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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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see and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there. it is. hold off. it's right here. and right now the stream on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the color that i'm the selfie attain. this isn't use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the goal is pulled a life from the rubble often is really striking. the giovanni a refugee comes in garza, one person is killed and 11 office right and it is rouse will cabinet. meanwhile, is set to hold. it started missing in the coming hours. as the army chief ones have
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consequences for rounds of time. major floods in amman leave at least 18 peoples, and many of them school children, thousands have been about 2 weeks since i've come out of high dye in the mountains on the progress on abundance on board with thousands of on refugees on about to be sent home against dave, with the added back to school system and to don process reopen in red c states for the 1st time of the year. fighting the holy begin this news hour in gaza where there's been another is really strike this time on a mosque and the jabante a refuge account. imagine c team scrambled to rescue survivors propped under the
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rubble and the alpha core area. one person was killed and 11 of us injured looks bad. has the disparate calls for help risk you was looking for reply the search for any survivors of use. another is righty. strike on your body. finally, assigned is like the a young girl is found injured loss of life. she was one of many children in the home in the oldest occluded area when it was destroyed by and is really strong on the neighboring most of the gym. and then they have targeted the most. there are other people in the house. this is my daughter. like countless other children and garza. this wasn't the 1st time this young girl had been injured and then is ready strike for them. i wanted to send her and part of my family to egypt to treatment because i've got
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a permit to go to ages since they were injured. and they were talking to before thousands of displaced, palestinians had been sheltering in and around most of some guys that since the war began. but israel has continually talks, have been destroying hundreds across the strip in the last 6 months, often killing those who had hoped to find safety. alec speed, which is 0 most of the color is in. giovanni with this rate is not the 1st incident of its kind. this is adult to see in bose a upland, the at palestinians, if they are more than 600 most who, which have been destroyed. why that is, why it is during this war a, a and uh, this is not the 1st incident as i told you, the, uh, the as well. and the forces in the same context of is why the forces also encourage
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and to be turned on. and for as a peoples to evacuate, so that they could switch about, you hit an aol rested. dozens of brothers 10 is the as a, the besieged and show was full. and for was women to remove the job on the pretext of a investigating grip. then so what's happened in the know some cause a form yesterday is the raid against the most. can the incursions in bit tunneling and yes and received a so school which contained more that thousands displaced by the city and the, and 1st the which one is the residence to move to that value and to move to unless you is 3 or 4 palestinians including a child have been killed and is really showing west of golf. the southern city of rasa house was hit in the tallow. so tom neighborhood and several other people were
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also injured and would take into the nearby could wait the whole special scene while they were emotional scenes. as family members of the victims gathered at a hospitable and rasa to prepare for the funeral of those who were killed in the strength. i always now speak, child corresponded on the ground. try a couple, his name, he's in rough. i, in southern causa park this ground defensive on rough is still meant to be on the horizon. in the meantime, can you describe the intensity the strikes that you were seeing there for us? yes, i am a potential military attack on rough off the situation on the ground. is it still going on to be really dia um its more strikes have been carried out by the has been a military in the past 24 hours where at least uh, $46.00 palestinians have to reported killed according to kansas health ministry. now clearly we see that the core, the concentration of the is very military attacks has been completely driven towards the mid an area where unless
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a raj refuge account of the past hour was massively targeted for 3 palestinians have been killed alone with those of injuries that had been transferred to an oxide and also to i was a hospital in most iraq or if you do come as a part of the is really ongoing. manage encourage and only in the know rent portion of the city where they are right now depending in full destruction of residential houses. but clearly, according to our witnesses on the ground is specifically the area we have been in for them and go to 0. that these wait a minute, we had destroyed a number of residential neighborhoods completely as people have been slipping from one place to another. looking for shelter for safety. a despite the fact that is what has been targeted areas that have been l. e, a designated as it saves, on the same time, day time, and has witnessed mass bombardments, where agriculture lands, residential houses had been destroyed. the alongside with full siege being and pros and evacuation centers and schools in that part of the territory were different
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from us. the rest campaign has been carried out by relatively what we have been discovering off to the is very with the girl with of pharma. she felt hospitalized . the new victims have been buried in mass graves inside the she felt hospital showing how much atrocities were made by the has really made a treat in the medical come bounce and we'll have more on that in just a moment. before i let you go talk, i want to ask you about a, you're standing reporting for us in rough. uh, i understand that most of the trucks are actually still coming through the roof of crossing despite another line, crossing a sense of leaving open well to now what we have been receiving can to southern parts of the gaza strip in terms of how you'd have been allowed to get into the territory throughout both board is rough and curb side. of course, thing of the south israel keeps, it keeps saying that they are about to open a new cross thing in order to allow for the flow of these a humanitarian chromeboys. but yet, the, the, the amount of bits are getting to the another in desperate parts of the gaza strip is this to on sufficient?
