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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the weather data to reflect the global climate emergency culminating and the disturbing like performance himself, career, dis, nokia or of so on al jazeera the the down or a kyle, this is the news. our live from the coming up in the next 16 minutes ago is pulled a line from the rubble often is where the strike has the 2 body. a refugee camp. in garza, one person is killed and 11, all those uh images as well as will cabinet. is that to hold us the nice thing in the coming? alas, as the army chief warns of consequences runs attacks for
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people injured in life, it's not going to charge service in sidney, please. the cooling it religiously motivated and the schools in one state and sued. um, we are open for the 1st time since once the control of the country began a year ago, the beginning gonzo weather as being and as rarely strike on a mosque in the jabante, a refugee camp emergency chain scrambled to rescue survivors who were trapped under the rubble and the also cora area and one person was killed and 11 others injured. a 1000 people had been taking shelter in the area. that's good live to talk. i assume he's in rafa in southern golf as a festival. talk to us more about this as strike on the jabante,
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a mosque and the impact that it's had on the area that of the yes definitely. that's how it costs completely floods the as a most work completely destroyed into a value refugee camp where one palestinian has been killed with an impact of injuries that have been transferred to receive medical treatment and it causes no hospitals. now clearly it was not the only attack that has been carried out to the spot within the open night. it was multiple serious developments on the ground, specifically and bait had on town whether it was but admitted truth. suddenly just advanced towards the evacuation since, as were recently, people started to return back to these areas in bates had one in the font and also fit territory as they are taking show to the they have been cooling a summer out loud speakers for people inside to get out to the odds of the a to the school that as also they have been a rest, think every palestinian and just over 14 years in that area. and they have been
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also investigating people about potential menage activity that according to that. and it says that on the ground where the saying that the best hopes and the confrontations that are still ongoing on the grounds as part of the is by the manager of ration spot. mainly the situation is so the in the mid areas is specifically in the se ross, refugee camp. and here in the solver at pos of gauze in rough off work, at least for palestinians, half the report at killed and an open not strike that talk you through. there was a didn't show house in tell us whole ton a neighborhoods in the far south of the territories. and talked meanwhile where it was saying the full impact of his well siege on she for hospital in central gauze are coming tonight. they've got mass graves being uncovered and inside the medical compound, tell us more about that of the definitely it was a rustic seeing the for it being imagining from us, you felt hospice. so off to the is very minute to with a drill with the,
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from the medical compound as bit as they be a simple defense teams alongside with me to come work is we're trying to dig in the odds of the hospital and they found out a mass grave where at least knowing palestinians have to recover from that area with different sides of decomposing bodies on it as because as guys as government media office have set has said that they are including patients who were among those victims with different signs of medical equipments. being attached to the bodies as they have been completely buried, offset being killed by these very minute 3. and we have been also getting really disturbing images as our reports, as completely showing to identify from the smallest details by those who knew them. these bodies will no longer be, namely the sort of fee, and that's got the largest since it, i've been monitoring the prices of existing bodies from this mass grave. i came and
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found my mother's body, which identified by distinctive mark, center of the as a company called the health officials discovered this mass grave in the courtyard of a ship, a hospital in gaza city. it's one of several found in the grounds of gauze as largest hospital in the last few days. the doctors will say to witness the killings knew exactly where to look. yeah, we'd been coming for the past 10 days to retrieve bodies. today we found the largest number 15 of patients who suffered injury and a lot of them for me. really forces conducted a 2 week rate on guys the biggest hospital that ended on april 1st. it was severely damaged and is no longer functioning. these were the army say that battled with palestinian fighters inside, but many patients were also clearly among the victim. nearly 400 bodies have been recovered. sense in, on the only know, hold on. let me push it out. today we came here to treat the bodies of the victims
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who were buried in this mass grave. while the occupying forces were inside the she for medical complex. my mothers among the victims who what barry to you by these ran the occupation forces on the 4th and further north and beat lie. the corpus is a 20 palestinians have been also on earth. local people say is really forced, is executed in 4 months ago. in the north of this trip. these bodies will now receive a proper burial. what is ready to troops a plan more attacks in the south and even more vieira alpha southern gaza. israel's will cabinet, we'll reconvene for a 3rd day in the coming hours of the slides. how to respond to a real of the unprecedented attack to have on 5 hundreds of missiles drains towards as well. on saturday, it says the attack was retaliation for a deadly strike. on it's concept and damascus 2 weeks ago the officials say as. busy will respond when it sees fit we all could always be assessing the situation.
