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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 15, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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the 2 weeks signed the lease and military power. follow the story. one now to sierra the, [000:00:00;00] the hello this is in use are on algae 0. 40 back to go live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. a year of conflict in saddam fighting between the army and the power military rapids support forces as scales more than $30000.00 people. 11000000 of facing families, devastation and central guys, palestinians dig through the wreckage often is rarely strike reduces their homes to revel. many are attempting to return to their homes in northern guys i despite a tax by the east,
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really military. also this hours are as well cabinets me again to discuss the lines . the tax on additions are divided over the extent and timing of the military response. and donald trump is about to become the 1st former us president disband dr. kristen salumi in new york for the 1st criminal trial of a former us president is about to get underway. the thank you for joining us. it's been one year since. so don plunged into a devastating conflict. now it's on the brink of famine with thousands killed and millions more displaced. the army has been fighting the power military rapids support forces whose integration into the sudanese army was one of the main causes of the conflict. so don had been trying to establish a civilian the government, but negotiations broke down after disagreements on how and when to integrate those
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fighters. the violence as far as more than 11000000 people from their homes in what the u. n has called the wells force displacement crisis, nearly 2000000. so the needs have fled to neighboring countries. half of them have gone to either chad or egypt. the rest have entered south. so don, ethiopia and the central african republic, putting more pressure on already scarce resources day and the spread of the fighting to rural areas and restrictions on the delivery of humanitarian aid have also pushed it on to the brink of finding the un says at least 5000000 people now facing catastrophic hunger. even morgan begins coverage with this report from home to mind, yet this would in these capital a clock tower and rowing, along with many of the buildings. this was the municipal headquarters of the mine sedan, 2nd largest city, and the capital held up to them destroyed by a year of conflict between the sudanese army and the power military rapids support forces or
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r s. f repeated artillery. drone and strikes has left to devoid of any signs of life. much of the city was once a strong cold of the recess during the 1st days of the fighting, which began a year ago. the army and the recess had been battling it out to have the upper hand in the capital in the 1st days of the conflict iris of fighters to control of the presidential palace state tv headquarters, a major oil refinery in the capital parts of the main airport. and many residential areas. the armies offensive came in december and started in, undermine resulting in the recapture of tv headquarters. government forces have also regained some territory in the northern parts of the capital, and how to alone, fighting close at least $13000.00 people. on the mazda 3 plays a major role in this conflict, serving as
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a supply line for the rapid support for in the 1st few months of the fighting. it's also where the parent military and the student is obviously fee respectful happen fault, and where some of the worst disruption in the capital region can be seen. a year after the battle began, it talks to try to find a dentist the blood shed have failed to produce results. the recess also took over much of the r 4 and to view the state in the center of the country, the u. n. has accused the power i'm going to treat group of ethnic cleansing and work crimes in west dar for when it's an allied to malicious targets. as nick must sally to types, man, the international agency said in that state alone were between 10 to 15000 people have been killed. and more than half a 1000000, displaced by violence in the past year. more than 9000000 for denise has been forth from their homes. it's the world's largest displacement crisis. the yes on it's
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about 3 or 2 refills fell on our homes. we were not able to sleep the night before we left in the morning. we took off with only the clothes we were wearing. we were many families. the kids had no food or water for days, setting that much, i didn't, i hire the you and has words that the fighting is preaching what it's called a catastrophic humanitarian crisis. efforts to revive talks between the wearing sites are ongoing. what's for now? the sounds of artillery and gunfire continued to dominate the capital and other parts of the country even more than all just their own on their minds and live down to another of our correspondents incidentally homage vaughn, who is in force to don mamma, do you have been to saddam many times in the past year, you reported on the prices from the beginning. what has been the back of a year of war on saddam and on its peoples spitefully. so that has seen was in the policy including us,
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if it was up last that's for more than 20 years. but nothing could come problem to the devastation and in terms of scope of this will come to is no more like a company to come to has been fully the state to the other parts of the national on the capital, including undermine and by the government has been forced to move away from the capital. it's almost the failed states. what i stand here, imports with them is not with the term project capital of the country. not tell you a lot about the situation and the under the control, the amount of control that the government has. so this country has seen its worst worst situations associated dependents. more than 10000000 about 10000000 people have lost a livelihood. most of them have been forced away from their homes and hundreds of thousands of dollars of the country. and the, the political fragmentation also has that it's, it's, it's a, it's, it's speak now with nobody is talking to anyone else that the, the, the, the,
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let's come a groups. i don't even able to have a decent dialogue about this war. just 3 days ago, the, the head of the transitional military council made it very clear that there wouldn't be no negotiation with any groups, any civilian political groups that have not participated in the fighting against the auto set up. it supports courses so, so there is no dialogue and there is no discussion about how to end this problem. and the humanity situation has reached also on the president of level. so you want is warning of a funding that's might happen. sony of this country, hundreds of thousands, a threatened to die, particularly children across the country because of lack of food. and it's not just because food that isn't available or because there is no farming or because there is no a, it's coming from the international uh the country's internationally, but also access to places where the fighting is taking place. the just cause difficulties of taking aid to those areas and the restriction is not the