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and what we have been observing is that these very minute 3 has been allowing for more commercial trucks to get into the gall district. um, its a very specific and limited number of the humanitarian. a chromeboys have been allowed to enter that charge for you in order to be later distributed by humanitarian organizations in gauze on we clearly remember that the majority of the church we had been doing for difficult days, but within the positives, we have what? missing a slight increase in terms of such a which reflected relative mitigation and humanitarian condition. we talk about them with a very nice just for us from the ground and rough himself and goals up. thank you. tire. well, as topic was just telling me about moving 2 weeks of to is really forces withdrew from the aisle chief of hospital. the full extent what happened is that during a 14 day cj, it's still being uncovered. and now the mass grave has been found in the compound. doctors say they saw patients being killed, honey, my phone reports. now from rafa in southern dawson,
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it's identified from the smallest details by those who knew them. these bodies will no longer be nameless sort of fee, and that's kind of the larger size. since it, i've been monitoring the process of assuming bodies from this mass grave. i came and found my mother's body, which identified by distinctive marks on our feet. how's the officials discovered this mass grave in the courtyard of a ship, a hospital in gaza city? it's one of several found in the grounds of gauze as largest hospital in the last few days. the doctors will say to witness the killings knew exactly where to look. we've been coming for the past 10 days to a treat bodies. today we found the largest number 15 of patients who suffered injury and a lot of them really forces conducted a 2 week rate on god the biggest hospital that ended on april. first,
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it was severely damaged and is no longer functioning. these really armies say that battled with palestinian fighters inside, but many patients were also clearly among the victim. nearly 400 bodies have been recovered, sent in on the old, me know, hold on. when to show today, we came here to treat the bodies of the victims who were buried in this mass grave . while the occupying forces were inside the chief of medical complex. my mothers among the victims who were buried to you by these rang the occupation forces on the 4th and further north and beat lie you. the corpses of a 20 palestinians have been also on earth. local people say is really forces executed the 4 months ago in the north of the strip. these bodies will now receive a proper burial. what is rated troops to plan more attacks in the south. and even more vieira cut off by southern gaza. as well as will cabinet to reconvene for the day and the coming out as,
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as it decides how to respond to runs unprecedented attack. tyrone find hundreds of missiles and drones to with israel on saturday. it says the attack was retaliation for destroying comments, consulate and damascus. 2 weeks ago, the tree officials say that israel will respond when it sees fit. we all could always be assessing the situation. we remain at the highest level of readiness, united way to face the consequences for its actions. we, we choose, always spawns. accordingly, the idea remains ready to crown through any slit for milan, and its still prophecies as we continue our mission to defend the state to visit for fallacious that speech. among kahn, he's an occupied east tourism. and while i believe we all still yet to hear from the war cabinet today, that's out 0 at the meeting. it hasn't actually begun. but this will be the 3rd
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meeting in 3 days, which goes to show you the serious negotiations must be taking place. and serious discussions must be taking place about any potential retaliation on iran veritax that came as a result of these ready attack on april. first in the consulate in damascus. now um uh we are hearing from the hod right fall right, ministers. um and the coalition members of the coalition who say nothing short of a massive attack in the sense of tyrone is going to satisfy them. the americans, all important pressure on these right, these we know this because they told me publicly about it's saying that the defense of israel was a victory, and that was actually enough. any responds, the israel does needs to take that into consideration. there's a lot of leads coming out and this meeting. so let's see what happens in the coming out. but again, the one pass and we haven't heard from his department is open to been that and you know, he's remain silent on all of this. we don't know where he's leaning towards what
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he's going to be signed. clearly he is waiting until he's got some sort of consensus. he's still looking to build an international coalition against iran. if he does that, he manages to do that. that'll give him a political cause of any strike against it wrong, but that's not going to happen any time soon. so like we say that meeting in 3 days will be very intense negotiations off going on. oh, certainly even your relations from that when it does take place. and when i see in the meantime the security must have been via has announced sometimes to crack down on jewish support for the palestinians. so that's, that's a ride. what the uh, the bar vend give a has done is put in place. a task force that's going to stop is riley activists from entering the occupied westbank and highlighting abuses by these are the army and other things that they know they've done in the past before. and they rig they do on
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a regular basis. but this little of the sense of loss doesn't actually apply just to is ready activists. it can be applied to foreigners as well. the laws are already in place. um, this is just effectively enforcing them. he doesn't have to pause and use those. uh these, what was the order in place? most famously, they've been applied to the international solidarity movement. it was an international organization, very active in the 2 thousands that used to come into the occupied westbank and try and shut down his ready military operations. there's 3 key laws here that will be enforced. firstly, when you come in to is ready territory. say for example myself coming in by the airport or a line crossing. one of the questions of last few is all you got into the occupied west by that. what use, why don't divide obviously, i would to it, you have to on say yes i am. that's part of the reason i'm hit. if the lie about that, then that puts you in the, against that particular low. so there's
