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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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at lot then yeah, the dozens of people are killed across garza, including children. this is wally military targets, the north and south of this trend. the . the problem in this is algebra live from doha. also coming up a has the come on the skills and it's really drawing a tag, a strikes, intensifying on living on some of the waiting game continues throughout the whole cabinet to meet again know the how to respond to the problems attack on fasting. and we're on the front lines of the eastern new crane for troops that any resources to fly off when you to rush in attacks.
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the beginning garza is ready for us as a continuing attacks across the strip. at least 20 palestinians, including children, died and his riley strikes and central gaza witnesses. a group of children were playing the alma gaza camp for displays, families when the attack happened and it looks line, palestinians were killed off to the police, cars, truck and gaza city. that happens in intensely population neighborhood, old and 33800 people have been killed in gaza from the start of israel's war. including more than 14000 children. that's probably not corresponding tiny mcdonald . he's joining us live from the alpha and southern gaza. and is really strikes killing children and a playground had a well here hearing about this terrible attack on the guys, the refugee camps of the yes, well this is not the 1st time we're seeing such
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a talks happening across the god. the service around has so far killed $14000.00 children since the beginning of this genocide of war and what happened at early hours today. those are group of children happened to be out a playground in a such a busy area, a marketplace and on the refuge account with a drawn, fired one missile directly and then click 11 of those children and dozens of other injuries over trans, recorded and transferred to a loss of hospital what we're hearing it from the hospital is, is the inability of the medical to soften because of the shortage of medical supplies at the hospital right now. and then there is over a crowd. it is based inside the hospital. do find it very difficult to intervene and properly and it's true an offer medical treatment on save lives to the injuries arriving it from that amount of a refugee camp. this is the pattern. 6 has many people that this confirmed their
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belief that garza has turned into and evolved into i feelings on giving the kind of deliberate attack that has been taken in place for the past 6 months. then on a separate talk, these really by the 30 targeted a, the law enforcement vehicle. that's a police car in the in garza city and at the fast neighborhood. that's the eastern part of the city. the 8 individuals, the 8 law enforcement individuals were inside the car, were on their way to where task to secure the delivery of food supplies and ada trucks to be delivered to the northern parts. and ga, the city over not a tax continued to con, across the central area, and rough i city. we're looking at 4 people, including a one chart in rough up here in a residential home at the western part of the city on an entire residential block. and then those that are expressed as you can, but certainly are ours did. it was target it's and this pro just it further it creating further civilian casualties and pushing people into further display. it's
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been something that has been feeding into a permanent displacement for the 1500000 palestinians who have been displaced since the beginning of this for honey. thank you for that. that is hunting my food with a very nice us live in delphi and southern gaza. and at least one person is dead off to in his riley drawn strike on a con, southern levin on the man who was killed. and the attack is believed to be a senior member of hezbollah already hush them as an i involved the more on the attack. and is really droll target to the call on the road between 2 villages. me, i to thought, actually the one of the villages is i live on where we, where one person was killed in the call. this was targeted several people who are injured, some of them with possible eyes. and then the place was close, the audio was closed and the, the, the body was removed from that. of course, the injured taken to the hospital golf course. as we understood the man who was
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killed, there is a sensible of a senior commander. now we don't know the identity of the person who was killed, but this is not the 1st time that is run is targeting. cause will lock them on does through drones or sometimes through the war planes. but in general, this is a was we've been saying over the past days has several with, with several layers. one of these dams is targeted killings that is what is working on. i'm kind of focusing on how to eliminate as much fields come on. those of possible funds has been lost during this campaign in lebanon, as well as well cabinet just set to meet for the 5th time since yvonne's unprecedented weekend attack ministers have been to using how to respond around 300 missiles and attack drones with little or should the 1st as a direct strike on israel from the wrong. this was on vitale ation for the bombing
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of the ronnie and conflict and damascus. 2 weeks ago that speaking of correspondence from the cell hoops, she's joining us live from tennessee and it's been such a divided will cabinets over the past 6 months of the war and gaza. but they seem to be united in and they believe that they has to be a response on the or that's right is roles, warren, cabinet is divided only on how and when to respond to the audience. but the general consensus is seeming that there will be some sort of is really a talk, but the question is how when and where we've been hearing from is really officials throughout the day work habit administer benny gans, who said that it will take place at a time and place of his roles, choosing israel, defense minister, you know, i've gone online speaking in his roles north today. it's saying that it on, quote, failed to attack israel and will fail to deter israel in an attack of their own, saying that the skies of the middle east are open for is really air force jets that
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will strike whenever they see fit. these really prime minister though benjamin netanyahu hasn't really spoken out much about what he's thinking, how exactly he is going to respond to the audience. but we have heard through media reports within is really media anonymously. of course that these really prime minister told his ruling party to be attacked will come, but it has to be planned out strategically and wisely. it cannot be a need jerk or gut reaction. he said the quotes that the audience should be in anticipation for this attack. waiting the same way that is rolled in so well there is pressure from the far right of israel's governments. specifically mentioned y'all who's coalition members to attack at the soonest possible date. these really is, are seemingly in a consensus that there will be a response or items of thank you for that home. the son who is live and kind of a well,
