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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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as to combat criminal guns and sign tubing, ice, cried ken, president, daniel nebo, and convinced ecuadorian to approve the constitutional performance to expand police and military power. follow the story on out tuesday around the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on the put on them. and this is the news out live from the coming off. in the next 60 minutes, dozens of people are killed and gaza as many military targets. several areas in the north and south of this trip. the waiting game continued this as wells will, cabinet meets the 3rd time and as many days of how to respond to yvonne's weekend attacks on the front line. we're in eastern new claim,
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which would say they need move resources to finish off renewed russian attacks and wildlife ranges and bob roy tons of new technology to track addison's as well as trying to reduce the risk of people being killed in sports will look ahead to choose as champions the course of final size, and i found this out as back on costs and planning and assess tournaments since january. we'll let you know who's getting on is the beginning. garza israel continues its attacks across the strip. at least 8 palestinians have been killed after a police call this truck and central gauze and city ambulance took several of the wounded including women and children to hospital. full palestinians also died and is rarely showing west of alpha will than 53800 people have been killed in gaza since the stones as well as well. that includes more than $14000.00 children that's
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bringing not corresponding tiny muscle. if he's joining us, live from it off or, and how do you, but getting reports that mcguffey camp has been hit in an as try and a number of people have been killed. what are you hearing of the yes, elizabeth, we're looking at a very horrific tag. that just took place that i'm not out of the refuge account within the past 45 minutes or so. an a uh, a drone fire, the missiles, when a group of people, later on, we learned it from my witness in the area that this were a group of, of children at a playground that's uh, that was set up new york. it's a cam for this place. families and those children are regularly visiting this playground. and it just as a father of preaching to understand how, why display families would send their kids just for an hour or a couple hours just to keep them entertained and released the release, the negative energy. and then because right now,
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display families have the hardest time inside tens or inside other people's residential homes, trying to stay protected and safe. but it's, that's not the story as, as also stay and save, just to give a space to the children. so 11 the children have been killed in this attack and just one wonder what read these the children have opposed to have these really military fire, a missile, a drawing on them. 11 reported skills with more with doesn't of injuries in the area. those who at the scene of their, of the, of the talk describe her with big scenes of a children torn apart by the massive explosion caused by, by the missiles in an earlier attack. there's really military targeted a police vehicle that they believe to be a law enforcement personnel inside the vehicle. 1 tasks of, of securing the delivery of 8 through the northern parts and got the city the 8 body, then the injuries of the talk, all the transferred to a loudly baptist hospital. that's in center
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a part of garza city there. more in sub for the tax over nights here and rough or the on looks like it on the front of you comes more, more residential homes been targeted and destroyed, including a mosque in jamalia roughly is the account where people, uh, buy these tends where is the shouldering inside the malls, given the fact that there was no other place to the shelter and but 9 people were injured and one person before gets killed in death talks on the monks. honey, thank you very much for that. the honey. my full joining us live from alpha and southern gaza with the latest on that is really attacked that's killed as honeys, saying, 11 children who are playing in a playgrounds. thank you, honey. as well as will cabinet. the set to meet for the 3rd time. and as many days as ministers to base how to respond to yvonne's, unprecedented weekend attacks, around 300 missiles and attacked ones were launched. and the 1st ever direct strike on israel from yvonne that was in retaliation for the bottom of the iranian consort
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in damascus. 2 weeks ago, we all could always be assessing the situation. we remain at that with the highest level of readiness united way to face the consequences for its actions. we would choose, always spawns. accordingly, the idea remains ready to counter any for it. for milan and it still prophecies, we continue our mission to defend the state. the reason it is bringing our correspondence and tell of him home the cell who is joining us live from there . and under this has been a very divided will cabinets of the past 6 months of the war and gaza. how united are they now? the salt, quite an interesting question because the consensus is seemingly that israel will
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want to respond to it on the top. but the question is when and how israel's work cabinet will convene for the 5th time since this attack took place. so, but it's not exactly know what kind of consensus they will come up with earlier today or cabinet administer. benny gans was speaking, saying that there needs to be some sort of international coalition, not just regionally, but globally in order to come back to hit on these are his words. he said that there will be some sort of his really response at a time and place of israel's choosing, which is similar to what we've been hearing from defense officials like me is really army, chief of staff. and these really are res spokesperson. daniel, how garry, who we spoke earlier today, i had a military base in front of the remnants of some of those. it only and ballistic missiles that were fired into is really air space. but how exactly israel is going to respond is still unknown. but the consensus is clear that israel is planning some sort of a task or i time to thank you very much for that. that's home. the son who's
