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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 7:00am-7:30am AST

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as you do, the israel bows to respond to iran, drug and miss alt, i'll talk as if ally of the united states warms against any escalation the jordan, this is on the 09 from dell also come as well as the bombing of guns. a continues that these 4 people have been killed in an attack on a home outside the city of russell. the 1st of a criminal trial for a former us president gets underway. donald trump faces charges of falsifying records during the 2016 presidential campaign. and how to keep track of an elephant will tell you why game ranges and bomb way of switching a telephones with high tech.
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the israel's army, chief of stuff has won't have consequences for iran following it's unprecedented. attacked on saturday to around 5 hundreds of miss owens and drones towards israel saying that tankless retaliation israel strikes and it's concept in damascus. 2 weeks ago when it's ready to need to say they were assessing the options. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has convened this ready war cabinet for the 2nd consecutive day, miniature officials, israel will respond when it sees fit. we could always be assessing the situation. we remain at the highest level of readiness, united way to face the consequences for its actions. we would choose, always spawns. accordingly, the idea remains ready to conquer any for it. for milan and it still perhaps is
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ivy, we continue our mission to defend the state to visa. stephanie deca has more now from occupied easterly since that's the message coming from the military leadership from the political leadership and very much the saying that the scale of wrong to talk on israel did loans a response. now how this response is going to come when it's going to come remains a real issue of debate. and of course, this is all within the context of the international community, particularly the americans putting pressure on israel, telling them no to escalate. what is a incredibly dangerous situation that could result in a real regional conflict prizes and joe biden told him to benjamin netanyahu saying, take the when saying this over the weekend. the fact that over 99 percent they say of the missiles in walk ups and drones newest at israel, where it disrupted it remains a question of one. probably not if the word cabinet we'll reconvene again on
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tuesday and we'll have to wait and see what comes out of that. stephanie decker or 0 and occupied east jerusalem. while the united states says it's focused on a diplomatic response to ron's attack on israel, an official reports from the state department in washington dc. the middle east has been very much front of mind in washington, iraq's top politicians that in time. but the going conflict between iran and israel dominique from the white house, us president joe by looking to claim joint credit for between back the hundreds of drawings and missiles fire. it's towards as real, as you know, around launched another tricia of aerial attack against israel. and we monitor the impression that effort to defend us together with our partners. we need to feed it's out of state is committed to issues. we're committed to a cease fire that will bring the hostages home and preventing conflict from spreading beyond. the run had one double response of to israel said me selves into
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its diplomatic component in the city and capital of damascus, killing several people, including at least one, told me to command what happened to the weekend is the 1st time around his directly attacked israel. and that's the biggest us money. this sparks a much wider conflict and it gets dragged in by pledges to defend israel. we have been coordinating a diplomatic response to seek to prevent escalation. strength and wisdom need to be st. the same sides, the different sides at the same point. i've been in close communication with counterparts in the region and we will continue to do so in the hours and days ahead. it's been suggested around widely flight gets operation deliberately making it more symbolic than impactful. but the us rejected the idea to go to advance warning of what through when and where we were not given specifics by i ran
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into my knowledge of any specifics in terms of exec times dates. you know, we obviously have a robust intelligence network that provides uh, indications and warning. as far as the us is concerned, the military did his job and help protect israel and blunted it runs attacks. but no, from here it's diplomatic headquarters. it's working overtime to try and keep this conflict contained using all the leaders. it has to audrey straight from israel, as well as seeking support for a new package of sanctions to send a message to a ron allen. so sure, i'll just see the washington went around says it's attack was a legitimate action under the un charter foreign ministry spokesman. also economic was, has a wisdom nations to appreciate around restraint. i had all the mess with on it then what i hit on if the international community and the security council had reacted
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israel's aggressive actions in previous years. we would not have seen such bold acts by this regime now. we have carried out this action in the framework of deterrence, and then if another action is taken, our actions will be more serious and maybe it showed all you i'm yes, i'll just, there was no such a by reason to around with more on a runs reactions. of the reigning for minister jose, and i'm here abdullah, he on the phone conversation with his german counselor park on monday morning. stress the fact that the operation which the revolutionary guard carried out against israel on sunday morning was to prove a point uh, hosting. i'm gonna have to log in and set that israel had crossed a red line for ron when it attacked its console, that section of its embassy in damascus on april 1st. and that there has to be consequences for what israel does. iran will no longer tolerate the kind of behavior that israel has been conducting over the past few months. now,
