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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 15, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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people pay attention to the deal is very good. the bringing the news to the world from here, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching that is all the lights on the headquarters in del, for, i'm to navigate. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. uncovering the dead in gaza, another mass graves phones in the grounds of and she saw hospital recently occupied by is really soldiers a year of conflict and so done with more than 30000 killed and 11000000 facing famine. we look at the world's worst displacements crisis. plus donald trump to come to be 1st former us president is found trial on criminal charges. he's accused
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of trying to cover up plus money payments to an adult film star. in sports, the sun rises hides about, have made more history. they smashed $287.00 runs top of that road records for the highest total level indian i really it's 18 gmc 8 pm in gaza and palestinian doctors have discovered another mass grave in the courtyard defense. she felt hospital in gaza. city 9 bodies believes to be of hospital patients have been found so far. doctor say they witness the killings. this is one of several mass graves discovered on the hospital grounds. in the last few days, nearly 400 bodies had been recovered since it's really forces ended a 2 week rate on that hospital on april. the 1st. and the 2nd mass grave was discovered on monday and based law here in northern gauze of the bodies of 20
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palestinians were found buried in the sand. local official say is really forces executed them during an incursion in the area. 4 months ago, honeywell, who the, joining us now from the heidi, what more we learning about these killings and these mass graves that are now being phones? yes, what we learned so far, 9 bodies were discovered the cory, out of a ship, a hosp. it's all i knew were largely dest fees, and it was only doctors who were able to identify these bodies that didn't make you confirming that these were patients and injures inside the hospital, or from the medical bandages, under good counselors under body. that is still attached to their bodies then from medical is stuff inside the hospitals will also testify and get there and confirm that these people were in fact executed by this really military and very close to the main gate of su 4 hospital. when it was a storm last month in march,
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the is really mandatory is formed, the hospital destroying the vast majority of its uh, facilities that equipments and destroying its building on its vicinity as well. the majority of buildings, the residential buildings where people were shocked during for the past month and since the beginning of, of this work. but they were also a targeted industry and people work force into more internal displacement. and the super hospital. this is, this was not the 1st time it was a storm. it was a storm back in december 2023 and more people were killed and buried under the dirt . meanwhile, in the northern part, 20 more bodies were discovered buried under the dirt and pile of sands. and they believe it was, as people were going through a check point that was set up bite is really military during gets incursion of the northern part of the guthrie miller were talking about the city of bit lot here. and again, this is the pattern that we're seeing. this is not the 1st time mazda graves are being discovered,
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or people are being killed and buried under the dirt or being run over by a bite. is really a time for both those or is that been happening and keep on folding for the past 6 months. okay, honey. thank you so much for that update from what i saw in gauze off on the police . 5 people have been killed and several others injured in, and is really bombing in central gaza. finally home and the slate on the refugee camp was targeted and rescue. workers are still trying to reach people trapped under the rubble. the injured had been taken to a make shift hospital for treatments. and in the un, my eyes, the refugee camp palestinians are assisting through the wreckage. astern is really stripe reduce their homes to rubble. residents say they were sleeping before being woken up by a knock at the door and told to evacuated, preparation for that is really strikes. despite the attacks, hundreds of displays, families are still trying to return to the north along coastal road. large crowds
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of people moved along the seed street in the hope of being allowed back many or trying to leave the south. and the looming stress of an is really invasion of what i saw is really settlers are attacking the palestinian village of federal bits. and for we is that south of knob less than the occupied westbank. an ambulance can be seen making its way to the scene of the attack and made reports of palestinian casualties. this flare up follows violence. this flare up in violence follows the disappearance of a 14 year old settler, whose body was found on saturday. recent settler attacks are a part of a broader wave of violence which has heightened since israel's we're on guys on where we trial is running us from what i'm. i'm not in the occupied westbank. what are you hearing about what's taking place in that village and the number of casualties so far is another deadly encounter between
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palestinians and his leg is like the legal is ready settlers. now we understand that. so you protest and instead of being killed and i said, is injured, that's around the village of acrobats, which is south east of annapolis. now, we've confirmed this with a medic who was attending the se, in who also said that the bodies were being withheld. the promising is as far as we understand with what she pad is with shepherds looking off to the flocks when they were encouraged, approached by these ready settlers. now this part, this area south east of annapolis is pretty much the hot spots of secular violence uh flights 90 by hebron. and then the ramallah area as well. and this is just the latest in bodies and incredibly reviving periods. uh, full palestinians and their accounts is with, with this ready settlers that have been full pallets in the,
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in depths that since friday we know that a large group successful is uh, i've been attacking at least 17 different palestinian villages that have been according to the united nation since fox, how are you that? the 7 federal theme, 16 powder city in dest whitmore, these $700.00 or tax on, on, on palestinians, and type of sites. you can see that this, the, this latest a flare up is, is parts of a why the increase of secular violence. now the, the defense minister, you have glances warned against vigilance. e, as in, after that the is ready. secular boy was found dead by any sense, more troops to the area, but more troops doesn't have necessarily equal reassurance with the palestinians who cited the troops often take the site to the side. thank you, rory, challenge reporting from a law. well, in the us, the state department spokesperson and matthew miller has said that it wrong. so attack was
