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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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in the world, the people vs agents, orange on knowledge, a 0, the uncovering of the dead and gaza. another mass graves found in the grounds of all ship a hospice, and recently occupied by his very soul, which is the one that has withdrawn him. and this is algebra live from doha, so coming up as well as promises the response as a rule cabinet mix again with the division remaining for the how to react against around strong and the solid tax year of conflict and sit down with more than $30000.00 killed and $7000000.00 states and found and were you looking for wells with displacement? the crisis plus donald trump becomes
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a 1st former us president to stand trial on criminal charges. is accused of trying to cover up such money payments to an adult film stuff. news is 19 gmc, that's 9 pm and gaza. palestinian doctors have discovered another mass graves in the courtyard of all ship a hospital in gauze. a city 9 bodies believed to be of hospital patients having found so far, doctor say they witnessed the kennings. it's one of several mass graves discovered on the hospital grounds of the last few days. the 440 something recovered since this very 1st was ended a to recreate in the hospital. on april, the 1st of the 2nd mass gray was discovered on monday and based law. here in northern gaza, the bodies of 20 palestinians were found buried in sand. local se is rarely forces
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execution of them during an incursion in the area 4 months ago. and us that's bringing our correspondent hunting muscle. it is joining us live from the outlet and southern dogs and honey grandees house emerging about the bodies that i'll shift including evidence that they had those of patients at the hospital. the yes, elizabeth, and just within the past 45 minutes, the ultimate is reached at a statement describing the horrific scene at the ship. a hospital as doctor is at earlier hours discovered the bodies of dying people who believed to be patient injured from the hospital. just given the signs that do were inside the hospital getting a treatment the medical bandages attached to their body. this cell, as they were inside either the i to you or inside the, the operation moons or waiting inside the, the facility for treatment 9 bodies were discovered. this is not the 1st time at the early are the hours of is really withdrawal from
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a super hospital out. there was a storm unoccupied for more than 10 days work. the vast majority of the facility was destroyed and severely damaged, including the medical facilities that medical equipment, then the warehouse inside the hospital. the statement goes on, describing that a civil hospital turned into a graveyard instead of a place of appealing to bring in the number with these with the 9 body is this number of the ship a hospital that abroad the bodies had been selected from a super hospital from under the dirt or the rebels or mail it is in mass, the grave into 390. 1 body is still far and wide in the northern parts in dallas stadium. 20 bodies were found buried under the dirt and is believed these words acute it as the word making their way through the check points setup by these ready monetary during its incursion of the city of bethlehem. people who managed to
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get to the southern part of the central area, this price that some of the people who were, who are forced to go through the check points, were pulled out to the side and it is believed they were executed and were buried under the dirt. all right, honey, thank you very much for that. that as honey must move. joining us live from dolphin southern gaza, or that these 5 people have been told and several others injured. and then as ready, bombing and central gaza. my family home and on the side of the refugee camp was targeted rescue will because it's still trying to reach people trapped onto the rumble. the engine have been taken to a make shift hospital for treatment. and in the magazine, refugee compound stands assisting through the wreckage, often is really strong, produced bay homes to rumble. residents say there was sleeping, the funding will come low, cannot buy knocked at the door and told to evacuate in preparation for and is rarely strike the spot. the attacks, hundreds of displays, families are still trying to return to the north along
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a close to road. large crowds of people moved along the sheet of the streets in the hope of being allowed back many a time to leave the cell. some of the newman expressed of in is really invasion of alpha is ready. so those are attacking the palestinian village of kid without the we in the annapolis and the occupied westbank and ambulance can be seen making its way to the scene of the attack. amid reports of palestinian casualties, this flare up in volume and follows the disappearance of a 14 year old settler whose body was found on saturday. wasted set, new attacks apostles, a boy the wave of widens which is hyphen since, as well as one goes up again. as well says it's still way and gets responds to around. so i'm president and drawn and missile attack on saturday, as well as will cabinet met on monday for a 2nd time in 2 days to head on since the attack was retaliation for israel stripe clements consulate in damascus. 2 weeks ago. the us as well staunch as allies, as it wants to preventive escalation of violence across the middle east. and israel,
