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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 15, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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all settings your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the the you're watching the news, our life or my headquarters in delphi. i'm telling you navigator here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes uncovering the dead in gaza. another mass grave is found in the grounds of and she thought hospital recently occupied by is really sold or is the is really work habit. it meets again as members remain divided over how to respond to it, runs drone and miss all the time. the 1st anniversary of the battle for power in some done with more than 30000 killed and 11000000. facing simon, we look at the world's worst displacements crisis,
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plus christian salumi in new york for the 1st criminal trial of a former us president is about to get underway. i've driven ash with the sports control of associates of aging hoff mattresses, organized as if the events are investigating allegations 3 ask for come athletes deliberately allowed a chinese run us when sunday's race. the hello palestinian doctors have discovered another mass graves in the courtyard defense. she felt hospital in garza city. 9 bodies believe to be a hospital. patients have been found so far. and doctor say they witnessed the killings. it's one of several mass graves discovered on the hospital grounds. in the last few days, nearly 400 bodies had been recovered since is really forces ended a 2 week rate on that hospital. on april,
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the 1st part of my food is joining us from going fast. so honey, the pictures are quite disturbing. bring us up to speed with what you're hearing about what's, what's been discovered that she felt hospital of the yes there, you know where we came the monitoring and following this evolving a story from a ship, a hospital where 9 bodies were discovered, buried inside the hospital in what looks like a mazda grave, and according to the doctors who made this, who found these bodies and discovered them in the courtyard of the hospital page, it seems to be those were patients inside the hospital and injuries were killed by these really military. just given the fact that they had these medical bandages, as well as they got the tours on their bodies attached to them, just give an indication that they were inside the hospital. this is not the 1st time we do come into the watch. a mazda grades being discovered inside the ship
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that many calls hospital and medical complex. uh, the entire complex turned into a graveyard since it was, is formed by it is really military. and last month in marcia, during the 1st time in december 2023. the total number of people who have been discovered dead and buried under the dirt or massive graves inside the hospital is close to 381. in addition to 9 bodies more today, it is believed there are more bodies is still buried in the courtyard of the hospital. and according to testimony is by medical to stop the doctors and nurses. those where the vast majority works, executed by it is really military at the main gate of the hospital or inside the medical facilities as is really military was doing or conducting the building to building room jerome aggressive search inside the hospital. so this is some of the, uh, the groups on picture we're seeing right now. some people or family members are from
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the vicinity of the hospitals who were present at the time to say those bodies were discovered, do recognize the bodies of their family members, whether they are close family members to their children from the clothes they are wearing their knives them right away, it's very difficult right now. it is believed to be continuing to happen within the coming days. but the doctor sees the search operation inside the hospital given that the, the presence of surveillance to drones. and it's really military is not as stations far away from the medical complex right now. okay, honey, thank you so much anymore. i was reporting from alpha garza at least 5 people had been killed and several others injured and is really bombing in central gaza. a family home and be a no c dot refugee camp was targeted and rescue workers are still trying to reach people trapped under the rubble. the injured had been taken to
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a make shift hospital for treatments. and india and my how's the refugee camp palestinians are assisting through the wreckage after and is really strike reduced their homes to rubble. residents say they were sleeping before being woken up by a knock at the door and told to evacuate in preparation for it is really strike. despite the attacks, hundreds of displays, families are still trying to return to the north along coastal road. large crowds of people moved along the under the shade streets in the hopes of being allowed back many or trying to leave the south. and the looming threat of an is really invasion offered us off as israel's work cabinet has met for a 2nd time in 2 days to discuss a ron's unprecedented attack on israel to iran, launched hundreds of missiles and drones at israel. iran says that it's in response to israel's attack on it's consulate in damascus. 2 weeks ago is really cabinet
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held several meetings on sunday and is reportedly in favor of a retaliation. but politicians remained divided over the timing of the scale of the response. hondas, i'm sure it's joining us from tel aviv so as we're saying, i mean these reports coming through that the is where the cabinet is split on the decision of how and when to respond. what can we expect from the 2nd meeting that's now being held? well, what we're hearing from it reports within is really media, is that while the war cabinet meeting has ended, it's actually on pause until tomorrow because there are a lot of disagreements on how when and even if israel should respond to the it on the an attack but remember all of this happen because these release had initially struck the it on the and console is in damascus. so the is really, is are saying that they do want to respond. it will be some sort of longer negotiations between all of the government members, because there are
