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tv   Witness My Father Nour and I  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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sarah, the carriage austin, and tell you how the top stories now and out as there is rouse, army chief of staff, has won the consequences for iran, for them. it's unprecedented attack on saturday, or on 5 hundreds of missed 1000 drugs towards israel starting the attack was legitimate retaliation. israel striking it's considered some damascus 2 weeks ago. it's really to say there are assessing their options and say the country will respond when it sees fit. we all could always be assessing the situation. we remain at the highest level of readiness, united way to face the consequences for its actions. we, we choose, always spawns. accordingly,
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the idea remains ready to counter any for it. for milan and it still perhaps is ivy, we continue our mission to defend the state. the reason that stephanie deca has molnar from occupied east jerusalem. the message coming from the military leadership from the political leadership and very much the same, but the scale overall and to talk on israel demands a response. now how this response is going to come when it's going to come remains a real issue of debate. and of course, this is all within the context of the international community, particularly the americans putting pressure on israel, telling the know to escalate what is a incredibly fish tile and dangerous situation that could result in a real regional conflict. prizes and joe biden told him to benjamin netanyahu saying, take the when saying this over the weekend, the fact that over 99 percent, they say of the missiles in walk ups and drones launched at israel,
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where it disrupted it remains a question of one, probably not if the word cabinet will reconvene again on tuesday, and we'll have to wait and see what comes out of that. stephanie decker or 0 and occupied east jerusalem around. so it's, it's attack cause the just a minute action onto the un charter foreign ministry spokesman, that's a non, a made the comment that says we can use briefing an edge west to nations to appreciate ron's restraint, posting inductance, have discovered another mass grave in the courtyard of i'll chief a hospital in kansas city, 9 bodies believe to be of hospital patients have been found so far. that 400 bodies have been recovered since it's very forces ended a 2 week rate on the hospital. on april, the 1st the un secretary general says global awareness about the concepts in sit down, i think pushed into the shutters of to one year of fighting between the on the and
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the parent, but it shrink wrap it support forces. i'm trying to terrace said the worst displacement crisis in the world has been almost forgotten. this is more than a costly between 2 watering, but this is a water being waged on the southern. these people. it is a war on the many thousands of civilians that'd be killed. and tens of thousands maidens for life is a war on the 18000000 people facing get good tongue goods. and the community is most dead swimming down the terrifying set up a fat man. in the mountains, the hands, it's all the villages, oems hospitals, schools and vital systems that have been reduced to rubble in conflict hotspots. and it is all on human rights and international humanitarian law. jerry selection has begun and donald trump circled hush muddy trough. trump is the 1st former us president, this done try it on criminal charges. is
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a 1st of full criminal trials he's facing as he campaigns to attend to the white house. he denies the $34.00 charges against him. so i want to say more than half of the car, all of a sudden wells oceans are experiencing hate stress. as a result of roaming, see temperatures are these $54.00 countries have experience bleaching off every since february last year. it's set to be the 4th of such a mess of bleaching events in the last 30 years. more frequent and more intense bleaching means carlos are at risk of dine off completely. hundreds of millions of people worldwide depends on race for food and livelihoods. because of the headlines in these continues her own l just here that's off to witness the . ready the
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the the, the the bluefield apply and it's a good fit for you and marketing and filling for lots of us. you folks, plato, spitting it and duck. yeah. toughest, the camera would definitely think i could do most of the, to me is a fine, big bait it did. so i'm on page of fake. my dad's been zeller. um, okay, what was it you haven't done for the exchange here for a lot and ultimately castillo fact. so out
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the motor value also binding money? evidence on the bones for me is that ange mateo on occasions bank are heavy enough. so claim yes. yes. to the somebody to and yeah, oh no
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. yeah, no it's definitely the major no chance to speak. so claim boss. so take meeting in order. 2 was made to toast. 6 was to begin these news, why have us a. 6 you can no longer make a list of the a sofa by not that's the height of the coast and one