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however, politicians remain divided on how to respond. that's bringing home the son who is joining us life instead of even we've heard from his rails military chief of staff, home the who reiteration the is there any position that they will respond to yvonne's attack? to me is really army chase of south visiting that air. base and southern israel that did sustain damage after 8 on launch more than 350 drones cruise and ballistic missiles into is really air space . now the army chief of staff is saying that that itself warrants a response. but how exactly is going to happen, and when is the question on everyone's minds earlier today is roles, war cabinet had t, v and, and there was no really conclusion that was made. there were no decisions that were made as well. so that meeting will continue tomorrow. at some point, they will continue to discuss more options. it comes with these really prime
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minister has invited head of opposition party. so also briefly on the ongoing security situation. these really armies spokesperson, daniel hungary, also giving a briefing this evening who and said in that that israel will respond at a time and place of its choosing. and all of this comes despite international pressure to not retaliate from the thank you very much for that home. the son who's joining us with the latest lives from kind of a let's head over to the attic and now the us defense department where a news conference is on the way that's listening, as well as with the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff senior d o d leaders and the st. com and you comp commanders to actively monitor the situation and reinforce us and international resolve in the face of iranian and russian secretary austin has also been in frequent contact with his is really counterpart minister. go on. speaking to him 3 times over the weekend, during their most recent call yesterday, the 2 leaders review, the successful combined operation by the united states is real and their partners
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to defend israel from these unprecedented attacks by iran and it's proxies. and emphasize that while the united states does not seek escalation, we will continue to take all necessary actions to defend israel and us personnel are shifting gears. secretary austin, welcome to iraqi prime minister mohammed shall also donny to the pentagon today to discuss the strategic nature of the us iraqi bilateral defense relationship and a racks role as a leader and ensuring regional security punks inclusion of a meeting which is occurring as we speak we'll issue a full retail. finally of note secretary austin also spoke today with his counterparts from germany to 8 and cutter. readouts from these calls will be published later today on defense dot gov. that be glad to take your questions. we'll go 1st to associated press believes on the phone, lead of elder. thanks pat. i was wondering if you were able at this point to provide any more details on the us response. including,
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do you have the number of us aircraft in the tankers and things like that? any more granularity on us response and i know it's early, but um, is there sort of an estimated cost of the us response? and then i have one just on the, on the meeting with a rock today. did the secretary discuss the ongoing issue of the us reducing its true presence in iraq and does what just happened in israel and the fact that some us forces in a rock were involved in the response? does that was that discussed as far as the need to maintain and the us forces in iraq? yeah, thankfully to um, taking your your last question 1st. as mentioned the, the meeting is ongoing right now. so of course, we'll have a,
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a read out of that meeting, you know, as you know, there is ongoing discussion through the higher military commission as it relates to the us support for iraq as it relates to the international coalition to defeat isis. and what that relationship with that longer term bilateral relationship will look like. so certainly not going to get ahead of that process, but we'll have much more to read out following today's meeting as it relates to us forces and the response over the weekend. um, you know, as you know, as a matter of operation security, we're not going to be able to go into the specifics in terms of the, the numbers of fighters involved at this time. other than to say again, us fighters were involved in the response and participated in in taking down as i highlighted over 80. you avi's that were one way attack you avi's that were en route to israel. but thank you jennifer. stuff about the scope and scale of this
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a task as the so i think what you're asking was did i ran give us a heads up? no, they did not. given a heads up through allies, we were not given specifics by i ran into my knowledge of any specifics in terms of exact times. dates, you know, we obviously have a robust intelligence network that provides uh, indications in warning. but to answer your specific question though, i ran, did not tell us when and where they were going to type in just in terms of the is the us concern that us forces in the region would be in jeopardy if israel retaliates for saturday nights and is that why the us is not participating in a potential retaliation? well, okay, i don't want to get into hypotheticals, at this point, whether or not israel response to iran to attack of course is something for israel to district to discuss and to decide. as secretary austin has said,