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international agencies all talking about governments putting those restrictions on, on those agencies. and also the new thing lucky is taking place. the stuff on it, excuse me, the of the conducting loc fluti when of some aid is being shipped to the victims. so it's a very complicated situation. a situation of the company has never seen in the past, and that's well, so that is not for over a decade i'm the name of the law has been relying on the profits from city the farming to feed his family the farm and go about if you eastern so then says most of his farming materials locally souls, but they are hard to find now after a year of fighting between this within his army and the part of me to turn it off and support forces or let more product to and will be that the materials that we need for planting the paste the sides, the seeds, the 1st alliance of the story. they used to cost a certain amount before the war,
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but the price is more than doubled after the war. even the empty sex that i use to put my have as than now, costs more than double what it used to be. the fighting has also affected collecting the harvest even in states. well, there is no active conflict that's leading to less food being available in markets . nothing was that everything if you want the city all the farm is in my area have crops that they couldn't, thomas because the recess dropped us of our equipment and fuel to operate the machinery. if you do managed to haul to something, they chase you and take away what you've collected. you and says celia production alone has own most cost in the past. yeah. and words of what may turn into the world small just congo crisis if it's not already given that there is no student needs in the entire country that is touched by the conflict. people simply will not have the means to be able to put the food on the table. and this is why we are desperately concerned. the agencies say at least 18000000. so then these are
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already going hungry with 5000000 of them. just one step away from finding most living areas where it's difficult to get food deliveries. what's complicating the situation even further is the f. a whitening scope of the conflict out of the bottom in the study have recently managed to strike us about east of the state of the body of government leaders of the competing priorities of humanitarian intervention. to prevent funding and military action to provide security. how much fun of the seo pulse with that. so don's former prime minister, abdullah hum dock is calling for an end to the fighting. i'm doc is participating in an international aid conference in paris. the highlights the flight of millions of food in these affected by divine di. more okay, from the coal comes to stop that will address the humanitarian situation, stopped targeting civilians restore the path of democratic transformation, an open and expanded dialogue that leads to the full nation of peaceful transition
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structures. and these positions in the interest of the nation and the citizens, and this will not be achieved except by returning to negotiations. well, women in sedona paying a heavy price in the continuing conflict. so don has was, was displacement crisis and half of, oh to denise for some of the homes of girls and women, the united nations is wanting that more than $7000.00. you mothers could soon die if the health needs aren't met. and gender base fine and threatens almost 7000000 sudanese to talk to us more about the flight of food in these women. we're now joined by so late my shock awfully fy, who's head of the sort of these governments, eunice come back in violence against women. so let me know, thank you very much for joining us on al jazeera. what has been the most devastating consequent, the most devastating impact of the war on the women of scots or it's the
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section of the confidentiality. sexual violence is one of the most of domestic dates because they think thing that's happened to the women into them because all types of the conflict we had exceptional violence has happened to them. it's including force matter which is including sexual slavery, traffic, gang, and kidnapping. and actually it's, it's not even getting the attention he needs a regionally or international and the edit village vanity into them is really deepest. they think it's really a good, nice thing. and it's really painful to see this kind of effect people and how much that women had lost. they loved the properties that paused to leave their houses. they lost that a savings and the informer sex that does that have been a actually help mostly by women being fighting public dates for decades now have just pushed down and all this for then had lost even the small drops that keep, keep that big in the d, and at least keep the,
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some of the expenses going on. and now they lost everything. and most of the people now as relying on the 8th, which is not enough. and it's really humble in comparison to that causes we haven't . yeah, at the large number of the beast is mostly women and goes download and they lost the even the, the, the at the same. but i'm thinking it 5 support that actually enabled them for dignity and thinking they dignified support like the senate 30 pads that they send shows more than needs. and it's not people see it as not the privacy, but it's actually very much prior to the women and girls because it, it could prevent that accessibility and it could prevent the effects station. and any 8 that is loved, jen, this does not actually look at the differences between men and women and, and then then at this time the needs for women and goes is, are going to be knocked. yeah. do you mind sharing responsive was? yeah,
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the humanitarian response is not enough and you say it's not even sufficient to meet the needs of women, the particular needs of women and girls. many of them, as you mentioned on maybe that. yeah, a living in displace can source of conditions ave facing and these gaps weather in south to don in shot and, and what help are they getting an up to the, even in the people who manage to get through the caps because the, in the internet especially for this to that is not even in gums that live in the schools and where the house is. bethany is actually that infrastructure. it is very weak, it's not very much safe. it's not even made to to convince large number of people. so it's actually crushing down even those uh, in, in, in, in, in, in, in safe places and other people in the gums, they're not getting enough. and i know that people, when they flip fee to chat chat, they need basics and things like to be pulled dignified support. and it's not that
