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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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one east investigate allegations that defamation cases are being used for intimidation and concealing corruption. speaching up in time 91020. the of a year of conflict ensued on fighting between the abi and the power of military and rapid civil forces has killed more than 30000 people, 11000000 of facing summit, the problem. so robin, you're watching of their life, my headquarters here in the also coming up israel's will cabinet is due to me show fee to discuss the rounds attack. they're all the divisions over the extent and the timing of any of his phones will have
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a lot of effects from quite as often as really yeah, they see, ministry release is the idea of what it says is the results of their own strode mishondra times. and palestinians attempt to attend to the homes in northern gauze . the despite of tax by the is really ministry. the welcome to the back i'm it's been a yes since the country plunged into a devastating conflict. and now it's on the brink of simon with thousands killed and millions, low displaced. the army has been fighting the power, military rapids support forces and whose integration into the suits. and his army was one of the main causes of this conflict that saddam had been trying to establish a civilian life government. but the goose cations broke down. after disagreements on how and when to integrate those fighters, the violence has full to move in 11000000 people from the homes and what the un is
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called the wells was displacement the crisis. $92000000.00 suits me, ease of flight, 2 neighboring countries off of them have gone either to chat or reject the rest event at south to dawn if you, if you and central african republic putting more pressure on already sketch results is the on the spread of the fighting to rule areas and restrictions on the delivery of humanitarian aid have also pushed it on to the brink of simon view and says that these $5000000.00 people are not facing catastrophic. hung hippa, morgan reports not from on demand the the suit and he's comfortable, a block tower and ruins along with many of the buildings. this was the municipal headquarters of undermine sedan, 2nd largest city, and the capital held up to them destroyed by a year of conflict between the sudanese army and the power and military rapids support forces or r s. f repeated artillery. drone and strikes has left in the void of any signs of
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life. much of the city was once a strong cold of the recess during the 1st days of the fighting, which began a year ago. the army and the r a staff had been battling it out to have the upper hand in the capital. in the 1st days of the conflict iris, the fighters took control of the presidential palace state tv headquarters, a major oil refinery in the capital, parts of the main airport and many residential areas. the armies offensive came in december and started in, undermine resulting in the recapture of tv headquarters. government forces have also regained some territory in the northern parts of the capital and how to alone fighting thrills at least 13000 people on 3 miles to take place a major role in this conflict. serving as a supply line for the rapid support forces in the 1st few months of the fighting. it's also where the power military and the student needs obviously be respectful,
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have been fought, and where some of the worst disruption in the capital region can be seen. a year after the battle began, talk to try to find a dentist, the bloodshed have failed to produce results. the recess also took over much of the r 4 and to view the state in the center of the country, the u. n. has accused the power i'm going to treat group of ethnic cleansing and work crimes in west dar for when it's an allied to malicious targets. as nick must sally to types, man, the international agency said in that state alone were between 10 to 15000 people have been killed. and more than half a 1000000, displaced by violence in the past year. more than 9000000 for denise have been forced from their homes. it's the world's largest displacement crisis. the missouri, yes on is about 3 or 2. refills fell on our homes. you were not able to sleep the night before we left. in the morning we took off with only the clothes we were
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wearing. we were many families. the kids had no food or water for days, setting that much, i didn't, i had them. but you and has words that the fighting is preaching what it's called a catastrophic humanitarian crisis. efforts to revive talks between the wearing sites are ongoing. what's for now? the sounds of artillery and gunfire continued to dominate the capital and other parts of the country. even more than all just their own on their mind. but it was all joins to start from boats. who don, i'm how many you've been reporting from saddam this past 12 months? i mean, what's the impact of the last year of will being on the country and the people? well, we seem to just slightly lost the audio with him and valve that oh, how about how many can you hear me?