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both publicly and privately. we don't want to see escalation, but we obviously will take necessary measures to protect our forces in the region and as was demonstrated over the weekend, we'll take necessary measures to defend israel. thank you. officials that said last week, no acid, us acid milligrams that have been sent to the regions of those assets to in place or have not been moved out now. uh, as of right now those assets are still in place. talk previously about iran not sitting on the nightstand. is that still accurate to you today? i believe that iran is not seeking conflict with united states or is really, are you asking me if i ran this speaking i, i'm not going to speak for i ran, i mean, certainly from the united states, we do not seek conflict with that right. conflict before. is that a statement to accurate? yeah, again, i'm not going to speak right. right. thanks. well, the voice has israel informed depending on if it plans to respond to the running
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attack and what is the deal? do you have any message on a potential response in terms of the to israel, 2nd, given the number of drawings and missiles that were shot down is dependent on concerned about stocks in either us or as rarely their defense, munitions, and the reason. yep, thankful. so your 1st question again, i'm not going to speak for israel or any potential response. again, that's a decision for them to make is we demonstrated this weekend, we remain focused on the defensive israel and on the protection of us forces that are in the region. and we've been clear from the very beginning that we don't want to see a wider regional war. and we continue to work hard in consulting with our partners in our allies throughout the region to ensure that there is not a larger regional war. and then on your, on your other question, again, i'm not going to get into the specifics in terms of us and partner readiness levels . again, as we demonstrate as we can, we have the capability and the capacity to defend israel and to defend our forces
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in the region. but i think you generally have 2 questions about how critical one's of us support to defend israel against this response by the right. but i think is our actions demonstrated the us support for the defense of israel is robust. and it also demonstrates the long standing security cooperation relationship that the united states has not only with israel, but with countries throughout the region when it comes to addressing regional threats. and those kinds of things don't happen overnight. the, those kinds of relationships in the, in the ability to work together to interoperate together all played out and save many wives. and 2nd question, this is not hypothetical of the chief of the general stuff is real general. how will you be medically today that israel will respond? the the, the secretary made it clear of us is not seeking escalation. the president made that clear as well. when israel response, do you think this will be
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a concert product is to your the efforts for the escalations and will do us supports and he's way the response. yeah, thanks buddy. i just, we take slight exception with your question because to my knowledge right now there has been no is really response to that is a hypothetical. so again, you know, we're going to continue to stay in close consultation with ours really partners. as we have done throughout the weekend, again, we don't see why the original conflict, and i'll just leave it there. lar. um, so saturday night was the biggest aerial attack this magnitude, we've seen quite some time. the 1st big test of this collective integrated air and missile defense system that we see that we keep talking about any lessons that were learned from this attack about ron's capabilities about our own capabilities. and were there any surprises?
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yeah, thanks a lot right now to your point. we will learn a lot from this and we have learned a lot from this. i'm is, i'm sure you can appreciate i'm, i'm not gonna be in a position to do an, an after action report from the podium today. other than to say, it's pretty telling that iran launched over $300.00 air threats as a highlighted and 99 percent of those were knocked down. so it is a demonstrative of that close coordination and synchronization between the united states and coalition partners when it comes to addressing the air defense threats and the regions. so again, we'll obviously continue to look at this and study this. importantly, we'll continue to work closely with israel when it comes to the defensive israel and threats from countries like iran going forward. but i'm sure we'll have much more to learn. yes, for the talking to the patient is dependent on talking to other states in the
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region of disability to start and to jordan. in case these are what it would go for tony ations and it wouldn't need mandatory support from those countries including the u. s. this way does force well yeah, again, but, but as i mentioned, you know, our, our focus right now remains on the defensive israel and on the protection of us forces . if you take a step back and you look at us forced presence in the region or at large, we have been focused for very long time on regional security and stability. and that, that's not gonna change. when it comes to discussions that we have with our partners in the region, and, you know, of course, those are opportunities, again to reassure us commitment towards working towards regional security and stability. and our appreciation for, for the, the ongoing open communication and the ability to consult with leaders throughout the middle east and central asia to use for some case he's working with me. i mean,