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a low low is already in place for this and he's just simply enforcing them. now. very interesting dynamics that am on con and for us with alexis from occupied these truths. and thank you, i'm wrong as well. some more on those tensions between israel and iran, we've been hearing from the uranium president abraham. right. see, he's told the mirror of council that tyrone will respond to any is really attack against its interest or on foreign minister has also wanted israel of an immediate response. how much an onset vision is ready ration you make some mistake. this time around the response as around some other trick them on does announce will not be minimal, the media, and so the next 5 best. let's talk costs on that goal. so jabbar is she joins us live now from tyrone. dosa need is the taking on surprisingly strong position, but what else have you been hearing from government officials? the. busy well, the rating for administer jose, and i'm here after law young had 9 at least 9 phone conversations with say a,
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his various counterparts throats at the world. and he also spoke with the head of the un, antonio gutierrez on monday evening, and he highlighted iran position. and he said to antonio gutierrez, thats the failure of the united nations security council is the reason iran launched operation to promise against israel the u. n. chief urge restraint and he said that the attack on the runs consulate section in damascus was a violation of international law. now, the uranium foreign minister isn't the only one who's been pushing that the full amount of lines and relationships, the uranium president abraham, right. you see received a phone call from the am your of cuts are on monday, evening shift. i mean, 6, i mean, big time it all, sony told ever him. right. you see that iran, iran is actions were appropriate. so he said that if they can base
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a clear message to everyone, the position here is a, if there is an attack against iran by israel in the coming days, iran will not hesitate to respond almost immediately. there on step duty for administer ivory, spoke to state tv on monday evening, and he said that this time our response will be in seconds, not days. and there would be no warning or a discussion prior to any kind of or response that iran would have for israel. joseph jabar right there with alexis lyons for us from new radian capital. thank you to as well we cannot bring into runs or com on. he's an associate professor at the university of tori and he joins us now from the thailand capital rather than lorenzo. i want to get into some of the strategic thinking that's going on right now in iran and israel. let's start with carol on from the rest of the week. we've been hearing it sounds like a rums keen to avoid regional escalation would also feel that con, to forward to seeing wage. so yeah, so let's say that so many of the numbers that the witness, i said,
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our own president of but many others are not unprecedented. so is there any forest where bumping silver and conference like lebanon and syria, those of time without mention, they also sent ational counselors, uranium engineer, so assigned to so jen browser. and also just putting a virus is like so stuck next step towards the virus. and that was created by the authorities to sabotage booklet upfront, send me around your, on itself and software number. all. so what's the, launching a number of of their own? so our gaze is ready for me. tone or your daughter. so for me, right. and i've trained for you since back in 2020 and you throw lives software, plenty all solve nissan, of tax from 11 on from you. and so what has changed is not what i was mentioned. what is the change is the global and region of the order. and this comes from the frame of fi almost completed will be the ration of the sweep and disease within this context. that position can place both of the range on and this is really a positions and approaches who the relation to his role is really attacks
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a random consulate for a night and save that because they wanted to deflect the global a thing from uh, from my god zion, the wanted to force around to respond with a retail nation that would have the strength, and they may be tyree and the political support of the us. for he's, well, when i'm what regional level he's already posted before the 1st time since the time of now said and saw arrival that since william to confronted me literally and just either on bottom supports us. because of course, the role of the us as a 14, is there a lot there in our lives. some cold been proxies that i think that is a very safe place that i'm to understand what we are discussing here in u. m. and the rock and level and see that they have demonstrated their ability to struck the distract. got significantly mean they are to the american and his reading, pressing the region. so all the rest of the situation, even that wednesday. so we'll get to the border regional context and just a moment, but from what you're saying it sounds like,
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do you think much of israel's thinking here is about rallying us support at a time when washington has been increasingly critical of israel is approach to the war and goals that if that is the case, what do you expect from them in the coming days? what do you think the will cabinets kind of do i think that in the coming days that they will uh try to get the best out of the situation. not that the moment. so once i get there once again to support the whole west and compress the, i think that they will wait for of we've worked on and everything tracking, i guess they, ron, so account. i'm for originally issue more in general. uh, with that said that the western countries are making huge force and investing must have funds sold. that for a large part of all of these regions is managed by these baltic origins, which are certainly um, full for the development only the least in society. but that very useful for their needs. so the us and these are our life experience of so they meet the least that they are defense. that is one of the tools that is uh, is he was that people could reminding you what the, what the full my is the ready june, out of one side, the,
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to me come over and the workspace really, i'm boss up in washington once it's set up why don't american facebook page in order to defend west and democracy less than freedom the most for sending me the least? i'm theater. i mean there's the mindset by large that you see very often you can you very often. and once again, this a general attendance was in western cover, those lorenzo campbell, they're an associate professor at the university of turn. thank you for sharing the thoughts with us here on the news. thank you. a will to palestinians have been killed in the village of care, but also we don't need a novelist and the occupied westbank, the palestinian. we often use agencies reported that they were shot quite as rarely such as out the square off and violence follows the disappearance of a 14 year old settler, whose party was found on saturday. let's speak to where we tell them to joins us now from ramallah and the else replied westbank for the situation. it feels like it has an escalating central time. but can you give us a sense of what tensions are right now? but it's been yet another nights,