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joining us live from tennessee lorenzo. com that is associated professor at the university of to run and he's joining his life on the italian capital. roland, thank you for your time. so as, as well considered as its options, the us that you are trying to impose more sanctions on. yvonne, why do you think that that is what they're considering? when ron's attack was a response to the deadline is very bowman of its confidence in damascus. and didn't pay us try to push the crest of me or just tossed and producing essential on your arm and those other actors. this happened in the frame of the spring conference, the international, my thought of fun, which as recently increase the loan program for the regime of cc an agent energy and which is well known for massive violation of human rights and much more. so this tells us something you're on the as of 5 solid economy and it's already subject to over 4000 direct the under the assumption so,
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and was able to normalize to shape 5 before size 911. 0, yeah. many iraq and syria and so dismissed the new sanction. my wouldn't make any difference bubble nice. remarkable is the balance right? well, so i would say the bias logic of caring for new assumptions. the steps us rules based older. so for this frame dice only for a better studies when israel, the attacks they run and comes with know what that you just mentioned in damascus. last april. the 1st, the normal of western companies come down to talk or endorse the dimensional by the united nations. on the other end, when you run, try them and then kind of delta out of retaliation. that was, well, the pre plan that was well known western companies where intervening, quite frankly, and also asking you any prevention and how has as well managed to do that, you know, it bombed and all the countries consulate and then manage to get the western world
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on it side because that country responded to the deadly attack on his consulate. i guess let me make, i probably wouldn't nuclear weapons the only country that that's used so far away from 2nd civilians, the united states and the only states so far equipped with nuclear weapons. and they're in the middle east. that is that feasible at long war and the task still today are doing so i'll dentures. i need more out is the fact that the problem can acquire nuclear weapons. both c ronnie and he is rarely a model tardies have repeatedly threatened to what they say. they are respected counselors from the face of their common sense. so this is not the criteria and the 4 digit demising and the professional nuclear weapons. so the seasonal new broad rapids tell us precisely that of course, these double standards that are there because these, let's say the original order is labs by these powers. but you are not as in golf course that this global original order is changing. also the appropriate will or in a crate and where we think is being so the bottom so power is changing and so these
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powers into accounting us about ready to date. we need to take into account the change in balance that we are discussing here. well, this identity doesn't seem to be taking that into account now, as you said, the e u e u foreign ministers. amazing, today to discuss most actions on around the u. s. is already doing as if we go back to as well. and the one guys are the, what if anything, does the expansion of this front against iran mean for as well as one, gaza. and that's a small, accurate, they're taking into account that this by their attempt to wait another direction actually their lives too. so, and we see that that's the metric a war decks, lots of things to around. uh we are we nice thing is far from being one sided in the clear picture. so you're on for you since is able to, to low i'm to make many, uh, um, damages to this uh, this order that is western countries are, are shaping in the region. then i want to say also that certainly we,
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we might ask all, we come out all of that and certainly the international community, it's a, it's the do some things that we're speaking about, buttons of power in the united nation. we see that this is quite visible and in defense as opposed to the fact that these regular parties of us starting now are starting to consider the united nation decisions and some always needed and useful . they were calling for an intervention by you, nothing nation. so this is possibilities simply because somehow we see that more and more person are starting to be to think that there is no me 30. so who shall for a politic are pretty yeah. let's go with the proposal. so we take time. yeah, let's say that we are ending got directions. mr. com. and just last week and very briefly because we are running out of time. but when you say the international community needs to do something, what do you mean by the international community? because as you said yourself, it's very divided. yes, i think that the as to notice the and the,
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and the national criminal cartoon professional career court of justice, the, the, the security council. so we are witnessing a number of dynamics that to a certain extent, were quite some in couple of them. feel a few uh, yeah, a few years ago. and also because it's important also a form of domestic perspective you're seeing within the as well. because we are both to show that the number of factors, including these are all that are asking to be met. maybe that more and more person will understand that to us as far as needed and a permanent war would pont a scene. and so i out somehow want, won't succeed then that there is only one possibility toward souls. the soul that's meaning to leave uh, safely to or top of to find the political compromise that respects policy, not the right. so i said, this is something that is very feasible for anyone willing to see. i think that the balance of power are changing and at the national level, this is also meet or at the united nation nowadays lorenzo. com. thank you so much
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for your analysis. thank you to you, ronnie and president of but i am, but i see is totally a made of caught. the is that fair on will respond to any is ready to attack against its interests around foreign ministers. also, warning is relevant, immediate response. how much in on check brushing is ready ration. he makes a mistake. this time around the response, as it runs military commanders announced will not be minimal. the media. and so the 5 basket correspondent, dolson jabari, is impaired on more on a runs reaction to the world wards continue between your reigning officials and there is really counter parts the uranium president abraham receipt, received a phone call from the mirror of katara. she's coming been home adel sony on monday evening during that conversation the mirror of cuts are expressed in their praise for the actions that iran took against israel and the mirror. it said that it