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we may not that way the highest level of readiness, united way to face the consequences for its actions. we, we choose, always spawns. accordingly, the idea remains ready to counter any threat for milan, and it still perhaps is ivy. we continue our mission to defend the state to be but let's go now to enroll in connie's standing by for as an occupied east jerusalem and were on the go to another meeting of the wood cabinet in the coming hours where things stand the well, if the leaks from the 2 main things that are taking place. they fall into days and this will be the 3rd meeting in 3 days to be believed. then israel is looking at a response. the size and scale of that responds. we don't know the far right stuff
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. the hard right, these open the races administered, such as, but for those small treyjen, if the marketing they're holding very said they want to strike in the hall at all the time wrong. but the americans are saying, we understand that you do want to strike back to israel, but you call it strike back in a way that is going to elicit, solicit another response from iran. so it's likely that they weighing of all of the options. what we're hearing again and these are leaks coming through the, the any is ready. response needs to be something that will get headlines, but we'll send a message, but we'll not escalate any further. but what's really interesting about all of this is the person that we haven't heard from in 3 days since that retail industry started to buy a run for the moment give that comes let on april, the 1st prime minister benjamin netanyahu has not spoken. that's incredibly interesting. because he's always used run into ways use the wrong to deflect
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criticism from his treatment on the plight of the palestinians. and he's also used it to try and get this international coalition going on that talking about that now as well. they're talking about getting an international coalition. one of the reasons they might be doing that is because they want political cover for any stride against iran. okay, and montgomery installation finds out from occupies is to have someone give a place, sign on events in israel today. thanks everyone. let's go live now to to her on that we can join our correspondent dose jabari and also ronnie is a saying that if another action is taken, their response will be more serious. how people in the wrong dealing with these threats as well. laura, ordinary iranians are not really taking any of these threats very seriously. people have been speaking to over the past 24 hours, say that, you know, israel has been threatening around for decades. and they don't actually believe that a strike is immune. it's on any part of the country that would affect the general
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population. there has been no guidance issued by the authorities in around for the general public life goes on. as usual. the schools have been opened throughout the week and they continue to be until the end of the week. the only disruptions that we've seen was the closure of the international and the domestic airport in the capital of for about a 24 hour period. whether you're wrong carried out its operation to promise on sunday morning, other than that, ordinary iranians are not that concerned, but on is really attack. what they are worried about is the state of the country's economy that continues to deteriorate as a result of the threats and the language that we're seeing between these really officials and the uranium officials. so people may not be that concerned, but what are you hearing from government officials as well? they are using every opportunity they have to deliver the message of defiance and deterrence and warnings to is ro,
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we've seen the region for mr. jose and i'm here after law young, he's spoken to 9 other foreign ministers around the region, including russia in china, where the foreign minister reiterated iran stands that any kind of a retaliation by israel will be met with a harsh and broad response. the reading and president abraham, where you see also received a phone call from the mirror, cuts are shakes. i mean, been home with dell sonic on monday evening. and during that phone conversation, the re, new president conveys iran position that should there be any kind of a retaliation from israel. the response from tyrone will be quick and broad as insinuating positively that the response will not only be from the rating and forces, but possibly it's proxies in the region as well. this is something that they're waiting 4 minutes or has also hinted out over the past 24 hours. so there is a, a deliberate campaign by officials in the wrong to highlight the fact that should
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israel strike iran in the near future turnarounds, response will be very quick. they will not take days and they will be no diplomatic consultations or warnings as they did with the previous attack that carried out. it is israel on sunday morning. ok dosage of already many times springs all the lines that from to from the speak. now to learn to come out and states yet professor at the university of to any, joins us now from right. i'm good to have you with us. how concerned should yvonne be? the type of is wally response will further escalate. the situation in the region. it is like a tech that i read them, consulate, sorry, pseudo with a most deflecting the global tension from grass enforcing your run to respond to what we thought. right. so the issue that was perceived from their perspective, from this already perspective, to us front of the media, tyree and political support. also the us and western conference for read through
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all this stuff that was passed by us. so quoted more, i say sort of water because usually words are between states and civilians can sleep from worse. and this is not the case or what is happening because of the rape . so in the sense that they will not release now because they got precisely what they wanted. so they renewed and full support about our west and the counselor itself. so the deflection of global attention from a context in which, as you are documenting 75 policy and children have been killed every day in the last that 6 months. that's me conclude, you know, we'd adjust on historical know till the thing that he started speaking, iraq was kind of a barrier and that was spent mean the inference will be around the end of the region. so we see that the same up the doors that they have destroyed and prepaid the rack and creating the condition for the rising to some of the increasing a front. so if you're running these regions are the same actors and players that are telling us today in the last few years that we have to do what we can do in
