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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 9:30am-10:01am AST

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to develop a comprehensive, sustainable tourism program in partnership with a global sustainable tourism comes village life here retains that strong. every meal is like a feast from the farm to the tape. hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural historical and cultural beauties will, is rel, respond to the wrong 1st of a direct attack. these ready to government is under pressure not to retaliate, but since its way its options, what could they be? what would have direct confrontation between the region arrivals mean for an already follow tom? at least this is inside store, the
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hello there on james buys, the smoke has cleared and the dust has settled after runs on president of the attack on israel. the saturday night to attack, the 1st direct military action targeting israel from the radian soil was proportional retaliation, says iran for the bombing of its constitution, syria is ready to lead us without respond when the time is right. they say if it is a growing that this could escalate into a regional war and all those fee is justified, we'll get the comments about panel in just a moment. but 1st this report from sent him on a unprecedented attack. begins by what these really military said were 300, a rainy in droves and miss files. the staff day overnight barrage was the 1st time that iran had launched. a direct attack on the regional arrival. most weapons were intercepted by air defenses. israel's government has vowed to retaliate without you should be one of the one in the face of the erroneous stretch. we'll build
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a regional coalition on the exact price for move on in the fashion and timing that is right for us on its own. clear how is real powers to respond? the white house says the us will defend israel, but won't participate in any retaliatory strikes. the attack, felt the bombing of the reigning consulate in syria 2 weeks ago, which are wrong planes. israel for among the 7 radians killed was one of the highest ranking officers into ron's republican guard. iran says what it called a proportional response was necessary. as long meet on or actions were limited. we had informed the white house that our military actions were to be limited, precise with the intention for self defense and to punish the is really wishing man . the rising tension sparks peers of a wider conflict in the region. the un secretary general is among world leaders cooling on all sides to show restraint is we have a share, the responsibility to actively engaged all parties consent to prevent further
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escalation. iran said it has no plans for further military action, but that any attack by israel would spark and even larger response, a dense and monahan al jazeera for inside story. the. let's discuss all of this with a panel of guests today. joining us from dayton, ohio in the us today run the slim is a senior fellow and director of conflict resolution at the middle east institute in durham in northern england robot guys pen fold is electra and peace and security at durham university. and in tennessee, israel a keep, a elder is a political analyst, an author of the book, notes of the land, which is about israel settlements in the occupied territories. thank you, old of you for talking to us. we heard in our report the you and set country general talking about the situation of the security council. he says the middle east is on the brink, ronda in a different scenario. if that had been death,
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so many casualties. we may have already gone over the brink. would you not agree? yes, of course. i think we might have gotten over the bank and that's why thank you, ron might have a, a, me or it on stage this this attack and the way to avoid a civilian death to avoid fatalities. we are definitely in a new era in the region, in terms of the conflict between iran and israel. we have moved from a shuttle war where the rules of the game with somehow understood between them. now we are in a new era where we have a good ex, military confrontation between them. from here on instead of 2 d, 2 is right, 2 is ran and there are new rules that are being negotiated basically, militarily, or india x. and in between them
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a through these confrontation and so that's and it to me we are. yes, the region is going to be on the brink. ok, why that asian war from now on every time there is a confrontation between them. there is a threat of 3 gen devolving into a y that each and in a cave uh we know prime minister netanyahu these views on iran. i've attended for more than the last 10 years. the un general assembly every year in new york, the high level session, and some years he's not mentioned the policy and you and so you've done his whole speech about it wrong. are you surprised that sofa has shown some restraint? and i'm not surprised because it's not just an attorney. i don't know that there is a, a wall cabinet where you can see members of the, the central bought the guns. and i as in call that uh they uh, watching him very carefully. its like the babysitting game and the other thing is
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nothing the. oh no, it was that. uh uh, it's a lot still. uh not the trump. uh, the white house. uh we have a president that uh, doesn't trust the attorney. oh. and he knew that uh is this a whiny and wouldn't have ended the way it did a. so in the 1st of all, it has to listen to the chief all for the is rarely a and a c. s to listen to uh, the chief of staff uh the army and the boss. now, i think the real, a prime minister of israel in these days, maybe since october 7th is joe biden. not the know the is lady probably doesn't dress him. even many members of his own body, i'm not sure that he is not motivated by his
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interest to remove from his gender, his personal problem, his trials and this up actually i read today that uh president. trump is using the conflict between israel and the other 2, the more the american agenda from his trial, from his own progress. so there are some similarities between now and drugs and maybe drum. nothing else is what by doing whole brings up in november. there will be someone else has a white house that he can uh convey is to uh, attack you on like the, he tried several drops as you mentioned, james. and perhaps the release that uh from the little uh what he did before with most anxious lindy