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conveyed a very strong message to everyone, the reading president for his parts at set. that's it. should israel continue at these uh, threats and make good on their threats? so they've been making against iran and carry out any kind of actions. iran will respond much stronger, and there will be a broader at response to israel than what we've seen in operation to promise the way new foreign minister has also been speaking to nearly a dozen other foreign ministers around the world at highlighting sharon's position . and yeah, same issue and further warnings saying that any action that would be taken by israel will be met by an immediate response by iranian officials. for now, there is a waiting see moved here in iran. of course, iranian officials are on high alert, waiting to see what israel will do next. but they have urged the officials in israel not to continue this kind of behavior door such
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a party l g 0. tyrone joins phonics, launch from 11 on have and get 3 is riley sanchez, these images of one of the drawings line near the israel 11 on data as many military strikes that an area near the northern city of caveats, mona, and at least one person is dead off the end is really drawn, stripe on the car and stuff 11 on the man who was killed. and the attack is believed to be a senior member of hezbollah on a hush and isn't involved law on the attack. and is ready drones target to the call on the road between 2 villages. we have 2 sides. actually, the one of the villages is i live on where we left one fast and was killed in the call. this was targeted. several people who are injured. some of them were possible eyes and then the place was close, the audio was closed and the, the, the body was removed from that, of course, the injured taken to the hospital. but of course, as we understood,
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the man who was killed, there is a sensible of a senior commander. now we don't know the identity of the person who was killed, but this is not the 1st time that is run is targeting. cause will lock them on does through drones or sometimes through the war planes. but in general, this is a was we've been saying over the past days have separate elizabeth several layers. one of these dams is targeted killings that is what is working on. i'm kind of focusing on how to eliminate as much fields till mondays of possible funds has been lost during this campaign in lebanon. a pending more, coming up on the news out, including hudson's justice for. i'm going to present those 20 years off to the us torture scandal and the rock survivors finally, have they dain cold. plus. i'm come out of high die in the mountains on the bucket
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. drawn up runners on board with thousands of on read through gates are about to be sent home against dave weight. and then what was a big day for them to mix it up with some of the heavy weight nation in that story . and coming off the ukranian president lensky has signed, and you been into no one and boosting a troop numbers for the war against russia. the new law of the clause potential conscripts to update the dasa would be associates. it also increases payments to volunteer as an, as new punishments for dodging dropped that spring in a correspondent child stratford. he's joining his life on cost in t. now it's got an eastern, new crane and this move coming charles, as you find struggles to free up more man power for it. some of the tree russian invasion continuing into
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a 3rd year. tell us about the conscription bills that president savanski has signed . that's why this bill is critically important in order to sort of supply the legal framework. ready is needed for a lot of construction, ukrainian government, ukraine, military se is needed for a mobilization as soon as possible. western intelligence agencies, the credit imagery, saying that they expect russian fullest about what's being described as a consumer to push potentially in the next few weeks. certainly early, some of that specific timeframes being banded around. so as you can imagine, this is very important when we forward to being told we already know that you can and he's suffering a severe manpower shortage on the front line. so just wondering for some of the provisions of this little that was signed by zalinski today. and it also was bear in mind that this has been highly controversial. the 1st version was just frozen
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out in january. that was a 2nd draft that was put forward that cost it's frustrating, but there were full $1000.00 amendments made before the 2nd reading. and that's what's been signed by zalinski. today. it includes the introduction of a mind to tree medical checks for those people who are previously helps to have only partial eligible status. um, it gives or heavily penalizes those trying to judge dropped to torch constriction. so be noted, forced mobilization for women of 18 to 25 year olds. and those conscription but basic military training. and i think it's really was emphasizing a provision was taken out of this 2nd reading and it's not being so and it's a little and that was a provision looking at the mobilization of proof of provision that previously gave
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soldiers the rights to leave to be the mobilized on to subbing for 36 months, that is being taken out and he's going to be debating separately by parliament. so you can imagine there caught a lot of people very angry about this. there's many people that you speak to soldiers at least as well. i'm the families to say that, you know, they, they've done that, but they need a rest. and again, they sort of highlights the front of pressures, the ukraine, and all the facing along the front lines. yeah, absolutely. charles, and what's the significance of where you are today? we're in cold sensitive good. the road behind me is the main road that leads to the small town of shots. if you all chance, if y'all should be reporting on now for a few wait, just a small town, just west of buck moved. that is seen some of the heaviest fighting in recent weeks . we understand that russian forces all in on the outskirts of town. and there are
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heavy ongoing bottles. this traffic that you can see behind me going up and down is mainly military, but they're all civilians living in some areas in between here and chess. if you are, we were close to chaz. if your earlier today we visited the one of the 1st stops for those that are injured, where they are basically being stabilized in that area and multiple to find a points on the drive to that area was absolutely terrified for the soldiers. and i'll send the vehicle to and that's because of the increasing use of the, of drones. this is basically become a drone wall. both sides are using the so called 1st, some vision. first person view drugs. these are weaponized kind of cause you drones, holding explosive devices that track and very accurately shaped vehicles and troops, subjects and contrasts. if y'all is a huge challenge in terms of supply lines and getting the injured out,