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order and put them in front. so we'll see around these regional because one of the many confrontation of the a story that we have discussed as i learned that just doesn't make sense that i've understood it quite to you and you've done and think that as well will respond because it's already got both at once, which is international support for it's and for it security, and therefore it's ongoing war and garza. yes, this is precisely the point the so it now it's our fault and some our new window hope are to do for this ready of tardies that were quite that in the corner because i was reset the uh there was a western conference where quite critical that it was mounting goes to the public opinions also from our campus in europe, so that the pushing is, was becoming quote, by quite a pretence. now, old western countries are only supplementary, israel once more, we know that in terms of a weapons, this is something there was some conflict of that kind of the others that were
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putting a stop before for the ad, for the um, for where in the region to weapons and so on. so in this case we see that everything is changing. okay. and those west has strongly supporting it. once again at the end of the tension is not on the got this type of bodies, mainly on a run in there. he's a, this is once again precisely what they wanted. why then do we can't paring? is there any officials not in espanol who specifically is all correspond to him? pointed out, but all of is really officials thing that, that will certainly be a response. yes, because this would arrive at a later stage. so in this moment, there somehow getting what they want to do. so this isn't now the moment that you wish to take the best of the best situation of political stage. they will really tell you, tell it of course they, they can relate a number of ways. so for this war of oppression in many ways that we've single, so recent years. but once again, this is not the moment it to arrive by the this moment, this the moment to take the best out of what happened. ok,
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lorenzo to come out. very interesting to get your points of view on this. thanks very much for joining us. the from right, thank you very much. to palestinians have been killed in the village of cabbage. i twel. net and the bless and the occupied west bank posted in wi fi news agencies reporting. they were shocked by is riley settlers. the flare up and bought as follows. the disappearance of a 14 year old settler, whose body was found on saturday a lot. when we got the sets is with a and is riley force has been 50 molar. settlers came in and they started pep a sprain. us then i was hit by a rock on the back of my head. i fell and they b. p with sticks too, but i kept running and tripping. but soldiers and settlers were shooting at us as we were less than 20 meters away. they kept running and shooting, and people working, they always tell them. so is this not a lie from ramallah in the occupied westbank for me? what more do we know about these latest attacks of the well as in just being
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a knights of central or tags. and those i being and i to is ready security forces raids into towns across the west bank that has been going on nights, often nights, often night for months. so we know of rights into janine calculator and uh to cover him on the hebron. and then we also know of secular tax on various communities and side and villages around the west bank and bethlehem. in the have grown area of the south. it's area leading to how it's, how the site of the $77.00 habits an injuries and cause being buttons as well. and that's as we have just uh, that comes off to, to palestinians were killed yesterday in settler attacks. that's the palestinians who i witnesses as a full so involved is ready for us is this is basically the latest and in a kind of a serious explosion of samples of odd insights against palestinians,
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but just come off to the body of that kind of thing. and sorry, body of that is really sad. little boy was, was found last week. we know all at least 75 injuries of protest indians in that time. 16. that's a protest indians. but that is also already on top of a huge explosion of secular bottoms. getting out of 70 is that has come since october, the 7th and the u. n. is being documenting this. they say that are there been $700.00 at least the tax on palestinians and ends 16 that's in that period. so the is right. ease of deployed, extra forces to the west bank. a nice play to as i say, to try and keep it laid on this situation, warning against vigilantes and bots for the palestinians. this is no guarantee of security because as we fight, as they say, often the security forces,
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the army troops, etc, all waiting participants already. sims of is all the buttons that's being done against them. and that is ready. and he always say that palestinians, when they try and prosecute these crimes against them, well, 9394 percent of them. never reach any kind of serious prosecution. okay, well we tell them springs places that from ramallah in the occupied west bank. thanks very much for the the police in australia treating a knife attack on a controversial religious leader out of sidney church as a terrorist act. at least 4 people were injured. when am i lunged at the bishop mit service on monday? hundreds of right place with deployed when the bishop support has gathered up a church. take a problem, reports the that a sudden it's an incident that shops not only church go is but those bashing the service. live online bishop, my memory,
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a manual of the orthodox the syrian church attacked while delivering his monday summon, members of the congregation overpowered the suspect. immediately after a 16 year old boy has since been arrested in the hours after the attack, a crowd of 100 seeking revenge, gathered outside the church. hurling bricks and bubbles, wounding police, and preventing offices from taking the team outside. the incidents took hours to bring under control church and local leaders have pleaded. the car number of house has been damaged, that breaking the number of houses to gain weapons to throw at the place. that's fine. weapons an autumn at the church itself. it was obviously people who wanted to get access to the young person who has control of the injuries to the quote. you've got said, this is a value to ship. mom already a manual is a car,