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another nice and assuming the endless perfect process of rates and secular attacks in the west bank. now the raids that we know of so place and then jeanine and calculate until cover him and, and have grown as well amongst other places. and the settler attacks that we're aware of happens in the bethlehem area in the south with the area. and in the hebron area as well, since the body of the is ready set low was found last week that's being detectable explosion in secular tax on palestinians with groups of settlers going round villages but and caused binding houses and killing people that were being full, palestinian dest, since friday, that comes on top of a periods that is already seen hughes, the elevated levels of secular violence against kind of sydney, and it's been detected,
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be no tubes beat observed by the united nations. they say that since october, the 7th, that would be more than $700.00 attacks on, on kind of settings of the west bank by settlers. that's a for, that's for a tax. on average day 16 kind of sydney ends up being killed. now. these ready governments and the defense ministers, the warning against a settler vigilance he isn't. and he says that they has deployed more troops to the west bank, but that's no help for the palestinians. because often they say that the, that the troops prevent the secular attack, sometimes it de join in with the settlers in interacting palestinians. and also when this, when this kind of some of these try to file charges against the settlers for these attacks. well, it doesn't go very far. 9394 percent of them. never reach any serious prosecution
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or we tell them to stay on the ground for us with all the nicest formula in the occupied westbank. thank you. laurie the and widespread flooding and alon has left at least 18 people dead. in one incident, a call carrying 10 children and the drive was swept away. violent thunder storms, heavy rain and strong winds have caused flash flooding. thousands of people have been evacuated as a precaution. boat. heavy rains have also hit the united arab emirates, and you're buying motorists were forced to abandon their calls on major highways as roads that flooded as you see. flights and you binds national april 12th busiest. if international travel has also been disrupted, is released especially 3 people have been killed in afghanistan. off the heavy rains triggered, flashed, loving that to move and 27 people have also been injured by the flooding,
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which has damaged hundreds of homes and even cause routes to collapse. well, f as in fox is in the studio to explain all of this for us. f, as in this feels incredibly unusual for the region. yeah, you'd have to say it is unusual. it's going to be the and the spouse you, we do normally see some faces afraid at this time and use the end of the rainy season. we do have a friday season, different goals, and then we get about nothing until around november. so based on you were supposed to look at the satellite pit, so you can see the huge, less of cloud in and around the gulf, the heaviest, right, to the south of how that to the south of us here in content. although we have seen some right here, in contrast as well, take me to the north of the country where we saw around 32 millimeters of frame in the past hour. but the west just weather has been across the u. a 6. our total overnights. $44.00 millimeters of rain for 24 hours. we've seen 60 full of millimeters of right and compare that to the monthly average, which is around about 30 millimeters. we are looking at
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a huge dollar back. i'm very mind, but that is the annual rifle. 94 millimeters a frame, so that's about 8 months west in the space of just one day. so it has inevitably close widespread flooding. while that's huge, have we seen the west of it so far? i do think the worst of it is that, but we will see some showers here and cottage just around the southern end of the gulf. he was the main and you'll just see what's happening. so you have a cloud is making its way away from the gulf. got a little bit closer and you can see that we are looking at that west to whether the heaviest showers the bright yellows on that chart. making the way slowly but surely for the a strength of them is still saying some live the south. but even here on top of kata, for the remainder of today, we could see for the showers that whatsoever, then makes his way out of the way. as we go one through, wedding stay bright, this guys do come back him take a look at the, the broader page and it is a by 1st day that went to weather was making his way across the iran southern parts of afghanistan. i'm a grassy, see that pulling out of the way. as i said, right, fine study by the end of the week 31 celsius as usual,
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just as the makes me question, i vote and umbrellas website and the student. thank you very much for that. i'm moving on now and a straight in police tracing knife attack on a controversial religious be that a sydney charge. as a terrorist act, at least 4 people were injured when a man lunged at a bishop mid service on monday. hundreds of right place within deployed when the bishop support is gathered at that charge. jacob brown, the 4th, it's a data center. it's an incidence that shops not only church go is but those batching, the service, live online. bishop my memory, a manual of the orthodox the syrian church attacked while delivering his monday summon, members of the congregation, overpowered the suspect. immediately after a 16 year old boy has since been arrested in the hours of to the attack, a crowd of 100 seeking revenge, gathered outside the church,
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totaling bricks and bottles, wounding police and preventing officers from taking the team outside. the incidents took hours to bring under control church and local leaders have pleaded to the car. number of house been damaged that broke into a number of houses to gain weapons to throw at the place to try and weapons on the autumn at the churches. so it was obviously people that wanted to get access to the young person who has control of injuries to the quote. you got said, this is a menu the ship mom already a manual is a car, is mastic and controversial figured with a significant online following. he was an outspoken critic of cobit 19 luck downs, and is known for preaching n t l g b t q views police side. the attack was religiously motivated to waive the late elements that satisfied in terms of religious motivated extremism. 10 years ago,