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and it's got enough. okay, with that a and it, it adds the suffering and the city meet the basic needs for themselves. so ma'am, and i am actually let me ask you um, because historically women have played a critical role in, in building community resilience since don and, and advocating for fees. what role do you see? so then these women playing today in, in achieving peace in the country. is there a space for women in leadership roles in starting today of these most faithful in the right now. but actually women doing this within the, the safe houses that thing and within the, uh, the uh, the 6 schools that they have been, uh, that home homes now. now they're leaving this, the support within their own pretty many areas. and they are needing the voluntary work food. it does help that on communities. it's the women nature. how they do you feel the committed this but it's been if women i'd love to have looked at that then
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i'm not. so there is no support. if there is no psycho social support of these, no support that support they signify that they can defy the support. there's not enough. women would not be able to do that. really nobody to rely on women. yes, thank you so much. we're going to leave it there. thank you for your time. slay my a shot and holly for i had all the sort of these governments unit come back in violence against women. we appreciate your time. thank you. as well. hundreds of thousands of people seeing the conflict in style, living in overcrowded camps in south savannah, as you heard him at his hearing. agency said there's a risk of an outbreak of disease. the united nation says 1500 people that they are arriving in the border time. of frank most are south. so the news, returning home as catherine, so a records the arrived in the hundreds every day at the board, a town of rank hungry, tired and traumatized. they left everything behind. more than half
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a 1000000 souls with a needs returning home, as well as to the knees receives leading, fighting into dawn of cross the border. the last. yeah, the johnny has been powerless. all the 0 met, laila pita, the transit comp. she fled from to don, copy to her to up to she and her children run out of food and the safe place to be the no, no, no many people died. she says some were killed by bombs on planes. you did my best friend died. a boy because are struggling to provide basic supplies for the new arrivals. salt, so done is a country when 9000000 people need to money, tare and assistance. someone leaving encompass for the displaced because of ongoing estimate conflicts, distribution i'm saying now is not what i so in other places, this is quite a complex intervention because we are not totally dealing with one community
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without with and is coming back to the countries. we have received this coming in kind of have a that type, nothing was confusing. so coming in, this is denise in fighters from the rapids support forces have both been accused of human rights abuses and so don's. the 15th of epa for us is actually a mobilizing moment, is the moment of fully died at the moment. well, random, kenyon who perhaps was not aware that this is happening is now informed and is furious, is increase is anxious, and perhaps collectivity, you can put more pressure on all the different access sounds to done. and it's not the neighbor share a troubled history of the 2 countries please. in 2011 the civil war that lasted decades, more than 2000000 people accounts summary tony's who had opted to state and so done . say they want to go back to the villages, but they've been away for so long. they don't know where to start catching sight
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all to 0. spent more head on this muse. our including bomb craze. is that and he's ready at base. the military release is video of what it says is the result of the ron thrown and miss silent tax. a decade after nigeria is she bought kidnappings, dozens of girls are still missing as a country struggle to stop. try the structure the, the war on guys are now and at least 5 people have been killed and several others injured in is really bombing in central gaza. i found the home in our new save our refugee camp was targeted and rescue. workers are still trying to reach people trapped under the rubble. the injured have been taken to a make shift hospital for treatment. and in the, my guys, the refugee camp palestinians that sifting through the wreckage, often these really strike reduce their homes to revel. the residents say they were sleeping before being working out by
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a knock at the door and told to evacuate in preparation for an he's really strike. despite the attacks, hundreds of displaced on these are still trying to return to the north along a coastal road. large crowds of people moved along our sheets street in the hope of being allowed back. some people walked on foot wide. are those hughes will barrows or donkey cars to make their journeys? many a trying to leave the south i mid i looming, straight to them is really invasion of a rough. let's get the latest on the situation and guys i'd speak to, i'll just hear as honey my hold in the process for us. bring us up to speed honey with what's been happening, what areas these really strikes have been talking as well as really air strikes and, or, tillery, should i continue to count across the room since early hours of this morning? it's like the last 24 hours. we're looking at at least 5 atrocities committed across the district,
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merely concentrated in the central area where there's really military still operating aggressively in the moving parts of the area to the southern part of why do you have that particular area designated to pay for it back to within displays, families to move to it in order to avoid being, being bombed and killed. and in the northern part of the cities and taking their leisure ballier refugee camp in july and the town center. now as of this morning, we'll look at and on the non stop art dealer's ceiling, targeting new residential homes and, and the fact that we're here to these residential loans are right now being taken over by display as spam, is a from central part of the city and the western part of the nearest hospital since there are no homes lived for them. so there's the can childers in whatever remaining residential building in the northern parts and gospel city that includes also the fox on people who were waiting on the other side of why the man, the around a noble, the traffic circle waiting for family members to make it to the northern part of
