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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 15, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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the weather data to reflect the global climate emergency culminating and the disturbing like performance himself, career, dis, nokia, or of so on al jazeera, the uncovering the dead in gaza. another mass grave is found in the grounds of and she felt hospital recently occupied by is really soldiers. the you're watching all to 0 life or my headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate to also coming up. there is really war cabinet. it meets again as members remains divided over how to respond to iran, drone and miss all the time. the 1st anniversary of the battle for power in some
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done with more than 30000, killed and 11000000 facing sam and we looked at the world's worst displacements crisis. plus donald trump is about to become the 1st former us presidents. this down trial, the palestinian doctors have discovered another mass graves in the courtyard defense. she felt hospital and gaza city. 9 bodies believes to be of hospital patients have been found so far. doctor say they witness the killings. this is one of several mass graves discovered on the hospital grounds. in the last few days, nearly 400 bodies had been recovered since there's really forces ended a 2 week raid on the hospital on april. the 1st kind of my hold is joining us from rafa on honey. we do expect that the number of bodies discovered as she thought this time around could actually be much higher of
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the yes, 39. the tragedy escape on folding and from the coupon hospital complex. than just the past few weeks have been very difficult at the complex itself and it's vicinity when these really monitor is formed data. and this particular time in the month of march old the both that deposit, coming the following 2 weeks is really monetary not only destroyed the vast majority of the conflict vent and push it completely out of service. but it did burn it that it's facilities and destroying the, the medical equipment on the medical warehouse, including a, specialize the buildings the for the purpose, off of, and the providing emergent treatment for emergencies. and those who are inside the hospital, just the scenes of parents and remaining family members that, that you have a hospital that are, they are hours today. looking at the bodies up in this cover, then removed it from the magic raven,
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recognizing them and from the clothes that they were wearing. just heart breaking. seeing that is not the 1st time we're seeing this happening. it happens back on in december when there's really military storm, the hospital that live leaving it in ruins. more bodies were found in either buried under the rubble door and a massive gray 9 people covered so far today, bringing the total number. austin stays really military withdrew from the court yard of the hospital in its vicinity to all of the 390. 1 bodies that are believed to be from the patients, the injuries that were inside the hospital and according to test him on his, by the medical to stop doctors and nurses inside the hospital and evacuated that this really military executed these people's after tying their hands in the back there had been burying them under the dirt or the mouse a re, uh what we look at right now is an extension of ongoing atrocities committed inside
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a ship off. positive is all the entire health care facility is out of service right now. used by many of the back and we who did not find the way and get running it from one area to another. the shelves are in bed. these really monetary put an end to that by destroying the vast majority of the entire health care facility as well . as its vicinity, including older residential building at the vicinity of the hospital. okay, honey. thank you. honey and fluid reporting from vanessa and garza. at least 5 people have been killed and several others injured and is really bombing in central gaza. a family home and the underside on the refugee camp was targeted and rescue. workers are still trying to reach, but people trapped under the russell. the injured have been taken to a make shift hospital for treatments. and then the other because the refugee camp palestinians are assisting through the wreckage after and is really stripe, reduce their homes to revel. presidents say they were sleeping before being woken
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up by a knock at the door and sold to evacuate in preparation for an is really straight. despite the attacks, hundreds of displaced solid palestinians are still trying to return to the north along a coastal road. large crowds of people moved along the under the she had street in the hopes of being allowed back many or trying to leave the south. and the looming threat of an is really invasion of what i saw israel's work cabinet has met for a 2nd time in 2 days to discuss the wrongs unprecedented attack on israel to her on last hundreds of missiles and drones out as real. iran says that it's in response to israel's attack on this consulate in damascus. 2 weeks ago is really cabinet held several meetings on sunday and is reportedly in favor of a retaliation. but politicians remain divided over the timing and the scale of the response. i have the assumption which is joining us from tel aviv so from the,