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a yes. now we seem to the last communication that with the hub involved, but he did a sudden this report earlier. and this is what he had to say about the past 12 months in a war tone suit on for over a decade, i'm the name of the law has been relying on the profits from city the farming to feed his family, the farm and go down if you east, i'm so that says most of his follow me materials locally, souls. but they are hard to find now after a year of fighting between us within his army and the part of me to set it up and support forces. quite a lot more product movie that the materials that we need for planting to paste the sides, the seeds, the 1st alliances. they used to cost a certain amount before the war, but the price is more than doubled after the war. even the empty sacks that i used to put my habits than now costs more than double what it used to be. the fighting has also effected collecting the harvest even in states. well,
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there is no active conflict that's leading to less food being available in markets . the ones that are of, if you want the city, all the farm is in my area have crops that they couldn't, thomas, because the recess dropped us of our equipment and fuel to operate the machinery. if you do managed to hold a something they chase you can take away what you've collected the you and says celia production alone has own most cars in the past. yeah. and words of what to make 10 to the world. small just congo crisis. if it's not already given that there is no student needs in the entire country, that is touched by the conflict, people simply will not have the means to be able to put the food on the table. and this is why we are desperately concerned. the agencies say at least 18000000, so then these are already going hungry with 5000000 of them. just one step away from finding most living areas where it's difficult to get food deliveries. what's
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complicating the situation even further is the f, a whitening scope of the conflict out of the bottom in the study have recently managed to strike us about east of the state of go by the government lead as of the competing priorities of humanitarian intervention. to prevent funding and military action to provide security. how much fun does the folks with that? the citizens are full of prime minister building dock is calling for an end to the fighting and dock is participating in an international age conference in congress to highlight the plight of millions of suits. and he is affected by the violence timor. okay. from the diet. yeah, cool comes to stuff that will address the humanitarian situation, stopped targeting civilians restore the path of democratic transformation, an open and expanded dialogue that leads to the full nation of peaceful transition structures. these positions in the interest of the nation and the citizens. and this will not be achieved except by returning to negotiations. old,
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the israel's will cover that is due to hold a 2nd meeting within an hour or so to discuss around unprecedented attack on as well to her on last hundreds of missiles and drives as well. and they're all says and responds to as well as attack on its concepts and damascus 2 weeks ago. is there any cabinet help several meetings on sunday and as opposed to me unsafe of retaliation, but every minute, but it remains divided over the timing and scale of the response. the video released by, as well as on me, shows what it says, the damage to one of his i bases after around to attack. the average of draws by roger trains and missiles left a large hole in the ground. the never to add bass in southern israel. israel size the vast majority of the rounds projectiles. what intercepted
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now around says that it's a town called israel was a legitimate action under the un charter in response to the strike on it's called c . like in damascus, 2 weeks ago, a foreign ministry spokesman, the seller cannot a, made the comment as his weekly news briefing and urge weston nations to appreciate a wrong restraint on the streets of their own. some people celebrate to the attack, while others joins long queues at petrol stations. what rates about what comes next loves is developing store. let's go to all key parties to re slim. let him run con is standing by 1st name, run no official statements, any from the is riley prime minister. we are expecting the, the cabinet to meet again in see re um, but they all splits on that decision about what to do next.
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we seem to have lost a wrong com, but i will try and get back to him as soon as we can. so in dollars a hundreds of displays, families also trying to attend to the knolls along a coastal road. large crowds of people moved along. i'll receive the streets in the hay foot being allowed back. now some people don't foot while others use wheels on . right. so don't key costs to make that. jenny's many a trying to leave the south and that the living threats of others really invasion overall thought well is right, as rise on palestinians continue target. capitalism is in rafa in southern gossen. the hours of the day is morning. hundreds of palestinians families tried to return back to the north as they have been taking a receipt coastal road. but they have been rejected. and a, confronted by these very military tents, which blocked the road, opened the fire and forced the majority of palestinians to return back to the
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shelters. in the south were a number of entries have been recorded on some of the situation is relatively di, in every single part of the gauze was stopped by the main focus of the is reparations right now is in the nova at pos open was around the refuge account, we have been reporting about this for a couple of days, but today it's one of the bloodiest. they were at least for the palestinians have for reported killed. i'm more than 32 others being would the only sense that the, to the hours of this morning as the to the civil defense teams are trying to do the best in order to recover the injuries and the victims from under the russell of the destroyed houses because right now, as well as demolishing and attacking residential, booting in the know the right part during the entire area into a great the out the was what the situation looks like in gauze or have coals the whole region as in tom or life to those uh, it rainy and launches uh towards a wrong over the weekend. lets call say with the dosage ball real correspondents in
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the rainy and capital. hi dosa. um, obviously a mixed reactions, mixed emotions best. probably the round about what went on and how it's being received. a more trans as opposed to be radians to take a step back and reflect on the enrollment fee of what was launched from a rainy and soil. what have they been saying to you as well? uh so hell. certainly it's being viewed here as a historic events. uh, something many iranians didn't believe would ever happen, because you have to remember for over 4 decades fee establishment here. since the revolution of 1979 has been saying that they could confront their number one enemy, that is israel, but never actually carried out on the threats they made until they launch operation to promise on saturday on sunday morning. rather, the head of the revolutionary guard had said that this is a resounding success. and we heard from the waiting for minister hosting,
