, i mean of my immediate family, we have no one left in cartoon for my father's side. we've all gone google, we're all over the place. we came to egypt simply because of the proximity to so that you know the times, which is a historical tours between the 2 countries, the cultural ties as well, the language and i used to live in egypt. so there's a sense of familiarity of being here. and i felt that i could do more work be closer to sit down and being initially i had gone to the u. k. but that was just the back a transitional period. but we're based here now. and it's just, it's, it's, it makes you closer to the things you close to, to a, to echo. i'm not trying to make lights of this in any shape or form,
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but then how easy or difficult is it to exist as a displaced person. because at the end of the day, you still have to read in some way you still have to, by shopping. you still have to finance your very existence. how difficult does not become and how do you do it. it's very difficult to emotionally and you know, meant to the left you have to accept the fact that you are a guests and in another country. and you have to navigate, you know, the nuances of every country that you, that the country that you're in. and it's not easy because uh, from being a home owner and so them to being attendance here, you know, there's all difficulties you face. you know, i'm, our income has been severely hampered and impacted by the war. so we have to, you know, reassess everything. and i'm luckier, i'm lucky to the level of the reasons in kite or elsewhere. and so we find facing difficulties. i can't begin to imagine how much worse it is for the others. or
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you've been communication with friends, so extended family in any, in any areas to don. i mean, what are they telling you as well, including communication with the contacts, you know, colleagues and you know, people that we know family friends, flooring that into z a and it's very patchy. you know, the communication is not, you know, we send them a message and we wait for them to get back to us when they have connectivity. and most of the times their responses we need help can you help us? people have no income. people have no food and, you know, with apparently the, with the communications back of a few months ago, it's really hampered all him know, own local, mutual aid. you know, uh, networks. so we do, and we can, we try to help. we help anyone who comes and says, i need help people who need medication. i would know so many people who died and know we know a girl whose father died because she couldn't get him his medication because he was
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as magic. she couldn't get the basic inhaler, her father passed away. and how do you console a person like that has been displaced? is facing the threat of the recess because she's basing a to z a and her father has passed away and her mother is elderly. as of the young kids with her in the house. yeah, it's very difficult. it's an emotional toll on you and, but we have to keep pushing, but something else we can do. yeah, just a few moments ago we were speaking to an aide walker and they were telling us how difficult it is to get a to i'll just say era. every i mean a year ago. so don was the top label, new store i was sitting in this chat, breaking that news globally to a view is all about, is there a now it's gone? so how does that affect the you might say the push to find a solution politically to the problem into don. i mean, does anyone listening to you, i mean, in terms of the voices of civil society a spread out as they are? no, it's an echo chamber as you know, and we feel that everything we see everything that we're shouting about, you know,
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if it falls on and on, on deaf ears basically. and it's, this is one of the battle of the struggles that we're facing. go how to overcome and how to get back attention and i think only now is dependent beginning to drop in regards to how bad the humanitarian situation is. and the spillover effect from the continuation of this war, end of the humanitarian situation. not just on suzanne and regionally, but also globally. i know you're the youth is very anti, you know, they don't want any more microns coming over. but the more people are displaced, the more they will seek safety and security elsewhere. so they can come back and cry to us and say, oh, we have too many migrants coming over. well, you didn't tell when the help was needed. and we've been, for example, i work in a think tank right now. so then he's being started would be shopping about the funding since the beginning of january. and only recently has the united nations actually addressed the issue of the looming firm. and one report says
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a worst case scenario. 10000 people could die on a daily basis. instead on the, it's the threat assignment is not addressed legally so sweet to me. it's in my next question. really about final questions i'd be, is the various stakeholders really have vested interest in su, dogs that need the warning generals. you've touched on the fact that the international community is happy to mode about migrants coming from conflict. battery is, what do you want to see on the diplomatic front? what sort of push do you want to see? where do you want the push to come from? as it needs to be more pressure applied to the backers of both the r a stuff and sas that needs to be more pressure applied to allow humanitarian assistance to get through to those who need it. the most. there needs to be more pressure in finding get diplomatic solution to this war. how that works, that you a solution is, i mean, i keep flipping from one decision to the other. by the end of the day, this one has to end because the longer it goes on the worst the situ, at the more catastrophic, the situation is, it's already a crisis. is this,
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it's going to get much, much worse. okay to we will continue to bother to assessing the what's going on. it's really, really good speaking to you and thank you very much for being so frank with us here on out there at the moment of the minute. joining us some quite right. thank you. still a heads here, i'll be out as it renews are a decade after nigeria is giovanna kid. nothing's dozens of goals are still missing as the country struggles to stop child abductions, child's increment. president picks up campaigning for the election, which he's already postponed once before. the on the last day of extensive voltage drops, the european plate is this cloud inevitably bikes into the will from the clear sky?