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is mastic and controversial figured with a significant online following. he was an outspoken critic of cobit 19 locked down, and is known for preaching n t l g b t q views police side. the attack was religiously motivated. we believed the elements that satisfied in terms of religious motivated extremism. 10 years ago, his church was voted, lead broke away from the main assyrian church of the east. after the bishop was excommunicated of the logical differences. the attack comes just days after a mass staffing at a sydney shopping mow, which lift 6 people date. this is a disturbing incident. there is no applies full balance in the community. there is no applies full vol and extremism. we are a peace loving nation. police are continuing to investigate. the attack is most is while across to the good ship, a judge has published a statement denouncing any retaliation. jacob brown,
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l. g 0. jury selection has begun and donald trump's hush money trial. so far as a full criminal trials are full of presidents as facing, as he complains to return to the white house, christian salumi reports from new york city. the former president donald trump arrived admin hatton district court on monday for jury selection. in the 1st of 4 criminal trials he's facing, as usual, he wasn't shy about expressing his opinion. the the $34.00 charges against him stem from a $130000.00 payment made to this one, the former adult film star notice stormy daniel. she says she
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received it in the run up to the 2016 election to buy her silence about a sexual encounter which trumps denies ever happened. but pain. daniel's itself is an illegal. the crime is the alleged attempt to disguise it as a payment for legal services. you can pay harsh money. this is america. if you want to pay someone to not speak and not talk about it, that's okay. as long as they are consenting to it, the crime comes in is the way these payments were characterized in 2 different places, both in the trump organization. and in michael cohen this record. the president's former fix or lawyer michael cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations related to those payments in 2018. here is trump speaking to reporters on air force one earlier that. dear. okay,
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cohen and daniel's testimony will be key to the prosecution's case. other potential witnesses include karen mcdougal, the former model, whose claim of an affair with trump was also silenced. and former white house insiders like who picks and kelly and conway, before the prosecution can begin presenting its case. they and the defense must agree on 12 jurors who will just size the president's guilt or innocence. that process alone could take days or even weeks if found guilty, the former president could face jail time, be expected, appeal would likely drag into next year after the election. kristin salumi al jazeera, new york dana side goal is natania. at the law firm though, i'm a and e, she explains the significant implications of this case. i mean, this is
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a stuart 1st, this has never happened before. we've had presidents be investigated for criminal charges back of richard nixon, but obviously never a child. so, but he's being treated like any other criminal dependent in that new york court room, they're going to jury selection right now to try to determine if they can find 12 people who are unbiased enough to be able to look at the facts and the law on a case and give them as fair of a trial as any other criminal defendant is very polarizing in this country. perhaps the most polarizing person in this country. and many people have very fixed views of him. and not only that, but the facts of this case had been publicized for years this had to do with the 2016 election. so people have been talking about this for quite some time. hopefully are also used to doing high profile cases in this country. where there's quite a bit of publicity around them. so the, the job of the lawyers, the job of the judge is to they get
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a huge amount of potential jurors to come 1st to the court room. and then they ask them questions. and the 1st one being can you being personal and over 50 people today said no, we can't. and they were automatically excused. and they start to whittle down the jurors based on that to ultimately find not somebody who's never heard about the case before, but somebody that's heard about it, but can also set aside any opinion they may have made to judge it based on what they hear in the court room 2 decades ago this month, photos of smiling us soldiers posing with humiliation detainees that abrupt abu ghraib prison closed shop around the world. and also years of legal baffles. the lawsuit brought by 3 presidents began on monday, 100 and has moved from alexandria, virginia. and the morning the view is may find some of the images and has report distressing. in the abu ghraib pictures tell us sordid tale of torture, prisoners stack naked in a pyramid, handcuffed on the ground, dragged by a leash,
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and attached to electrical wires. the soldier giving a thumbs up next to a corpse. now, 20 years after the release of those photos of the us run prison at abu ghraib and a rock set off global outrage. 3 survivors are getting their day in court with upgrade. and the revelations i thought was happening, and i would grab that, open the eyes of the united states and the world to shift away from the law and treatment of those in custody and the name of the war on terror. the survivors are suing c, a c. on the virginia base military contractor that supplied the interrogators who worked at the present justice has been a long delay. this case has been bouncing around the court since 2008 c a c. i a has tried to have it dismissed around 20 times in 2021. the us supreme court sent it back here to district court, where it will finally go on trial. the company denies wrong doing and says its
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employees have not directly inflicted abuse of the prisoners, but the plaintiffs in the case say, the company set the conditions that resulted in torture by ordering military police to quote, soften up detainees for interrogations. there's been so little, no accountability, really for what happened at abu good god and, and beyond. i think a case of just one person is tremendously significant. among those expect it to testify. army general antonio, to a group who led an investigation into the abu ghraib scandal and former staff sergeant ivan frederick sentenced a more than 8 years in prison for inflicting abuse. john 100 al jazeera, alexandria virginia. now for many students around the world, the school year is almost up, but for some people's in northeast. and so don is just beginning is really yes and slicing between the national. i mean, the rapids support forces leaving tens of thousands of people killed