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by one a to yeah. my them us, you come, they come to the box to put them with wires and can't move. a lot of us for them, a lot of wrong about multiple offers name a nice unless on the left hand a heavy motion we verbatim. let me take them up. i don't have to do this, this. i move. so i should 8, i'm way of to you over to not, but for most of us that the okay, fair enough, the video roll and the sales buttons also i'm not going to use the funds out of the hardwood. i mean that this will have been bought a car accident along all of a doesn't really have august of, of, and down at the old way to go look 1st of all and make it more fun. okay. kind of
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actually read on to a version of the essence of each fun and that he from, of, of related for cloud of evading with falls. and some of them are for some documents for falls of them. and that also helps bottom one of them. so i'll just talk about it on rationally wrong. yeah. and for the integral layman's article take document can assist you on the best the best. let's face it in a fun example of his mammals. it's not the for, to the, to the come me to the don't good hand it is that some of the course in the how to write the cut then go 1st number within a matrix multiples like lasing plate and cool for something that i may leave. oh, integrate the voc, kermit and a lawn ticket for smart, a lift lift slab, but one of my advisors name is flo coming to the most out. there folks may say that
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isn't an old or anything from pharmacy and now you're down here for lack of the window into the back by the controller in your dine you mom. i know how to looks my heart and the hearts inhaler speak you some night from her hind. okay. how the item on the x of days? that's what is the cause of of come up with lots a lot. so up the box that was nice and the data by so the deepest is b b, b, b is all my thought i'd be mine would hopefully limit for yo on that on. so i'm, i'm also meeting the knocked. i'm with the finance to yeah. the have the, the leaving nantell made the feet. leave a name, tell me. yeah, it was so long. the low eats mays. how cover owns mid to all 5. there are mid to that book, dean. gov to fill out the they too often has and we didn't know and little or find
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him to me. he meant to clamor year we'll take your class and they had a dose full that. mean i can book these main name and that's why to find the detectives to that they face the a the, the yeah. the disagreement that uh, i'm gonna book this in an dose. i'll become a isa blocked my, my b, b as a machine. you may need i don't. i'm not to admit the other thing in that wasn't so filled and seeking was dollars off a lot. yeah. i think of the whole gary. yeah, i think right now to or what is going to be push training?
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yeah, i'm with a long way to long latest ethics. we have most of us to indenting. and again, you often data 5 and to say even a 10th i'll close this nice page here to nice this so in document hollis. yeah. first, less for you to, to in terms of saving to, to into houses this, you visited this video from before the noise made this article more for me, but this, they feel safe as to the next day. for me, i say, what about the from i'm with the youngest neighborhood. the father had a 5 to and it goes live on to thinking before stake. and i feel like i am the father of the scene and the counselor to call them between full vilma. the to the ins and it's least of zillow. oh, so i move to it more than the dates of on a to can, you know, creating a file is cracked about having a to for how long a to is a delicate. you need an end to also say for in the fleece though,
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find your donnie as size a honda who could ask any grade book, see the cleaning exams and x of this of the gods who cannot. oh hey, i was on guard. seems like there's a blank got to the influx on the same day cuz yeah this, this, that's when i made lansing, but they need they need the full complete that you're done. yeah. if you told me stokes. mm. yeah. but you don't need those filled it a delay in the police this levels echo folic a video h you times i have tools, i'm spot to stuff that's a lot the end up. hi, isaac, need me into real my teeth and have to sign passports and slaves. and by down beside them, my life stuff, well, i pressure because did a lot the bond fund hand funded here. the size of one
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extra lot. yeah. there is a quick moment. i'm i the next have a do, do i do, do is approved and then thought of net by the buff enough except the converse 10 flux. if i need the main to do send by, there's more likely these 5 different theories done. hang on. i talked to for a 2nd, i'm way speed and he'll wife for the both them on the feed is nice or asking laser guy hard and the wrong kind of an important of the thing that when the that goes to that you're going to investors even a com and i'm the industrial jacob model, finding the vendor such as enough and i'm fine with the future. if i open, if i kind of have core on age should come come, child. i defy this sunday to build it at the housing king that i salute. dean
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whitaker, don things most of the stuff needs you would you force taylor east that to you? this is a dana for ad safe. thank you again and took the on to the fact what's really an out of order to go into the home that if this funds to deal in not reflect cuz i must indeed dot off my kid that is in there all my sign. find it. yeah. so david, just to email the photo it even when i have the same father say, made a mock me what to along the way she can reach for sale on who was who who 80 ton discharge you must be beautiful. you be sniff, so exercise. so she a dish thing. nice to come home. most of find this out this um no, yeah, no kitchen is whole. hi to my name which you know. so let's do another clump. oh, there's a baby open. uh yeah, that was fine. across on the critic bus. to come back in a studio,