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gauze and city. ah, this happened yesterday. the past 24 hours were looking at $66.00 days people are being killed and includes the 100. 1 people with different injuries transferred, not only do remaining to my functional offers and also the low capacity operational field hospitals in the central area. busy and honey, despite the dangers, despite these really attacks, some people are, are attempting to return to their homes in the no of the yes, that is correct on the fact that people are taking that decision in their hands just to go back to their homes in the northern part and garza city is an indication of how difficult they are living conditions happen within the past 6 months. not only do you live in overcrowded spaces, whether it's based on what designated shoulders on, or what schools or in a make shift tense,
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in 5 roads or on those little islands in the middle of major roads or at the velocity. evacuations on the living conditions have been very difficult with extreme shortage of basic supplies, including the food and water, and, and survival items. and the constant bombings across rough activity. an area that has been largely designated as a safe area for people to evacuated, to more than half of the population has been pushed and cornered in this a smaller space. so people are right now are at the point where they're exhausted tired. they're looking into more of it. if it's this is dangerous, then why not going back and just die where we, where we have our homes in. and that's pretty much what everyone is. it is expressing with a frustration that it's better for them to go back to their homes and then order upon and go to the city over just experiencing these difficult conditions and all very crowded robot. but the, the tragedy here, even if they make it to their homes in northern, got down the street and gaza city, they pretty much go into
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a waste lab. there isn't much lift of gaza city on the northern part and there is a wide spread this directions that including the residential buildings, buildings and homes that are completely flat and a honey. thank you very much for the update. best options here is honey. my most live there in rafa. southern gaza, meanwhile, is what i was, what cabinet is meeting for a 2nd time in? as many days to discuss yvonne's unprecedented attack on his route, tehran launched hundreds of miss signs and drawing that israel. yvonne says it was in response to these drugs, a tax on his consulate in damascus. 2 weeks ago, these really cabinets held several meetings on sunday. it is reported in favor of a retaliation, but we may as divided over the timing and scale of the response. that's bringing him this on who in tennessee, from on this so report subdivisions on how to respond to the reading a top come that. what can we expect from the 2nd cabinet meeting now?
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well there's been a lot of disagreements within me is really government, not just the word cabinet but also nets. and y'all who's white are government like members of the far right? known ultra nationalist like based on a small rich, it's a more bend we're. these are both ministers who hold cabinet positions in the government wanting to see a response to the iranians. but there's been a lot of pressure from the americans on this in yahoo to non respond out of fear of this, escalating into a wider regional conflict. and now it was decided by the war cabinet, which consists of benjamin netanyahu. the defense minister you'll have the launch and war cabinet minister benny gans, that those 3 would ultimately be the ones to make a decision. yesterday we heard from gans who said that there will be a response at a time and place of israel's choosing these really army had also come out in the evening and said that there were plans that were approved. but as rules, defense minister says that israel is still on edge and that cooperation within the region is something that is going to help israel in the months,
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days and weeks to come with say, go with them a just a little confused. i'm not. we have an opportunity to establish a strategic alliance against this grave threat by you wrong, which is threatening to mount nuclear explosives on these messiahs, which could be an extremely grave threat, the us israel and its allies stand shoulder to shoulder, to defend against this threat. so i have no time during the meantime, restrictions on the schools and launch gatherings have been lifted. but what is the mode in israel after these attacks? well initially there was a lot of fear that this would break into some sort of wide or conflict while the warren guns that was still ongoing. but it's really as have said that there has been a lot of faith in the air defense system in israel. similar to the face they had in the air defenses when the war on gaza started, but the is really army and homefront command say they've lifted all of these restrictions now. gatherings of more than 1000 people are allowed to take place
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again meeting the protest can once again take to the streets of tel aviv against israel. government schools were operating as normal today as well as work places in both the north and the south. with these really army has said that all of this could still change as this is a dynamic and quite unprecedented situation. indeed, i'm to thank you very much from the south who lived there in tennessee. now, yvonne says a stock on his red was the legitimate action under the un charter in response to the strike on its consulate in damascus. on april 1st, foreign ministry spokesman, gnostic and 90, made the comment at his weekly news briefing and urge west of nations to appreciate yvonne's restraint. this is all mess with on this. then what i hit on if the international community and the security council had reacted israel's aggressive actions in previous years. we would not have seen such bold acts by this regime now . we have carried out this action in the framework of deterrence. and then if
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another action is taken, our actions will be more serious. those side jabari is my correspondent team, de ron joins us now live on the news, our what more you hearing door. so from the reading authorities and what sort of preparations are they making in case of retaliation from you sir? as well, soley, we've been hearing from the raining for mr. jose and i'm your abdullah here on who has been speaking to various other for ministers in the region as well as europe during a phone conversation with his german counterpart earlier on monday, the renewed for administer highlighted the fact that the actions that are on took was to prove a points, and that it was to show israel that their actions are not going to be tolerated by around. and there we news have read lines and that's what these are at least have cross after that or strike on it's console. it section in damascus. that killed 7 members of the revolutionary guard. we've also been hearing from the supreme