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a violation against israel and several other countries in the region. the ad is at the us defense. if israel was sacrosanct, we will continue to emphasize the importance that the international community act as a united front and condemning such a reckless escrow. the tory acts such behavior threatens to destabilize the region and endangers all its people. and a rods attacked violated the sovereignty of several states in the region. i also want to be absolutely clear. the united states commitment to israel security is sacrosanct, our contributions to israel's defense against iran, or a clear mass infestation of that commitment. so to our efforts to advance a ceasefire of at least 6 weeks in gaza, which would secure the release of all remain hostages and create a pathway to a more enduring piece. okay, well, bring in allen fisher, who's joining us on washington. so when it comes to iran, the us as you on it, ron allen, did we learn anything new from a press conference? nothing really. the, the,
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the us is continuing to say it will support as well that it worked together that the success at the we can, the success that they are claiming was a joint success. because the us, what with israel and its allies also, it knew the attack was coming. it still that many gulf nations actually provided intelligence from the moment the drawings in the missiles were launched. and so from all of that point of view, the us is still saying that wants to see at the escalation. but of course, that are those who would suggest that by seeing it will support israel no matter what it's essentially leading the path for them to carry out an attack on a rock. i saw you on the run of knowing that the us will have their back and protect them in the long run. so the still talks about the escalation of trying to keep the conflict confined. but of course that a with that, what happened over the weekend could see it explode. and when it comes to the gaza ceasefire talks,
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what does matthew mother have to say on any potential proposal that's on the table as well? he suggested israel has moved significantly on the display the offer, but see that how boss has said no the continue to work with the addictions, with a good tardies and with others to put proposals on the table. and they say they want to see some sort of see spot and also a release of the people being held captive. but our bosses position as the war must stand and there's really forces must get out of gas as soon as possible. all right, thank you all and so, so thanks for that update from washington dc. so it's really saying that it is weighing its response to iran is unprecedented drone and miss all attack israel's work cabinet met on monday for the 2nd time in 2 days to discuss its options. the west israel still interest allies says that a once to prevent an escalation of violence across the middle east. and israel however,
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politicians remain divided on how it should response risk. it should respond, excuse me, we'll bring it home to some proteins, choose joining us from cell events. and the military chief of staff has been making some recent comments. what did he have to say? it is rarely army chief of staff, hurts the however, he's speaking of that error based on the southern part of the country that was hit by it on in missiles. he said that israel is going to respond to that missiles entering israel's air base from it on is something that does warrant a response. now all of this comes as israel's war cabinet has met today, and that meeting concluded with no answers or decisions that have been made. they are scheduled to reconvene some time tomorrow to further discuss options. but these really army chief of staff spokesperson, daniel, has already, has spoken this evening saying that his role is quote, ready to defend itself, ready to take the necessary measures at a time and place of their choosing. this comes as there's been immense pressure
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from the americans, from many countries in europe, united kingdom as well, calling on israel not to respond, calling for their not to be some sort of larger escalation. but again, these really is have said the fist can not go on answered, and that they will be responding to it, but at a time and place of their choosing. and how exactly they are going to respond is the question on everyone's mind. all right, thank you. honda, sometimes reporting from time to the iran says that it's attack on israel was a legitimate action under the un charter and response to the strike on its console . it in damascus. 2 weeks ago, foreign ministry spokesman and also to canada, and he made the comments at his weekly news briefing and urged western nations to appreciate it runs restraints. this is all mess with on this. then what i hit on if the international community and the security council had reacted israel's aggressive actions in previous years. we would not have seen such bold acts by this
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regime now. we have carried out this action in the framework of deterrence. and then if another action is taken, our actions will be more serious and maybe it showed all of them yet, our correspondence or central bar it isn't to her. on with more on that uranian reaction. the reigning for administer jose, and i'm here. abdullah, he on the phone conversation with his german counselor park on monday morning stress the fact that the operation which the revolutionary guard carried out against israel on sunday morning was to prove a point uh, hosting. i'm gonna have to log in and set that israel had crossed a red line for ron when it attacked it's console that section of it's embassy in damascus on april 1st. and that there has to be consequences for what israel does. iran will no longer tolerate the kind of behavior that israel has been conducting over the past few months. now, this is not, of course, the 1st time that iran has delivered threats against israel. but this is the 1st
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time they've taken this kind of military action. many who are seeing it as a historic event in iran since the 2 countries have been rivals for over 4 decades . for the time being iranian officials are issuing more threats and warnings to israel, that if they retaliate against iran, then iranian response will be 10 folds to what they saw in operations to promise. in terms of the general public, there is a sense of fear because any kind of reaction from israel is sure to really affect the country in terms of its economy. and the reality has already lost more of its value over the past few days. and people are worried that any kind of retaliation will further put more pressure on the general population. in terms of the dire economic situation, the military has set, they are prepared and they're on fuller alerts, as one would expect, given the current tens climates that were in a door such a vari,
