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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 15, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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a witness shed. slice on the impact of modern cultivation on the natural world to which we even know sleepless bags on tuesday era the . ready ready ready and uncovering the dead in dos of another mass graves phones in the grounds of and she felt hospital recently occupied by is really soldiers. the, you're watching all the 0 life or my headquarters, and del fine getting navigate is also coming up. is really work cabinet meets again as members remain divided over how to respond to iran, drone and miss all the task. the 1st anniversary of the battle for the power in sweep done with more than 30000,
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killed and 11000000 facing some. and we look at the world's worst displacements crisis. plus donald trump becomes the 1st former us president to stand trial on criminal charges. he's accused of trying to cover up costs, money payments to an adult film star. the palestinian doctors have discovered another mass grave in the courtyard defense. she felt hospital in gaza. city 9 bodies believes to be those of hospital patients have been found so far. doctor say they witness the killings. it's one of several mass graves discovered on the hospital grounds. in the last few days, nearly 400 bodies have been recovered since is really forces ended a 2 week rate on that hospital. on april, the 1st and a 2nd mass grave was discovered on monday and baseline in northern garza. the
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bodies of 20 palestinians has been found buried in the sands, local se is really forces executed them during an incursion in the area 4 months ago. honey, my hood is joining us or whatever have to tell us about both these discoveries. how need one at and she felt and the other in the class you yes, there you know, and the more we know about what's going on and the new discovery of the ship, a hospital and the other one in the northern part of the trap. the more shocking the details are becoming a dispute of parents family. remaining family members are from the around the vicinity of a ship, a hospital where with a doctor is recognized the bodies of the 9 people who were found under the dirt, buried under the dirt and what looked like a mass, the grave dr. this price, these people were in the box patients and injuries inside the hospital and they weren't able to confirm that because they had the medical bandages,
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the bandages and the cavity or attach is still on their bodies. then those parents talked about, they were hoping that they would find these remaining family members a live in so far as this is really military withdrawal from a ship, a hospital off, but nearly 400 people have been found dead. and the medical is out this 5 what's going on and give testimony. they were killed at the main gate of a sheep a hospital and then do were covered with pile of sands. and there is a super hospital once it's formed in march. and it was a storm earlier last, later, last year and then december 2023. and the vast majority of the medical facility was destroyed or severely damaged by this preliminary. but this time in march, not only the health facility itself was destroyed and pushed out of service, but its vicinity with the vast majority of residential buildings and public facilities, were completely destroyed, just burning a place of healing into
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a graveyard as it looked right now. meanwhile, into another, part of the 20 bodies were recovered from under the dirt upon palo spans. and it's believe these people were killed at a check point. that is really military setup. what did they invaded? i of the northern part of the gods rebel was the 3 months i go. and people are looking at us entirely this, these bodies in the skeletons that are found under the dirt. and it is really these people were executed. eyes of the testimony from one of these people will pass it through that a check point. describe that they were, they were asked to go through the check points set by to do them as a one by one. and they were people who were all the side by the military. okay, honey. thank you for that updates from vanessa. at least 5 pallets. people have been killed and several others injured in and is really bombing in central gaza,
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a family home and the i'm to say dots refugee camp was targeted and rescue workers are still trying to reach people trapped under the rubble. the injured had been taken to a makeshift hospital for treatments. the how's the refugee camp palestinians are sifting through the wreckage after it is really stripe. reduce their homes to rubble. residents say they were sleeping before being woken up by a knock at the door and souls to evacuate in preparation for it is really strange. despite the attacks, hundreds of displaced families are trying to return to the north along the coastal road. large crowds of people moved along the seed streets in the hope of being allowed back, many or trying to leave the south and at the looming threat to offend is really invasion, offered us off of israel's work cabinet has met for a 2nd time in 2 days. to discuss the ron's unprecedented attack on israel to her on last hundreds of missiles on drones at israel on saturday. iran says this is in
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response to israel's attack on its consulate in damascus. 2 weeks ago is really cabinet held several meetings on sunday and as reportedly in favor of a retaliation. but politicians remained divided over the timing and the scale of the response from the central is joining us from tel aviv. so how expensive then are these divisions amongst that is really war cabinet on how to respond but divisions are quite extensive with a majority of is really officials leading towards wanting to respond immediately. but israel's war cabinet did meet earlier today and that meeting ended, but it wasn't just an end to that meeting because there was no conclusion. so is really media reporting that it actually paused and will resume tomorrow for continued negotiations. how these really prime minister, israel's defense minister and for calvin administered benny gans are the 3 individuals who will ultimately decide when, where and if an attack on it,