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so the picture then on monday will be of increasing cloud and rain and wind through the low countries as one by then the forward van line across the outs. from this time, it will make a big change to the weather, setting the help on results, but even in the bigger towns and cities now admittedly, spend in public schools or developing one or 2 showers will probably hang on to the woods. this is the picture that sits on monday. that's the real help is being pushed slow the other way of the hungarian planning. but zagreb still has it on monday. the 28 degrees down to 20th. right. and come to do you on tuesday. then down to 10 by wednesday, or yep, this is fairly cold down this way, that'll make, you know, it will feel quite shocking to even see bits of snow forwarding add on lower ground to gemini. certainly it will be so on the out what stuff used to snape, it's now will the same and it stretches over down through italy to some degree. so it's quite a major change in just 2 days. in north africa, the spinning lows for and you're popping out, you're still some bush asked a cabin when the weather means sand stones for places like the share of libya. the
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showers, though big, not penetrating much in west africa, a team in the gaza strip as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best hod he came in to be used as the i r c suffered casualties. we have not something to say, tyler, please. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double standard to all
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of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling. for you, it's very, very painful to hear the story on talk to how does era the book about to the news. a reminder of all the top stories, the un secretary general, has called for the escalation of to enroll into unprecedented attacks on israel during an emergency security council meeting and send you a good time or a said that the wells cut off for another war in the middle east, the video released by israel's army, shows what it says is the damage to one of its added license. doctor ron's attacks
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the biologist, drones and missiles, lest a large hole in the ground, the limits in. and they said something is right. and israel's will confidence as opposed to lead, being unable to agree on what action to take past saturday nights strikes or so let's bring in that job as a car is associate professor of goals. politics with the gold study center here, a castle, university, kentucky with us on the program. again, the us durronda drawing a line onto this matter is really wants to pursue every avenue. it possibly can apparently build up this coalition and it keeps us the binding, the war drum. what are we to make of the way, as well as conducting this particular part of the story? what is for any one to this effect to happen? if you don't, you know, i'd like to happen to justify what they are doing in english and to receive this report from other states a of the allies in order to prevent more effects coming from meet on rather other
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countries. so it seems that at this point, it was not working to see docusign and wanted a different that there were no, it costs what this is presented to us to engage thirdly in in there, and then a confrontation with it on actually the us. and we don't want to obviously be that any of the nation that goes against it on, on the 6th, accepted the front. the beat on said, we stop this here with a one to continue. yes, collision is so how we started, we're going to continue. now this one is you've created this collision lawsuit in that they have it and they have no recent actually to directly. the incident is quite complicated, right? it's all about pressure though, isn't it? so when tel aviv raises its voice, i wonder with this whole sort of smoking myriads to rile up the is really supporters and the jewish community globally to put pressure on their respective governments cuz that's not being does work exactly to work. i mean, if we see that there is something the in the us in different the a, i didn't sign up or something. remember some of the different layers of the,
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of the government, us, they were very key and that we need to stop it on, on. this is a, with a 14, if you to create this place, you on the go sit on a or just showing that's them. they way in which you sort of defend itself approved, that's the, the, the, the, the expenditure in, in, in the defense system. and so it's working because they, they were able to prevent any, any course of the eh, against the stress. so they keep saying that, but the are doing, in terms of expanded to skiing them really some us have started in the movies is working to protect their lives. so of course this nobody works because it keeps saying that the money is spending as well. it's use, it's useful and we don't need to review is that the, the, the support refer i'll do is i'll be another base protecting one of our lives. what we do say, in these ready will cabinet. it's that not everybody that cindy is ready, cabinet is in the wall cabinets and the missing pieces. all the right wing. hu, one more action taken against it wrong. we know that as