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ultra 0 tower on diplomatic activity. and then at least as sharply increased as countries try to diffuse this 10 situation or defense, that is, or alex gets off. the list, spoke to the dutch defense minister on the roll. cuts are, has played in mediating the warrant garza and her concerns about rising tensions. between iran and israel, i very much appreciate the role of katara is playing with the war and in gaza and trying to mediate that to get all parties to talking to find a solution. and we also need to strengthen our corporation. i feel a category is of course, important and receiving, also coalitions here we have to be active in the region. for instance, in iraq, your reaction is minutes to the defense to the retailer treaty strikes from the wrong on israel a few days ago to talk about your impressions a lot in this already very fragile situation and,
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and the region having this type of strike, the air attack really massive. i think it's a dangerous thing to do. and we have therefore conducted and also us for a constraint because we feel it's extremely important to keep all heads cool now and not have any further escalation. that would be extremely dangerous for, for the, for many countries in this region to punch in our head on the, i'll just, it renews our, including the more on why the government's in hong kong wants everyone to know the importance of sticking to the noun, national security law the, it's the 1st time over 3 of the battles for power and sued on 12 months of fighting
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has killed at least $30000.00. susan, use its force, millions from their homes and put millions more. on the brink of famine. there is no end in sight to the fighting between government troops and the rapids support forces paramilitary. one of the main causes of conflict was disagreements over integrating the parent military forces into so don's armed forces. so don had been trying to establish a civilian like government, but negotiations broke down after disagreements on how and when to integrate those fighters. all the fighting has for us more than 11000000 people from their homes and what the u. n. has called the world's worst displacement crisis. nearly 2 millions through the use of fled to neighboring countries. half of them have gone to either charge or through egypt. the rest have entered cells to don. if yoko and the central african republic putting added pressure on already scarce resources there, and the spread of the fighting to rural areas and restrictions on the delivery of
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humanitarian aid have also pursued down to the brink of famine. the un says at least 5000000 people are now facing catastrophic hunger. have a more good reports from under me on near this to denise capital, as a clock tower in ruins, along with many of the buildings. this was the municipal headquarters of i'm through mine, sedan, 2nd largest city, and the capital have to be destroyed by a year of conflict between the sudanese army and the power of military rapids support forces or r s. f repeated artillery thrown and s tribes has left to devoid of any signs of life. much of the city was once a strong cold of the recess during the 1st days of the fighting, which began a year ago. the army and the recess had been battling it out to have the upper hand in the capital. in the 1st days of the conflict iris,
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the fighters took control of the presidential palace state tv headquarters, a major oil refinery in the capital, parts of the main airport and many residential areas. the armies offensive came in december and started in, undermine resulting in the recapture of tv headquarters. government forces have also regained some territory in the northern parts of the capital in order to low fighting close. at least 13000 people undermine city police. a major role in this conflict, serving as a supply line for the rapid support forces in the 1st few months of the fighting. it's also where the power military and the putting his armies fee, respectful happen faults and where some of the worst disruption in the capital region can be seen. a year after the battle began, it talks to try to find a dentist the blood shed have failed to produce results. the recess also took over much of the r 4 and to view the state in the center of the country, the u. n. has accused the power,
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i'm going to treat group of ethnic cleansing and we're crimes in west dar for when it's an ally to malicious targets as nic muscle. each pipes, man, the international agency says in that state alone between 10 to 15000 people have been killed and more than half a 1000000, displaced by violence in the past year. more than 9000000 for denise has been forced from their homes. it's the world's largest displacement crisis. the yes on it's about 3 or 2 refills fell on our homes. we were not able to sleep the night before we left in the morning we took off with only the clothes we were wearing. we were many families. the kids had no food or water for days, setting that much, i didn't, i hire the you and has words that the fighting is preaching what it's called a catastrophic humanitarian crisis. efforts to revive talks between the wearing sites are ongoing, but for now the sounds of artillery and gunfire continued to dominate the
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capital and other parts of the country. people more than all just their own on their mind. well, the un secretary general says a global awareness about the conflict in so dawn has been pushed into the shadows. antoine your good terrace, said wall attention is focused on the war and gaza and ukraine. the worst displacement crisis in the world has been almost forgotten. this is more than a toughly between watering, but this is the water being waged on this to these people. it is the water on the many thousands of civilians that'd be killed and tens of thousands maidens for lights. this is a was on the 8th, the median people facing get good 10 goods and the community is most dead. swimming down the terrifying sit up a fat man in the mountains, the hands, it's all on villages. oems hospitals,
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schools and vital systems that have been reduced to rubble in conflict up spots. and it is all on human rights and international humanitarian law. well, the army chief of the foot, the headboard hon and the paramilitary forces lead them how much i'm done. doug hello, have been at the center of suzanne's conflict. general hahn is a veteran soldier who served mostly under former presidents all night. and this year he was one of the military leaders who told the vin president to step down. but han became the leader of some john's governing council in 2019. and he strengthened his position when the military took control of the government in 2021 . his deputy at the time was done, gallow, also known as ham, etc. but han ordered his removal from the council a month after the fighting begun him. etsy was a commander and designs a weed militia, which has been accused of war crimes and the 4. and he's let the rapids support forces since it was formed in 2013, turning it into a powerful paramilitary group with around
