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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 15, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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me some sort of a sweet 100 on luis heavens, have gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. i don't most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the israel is on a release, that is what it says is the aftermath of the around to talk all the database. and then i give density the thoughts around watching all just every log for headquarters here in the also come, you know, is the time for mix human research today. nicole to diffuse on de escalate tensions . the un security council discusses around the attack on israel, the present. it's all just like and 5 of palestinians trying
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to return to the haves in northern gauze and many other insurance. and one of the was to mount it's heavy and disasters in recent memory. we take a look at the conflict between citizens ami and a powerful power military group, i guess since it broke down the welcome to brag on these way. the government tells several meetings on sunday to discuss it all unprecedented attack on israel. the will cabinet is repulsive and save all of a retaliation, but divide it over the timing of the scale of the response that's close over to him on content occupied the streets. let me standing by for us. it does seem that while, as well as beating that war, drum, iran against iran, not old, the cabinet is on the same page or that's absolutely
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right. where you're seeing a division is blue catalogue right. of the current governing calculation, people like it might have been given or, and bits of those small intrigues who are very clear. they want a massive fatality rates to strike against the type wrong they want that sooner rather than later. and then you have the other side of that divide where you go, people like many guns, and the department is the benjamin netanyahu. also talking about the fact that this is an opportunity to build an lines against israel. if they build data lines, then it provides them cover for any offensive actions they might want to type in the future. cuz right now the international community is against any kind of escalation, but it's worth just listening to the clearest indication of that thinking. it comes from the defense, but to say your glance, your struggle kinda needs the most. we have an opportunity to establish
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a strategic alliance against this grave threat by iran, which is threatening to mount nuclear explosives on these messiahs, which could be an extremely grave threat. the us israel and its allies stand shoulder to shoulder to defend against this threat. so i and little something about it seems that more details than i bet you've got the besides that data, hit israel and the damage caused. and that's what we're hearing is at least a 9 iranian ballistic missiles did actually land 5 of those ballistic miss house landed of the never to me. never team advice, damaging ac won't tell you townsville head across and then use runway and empty storage facilities have been full, landed in the negative advice. the minimum, the damage here is absolutely minimal, but it's not really about the damage that was caused. it was about the fact that these ballistic missiles were able to land. uh the is riley's right now. we'll be
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looking at how that happened. remember the arrows, 3 defense system that they using to shoot down ballistic missiles. is a brand new ad defend system. this was the 1st time it was used in this capacity. so they'll be looking at any lessons they can learn from that they'll be looking at where the defense system needs to be recalibrate to. it will be a learning experience for the x rays. but remember publicly, they still calling this a success privately knowing that 9 missiles landed. that's going to be a real concern to these writers around thanks very much for that. update him on call that far as don't keep 5 east jerusalem. but later on, some people took to the streets to celebrate the attack on israel, while others join long choose at petrol stations. worried about what comes next. dosage of pol repulsor from tyrone. this is how radians learned that their government had launch the countries 1st ever direct attack on israel, the state tv broadcasting at the moment,
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a waste of ms. 1000 drums were fired. but the country's foreign minister says that prior warning was given, or how much the mortality so deep as you know, last night, the forces of the, as long as the republic of your on struck design is for james military targets or actions were limited. we had informed the white house that our military actions were to be limited, precise with the intention for self defense, and to punish the is really wishing this newspaper headline reads, the time of revenge. those who talk to the media were equally supportive of her own actions didn't eat on um, it was very good. and the fact that iran showed israel that we are strong, and my opinion is that to this extent, israel to realize it now who they're dealing with. after each event, when they attack our embassy, it means they attacked s o l. so according to what the supreme leader said, it happened and they got punished. this poster went up early sunday morning as the