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his church reportedly broke away from the main syrian church of the east. up to the bishop was excommunicated of the c, a logical differences. the attack comes just days after a mass staffing at a sydney shopping mode which lift 6 people that this is a disturbing incident. there is no applies full balance in our community. there is no applies full violence extremism. we police loving nation. police are continuing to investigate. the attack is most is while across to the good ship, a judge has published a statement denouncing any retaliation. jacob brown, l. g 0 a while still a head here on al jazeera revel sizes in man law say they repel the government attack, attempt to take back
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a town on the border with thailand the hell out. we got a big change in conditions across the east and the southern part, so up here, lot of cloud pushing its way for the southwards and east. was that it's going to cool that is going to turn a good deal. went to as well. say this a long way the system running out to the western russia at that. of course you cried all the way into northern parts of italy. area of life pressure has developed here as well. and that's going to bring some live to show as long as spells of freight and across northern areas. obviously with some snow, either the else pushing across the world in their accounts. whether the 2 across a good positive ball constructing down to the solid mentally. and it's a central pos of the mediterranean, who's that cool? they're just coming in across northwest and pa. so normally when making you feel rather chilly then for london, that just such a degree celsius, just about getting up and double for just the for edinburgh. and that's the sort of number we've been looking at for the life of bell. great. and progressed over the next couple of days. so big change for you. 20 item bell. great on tuesday
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afternoon. and we're struggling to get us to double figures. by the time it comes to wednesday, that cloud and rain stinking for the southwards and east was loyalty, dry and warm and sunny across c library and peninsula almost $72.00 across the northern parts of africa, wanting car at 37. so it's just a little cooler, full fast. i mean, most shy was continue for the gulf, which gives me the individual. now more the us army use the highly toxic her with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later. it's the same house in the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the case for 2 women fought for justice. i guess some of the most powerful forces in the world, the people versus agents orange analogies. 0300 years ago,
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the melodies, the full season, the celebrated, the natural world in stages of the, you know, his music has been re composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency culminating, and the disturbing like performance in south korea this nokia or of so on al jazeera news the welcome back to watching i was a 0. let's remind you about top stories for sound and as really strike his musk in
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north and also one passenger skills and 11 office window emergency team scrambled to rescue. survive is kept under the rubble in the also correct area. many of those injured in the a time when in children is around the army chief says the country will respond after around 5 hundreds of missiles and drones towards israel on saturday. these really will cabinet will meet in the coming hours to discuss how to respond. widespread flooding and i'm on has left at least 18 people dead, including 10 children and thunder storms. heavy rain and strong winds cause to flash flooding. thousands of people have been evacuated as well. so me on, on our rebel 5 to say they've repelled the government, attempt to take back me a warranty. a town on the border with thailand, the grand national liberation army which sees the cape town last week says the danger has passed from the border with thailand. tony chang report that the soldiers from the curriculum is cooper columbia. satellite the flag of
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ma'am uh, in the town of near worthy in its place, they hoisted the colors of the current national union. confident this new territory is firmly under the control of underneath the. ready the whatever, and with that there are no worries about the jump to return and since we received the news of their advance caught them, we've been vigilant and we felt them that we managed to destroy one tank and 3 transport trucks in the me and my military suffered injuries and retreated. parts of the town has suffered badly of the 6 weeks of intense fighting in the wreckage, a brigade, 275. the military's law stand the spoils of war. but the current leadership came to stress. this is a victory shed amongst all the resistance groups. we need unity and then we make it step by the side with the other mission. and then we work together with other group by core data type to, to the military. the military turn to appear to be on the bank,
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but even the annual um forces day parade took place under the cover of darkness this year and where they found divisions amongst the ethnic comm is in the past. now that seems to be units that we might as a booth diverse country and some people who appear this is diversity as a weakness in all around pollution. but actually diversity of sprint, tile pulses remain on high and the, the primary concern is the violence doesn't spill across the board. for decades, the town of milwaukee has existed in a very fine pile, a balance on the one side. yeah. and the com is on the other, the military, across the board, a thailand generating huge income from trade. but even the fighting hasn't stopped . that's due to free alcohol and cigarettes on sale from food like is emilia worthy books has been passed across the rules of res. why tony chung out a 0 on the time. yeah,
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my border software is president units of joe has addressed his apologies. recent election defeat during the cabinet meeting. union says he humbly accept the public sentiment reflected in these last column entry elections. this was his 1st public remark off to the opposition democratic party wants a landslide victory last wednesday. the prime minister and other government officials have resigned following not to see to me is uh, one of the most iconic symbols of the philippines. but a government program tends to phase out around $200000.00 of the vintage vehicles. and that's for vote. a strike by drive is through say, they simply can't afford new trucks. bottom below reports, not from the capital another. and the police that's after extending the deadline repeatedly. philippine president, britain and marcus junior says this one is final. excuse me, drivers must join cooperatives or work under corporate management by april 30th.