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a 100000 fighters were joined now by how many kind of find out who is this has any is research and policy analysts joining us from nairobi, thanks for your time. so a year on what's your assessment as to where things stand politically, are we anywhere near to getting the warring sides to talk about a ceasefire? a solution? not. i think that in so many ways we our way when you, when, when you go i haven't been out of progress on the political side. there's been a deadlock for the past few months if it hadn't been moving forward. and honestly, i think this. yeah. and the pipe uh, you know, all the info in comprehensive and most of the section that we have seen an incident without being prevented. i'm good to be preventive and stop now how, how do you get there? the financial community has not put the efforts to get that yet,
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and that is very unfortunate when you're on all the efforts have been segmented. there is no way to combat the coordination between these efforts, both ways. passions without the support forces understand these forces of fighting in so many ways because of extend an interest, i'm be an adult is being used by segments actors. so if the international committee had been serious about it, i think those 10 national ties and making sure that all the actors supporting the word incident. i have the comfortable this could have been stop. and now there's an opportunity to do this. now to make sure that that no supplies go in and that the waiting faction know that there will be very serious consequences for them continue with the 5. and that they would gain nothing by continuing the fire tasks not roll out. how, how's the role of for, and involvement in the conflicts evolved the 3, which was most of them in the beginning. and now we have a, b,
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c. how is international activities in it? i'd say that i've gotten more kind of comfortable in 10 in, in, in, in supporting both what infection we know of all the arms that go into sedan, through dashboard, from eastern chad. b o v, a. c. stand by the united of him. but it's, we know how they have to be addressing pipe. it's fun ground. incidentally having to have they have being ukrainian piper its own down, gets it done as, as time moves on, the sockets have become more comfortable and becoming more visible, which makes it easy. and mission, you would assume quite a bit in domestic community, try to drive events, but you have no team back yet. what about what's happening on the battlefield? because there are reports of recent gains that are being made by this within these armed forces against the rapids support forces in some areas of police. i mean, would you say that this is a new phase of the conflict marriage militarily on the ground? when the ministry has made some advances in some areas of her to him, i did. he gave me some thoughts that would have controlled by the doctor to
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portfolio, but that does not change anything in, in the largest team of things that support forces still have control over most of that for this to have control over with the, the state. and you know, all those entities making small a di advances that does not seem to get on the scheme of things. i think evidently, there is no mediately significant possible at the moment. all right, thank you so much for speaking with us from i roby. the still ahead on the als, is there a news hour raising from the ashes in paris? 5 years after the devastating fire? we'll see how close the notes with um cathedral is to being restored on the controversial finish to the beijing half marathon. john,
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i will explain what happens the probably we have flooding concerns for the middle east over the next 2448 housing see was larry or cloud here just coming across the was a golf pushing either towards the or mom that's going to continue driving his wife, further east was sent of science when style looked at the stones gathering a cluster of stones that are rumbling away, that could bring max it down, pulls maybe a year's worth of rainfall for some pushing across the you. are you able see some brain here in concert? i lifted the dust inside a possibility as well. really live the weather. that weather coming into eastern positive amount and grass you pushing across into that western and southern area of iraq brought this guys to come back, came to hide in the base logic dry and brought across the eastern side of the mediterranean black c. c. temperatures on the rise, the gauze of 24 celsius choose like getting up to 31 degrees on where to start. you can say some showers the just the round grease
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a few showers to into what you miss here. back to northern areas of libya, much of north africa as dr. if little when they send students a possibility around this a higher than plenty of showers. meanwhile, just around west africa, pretty a shower students, east africa, really heavy rain coming into times and neighbors. we go through the next steps i made my vehicle. so what that rain expensive to catch you in thailand. defamation is a criminal offense. critics. a powerful people, a using the quotes to sign and whistle blowers 101 east investigate. so allegations that defamation case is being used to bring to mutation and conceding corruption, speaching up in time 9 o $20.00. the latest news as it breaks. iran has given a cause that people come out in large numbers. the galvanized population a board with detailed coverage,
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but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better is driving some residents to the right. from around the world. people have told us the circumstances even more important than usual to come together to share what are the tools they have a showcase of the best documentary films from across the network on algae 0. the color we on the top stories and the all to 0 news our, it's the 1st on a verse of the battle for power is on 12 months of fighting between government
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troops and the rapids. support forces. parent military has killed at least 25000 people, 11000000 and have been forced from their homes with many on the brink of famine. dr . essential thought hospital in gaza city have discovered another mass grave on hospital grounds. 9 bodies believes to be of patients have been found so far. israel's work cabinet has met for a 2nd time in 2 days. leaders, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu are considering how to respond to iran, unprecedented a time. we have with us, i'll just say we're a senior political and this what one of the shadow, joining us here in the studio. hi again, milan. so is it a matter of when a not is, this is a real response to iran. so it seems so it seems, i think, a much of what we've been seeing the past few days. it's as if it's been accepted from a prepared script. of these writers affect the consulate there any is concerned that