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yes to some to 100 and i have my math diploma and i need to try to get down to one see if it's in the past on and it says the host, the thought to kind of get the funding and the best i have, i wonder if i could, i can pick was know from the department of legal on them. so i to and above anyhow, more dentist and then i can grab someone instead of high cuz i said i could that i put in cups on, on those machine to equitable in the mountains. and so for i, somebody from them wants to stick from back that a lot and the land to is enough to dine hills, north dakota? yeah,
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it was 4 miles skins will suffice to get to that. let's take the next you said ne fused. and while the nice to combine has moved out the hood low open to zack and the 5 of us out to not to leave them. so no major money. so you for you the minute from the time ne, ne, actually meet on the bottom of the tank. milofa carleen, the not a big from not on been a the say the end of some beach i liked. it's maybe been in the, in the died hail for the last one, a that for the, the, that you had any, was it to need to be to the bottom be ashamed, but to be signed, love to you, the name, a mock. anything going to break up of all my life? the influence it kept difficult, not to and
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a delta fund of up to you have to minutes a mark on those. how's the leave of us needs a subsidy is does, is going up and down in um the tell are like a little blaming understand that. have to come up onto the fund long, long and fun. yeah. it says well, so hard for me to meet here. feel that need for the 1st my life at 1st i moved to a to the and a load out the slope and to zack, the 5 of us out the not to leave them from the ivy to talk to pin to the dynamite. how you be, is tucked up and down the road to bus one, the subdomain of saying, yeah, the medium, it's more. yeah,
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it doesn't contain the most that can estimate the competing name of the best filter due to say it kept enable, non accessory and different atlas of do do the boss scale design for an all in a casey in unless a dish totally can cause hud over my last question i have to she not about eyes to that of time this they have to some guys out there shortly today. and it's not, it's not one by them beside the phone. so what's the thoughts that a comfortable that the, for example, should to the annotated dates that he's available, but did such took from the,
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from the chat. i'll think i'll certainly be as close as my ups code can see to you . ok, now. ok mon denique, mazda, of, of, of direct, good, or at some dom has to wait in stock or no. yeah. it could. couldn't. it left us still some, the finger will hold onto remaining and made in the out. there's done behind $200.00 or in end of one meeting or he makes the payment makes this $20.00 camecia out and it's out. i see a new big thing need to do to main. nathan, for yard holidays. and when you get off the village, i mean you tennessee sales and it's supposed to be in the minutes we have to meet
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with most of the stokes and it's because of the vincent invest out of society here. the immediate jacqueline mando sensitive connective volt after i bought the phone, 2 of us will know this moment and can do that so, but on the leave me. okay, stop, stop, stop. mm hm . okay. i guess laugh neighborhood. i big. what i'll do, i'll be out a next we'll different demo what that is compared to this life. hold on to the mind kinda in my family describes had them cost about the cost. that is because the
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price is for my is nathan betsy or modeling. and yeah, so tell all if need to align usually that is on the floss. yeah. excited or can become like a pity or to for almost a month from the same you know, the own. if you really klein high and it will truly seen short. huh. what could i hold on? yeah, donald, the different 8, but have a nice fun nice at ame and we'll take great pains instead of letting you know and exhaust the code, overall bombardment to pamela's or want a great photo of my find it on the bus and days have been there
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had dire something close in a great lock. so hold the think that something not big virus may find a photo come to my name is kind of odd to my 5 aren't going to many terms here. take it to hit this hill when you're kind of like home. yeah. and, and, and then who you on support to kind of zuka was a capital t as in colorado. right? hot hands pro, spite hot. fix are you cuz i'm and i need to exult life and they couldn't beat i lot asked a lot figures out pretend some ice left as need not mobile. click on that. my my price plus plus they have a new month gun gun. come bait down the sky. i could look electrically neat. i'm not both in the car model, a guy get lots of them and,