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on or in response to it on the tax will take place. now there are several unconfirmed and on source reports within his really media saying that his role will retaliate and it will be imminent. but again, no decision has been made by these really war cabinet. and we haven't even heard from these really prime minister himself on what he wants to do and when. so what about the sort of growing international pressure from that as putting, being put on israel, not to retaliate and attack how, how are the um, the officials responding to those pressures? and there's been a lot of conversations between is really as and counterparts from several different countries like the united states, specifically defense minister jo, i've got on speaking with us defense secretary lloyd austin. and that's in y'all who's speaking with you as president joe biden. and reportedly a gallons had told lloyd austin that israel has no choice,
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but to respond. this cannot go on answered. but the allies, that is real, has, are pressuring is real, not to respond because they are afraid, it will lead to some sort of wider conflict, especially because the audience have said, if there isn't, is really response their response to that will be much larger in scale. and size and it will be more destructive. so the americans and the rest of israel's allies are trying to put this pressure to mitigate the situation to just leave it as is. but these really is are saying, but this cannot go on answered ok. thank you. i'm this one house for 40 from tel aviv new is really military video, shows what it says is damaged to an air base attack by iran. they range in barrels of drones and missiles cause craters of the never to them air base and southern israel. israel says almost all iran weapons were into a septic and the wrong says that it's attack on israel was legitimate under the un
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charter in response to the strike on its console it in damascus. 2 weeks ago, the foreign ministry spokesman law said, cannot. he made the comment that his weekly news briefing and urged western nations to appreciate the wrongs restraints it's worth taking your lives to watch the software, the us state department spokesperson mac food miller's speaking and he's discussing it wrong talk on israel, which came in response to israel's attack on his consulate in damascus 2 weeks ago . we can this and today we will continue to emphasize the importance that the international community act as a united front and condemning such reckless esco, the tory acts. such behavior threatens to destabilize the region and endangers all its people. and a rods attacked violated the sovereignty of several states in the region. i also want to be absolutely clear. the united states commitment to israel security is sacrosanct. our contributions to israel's defense against iran, or a clear mass infestation of that commitment. so to our efforts to advance
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a ceasefire and at least 6 weeks in gaza, which would secure the release of all remained hostages and create a pathway to a more enduring piece. we remain committed to advancing that work and providing lasting peace and security for israel, for the palestinian people and for the broader region. and we will continue to engage regional international partners urgently on these areas in the coming days. that as well as i thought you said you had a couple of different comments on seeing one. okay. but the fund on topic several comments. one topic got you on this just logistically who has the surcharge broken to to the other in the rockies? obviously, you know, i will have a list of the readouts of those company that i need to read out right now that have readouts coming throughout the day. is that call scheduled for this afternoon, has completed some already, but i need to make sure those are the we reaching out. okay. and i know you guys don't want to talk about this. but when you say that the, or any and attack violated the sovereignty of several countries in the region,
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which countries are you talking about and which countries actually took action? so it, with respect to the 1st question. so the tech violated, not just obviously israel sovereignty, but you saw missiles launched from a ron and fly over other countries in the region such a i'm not going to speak to those. i'll defer to might have called a little while the 1st one fly over australia i, we're, we're, we're where did they fly or i will say to is one. you can look at the flight path of 2. i will defer to my colleagues. it depending on who are more situate, more appropriately situated to speak to that question. and when it comes to responding to that attack and uh, work to assist is realize defense. i will let any other countries that were involved to be to there. well, are there any that you care to or not kayla's, i will, i will speak on behalf of the united states and let any other countries speak for it. so um okay, and so. ready your understanding though is that, that there was at least one patriot missile battery that brought down a,
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a missile it in for bill that was going over rocky or space. so with any of those types of questions, i'm going to defer to my colleagues and depending on so i'm just not gonna, i'm not gonna speak to, you can say that i'm not gonna speak to military matters from here. one, it's not appropriate to i probably get it wrong. okay. all right, i'm done. oh, well, i have some stuff on a rack, but okay. highlighters. yeah. okay, go ahead or not. so you've been us has been cautioning israel about it's retaliation. i'm wondering what's the most recent dear you're getting from israel on what kind of further retaliation they're gonna box. i'm just not gonna speak to our private diplomatic conversations. when we have to talk to israel, we have made clear as we demonstrated on saturday, we are committed to their defense. and of course, we are continue to make clear to everyone that we talked to,