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the 2nd meeting of the day has now ended. what's come out of it? will this meeting of israel's war cabinet has not just ended, but actually put on pause because there was a lot of disagreements on what exactly israel should do next and it will conclude tomorrow. now these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has also summoned members of israel's opposition for a meeting that will take place at some point in the coming days to brief them on the ongoing security situation. the is really political and defense establishment though has been saying that there will be a response at a time and place that is right for israel. and in fact, last night, he's really army spokesperson, daniel, how gaudy it had said that there are attack plans that have been approved by these really military, both on the defense and the offsets. but there's still been no word from these really prime minister and, but he has said previously that those who will be making the decision are the
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smaller war cabinet, which consist of him defense minister, you walk the launch and ben again. so how are these men this work cabinet responding then to the international pressure that's being put on them not to retaliate? there's been a lot of pressure coming from all different directions, specifically from the united states. americans have been speaking with is really counterparts trying to just turn them essentially from launching attacks of their own. but reports had indicated that in one of those conversations that had happened between defense minister gallons and the us defense secretary lloyd austin. these really defense minister had informed him that israel will have no choice but to respond and that they can not let this go on answers. but there's been a lot of pressure from european countries as well, the united kingdom, just to name a couple. but overall, what we are hearing from is really officials and anonymous officials speaking to is
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really media is that there will be a response. but the question on everyone's mind remains the same when is that going to take place? and how exactly is it going to happen? ok, thank you. 100 us sometimes reporting from tel aviv new is really military video, shows what it says is damage to an air base attacked by iran. so the iranian barrels of drones and massage caused crater is that the never to him air base and southern israel. israel says, almost all the runs weapons were intercepted. iran says it's attacked on israel was a legitimate action under the un charter and response to the strike on his consulate in damascus. 2 weeks ago, the, for a ministry spokesman law said, can i need made the comment at his weekly news briefing on earth western nations to appreciate the iran restraint it is all mess with on it. then what i hit on if the international community and the security council had reacted israel's aggressive
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actions in previous years. we would not have seen such bold acts by this regime now . we have carried out this action in the framework of deterrence. and then if another action is taken, our actions will be more serious. our corresponds endorsing jabbar. isn't that wrong with more on iran reaction of the reigning foreign minister jose, and i'm here abdullah, he on in a phone conversation with his german counsellor park on monday morning. stress the fact that the operation which the revolutionary guard carried out against israel on sunday morning was to prove a point. uh jose, and i'm gonna have to log on said that israel had crossed a red line for ron when it attacked it's console. that section of it's embassy in damascus on april 1st, and that there has to be consequences for what israel does. iran will no longer tolerate the kind of behavior that israel has been conducting over the past few months. now this is not, of course,
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the 1st time that iran has delivered threats against israel, but this is the 1st time they've taken this kind of military action many who are seeing it as a historic event in iran. since the 2 countries have been rivals for over 4 decades, for the time being iranian officials are issuing more threats and warnings to israel, that if they retaliate against their wrong, then reading and response will be 10 folds to what they saw in operations to promise. in terms of the general public, there is a sense of fear because any kind of reaction from israel is sure to really affect the country in terms of its economy. and the reality has already lost more of its value over the past few days. and people are worried that any kind of retaliation will further put more pressure on the general population. in terms of the dire economic situation, the military has said they are prepared and they're on fuller alerts, as one would expect, given the current tens climates that were in doors such
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a vari, alta 0 to her on the it's the 1st time over 3 of the battle for power into john 12 months of fighting has killed at least $30000.00 sudanese and force millions from their homes. put millions more on the brink of famine. there's no end in sight to the fighting between government troops and the rapids support forces. perry, military, one of the main causes of the conflict, was disagreements over integrating the parent military personnel interest of john's armed forces. so john had been trying to establish a civilian lead government, but negotiations broke down after disagreements on how and when to integrate those fighters. so the fighting has forced more than 11000000 people from their homes and what the u. n. has called the world's worst displacements prices. nearly 2 millions to denise, a fled to neighboring countries, half of them have gone to either chart or egypt. the rest of entered cells to don