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the big concern, is it a chest? if you all fools, and the kremlin wants to see just if you all taken control of by russian policies by the 9th of may, the not heavily exposure is this largest city of constance. and if go where we are today, i know we're ready. we've seen an increase of shilling, so the sound of some sense of confidence and they've got in recent weeks. now in the last few days, we'll say we've been visiting various towns close to the front lines, some of which were initially occupied by watching for the beginning of the war within. we captured the boy ukrainian army in that successful initial counter offensive. we saw in the old some of 2022. these towns now being targeted again, and there was great fear among crayton, middle tree, and the civilians living in these towns that we could see as i say, russian policies pushing forward in the next few weeks or so,
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which makes these towns at great risk indeed. and this is our report. the people still live here around to thousands of them struggling to exist among the destruction. russian forces captured the town of lee mount in may 2022. the ukrainian army then recaptured the important railway help with a pretty will population of all the 20000 around 5 months later russian miss all and so cool. july boma tax. it increased in recent weeks targeting you crating positions in the surrounding forests. taking advantage of what you crane says it's potentially catastrophic. lack of width and defense. tens of billions of dollars with the ministry 80 to stop by arguments in the us. congress will not getting hit fast enough from european allies, which the intelligence ukrainian ministry say russia is now gaming women,
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so on the battlefield. sharing by russian full series of lead man and the surrounding countryside is closing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. the people still living inside lima and are afraid the russian forces could push through nearby ukrainian defensive lines. there's no running water or gas in town. the tiny afflicted in the pro before russian forces occupied the place she has lived also life, she returned. when are you crazy and allow me to control? the daughter and grand daughter went to poland. and the don't want to come back. if you go not the focus groups, she leads us into her basement. she's had to start sheltering on the ground like games couldn't use the will. of course i'm very anxious. god willing, it won't happen. we don't need them here. they should go back where they came from
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. give us back the life we had before. it was a beautiful life and we never asked anything from anyone. we had worked. we had a railway, we had a town, look what they have done to us in our life. no one lives here. now most people left and this is our land. few people come to the tiny sunday market, police check people's id, something suspected russian informers, all exams live to throughout the russian armies of the patient. because i don't want to talk about it. he says, well, he's here in the shelter of a 2 hours during yesterday's attacks, a bits. all these had to blame. in spite department, he says he's been on now more than ever valuable to attack is they tried to save lives. the sadly the shelling has recently increased the enemy of hits civilian infrastructure, residential areas destroying residential buildings, health facilities, and so civilian stuff,
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up the shutting schools. many fires we receive up to 10, call out in a given 24 hour period. there are many towns near the front lines like this one back in the cross hands of the russian army, which ukraine and its allies say is preparing for a major advance, charles profit algebra, lima bach hassan is beginning. the 2nd phase of a controversial plan to deport hundreds of thousands of african refugees living in the country of a half a 1000000 on documented ask a national so being expelled since last october, the, the government has extending its deportation. planned to include many ass guys who hold pockets, donnie documents. well, many ask ends and pocket phones, so they hot, broken and being forced to leave a place they called han. come on, hide the reports from lundy cool, todd and pockets dawn on the border with its gone as tom, a very bad creation of millions of,
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of lawns is continuing or the sturdy face. most of the people that we talk to say they're leaving with a heavy heart. they have considered focused on to be that home. they're also going to say that one is done to be that and sister at home. but they said that the government moved to push these people out. it's something that there's an acceptable because they said that even if the government go focused on wanted to send them out, it should have been get it out in a more dignified manner. well, i'll send it to them as a talk is done at the mobile and so many images of what you saw. well though we, after nations, this is the country we call home, but we were born today. it's hot breaking leaving cuz we are grateful to the people who accepted a whole alternative hold off. why do i wonder why it assume that this would be what the greatest punk has done? granted us citizenship often. we spend decades here. afghans are peace, loving people. we don't want any conflicts or war as little made victims of war, and today we are in the middle of nowhere. so right now we're in the 2nd phase of
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the pad creation. they're going to focus on has the nouns, that it is not just the unregistered. i've gone by to even dogs who have registered and have proof of residency or the other one citizenship, god, to really have to go. that of gods is thrown the future of many that if you're getting into uncertainty, they have lived in this country for decades. their children don't know any other country, like focused on their home. it is a moving experience. and many people express their dissatisfaction in the way the government has conducted this whole exercise. they say that it should have been done in a more dignified manner. international organizations have condemned focused on for sending these refugees back to a country where there is nothing but uncertainty. although the addendum dollar bond government said they would warrant the reg on. the other one says the dentist to come back to that and says, threat of home,