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roberts. um. well none of us are able to right now know exactly what's going on in israel because none of us are in those little cabinet meetings. but explained to me what you think the current is, riley position is a, as we speak now. well, you know what, what are we talking about is ready politics. we like to kind of write the simple divide between hooks and dog senior those. what i'm, what stream response to any kind of event like this though, i'm the responses that we're hearing so far. it's still very much is a, it leaks, it shows you just how we know we call rely too much on his characterization. we have people like a guy the eyes and got we have people like by the guns who as opposed to those in his roles coated couple of issues. actually all you is roshan immediately responded to rock. wall sy, rainy attack was taking place. and from what we're hearing,
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it was actually benjamin netanyahu, who was far more restrained and suggested that you know, which is what was your basically wait to see of what the after effects all or how the rain you didn't talk what and, and, and the reason the israel hasn't come, responded yet. this comes back to the 1st question that you asked. all right, the reason is what hasn't responded yet is because that was mentioned, no, that's no significant damage done. and that is also why the international coalition and was involved in shooting down those drums and shooting down those other projectiles. we know that at least one foot, those projectiles would not shut down by israel. they were shut down by a combined gas of the joint damaged the americans and united kingdom. the people have been asking the legitimate question of why they sent dimension. why have these power has intervened in this conflict? now when they've been happy to, let's add the cad israel's campaign roll on in garza, i'm the answer is this desire to avoid casualties. have those ones the projectile
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has not been intercepted. i think it's bad to say you would be seeing concrete damage in his route. you will be seeing a casualties, possibly, particularly not to the military base, which seems to be the target of these attacks. so in that intervention, the international coalitions basically pull the rug out from those extremists and as well no matter what the consequences would be arguing for israel to respond decisively perhaps by actually attacking and rein sort to run to. um, we're looking at a few public comments from sr is riley officials and also lots and lots of these riley sources of you know, who been whispering things to general this one from these ready tv channel channel 12 saying that eventually that is going to be a significant response before we continue the discussion, maybe you should lay out for us. well, that actually would mean for the region. and i mean the significant, the response does not have to be a in open military confrontation between the 2 countries. after all,
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they have been instances in the past when called, but it's action took place. uh, you know, assess the nation of officials, scientists then you'd on of the people associated with the access of assistance. um, you know, the 8 on let the access of resistance, like you had more than a year in damascus with the strategies that it'll and that and so, so they have been these, these responses. but to have that where, i mean, it has been this helps a shadow or between them where they put in tools that are not openly available initially open the known way used. and i think this could come in this form in the future. it's the kind of response that, you know, people on both sides of the i, we know that every penny ation has taken place and we might not not know about that what, what it was that that could be one form of response. and i think up yesterday the
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lead out from the meeting, a senior american officials with the press um was that still in the united states saying that the incident has the right to defend itself? um, so they have not closed the door on some kind of response by israel. but as the reports have said, the 2nd have to do, i mean, the selection of defense basically informs you this where it becomes a part lets us know ahead of time. unlike what happened to that example, would they? so 80 stripe on the mask is in damascus on the it, on the, on the consulate with the americans, with informed of the back as the plains where heavy or as of you know, as, as the, as that started. um, uh and so, so at least now the americans are saying, okay, you want $35.00, you think about the choice. think about the cost of the suit that nation and also what kinds of that nation it, i mean by then present by then i maybe did that. he's not going to support what
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equal in offensive reaction against it on by israel. and so with what kind of freaked that nation, would it be considered defensive? and what kind of an evaluation would it be considered by the american as offensive? okay, i like to talk about the possible military options there are for israel in a moment, but robot or you had a run to that talk about the shadow rule that had been going on. did israel breaks the sort of unwritten rules of that shut a wall that had developed his own parameters by that attack on the conflict in damascus? i didn't think so. i mean, this was always make an escalation. what happened? that was not a usual occurs. the shutter will, but you have to remember the israel is doing things like this previously, including a tax on solving is rarely territory. we've had individuals involved in the right in the, in nuclear program assassinated within it runs borders and around didn't respond to
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those assassinations. in the way it responded to this talk on the consulate which took place, as you said in damascus, no. actually in iran and syria on the 1st of april. so we rise basically trying to change the rules of the game. everybody's trying to rain in this row and say, look, if you carry out these kind of attacks, they will not be met by a better response in the shot. it will pass through one of our proxies. they will be met by a direct attack when he's ready to territory. that's exactly why. and that's still this support to appetite in his role from some sections of his riley society for decisive response. even though that would have cavities to basically say, we cannot let iran change the rules of the games. they have to pay a high price for doing what they've done, regardless of how the child actually panda akiva you all the intent of eve, that me all school about the appetite among the public for further retaliation. what has the writing in the tax done to public opinion?