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and not the tight. and the perio de, the pro life can with may often my know of the bulk of it was bank and in 20 opposite was from most of the yeah. but we haven't even event. and a mom, the gum son has to stop as hot. i feel like he comes out for dates. hayes need more click. a lot of he was funny, but the and handler stuff and i defy he only those x i very out before hand. what could i have that? yeah, it was. if this in the, there's a box that didn't, and if i'm really involved, but the, the, the, the probably the hiding scattering the
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2 words people and times don't mean side or it could in that arm to go to the hi mason arms on the to the task of safe have to pay defined environment through the stuff and the time a long, so colorful and service expert. i've had new hope to think. no, it mirrors all the time is so fast. i will go full day. i'll have to call them. i'll have to make some will to have had and, and i'm a product medical needs simple. but the guy in the low my say for me alex, i have them next, next met him on next. the moment that for bucks for the if the guy that makes me freeman why that it's who to bury them,
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vice told the with the focus my of the home by the out partnership by the but i took conference components high school and those up to busta anyway, know that the got them to basket inside of the mom has saved and that's of us that yeah, the light is not going to die out of the box. i smoke or, and i was died and most of the did i take you to close as yeah. who had to let go find another move. alex hale at us, yada yada, out of is done with a competitive on mckenzie. i'm going to the grow. right? the fishing, imagine the cms side of the 600. okay. it does move 5. if you can't develop model as familiar with the both out of a folder that's from asia, israel, i also applied up to a divider. nothing's less clipped. mike, perfect for the 5 us can produce the deer. okay. it is, it is the 5 that the best of all that you made that the vehicle ends votter
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uh, finding of those stuff. is there a little saved vj? if i'm to forward, am i to use the software to accept that weighs all right, so i think from the actual um the 1st one is the ease of the whole us from oklahoma. all right. you're all set and i have and then oh my, my and my of the whole for the who for the the health the top are homeless for me. just narrative. all that ask who i'm allowed to grow. unless i'm a high sierra will not the nothing father me, if i'm not as names and as i look who does committed to protect americans deal so many of us can sit there and or is it as that uh, and the amazing height, the linux hills of our right now. okay. i guess relation had also and on it was an
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installation had on the collection. gumbo had ended with the news. kate guys eoc. he lost it or got a full text. hey, linda, hold. yeah, yeah, ben, total payments for this one open. want us to toss it some don't. curtain ash my skin sign to fully understand in regards to stress continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media and it needs to be questioned. sustain coverage. that actively humanize is, is really, is and actively humanize of palestinians. this is not the time put you on this to kind of wait, tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracy's pretty well here. at the listing past. in the vietnam war,
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the us army use the highly toxic herbicide with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare. a decade later, the same happened, the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the case for 2 women fought for just to get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange analogies 0 you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a caught to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to insure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on wordpress. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest.
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the carriers i've spent the tech stores now one address here is rose. army chief of stuff is one of consequences for ron, for long it's unprecedented attack on saturday, or on 5 hundreds of missed 1000 drones towards the as well saying the attack was just to me. it was how the ation for israel striking it's concepts and damascus. 2 weeks ago, is there any need to say they are assessing their options and say they're comfortable responding when it sees fit? we all could always be assessing the situation. we remain at the highest level of readiness, united way to face the consequences for its actions. we, we choose, always spawns. accordingly,
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the idea remains ready to crown through any for it. for milan and it still perhaps is ivy. we continue our mission to defend the state. to visa it around says this attack wasn't legitimate to action onto the un charter foreign ministry spokesman, nasa cannot be made the comment, tots is we can use briefing an edge to western nations to appreciate around restraint. 4 people have been killed off and is rarely bombing west of gauze. the southern city of rafa house was hit and tell also, tom children are among the dead. several other people were injured in the attack and have been taken to the nearby to 80 hospital. jury selection has begun in donald trump, so cold hush money. trump, trump is the 1st form of us present to stand trial on criminal charges. is the 1st of full criminal trials he's facing as he campaigns to return to the white house.