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national security council inside the country. that is a body that is headed by the erie new president. the statement that was issued by this body highlighted the fact that iran does not seek to continue this a back and forth in terms of military action between iran and his routes. and that it wrong can to consider is the matter done. they've carried out the operation to prove a point, and they don't wish to escalate further. but should israel respond with any kind of military action against iraq? the radiance will respond tenfold to what we saw in operation to promise that was carried out by the revolutionary guard on sunday morning. in terms of the preparedness of the country. the officials have been issued any kind of warnings or alerts to the general public, but we do know that most likely the military forces are on high alerts. the airports have reopened in the capital turnaround as of monday morning, and life continues for the time being. for now, the events that are on folded over the past 48 hours are being held as
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a victory for iran. and certainly it's being seen as a psychological barrier that's been cross the threats against israel, from iran been ongoing for over 4 decades. and the actions that the revolutionary guards took against israel. now show that iran is capable of attacking is route. thank you for that door such a battery lives there in tehran. new is really military video shows what it says is damaged when abby's following yvonne's attack, the uranium barrage of drones and miss ice calls crate. is that the never to him a base in southern israel? israel says almost all of yvonne's weapons were into sex to intercepted to discuss this. and other developments when i joined by on marshal, profess of security and military studies at the doha institute. joining us on the use are, are good to have you with us. again, 350 project ties launch into his route 9. ballistic massage. got through to israel
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and landed in this database and then a gap desert. so a bit more successful than was initially reported. what lessons do we draw from this? so a lot where to start 1st is there are lots of 1st sir, so that the amount of just low 3 munitions about the $170.00. most of the or if he's the visually calling friends, wish i had one the 36. these are quite noisy and quite slow, so they leave a lot of acoustic signature and you can the track them because they're so so tractable and destructible, but the closet, the quantity has a quantity on its own, very destructive, they managed to distract and not just the radio defense is on the multi layered ones. so the, the, the, the out in don't the, that's the short range one. the david's thing that's the medium range one. but also the picture. it's in the arrows. that's a i don't see which did not deal with the lighting munitions. they dealt with the but the sticks and the cruise missiles the, the longer range ones. the, the, the interesting bit is that,
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that this slow and noisy weapon have managed to distract the radio defenses. and let the foster ones to like the ballistics, to go through. and when they got through, apparently they hit the to everybody's as a pet and see uh so one you saw the craters and then have a team. but the other ramon which is delta airlines, a small the air base as the manage also to hit someone with a co, according to to some of the news that the interesting bit is the. the lions alleged that the nicotine air base was database where the f 35 that the attack that consummate was the channels that were launched on that. if you know the symbolism of the radians in your view, succeed in restoring military to tyrants with this attack. and i would say they, they accomplished an unprecedented feet in terms of going through. it was not just is radio defenses, but the also allies their defenses including got about like a defenses because they've provided some significant the support in terms of allowing their spaces to be used by like jordan for example,
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including jordan. yes. uh, they allowed the air spaces, they also provided the very important the intelligence, right, right. are intelligence information on the tracks of the, of these us, all of these missiles and looking munitions. and apparently they assisted as well with it on it assets. so there, there's a, like a it on having a series of non state organizations fighting on its side or, or in alliance with it, is a little so has its own a lot all eyes into the interest beneficiary that interest. interesting to see that from arab countries like jordan, we're actually acting in defense of israel here and that hasn't gone down well with the the ap streets as it it the no, i don't think it will go down. well basically because the comparison is made with guns that goes as air space is completely dominated by israel. most of the 30000, more than 30000 death is in gaza. where uh, buy air strikes or alternative strikes,
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but by that of the strikes inaccurate ones. and you know, there was no, not much air defense for gaza, but there's a lot of air defense for israel apparently by nobody sophisticated the systems. okay, thank you very much. who am i to talk to us about this and you're inside always good to get it on my sure from the device that you're joining us, even on the use our now time for a check on the world, whether his f, as in fox, probably we have flooding concerns for the middle east over the next $2448.00 housing see was larry or cloud here just coming across to was a golf pushing either towards the or mom that's going to continue driving. his wife, further east was sent a science when style looked at the stalls gathering a cluster of stones that are rumbling away, that could bring max it down, pulls maybe a year's worth of rain for, for some pushing across the you. are you able see some brain here in concert i lifted just inside a possibility as well. really live the weather. that weather coming into eastern positive amount and garage you pushing across into that western and southern area
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of iraq brought this guys to come back, came behind in the base logic dry and brought across the eastern side of the mediterranean. but i see see temperatures on the rise because the 24 celsius tuesday getting up to 31 degrees on where to start. you can say some showers to adjust the round grease a few showers to into what you miss here. back to northern areas of libya, much of north africa restaurant. if a little windy sandstone is a possibility around this, a har, them plenty of showers. meanwhile, just around west africa, pretty a shower students, east africa, really heavy rain coming into tens of neighbors. we go through the next steps i made my vehicle. so what that rain extensive can't you have it and thank you very much. still ahead on use our, the, we are in hong kong where the government wants everyone to know the importance of sticking to the new national security. and rising from the ashes in paris 5 years off to the devastating fire. we'll see how close notes with them cathedral is being resolved.