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a lot of disagreements on how it should all take place. the war cabinet administer benny gans has said that it will happen at a time and place of these rules. choosing it, and that's and you all who still has not had any public comments, but his roles, defense minister, you'll have the launch has said that it was regional cooperation, which is why the interception rate was so high and why they were able to swore this attack ultimately yes, a little confused. i'm not. we have an opportunity to establish a strategic alliance against this grave threat by you wrong, which is threatening to mount nuclear explosives on these messiahs, which could be an extremely grave threat. the us israel and its allies stand shoulder to shoulder to defend against this threat. you know, honda of the, even though there are these disagreements within the is really cabinet. there's also a growing international pressure on israel, not to retaliate and launch an attack. so how are they responding to this pressure from the outside? well,
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there's pressure from israel biggest ally, the united states and several other allies in europe. the u. k. germany, france just to give a few examples. the is really as have been speaking with american counterparts specifically. and that's an y'all who's speaking with us president joe biden. and defense minister jo. i've gone loud speaking with the secretary of defense in the us. lloyd austin. our reports are indicating that gallons had told austin, but israel will need to respond. this is something we've been hearing over the last 24 hours from is really officials that this can not go on answered. but the nature of all of it is still quite unclear. and these really are me, has said that they have approve the plans for both attack and defense. and they are anticipating some sort of a talk. but how it is all going to happen is still quite on known as this is another unprecedented and dynamic situation. but none the less,
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all of the signs are indicating that israel will respond. but when is the question on everyone's mind? all right, thank your honda sounds good. thank you for that update from tel aviv or so is there iran, pardon me, is saying that it's attack on israel was a legitimate action under the un charter in response to the strike on his consulate in damascus. 2 weeks ago, before a ministry spokesman also to canada, he made the comment that his weekly news briefing and he urged western nations to appreciate it runs restraints. it is all mess with on it. then what i hit on if the international community and the security council had reacted israel's aggressive actions in previous years. we would not have seen such bold acts by this regime now . we have carried out this action in the framework of deterrence. and then if another action is taken, our actions will be more serious. um maybe it showed all you i'm yes, our correspondence or such a bar isn't that ron? with a more on it runs reaction of the reigning for minister jose,
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and i'm here abdullah, he on the phone conversation with his german counselor park on monday morning. stress the fact that the operation which the revolutionary guard carried out against israel on sunday morning was to prove a point uh, hosting. i'm gonna have to log in and set that israel had crossed a red line for ron when it attacked its console. its section of its embassy and damascus on april 1st, and that there has to be consequences for what israel does. iran will no longer tolerate the kind of behavior that israel has been conducting over the past few months. now this is not, of course, the 1st time that iran has delivered threats against israel, but this is the 1st time they've taken this kind of military action many who are seeing it as a historic event in iran. since the 2 countries have been rivals for over 4 decades, for the time being iranian officials are issuing more threats and warnings to israel, that if they retaliate against iran,
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then iranian response will be 10 folds to what they saw in operations to promise. in terms of the general public, there is a sense of fear because any kind of reaction from israel is sure to really affect the country in terms of its economy. and the reality has already lost more of its value over the past few days. and people are worried that any kind of retaliation will further put more pressure on the general population. in terms of the dire economic situation, the military has set, they are prepared and they're on fuller alerts, as one would expect, given the current tens climates that were in doors such a vari, alta 0 to her on now what these 4 is really, soldiers have been injured in an explosion in southern lebanon, we have already hash them, he's joining us from the city of not food or that's in the south. so honey, this is an unusual incidence because these is really troops were inside lebanese territory, any indication as to what they were doing when
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in fact the reports. so saying that these, uh, this is a group of soldiers from the galani brigade that infiltrate the delivery is board does for like tons of meters. i'm done this explosive device once. it was due to an 8th it on for all of them were in judge one of them in a severe situation. 2 in a moderate situation. one and the lights situation now has a lot clear and responsibility for the 2 day thing, the explosive device. but this is also not the indication that the situation is very sensitive. any attempt by the is ready on me to get into the lebanese territories. i mean, ground forces in this way is going to be a, is going to be faced with such a situation. and this is not the 1st time by the way that a bomb bought a roadside bomb is being designated. the y is ready sort of just,
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this is the 2nd time the 1st time was in march 2023. it's gonna be $24.00. this is the 2nd time, but the 1st time it wasn't really that the us, this time, this time it was really strong. and i think that it seems that the has, well, i wanted to show a kind of a clear to a response to such and that term by these readies. and of course, this has its own implication on the situation. however, still this really is a striking several towns like today there was several strikes and has will not actually just came before 74 when i talked to his product was between a okay, thank you so much. i have some reporting from the quota in the south of living on a sense of our head on the houses. there were news our including the we'll have more on why the government and hong kong wants everyone to know the importance of sticking to the new national security