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that we want to see the, at the escalation that we don't want to see this conflict further escalated. we don't want to see a wider regional award. that's something that's been the goal at this ministration since october 7th and we have work to achieve. but beyond that, i don't want to get into problems. what would the in in us view, what would be an acceptable or unacceptable retaliation? i'm just not gonna speak to hypothetical hypotheticals. okay, let me, let me go at this a little bit more. it's taking me months to convince israel on a number of things like 8 to gaza, how they're conducting, their military operation involves uh, what makes you think they're going to, you're wanting this. so again, i'm not gonna always accept the premise of the, of the question. so don't take that in my response, israel is a sovereign country, they have to make their own decisions about how best to defend themselves. what we always try to do is provide our best advice as a long time friend of israel in a long time ally and partner of israel. that's what we've done since october 7th, across a broad range of front. it's what we have done over the weekend. and so what we
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demonstrated this over the weekend is that our commitment to israel's defense is clear and is iron clad. and we've backed that up, not which us with words and with action. and we will continue to make that clear, well, at the same time, ensuring that everyone knows that we are committed to di escalation in the region. and that's the policy we're trying to pursue on un, uh, probably would said yesterday in the coming days and in consultation with other members, us will explore additional measures to hold around accountable. here at the united nations. can you do like any to use on what that might need? so we have been consulting with partners on this very question. over the past several days, when i read out the secretaries calls, one of the things that he, we have talked about and those calls are any further actions to hold her on accountable for its behavior. if you have seen this administration take action since day one to hold her on a campbell, we have put more than 500 sanctions in place on iran and iran, iranian entities. and we will continue to hold them accountable. but i don't have
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any, any specific measures to announce today. i guess i understood that you don't know exactly when israel is going to go ahead or don't feel the need to share it, but is the us expectation that is real will share with the us before they actually retaliate. i'm just not going to get into those private conversations between our 2 countries. us as an asked to, you know, look at what their plans are before they go ahead. we are in close contact with israel at a number of different levels at the white house between this, this building and is really counterparts as well as with the pentagon. but as to the substance of those conversations, i think i'll keep them private. and then obviously the us was hand in hand with israel defending against this attack over the weekend. can you speak to how you think that might impact the way that is real response? you think that they felt supported by the us and regional allies as they were under assault, that might make them, you know, feel like they're in
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a better place today than they would have been defending themselves on their own. so i can't speak for is, or i would never want to speak for another country. i'll speak to the united states . but i will say what you saw over the, over the weekend. and really it's something that started before the weekend was a coordinated response to defend israel. something that we worked very hard with are, is really counter parts to put into place. it's not like when these attacks were launched a saturday afternoon our time saturday evening sunday morning is really time that it was something that we had not been preparing for with israel in the days leading up to that attack. we have been working quite closely with them to coordinate our response to talk about how we could defend israel, how we can take down those drones and missiles and somebody we worked very closely on as well as we coordinated with our diplomatic responses. you saw the secretary, i had a number of calls with for and counterparts last week, just to send messages in directly to iran to ask other countries to make clear to iraq that they should not escalate this conflict. we shared all of those
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conversations with the government of israel, made clear to them that we were working not just work with them, not just militarily, but that we were working with them diplomatically. and that's what we're committed to continue to do, to defend the state of israel and the people of israel. and are the rough, i mean, so that happened this week. i don't have any schedule announcements to make with regards to those meetings. go ahead, i'm coming in a similar vein, but the fact that israel didn't take a preemptive strike and that the us, the numbers were wanting that at the stripe from the wrong. if i can wrap around, would likely be coming in. because no preemptive strikes, say, should we read that as if it's the us and allies have been successful and actually stuffing as well, some during what it might twice normally do. and also the factory spoke about this this morning along side of the iraqi pm. but did he said that in the next, in the 36 hours since the attack, this diplomatic response and speaking is prevent escalation will continue from the