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the lines of ethnic i'm groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries, since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote camps and front bind baffles shots. the progress of an idealistic young generation of rebels as a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries, the trouble of history on the phones. the on, on the, on the roads on al jazeera, the latest news, as it breaks around on a given. i cause that to me, but it does come out in large numbers. the galvanized population a board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the reality is that things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world
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. people have told us the circumstances even more important than usual to come together to share what are the tools they have? the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our on knowledge is 0. a reminder of our top stories is one year seems to war in saddam began 12 months of fighting between the government and the military rockies . the fort forces has killed at least 30000 people. 11000000 have been forced from their homes with many on the brink of famine is rouse,
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war cabinet is again meeting to discuss how to respond to the weekend attack by iran. politicians are reported to approve retaliation, but on divided over the size and timing of the response. and new is really military video, shows what it says is damaged one ad base following iran's attack, the radiant garage of drones and besides caused craters, that'd be never team and base inside of these right now to the us where jury selection has begun, indiana charge money trying to former us present donald trump. he faces $34.00 felony charges accuse of disguise in payments made to hide. extramarital affairs is the 1st so for criminal trials he is facing. let's go straight to ours is here is christian. slow me was outside the courthouse in new york, so set the scene for us. christian. what is president trump walking into today for my present? i should say of the well, the scene is new york,
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the former president's former hometown. he is about to begin the 1st of 4 criminal trials against him, but he's already experience some losses in civil courts here in new york, just down the street. from here, he's already facing nearly $500000000.00 in damages for those civil cases for the states are even higher. now as this is now a criminal trial and he arrived here to very tight security. new york police secret service guarding the building and a handful of demonstrators as well as seen in the park across the street from the forward house behind me, demonstrators waving trump 2024 banners in his favor. and also protestors saying that no one is above the law. so a very focused attention here on the court house as those criminal proceeding gets underway, which former president also arrives to
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a gag order imposed on him by the judge. in this case that hasn't stopped him. from accusing both the judge in this case and the district attorney of being out to get him. he's accused them of election interference. he was hoping to delay this trial as it does tom right in the middle of the campaign season for the former president, who is the presumptive nominee for the republican spot on the presidential ticket. coming up in november, he was unsuccessful in all those towns a town. so now he is expected to be in this port house for at least the next 6 to 8 weeks. as the jury considers the serious charges against this case, kristen is about a hash money payment, but the charges are suppose to find business records. what's the connection? that right, so he's a que is $34.00 counts of falsifying business records. the accusation is that he
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despised payments to an adult film star payments that were made through his lawyer and 6 or michael cohen doing so. and violation of tax laws and federal campaign laws as well. it's not a legal to pay someone to be quiet. it is in the cover up of the hiding of those payments. that is what is a legal and doing so in order to avoid taxes or campaign finance laws would make that a felony. now the former president denies that he had the affair that he knew about these payments. and all of this, remember though, happened back in 2016, that was when he was running the 1st time for president and was facing a number of scandals including a tape that was released of him making disparaging comments about women that will be the backdrop to this case, as it goes forward in the run up to the next selection, christine will be told to be following home developments in new york with you
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throughout the day here on alger 0. thank you very much for the moments christmas salumi. now the war crimes trying of one of the highest ranking, former syrian military officials has begun in a swedish court. mohammed hamel who was a brigadier general, is accused of violating international humanitarian law and during serious civil war . the 65 year old faces a life sentence for his imagine involvement in what prosecutors argue. what indiscriminate attacks on the city of homes, you know the 2012, it's the 1st time any syrian army official has been put on trial. a call monday marks national security education day. the government is stepping up efforts to educate everyone about the importance of sticking to the law is the 1st so called awareness based and security legislation was tight. and last month, critics say it for the egos, freedoms which were guaranteed when britain handed over the territory to china. in 1997,