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law. the put 1st is the 1st on the 1st 3 of the battle for power in some done 12 months of fighting has killed, at least $30000.00 sudanese force millions from their homes and put millions more on the brink of famine. there's no end in sight to the fighting between government troops and the rapids support forces parent military. one of the main causes of the conflict was disagreements over integrating the parent military personnel interest of don's armed forces. so don had been trying to establish a civilian like government, but it goes to ations broke down after disagreements on how and when to integrate those fighters. so the fighting has forced more than 11000000 people from their homes. and what the u. n is calling the world's worst displacements crisis, nearly 2000000 so then use,
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have fled to neighboring countries. half of them have gone to either egypt or to charge the rest of entered cells to don, a fuel p a and the central african republic. putting added pressure on already scarce resources there on the spread of the fighting to rural areas on restrictions on the delivery of humanitarian aid. i've also posted on to the brink of famine. the when says at least 5000000 people are now facing catastrophic hunger. hipaa more getting reports from i'm doing them on near the suit, denise capital, as a clock tower and ruins along with many of the buildings. this was the municipal headquarters of the mine sedan, 2nd largest city, and the capital held up to him. destroyed by a year of the conflict between the sudanese army and the power military rapids support forces or r s. f. repeated artillery thrown and strikes has left to devoid of any signs of
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life. much of the city was once a strong cold of the recess during the 1st days of the fighting, which began a year ago. the army and the recess had been battling it out to have the upper hand in the capital. in the 1st days of the conflict iris, the fighters took control of the presidential palace state tv headquarters, a major oil refinery in the capital, parts of the main airport and many residential areas. the armies offensive came in december and started in, undermine resulting in the recapture of tv headquarters. government forces have also regained some territory in the northern parts of the capital and how to alone, fighting close at least $13000.00 people. on the mazda 3 plays a major role in this conflict, serving as a supply line for the rapid support for us in the 1st few months of the fighting. it's also where the power military and the city needs,
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obviously be respectful happen, thoughts and where some of the worst disruption in the capital region can be seen. a year after the battle began. talk to try to find them into the blood shed, have failed to produce results. the recess also took over much of the r 4 and to view the state in the center of the country, the u. n. has accused the power i'm going to treat group of ethnic cleansing and we're crimes in west dar for when it's an allied to malicious targets as nic muscle . each pipes, man, the international agency says in that state alone, we're between 10 to 15000 people have been killed and more than half a 1000000, displaced by violence in the past year. more than 9000000 for denise has been forced from their homes. it's the world's largest displacement crisis. the yes on it's about 3 or 2 refills fell on our homes. you were not able to sleep the night before we left in the morning we took off with only the clothes we were wearing. we
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were many families. the kids had no food or water for days, setting that much, i didn't, i had the you and has words that the fighting is preaching what it's called a catastrophic humanitarian crisis. efforts to revive talks between the wearing sites are ongoing. what's for now? the sounds of artillery and gunfire continued to dominate the capital and other parts of the country, even more than all just 0. their mind, well, the united nations as the situation. and so don is on course to become the world's worst hunger, a crisis. the world food program says 18000000 susan is don't have enough to eat. that's nearly half of the population. many are trapped in areas that can't be reached by you. monetary and agencies. you estimates the 220000 children to die of malnutrition in the coming weeks and months. and the fighting has destroyed farm lines and it's forced many farmers to abandon their land. worsening the situation.
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many of the display sub been forced from their homes by 12 months of fighting is the rapids support forces parent military battle to over throat. so don's government mohammed val has this report from the eastern coastal city of ports who done for over a decade. i'm the name of the law has been relying on the profits from city the farming to feed his family the farm and go thought if you eastern so then says most of his farming materials locally souls. but they are hard to find now after a year of fighting between us with any its army on the front of me to turn it off its simple sources. or let more product to and will be that the materials that we need for planting the paste the sides, the seeds, the 1st alliances. they used to cost a certain amount before the war, but the price is more than doubled after the war. even the empty sacks that i use to put my have as than now, costs more than double what it used to be. the fighting has also affected
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collecting the harvest even in states. well, there is no active conflict that's leading to less food being available in markets . and was that everything if you want the city old farm is in my area have crops that they couldn't, thomas because the recess dropped us of our equipment and fuel to operate the machinery. if you do manage to hot or something, they chase you and take away what you've collected. you and says celia production alone has own most house in the past. yeah. and who owns of what's may turn into the world? small just congo crisis, if it's not already given that there is no student needs in the entire country that is touched by the conflict. the people simply will not have the means to be able to put the food on the table. and this is why we are desperately concerned. are you, they just say at least 18000000. so then these are already going hungry with 5000000 of them. just one step away from finding most living areas where it's difficult to get food deliveries. what's complicating the situation even further is