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us. so we always pace to see that as a, as primarily aimed at israel, given that the boy is known as wells course. so with respect to the 1st question, i'm always reluctant to kind of tell people how to read any one thing or the other . i'm just gonna speak to our, our actions, which we have already done it life with respect to the next 36 hours ago to follow up on, on what the secretary had said. we're making clear to everyone in the region that we don't want to see the conflict escalated, and that is a message that we have sent. not just starting this weekend, not just last week, but really since october 7th. if you pay attention to the secretary scripts, i know you happen and a lot of people in this room have been on these trips. one of the things we have always talked about and that we have engaged intensively in diplomacy to try to pursue, is it the escalation of the conflict and to prevent the conflict from spreading and whitening? i don't know how many times you for the secretary said, i don't know how many times you heard me say. and of course, if you, for i said,
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you can imagine how many times are counterparts across the region across the world have her to say that it has been one of the primary strategic objectives we have been pursuing and that we will continue to pursue in the days that just a quick follow on the un angle. there's some criticism today that they you and this will sanctions on your own. that expired october last year somehow enabled this attack had a response to that. so i would say uh 1st off um, it's just absolutely not true, but in, in, to get into kind of the facts that are on has a ballistic missile and drone program that has been building for years. well before those sanctions are expired. and that were, that were continued not just in administration is going back decades, but under the previous administrations watch. so rob has continued to pursue these d, stabilize and activities. but we have what we have done is at the same time held her on, it's accountable for its the stabilizing activities, and that includes um,
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sanctioning uh, as i said, imposing more than $500.00 sanctions on a ron and a ronnie to introduce since the outset of this administration and we will continue to hold them accountable as appropriate well, hold on all. that's one good bit to the back of matters that there were sanctions that's. ready in place on that, so try and per tail. that program there, continued you guys and and, and they were dropped. i mean they, they expire there continue to be other sanctions on iraq missile programs. and as i said, we continue to look at ways that we can and tighten our sanctions, increase the enforcement of our sanctions and if necessary, impose new sanctions on iraq. so they have a ballistic missile program that goes back years, decade they did when we added the taxes and entered in the 1st and in the line guys let them as well, let them expire while it, along with the general arms and market is why we have sanctions on their ballistic
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missile program will be able to do it for these things like you don't have the same sanctions that you have in place before we do have sanctions on their ballistic missile programs and, and, and have imposed as i said, $500.00 sanctions over $500.00 sanctions total with respect to iran will continue to hold them accountable. the sanctions are not working on his has for years tried to evade sanctions imposed by the united states imposed by our european allies imposed by the united nations. but what we have seen those sanctions do is drive up the cost for ron to do business, slow down their weapons programs. and ultimately at times i think you can see them produce a less effective weapons of products and getting that in detail, but less effective weapons and they otherwise would. at one more method, did you clearly ask, is that enough to they tell you? and the case that the, the respond to the will you continue to defend visit?
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i am, i am just not going to get into the product diplomatic conversations we've had with israel. but that said, we have made clear privately and publicly so we're committed to israel's defense. that will always be true. that commitment remains iron clad. it will not change. and if there are further attacks on his will, of course we will continue to send them. i just had the photo and michelle regarding this when you are now frustrating, is there a lot to respond on the or any and attack and at the same time saying that they've been attacked, you will defend them to deduce it of this was counter productive to what you're trying to do, you're enabling them to respond to your online your site, and to them will protect you when they are on the tally as box. so 1st of all you, are there couple things, your questions i have not said from this podium um, i'm not gonna speak to our private diplomatic conversations and what we are sharing with israel privately. but publicly,
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of course we're committed to the defensive israel and there is um, that is something that the president has made clear from day one, something you've heard, the secretaries say clear. and it's something that will continue to be the case. and i think, but if i could get it kind of a broader issue, i think inherent your question, there have been times over the past 6 months since october 7th. the israel has taken actions with which we don't agree or is real, hasn't moved as quickly as we would like to implement certain changes and we engage with them on those issues. and we try to get improvements and we will continue to, to try and do that. but at a fundamental level, there is a bond between the united states and the people of israel. and that bond press on are shared security. and one of the things that we will continue to be committed to is the defense of that security. and are you willing to risk original thoughts a war for this? i think you've heard me say here a number of times that we are working to pursue de escalation. and that has been