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he denies the $34.00 charges against him. the citizen so now it's back to witness his own. i'll just stay with us. the
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spit the business. think lease? yeah. yeah, mike, nice to go militia. sally
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. yeah, somebody from the can. with filling out i'm all they don't know how to do this. you can pull one and best thing in my are you familiar with it's just
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like the page b, b. 5050 south. this wired to be my father folder, the fully i knew by may that it can you make fun isn't for me, i feel for you haven't need you need from
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the use the you have to be sensitive to contact my teammate next in that the don't create any all think the how full dar a deep and photo pacific to your view. one of the books of shooting the ink ink doing more
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deals as there was ink, it should uptake 18. pick up a new bo today, sir. and if you can, my holler at me, god bless metabolic accounts, pay this so they have not left the front of the box and from the swipe with the need keep going, just for faithful. okay. and so humphrey same for the internet. okay. when you go to an actor for the football game, so i think there ain't heard on that. hold on 5. 0 yeah. who taxes for a little bit. yeah. the thing that to and about a to a you'll is the south, but the rest of the have to can be saw how many bow and excel file can i get any
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doctor the clinic for an adults funding from dr. bridget clubhouse, or stay on the door and add marcia. nice. ok. mccormick to locate them. com. is that this debate this debate from the state and it's going to cut in into impact. so i'm, i don't, yeah. 2 bucks of all that make any glass. major bung. today. the next is just to me, murphy story. well, yes, i think about fairly close pills today. yeah. hell for 3. this any that if they need sick, but on the item to how nice printing the keys to the city to say then how grow for oh okay. nice.
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nice. yeah. wow. i the oh sorry sony. a hi. easy to for asking moment to look at a meeting and then crash. yeah. read it as far for how to explain what the state to okay. be talking to you. okay. the for the, for how the system and my god, he always has to come over and main bullies to contact me. and they told me it was to visit him. they did meet your the both the visual, my frame components. he took the box and thing going over like a football at clack. yeah. the
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company made me to elaina because of the the gig. it kept me nationwide with nathan, automated for by mayflower. you must be more from us. we'll have to tell you. okay, for example from it, it kept me from my but believe me, in the fully good fee i am the, the, in a new need, the cma full of what i need may come back to a build up s. and so snell mode selects the bus,
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so the kid all the goals crashed on which relates to later those a yeah, the martin i yeah, sees it gives you insight just the latest. felt the think new bane to hold on. mm hm. um, cynthia loza, i took a while, but the blooms have post traumatic stress was born. is that what is 4 foot? mm hm. but it is. mm hm. and that's a search. it is a good thing. they said the may from active need hate them. well, sort of act, you know, can best of to today from the video this life come from a, a this to pretty or that the elaine, that is why that and my foot and by he was in the 5 built for this website to find me in photos, believing, need to be to bottle. okay, and what do you want my filed of honey for sonic? i quoted all the one on the age of thing. but does he need to medicine? see?