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the feeling had monkey of one is uncertainty. we have been dropping into some of the family enjoyed on the move on the back of the truck. it has been a difficult journey, it dig several days sometimes to raise the border. and then of course, the long way of loans are telling us that the gotten rid of buckets on should have guided out this exercise in a more dignified manner. and most of them, of course, are leaving with a heavy heart. come out of hi there. i just did all i learned because the fuck is gone. no one has done boredom. over the border and have gone to san flash floods, triggered by heavy rain, have killed at least $33.00 people. dozens, well, engine as roofs collapsed, damaging hundreds of homes, roads, farms, and live stock have also been effected. and widespread funding and online has left at least 18 people dead. and one incident, the cock hiring 10 children and they drive over swift away lawn and found the
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storms heavy. rain and strong winds caused flash lawns. thousands of people have been evacuated as a precaution. and to bind the united arab emirates, drive us with holes to abandon the cause on flight of drugs. flights have been disrupted at to by a pause. the wills, busiest for international travel to the head on the new, solemn and unholy attack in australia would have the latest on a stabbing attack in a church. and the olympic flame is doing it again as the torch begins. it's journey to paris with a she has games that's coming up and support the hello. the weather really has taken a ton for the west across east, some parts of often seen a big area of town here. what am active bus called front making its way right up
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towards the i believe the pushing through power quite using for the race with some very strong winds on this. and some big and sundry down paused with the prospect to some launch hail as well. that will continue to drive its way further northwards. edy's was part of skies to come back in behind. probably whether they're going to west in brazil, into equity will pushing across to will southern paso, columbia. and those showers extend their way up into the south of central america, mexico. it should be loud sheets for i lost you try to inter good parts of cuba, but some shout was not too far away to make it catching a shower to suspend the other thing. some pretty wet, whether we're able to mix complet dyson shells, will extend the way towards the li was the limits. on the other hand, ship a glossy try, at least for the time being stained, driving in by the slow as you try to compare these to side of the us. but bottom storms we have got to night, i warning, same force across the northern plains of the us pushing over towards the great lakes. and that will continue to push its way. but the switch, turning much cooler. meanwhile,
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across central parts of canada. but losey find dry and warm to the west of the o. well, it's a threat, but who pays the price? when are we can to clean up to new orleans more than $1200.00 for black people lost their lights? not a single rich american less than like the real cost of the climate to emergency. the most vulnerable of people who are suffering are poor people. but even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. outages here as new series dying us off to the higher can reporting from the action. how do you have a great when i'm hearing this thoughts, how is 10 or airbag content has been removed or restricted understanding? the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved,
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threatening the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click sense to the pots at the store, the the watching all of man is with a reminder of our top stores, the seller. and it's really strongly going to police caught in central golf. the city has killed at least 8 palestinians and engine many more. full palestinians also died in the spanish selling west of alpha. as well as will cabinet has set to meet for a 1st time since yvonne's unprecedented weekend attack, around 300 missiles and drawings for the watched on saturday in the 1st f,
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a direct strike on as well, from iran and ukraine's president assigned a new military recruitment tool it's aimed at boosting troop numbers as commodities phase manpower shortages for the war against russia. in northern gaza and israelis, truck on a mosque and the to body of refugee camp has killed one person. an injured 11 emergency team scramble to rescue survive as trapped under rubble and the alpha quota area. loss out of carlos has been at the attack size and your body said i want to come over one. this is why because shooting them as a whole neighborhood where the most skillful holder has been targeted yesterday night. and the simplest one bass and has been killed was released and living got injured at this place is a residential lo, i. by the way, this is the most. here is the microphones. i'm not sure we can see it displays as it can see, the surrounding old of the house is
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a residential houses and all of them destroyed as the most has been destroyed. it may just fall. i has destroyed one of the best known landmarks in denmark. the 17th century stock exchange, this famous fire was undergoing renovation in the capital cliff and hagen known as the bulls and it's thanks to the danish paul them into the old, fuzzy roads were blocked as far as for to limit the damage the building became the headquarters of the danish chamber of commerce, off of denmark, stock exchange, moved in the 1970s to me on my own. now we're rebel 5 to say the repel the government attempt to take back from y'all. why the on the board of a time that the korean national liberation army which sees the chief town last week, says the danger has now passed from the border with thailand. tony chang reports. the soldiers from the curriculum is cooper cullum in
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a satellite. the flank of mamma and the boat, a town of milwaukee. in its place, they hoist the colors of the korean national union. confident this new territory is from the under the control of underneath the you're the lot of unaware that there are no worries about the june to return it. we, since we received the news of their advance caught them, we've been vigilant and we fault them that we managed to destroy one tank and 3 transport trucks. and the me and my military suffered injuries and retreated. parts of the town has suffered badly of the 6 weeks of intense fighting in the wreckage. a brigade, 275. the military's law stand the spoils of war. but the current leadership team to stress this is a victory shed amongst all the resistance groups. we need unity and then we make it step by the side with the other mission. and then we work together with other group by coordinate to attach to the military the military gym to appear to be on the