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i'm your up to law here. and he was speaking to his german counter part on the phone earlier on monday. and he said, that's the operation the aim of it wasn't to switch any real damage on is rarely infrastructure, but rather to prove the points that if israel continues to cross what iran believes to be its red lines, there will be consequences. and this is what we've been hearing over the past 24 hours because it, ron is now in a position to defend itself against the criticism that it's a escalated tensions in the region. and the conflict between iran and israel is now a real and viable one. uh, the people, ordinary iranians here are not bracing for what could come next. many believe that there is a strong possibility that israel will retaliate, but they're hoping that the general population will not be effective. then the establishment has been very adamant that should there be in his railey response, directly underwriting. and so what they saw into operation or true promise is only
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a fraction of what iran is capable of and that iran will respond at 10 times harder and kidding israel waste. and when that happens, so there is a sense that there is, these are tens times, but still what iran has been able to achieve is being seen here as a historic victory dosage of already by force in general. and thanks very much for the update. also. still had to own out of the era, the catching them young. how far were teasing home. congress. nothing of efforts to educate citizens about the impulse to the by that he's by the alone. 2 and want to night, the 1st boon this league, a title, the by a labor keys and after the beaten run in the league, the
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critical debate. punish farmers are angry. people are starving and we actually have to exports all goods because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments politicians who may be opened in the highest level have been using games for the political economy service to him. and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera, examining the headline, unflinching journalism sharing personal stories with a global audience explorer and abundance of world class programming. on alex's era, in the vietnam war, the us army use the highly toxic herbicide with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later,
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the same house in the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the case for 2 women fought for justice against some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people vs agents, orange analogies, 0 who the book about you want to know just bear with me to hell robin and all remind to of all the top stories. it's been a year since it um plunged into a devastating complex mold. and 11000000 people have fled homes because of fighting between the army and power military rapids, the full, full size, is also pushed millions to the brink of simon. israel's will cabinets is holding
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another meeting to discuss the role is attacked over the weekend. the cabinet is supposed to be in favor of retaliation that remains defined to the timing and scale of the responds. now let's go say about 2 and when calling in the occupied east to reach them with for the very latest technology got the better of us before and hopefully we'll be okay. now an official statement from the prime minister netanyahu has not been forthcoming. and that all reports that the is really cabinet is split on the decision about how to move forward. so really it's lies on television to that's absolutely right. the won't cabinet is due to me in about an hour's time. they'll be discussing any potential response to what happened a just 2 nights ago, but you're right about prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the has been completely
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silent so far, and that is unusual, fame over 20 years. every time he's told by iran, he's talked about it in very simple times. that is, israel's biggest threats. and so we're waiting where it's like great house waiting to say whether that will be any kind of statement coming out the will come to reason. but there is a split with in the is really political landscape. the far right to the minutes is like best of all try and show it to me up and give a, a very clip. they want a direct strike on the hard on to her on others have like many guns and the defense . but it's a glance. want to build a coalition. they want to get an international killed vision going. and that will give them cover for any potential strikes on iraq. 11th, however, has probably been the clearest on this is was listening to what he has a national company is the most. we have an opportunity to establish a strategic alliance against this grave threat by iran,
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which is threatening to mount nuclear explosives on these messiahs, which could be an extremely grave threat, the us israel and its allies stand shoulder to shoulder, to defend against this threat. so i and it has to be said that, you know, life getting on as normal around the middle east has been restricted for 72 are certainly in the areas between iran and israel as well as getting back to normal. again, despite the fact that pictures are emerging, but somebody solves, did actually get through or does that say right now where restrictions put in place? uh they use included the closing of schools included uh, restrictions on people gathering um, but those restrictions are move been lifted. in fact, the kids actually play in a hotel pump just behind me. but that is still a real concern as well. uh there was no in a ballistic missiles that actually managed to land. uh fine with those landed and
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they never tell you uh, and they start to see 130 across and on use one way in mt storage. so these very minimal damage. i have to say and then for more of those that landed in a negative at base again, very, very minimal damage, but this isn't about the damage that was caused the arrow 3 missile defense system . this is the one that is very brand new for these readings. best time is ever been used, was used to shoot down ballistic missile. but the fact that 9 of those missiles go through is going to be of concern to these ready so publicly, they'll say that the defendants of israel was a victory. privately, they'll be looking at the, our 3 defense system and saying whether it needs some work, whether it needs to be read kind of how that breaks it, or whether they need to simply buy more of them. indeed, we'll come back to you and run through the day as we get more news coming out of the cabinet meeting. thanks very much. i the, the