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the f, a whitening scope of the conflict? also have fun. i'm going to tell you, have recently managed to strike us about east of the states have go body. government leaders have the competing priorities of humanitarian intervention to prevent funding and military action to provide security. how much fun desilva pulse with that. what we can now speak to kelly clements has the un refugee agencies deputy high commissioner joining us from geneva. welcome to alpha 0. so as we're hearing, i mean as a u. n. a saying this is the largest displacements crisis in the world right now. how is that you and hcr respond thing to the needs of the people hosted on a? well, it has it that the complexity of the war, the complications of getting aid into some very hard to reach areas. and obviously the, the, the lack of peace on the horizon has complicated, seriously 8600000 people have been forced to flee. most of those are internally
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displaced inside sedan, but we see large numbers of refugees going to chad to south sudan and to south sedan where i just returned over the weekend. we also see a large number of south sudanese return is the needs are enormous. these are families that have had a really the brutality of the war on civilians has, has been at very high levels, gender based violence, assault people are coming with almost nothing. so in addition to food, they need shelter, they need water, they need basic assistance. they're coming with very little to the neighboring countries in particular. and these are countries that are among the poorest and the world already. the host communities are really trying to extend as much hospitality as they possibly can. they're keeping their boarders open, but the families that are arriving have huge needs for humanitarian support. and you say the view and it's the are says in fact that only 30 percent of the funds
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needed by your organization have been covered. so that's so that's a tremendous shortfall. how does that affect your response? ringback in fact, those are 2023 figures, 2024. it's even more alarming. we have an appeal for the regional refugee response plan of about $1400000000.00 and obviously for the un at large humanitarian response plan. because it has that ask for even more for a total requirements of about $4000000000.00 between the 2 plans. this is the new interagency plan that has about 82 different partners, including you and hcr. we're only 6 to 7 percent supported. so we are not even meeting the basic requirements and the needs are vast and the desperation is increasing. so the, the, the need for the international community, obviously to continue to support, extend that support and ramp it up significantly. as we've talked about today in
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paris is, is paramount. what are the biggest needs of the people, not only those who are displaced in suit on itself, but the ones who have gone to a neighboring countries as well as well. you know, for example, in a place in, in south sedan i was in rank a couple of days ago. this is right on the border with sedan and south sedan. there are still thousands of people that are crossing the, the border daily. and it's a very congested area, the host community is overwhelmed. you now have more return, ease and refugees than you have residents. we're trying to be congest the area trying to provide some basic assistance to those families that are coming with nothing. and to try to find areas where we can actually, where the be able to support them with a little bit of a shelter, some food, some water. and they're all asking, of course for things that are very basic to, to, to all of us, which is education education for their children, for example. but they also have gone through incredible violence and hardship. so the psycho social support that good we in partners are providing immediate support
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is absolutely necessary because the trauma is very deep. so it's a wide range of, of needs, humanitarian aid and protection that are required at this time. how concerned are you that so don becomes a forgotten emergency with of course, as we see now the gaza war unfolding. well, unfortunately, it is already forgotten. we have seen in the last 12 months, quickly i's turned away from images of people flooding across the borders. and we remember sudan of course 7 countries surrounding it. and a lot of people on the move in parts of sudan not accessible. so those images of, of families and people affected, we're not seeing the kind of pick up that we need to in terms of the international community. then stepping forward, it effects regional stability and really global stability. so we, it is currently a forgotten conflict. we need to put it back on the front pages and how the
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international community sit up and take notice. all right, thank you so much for speaking to us from geneva tele clements. we appreciate your time. thank you. thank you. thank you. now, separately, germany has pledged $260000000.00 in humanitarian aid force with on the foreign minister made that announcement at an international conference in paris. she was meeting the french for a minister along with other european leaders for talks aimed at raising funds for the board touring country. switching those good. the key, it is obvious that the series of crises this i'm thinking of cause and the war and ukraine have pushed the suit in these crisis into the background is to a certain extent. so it is up to us as politicians to say it like it, it's and that and put up the words and the figures and the facts in order to put the humanitarian emergency back into the spotlight with it and make it a priority. and to find a political and civil solution to this compliment to it up to. so because our
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toby's talk today about inflicting slog items you to john because you've seen to see many, terry and crisis from the conflicting sit down myself in a refugee compton cell to die. it was bursting at the seams in the through a sense of the word. every day, more people are coming in, in particular women and children, and they cannot be accommodated. people are like you practically everything seems to be hundreds of thousands of people who are fleeing the conflict is on or now living in overcrowded counts and soaks, are done. humanitarian agencies say there's a risk of an outbreak of disease. the united nation says 1500 people a day are arriving in the border town of rank most ourselves through the news. returning home. as catherine slowly reports to arrive in the hundreds, every day at the board, a town of rank hungry, tired and traumatized. they left everything behind more than half a 1000000 cells with a needs returning home, as well as food in these refugees fleeing fighting into dawn across the border. the