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it's always support. again, you know, i'm not gonna get into hypotheticals. what you saw happened over the weekend was an incredible and extraordinary response by the us and israel and coalition partners when it came to defending israel. and i, i think we've been pretty clear that we don't want to see escalation into a wider regional war. and i'll just leave it there in the garage and no, it could be a rush. yeah, said the to the increase, the growing little list start teaching assets around the curriculum panels to keep doing us in test and increasing the time to call preparation for the what is to us? well, you know, look we've been working closely for a very long time. with our, our okay and japanese allies and other allies, we have in this thing that the pendleton sports person. that's for us,
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the department of defense taken questions from journalists about the us role in as wells and a de yvonne's vitalia tre. attack on as well. and defending that attack a few days ago, let's unpack what we've just heard now with our senior political analyst model on, but shot a here in the studio might one. what do you make of what you heard so far tonight from american officials, you know, reiterating that. they don't want conflict with iran. they support regional stability security. but that support of israel, a sack percent given what as world has done over the past 6 months, for instance, the port a sack percent. so despite the fact that the printer owns spokesperson is quite disciplined, as well as back of the national security council. but i think there is a flagrant,
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obvious, almost noxious contradiction in the american position has been repeated by the white house defense. they're going to send us the department. there's one common contradiction among all of them. and that's the following. when you say no matter what is read does, i'm going to defend israel and you say, oh, we can speak for is right. is there a way to make its decisions? and judging from that record, is there as decision making has been general side, the ward and guys attacking uranium, the diplomatic mission, and hence provoking you on what you're basically saying is. and i'm not seeking regional war. i'm not seeking a solution where they are on, but at the same time i am i am giving is are at pre emptive. so porch knowing
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or to what that is right when provoke the seniors, how much he won and what have you and we're still going to support. so you cannot say i am not seeking region of war, pen escalation where they are on why the same time i'm getting free on the results to do what every once. and i would say the different, and yet that is what we're hearing from us officials tonight from the state department, from from the us defense department. and that contribution to contradiction was put to the state department's flight of stairs and by a journalist. and the response was very much what we've heard again from the pentagon, which is we can't talk about hypothetical situations. even though the question to the pentagon spokesperson was something that the israeli military chief of staff has just said that they will respond to. and yet the us says it's hypothetical. so here you go to a bit of a new once and the americans have been quite clever about this. they're trying
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to manage the ongoing escalation, right? we're not necessarily stopping good knowing that if they cannot get in the way and stop it, then they're going to get involved. so what they're trying to do is, as they say this time, this time it is, as they say, they said we do not want, you know, to get involved. we do not want a confrontation with that on how ourselves really the united states. so it's trying to manage that price is trying to influence, is there a decision making? and that's $1.00 of the reasons why these rates i've been going back and forth for the past 24 hours trying to decide what to do. because or, you know, when, when, when the empire speaks out side, where the, so was, it was superpower speak. so, it's not just what it's saying. it says, so listen to what the dutch are say. what the french are saying, what the germans and the british and an every. yeah,
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because harry in europe and elsewhere say, repeat think american line. yeah. i don't want escalation. yeah. we want to make sure that this goes, you know, according to this, and that's the thing. so that's why when they don't want to discuss hypotheticals, because they're still trying to influence. yeah, is, well, decision making. and when you say that the trying to influence is by any decision making, they don't want escalation, but you look back on what happened 6 months ago after the atari, the 7th attack. all of the powers that you just mentioned said israel has a right to defend itself. israel has a right to defend itself, and we've seen what defending itself looks like. so now when they say they don't want escalation, we will stand by israel. how much do you think that already influencing the situation without putting any pressure on his face? so i think you are very right the to new ones. this because the words coming from western capital social have some influence,