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springs and the days of the news now and to home. coal was monday, months, national, security education day. the government is stuffing up efforts to educate everyone about the importance of sticking to the low. it's the 1st cycle awareness days in security legislation was typing last month. critics say it for the rights freedoms which would guaranteed when britain had today with the territory to china. in 1997, patrick felt possible from holcomb on monday began with blank raising sermon. a national security education day was launched in 2021. the off to beijing and post and legislation promising a wide range of dissenting act. we have to see down to understand the importance of level of security. how to society stable and prosper. that's a point. this is the 1st since on come enacted its own domestic security legislation known as article $23.00. it expands on the existing law,
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encompass trees and submission. i'm the i'm role for handling of state secret. this has been described as the biggest national security awareness event since it began and home come 4 years ago in the run up that been parades and seminars and all sorts of activities and competitions organized across the city to promote that, particularly among young people and in schools the u. k, as well as the us of criticize the law for being vague and for creating uncertainty . but people in home come right. scripts say it's another government. so for cracking down on political opponents. each one teacher who wanted to remain anonymous and told us there was little design at his school to teach students about national security. just have such as, gosh, it's essentially just going through the motions by side slide raising side. so i
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guess i'm everyone's done. that is what it is, and everyone good. many teachers quits off to the national security law was passed in 2020. they've complained of growing political pressure in schools and fierro censure of a discussing prohibited subjects in class. which is difficult, but we kind of just avoid those topics support as of john as national security drive, say there's been no change to people's freedoms, but that everyone needs to learn about the legislation. we need to educate people what this was all about and to explain the to so that, so that's to avoid them to folding into the legal trip. but it may take move in awareness campaigns to build confidence in its critics say the governments must define the little more clearly to remove any ambiguity and the fading to do so. could home home come, country folk which is 0 home come to the us 2 police officers have been killed in
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a few times where they suspected policies though it happened the city of syracuse and new york state as the service deputy. and another officer investigated reports with robbery. at least one person is in custody. questioning, until the 1st time in history by a keys and up on the gym. and ben does the good title, and it doesn't stop the for the side, devon beat, the season say fall means that they're on track for historic trouble tom size. but until. 2 the, it's a moment the city of labor costs and the voice of a 120 useful. when for inputs school, his slides, fiscal in the final minutes, the funds couldn't help themselves. they'd already flooded the pitch by the time the referee blew the whistle. but that was the name and chevy, alonzo side became champions of germany with 5 games to spare. it's unbelievable to
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win for the 1st time, lose the 1st time a suspicion on for us to, to being able to be part of it. and to that you see that excitement before the game and do the game for, for the funds. how much it means alonzo is rise with the club has been staggering. he took over in october 2022 with the club, 2nd from boston, fost fluid, 18 months. they've lifted the 1st piece of silver with facility one year is. and it gets better for labor, chris and fence despite interest from fine music and living pool. alonzo is committed to the site until at least the end of next season. first of all, these and unbelievable coach 2nd, there's an unbelievable person. by d is the hung of the mentality. everything comes from him with us to the front of jack, who has be one of the clubs many success stories the season the form awesome man, getting on the school sheets and sundays. picture of the framing. another is books . so it's have tricks the 20 year old who will be one of the starts to look out for
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and this is yours in germany. fantastic team are full of great individuals. little for a lot of quality with the right college and we've performed the season. i mean, it's a, it's going to be in the history books a anyway, but we want to keep on going on keep going. they will that when extending their own beats and run the season to an unprecedented $43.00 games, the defense, it brings it in 2 years, mrs. they've experienced 5 run out finishes in 27 years in 2002, they missed out by one point. it's still very unbelievable at the moment after all these years, after all the run rough finishes and now it's actually done. you can't put it into words. yeah. german champions, last 2002 was such a tough year and now it's finally happened. were delighted they used to be next night, never cushion. now they stand
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a chance to win everything. the next targets to the german cup, a new york police come size and i was just 0. well them to the not sits for mesa, l roberts. and now the weather is next to the inside. story follows here on i'll just say, what do you stay with us? the the hello, the weather is lousy. settled across the good parts of japan. nap out of cloud and rain making its way through. we have got, i pressure outside close by this little larry or cloud that will slip. it's wayne as we go on through the next day or so. it's a further sound was coming back in, moving across the sea of japan, something positive on she seeing some west of web bonnet drive by the stage across the korean peninsula, drawing out nicely warm sunshine to into more than positive china. not so well. not
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so sunny. a little further south central area saying some live the storms pushing for women off in greenland. having said that, at 28 degrees celsius, some big fund re down polls whitfield. why the wife of the race was? by the time we come to wedding stay and we have got a few showers also coming into west for lanka, southern posts of india as we go through the next couple of days. but, and also show us that to, into, on the pool. logic dry up towards the north west for night and see this area out and right just to the northwest that just around my head that just making its way 5 east was that is going to bring some pretty nasty weather into the middle east. actually i but the next 24 to 48 hours could see some flooding from the system. moving around the gulf, sliding down to we'll see you are you pushing into that is the side of my mind and affecting southern around of the we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others
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cannot be or guard by the parties on purpose to have the time and it to go live on the go live to work. another story that may not be mainstream the, the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. for the 1st time ever a direct to rein unit, technical in israel, a biology, drones and misses 5 invitation for strikes from uranium consulting syria. most were shut down, but the world watches with deep clean concern who be saying what to whom to try and bring com. this is inside the store the .


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