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if you appeal and the central african republic putting added pressure on already scarce resources. bear on the spreader for fighting to rural areas on restrictions on the delivery of humanitarian aid. have also pursued on to the brink of fam, and you end says at least 5000000 people are now facing catastrophic hunger. hey, but morgan reports from durham on near the suits in east capital, a clock tower in ruins, along with many of the buildings. this was the municipal headquarters of i'm through mine to dance. second largest city in the capital have to be destroyed by a year of conflict between the sudanese army and the power of military rapids support forces or r s. f repeated artillery. drone and s tribes has left it void of any signs of life . much of the city was once a strong cold of the recess during the 1st days of the fighting, which began
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a year ago. the army and the recess had been battling it out to have the upper hand in the capital. in the 1st days of the conflict iris, the fighters took control of the presidential palace state tv headquarters, a major oil refinery in the capital, parts of the main airport and many residential areas. the armies offensive came in december and started in, undermine resulting in the recapture of tv headquarters. government forces have also regained some territory in the northern parts of the capital in the heart of tomb alone, finding clothes at least $13000.00 people under mine city plays a major role in this conflict. serving as a supply line for the rapid support for in the 1st few months of the fighting. it's also where the power military and the student needs obviously be respectful, have been followed and where some of the worst disruption in the capital region can
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be seen. a year after the battle began a talk supply to find a dentist, the blood shed have failed to produce results. the recess also took over much of the r 4 and to view the state in the center of the country, the u. n. has accused the power, military group of ethnic cleansing and work crimes in west dar for when it's an allied to malicious targets as nick muscle. each tribesman, the international agency, said in that state alone were between 10 to 15000 people have been killed. and more than half a 1000000, displaced by violence in the past year. more than 9000000 for denise have been forced from their homes. it's the world's largest displacement crisis. the yes on it's about 3 or 2 refills fell on our homes. we were not able to sleep the night before we left in the morning. we took off with only the clothes we were wearing. we were many families. the kids had no food or water for days, setting that much,
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i didn't, i hire the you and has words that the fighting is preaching what it's called a catastrophic humanitarian crisis. efforts through you 5 talks between the wearing sites are ongoing. what's for now? the sounds of artillery and gunfire continued to dominate the capital and other parts of the country. even more than all just 0. i'm through mind how we take your lives to the united nations, to listen into what this extra general is when it gets heresy in sayings. is concerning. is those developments of either that emetic life investing emergencies out of being pushed into the shovels? and the world is forgetting about the people of suzanne today marks in the hot breaking milestone. what do you see is the start of fighting between the so the news items forces and the rapid supports forces. and this is more than
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a conflict between 2 wanting, but this is a water being waged on the southern. these people is the war on the many thousands of civilians that'd be killed. and tens of thousands mains for life. is a war on the 18000000 people facing get good tongue good. and the community is most dead. something down to terrifying. sit up a famine in the mountains, they have it's all on villages, odms, us, people, schools and vital systems that have been reduced to drop both in conflict hotspots . and it is all on human rights and international humanitarian law. is committed to fix that, the killing game, shooting and federal rising ceilings with the amount what crimes and crimes against humanity is called boys have been targeted to manage that and personnel ins. warehouses have been a tech, we've been on the goals are subject to ramp and sexual violence. and meanwhile,
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the impact of the conflict is building across the board of those. over 8000000 people, athletic that owns even such of safety. 1.8000000 to neighboring countries. one year on some 25000000 people off of suzanne's population need live savings assistance. like the city parts of escalating go still, it's easy now 5 shift the capital. if not, that falls out of fresh calls for the beloved weekends. auto assess affiliated militias at tex than buttons, villages, west of the city. leading to widespread new these placement and see it as of what they call the old fashion that sees the of the capital of the north star food and a sci fi. we have hundreds of thousands of evidence. 5 things