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a split at the moment within the cabinets, i mean how big or wide will not be come in the days ahead because when it comes to the would it wrong that the political thinking is very different in israel. yeah, actually the fact that there were no cost for the is leaving the said right when the members of the government. and if it's out of the day of the day, it was seen on the discussion because they have no excuse to say why they need to, to, to, to escalate the tickets. and of course, the fact that they, they want to race and to create the solution to show that this report to, to the money in terms of defending himself against any i thought from it on something but claiming that they need to do something or what a bigger operation in order to, to show the done that they can do even more that what they did is something that they had beside when members they, they were not able to to push right now. i mean, i think it's bethany who is starting to petition to push for more action. a good fit on. well, it's still monday morning and quite early here in the middle east and we'll see
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what they say as the day progresses of china is the car. thanks for joining us. it's been 10 years since the abduction of 276 school girls from a secondary school in northern nigeria by the armed route book on her on dozens. a still missing me that just support center from triple where there's still hope all the goals will return 10 years on the emotions as to roy, she woke in nigeria as north eastern border state. as of the 276 goals. taken 194 back among them, 57 who escaped that captive in the early days of the kidnapping bible quite outside, just for the parents of the 2 girls who are still missing the weight continuous. on the 10th anniversary of the most objection, parents inactive is gather to remember what happened and tomorrow, and pressure on the government. we want them to be free for on that visa
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to be united with the us in the whole at home. and that's what we want. after a decade of competing parents to you, i worried that international interest and that goes flight is way that we don't know what kind of test, what is the reason they have with golf are doing so we've done snow. we parents, we've done the but we asked them to call on them. they should not lift bus laptops, but we need the assistance. so we need help on that for the 42014 ball court on fighters. apparently looking to steal food for my secondary school that was supposed to be shot because of the details of your rating security situation in board and estate. re did the typical go 2nd to school. they counted hundreds of students and took them away. late response by security forces, complicated the rescue and cost of global outreach before leaving the fight to set
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the school and try to what's the kind of schools rebuild the sense it goes sometimes, but it's always continued to be haunted by what time the school has become a shrine for victims and their families will gather here and want to moan. and to remember that an idea is you have to overcome. active has blamed governments, past and present, fulfilling just q a. schools and students as most abductions, reach, a crisis point to nigeria form a captive leader. joe show a sense of freedom is incomplete. as long as us coordinates remain missing. i'm not really happy because i'm in here though. it's been so many for us of them. the 2 years on day so far paid that quarterly bindham buck but this year, not only is blue, or the eve of the terms that advisory a few heard was one of the kidnapped school goes now
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a university graduate. got chose among those whose rescue was the go share. it doesn't. so fathers, by the previous not journal government of the culmination parents mock the end of the gathering with pray that when they meet again, next year, or the parents will be mocking vocation with them using children. or at least a found closure to the doc moment in not just recent history. how many degrees? i would just need to book i get a chance. interim president about the just debbie has kicked off his election campaign and a vote due to be held for next month. that'd be sees past 3 years ago after his long ruling father was killed on the front lines against rebels in the news. but he's probably going to restore civilian rule, but has already delayed elections, was triggering deadly protests. but the result comfortable from the capital end, you mean the compound election?