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it's the 1st step in the government's effort to face out the old warrant out transportation vehicles. but some drivers oppose the modernization program. i mean, the, you should be helping us filipino as president marco's, why are you favoring foreign business the today's strikes to demand that the government allowed them to replace or repair do, jeep nice without losing their operators licenses. these are what are the philippines most recognizable cultural symbols, the drivers are protesting because their rate is still eventually van is. but an even bigger worry for them is that they lose their income and independence. if the government both ahead with new rules regulating gives you rules that some other g b union leaders like once a company and you say are acceptable after the marcus administration approved up with a jeep nice by local manufacturers. somebody out of the big ones with the corporate to corporate setup is good for fleet management. the dispatch of vehicles will follow
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a schedule and drive is one to have to compete for passengers and some of our the one victory. the under motors was ready 5 years ago with a prototype that meant the government's use standards, spacious air condition with a clean, arranging this. i mean the government for the more than just me, beautiful or, and the unified and perhaps just as important. it routine to look up the traditional philippine jeep needs, but up until the tip hoover, last year, the government had pushed for many buses to replace jeep needs. now, competitors are building their own lead up to date. jeep needs, including electric powered ones, transport officials say more than 80 percent of the drivers are now in cooperatives or employed by the businessman. what's tracking drivers say if they can paralyze public transport now, taking them off the streets permanently could leave millions of filipino stranded warranty. below l g 0, meaning the pockets. dawn is tossing a 2nd phase of
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a controversial plan to the port. hundreds of thousands of african refugees living in the country of a half a 1000000 undocumented off. can nationals have been expelled already since last october? the government now is extending its deportation. planned to include many of gowns who hold pockets. tony documents the they will be to move in 40 years since we migrated to pucky stone. many of us would bone here. we have businesses here many a working as labor as it would be very difficult to return to a country where there is no education, no health facilities and no work. also security is our major concern for that. now jury selection has begun and donald trump is so called a hush money trial. it's the 1st a full criminal trials that the former president was facing as he can pay in store tons of the white house christian spring. the reports fell from washington from new york city. the former president donald trump arrived admin hadn't district court on
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monday for jury selection. in the 1st of 4 criminal trials he's facing. as usual, he wasn't shy about expressing his opinion. the the $34.00 charges against him stem from a $130000.00 payment made to this one, the former adult film star notice stormy daniel. she says she received it in the run up to the 2016 election to buy her silence about a sexual encounter which trumps denies ever happened. but pain. daniel's itself is an illegal. the crime is the alleged attempt to disguise it as a payment for legal services. you can pay harsh money. this is america. if you want to pay someone to not speak and not talk about it, that's okay. as long as they are consenting to it,
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the crime comes in is the way these payments were characterized in 2 different places, both in the trump organization. and in michael cohen this record, the president's former fix or lawyer michael cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations related to those payments in 2018. here is trump speaking to reporters on air force one earlier that dear over cohen and daniel's testimony will be key to the prosecution's case. other potential witnesses include karen mcdougal, the former model, whose claim of an affair with trump was also silenced. and former white house insiders like who picks and kelly and conway,
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before the prosecution can begin presenting its case. they and the defense must agree on 12 jurors who will just size the president's guilt or innocence. that process alone could take days or even weeks if found guilty, the former president could face jail time. the expected appeal would likely drag into next year after the election. kristin salumi al jazeera new york. well, it's running now to the latest developments and practiced on which is tossing a 2nd phase of this controversial plan to the port hundreds of thousands of background refugees living in the country. we cannot seem to have corresponding tomorrow hi to he's in london hotel, north west in pakistan, that's very near the border with us kind of strong. come on on some. this has been in the works for some time. can you talk us through the scale of this as well, just to give you an idea,
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edward back in 1979 december window. right. you're not good. patient portez came into of wellness on deck for millions of offers on record. gave feel free to pocket on some way and do a drawn. and since then, most of them have lived the state and focused on many of their families have established business, says that children were born at all, much to a generation. every now living in pa gets on so lot death. the buckets on the government decided or loved ground refugees, particularly the unregistered one, had to leave the country. they gave them a very short notice. but given the fact that there are 1700000 non registered annual were almost 1500000 registered up runs in the country. it was going to be a difficult dodge, but dies is now moving at the state, the base rent. and the 2nd phase is going to be different goods by name, motion, or trip for many people who are living with