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i'm concerned that again, make everyone wait. create the tension. and then as a, now these writers are doing the same. deliberating and deliberating again, and there's pressure on them. and then they will try to find that way somewhere to between the pressure they are on and the need to react, and then they will react in a way that's not overly hyperbolic, but at the same time, so called measured. and it will take place probably some time in the near future and on this one. so what impact is that going to have? i mean, does not, depends on the type of response. you know, it's not, these things are not meant that kind of good to have impact, right. i mean, it's more protocol and psychological is more uh, grandstanding because when you think about it, right, i just was thinking about just before i got to talk to spend 45 years of this
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tension between iran and his rad. since 1979, 45 years, this is the 1st week that the one who attacked his ro directly writes from from irregular story. and this will probably be the 1st time that is our react directly . so that's what's new. here is the 1st time in 45 years as to generations. i've passed by then the last, i hate to hate each other. they love to hate each other. but they also love to go out of their way, not to hate each dot to hurt each other directly, but indirectly. and they loved to explain again and again how there have not really trying to help each other. the like the uranium is i've tried so bad the past 48 hours to tell us that you know, we didn't, and we may, we might in the future, but it's measured. this wouldn't be a response to, nothing's really doing the same thing. we don't want that, he should on war. we listen to the amount of guns box we can accept x saucer and the us, i mean we heard a matthew miller was speaking
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a short time ago who was saying, look, we don't want to say original escalation, but at the same time saying we will defend israel, no matter what, is there mixed messaging going on there? there's your, i know the americans that there's always mixed messages because they need to defend this or they need to express that their voice shooting and commitment and, and so on, so forth which is, or, and, and at the same time they need to justify israel's horrific act whether it's in guys or the region they've been, they've been just defined, it's occupation for more than 5 decades. it's some estimates unbelievable. the commitment to go on and on and on 4 or 5 plus beckett's to justify someone else's actions. and now it's 56 months of just defined as rose actions in gaza, genocide and so, so it's sort of smarter, was that they provide the assistance they provide the arms and the provide the advice, is there a takes the assistance, take the money,
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take the arms but does not take the advice, right? because all the united states has to do is turn off the top essentially, but it doesn't, it doesn't look, but this is not a normal by the way. i mean the what's of normal is how much is there? it has influence over american foreign policy, but it's not a normal among circle darlise paper and clients relationships as where where by uh, the, the, the punitive measures i'm not, you know, violent or, or, or, or, you know, whole rich shake or terrible or hurtful. they meant to be more helpful if you will . right. i mean, that's what happens or between a junior member of an alliance, and i'm a senior member. in this case, the united states that was superpower, has patients with the little world state called is read, that continues to create trouble for the united states. but the art says, continues to teens with, with the, with gloves as it were right. because it's not meant to take off the gloves with an
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ally. sometimes you would think that the united states would get a bit to exhausted by, you know, more of the same problem making, especially with comes to nothing. yeah. right. nothing. you know, there's something about nothing, you know, right? it's like as the, as one question said, we know he lives, he knows that we know he lives. we know he knows that we know he lives, but he continues to life. right? so it is how it is what it is, right? and the united states understands that. and that sees with speeding, with a troubled ally, it's a bit of a trouble child sometimes, right. but it goes on to support it. it's one of its major clients assets in the region, if you would, even though it's proven to be more of a burden for a good number of years. but then once again, the relationship between iran and the guy says i'm about much better. right. and we've had again 45 years of hatred, especially on the part of the arrangements,
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but also applied to the americans. and clearly the radians don't see the united states as a friendly presence of the region, but more as a threat to its original influence. right? so we have this thing going on between is there in the united states of the united states started between. is there a new or on and clearly the united states, 6 israel position. thank you so much for alonda, sada. well, sorry, selection has begun in donald trump. so cold hush money trial, and here i've got a court in new york to become the 1st, the former us president of span trial on criminal charges. this is the 1st, the 4 criminal trials he's facing. is he campaigns to return to the white house. he's accused of disguising payments made to an adult film star to hide an extramarital affair. he denies $34.00 charges
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there and again, this is so christmas the lumens. joining us from outside the courthouse in new york . so what's happening inside the court house was so well judge one more sean, spent the morning dealing with motions and procedural issues, including a motion from the defense requesting that he himself step aside, refused himself from judging this case. the defense has accused him of having a conflict of interest because his daughter has worked for a company that has provided political campaign services to major democratic politicians,
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including president joe vidas. the judge refused to refuse himself. he also considered a motion from the prosecution to find donald trump $3000.00 for violating a gag order imposed on him not to speak about witnesses or court officers. in this case on the morning, he was arriving in court. donald trump, sweden of putting on his social media platform, calling to witnesses in this case, please bags the judge in that case and that motion said he will decide later this week. the next major step is to pick the jury, and the lawyers on both sides will have a say in the 12 people that are ultimately chosen to decide whether or not donald trump is guilty or innocent of the $34.00 charges of falsifying business records. and that is going to be quite a process. the lawyers typically want to find a potential jurors that don't have