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continued today on the outskirts of how fashion content effects it went to a lot of this and the injuries. and let me be clear, and the effects on l fashion would be devastating for civilians and could lead to a full blown need to come into conflict across that force. it was also a band aid operations in the navy already on the brink of famine, to sell fashion. it has always been agreed to quote, un humanitarian hop. all parties must facilitate the safe drop, the, the, any, be the best edge of the many that in personnel and supplies. so all available routes in 12 fashion and this includes the primary approval of coal voids and that's why i didn't get any measures that's with the layout. otherwise we'll just select you meditated movements. we must do all weekend. we insured maxime, i mean with that in the systems in the food, and they'll switch today the international humanitarian confidence for us to them and its neighbors was hosted by the government of france,
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germany and you'd be in union the southern these people desperately need the support agend that all the of the global community, 12th them slide these light to match the 2700000 new manufactured response plan for suzanne was only 6 percent funded before out of the conference. and the $1.00 bill, $1500000000.00 regional refugee these pos plan for the so then could i is is only 7 percent at the same time as reflected in their comments may commitments may be in general. all the boxes must, in short, 40 minutes had an excess across the board of those and bethel lines. so vital light can get to where it's easily the most. they must seeds the un security council scroll to ensure rep it's safe and then he and the 2 men depending on the excess and to protect civilians. but the, so the needs people need more then you might that in supports. they need the men to the blood shifts, they need peace, and the only pass sotheby's auto is
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a political solution at this critical moment in addition to global support for aids, we do, the concert is global push for those who's fighting. so then followed by a company and see if this process my personally invite use that i'm from la mama is working tirelessly with scheduled up mitigation efforts. this includes meeting with the leaders of the so there is um, forces and the rapid supports forces as well as leaders across the heart of africa and the gulf region. and the goal is efforts with the african union. the got into the governmental authority to on development. the legal event of states and keep member states court of united international efforts will be essential to amplified joint inspection. these push for peace also means continuing all work on. and so that is that more can i think that in addition, by supporting an embodying civilians including women's rights groups,
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young people and others. this must be an inclusive process that reflects all voices the future of so that requires the contributions, participation, and vision of also the needs. and i would love to learn to my goal for all the boxes to send us the guns and meet the expectations of this with the news people for the peaceful and secure future. i think i should address these sacred general 7, bryce, the south african broadcasting. what do you believe the one year into this conflict? good fundamentally changed the calculus on the growth on the ground outside of costs of the obligations of the boring parties. we've seen the mediation, if it's for sure, if we've seen international pressure full short, including a recent security council resolution demanding, and immediate ramadan seized by in sudan, which was largely ignored. what is left for the international community to do, and who in particular, should do it?
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the main problem is clear that up to generals, that's up tips for the military solution. and they're going to mo, obstructed all serious efforts of mediation efforts of mediation of the african union. indeed, got half those of the actions of mediation in the gym process in which to solve the idea of united states and other countries would involved offers mediation the that's led to, to the process in which exhibits and the united that emanates what involved us outputs of mediation over the neighbors, all these efforts phase for the very simple reason. because the 2 parties have made
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the beds, and the best is to we really badly. and for that mediation, easy relevance to thank you. a secretary general gabriel elizondo from algeria. english. 2 questions sir. what is your assessment, how, how the tox went in paris? did you get, do you think that the, there was enough contributions from countries to help the fund, the humanitarian response plan? and number 2, how do you respond to the government that says they have 2 priorities? one is to take military action to bring security to and then the other priority being humanitarian aid to stave off of famine. what do you think the priority should be? the priorities should be says fire and tiny bit is humanitarian nexus and the political process to leads to a solution. on the other hand,