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attack against israel came to an end. it says in hebrew, the next slot in the face will be stronger, as both countries remain on the high alert. many here are hoping the worst is behind them. but with israel vowing a military response, the situation remains tense. nationwide, with cars lighting up for fuel when then use 1st broke the currency at a record low and the threat of more economic sanctions. the repercussions from the runs of retaliation could soon be felt. doors to jabari ultra 0 to air on the and security ghost was held at emergency meeting following around, strikes on this rattle inside today around accuse. this is right of violating international law by striking its diplomatic mission in damascus. 2 weeks ago, you and the secretary general antonio guitar upset. the middle east is confronting a real danger of a devastating full scale conflict. gabrielle is on the has moved from new york, the un secretary general, urge the world to take
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a step back and avoid any military publications us. and we have a share the responsibility to actively engage all parties consent to prevent further the escalation. you're on june bassinger said he's country does not seek war and only took action after the un failed to do so. that typically the security policy, it has failed, and it's due to to maintain international piece of security. but i shall propose that press the statement to denounce this. that's this is a 3rd shift act which was backed by china audio and many members, but was blocked by the u. s. u. k. and france faced with such. so it comes down says they stomachs. repub, because you don't have no choice but to exist size, it's in your head on the right to self defense on the international law. it is real said the fact you run itself struck is real and didn't use the proxies. marks
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a new phase and regional tensions following such a mess. even direct attack on these read the entire world, let alone is read, cannot set them for an action. we will defend our future. as for the us and russia, they have differing views on who started this and who's to blame. the us pointed the finger directly at tech from the coming days and in consultation with other member states. united states to explore additional measures to hold the ron accountable. here at the united nations, the more immediately the security council must unequivocally condemn ron's aggressive actions and call for ron and its partners and proxies to cease their attacks on russia reminded the counsel that the us france and u. k. o failed to condemn israel's attack on the rainy and constituted in syria, a blatant violation of international law,
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but now want to condemn iran for its response. what does she was billed as what are true? it's today. and the security council were witnessing a display of hypocrisy and double standards, which is almost embarrassing to watch. after the meeting concluded, multis ambassador said the security council's focus needs to return to guys a and a ceasefire. release of captives and unhindered aid gabriel's on don't. i'll just either at the united nations in new york, us present. j. biden's various brought to you cold america's inside commitment to as well security after meeting with his security advisors, not despite the best. so they sign that the ministry aid package of israel will receive the green light from the us. congress has eco, haines has moved from washington, dc of the diplomatic work continues in washington dc. we've gotten readouts of phone calls from the secretary of state antony blinking, that he talked to his counterparts in saudi arabia. jordan egypt enter kia and we've also seen redux that secretary of defense lloyd austin's been working the
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phones as well. speaking to his counterparts, also in saudi arabia and israel. but another very important conversation happened a conference call with you as president joe biden. he continued to call with the house and senate republican and democratic leaders to focus on getting a to israel. a democratic leader came out and said, he's on board. the bottom line is very simple. the fact that the united states and israel cooperating, and this was in planning for weeks, shows that our commitment to israel security is iron clad. the fact that it was not only the united states and israel, but some of our allies, like france, like england, and even some of the arab nations participating, showed that i ran is becoming more and more isolated in its evil actions. and that is both well for the future. the fact that so many nations participated to make sure that iran's attacks where i'm stymied is a very,
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very good thing. and so this brings up the question about, what about the republicans? well, the republican house speaker mike johnson has said, he's going to put a bill on the floor this week to get aid to israel. the question is, is there anything else going to be attached to that for democrats? see this bill to give money to israel as their best leverage, to also getting money to ukraine. so they're unlikely to go along with it if it doesn't involve ukraine aid. now, the said it's already past in the house could take up and $95000000000.00 a package to send the money, not only to israel and ukraine, but taiwan. so why would johnson not do that? well, it could cost him his job. there's already been a far right member of the republican party who's basically put in the paperwork and to oust him from the speakership. and there are handful of very far right wing republicans. the don't want to see any aid go to ukraine. so if he does put that in the package and it passes, he could very well lose his job like the last house speaker did just about 6 months