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the focus of our diplomacy since october 7th, not just over the weekend, but since day one is trying to pursue the escalation and prevent the conflict from widening and spreading and expanding. last question, but i wanna go back to i states which you should uh, a, an hour earlier about the west bank body milas. you started the statement by saying we strongly condemned the murder of 15 year old is riley be, i mean, actually my and the 2nd paragraphs you say we are also increasingly consumed by the violence against palestinians that lead to the death of 2. but as to why the distinction, there is no distinction. we condemn the we condemn all loss of innocent life. but why the change it for the wording is just i think you're reading too much into the uh, the formulation of the statement. we condemn all loss of innocent life, whether it be is really or palestinians. and that's why we mentioned all 3
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individuals who died in that state. okay, we're moving away from this, but that was the us state department spokesperson. matthew miller. he was uh, speaking of the 1st time after iran attacked israel on saturday following of course the is really attacked on the radian consulate in damascus, just about 2 weeks ago. let's bring it out. and fisher, he's joining us now from washington, dc. so alan, uh, what would you say was the sort of take away message from that press conference. this is what the us has been saying for some considerable time. they are claiming the credit for part of the operation. the don't a great deal of the rate in miss how's the defensive about the idea that there was sanctions and embargo and some of the, the really in miss out programs which lot student october or last year. but they're saying that they still have sanctions in place, which have been made it much more difficult for ryan to do business much more difficult to get material to build the likes of a ballistic missiles. and also,
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perhaps some of the missiles were of inferior quality, which at reading between the lines the americans are suggesting led to such a failure on site to do with so many of the, the marseilles being intercepted. what is inside thing is that the us is talking about the escalation and did you had the question from the or i'll just say the out of a colleague making the point. if they say we will defend israel, no matter what, they don't want israel to attack some people, we consider that opening up the avenues for israel to do what it wants, knowing that the united states will also get involved. now, the united states is said it will not participate in any action which leads to any sort of offensive action against the run, but it will play its part in defending israel. and again, it said it was a joint operation which operated over the weekend to stop so many of those messages
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wanting in israel, which matthew miller say could help cause a devastating most of like yeah, alan, exactly. on that point. i mean, it was pretty notable. what matthew miller said, when he claimed that we, the us have been coordinating with the, as really as closely prior to that attack on, on how to defend israel, i think, is pretty well understood that from the moment that israel launched its attack and breach the sovereignty of syria, which the us remember, has not yet condemned. that there was some sort of level of coordination, essentially the communications between the united states and israel, which are being screened over the last few weeks, particularly over the events and guys, uh, essentially they opened up the top and most communications with fluid freely what the united states is seeing, it doesn't want to see an escalation, which is a message in the right place. this is the very early days of the war and gaza.
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allen, thank you so much. we're just coming to the end of the show, but we'll speak to later on. thank you for the time being. and thanks for watching . i'll just 0 coming up next. going to be the weather. then inside story by the the probably we have flooding concerns for the middle east over the next $2440.00 i to housing service. larry or cloud here just coming across the was a golf, pushing over towards the oman. that's going to continue driving his wife. the east was sent of science when style looked at the stalls gathering a cluster of stones that are rumbling away, that could bring max it down, pulls maybe a year's worth of rainfall for some pushing across the you. are you able see some brains here in concert? i lifted the dust inside
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a possibility as well. really live the weather. that weather coming into easton, positive amount and grassy pushing across into that western and southern area of iraq brought this guys to come back, came behind in the base logic dry and brought across the eastern side of the mediterranean will actually see temperatures on the rise because the 24 celsius, choose that getting up to 31 degrees on where to start. you can say some showers to adjust the round grease a few showers to and to let you miss you back to northern areas of libya, much of north africa restaurant. if a little when they send students a possibility around this, a harder than plenty of showers. meanwhile, just around west africa, pretty a shower students, east africa, really heavy rain coming into tens of neighbors. we go through the next steps i made my vehicle. so what that rain expensive to catch you ok. foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00
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countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emergency donation spence on projects. we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had going through the run for crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. will, is ro respond to the wrong 1st of a direct attack? these ready to government is under pressure not to retaliate, but since it's weighing its options, what could they be? and what would have direct confrontation between the original rivals mean for an already follow tom? at least this is inside store the .


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