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a heavy hard because they don't know what to expect. on the other side. they don't have any investments on the other side. they don't have any property and they don't know what really happened to that goes or have to get an education because many of them were studying everything focused on. so indeed, the controversy credible by the government of august on despite the objections from the united nations, i commission for refugees on human rights organizations, colonial very close to the board. so let me ask you a little bit about what it's looking like then now, particularly a timing. it feels like operations have been ramping up today. why now? as well uh, actually for the past few days and given the fact that it was drama done. uh, also the holidays. a lot of people who are tried your day good one days to stay as long as they can. but now that day they go what ramadan at all, and the government is determined that these people have to go back. so we are now
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beginning to see, but on the move one small, small height of the, with a very nice just for us from north west and pack us down near the ask on board it. thank you. come on a jury in the us state of new mexico is handed down an 18 month present sentence to the chief weapons handler that was working on the attic baldwin film rust kind of gutierrez was found guilty of involuntary, non scotia and the depth of cinematography lena hutch and she was basically shots when at the alec baldwin fi live round from the prop gun during the phones production and 2021 old. when we also it's done trial of the non scores that in july he's pleaded not guilty. i will still head here on elders here will tell you why game ranges and broadway office and 8 elephants with live tracking device. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by
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the the fucking back. so many students around the, well, the school year is almost over, but for some tools and northeastern through dawn, it's just beginning. it's now been a year since fighting between the national all me and the power military route. that support forces broke out, getting tens of thousands of people just basing millions more. and for the 1st time schools in red c state have reopened. and i'm involved has the story from the city of ports to the or anything the school bell for the 1st time, you know, get in this conflict with them. country is an activity files saves your forty's behind the decision lock or not. and then on the fat and then we have decided to reopen schools today, april 14th,
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across the entire rest of the state. so the education can continue the ways being sites, the tremendous challenges. but we have managed to succeed thanks to the cooperation of every one that it hasn't to be an easy task. because a 118 schools across the state. tough being used to house thousands of displaced civilians who fled fighting in other parts of so then many of them had to be located on the other hand that economically my body. so after that we continue to dedicate some schools for the id piece, and we provided tents for the id piece that had to be moved by the students will have to share the available schools by rotation. i found out that the cds, the national in front of the state governor. these are students say they feel proud of people who used a bail school is the 1st and the outside the country to reopen,
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following a get of no education the the so that all about how well it because of the conflict, the high school diploma exams weren't organized, this has deeply affected students. we all few that we wasted an entire year of our life while animal pull the say, the last number that is with the had, i'm extremely happy about a school is reopening. we've wasted a whole year sitting at home. we want to vote and for security to return to our country and for all students to go back to the schools and universities for the millions of students in other parts of the country. it's not just clear if some of the decisions with some be taken, but it is very unlikely, at least in the states of thought for court to find comfortable and to 0. well, there are no signs. the fighting is about to and how much fun. 042 them. the game ranges and broadway offers in age. addison's with real time tracking colors to most
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of the movements this project and the one get national park comes as dangerous confrontations for humans become a common medium that has all of this is one of 8 and lessons at one given national park, and it's being fitted with the tracking content is the animal is identified using drones and by ranges on foot patrols. it's in dr. to sedated in the color in school . with these calls, they said he told him when they told him into can actually purchase the mips. it's october locations with the end of funds. what also is attracting telephones even outside the, the, the pug, most off of them, bob, who's a $100000.00 elephant population, live in this was of, but they about growing their habitats and, and now encroaching into communities. as the animals search for food and water. gideon, do they was trampled by innocence while holding cattle at my body village 3 years ago. his knee was broken in, in getting into
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a someone is that it is painful. i'm no longer able to work for my family. i can go to the field and left him a casual. my wife has to do most of the choice. before the taxes were installed, they would know early warnings to a load. the judges and elephants had left the protected area. we have been able to use these types of benefits to take elephant as an electronic fence with the moment to get out of the designated area. we're able to pick that from checking the colors, and then deployed. attracted to the splines units to go and scared them back into the pack, and also send any warning systems to the community to avoid fit in the areas where the elephants go. last year and this is killed. 63 people in zimbabwe. polk ranges are hoping the gps colors will provide one way to minimize home to both