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some leverage with is or it has been at best. we are concerned right. we advice as palestinians died hundreds every day. so i was in every month more than $40000.00 now by now. over the past 6 months, the west was concerned. right. and every time you spoke about from and spoke about hunger, the nice thing of hunger, hunger as a weapon of war. the worst was concerned we was trying to talk to is right. the new as it was not listening. you knew is that it was like, as i said earlier, as we know is as lying is right, knows that we know it's still. we are like that with the it's lying. we know the know that we know that lying is it has to continue to lie about this and it continues to lie up to the worst about these things. the same thing is going on with the on nothing. yeah, who has played by then on a number of occasions,
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you know, speaking initiatives on the question of got so on the question of the one unfortunately by then continues to for, for model and thank you as it was for your analysis. that is our senior political analyst model on the shadow. while yvonne says it's attack on israel, it was a legitimate action under the you when childhood in response to the strike on his console that in damascus. 2 weeks ago, foreign ministry spokesman also canal and he made the comment at his weekly news briefing and urge west of nations to appreciate around restraint, a correspondent, dosage of ours and pet on. with more on ron's reaction of the reigning for administer. hosting, i'm here abdullah here on the phone conversation with his german counselor park on monday morning. stress the fact that the operation which the revolutionary guard carried out against israel on sunday morning was to prove a point. uh jose. and i'm gonna have to log in and set that israel had crossed a red line for ron when it attacked it's console that section of it's embassy in
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damascus on april 1st. and that there has to be consequences for what israel does. iran will no longer tolerate the kind of behavior that israel has been conducting over the past few months. now, this is not, of course, the 1st time that iran has delivered thrust against israel. but this is the 1st time they've taken this kind of military action. many who are seeing it as a historic event in iran since the 2 countries have been rivals for over 4 decades . for the time being iranian officials are issuing more threats and warnings to israel. that if they retaliate against iran, then reading and response will be 10 folds to what they saw in operations to promise. in terms of the general public, there is a sense of fear because any kind of reaction from israel is sure to really affect the country in terms of its economy. and the reality has already lost more of its value over the past few days. and people are worried that any kind of
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retaliation will further put more pressure on the general population. in terms of the dire economic situation, the military has said they are prepared and they're on fuller alerts, as one would expect given the current tens climates that were in dorset avari algebra, 0 to her on the jury selection has begun, and donald trump so cold hush money trauma he arrived at court in new york to become the 1st form of us president to stand trial on criminal charges. is the 1st the full criminal trials he's facing as he campaigns to return to the white house. he's accused of disguise in payments made to an adult film star to hide an extramarital affair. he denies the 50 full charges against him. and that's it for me, elizabeth put on him for this half of news. you can find much more information on all the stories we're covering on our website. the address for that is i would just
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say i don't do stay with us and listening post is coming up next. thank you for watching the the a hello is late season snow to cause quite a covering to wetlands across pa, solve the out. so you see this line of cloud. hey, this cold problem that will continue to st. kitts wipe out of the south was quite to risk northwest the winds coming back in behind least will take the weight down. refreshing up things across the positive southern europe as it going through the next day or so. so some smaller just around the, the out boom. across it's never councils. the thing little dusting of snow. what's the weather coming back in across the balkans, 27 celsius. the full bel grade on choose day off noon. big change for wednesday, struggling to get into double figures and 5 states. that was,
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the weather will continue to make his way for the south. what's in these was flushing that heat away. i reco breaking hate that we have seen across the volk inside, which was the black face. just a lot. you try to protect the west. so why the last 3 showers will continue? yep. tools, the northwest easing down to central positive tube. meanwhile, across the southwest by new ports. cool. looking fine and dry full. the most part, finding the right to for the most part of us, much of north africa, we have 2 of those showers just around the central pos, ultimate. it's ready to bring some whatsoever. missed the across tennis. yeah. into libya, price, queens lifting. dustin sat across the hall, right then the usual showers for west africa of the. so how is your vacation in this the shelves? the
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chest. wow. the hello, the nora. kyle. this is counting the cost on out to 0. your weekly look at the world of business and economics this week, oil prices, i've had 7 months high off the middle east, pensions intensifies will. this might continue. and how will that affect the global fight against inflation. promising to end years of financial turmoils and pop way has launched a new currency backed by gold.


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