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ago. patty, go ahead. algae 0, washington. several palestinians injured is really falls, is open fire on them as they were trying to attend the homes in the north of the strip. despite sunday mornings attacks, many palestinians are still making the dangerous journey to the knolls and go comprehensible from what you guys are. the keys standing a couple of meters away from web d as as that the area the separates the north of glass out with the south of gaza earlier today in the morning a couple assignments he's had the opportunity to go back to the north. it was a very surprising people started coming from all parts of the southern areas to this area where they're saying that they want to go back to the north. as you see, people are holding their bugs are holding a all the but the own and have and they are walking. do that check point hoping
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they could cross back to the north. but on the other hand, people know that in the north there is probation. there's farm and they want to find food. they know that's the situation in the another in gaza strip is very guy years and it's on livable. but these 10 want to go back to their houses. they want to check up on their beloved ones. most of these properties have there been up to and still trapped under the robot. they want to go and see their families see their houses if their system are not. we have been talking to more than 15000000. besides that, they do not have anything to lose at all. the ones right now is to go back to their houses with the men will do the job. we don't want to stay in rough or we want to go back to our hood budget. there is nothing to do and we're also, we're looking for peace is not enough for the situation while not being look,
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people are running to go back, but we will only get sick here. if we stay talking about the only model, some people have the ability to leave and to cross from the south to the north. and others are telling us that they're going to stay here. and they're going to wait till the morning to cross again is all the i just want to go back to my the i ended up living in the 10. yeah. there is. i'm suffering every day. and every day is a challenge about the re us. this has been on president and policy news, believe that there is hope because they lost hope that they would ever go back to the north. but still there is slicing going on in minnesota. and people think that this is a step towards definitely incursion. this isn't the address either. why? because the new site out as well as the land hail. now is there a decade after nigeria is to punk kid? nothing's dozens of goals are still missing as the country struggles to stop child
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abductions, the probably the last few days of st. incredible warmth across positive se in your temperatures. good 1050 maybe 20 celsius, above the average full of the time. if you have chosen northwest, it's a good deal cooler, northwesterly winds, driving in much cooler at what talk the pack dies. capacity to have wind bodies in force across the pot. so if the u. k. wells england spec to some very blessed 3 conditions through the remainder of monday. there we go with that risk northwest when bringing a few winfrey flyers in across set west the side of scotland newland areas of in the northern parts of wells as well. so what's the weather? how does that? that's running its way down across the low countries into front and a head of that. we've got to line of tab and right associated with that cold front
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mask of the sink is way further south was students with disabilities that you know, just the bell grade at also for the caress. colorado i'll start to talk is why and a good 10 degree dropped the full vienna. by the time we come to choose a significant stifle coming in across the opposite list, as could see as much as 30 maybe 40 centimeters of smoke. the some here show us will make the southern positive italy down towards the balkans, a few showers to into northern areas of algeria. meanwhile, lots of lift it up in the sand because that's a holler. a team in the gaza strip as is there is lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing
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this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here, at the listening post, the, [000:00:00;00] the book about kill watching opposite of it with me. so around the heart of mind to evolve top stories, the video released by israel is on me, says what it says is the damage to all of its bases. after ron's attack, the batter, all just drones and missiles left a large hole in the ground. the never to advice in southern israel, israel's will confidence as opposed to the being unable to agree on what action to take up to sunday night strikes is due. so he's
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a guy to be coming out to discuss the responses to the crisis. the un security of this, you inspect the general talking the has goals, but the escalation of that runs unprecedented attacks on israel during an emergency security council meeting. and tenure gutierrez sent the world's conductor full of the war in the middle east. you know, it's been a year since sit on, plunged into a devastating conflict. now it's on the brink of simon with thousands killed and millions mill displaced. the army has been fighting the power of military rapids pulled forces whose integration into the sudanese army was one of the main causes of the conflict. so don has been trying to establish a civilian like the government, but negotiations broke down after disagreements on how and when to integrate those fights is the violence has full to move and 11000000 people from the homes. and what do you and it's called the wells was displacement crisis. 32000000 uncertainties of fled to neighboring countries. as you can see,