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a lot of preconceived ideas about the case or about the defendant. that is going to be very difficult here when you're dealing with someone who is so famous and so outspoken on these charges and has labeled this case a political interference. uh something that is aimed at getting him out of the upcoming election. and because of the challenges of finding a jury that everyone can agree on that is expected to take days, if not weeks, the trial itself could take 6 to 8 weeks, all told. and if found guilty, president trump could conceivably chase jail time. but that would not prevent him from running for president in november. all right, thank you. christian, thanks for about reporting from new york. we can now speak to john see coffee junior also joining us from new york was a professor of lot columbia university. welcome to houses 0. how unprecedented moments is this for, for the states? i mean, the 1st, a former us president being tried criminally? well, your answer,
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your own question is on presser. and it's fairly shocking. now this trial is significant because it is 1st, it is not significant in its own right. it's probably a least significant other for a criminal trial sheet faces. but it's the 1st one and it's going to be the one which he suggested he might testify. and there could be a very dramatic episode that most criminal, the counsel believe that donald trump is a black so controlled as a witness and it could explode on the witness stand, a peace aggressively cross examine. so there are a mysterious and still to be witness dimensions here and the future weeks. yeah, i wanted to ask you specifically about him taking the stands. i mean, he is, you know, obviously his reaction to all of this is that it's a persecution. this is an assault on america. if he were to take this stand um, do you think that would be a good strategy or would it backfire? well, i think that his lawyers don't want to take this risk,
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but they might feel they have to get the testimony from his adversaries is convincing. if the story told by the prosecutions witness, sounds cool. harrington plausible. you may want to give your own testimony to see if you can create at least a shadow of a doubt in one yours mind because you have to get a unanimous jury have to be able to contribute to best it was a crime. it would be under reasonable doubt, of course the faces 3 other cases. so there are 4 in total which in your opinion is sort of the most serious. my thing is the washington case and which special council is accusing them of being much involved in the january 6th. i can select you whenever you want to call like the capital. and i think they're weird questioning whether or not donald trump was trying to overthrow the government was trying to for the election. whereas here were only talking back with donald trump had an
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affair. and i don't think there's any citizen in america who doubts it down. so it's really a service, just select and, and just a final thought from you back to this specific case. any witness in particular that you will be came to look out for. but of course, the key with this, with mr. kohler is going to be the person who said, i've made these payments for donald trump to keep record. and we agreed that i would be paid back in installments, so it could be presented to the world as if so i don't, trump was paying me a retainer with a monthly payment. and of course the 2 by now hate each other images clash on every pointer. all right, thank you so much for speaking to us from new york. you smell at hong kong? the government's are stuffing up efforts to educate everyone about the importance of sticking to the law. monday marks the 1st so called national security education day since security legislation was title last month. critics say that it further
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roads, freedoms which are guaranteed when britain handed over the territory to a china in 1997. patrick folk reports from hong kong. the last one come monday began with blank raising sermon. a national security education day was launched in 2021. the off that being imposed in legislation promising a wide range of dissenting as we have to see down to understand the importance of level of security. how to make our society stable as possible. that's a point. this is the 1st since on come enacted its own domestic security legislation known as article $23.00. it expands on the existing law and covers trees and submission. i'm the i'm role for handling of state secret. this has been described as the biggest national security awareness event since it began and home come 4 years ago in the run up that being parades and seminars and all sorts of
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activities and competitions organized across the city to promote and particularly among young people. and in schools the u. k, as well as the us of criticize the law for being vague and for creating uncertainty for people in home. come right. scripts say it's another government tool for cracking down on political opponents. each one teacher who wanted to remain anonymous and told us there was little design at his school to teach students about national security. just how the school as us and it is said that she is going to the masons by side side raising side. so i guess i'm everyone's done. that is what it so many teachers quits author of the national security law was passed in 2020. they've complained of growing political pressure in schools and fierro censure of
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a discussing prohibited subjects in class, which is difficult, but we kind of just avoid those topics. supporters of china is national security drive, say there's been no change to people's freedoms, but that everyone needs to learn about the legislation. we need to educate people what this was all about and to explain the go bit. so that's to avoid them to folding into the legal trip. but it may take move in awareness campaigns to build confidence in its critics say the government must define the little more clearly to remove any ambiguity and the fading to do so. could home home call country folk out to 0 home, come still ahead on the i'll just it renews our the sports news and we'll hear from her. i found the dog she prefers to make his latest come by the
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business like this. this wrote to you believe, i guess is i live my on one of your this makes more than please the, the, the business like just is free to you believe, i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates.