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yes. okay, lets people to throw a simpleton. yeah. it does, but the, the increase mama is wanting to know mass. good. the quite quite me the boss from easy thing markets look good talking to here and i felt that there is one with the 5th of method. you direct them to somebody. i'm up to you based on for the claudio dollars, me and then the missing. no, no, no, no good. i've done that. they can then need to enjoy the rest of the needs, and it fell down. what you do, the elf either to when they have all they need to don't pretend them. i my mind, i feel it. may i ask the problem with that? okay, think i'm with my height. they didn't retain. pulse my eyes out to one to find that you'd like my belief as 100 families to not a not a to denise. yeah. 2 years in my email too. that's an easy it or to think of the
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effects of that guy. the daughter bonded the mind to listen to coding for the suit . indeed those fold down and have a month to do the data for the deal and will listen to the whole time that you, connie, through what you to, to the katie. how does that cover? you for 0 to somebody that and you've done yet is what come by date? economy to been a buffer mac into the i say name with the dual applicant on the design to connect with daniel here. yeah. no, for the name to turn to him as far as do beautiful thoughts? no, thank you. no and can photograph the end or done and to get the bus find, find you not, no cables. tune that a hitting on me to let her lie. might that i should like different ones to find me
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doing soft, doing to me the out a moved on a to do most of the and now next to any outside that it was academic and that's probably not the whole thing. this is i've told you the animals from your don in the house for baptist bought up and doing the same thing. yeah. so basically we'll need that set up. i know that's a good so on your for down and help with my on with with turlock, tampa. is it this, this for bona on need to be a little bit on night from craig. yep. to nice. i need management for truly do me to dingo or little hard for us, omar. and i'm the tie. oak need to like fun for new, for and connecting to eoc. not a denisia and not as a don. yeah. and i would, i couldn't, i'm sorry for looking back. that's fine. but how long is that done?
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and examines must have been on hold on. what's the best for the climate by now ask mando. asked miranda. i've us left a baby sydney drive us next. they a guy said excel with the not they use it. ok to me. my to do so this in a lot. ok. ok. well, i still live in this vehicle. yeah. yeah, those are, these are the as of yeah, that would be how the would it be what you we have is a cool a lot. my condition on the i knew hyphen oh oh i see at the in on you have that cool to ship it have as she flies
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disagreed upside. mm hm. oh this last go shopping history. auction. what's the hey agenda and the gentleman would use. john, it's me, i'm guessing had been been pat colors. i think he said, yeah, it's okay we we are, we're heading to drop the vehicle, but i just joined the company that generally, i mean, i nearly as if the how good. yeah, we did a simple as a boy. yeah. she's that much. so any of the statement mit mit mama. that sounds perfect. dani then no, i have not seen i never that she was unable to come when sent me
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a bunch central gotten all that was the end of it. i'm going to meet with mandate for the oh my god. or i need a full way for you that the end of the not even the nbc universal. yeah. i mean and, and ship stepping over and sent them. yeah. i mean the yeah, i mean alice, us and more about how to solve it before the doctor. well, we're with because i'm with the, i love to hear the a lot, a lot of upside the i left the thought, i don't know who i was calling to had the engine mode. you can come stash out of to been to give it. i meant if you had a fabulous oh, well my dad many a boat bodies with a new auto medina. oh i love i got those stores. so for
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the coffee you, i, i mean, can you have to put that in my view and that could be a condition tasks with the dolphin. so good. why the next you've been was stuck many see ahead of the let's see, feet, feet how we feel. going buys, female facing, were, which were somewhat mumbled, fee i'm doing all the testing because we're getting approx overlay of it. and, you know, by 1000000000 dollar company has been doing nothing. come, i'll call for sure thing on somebody who doesn't, because of it. what does it looks like? a hispanic ideas johnny? i would like the, the in thing a, d i s, and most of the others getting pretty hot on me. but i mean, it's double yet the i might be the full bill came out of, i mean,
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i'm exactly get it, it's and b, b, s. and businessman and, and johnny and miss bailey estimate. i'm oh, yeah. oh, well, i was unable to put enough of others gotten this was the 7th of ship i've been, i've sent over the sort of the way of the cotton c, sean shown for bill quasi. the that he, i mean by the name of the see the whole, the whole shop by him off holy the on your left, it be nice to know who's the hey gillian from zillow was the one you had thought of . sorry, the boy, but to him in order to get a honest look up. now, don't he? i mean i'm in the honda just to be sure if that's the problem. okay,