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a millions that displaced now for the 1st time schools in the red sea states have we opened um, evolve has the story from the city of faults to don or anything the school bell for the 1st time you get in this conflict with them, country is an activity files saves your forty's behind the decision on the and then on the fat. and then we have decided to reopen schools today, april 14th, across the entire rest of the state. so the education can continue the ways being faced with tremendous challenges. but we have managed to succeed thanks to the cooperation of every one that it hasn't to be an easy task because a $118.00 schools across the state. tough being used to house thousands of display civilians will flip fighting in other parts of so then many of them had to be located on the other hand that economically my body. so after that we continue to dedicate some schools for the id piece,
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and we provided tents for the id piece that had to be moved by the students will have to share the available schools by rotation. i found out that the cds, the national in front of the state governor, these, the students say they feel proud of people who used a bale school is the 5th cindy outside the country to reopen following a get of no education. the, the so about house, whether because of the conflict, the high school diploma exams weren't organized, this has deeply affected students. we offer you that we wasted an entire year of our life, while animal told us a lot number that is with a has, i'm extremely happy about a school is reopening. we've wasted a whole year sitting at home. we want to vote and for security to return to our country and for all students to go back to the schools and universities for the
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millions of students in other parts of the country. it's not just clear, it's submitted decisions with somebody taking what it is very unlikely, at least in the states of thoughtful court, defined, comfortable, and does 0. well, there are no signs. the fighting is about to and how much fun to 042, then. so it has had on our sarah standing momentum on the buffalo sales, the report from the east in ukraine where russia is taking advantage of delays and ministry age 16. and why game ranges and bump way of fixing 8 elephants with live affecting devices. the how are we got somebody give a change of the weather across the western parts. so if you say significant, it's not a full spinning across the rock is driving for the race. was this survey of life
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pressure will bring when it's and that time some very windy weather a lot. be storms coming in here is that pushes this way further east was and this one here just pushing across out. but it's a, it's a central canada bringing a fair amount of snow calvary struggling to get the 2 degrees celsius as a west of weather around the northern place. pushing for the east west. i heard of that, nobody told 24 celsius and they said, we'll take that as we go on into a weapon cycles of a task. but just a lot you try for most of the day what the weather will creek this way. 3 as they she was longer spells of bright runaway, but towards the appalachians bright to scars to come back in behind. a little flurry of wintry showers. the just around the mountain stage should be lost. you drive meanwhile, over towards the west coast, into a good part of mexico, southern areas of mexico. you might catch a shout ro to here. nothing much to speak of. it does look losey fine and dry, but you come across into frontier rest nicaragua, down towards panama, 3 costa rica. some shell is a possibility, which is why the will be around his pond. you out particularly into the dominican
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republic, whatever it goes to sing some live the showers, but the eastern dollars last year, dry of the to. but in nature's biological rhythms, heat, the percentage ultimate but this is not to, it's countless killing works of ality official light, allowing industrialized agriculture defies seasonal and geographic constrains witness shed slice on the impact of emerging cultivation on the natural world to which we even know sleepless. bags on tuesday era in the vietnam war, the us army use the highly toxic herbicides with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare. a decade later, the same happened, the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something
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and they didn't even see the case for 2 women fought for justice. i guess some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange analogies 0 the . the daniel watching out is there a has reminder of on top stories this i'll start him prime minister has called for unity of to a knife attacked during a church service on monday. at least 4 people were injured for she's called it a terrorist attack and motivated by suspects of religious experience. and it was all me chased as the country road was formed up to a wrong flood. hundreds of myself and dr. sords as well on saturday,
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is ready. we'll cabinet. we'll meet later today to discuss how to respond this way . the site has a mosque and it knows them also, one person has been killed. on the 11th of this plaintive emergency teams scramble to ask you to 5 is trumped on some level, an alpha cora area. many of those images of women and children. well that's bring in most i'll colors. he joins us now on skype. from giovanni in northern garza and well as a give us an idea of the impact of a strike that happened last night on the most can all those like it during the course of this war. sure. the is waiting for us to target the just so they as a hold on a nose in the rest of it, you probably can, but the result had one killed and 11 got injured and a allow me. this is not the 1st most group which have been destroyed and that there
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is more than 600 most have been destroyed. and i'm talking to you in the front of, i guess at most, which is in my shuttle a bit today, which is behind me. and this is the dome of the most, the a. so this isn't the, not the 1st incident of targeting more folks in the eh, this was a, this is a continuing call us deals is why the forces to target religious institutions here. and i know guys that see one more thing, which is the, is what you did for us as in cat, a inmate handling and eh, took up position in a and on but not the street and besieged, besieged uh, a show was cool, which contain more than 1000, displaced by the city is that those people are afraid of facing the