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bank. but even the annual um forces day parade took place under the cover of darkness, the sea and where they found divisions amongst the the com is in the past. now this seems to be units that we might as a break. i was country and some people who appeared as a diversity as a weakness in all the revolution. but actually that was the sprint. tile pulses remain on high and the, the primary concern is the violence doesn't spill across the board to for decades, the town to be a lot a has existed in a very fine power balance on the one side. yeah. and the com is on the other, the military, across the board, a thailand generating huge income from trade. but even the fighting hasn't stopped . that's due to free alcohol and cigarettes on sale from food like is emilia worthy books is a big past across the roles. raise a why tony chung out
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a 0 on the time. yeah. my bowden to south korea now with the president says he humbly accepts the will of the people following his parties. landslide election to feed last week. the last by the people pal apache is seen as his toughest challenge . yet eunice came the quotes from the capital sol 6 days after voters gave the opposition a rezoning election victory over the president's people power party use on your broke. his silence will don't kill you, we'll continue our reform drive. so if a labor education pension and the medical systems and listen to reasonable opinion of the government will need to fulfill its responsibilities while cooperating more closely with the national assembly. and his words fell short to the apology of the democratic party was looking for, but they'll stay in the driver's seat with the power to reject. to use legislative agenda over the next 3 years. the opposition block when nearly 2 thirds of seats in
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the national assembly. many view use landslide law says the people's judgment against his uncompromising leadership style. you know, you've been chosen, google would hope the results of the selection would shift to you and government spawns. but his remark was unilateral declaration to continue the non communicative politics of his office as before, without any interest fiction decision. this was an election so driven by the anger of a disenchanted public that the election watchdog band green onions from pulling boots that followed the media parents by the president meant to highlight falling festival prices. it went viral for being out of touch. just as controversies involving the 1st lady remain, as prices continue to rise, hospitals across the country remain under pressure. a 3rd month of a strike by thousands of junior doctors is about to begin. a presidential aid told reporters, the president did apologize for failing to manage the people's expectations. as suggested he's not ruled out and meeting with the leader of the parliamentary
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majority party, even now with the president's party. now in emergency mode, it remains to be seen how you will work with the democrats who support. he will need to confirm a new prime minister after several senior presidential aid submitted their resignations last week. you know, skim oh to 0. so it is 20 years since i will get a present and a rock made headlines worldwide, photos of small and us soldiers pausing, but should many aged inmates close to outrage off a years of legal battles. 3 prisoners are finally managing to meet some of the interrogations in chords. john handling has the story from alexandria, virginia, and of wanting some may find the images in his report. distressing. the abu ghraib pictures tell us sordid tale of torture, prisoners stack naked in a pyramid, handcuffed on the ground, dragged by a leash, and attached to electrical wires. the soldier giving a thumbs up next to a corpse. now,
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20 years after the release of those photos of the us run prison at abu ghraib and a rock set off global outrage. 3 survivors are getting their day in court with upgrade. and the revelations i thought was happening, and i would grade that open the eyes of the united states and the world to shift away from the law and treatment of those in custody in the name of the war on terror. the survivors are suing c, a. c. on the virginia base military contractor that supplied the interrogators who worked at the prison just as had been a long delay this case has been bouncing around the court since 2008. c a c. i a has tried to have it dismissed around 20 times in 2021. the us supreme court sent it back here to district court, where it will finally go on trial. the company denies wrong doing and says its employees have not directly inflicted abuse of the prisoners, but the plaintiffs in the case say,
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the company set the conditions that resulted in torture by ordering military police to quote, soften up detainees for interrogations. there's been so little, no accountability, really for what happened at abu good god and, and beyond. i think a case of just one person is tremendously significant. among those expect it to testify. army general antonio, to a group who led an investigation into the abu ghraib scandal and former staff sergeant ivan frederick sentenced a more than 8 years in prison for inflicting abuse. john 100 al jazeera alexandria virginia for staying in the us and salvage crews have managed to remove the heaviest section of the baltimore bridge, which collapse last month. dive is using cutting torches and the power of john ships broke up the metal process. 6 repay workers were killed when a container ship lost pallet and struck the bridge. the federal bureau of investigation has opened
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a criminal inquiry into the condition. it was training and police are treating a nice attack on a controversial religious leader at a sidney church. as a terrorist attack, at least 4 people were injured when a man launched, launched at a bishop mit service. on monday, hundreds of rod flicks with deployed. when the bishop support has gathered at the church, jacob round the poles, the son, it's an incident that shops not only church go is but those bashing the service live on the bishop, my memory, a manual of the orthodox the syrian church attacked while delivering his monday summon, members of the congregation overpowered the suspect immediately after a 16 year old boy has since been arrested. in the hours of the attack, a crowd of 100 seeking revenge, gathered outside the church, totaling bricks and bottles,
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wounding police and preventing offices from taking the team outside. incidents took hours to bring on to control. the church and local leaders have pleaded, the number of house has been damaged that broke into a number of houses to gain weapons to throw at the place this fine weapons on the audience at the church. and so it was obviously people that wanted to get access to the young person who a, scroll the injuries to the quote you've got said, this is a menu the ship mom already a manual is a carries mastic and controversial figure with a significant online following. he was an outspoken critic of code, 19 locked downs, and is known for preaching n t l g b t q views police side. the attack was religiously motivated. we believe the elements that satisfied in terms of religious divided extremism. 10 years ago, his church reportedly broke away from the main syrian church of the east. up to the bishop was excommunicated of a c,