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last. yeah. the johnny has been powerless. all the 0 met, laila pita. i to translated comp. she fled from to dance copy to have to up to she and her children run out of food and the safe place to be. and i know many people died. she says some were killed by bones on plains. you then my best friend died. aid with cause are struggling to provide basic supplies for the new arrivals. so don is a country when 9000000 people need to money tare and assistance. someone leaving encompassed for the displaced because of ongoing ethnic conflicts. the secretion i'm seeing now is not what i so in other places, this is quite a complex intervention because we are not totally dealing with one community without with that is coming back to the countries. we have really just coming in the kind of have had that type. nothing was confusing. so coming in,
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the sudanese on the inside is from the raw pete support forces have both been accused of human rights abuses and so don's. the 15th of epa for us is actually a mobilizing moment. it's a moment of fully died at the moment. well, random kenyon, who perhaps was not aware that this is happening is now informed and is furious as angry is anxious and perhaps collective. you can put more pressure on all the different access sounds to done, and it's not the neighbor share. a troubled history of the 2 countries please. in 2011, the civil war that lasted decades, more than 2000000 people accounts some re tanny's who had opted to stay in. so don, say they want to go back to the villages, but they've been away for so long. they don't know where to start catching sight all to 0, still ahead on the all to 0 and who's our rising from the ashes in paris,
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5 years off to the devastating fire. we'll see how close enough for them to feed role is to being restored. and the world's number one goal for winston, the master's for the 2nd time, will show you how he did it in sports, which i'm on the hello. he's looking a rod one settled just around a bit of a play to gary or a cloud here, gathering together live the storms. quite an incense area of light pressure. this one that's going to grow is way across that little face and corner of odds and china, some really heavy showers on this. pushing lights out for your request. se in brazil into power required. believe you're seeing some big and thunder showers as well. so i bought could cool some flash flooding, certainly want to watch out for over the next day or 2. going into wedding stay. i
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don't think we can see a great improvement even by that stays not so bad. meanwhile, into the carrot band at the central america, some lobby shelves, just around the dominican republic, towards puerto rico that become a little more widespread as we go on through tuesday. when was could catch a shower to leave with, i think should be lost. the dry and fine, meanwhile, we have got to watch the weather just pushing its way into to make us up and pass a keeper as well. johnson, one of 2 shares into central america, southern areas and particularly correct of costa rica could see some wet club and wet weather is gathering too, just around the rockies we got to larry or snow, but to spill his wife of eastwood intensifying as it does so i really heavy rain coming in across the place, stretching down towards the deep south. las you try to the east of the lines of ethnic groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries,
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since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote camps and frontline baptist church. the progress of an idealistic young generation of rebels. as a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries, the trouble of history on the phones, the in my, on the, on the ropes on al jazeera. now let me tell you about safari, the cool result, the 1st of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used, only elected very close here, like common here, sits on within large stairs, faced with a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also visit somebody valley equal, resorted in gun a news
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. the color again, the top stories on the all to 0 is ours officers and she felt hospital and gaza city have discovered another mass brief on hospital grounds. 9 bodies, the least to be of patients have been found so far. israel's work cabinet has met for a 2nd time in today's leaders, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu are considering how to respond to it runs on for so then to talk for cabinet funds to meet again on tuesday. it's the 1st anniversary of the bottle for power in suits on 12 months of fighting between government troops and the rapids support forces. karen military has killed at least 30000 people. 11000000 have been forced from their homes with many on the brink
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assignment, jury selection has begun and donald trump so called hush money trial. you arrive at court in new york to become the 1st former us president to stand trial on criminal charges. this is the 1st of 4 criminal trials he's facing, as he campaigns to return to the white house. he's accused of disguising payments made to an adult film star to hide an extramarital affair. he denies $34.00 charges on the
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scene. and again, this is so that's where you increase the saloon me, kristen, you are just outside the courthouse in new york for us. so tell us what's going on and what you're hearing about what's going on in their of the while. the former president arrived here a couple hours ago and made a very heavy security presence of court house behind me surrounded by international media and a handful of protesters as well, both supporting the president and those calling for him to be convicted of this trial is getting underway despite several attempts by the former president to delay it and to have it moved out of the city to have the judge taken away. he arrived under a limited gag order from the judge not to disparage any of the lawyers in the case
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. any of the witnesses or any of the family members of the judge or the prosecutor, as we know that the former president has been very outspoken about this case. and many of the other ones against him. it is, it is 1st time in court of course, but this is the 1st for a mental trial. so the stakes are much higher not too long ago, just down the street from here. he was found guilty and civil litigation against him, where he was ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in damages. now the stakes are much higher and that he could end up with a jail something so found guilty on these charges. and of course, this is all happening as the 2020 for presidential campaign he stopped in the middle of the election season. so the president is being asked to be not being asked, must be here in court for all of these proceedings. while the jury is being selected while the trial is ongoing, so a lot of states not only for the president,