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humans and animals. come back and i'm familiar oh to 0. well, that's spring and luck wants to fully. he's a communications officer at the international funds animal welfare and baldwin can joins us now from harry. like what i want to ask you a little more about something for me to mentioned in her report that these elephants are leaving these parks and protected areas, especially if human development is also encouraging on this space. do we have a sense of actually how much time they spend outside these protected areas? it is very much just all these uh jesus use uh the issue of the ass all the issues in the communities around the area. i barely uh to be done uh to see how much time in the car being offered uh for the area. uh,
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i need to use the full body news. uh with the time higher speed. the frontier to area is. uh, one of the, 05 deep uh is i see. all right. uh, the, quite a bit of a lot of, uh, frontier to get it. uh, look why i understand that a damn has also been approved to be developed. just less than 50 kilometers outside the pock. presumably that might also change things for the other funds. how much a wildlife considerations taken into account when it comes to infrastructure decisions by the government? a yes, this is a, the destruction by the national at best the use of it. i mean, do you make it about best buy people? uh the uh,
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the pause fast for me is not is uh, call you back to try to reset the info for you to my files to get page. so when you walk in here, i love, well, just briefly, i want to ask you about the scale of the elephant population we have seen. i know the government has previously even considered calling elephants. there was a program, most of exporting elephants from long day, sending them to amusement parks in china. how is that over population issue now being dealt with so do you circle fi guys? so i use the use of agencies in the
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power in the body. i thought if i don't use it for me for the, for maybe your a probably by the see we're waiting for your use for these uh, i was actually the full uh the id the video i did you try the product by probably the name of the right behind the telephones and to humans, i'm afraid we'll have to leave it the but luck, most affiliate from the international funds, the animal well friends and, but we thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us here. and i'll just here will be a little bit claim has been let in greece as it gets ready for it's 5000 columbus
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a johnny defronzo ahead of the games in paris laser this year. tom size and has the detail the, the, it's a tradition going back to 1928. we've seen some memorable moments over the years as the olympic quadrant gets led to signal the source of the olympic games. but how did it get there in the 1st place? it's a journey that stops in southern greece. and on tuesday, the torches lit says it in books on his journey to the south coast of france and must say, it's an ancient greek tradition but goes back centuries. the sun's rays reflect from the mirror to produce the flame they could do in a more simple way. but the idea is to show the link between fashion games, which happened here. we started here 2800 years ago, and the modern games which were recreated at the end of the 19th century. 48 performance take part in the castle, the reverse 13 minutes ceremony before the torches taken on the 10 day relay,
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3 grease. i think that bring something really nice and motions for this magical moment to go to magic a moment every time that we hear the pray to apollo and we see the, the flame coming out from that closure. and this is the ship that will then take the torch to fronts. the pelham was built in $1896.00 the same year. the 1st ball newland picks was staged in athens. it's one of the last see where the ships of her kind. where very proud to, to can carries a flame for the 1st time by the sea and the movies as she by said. so is going to impact the world about the history of the, from the link between greece on friends and falls, the ecological way of a tron spelt about such. and if i'm psycho, or then explain to the is the torches re space, it's going up. mount everest, it's even going underwater trying to tell where it's jenny,
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lies this year. as it set sail from the greek capitals, put per reyes on april, the 28th come size and out a 0. well that's it for me and the stones you today for this news that blower kind of will have much one years for you and just a moment and i will see you off to that to stay with us here on to 0. the unique perspective, everything is political. you can, must stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on heard voices, we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's home us. it's right here. and right now the stream announces era is the latest news as it
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breaks around, han has given a cause. that's great, but it does come out in large numbers. the guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world . people have told us the circumstances is even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have in thailand. defamation is a criminal. understand critics. a powerful people are using the quotes to silence with the lowest 101 east investigate. so allegations that defamation cases are being used to bring to mutation and concealing corruption. speaking up in time 9 o 20, the killing of al, just return it as shooting of the hawk. there was not an isolated event. it highlighted the whole question of press freedom of turn in a skilled one doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction that the
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terms of the 0 world looks at the number of journalists killed into occupied palestinian territories, which has increased dramatically during the war on god and at the problems of holding any one accountable for the death. shooting the messenger went out to 0 the ago as pulls alive from the rumble of 2 in his way. the strike hits the giovanni a refugee camp and gone. so one person is killed at 11 of those images. the color them or kyle, this is out. is there a lie from go? ha, also coming up is where i was. little cabinet is set to hold at the meeting as the


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