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same fate of those people who were in the hospital. so a, these way the forces are using the microphones to evacuate the table and tell them to get there on where to go. there and stay for a i had to tell them all so to say, oh, they're closed as a these people are we, we don't have any connection with them since this morning and this is what i got so far. are those tell you more about this? it once i got that updated valdez. okay, most i'll colors. thanks very much for brings to seeing that from giovanni, a refugee camp in the northern god himself. the ukraine's army chief says the situation on the eastern front line has escalated
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significantly in recent days. ukrainian and western intelligence agencies, a roster was taking advantage of delays and ministry a to cave preparing from major offensive child stop for it. has this report from the town of lyman. the people still live here around 2000 of them struggling to exist among the destruction. russian forces captured the town of lima and in may 2022 ukrainian army then recaptured. the important railway help with a pre we'll population of all the 20000 around 5 months later crushing miss all and so cool. like boma tax, it increased in recent weeks targeting ukrainian positions in the surrounding forests. taking advantage of what ukraine says, it's potentially catastrophic lack of width and defense. tens of billions of dollars with the military 80 to stop by arguments in the us. congress
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will not getting a false enough from european allies, western intelligence, ukrainian ministry, say russia is now gaining momentum on the battlefield, shedding by russian full series of lead man and the surrounding countryside. is closing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. the people still living inside lima and are afraid the russian forces could push through nearby ukrainian defensive lines. there's no running water or gas in town. the tiny afflicted in the pro before russian forces occupied the place she is live also life, she returned. when are you crazy and allow me to control the door to run grand daughter went to poland and the don't want to come back. ringback if you go not the focus groups, she leads us into her basement. she's had to start sheltering on the ground like
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games. couldn't use the oh, of course i'm very anxious. god willing, it won't happen. we don't need them here. they should go back where they came from . give us back the life we had before. it was a beautiful life and we never asked anything from anyone. we had worked. we had a railway, we had a town, look what they have done to us in our life. no one lives here. now most people left and this is our land. few people come to the tiny sunday market. police check people's ideas, comforting the suspected russian informers all examined live to throughout the russian armies. the patient nicholas, i don't want to talk about it. he says he's here in the shelter of a 2 hours during yesterday's attacks. the bits, all the is headed, lehman spar department. he says he's been on now more than ever vulnerable to attack was they tried to save lives. sadly,
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the shutting has recently increased the enemy, if it's civilian infrastructure, residential areas destroying, residential buildings, health facilities, and so civilian sofa, the shutting schools, many fires we receive up to 10, call out in a given 24 hour period. there are many towns need the front lines like this one back in the cross hands of the russian army, which ukraine and its allies say is preparing for a major advance charles profit algebra, lima focused on is taunting a 2nd phase of a controversial plan to the port hundreds of thousands of us con refugees living in the country of a half a 1000000 undocumented ask on nationals have been expelled since last october. government is extending its people take some time to include many f guns who hold pakistani documents the they will get to move in 40 years since we migrated to pocket stone. many of us would bone here. we have businesses here many a working as labor. is it would be very difficult to return to
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a country where there is no education, no health facilities, and no work. also security is our major concern. come all hi, that is in line to cut how northwest pack is still and that's near the border with afghanistan. a couple you seeing many people were turning to ask on installing the 2nd phase. a well, according to the fixtures, uh, do you agree? pat creation is continuing, i just did the pace of cause, most of the family that we met along the way, said that they're leaving with a heavy heart because they have got a progress done home once every decade. and they said that they have had a good time, the people that have been good to them. however, they're not happy in the way that they're being sent out. they said that they should be more dignified. behind me what you see is the time where the i've gone
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refugees that i am from that it is just there's been a couple of kilometer dies before they cross the border. so people have guards that not happy, but they've got made a focused on his adamant that these people will have to go back. and they've gone dead at 1700000, unregistered. i've gone refugees and buckets done. but as you say, come all, many of these people have lived in pakistan for decades. so why is pakistan sending them back? well, that's a good question. this particular decision was made by the and get him government. the excuse that the biggest on the government died was that there was a spike and violence and a deck of god. these people are that most of them are not in ward and died, but that is being used and then they can use by focused on which has been hard to really end up loving around rector. jade says that russia and occupation of run this don, uh, that go to 1979. most of them played without anything. and now they're going back
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to a country where they really have to start from scratch, go before the door, and people are not happy in the way and ways the government has conducted this particular issue. they want that they should be given a citizen tribune focused on many of the children were born and they were raised an educated at the business is that and of gods they have built their lives. so it is going to be extremely difficult. and the government focused on has come on this good and criticism from the united nations high commission for refugees and even human rights organizations. who said that the focused on a handling of this particular the bad creation is something which is of course in human and unacceptable and co pa custodial far as he is a 1st thing that those who do not leave face the rest of the poor taishan. but there are millions of people that remaining in pakistan who are not full entirely