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the issue is not. you have to entirely known the results of the confidence we know of several important donations and they hope that those donations will contribute to the souls that emetic, lack of funding that to meditate in communities facing at the present moment. thank you very much. thank you. okay, so that was the un secretary general, and so when he gets here, as he was speaking, lie from the united nations sharing his frustration, the really at the situation and so done a year on this is the 1st time over 3 of the war. and so done more than 30000 people killed 11000000 facing famine. so he was talking about his were frustrations as well as the challenges facing the country. we have gabriel is on the who is listening to the statements. we also heard you ask uh, the secretary general across to and gabriel from the united nations. tell us what you think the takes away message was from all of that. well, clearly a ceasefire. number one,
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he thinks that that is critical in order to bring the piece that is necessary and to get the humanitarian aid in to so many people that need it. the secretary general clearly has said repeatedly that he, that uh, aid is key. and united nations agencies that are working or trying to work. and so dad are having a very hard time themselves getting aid in and so we stress the need for an immediate cease fire and it for both sides. and he was even asked about this, what needs to happen. and he said, both the generals referring to to generals of the warring parties have chosen a pass of war and conflict. and that has to stop the secretary general set. so that was very clear. i also thought it was important that he really drilled down on the recent fighting and the l faster in northern dar for it's rare for the secretary general to speak about specific areas of a conflict. and clearly he is concerned about that talking about a r s f, a line malicious attacking alpha, but for sure,
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the capital of northern dar for over the weekend. uh, that's a major city of couple 100000 people, a big economic hub. he said, of fighting continues there. it could spread to all of dar 4 in the northern dar for real estate alone. it's about 5000000 people. 4.7000000 of which already need humanitarian. a guy will say, the other thing that he pointed out was clear. we said the only solution to this is a path to a political solution. he said to all parties need to get into a cease fire to stop the fighting. to begin some sort of piece process, but that seems at least at this juncture, very far away, given the fact that both wearing parties are not even talking to one another, there's almost 0 dialogue going on right now. gabriel is on to thank you. thank you so much. i. the jury selection in the us has begun and donald trump so called hush
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money trial. he arrived at a court in new york to become the 1st former us president to stand trial on criminal charges. this the 1st, the 4 criminal trials he's facing, as he campaigns to return to the white house. he's accused of disguising payments made to an adult film star to hide an extramarital affair. he denies $34.00 charges . and again, this is so randy's ellen as a criminal defense attorney and he's
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a law professor at cornell university and he explains how that jury selection process will work of what they're supposed to be looking for or fair and impartial jurors who will leave a motion aside will leave their own personal thoughts aside and will do nothing other than listen to the evidence. listen to the judge's instructions, see the evidence. listen to the judge's instructions and render a fair and impartial verdict. but the truth of the matter is, the prosecutor wants jurors who like the prosecutors, like the prosecutors case, will listen to the prosecutors and will find the prosecutor's version of what happens more credible than the defense. conversely, the defense is looking for jurors who are going to like them, like their defense. i disliked the prosecutors case,
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disliked the prosecution's case, and will vote to acquit, is that process going to be incredibly complicated and challenging? i think that all depends on the judge and the judge, his ability to control the questions, control the lawyers, and control the tempo of jury selection. look, we all know that if you keep asking you, keep digging, you will never ever get a jury selected because you will invariably keep digging. you'll find something that somebody says to get in balance. so i've taught the jury of the war crimes trial of one of the highest ranking. former syria and military officials has begun in a swedish court. how much time over was a brigadier general is accused of violating international humanitarian law during syria's war. the 65 year old spaces, a life sentence for his a legend involvement and was prosecutors argue were in this criminal attacks on the
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city of homes in early 2012. this is the 1st time any syrian army official has been put on trial. well, i think the vixen, this is just the process of place in homes and i'm a 2012 and the fact elsewhere in syria have resulted in housing losing their family members are living their homes. and it's all happening in patient is claiming that this is loss is wordpress. and so if the court degrees, the defendants will be receiving up to 18 years in prison and even life todd's intern, presidents. and how much of the res, debbie has kicked off his election campaign in a vote due to be held next month? debbie sees power 3 years ago after his long ruling father was killed on the front
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line against the rebels and the north is promising to restore a civilian rule but has already delayed elections once triggering.


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