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this is not, of course, the 1st time that iran has delivered threats against israel. but this is the 1st time they've taken this kind of military action. many who are seeing it as a historical event in iran since the 2 countries have been rivals for over 4 decades. for the time being iranian officials are issuing more threats and warnings to israel, that if they retaliate against iran, then iranian response will be 10 folds to what they saw in operations to promise. in terms of the general public, there is a sense of fear because any kind of reaction from israel is sure to really affect the country in terms of its economy. and the reality has already lost more of its value over the past few days. and people are worried that any kind of retaliation will further put more pressure on the general population. in terms of the dire economic situation, the military has set, they are prepared and they're on fuller alerts, as one would expect, given the current tens climates that were in doors such a vari,
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alta 0 to her on is a different much i got to imitate in the middle east, a shop, it increased as countries tried to diffuse, the prices of defense. that is alex got topless, spoke to the dutch defense minister during a visit to doha, about the concerns of a rising tensions between iran and israel. as well as a roll of cattle has played in mediating the will in gauze very much appreciate the role of car is playing with the war and in gaza. and trying to mediate that to get all parties to talking to find a solution. and we also need to strengthen our corporation. i feel a cuts are, is of course important and receiving, also coalitions here we have to be active in the region. for instance, in iraq. your reaction is minutes through the defense to the retailer treaty strikes from the ron on israel a few days ago to talk about your impressions
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a lot in this already very fragile situation and, and the region having this type of strike, the air attack really messes. i think it's a dangerous thing to do, and we have therefore conducted and also us for a constraint because we feel it's extremely important to keep all heads cool now and not have any further escalation. that would be extremely dangerous for, for the, for many countries industry to what's happening to the situation on the ground and gauze on the, on 2 weeks off the is ready for us is withdrew from our ship, a hospital, the full extent of what happened that during the 14 day siege is being uncovered. another mass grave has been found in the compound doctor say they saw patients being killed. i'll just say it was honey. my mood reports now from a rough and southern gauze to identify from the smallest details by
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those who knew them. these bodies will no longer be nameless sort of fee, and that's kind of the largest. since it, i've been monitoring the prices of existing bodies from this mass grave, i came and found my mother's body, which identified by distinctive marks on if the health officials discovered this mass graves in the courtyard of a ship, a hospital in gaza city. it's one of several found in the grounds of gauze as largest hospital in the last few days. the doctors will say to witness the killings knew exactly where to look. yeah, we'd been coming for the past 10 days to retrieve bodies. today we found the largest number 15 of patients who suffered injury and a lot of them really forces conducted a 2 week rate on god the biggest hospital that ended on april. first, it was severely damaged and is no longer functioning. they read the army, say that battled with palestinian fighters inside,
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but many patients were also clearly among the victim. nearly 400 bodies had been recovered, sent in on the old man know, hold on. let me for sure. today we came here to treat the bodies of the victims who were buried in this mass grave, while the occupying forces inside the chief of medical complex. my mother's among the victims who what barry to you by these ran the occupation forces on the 4th and further north and they apply the corpses of a 20 palestinians have been also on earth. local people say is really forces executed the 4 months ago in the north of this trip. these bodies will now receive a proper burial. what is rated troops the plan more attacks in the south, and even more vieira rough uh, southern gauze for people have been killed off to and is really bumming west of gauze of southern city, of rough house was hit and tallow. so tom, the children among the dead. several other people are injured in the attack and have been taken to the nearby too late. the hospital is already full,
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suitable to attack the city of bay till noon in northern gauze. soldiers have reportedly surrounded the my dear charlotte school, hundreds of despised children. a. hi. do you know the jury selection that has the gun in donald trump, so cold hush money trial, that's the 1st, the full criminal trials. the for my president is facing as a campaigns to return to the white house. trump is accused of disguising payments made to an adult film star, to hide an extramarital affair. christian slim, he has more from new york city. former president donald trump arrived admin hatton district court on monday for jury selection. in the 1st of 4 criminal trials he's facing. as usual, he wasn't shy about expressing his opinion. the
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the $34.00 charges against him stem from a $130000.00 payment made to this one, the former adult film star known as stormy daniel. she says she received it in the run up to the 2016 election to buy her silence about a sexual encounter which trumps denies ever happened. but pain. daniel's itself is an illegal. the crime is the alleged attempt to disguise it as a payment for legal services. you can pay harsh money. this is america. if you want to pay someone to not speak and not talk about it, that's okay. as long as they are consenting to it, the crime comes in is the way these payments were characterized in 2 different places, both in the trump organization. and in michael cohen this record. the
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president's former fix or lawyer michael cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations related to those payments in 2018. here is trump speaking to reporters on air force one earlier that. dear. okay, cohen and daniel's testimony will be key to the prosecution's case. other potential witnesses include karen mcdougal, the former model, whose claim of an affair with trump was also silenced. and former white house insiders like who picks and kelly and conway, before the prosecution can begin presenting its case. they and the defense must agree on 12 jurors who will decide the president's guilt or innocence that process