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the house of them have gone either to try to reach it the rest of and to south, the don ethiopia, and the central african republic. putting added pressure on already sketched results is on the spread of fighting to rule areas and restrictions on the delivery of humanitarian aid of holes. i pushed it on to the brink assignment view and says at least 5000000 people and are facing catastrophic hunger. had been moved into the pools, not from on demand. they have a suit of these capital, a block tower and rolling along with many of the buildings. this was the municipal headquarters of i'm through mine to dance, 2nd largest city and the capital have to be destroyed by a year of conflict between the sudanese army and the power of military rapids support forces or r s. f repeated artillery thrown. and s tribes has left to devoid of any signs of life. much of the city was once
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a strong cold of the recess during the 1st days of the fighting, which began a year ago. the army and the recess had been battling it out to have the upper hand in the capital. in the 1st days of the conflict iris, the fighters took control of the presidential palace state tv headquarters, a major oil refinery in the capital, parts of the main airport and many residential areas. the armies offensive came in december and started in, undermine resulting in the recapture of tv headquarters. government forces have also regained some territory in the northern parts of the capital in the heart of tomb alone, finding clothes at least $13000.00 people under mine city plays a major role in this conflict. serving as a supply line for the rapid support forces in the 1st few months of the fighting. it's also where the power military and the student needs armies, fee respectful, have been followed,
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and where some of the worst disruption in the capital region can be seen. a year after the battle began, talks to try to find them into the blood shed have failed to produce results. the recess also took over much of the r 4 and to view the state in the center of the country, the u. n. has accused the power and military group of ethnic cleansing and work crimes in west dar for when it's an allied to malicious targets it as nic muscle. each tribesman, the international agency, says in that state alone, well between 10 to 15000 people have been killed. and more than half a 1000000, displaced by violence in the past year. more than 9000000 for denise have been forced from their homes. it's the world's largest displacements crisis. the missouri. yes. honestly, the 3 artillery shells fell on our homes. we were not able to sleep the night before we left in the morning. we took off with only the clothes we were wearing. we were many families. the kids had no food or water for days, setting that much, i didn't,
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i hire the you and has words that the fighting is preaching what it's called a catastrophic human. it's terry and crisis efforts through 5 talks between the wearing sites are ongoing. what's for now? the sounds of artillery and gunfire continued to dominate the capital and other parts of the country. people, morgan, i'll just 0. i'm through mind. so those are full of probably minutes the home dock is calling for them to the fighting them. talk is participating in an international aid conference and power is $200.00 at the clients of millions of cities affected by the financing. the more. okay. going to die? yeah, cool. comes to stop the will address to humanitarian situation. stop targeting civilians restore the path of democratic transformation, an open and expanded dialogue that leads to deformation of peace or transition structures. these positions in the interest of the nation and the citizens,
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and this will not be achieved except by returning to negotiations. old was he mentioned the are fighting in sit on has push millions to the brink of some, in the united nations, the phone calls to become the wells was tongue, the crisis, the well food programs as 18000000 suits. and these don't have enough to eat most of the hosp, the population, many trapped in areas that can't be reached by humanitarian agencies. the human estimates, the 220000 children could die while nutrition in the coming weeks and months of the fighting has destroyed farm lands and fulls. many farm is to abandon the land, worsening the situation. as mohammed vile reports, not from bolts who don't of the for over a decade i'm the name of the law has been relying on the profits from city the farming to feed his family the farm and go down if you eastern. so then says most of his farming materials locally souls, but they are hard to find now after a year of fighting between us within his army and the part of me to set it up and support forces,
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or let more product movie that the materials that we need for planting, paste the sides, the seeds, the 1st alliance of the story. they used to cost a certain amount before the war, but the price is more than doubled after the war. even the empty sacks that i used to put my habits than now costs more than double what it used to be. the fighting has also effected collecting the harvest even in states. well, there is no active conflict that's leading to less food being available in markets and was that if, if you want the city all the farm is in my area have crops that they couldn't, thomas because the recess dropped us of our equipment and fuel to operate the machinery, if you do, managed to hold a something they chase you take away what you've collected. you and says celia production alone has own most cars in the past. yeah. and words of what to make 10 to the world. small just congo crisis. if it's not already given that there is no