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but also for the american public in the upcoming unless you see funds. so chris, in this particular case is about house money payments, but the charges are falsifying business records. what is the connection there of the that's right. 30 for felony counts as falsifying business records. this is in relation to money that was allegedly paid to the adult film star known as stormy daniels by president trump. former president strong lawyer, michael cohen. paying someone to be quiet about an affair, would not be illegal in and of itself. now the president claims he never had an affair with this woman and that he knew nothing about any payments to this woman. but what he's charged with is covering up payments that were made to his lawyer in order to allegedly pay off the adult film star. and this was done allegedly in violation of state and federal tax laws. and campaign finance
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laws that support raises the charge to a felony in this case. but before the jury, before the case even gets to opening arguments and any of that is going to be discussed, they have to actually pick 12 jurors from the public rule. in this case, it will come down to these 12 jurors whether or not the president is found guilty or innocent. and there is a process that they have to go through in the prosecute should have defense each other, say in which teachers are placed, which people are placed on the jury. and they have to find people that they believe can be fair and impartial in this case. and so that's going to be a lengthy process. the suspect at least a couple of weeks here as well. but again, with so much at stake, both the prosecution and defense are looking for people that they can trust to. ringback given and partial view, in this case going forward. okay, chris and thank you for the time being christmas. and when you're reporting from
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new york, we're going to talk about all of this. ramsey's ellen, who's a criminal defense attorney and an adjunct professor of law at cornell. university joining us from new york, welcome throughout the 0. so as we're just hearing from our corresponds and before opening arguments, the judge has to get through jury selection. i mean, what is the prosecutors and the defense going to be asking and looking out for when it comes to jury selection, if this case as well, what they're supposed to be looking for are fair and impartial jurors who will leave a motion aside will leave their own personal thoughts aside and will do nothing other than listen to the evidence. listen to the judge's instructions, see the evidence. listen to the judge's instructions and render a fair and impartial verdict with the truth of the matter is. the prosecutor wants jurors who like the prosecutors, like the prosecutors case, will listen to the prosecutors and will find the prosecutor's version of what
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happened more credible than the defense. conversely, the defense is looking for jurors who are going to like them, like their defense, disliked the prosecutors case disliked the prosecution's case and will vote to acquit, is that process going to be incredibly complicated and challenging? i think that all depends on the judge and the judge is ability to control the questions, control the lawyers and control the tempo of jury selection. look, we all know that if you keep asking you keep digging, you will never ever get a jury selected because you will invariably keep digging. you'll find something that somebody says to get them balance. so i thought the jury. so at some point in time, the judge will have to limit the questions. we'll have to limit the lawyers. and once you find 12 jurors and 6 authors who have said listen,
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i can be fair and impartial. there's no reason that i should be disqualified because of a relationship with because of a conflict like and i can be fair, i can be impartial. you get your jury selected. and truthfully, there we're going to be people who were going to know what to say to get on the jury. and they were going to be people who know what to say to get off of the jury . how, how unprecedented of moments was best and sort of american history because you have the 1st criminal trial ever of a former president. it's unprecedented from that perspective. but truthfully, i look at it and say, okay, so why the president is just like any other person. he is presumed to be innocent. he must be looked at by every sure as being innocent until the judge says go ahead, go deliberate and go determine the floor. president's fate. so other than being
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a former president, he puts his pass on one leg at a time. he leaves the same color blood the rest of us do. so from that perspective, it's not unprecedented. and truthfully, bringing charges like this, it's kind of unprecedented. typically nobody really gets prosecutor for making false entries in their books and records. it's when they're doing it in further ends of some kind of a fraud. a bank fraud, a tax fraud. so yeah, these charges are a little bit beyond the pale, not something that we typically see. but other than that, it's not well, in fact we keep using unprecedented to the point where nothing is really unprecedented anymore. all right, randy cell and thank you so much for speaking to us from new york. i think you know, new is really military video shows what it says is damage to an error based attacks by iran. so the iranian barrage of drones and missiles caused craters of the never
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to him air base stuff in southern israel. israel says almost all. busy iran weapons were intercepted, ahmad, ah, sure it is a professor of security in the military studies at the door hot institutions joining us here in the home at our store. welcome back. so the fact that the iranian missiles were able to strike, not only been added to him air base in fact, but the ramon air base as well, despite several layers of air defense and interceptor, as aided by countries like the u. s. the u. k. fronts, jordan and others, what does it tell you about israel's capabilities to defend itself or it's all on one end. it's uh, it's in the long in success in terms of beaching. multi layered integrated air defenses with the partners with the regional partners on one end. but also you have to look at the quantity. so quantity has a quantity on its own. they launched the about the $170.00 loitering, munitions. the many of them share his once the 6, the ones that we saw in the videos operate. it was,