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a logical differences. the attack comes just days after a mass stabbing at a sydney shopping mall which lift 6 people, that this is a disturbing incident, and there is no applies, full violence in their community. there is no applies, full violence extremism. we police loving nation. police are continuing to investigate. the attack is most is while across to the good ship, a judge has published a statement denouncing any retaliation. jacob brown, l. g 0. hate waves bringing scorching temperatures to many parts of southeast asia . the philippines, thailand, vietnam and indonesia, among countries begging in the month long, intense heat. jessica washington reports from the indonesian capital chicata, the streets of human city in vietnam. it's a struggle for many to get through the de la. com. it's so tiring,
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pushing this car under industry feet. i'm used to the work, but with the heat, it's unbearable. the heat wave is having a widespread effect. you look a good, the whole city is under receipt wave and it's affecting life in the city. many children fell sick due to the heat. we don't have the infrastructure needed to adapt to a hospital with a yeah. it's a stimulus. seen in the philippines filipinos in manila, trying to cool down any way they can. even if we have an umbrella, the heat hits us in our faces. thousands of schools across the philippines, suspended clauses earlier this month, or switched to online learning due to the scorching heat. a daniel dry season has already started in some provinces in indonesia, which can result in more intense heat due to reduced cloud cover. side to say this month's extreme heat is partly due to the 2nd year of the all new weather phenomena,
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as well as climate change apart on january, february model. so i looked at the, this was the hottest 3 months in 100 years of old duration shows that this year is likely to reach the hardest global temperature in history. and it's likely this april will be the hottest on record to in thailand, the annual. so i'm trying to avoid the festival over the weekend. that was high temperatures in the traditional way. the time industry is public health warns that temperatures in many areas, a set to exceed 40 degree celsius. unicef ones that high temperatures and humidity this month could put children at serious risk of heat related illnesses, including breathing problems and cardiovascular 2nd, vietnam motorbike taxi right. is like millions around to region, no choice but to work outdoors all day long. i don't, i don't know. i spend
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a lot of time also in the street and this hot weather is hurting the have to say the huge isn't likely to continue for weeks. jessica washington to 0 to comes in. so they had on the news hour from happiness to heartbreak, so dramatic, not for a team, even to play champions, league footfall once again, that story is coming off. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in dubai.
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the business latest is to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the is full, she has demo. thank you, elizabeth pitts and my minutes. many sad as funds have been waiting folder, a ton of roughly on the dial. the $22.00 time grandson champion is an action right
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now in the opening round of the vacillating. i said, is that alice, that's tournament since january and assess much on clay since winning a record extending 14th franchise in tyson in 2022. he's up against it's a nissan vehicle bully and the dial has taken the fuss at 6 to of the limits which has been it increased as it gets ready for its $5000.00 comments to johnny across the country before heading to fronts. that is the games in paris late to the ship and box the final stretch of the 7 year preparations for the games, which stopped in july watched on by us. the president thomas bass creek actress, actress mary meet and the torch, the stock number relay, which will coordinate with the lighting of feel and pick flaming the french capsule at the opening ceremony. some size and has more on the history behind choose days, events the, it's a tradition going back to 1928. we've seen some memorable moments over the years as the olympic quadrant gets, let to signal the start of the and then pick games. the how did it get there in the
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1st place? it's a journey that starts in southern greece and on tuesday, the torches lit says it in books on this journey to the south coast of france and most say it's an ancient greek tradition, but goes back centuries. the sun's rays reflect from the mirror to produce the flame, like we do in a more simple way. but the idea is to show the link between sanction games, which happens here. we started here 2800 years ago, and the modern games which were recreated at the end of the 19th century. 48 performance take part in the carefully reverse. 13 minutes ceremony before the toys has taken on a 10 day relay, 3 grease. i think that brings something really nice and motions for this magical moment to go to magic a moment. every time that we hear the pray to apollo,
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and we see the flame coming out from that closure. and this is the ship that will then take the torch to fronts. the pelham was built in $1896.00 the same year. the 1st button olympics was staged in athens. it's one of the last see where the ships of her kind, where very proud to, to ken carries a flame for the 1st time by the sea on the move, as she by said. so he's going to impact the world, develops the history of the, from the link between greece on front and falls, the ecological way of a tron spots about such and they've, i'm psycho, or empty, same over the years, the torches re space. it's going up. mount everest, it's even going underwater trying to tell where it's jenny, lies this year. as it set sail from the greek capital's pool per reyes on april, the 28th come size, and i'll just 0. and the relay across the country is underway as olympic run champions to fontose. this close to receive the torch, to close one gold and the men's singles. skulls. it's like