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student ease in the entire country, that is touched by the conflict, people simply will not have the means to be able to put the food on the table. and this is why we are desperately concerned. the agencies say at least 18000000, so then these are already going hungry with 5000000 of them. just one step away from finding most living areas where it's difficult to get food deliveries. what's complicating the situation even further is the f, a whitening scope of the conflict of the bottom in the study have recently managed to strike us about east of the state of go by the government leaders of the competing priorities of humanitarian intervention to prevent funding and military action to provide security. how much fun. i'll just see you folks with that. a bit about joins as the from pulse who died and there was a time behind midway called to was seen as a sense of importance, but actually pull. so dogs,
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significance is becoming more or more important by the day right? when i um, now in the city of 4 to then this is a key place for what's going on. now, because this is where the only entity points for international aids coming to this country is located the part of the city on the let's see. so, i mean, since the beginning of the war, people have this countries have been sending aids. that was not the main problem, even though they've got to be enough of this a being sent whenever they'll come to the house that's left going on for a for, for a year. now. send in more a the, you know, and then, but the main problem is what's the, the end you always say describe us as fictions of access when access by this, within these all parties here. but that's just one part of the issue. the other part of the issue is that there is also a lot of looting going on inside the country when this a reaches
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a far flung region. so. so even if the government is, is the, the channeling or shipping of a to the utility a that is, they'll know, got on to use this age where reach the victims of the war at the logistics or so on a big problem, trucks and the roads. and also the, the distances between here for us and some thoughtful that's about 2000 kilometers and other areas in accessible, particularly doing that in the season. so there is a huge number of factors contributing to the spot. even though, even though i mean despite all of this, the blame is on, people is on the fighting policies. it's on this within his government, it's on every one. it's on human beings, not on nature because this can be described as a, a man made finding once it sets in as the united nations warms up the $100.00 force impulse to them. thank you for that update. now it's been 10 years since the abduction of $276.00 school goes from a secondary school in northern nigeria by the on the bulk of around dozens,
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a still missing admitted race reports from triple. enquire that still hope that all of the goals will over time 10 years on the emotions as to roy, she woke in nigeria as north east and board. the state of the 276 goals taken, 194 back among them. 57 who escaped the captive in the early days of the kidnapping by boat quite on fighters. a for the parents of the 2 girls who are still missing the weight continuous. on the 10th of us, we get the most of the parents inactive is gather to remember what happened and tomorrow, and pressure on the government. we want them to be free from, that's a visa to be united with the us in the whole at home. and that's what we want. after a decade of competing parents to you,
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i worked but international interest in the goals plight is waiting. we don't know what kind of test what is the reason they have with golf on? i don't with guns. no, we parents, we don't know. what do we asked them to call on them? they should not lift bus laptops, but we need the assistance we knew held on it for the $42014.00 alcorda on fight is apparently looking to steal food from a secondary school that was supposed to be shut. it goes up to 10 of your rating security situation. important to state re did the typical go 2nd to school. they counted hundreds of students and took them away. late response by security forces, complicated the rescue and caused global outreach before leaving the fight to set the school and try to what's the kind of schools rebuild the sense that goes on. but it's always continued to be haunted by what time the school has become
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a shrine for victims and their families will gather here and want to mon and to remember that nigeria is you have to overcome. active is blame governments, past and present, fulfilling just q, a. schools and students as mazda abductions, reach, a crisis point to nigeria from a captive ledia joshua's sense of freedom is incomplete as long as high school to meet. remain missing. i'm not really happy because in so yeah, that was meant for many for us of them down the to you done day so far. i'm praying that go to we've been going back. but this year, not all is all the eve of the terms that advisory a few heard, which is one of the kidnapped school goes now a university graduate. got chose among those who was rescued towards the goal


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