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the top of the sports in the system. thank you. during history has been made and the indian, primarily the sunrise is high and you might have smashed the own records of the highest as a title. they wrapped up 287 for 3. and that victory against the challenges wrangler. it's the total have tons. that previous lock of 277 to 3, hosted just 3 weeks ago. the latest estimate is we'll say the 2nd high school in o men's to 23 kids. 27 runs less than the post school again, so i'm going to be asian games and where i found it that is ready to make his return at this week's boss, elaina writes and, and what will be his 1st tournament since january the dow faces it's lisa of
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vehicle volley in the opening round on tuesday. it will be the spine is 1st spots on clay since winning a record extending 14th friendship insights on in 2022. the $22.00 time ground. some challenging expects to retire at the end of this season. and says he just wants to enjoy whatever time you have left in his career. i can give you an injury update because uh, the list is long and uh, i just wanted to, uh, think about what, what can happen. uh, i only can tell you that today i feel myself uh enough good to be on call tomorrow on that for me. so we bought a means a lot demand to be able to play one more time here again in my phone. uh, the organizes is the badging half mars that are investigating allegations that 3 african athletes deliberately allowed china's head yet to win sunday's rice. so to just pay us to show the $2.00 canyons and one can run a slowing down another finish line. before waving past,
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the chinese athletes finished one seconds ahead of the tray. we tied to the 2nd place, wait and then got to one of the canyon athlete says they run as paste make cuz a lot of essex released the statement saying the integrity of all spoke, which is the highest priority. but they declined to comment further. all the investigation is ongoing is china is marston, record holder, and the 25 year old will say one golden event last year is asian games and hungry one by 11 cruise and coat, shabby alone. so says it's an incredible feeling to lead the sides to that 1st button to take a title, john. these newly crowned champions of targeting even most silver weather season as they're still on, but still on the truck, i should say for an historic trouble tom size and reports. 2 the, it's a moment the city of labor costs and the voice of a 120 useful. when for inputs squared, his slides fiscal in the final minutes,
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the funds couldn't help themselves. they'd already flooded the pitch by the time the referee blew the whistle. but that was the name and chevy, alonzo side became champions of germany with 5 games to spare. it's unbelievable to win for the 1st time, lose the 1st time a suspicion on for us to, to being able to be part of it. and to that you see that excitement before the game and due to the game for, for the funds, how much it means alonzo is rides with the club, has been staggering. he took over in october 2022 with the clubs, 2nd from boston. fast forward 18 months, they've lifted the 1st piece of silver with us 31 years, and it gets better for labor. chris incense despite interest from farm unit, can live a pool. alonzo is committed to the side until at least the end of next season. first of all isn't unbelievable coach 2nd. there's an unbelievable person. by d is the hung of the mentality. everything comes from him with us to the granite.