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stop, stop, stop the car. 20 fan or not tomorrow. no 2 big guy from today's builder and for the 1st quarter. what do accept okay, i'm back at the bottom of the hello. so when the decide not to jot all we need to know, we're not the subsidy of how the, the 90 minus the bulk of was a 10 minute and no. and you need when you put them all the way over and take a set of me saying that that guess a hi somebody around lester, i'm on the gentleman the other. my mom, the leading to have been, you know, logic, the old house in house to do that job. and i'm very thought i
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did so with what are your thoughts, all that stuff that he's able to actually buy and hello. okay. when says, i think, but i think the, the neat inside is a place that yeah, the thing that to
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make you know, if the barbecue over delta, the, unmindful not to, apart from the bows, humans dive into, followed by a laugh, bombard, event faced. all say, dash was on a train, it created a cut off, so i'm going to drop it down to that that itself. have us full and often talk take me about lead time to meet up the top of a new super 8 phase. i meant to call make on
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bad guys from admire. mike's don't any attached on any se tamales store click so you know, frankly, we left dana, hook me up the appointment folder. my goodness. i don't know if anyone, meeks 6 of hon. aveena and mobile on their minor. nope. nope. and not enough to sort of pay any of our sales to steam onto my i left off meet hannah han make so
4:54 am
can you hold on to spanish? truth notes to who bought out loud to feel so much have a 2nd man and i taught goes home and that's that's flute. let's click the little gun and so for bus not to football should be the news headline. tough of a technique. but i'm not, you're not saying and i need or oh. 2 good
4:55 am
less time to be paying for them make up the . ringback the out, the the, the image of that. yeah, heavy the not to and the see now, so and for how much you're looking to take a p d. is it the rental community, the to be useful for me to see lots of those benefits you off the lease then thing?
4:56 am
yeah, days for them to be in. it's a logical type is really for do to estimate live data on a moment to do it. i kept them and i'll pick up the data for highlight the t for me allow me to have the results and the to you find a competing analysis. you want the whole and i know for alco fell in on adult. she donald fast. the think of that you may want to be telling seat of the more like taking the all somebody want it yeah, the you for me so much to ask you a call from the back from the to a new he's saying a connection fail yanked as an eel,
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new payment adds the data on you said milan accident void filing nissan altima the altima, the illegal goals by threatening the survival of the brazilian, amazon sienna, monique people, the forest and the planets ecosystem with a counter offensive is under way. as the tribal chiefs had to europe's gold clouds,
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corridors of power, not to seek help, but to demand the world to see the warnings of its indigenous people. holding up the sky. a witness documentary on the jersey though, the probably we have flooding concerns for the middle east over the next 2448 housing see was larry or cloud here just coming across the was a golf pushing either towards the or mom that's going to continue driving his wife, further east was sent the science the web style looked at the stalls gathering a cluster of stones that are rumbling away, that could bring max it down, pulls maybe a year's worth of rain full for some pushing across the you. are you able see some brain here in concert i lifted does the inside of possibilities while really lively weather. that weather coming into east in positive amount and grassy pushing across into that western and southern area of iran brought this guys to come back in
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behind. and they base logic dry and bright across the eastern side of the mediterranean will actually see temperatures on the rise because the 24 celsius choose like getting up to 31 degrees on where to start. you can say some showers start just around greece. a few showers to into action is here, back to northern areas of libya, much of north africa as dr. if little when the sandstone is a possibility around this a harder than plenty of showers. meanwhile, just around west africa, pretty a shower students, east africa, really heavy rain coming into times and neighbors. we go through the next us, i made my vehicle. so what that rain expensive to catch you on counting the cost? will oil prices keep rising and how will that affect the global flight against inflation symbolic way launched a new power and seen a bit to end this financial time? well, i've had 5 boy thought mcdonald's is now buying back o,
5:00 am
it's just really restaurant. counting the cost on al jazeera, the israel vast to respond to it, runs drone, and miss saw that talk what it's allied. united states is warning against any escalation the territory, and this is all just here a lot from day. oh, so coming up, uncovering the dead in dozens. another mass grave is found on the grounds of lc for hospital recently occupied by is rarely soldiers. as well as from bottom to top, the strip continues at least 4 people had been killed in an attack on a home just outside the city of rough. and the 1st of a criminal trial of.


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