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well in ukraine you had the also about 30 or so cruise missiles and then the ballistics, the ballistic missiles, which are very fast and very difficult to shoot even by the, the, the advantage of is that despite uh, 11 over the 1100 kilometers, they managed to reach the edge of the desert, hit to add bases with that quantity, but with the, the ones that go through are not the i'm not high. so i think the design was to try to over one and such a good idea of defense is to make them a bit engage with the, the high numbers of cheap, uh, drones. so as i drones uh and with the cruise missiles because there slower and then manage to get through with the, the foster ballistic missiles. and they, they did that. they did that, but the was not a lot of. so is if you want to. so what is the balance? it runs military capabilities. did it reveal anything to diesel? it's a view is that they have the range. they have 1st,
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they have the intelligence to know where, where exactly all the add bases that hit that on concept in, in, in, in syria. so they had the intelligence assets to know where they are. and they had the range. uh they had the uh, the size. uh because they, the intensity is high, its a, this is in my, um, uh, in my record, probably the largest drones form is so flooding history. um, because the, the, the attacks though, for example, ice is conducted about to 70 drone at the same time is on the same updating c. most of the brush does the same, almost the same thing good in, in ukraine. but with me that they degrade the ice as were just commercial, the 7 and drones modified, but this is a 170 minute. they degrade drones conduct in the same time. so it has a lot of capabilities in terms of the, of the range of the intensity of the intelligence assets. and to a certain degree of the precision of the things that they did not do is they did not attempt to either jim, which was important. but i think this was also the,
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the original eyes of israel allow that because they would get, they were tracking basically with all the missiles when the incoming and the for is very good p m, before they reach it, they can preempt either with air force or with the assistance of the allies a to, to shoot some of them. right. they did not attempt also to interdict the as a force. so they did not. there was no book fights to add for it to the fights. they also did not attempt to try to. ready we will see the suppression of any mean of defenses. they did not attempt to any do any suppression of the radio defenses. so it shows you on one and some stresses, but also some weaknesses as well. and the surprisingly well with these, right, is that the, if these figures are correct in terms of the percentages, it's very high, right? i'm great. those are the only claims and those are just, this really quite is or you can do. yeah. okay. thank you so much on that or thank you. the hong kong government is stepping up efforts to educate everyone about the
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importance of sticking to the law. monday, march, the 1st so called national security education dates and security legislation was titans last month. critics say it further arose freedoms which were guaranteed when britain handed over the territory to china. in 19927, patrick folk reports from hong kong. the last one come monday began with blank raising sermon. a national security education day was launched in 2021. the off the beijing imposed to legislation promising a wide range of dissenting as we actually came down to understand the importance of that source occurred to you how to make our society stable as a password. that's a point, this is the 1st since on come enacted its own domestic security legislation known as article $23.00. it expands on the existing law,
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encompass trees and submission and the i'm role for handling of state secret. this has been described as the biggest national security awareness event since it began and home come 4 years ago. and the. 5 that being parades and seminars and all sorts of activities and competitions organized across the city to promote it, particularly among young people and in schools, the u. k. as well as the us of criticize the little for being vague and for creating uncertainty for people in home. come right. scripts say it's another government tool for cracking down on political opponents. each one teacher who wanted to remain anonymous and told us there was little design at his school to teach students about national security and how the school as us and it is said that she is going to be the masons by side slide raising side . so i guess i'm everyone's done, that is what it is to many
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teachers quits off of the national security law was passed in 2020. they've complained of growing political pressure in schools and fear, essentially over discussing prohibited subjects and clause which is difficult. but we kind of just avoid those topics. supporters of china is national security drive, say there's been no change to people's freedoms, but that everyone needs to learn about the legislation. we need to educate people what this was all about and to explain the gist of it. so that's to avoid them to folding into the legal trip. but it may take move in awareness campaigns to build confidence in its critic, save the government, must define the little more clearly to remove any ambiguity and the saving to do so . could home home come, country folk, which is 0 home come still ahead. on the al jazeera news, our,
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the oklahoma city funder makes themselves that seems to be in the west. we have m b a action coming up next and supports for the business. latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by the
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the business leaders to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the american top of the sports news. here's demo. thank you. during organizes of the of aging half miles that are investigating allegations that 3 african athletes deliberately allowed china's hug here to win sunday's race. so teach a pass to show the 2 canyons, and one can run a slowing down the finish line before waving a cost. the chinese athletes finished at one second, the head of the tree,