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jekka is be one of the clubs many success stories the season. perform awesome man getting on the score sheet and sundays victory of the framing. another is books. so it's have tricks that the 20 year old will be one of the starts to look out for . and this is yours in germany. fantastic team are full of great individuals. little for a lot of quality with the right culture. and we've performed the season. i mean, it's a, it's going to be in a sort of book. so, anyway, but we want to keep on going and keep going. they will, that when extending their own beats and run the season to an unprecedented $43.00 games. the defends, it brings it in 2 years, mrs. they've experienced 5 run out finishes in 27 years in 2002. they missed out by one point. it's still very unbelievable at the moment after all these years, after all the run rough finishes and now it's actually done. you can't put it into
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words. yeah. german champions, last 2002 was such a tough year and now it's finally happened. were delighted they used to be nicknamed significance and now they stand a chance to win everything the next target. so the german cup and the right to the come size, and i was just 0, a scruffy chef that has played down tool because being goes next generational talents of to winning the mazda is for a 2nd time is try and festival gusto was the americans. goodwin and his last full tournaments. so how about it? cuz the best of the action from the final round the pre tournament favorite lived up to his billing since winning the most is in 2022. go through shiffler hills, the world number one ranking, and that doesn't look set to change any time soon. you've agreed shifflett put the green jacket on. john ramos get rom has given it straight back off the winning one of golf. the biggest prize and my full shot,
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while the quality of his gulf was never in doubt, his participation was his wife meredith, due to give birth to that 1st kind. he was prepared to leave, will go to the moment that happened. it's a very, very special time for both of us and i really, i can't, i can't put it into words what it means when this term and again i, i really can't put it into words what it's going to be like to be a father for the 1st time, so i am looking forward to getting home and celebrate with meredith. and it's been a long week here without her. but i'm just looking for, you know, shiftless closest competitor had never even appeared in the major before. literally overbook became professional just 10 months ago since then, the featured in the right account and has a mazda is running up, finished to his name. first of all, playing here at augusta national is it is a dream can choose uh, just to be in the situation and to feel the nerves and feel the pressure of walking
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down the last couple holes. is what you dream of the sweet briefly tied shiffler for the lead. why colon mcculla and mex houma also threatened at the top of the needle, but in the space of 15 minutes, they all have double bogey allowing shifflett to pull away. scott, he's an amazing golfer. it's really impressive. obviously he's going to need to play some spectacular golf today. did not, but i thought i'd play some really good golf, so i'm proud of that. and it was a really fun uh, fun weekend after problems installed to augusta tiger wood spades in the last 2 rooms. he's 16 over was, was school at the tournament ever. well, just keep lifting keeps, keep the mode going. uh, keep the body moving, get, keep, getting stronger, keep progressing. and hopefully the practice session. so we'll keep getting longer . it's the p g championship next month. shiffler was runner up there in 2023. we'd be the favorite to win this year. so hey malick, i'll just see it out. and in the end the oklahoma city found on sale,
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the west and conferences number one seating for the playoffs. they did sorry, vice rushing, the dallas mavericks by 49 points as well as the from the 5th. when in a right, the team has never won a championship since being re rounded as the found in 2008. a previous incarnation, the cfo supersonics won a single title way back in 1979. that is what you'll support for me for now, but i will be back later with another updates. we'll see you later term. i thank you so much. well, it's been 5 years since a fire destroyed one of the world's most famous cathedrals. during that time, the doctor's i'm in paris, has been a reconstruction sites. and it's hope the famous french landmark will reopen later this year. one of the many arch designs working on that unique project has been explaining what's being done to restore enough for them to its former slender. and
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that's all so it definitely has to ernie. this is all to look to the 2nd set to do this at regionals. and then the 6 i have my see exception anyway. i know noon i was 80 to 90. see that? you know, some of the between plus one is that cash sheet just in mind you typically do minus recruiting anytime between the school and not particularly the she's so nice to savvy, so you have to lose the cd takes action in each man, moon with the punch realty so this was a t, t or municipal that cause her ex, if you had, i'm sorry, period to a video, cool national, cheapest, chantix. if you have loan, i chose the wrong to but just keep the list for them.
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the left will be decent with as are the songs, which is good. i'm clear on a lot of these was from the previous i for those, as i said i to, i suspect the specifics. it's going to put them on tie on when he most. i'm sick for cool and that is a chef with as soon as i met you to the top, i noticed that it was successful. and scientists say that color, full coral reefs around the world are turning white as a result of warming, ocean waters. the us national oceanic and atmospheric administration says at least $54.00 countries have experienced mass bleaching among various since february last year. it's set to be the 4th such a bleaching event in the last 30 years apart from being a big draw for a tourist coral re support coastal fisheries and they protect communities from storm surges. thanks for watching. i was
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a 0 elizabeth problems with your minimum the to but nature's biological rhythms. he's the percentage ultimate, but this is not to, it's countless kilowatts of alex official light, allowing industrialized agriculture defies seasonal and geographic constrains witness shed slice on the impact of emerging cultivation on the natural world to which we even know sleepless bags. on tuesday era examining the headline is there any is really today for the forms of life and god's unflinching journalism. awesome. just like the war sharing personal stories with a labor audience, only $38.00 it welts for women,
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women fought for justice. i get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange analogies 0 the uncovering of the dead's and gaza. another mass graves found in the grounds of all ship a hospital recently occupied by his very soul, which is the hello. i'm elizabeth autumn and this is algebra. live from doha is so coming up as well as promises the response as a rule cabinet mix again with the division remaining or the how to react against


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