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alone could take days or even weeks if found guilty, the former president could face jail time to be expected. appeal would likely drag into next year after the election. kristin salumi algebra, new york started in prime minister. anthony held an easy as cool for the country to unite to offer a knife attack during a church service late on monday. at least 4 people were injured by a 16 year old assailant during a syrian church service. but some, i'm not christ. the good shepherd church was being live stream. when they attacked to place a large crowd gathered outside the church in the optima and class with why police authorities call it a terrorist attack, motivated by suspected religious extremism. the same is non custody. this is a disturbing incident. there is no applies full balance in a community. there is no applies, full violence extremism. we uh, a place loving nation. this is a time to you not, not to bought as
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a community. and as a country start for a short break here, and i'll just say right, when we come back, a warning that more color rates around the world, electronic wine can even dine because of rising ocean heat on that savings. the on accounting, the cost will oil prices keep rising, and how will that affect the global fight against inflation symbolic way and launched a new power and see in a bit to end its financial time. well, i've had 5 boy thought mcdonald's is now buying back o, it says, really restaurant counting the cost on al jazeera, the
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fast lane is weeks so the total does not contain the, [000:00:00;00]
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the book and back to watching out. as a real quick reminder of our top stories here, that's how israel's on each and says the country where to respond off to iran is unprecedented. the time is ready. we'll cabinet met on monday to discuss the situation for the 2nd time in 2 days. doctors without ship a hospital in kansas city have discovered another mass graves in the medical complex following the withdrawal of israeli forces. the 9 bodies believe to be a patient of 7 silence as a jury selection has begun and donald trump so cold hush money tron is the 1st a full criminal trial. the former president is facing the campaigns to attend to the white house. he denies the purchase for charges against the us. house of representatives will come to the aid packages to both israel and ukraine and separate the votes. this week, those votes will come more than 2 months. off of the senate passed a bill which combined the 2 that bill which contains $14000000000.00 is read and
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$60000000000.00 for ukraine, has been stuck in the house due to diplomatic wrangling, their precipitating events around the globe that we're all watching very carefully . we know that the world is watching us to see how we react. we have a terrorist and tyrants and terrible leaders around the world like booting and g and and then ron and they're watching to see if america will stand up for its allies and in our own interest around the globe. and we will, we will vote on the israel paid on the 8 to ukraine on the age of the end of pacific. and then another measure that has our national security priorities include now 10 years on from the kidnapping of $276.00. go to my school in northern nigeria . one of the victims has told us they are about to experience some of the goals. i still unaccounted for. i mean that i lead and khaki spoke about the hardship she and jude and the moment she escapes and i'm in uh,
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named kiki right now is to the end of my school because that was for the us. and medicaid was name to this. and i'm since the highest, so head for somebody to have been separate that would say somebody and then a need for would this be for that or was cohens, the, the, to the right. does it was active go in and then to the as me went to the send yourself was to find this book i asked you for. so that's how i get to with where we i is. the most sense that we use with share code is lucien of 20. for me, i knew less than half is the 5th on to the 5th. did the oh,
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go with us this. so he's kim instead is nice. slowly push for us to that is from is and you don't want anything to happen to us for us. that's a flea was tongue was for that was as to the a t c a. and i see, or the parents of my colleagues that sit in because it is i to them do with yeah, and how i was a going good that's power to go in there and bring them back the you and the secretary general, it says global awareness about the conflict and so them has been pushed into the shadows of to one year of fighting between the sydney's ami um the permanent shoot rep and support forces. on top of the 10, it said the worst displacement crisis in the world has been almost forgotten. this is more than a costly between 2 wanting bought. this is a water being waged on this to these people. it is
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a war on the many thousands of civilians that'd be killed in tens of thousands mains for life. is a war on the 18000000 people facing good, good tongue, good. and the community is most dead. something down to terrifying. sit up a famine in the mountains, the hands it's on villages, oems hospitals, schools and vital systems that have been reduced to rubble in conflict. of spawns, and it is a lot on human rights and international humanitarian law. no scientist say more than half of the reeves and the world's oceans are experiencing heat stress as a result of warming c, temperatures. the us national oceanic and atmospheric administration says that these $54.00 countries of experience bleaching of their rates since february last year tend to be the full such a mass bleaching event. in the last 50 years, tony leaves the rest of the agent to provide trillions of dollars of value to the global economy. h. yes, it's