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has it unified the country behind nothing? yahoo, a. well, there's a takes me back to 91 to the 1st gulf war. what are these very people were divided as well as the, in the cabinet and mr. the show me, you had us accepted the american to request to use a restraint and not to retaliate. after that he was attacked by uh, scott, me. so i was from the iraq and i think until today i didn't bass, who me was, gives you oscar a voter of very good. oh bank greer. he will tell you that um to restrain is a weakness that in the middle east, in this part of the world, you cannot afford not to retaliate. and you can even turn
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a blind eye or a blind ear to the request of the president of the united states. um, well, shall we listen to to president bush senior. and he swirled the human vision. and now it brings us to you question james. there are is riley, so i very grateful to uh, the president, the president biden. and they believed that on the oh, should keep listening. scream for them. this attack on saturday. and, you know, people were soaking up the water. this batteries now they're stuck was, was a lot of them. i went sunday to uh, the m u 0 and i was told that uh, we were me and my wife was the 1st and only businesses in the museum. so people
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have a seating offer leave, and grateful, and they also know how important is the lions where the arrow enables. danielle is, of course, writing on this success because the headlines in these really papers is that uh is uh, technology is very high. derrick has to really, it's a significant to the success and actually even, hey, this is a great day for these riley mandatory industry is now there is a more demand off in the d facilities of uh, intersection. uh, drones is tubing that is very efficient. um, but i believe that the mainstream is larry's were very concerned about the attack.
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people was saving via the, the radio and television until 2 o'clock. and the writing is very general is because they gave us the timeline of the attack. and in the morning when people went to ways read the ice and because it was a very short lived for them. and i don't think that there, there is great appetite to go back to the shelters. and uh uh, to uh, experience as such, a kind of a journey who was, i can tell you. um, it was very, very frightening. james. okay, well, that spring and run to that, what options do you think israel has? if it's going to respond in some way, but not with a full out full military attack, i mean, is that some sort of symbolic attack? it could do a cyber attack, an attack on somewhere that's not,
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is riley sort a rainy and soiled. the attack was one of his proxies, for example, and i think, i think that so any of this phones, would it be some kind of a, i mean, better. i mean, i don't know what, but one option would be you know, cyber attack on the assistance that has been used in that tax on is red. busy some kind of defendant back on the base from when ms side drones wed launched, whether it's a, you know, a, a, a targeted attack or whether it's a cyber attack. so i think this is a kind of symbolism that it on will understand. so they said we at the top the, the way to did x hits on the base from when the weapons that way use in the attack
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on the mask is sweat launched? um and then so a reply from israel in targeting the places from, with the weapons used in the either on and at that on. is there any way to launch or the system themselves would be that's kind of symbolism that basically get on with understand it for that which this is a kind of help say group that has so far to govern data shed to war. but again, we are in a different area for the 1st time you have data at that, from it on and so on. so that 80, so it understand the coveted at the x that target to get on in sciences on it, on the integrity. i understand that i get that, but this is a different kind of attack. and we had a now this, this confrontation between the 2, the compass patient between the 2 is now governed by new rules. and so we are entering this interaction a period where each one of them is going to try to set this new rules or how to say,
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you know, and until this new role is between them that governs the scope, this patients, they are basically negotiated via different means diplomatic military, whatever, and understood by everybody and governing the next phase of the compass station. we are entering very be a period of unstable stalemate. where any kind of at that in between the 2 shadow or do that can be rolled into any gender work. and that's why, but egypt is coming in the region right now is feeding regionally. those 3 people in the region of feeling that we are under a new kind of situation in you a different phase of the conflict that and there are, that's why you are heating all of the for the ministers. all the lead, the pushing for the escalation was saying, your wife run to the run that you're right. there was so many people calling for restraint among them. president biden, but real books,
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they're all so voices coming from the us that a saying no, don't show restraint. this is the time to finish the job. take out the wrongs. nuclear facilities. just listen to john bolton, who used to be, uh, president, trump national security advisor. speaking on a us cable tv station. a way to pin that down is for israel to go after a ron's nuclear weapons program, which i think it can destroy or disable and very substantial part. if israel is prepared to go after it runs nuclear program, the united states should proudly join them. what do you make of that robot as well? what i make of it is people who have been saying the same things we use using and he says current events to say the same thing they've been saying for use. and john bolton on any day will tell you the is roshan strike, you runs nuclear program, and now he just sees an opportunity to basically add legitimize his cause. and you're saying that it is what is what it was in people, as we've mentioned,