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a who tide the 2nd place, while the athletics had the integrity of all sports as a highest priority, but they declined to comment further. all the investigation is ongoing high is china's mouse, and record holder on the 25 year old one. go to the event at last, just asian games and hungry dial by level. he's encouraged, i'll be alone. so it says it's an incredible feeling to lead. besides beth bust, brenda's vega title some of these and new the chrome champions, a targeting even more so for the season as the sit on track for on historic trouble as tom sizes and reports the. 2 the, it's a moment the city of labor could send a voice to the 120 useful. when for inputs school, his slides, fiscal in the final minutes, the funds couldn't help themselves. they'd already flooded the pitch by the time
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the referee blew the whistle. but that was the name and chevy, alonzo side became champions of germany with 5 games to spare. it's unbelievable to win for the 1st time, lose the 1st time a suspension on for us to, to being able to be part of it. and to that, you see that excitement before the game and due to the game for, for the funds, how much it means alonzo is rise with the club has been staggering. he took over in october 2022 with the club, 2nd from boston foss, fluid 18 months. they've lifted the 1st piece of silver with facility one year is and it gets better for labor. kristin spends despite interest from fine music and living pool. alonzo is committed to the site until at least the end of next season . first of all is an unbelievable coach. second is an unbelievable person. by d as the hung of the mentality, everything comes from him with us to the front of jack, who is being one of the clubs many success stories the season the form awesome man,
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getting on the school sheets and sundays victory of the framing. another is foot so it's have tricks to between 2 year old who will be one of the starts to look out for and this is yours in germany. fantastic team, a full of great individuals full of a lot of quality with the right culture and uh, we've performed this is, and i mean it's, it's going to be in a sort of a anyway, but we want to keep on going and keep going. they will that when extending their own beats and run the season to an unprecedented $43.00 games. the defense that brings it into use of mrs. they've experienced 5 runner finishes and 27 years in 2002, they missed out by one point. it's still very unbelievable at the moment of all these years. after all the run rough finishes and now it's actually done. you can't put it into words. you german champions, last 2002 was such
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a tough year and now it's finally happened. were delighted they used to be nickname, never cushion. now they stand a chance to win everything. the next targets to the german cup on the right police come size and i was just 0 in the and the a the oklahoma city sun, the sale, the west and conferences. number one seating for the playoffs. they did. sorry. if i flashing the dallas mavericks by 49 points, this was this on the 5th when in a right the same is never won a championship. spring re branded. i was just on the in 2008. the previous incarnation was, she asked me to stay focused on it and i want a single sign. so back in 1979. the orlando magic of clinched fits spots in the eastern conference. this was confirmed thanks to a once. i seen it to $88.00, when is it, and then we'll see bucks so much it will face the cleveland cavity, is the 1st round of the file the that is what you'll support for now,
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but i will be back with another update. they said to me, all right, thank you so much. jenna. well, it's been 5 years since a fire destroyed one of the world's most famous cathedrals. one of the many artisans working on the unique projects has been explaining what's being done to restore and not for them to its former splendor. so that's all so i just, i just don't see if any of us has to ernie. this is all to look to the 2nd set to do to us at the most. and then the secret marcia exception. anyway, i know noon i was 80 to 90 to that message. that's going to, you know, somebody between plus one is that cash sheet just in mind you typically do minuses recruiting solution for some time this between the school and the value of this use and i to savvy so you have
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to lose the cd, correct? take section in each man move with the thought this was a c d or municipal that cause her x if you had, i'm sorry to add to a video, cool national, cheapest chantix. it's how long and then i shall go back to just get the list for them. the what is magazine, what less will be the stuff with as are the songs that you that's good, i'm clear on apply for the position i for that. as i said, i to us the trip the specifics, it's going to put them on tie on when you most, i'm sick folk who own that easy chef with as soon as i mentioned, i use your the top i noticed your, which one is a suspect. we're back in just a moment. good morning who's right here analysis 0 the
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to nature's biological rhythms. the percentage ultimate but this is not to its countless killing works of ality official light, allowing industrialized agriculture defies seasonal and geographic constrains witness should slice on the impact of emerging cultivation on the natural world to which we even know sleepless bags on tuesday era. so how is your vacation in this, the shelves? the
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chest? wow. the unique perspective, everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on heard, voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life is a, connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's all not it's right here. and right now, the stream on out to the around 300 years ago, the found is the full season the celebrated, the natural world in stages of the year. now his music has been re composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency. culminating in a disturbing like the full months in south korea. this nokia or of sol on al
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jazeera, the uncovering the dead in gaza. another mass grave is found in the grounds of and she felt hospital recently occupied by this release filters. the you're watching all to 0 life from headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate to also coming up. there is really war cabinet needs again as members remain divided over how to respond to iran strode and miss all the time. the 1st anniversary.


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