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going back to ask on his own. so what are they going to do? where the, what does happen days that we ever had reports that day's been forced eviction. in some cases, even run refugees who had documents had that documents taken away and destroyed. it is going to be difficult at dodge. but the government are focused on an issue with instructions across the provinces that these people have to go. and that does not just include the unregistered one, refugees, even refugees who are ordering the outlines citizenship guards and the proof of residents guards are also going to be sent in the 3rd phase. so it is going to be a very unpopular move because they are gone and tell them government that's facing problems. they have cause that saying that they were ready to come the paper bag, but the country is in dire straits, given the economic conditions. they have set up guns just across the border. and
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most of these people are going there, do not have much to dave with them, so they will have to start their lives from scratch. okay, come on. hi deborah. it's the story. the from pack is still on the border with afghanistan. thanks very much. come out to me, i'm on wherever apple slices say they've repelled a government attempt to take back me a warranty. on the border with thailand, the korean national liberation, national liberal army separation on the seas, which is the key town last week says the danger has now passed on the border with highland tiny china reports. the soldiers from the curriculum is cooper columbia, satellite, the flag of me and my in the town of milwaukee in its place. they hoist the colors of the current national union. confident this new territory is firmly under the control of underneath the. ready the whatever, and with that there are no worries about the jump to return and who we,
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since we received the news of their advance caught them, we've been vigilant and we felt them that we managed to destroy one tank and 3 transport trucks in the me and my military suffered injuries and retreated. parts of the town has suffered badly of the 6 weeks of intense fighting in the wreckage, a brigade, 275. the military's law stand the spoils of war. but the current leadership team to stress this is a victory shed amongst all the resistance groups. we need unity and then we make it step by the side with the other mission. and then we will work together with other group by coordinate to type to, to the military. the military tend to appear to be on the bank, but even the annual um forces day parade took place under the cover of darkness this year. and where they found divisions amongst the ethnic comm is in the past. now that seems to be units that we might as a booth diverse country. and some people who appear this is diversity as
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a weakness in all around pollution. but actually diversity of sprint, tile pulses remain on high and the, the primary concern is the violence doesn't spill across the board. for decades, the town of milwaukee has existed in a very fine pile, a balance on the one side. yeah. and the com is on the other, the military, across the board, a thailand generating huge income from trade. but even the fighting hasn't stopped . that's due to free alcohol and cigarettes on sale from food like is it me a while the box is a bit passed across the rolls raise a why tony chung out a 0 on the time. yeah. my border to south korea as president to you and so kill, has addressed his policies, recent election to face joining a cabinet meeting you and said that he humbly accepts the public sentiment reflected in the parliamentary elections. it was his 1st public remark. elsewhere this and democratic concert on a landslide victory last wednesday,
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the prime minister and all the government officials have resigned following the feats tent needs a one of the most eye clinic symbols of the philippines boss. a government program plans to phase out around 200000 of the vintage vehicles that provide a strike by drive those who say they can't afford the new trucks found to be low reports from manila and the police that after extending the deadline repeatedly philippine president, britain and marcus junior says this one is final, excuse me, drivers must join cooperatives or work under corporate management by april 30th. it's the 1st step in the government's effort to base out the old warrant out transportation vehicles. but some drivers oppose the modernization program. i mean for the you should be helping us filipino as president markers. what are you feeling for in business? there was a 2 day strike to demand that the government allowed them to replace or repaired to
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jeep nice without losing their operators licenses. these are what are the philippines most recognizable cultural symbols. the drivers are tier protesting because their rate is still eventually van is. but an even bigger worry for them is that they lose their income in independence. if the government both ahead with new rules regulating gives you rules that some other cheap the union leaders like once a company and you say are acceptable after the marcus administration approved upgraded, cheap, nice by local manufacturers. somebody on the bid months of the comparative corporate setup is good for fleet management. the dispatch of vehicles will follow a schedule and drive is one to have to compete for the passenger, the sum of all the one the victory, the on the motors was ready. 5 years ago, with the prototype that met the government's use standards, spacious air condition with a clean arrange. it is, i mean, the requirement for the more than shipping unifor and the unified and perhaps just as important. it routine to look up the traditional philippine jeep needs,
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but up until it's approval last year, the government had pushed for many buses to replace jeep needs. now, competitors are building their own lead up to date. jeep needs, including electric powered ones, transport, the official say more than 80 percent of the drivers are now in cooperatives or employed by businessman. what's tracking drivers say if they can paralyze public transport now, taking them off the streets permanently, could leave millions of filipino stranded wine to below l g 0. so that has hair on out. is there a warning that more coal waste around the world of turning white and even dying because of rising ocean? the,