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is that the gun on software, they would continue until far may vote that would have cost that bought on 6 meg for choice app. what is it on from 10 candidates, uncle exams that cut on the president of johnson. well, how much is this baby in his prime minister? 6, it must sit on the quotation med buys at to see a child in president. well, how much is this database? the biggest and not? is it quite a shot? he included with more than $220.00 product of this for collection met by allies, as well as the opposition that completely refused to participate in this election. is it that this election will not put in edison, new york to attack and fox. that is, no president has cancelled my wife and the girl by the books, the position say that the son president, how much it is debbie,
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but it better than legislative this election to insure his victory in this election . they've called both are to by court and not participate. this is fedex for the lot. the resolved. does it. uh, and you're still out here on august the in venezuela, how an unusual invasion of jelly fish is disrupting the local fishing industry ends towards town that up to them is set to rise again. the restoration of the iconic federal needs completion. 5 years after it was destroyed and a major fire in paris the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the book about 12 people being killed in widespread floods across i'm on emergency services rescue. dozens of people from effected area is found since they've been evacuated as a precaution. well, southern has also so much positive, northern conflicts done more than 108000 people have been evacuated from their homes. high temperatures in the region, along with heavy rains, have led to rapidly melting snow. the last example, rivers that slide through restaurant concepts on best, that bangs cause get deluge in dozens of towns along the route to landslide headstart, villages in the mountainous region in central indonesia coming at least 19 people. they told him to, to communities and some sort of ways,
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the province on saturday nights rescued teams and searching for 2 missing people. fit berries under the daybreak fishermen in venezuela, a warning of an unusual infection of jelly, fish, millions of a pay as all the coast in recent weeks severely affecting much needed fishing and tourism industry is alexandra bias. how's the story? local fishermen calling the plague. millions of cannibal jelly fish choking waters across the venezuela's coastline q and the way. yeah, well no, not that much of it used to see a little one every now and then. now it's like there were flowers in the sea floor now. it's too much, too much, too much salary must see all this warm seemed to appear out of nowhere. it's thousands of miles from where this species is normally found in the atlantic pacific and gulf coast, the invasive jelly fish, this billing, fishing net, and crowding out other species and is having
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a severe impact on the fishing and tourism that locals depend on. what i want to put on, i know, see, i don't know. good big problem. when you dive in the works to look proficient you brush against a lot of jelly fish with your head. you body. you get stung along here called look for fish right now. with completely stuck. the entire dougherty, weekly halls have dropped to less than a 5th of what they once were. local organizers say it's the industry's biggest decline in recent years. then as well as environment ministry says, warming water is caused by climate change, pollution and over fishing, maybe to blame scientist in the capital are trying to pinpoint the exact cause, the invasion. this is a school named to add the because this isn't a typical event that's occurring, it's a complete so normally in previous he is only a few has been observed once. however, the increase in the population this year has completely exceeded previous estimates
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. what i'm saying, daniel, jelly fish populations around the world, have seward in recent years. the thrive and harsh conditions and need very little oxygen. and researchers are warning of a looming tipping point, where jelly fish could over well other species and dominate the world's ocean. alexandra buyers, alda 0, that's 5 years since the destroyed one of the wells most famous cathedral. since i know to them in paris has been a reconstruction size. and it's the same as french like multiple rape. and they to the ship that one of the many off designs work you only get a project has been expanding what's being done to restore and up to them to its former splendor. and that's all so i just wanted to ernie. this is all she does love to so, so, so do, so that's the jingles, and then the cic. i have my c o 2 midway. and on noon i was easy to knowing that he
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should have class, which i thought, you know, some of the 12 plus all 40 is that corporate more cash. she just didn't mind you say 22 madison if you could really publish simple food issues. i know you can the book with the school and not with the corvalle this useful, not to salad. if we have to do that and city the quicker, and i say exception is if you men move with the punch realty times the pounds to exercise all the issues a g, t or municipal customer x. if you had, i'm sorry to add to a video. cool. national, cheapest, chad, except you're not alone and i chose the wrong but just get the notes for them. for these miser worker left, we do stuff with as are these solve it, you deputies ok? no quilt. apply these walls on the polls. the dish i for that is as i to say, shred this specific city, drawing, political and high on when you multiply 6 phone. cool. and that is a chef with as room as i met. and i use your the top, i noticed
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a lot and that's it. for me, and i won't be back the boonies on the other side of the break. thanks very much so much for your time and your company. the 300 years ago, the found is the full season the celebrated, the natural world in stages of the year. now his music has been re composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency culminating, and it is still being like performance in south korea. this nokia or of silver on al jazeera, these little mythologies or dramas. they used to march 3 d o t before dawn box with
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an increase is rated ministry presidents. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives, costing begins instead of traditional decorations, the streets of clinic cods images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces . it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will for is the city often defies the seasonal suite. use the law on the street right now that it's easy to move around. the law could be different and exploring. going to change the situation and not listen . we have 70 percent more business. people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in casa ok. foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts,
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and emergency donation spence on projects. we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis covenants. it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the the israel is on me. really save it. it won't, it says is the aftermath of the rounds of talk all the database. and then i give density the thoughts around what you all just every log for headquarters here in the also come, you know, is the time for a maximum rece today, a call to diffuse on de escalate tensions. the un security council discusses involves a tech on israel,
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the soldiers or can 5 at palestinians trying


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