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patrick salt creek for small cost. the cost on come monday began with blank raising sermon. a national security education day was launched in 2021. the year after being imposed in legislation, promising a wide range of dissenting acts. we have to see down to understand the importance of that service occurred to you how to make our society stable as prosper. that's a point. this is the 1st since home come, enacted its own domestic security legislation known as article 23. it expands on the existing law and compass trees and submission and the i'm role for handling of state secret. this has been described as the biggest national security awareness event since it began and home come 4 years ago in the run up that being parades and seminars and all sorts of activities and competitions organized across the city to promote and particularly among young people. and in schools the u. k, as well as the us of criticize the law for being vague and for creating uncertainty
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for people in home. come right. scripts say it's another government sofa cracking down on political opponents. each one teacher who wanted to remain anonymous and told us there was little design at his school to teach students about national security just how the school as us and it. and so that she is going to be the nations by side slide raising side. so i guess i'm everyone's done, that is what it is and everyone, the just many teachers quits off of the national security law was passed in 2020. they've complained of growing political pressure in schools and fierro censure of a discussing prohibited subjects in class, which is difficult, but i kind of just avoid those topics. supporters of china is national security
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drive, say there's been no change to people's readings, but that everyone needs to learn about the legislation. we need to educate people what this was all about and to explain the go bit so that to avoid them to folding into the legal trip. but it may take more than awareness campaigns to build confidence in its critics say, the government must define the little more clearly to remove any ambiguity on the saving to do so. could home. home con patrick fault, l g 0 home. com. it's been 10 years since the abduction of 276 school girls from a secondary school in northern nigeria by the optical book, or i'm dozens are still missing. alger 0 is, i'm a dangerous re for some to bulk, whether it's still hope that all the goals will return 10 years on the emotions. as to roy, she woke in nigeria as north, east and board in the state of the 276 goals. taken 194 back
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among them, 57 who escaped captive in the early days of the kidnapping bible quite out by just for the parents of the age to go. so i still missing the weight continuous. on the 10th anniversary of the my subjection parents inactive is gather to remember what happened and tomorrow, and pressure on the government. we want them to be free from, that's a visa to be united with us in the whole at home. and that's what we want. after a decade of competing parents to you, i worried that international interest in the goals plight is we we don't know, we cannot attend what the 0 is and they have with golf on. i don't the we've done snow. we parents, we don't know. what do we asked to call on them? they should not lift bus laptops,
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but we need the assistance. we knew i had it on i print 42014 alcorda and quite as apparently look into steve food for my secondary school that was supposed to be shot. it goes up to 10 of your ratings security situation. important to state, re, did the typical go 2nd to school. they counted hundreds of students and took them away. late response by security forces, complicated the rescue, and caused blow from the outrage. before leaving the fight to set the school and fire. a simple click on as close the as it goes sometimes, but it's always continued to be haunted by what time the school has become a shrine for victims and their families will gather here and we'll need to move on . and to remember that an idea is you have to overcome activist blame governments, past and present, fulfilling just q a. schools and students as most abductions, reach a crisis point to nigeria from
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a captive ledia. joshua says freedom is incomplete. as long as our school to meet, remain missing. i'm not really happy because i'm in here though. it's been so many for us of them down not to yet on day so far. pays that go to we've been them back. but this year, not all is all the evils the terms of us read a few heard which was to one of the kidnapped school goes now our university graduates got choose among those who was rescued towards the goal, shifted along with dozens of others by the previous night general government and the commitment ration parents mock the end of the gathering with pray that when they meet to get mixed, other parents will be mocking vocation would there be some children or at least have found the closure to the doc moment. in general, recent history. how many degrees?