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a 2020 and completed the traditional run to the arguments yet do keep us on the founder of the international olympic committee. killing him by his chances of winning the champions league before he leaves power as sounds a ma hanging the balance pissy or way to buffalo unit in the 2nd leg of that quote . to find out later on tuesday, the front slide must over time, a 3 to deficits if that's a reach the semi finals for the 1st time and 3 years, 3, okay. me me, i guess i think we must not exaggerate. when we're on a 27 game i'm beaten street needs. it must be full in desperation because we lose one. we must accept the defeat and congratulate bossa and prepare ourselves to compete in the best possible condition. i have no doubt we will be competitive. we want to give all fans a reason to celebrate the winners that so i will face either breast enrollment or athletic i. madrid in the 70s don't meant to trial to one going into the game, but they are high. and so the 2nd like which on the side of bidding to reach the
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last full for the 1st time in 11 years after alonzo slips off is a look to reach next season's champions. they fade through to look at the right of office loving a tooth on the frontage. that means they sit 6 and syria, 8 points behind, full sized foot long. yeah. you played one game more as alonza can still make the champions leaf. i went in the right place, a little pool 3 know going into that quarter final 2nd like the cat's house. cricket has have picked up a big windows. they look to qualify. so the asia called for the 1st time they beats neighbors, saudi arabia, by 15, runs in the premier club. the winter of the sea, 20 competition advances to next year is the show piece event, which will feature cricketing heavyweights, india and pockets, done among others. capitals victory, and i'm on means. they sits seconds in group a behind the pool. a hey and clock has chosen as number one, draw spick, and the women's and the a. the 22 year old is widely viewed as one of us college basketballs greatest
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prodigies. she's the time top score a college that the men's game will now be playing for the indiana food off fever after as decorated ad mike tyson is stepping up his training ahead of fighting jake pool in july and he's issued a warning to the social media icon the bad as mine on the planet tells these 9 pace of this video on x with the message i'm coming for you. it follows other recent paste tyson, sparring as the for past was by to pull his the cd is younger than him. the form a lot has weight champions. last flight. he withdrew that exhibition against boy jones junior in 2020 that is all of your support for now i will have another update later jim and thank you very much for that. as now finding this pollution national park ranges and by the way of fishing elephants with real time tracking colors. the aim is to monitor that the movements of the national parkway potentially facial confrontations with villages to become becoming increasingly common. found that
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a minute has more of this is one of 8 and lessons at one gig, national park and it's being fitted with the tracking content. is the animal is identified using drones and by ranges on foot patrols. it's inductive to sedated and to call it in school with these calls they so they tell him when they told him and who can actually put tuesday mips. it's october locations. we have the end of month. uh, what also is attracting into funds even outside the, the, the park, most households and bob who is a 100000 elephant population, live in this was of but they about growing their habitats and, and now encroaching in to communities as the animals search for food and water gideon, do they was trampled by innocence while holding catch them at the valley village. 3 years ago. his knee was broken. send in, do you mean the someone is that it is painful?
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i'm no longer able to work for my family. i can go to the field and look up to my casual my wife has to do most of the joys before the taxes were installed. they would know early warnings to a load of dishes. when elephants had left the protected area. but we have been able to use this type of the ability to take the elephant is an electronic fence with the moment to get out of the designated to park area. we're able to pick that from checking the colors and then deployed. but active duty supplies unions to go and secured them back into the pack and also send any warning systems to the community to avoid sit in the areas where the elections go. last year edison schools, 63 people in zimbabwe. polk ranges are hoping the gps colors will provide one way to minimize home to both humans and animals. come back and meet the miller oh to 0. well that,
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so for the elizabeth put on them for the new solvent. do stay with us via back with another full news bulletin and just a couple of minutes. thank you very much for watching the of the killing of al, just return it as shooting of the hawk. there was not an isolated event. it highlighted the whole question of press freedom of turn in a skilled one, doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction of the terms of the 0 world looks at the number of journalists killed into occupied palestinian territories, which has increased dramatically during the war on god and at the problems of holding any one accountable for the death shooting the messenger one o 20. these are some of the 1st images from the aerial assessment of coal bleaching in the great barrier reef. bleaching occurs by movement ocean temperatures and pollution. first call to expel the algae to give the color range of color. at
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extreme range, his wife over an extended period of time, making some structures to been severely damaged. scientists have declared 2020 full a mass bleaching event. what's happening here on the great fire roof is also happening on rapes around the world. or the last 12 months, warming sea surface temperatures have cause bleaching events in the northern hemisphere and the linear conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. marine biologist, jody rama, says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's an organ assigned to the biggest cro system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef means many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it. and so how is your vacation in this, the shelves?
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the chest? wow. the dozens of people are killed across garza, including children. this is randy military targets. the north and south of the strip, the hello on elizabeth put ottoman this is ellen just even live from don't ha. so coming up the waiting game continue, this is where i'm will cabinet to meet again or the how to respond to yvonne's weekend attack. hezbollah command is killed and it's raining during the attack of
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strikes, intensify long 11 on southern border. and on the front line, run east and your plane, which will say they need more resources to find halls when you question attacks.


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