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a derek mind. zillow is an ecologist. he explained what leaching means for the rigs . coils are animals that live in a symbiotic relationship with a type of l g. now these l g provide the coral about 95 percent of its nutritional requirements. however, it's very specific. ios is very sensitive to heat stress. so when the coils experience huge stress, expelled these elegy and they turn white. and this basically means the corals are starting to that. and it's the heat stress persist for long enough and the magnitude of the heat is high enough to cause can die. and the problem with this is that the corals themselves are providing that 3 dimensional structure. that's so much file diversity is dependent on in tropical rates. was estimated that about 25 percent or one and for every living organism in the world's oceans, associated with coral reefs. at some point in their life cycle, also,
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coal rece provide protection to shorelines during catastrophic storm events like hurricane sight loans and type foods. furthermore, coal reads generate billions of dollars to the us economy is estimated. they generate trillions of dollars to the global economy. ultimately, the pollution problem will not go away until there is some kind of international agreement and collaboration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. in the meantime, it's important that we reduce additional stressors impacting quote rates. so things like land based sources of pollution for water quality and fishing practices that are unsustainable or damaging the caller we should really be limited to provide call reach the best opportunity in the best chance to cope with these rising ocean temperatures. so game ranges in zimbabwe facing a tent offense with real time trucking colors to monitor their movements. but more than a $100000.00 elephants in zimbabwe,
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some straight from protected areas and end up in dangerous confrontations with humans of 0 to be the miller has the story. this is one of 8 and a sense at one get national park. and it's being fitted with the tracking kind of the animal is identified using drones and by ranges on foot patrols. it's inductive to sedated and the color in school with these color. so they, so the tell them when they cutting into can actually put tuesday mips. it's october locations with the end of the month. uh, what also is attracting telephones even outside the, the, the park. almost off of them. bob, who is a 100000 elephant population, live in this was of but they about growing their habitats and, and now encroaching into communities as the animals search for food and water video and do they was trampled by innocence while holding catch them at mobile village. 3
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years ago, his knee was broken in, in getting into a very someone visage, it is painful. i'm no longer able to work for my family. i can go to the field and look off to my capital. my wife has to do most of the choice. before the taxes were installed, they would know early warnings to unload the judges. when elephant had left the protected area, we have been able to use these types of the ability to take elephant as an electronic fence with the moment to get out of the designated departure area. we're able to pick that from checking the colors, and then deployed. attracted to the splines units to go and secured them back into the park, and also send any warning systems to the community to avoid sit in the areas with the elephant go. last year edison schools, 63 people in zimbabwe. polk ranges are hoping the gps colors will provide one way to minimize home to both humans and animals. come back to
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so many w o g 0. china is g, d, p has grown by about 5.3 percent and the 1st quarter of 2024, exceeding expectations in a country that's been seeing warning signs of a weakening economy. the well 2nd largest economy beat, unless full cost of about 4.8 percent. at the same time, unemployment is inch downwards to about 5.3 percent up to 3 months reek of increases. the government has caught the interest rates to add stimulus to the economy this in mind, and i'm down to doing poncho real estate crisis. americans, electric company, tesla is planning to lay off about 10 percent of its workforce as the companies reporting dismal 1st quarter sales test. the ceo even must said in the memo, sent to employees, companies folding shorter sales expectations. and they, us could affect about $14000.00 workers to p executives have also announced that they will be leaving the company. and that's it for me down jordan,
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more information of course, on our website. i'll just bear with the comedies continues here. after counting the cost state, your sense of watching the hello late season smoke could cause quite a covering to wetlands across pa solve the out. so you see this line of cloud. hey, this co from that will continue to st. kitts. 5 further south was quite to risk northwest the winds coming back in behind. and these will take the weight down. refreshing up things across the positive southern europe. is it going through the next day or so? so some smaller just around the, the outs. little positive, never councils. i think it will dusting us. know what's the weather coming back in across the balkans. frontier service sales just the full bell. great. on tuesday afternoon. big change for wednesday,
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struggling to get into double figures at 5 states. that was, the weather will continue to make his way for the south. what's in these was flushing that he to way i reco breaking hate that we have seen across the volk inside, which was the black. so it's just a lot to try to protect the west. so whether i bloss be showers will continued up towards the northwest, easing down to central positive tube. meanwhile, across the southwest by new ports. cool. looking fine and dry full. the most part, finding the right to for the most part of us, much of north africa, we have 2 of those showers just around the central pos, ultimate. it's ready to bring some whatsoever. initially across the tennessee, a, into libya, price quiz lifting, dustin sat across the hall and then the usual showers for west africa of the years from i'll just on the go and meet tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the,
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this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at your think. is it the hello the laura, kyle, this is counting the cost on out. is there a weekly look at the world of business and economics this week? oil prices have had 7 months high optim that leaves pensions intensifies. will this


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