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oh jeez, yeah. i get a widespread fluency. no mine has killed 12 people. i searches under way for 5 others or missing dozens needing, rescuing by emergency services and thousands of been evacuated as a precaution. still i had on alger 0. 2 2 the 1st one, the legal title for buying never national and i'm beaten vine in the need details
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next in the the the the
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the welcome back. a bit of sports news now and for the 1st time in the history bind, never cruise and have won the gym and buddhist league a title, and it doesn't stop there for the side that i'm beaten season so far means they're on track for an historic trouble tom size contest all. 2 the, it's a moment, the city of labor kissing the voice of a 120 years for when for input school, his slides, 5th goal in the final minutes, the funds couldn't help themselves. they'd already flooded the pitch. by the time the referee blew the whistle. but that was the name and chevy, alonzo side became champions of germany with 5 games to spare. it's unbelievable to win for the 1st time, lose the 1st time in suspicion on for us to to being able to be part of it. and to that, just see that the excitement before the game and do the game for,
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for the funds. how much it means alonzo is rides with the club, has been staggering. he took over in october 2022 with the clubs, 2nd from boston. fast forward 18 months, they've lifted the 1st piece of silver with facility one year is. and it gets better for like the christmas fence despite interest from fine music and living pool. alonzo is committed to the site until at least the end of next season. first of all, these and unbelievable coach 2nd, there's an unbelievable person by d as i hung up, i mean, sorry to say everything comes from him with us to the front of jack, who is b, one of the clubs many success stories the season perform awesome man. getting on the score sheet and sundays picture of, of the framing. another is books. so it's hendricks to the 20 year old who will be one of the starts to look out for. and this is yours in germany. fantastic team are full of our great individuals, full of a lot of quality with the right culture. and we've performed the season. i mean,
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it's a, it's going to be in a sort of book. so anyway, but we want to keep on going and keep going. they will that when extending their own beats and run the season to an unprecedented $43.00 games. the defends that brings it into use of mrs. they've experienced 5 run out finishes and 27 years in 2002, they missed out by one point. it's still very unbelievable at the moment after all these years, after all the run rough finishes and now it's actually done. you can't put it into words. yeah. german champions at last, 2002 was such a tough year and now it's finally happened. were delighted they used to be nicknamed significance and now they stand a chance to win everything. the next targets to the german cup and the right to leak pump size, and i was just 065 years in 5 destroyed. notes are down. one of the well as most
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famous cathedrals, its hopes, the powers landmarks will reopen later this year. one of the many artisans working on the unique project has been explaining what's being done to restore unaltered time to its former spend. all so just this one has told me this is all to look to the 2nd set to do this at c d motion and the secret marcia exception. then by noon i was 80 to 90. see that, you know, somebody between plus one is that the cash sheet just in mind, you typically do minuses recruiting solution for some time this between the school and the value of this use and i to savvy. so we have to lose the cd takes action in each man,
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moon country. so this was a t t or some of these for that customer x. if you had, i'm sorry to add to a video, cool national, cheapest, chantix. it's how long that i shall go, but just keep the list for them. the what is magazine, what level the dcf with as are the songs that you said good, i'm clear on a lot of these walking from the pool of your dish. i for the, as i said, i to us the trip the specifics. it's going to put them on tie on when you most. i'm sick for cooling, that easy chef with as soon as i mentioned, i use your the top i noticed your which one is that going for a swim off the coast of venezuela? isn't a good idea at the moment. an unusually invasion of jelly fishes causing alarm for both tories and fishermen. alexandra bias has
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a story. the local fishermen are calling it the plague. millions of cannibal jelly fish choking waters across the venezuela's coastline. q and the way. yeah, well no, nothing much used to see a little worn every now and then. now it's like the flowers in the sea. i'm flawed . how it's too much too much too much. so they must see all about selling the swarm seem to appear out of nowhere. it's thousands of miles from where the species is normally found in the atlantic pacific and gulf coast. the invasive jelly fish is filling fishing nets and crowding out other species and is having a severe impact on the fishing and tourism that locals depend on. what i would know for them, i know. see, i don't. ok. when you dive in the works to look proficient you brush against a lot of jelly fish with your head. you body. you get stung along here. account looks at fish right now with completely stuck up in the movement diagram. dougherty weekly halls have dropped to less than
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a 5th of what they once were. local organizers say it's the industry's biggest decline in recent years. then as well as environment ministry says, warming waters caused by climate change. pollution and over fishing, maybe to blame scientist in the capital are trying to pinpoint the exact cause, the invasion. this is a school named to add the because this isn't a typical event that's occurring, it's a complete and normally in previous use, only a few has been observed one. however, the increase in the population this year has completely exceeded previous estimates . what i'm saying, daniel jellyfish populations around the world have seward in recent years. the thrive and harsh conditions and need very little oxygen. and researchers are warning of a looming tipping point. we're jelly fish could over well other species and dominate the world's ocean. alexandra buyers, alj a 0 and that is a new file for now, but to stay with us on out of here,
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i'll be back in just a few minutes with more based on the how well does it rent that who pays the price? when we came to clean ship, new orleans more than 1200 for black people lost their lights, not a single rich american loss. they like the real cost of the climate to emergency. the most vulnerable of people who are suffering are poor people. but even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. outages here as new series died off to the heart. 300 years ago, the found is the full season, the celebrated, the natural world in stages of the year. now his music has been recompose by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global
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climate emergency. culminating in a disturbing like the full months in south korea. this nokia or of sol on al jazeera these are the must, these or drums as they used to march 3 d o t before dawn box with an increase is really military precedence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives at austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the streets for kind of cards. images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tory for is the city often defies the physical we used to be lost on the street right now. look, it's easy to move around. the law could be different in this war and go to change the situation,
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and now we have 70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year, a foster and besides with those hungry and suffering in casa, the a mass grave is founding, gaza, city bodies of palestinians were buried in the courtyard of oz chief. the hospitals told him by his really forces 2 weeks ago, the lady watching all g 0 live from bill. how with me for the back, people also coming up at least 5 people i killed in israel's latest sex time on


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