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lucky html, bank, video minister of public security and events and how smart judgments responded saying that, you know, we have to sort of the gloves off and how, what proportionality, we basically have to go crazy in the words it's been real, but again, these pottery maniacs have been saying the same thing for years. they just trying to catch it on this latest opportunity that's. there's very little evidence that is ro, could actually do the damage to arouse nuclear program with a kinetic attack. the people that jump, bolton arguing, and we've talked about cyber attacks, that was the stokes and that virus which was allegedly created bodies writers and americans, which set the reading a nuclear program at least as far as the kinetic strike would have done. it arrives nuclear program is not like the rocky nuclear program with assuming nuclear program, which is real disabled. we want to position strongly. it is a deeply deep undergrad. it is dispersed throughout the country. these play think these talk is a very hard and they are well protected. and so one is where you strike couldn't do
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the job. is role might be able to take the of a nuclear program back a few years. but then that would be another game changer that would basically set the ball higher for an a rating and retaliation against israel. so he's right, and these have to ask themselves, is the price really worth it? would they be able to get enough out of it by sending you a nuclear program? but by few years i would argue that they would akiva of course wall. all of this is going on in the last few days of the war in gauze continues, no one died in his route from this attack, but over a 100, thousands were killed in this period by a, by israel. what does this mean? do you think for the war on garza, it actually uh, is well, is uh, looking at uh, 3 frontiers now have plus the wrong it's god, zillow is ever known. and westbank what the settlers,
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it'd be in doing that in the last few days. taking advantage of uh, the, uh, confrontation in other frontiers. so here's what it has to do. and united states is looking very deeply into those warranties and probably not safely. the proxies mainly the face by that is causing much more damage to, as well, you know, totally, militarily, diplomatically, economically, in the last 6 months, then you're wanting to actually what happened saturday, true digit rodney, is that to us? i'm not low standards, they couldn't do much, no damage, and they probably took into consideration the is riley, the possibility that is where the where do i, charlie? and i fully agree with was roberts, that uh,
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an attack on the nuclear facilities in the wrong is completely crazy. i don't think it's an attorney. oh, yeah. well, he was, this was part of his division, but he knows that president biden was never supported. even the american congress is not good to go into a region. the walls are okay, let me, let me bring in randa, just one more time on, on, on, gone. so what do you think this means for the conflict in gaza? does it in some ways help israel that international attention is now moved. okay, the say this the same country involved but move to a to a different issue. i don't think so. i think i think the damage that is what it has done. it's a stipulation over the last 6 months. so the way it conducted the warden has uh, is, is somehow, you know, it's not, it's permanent and, and, and as long as the war and it as a continues and,
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and that is mount fields that there is some kind of a trade that, that, that has to be negotiated, that is a fee it up in the united states, especially among the communities that are american, that in return for nothing. yeah, we're showing good a strain by enough to tell you today by then is going to basically say it gives his okay to add up the hope that ation which would be a disaster. so uh no, i don't think that i think the what, what needs to happen to me because that is what needs, what, what the americans and the, by that decision they've been pushing, they need a ceasefire and they need the turn of hostages. and hopefully that will leave the ground for improvement and ceasefire. so this is not going to change by what happened on sunday. thank you very much. rhonda, thank you to all august today. run this name, robert guys to pin falls under kiva elder. remember, you can always watch this and all of our programs on demand whenever you want to on our mobile app or on the website i, which is there a dot com would always like to hear from you to go to our facebook page. that's
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facebook dot com, forward slash a inside story, or an ex look for at a inside story from james bay's. i'll be back in this seat very soon, and we'll the inside stories team please stay safe, bye bye. for now, the growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change, a playful series, it takes to understand the challenge. the idea is mobilizing use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0 is being seen the groups, the size of the system says no for most painters of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the 5th generation change on al jazeera. i go to goes to the polls on april, the 21st to vote on new plans to come back. criminal games and fight open eyes
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weather data to reflect the global climate emergency culminating, and the disturbing like performance in south korea. this nokia or of so on al jazeera the or the down or a kyle, this is the news. our live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes ago is pulled a line from the rubble often is where the strike has the 2 body. a refugee camp. in garza, one person is killed and 11. all those images as well as will cabinet. is that to hold us the nice thing in the coming, alas, as the army chief warns of consequences runs attacks for
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people injured in life, it's not going to charge service in sidney police to cooling it.


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