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[000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the game ranges in zimbabwe, i think 8 elephants for the wheel time tracking colors to monitor the movements. the project and the one guy national park comes as dangerous confrontations with humans become more common medium and has more of this is one of 8 and a sense at one given national park. and it's being fitted with the tracking content is the animal is identified using drones and by ranges on foot patrols. it's in dr
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to sedated in the color in school with these calls, they said he told him when they told him into can actually purchase the mips. it's october locations with the end of the month. uh, what also is attracting telephones even outside the, the, the pug, almost off of them. bob, who's a 100000 elephant population live in this was of, but they bought grown their habitats and then now encroaching into communities as the animals search for food and water. gideon, do they was trampled by innocence while holding cattle at my body village. 3 years ago, his knee was broken. seen in ginny davie, 80 someone visage, it is painful, i'm no longer able to work for my family. i can go to the field and look up to my casual my wife has to do most of the joys before the taxes were installed. they would know early warnings to a load of dishes. when elephants had left the protected area. but we have been able
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to use this type of the ability to take elephant as an electronic fence with the moment to get out of the designated to park area. we're able to pick that from checking the colors and then deployed. but i've been disappointed unions to go and scared them back into the park and also send any warning systems to the community to avoid sit in the areas where the elections go last year and this is killed. 63 people in zimbabwe. polk ranges are hoping the gps colors will provide one way to minimize home to both humans and animals. come back and meet them in a oh to 0. coal rates around the world, have tons of whites and a full mass bleaching event. and 1st he is. he was national oceanic psionic, an atmospheric administration reports that at least 50 full countries affected, signed to say more than half of the race and the wells oceans are experiencing heat
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stress as a result of warming, c, temperatures due to climate change. during the months. oh, it's an ecologist, explains what placing means for the reefs. of course are animals that live in a symbiotic relationship with the type of l g. now these l g provide the coral about 95 percent of its nutritional requirements. however, its various, the symbiosis is very sensitive to heat stress. so when the coils experience huge stress, expelled these elegy and they turn white. and this basically means the coils are starving to death. and it's the heat stress persist for long enough. and the magnitude of the heat is high enough to cause can die in the problem with this is that the corals themselves are providing that 3 dimensional structure. it's so much file diversity is dependent on in tropical rates. was estimated that about 25 percent or one and for every living organism in the world's oceans associated with
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co reached at some point in their life cycle. also cro reese provide protection to shorelines during catastrophic storm. and that's like hurricane site loans and type foods. furthermore, call readers generate billions of dollars to the us economy is estimated to generate trillions of dollars to the global economy. ultimately, the pollution problem will not go away until there is some kind of international agreement and collaboration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. in the meantime, it's important that we reduce additional stressors impacting quarries. so things like land base sources of pollution for water quality and fishing practices that are unsustainable or damaging the caller we should really be limited to provide call reach the best opportunity in the best chance to cope with these rise in ocean temperatures. and find me that is some good news for 70 and the engine mojave does it towards us is they've been,
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we introduced into the wild off to spending the winter with conservationists. so i'm just say that doing what they should be. and that's constructing far as i'll be tracked by radio transmission as keeping we such as updated on them movements. and that's it for me, laura kyle, for this news out i will be back in just a moment. the but more of the days, the growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change a playful series that seems to understand since holland, the idea is moving, lies in use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0, this is being theme, the groups, the size of the system says know, for most dangers of working class people, there's a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the system generation change on al jazeera, unique perspective,
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everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on heard voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that middlefield us having a normal life is a connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere . there is no over there and it's right here. and right now, the stream announces era these are some of the 1st images from the aerial assessment of coal. bleaching in the great value range. bleaching occurs when mobile ocean temperatures and pollution 1st call to expel the algae to get the color range of color. at extreme or in his wife over an extended period of time, maybe some structures to bring severely damaged. scientists have declared 2020 full, a mass bleaching events. what's happening here on the great fire roof is also happening on rapes around the world. or the last 12 months warming see surface
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temperatures have cause bleaching events in the northern hemisphere. and the linear conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. marine biologist, jody rama, says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's an organ assigned to the biggest coal system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef means many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it. the gun is pulled alive from the rubble often is where the strike hits the to bonnie a refuge account. and garza,


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