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the us state department says it's continuing to press for common division following yvonne's retaliatory attack on israel over the weekend. that splunk spun bathing patel earlier told us they work into was the escalation. the sheer number of ballistic missiles and groans that iran unleashed on israel is totally irresponsible and reckless. simultaneously, israel has every right to conduct a counter terrorist operations and the security operations that are in their self defense and that are in their interest. ok, when you say that you're speaking to allies in the region about ds, conducing tensions, what's what, how have they responded to you? i think that there is a convergence between our allies and partners and taking every step possible to make sure that tensions are not escalated in the region. that has been the case since october 7, as we continue to engage with the regional partners. but just this past weekend secretary,
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blinking spoke to the foreign ministers in egypt and saudi arabia and jordan in turkey. all conveying the same message that we're very interested in ensuring that tensions don't get out of hand that our commitment to defending israel is unwavering. and will continue to echo those calls while continuing to engage with is really officials, right? but as, as well here in those quotes, we will continue to engage with this really officials and stress the importance of the escalation. but they are also a sovereign country and they will make their own security decisions as it relates to operations that they conduct. these are not in operations of the united states is going to be participating in. but our commitment to their self defense and our commitment to their security is unwavering. ronnie and president, but i embrace, he has told me of color that fed on will respond to any is randy attack against its interests and ons. foreign ministers also warning is relevant, immediate response. how much in on check pressure nbc is ready ration. you make
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some mistake. this time around the response, as it runs military command is announced, will not be minimal. the media and severe a correspondent dose of jabari is input on with more on around the reaction to the world wards continue between your reigning officials and there is really counter parts the uranium president abraham bracy received a phone call from the mirror of katara. she's coming then home adel sony on monday evening. during that conversation the mirror of cuts are expressed in their praise for the actions that a wrong took against israel and the mirror. it said that it conveyed a very strong message to everyone, the reading president for his part at set that's it. should israel continue at these uh, threats and make good on their threats? so they've been making against their on and carry out any kind of actions. iran will respond much stronger, and there will be
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a broader at response to israel than what we've seen in operation to promise the way new foreign minister has also been speaking to nearly a dozen other foreign ministers around the world at highlighting sharon's position and is set issuing further warnings saying that any action that would be taken by israel will be met by an immediate response by iranian officials. for now, there is a waiting see moved here in iran. of course, iranian officials are on high alert, waiting to see what israel will do next. but they have urged the officials in israel not to continue this kind of behavior a door such a bar, a l g 0 tower on the client's president, assigned a new military recruitment tional it same to boosting truth numbers on his face.
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madhouse just for the war then flushes. legislation requires potential problems. clips to update that does over the authorities and increases payments to volunteers as well as adding new penalties for dodging draft intelligence experts. a warning that the crime that is preparing for a major offensive in easton ukraine soon and taking advantage of delays and military aid and ammunition shortages. child stratford reports from lima on one of the towns which is being targeted by russian. the solve the people still live here, around 2000 of them struggling to exist among the destruction. russian forces captured the town of lima and in may 2022 ukraine and all me then recapture the important railway help with a pre will population to pull the 20000 around 5 months later crushing miss all and so cool. do i boma tax have increased in recent weeks, targeting ukrainian positions in the surrounding forests,
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taking advantage of what ukraine says, it's potentially catastrophic. black with a defense tens of billions of dollars with the military 80 to start with arguments in the us. congress will not getting here fast enough from european allies, western intelligence, ukrainian ministry, say russia is now gaining momentum on the battlefield, shedding by russian full series of lima and the surrounding countryside is causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. the people still living inside lima and are afraid the russian forces could push through nearby ukrainian defensive lines. there's no running water or gas in town. the tiny afflicted in the pro before russian forces occupied the place she has lived also life, she returned. when are you crazy and allow me to control her daughter and
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granddaughter went to poland and the don't want to come back home for customer groups and she leads us into her basement. she's had to start sheltering on the ground like games couldn't use the name is i will. of course i'm very anxious. god willing, it won't happen. we don't need them here. they should go back where they came from . give us back the life we had before. it was a beautiful life and we never asked anything from anyone. we had worked. we had a railway, we had a town look what they have done to us in our life. no one lives here. now most people left and this is our land. few people come to the tiny sunday market. police check people's ideas, comforting the suspected russian and fullness. alexander live to throughout the russian army, someone keep patient. nicholas, i don't want to talk about it. he says he's here in the shelter of a 2 hours during yesterday's attacks. vitaly is head of lehman supply department.
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he says he's been on now more than ever valuable to attack was they tried to save lives. sadly, the shelling has recently increased the enemy of hits civilian infrastructure, residential areas destroy residential buildings, health facilities, and so civilian, sofa, the shutting schools, many fives, we receive up to 10, call out in a given to just while period. there are many towns near the front lines like this one back in the cross hands of the russian army, which ukraine and its allies say is preparing for a major advance, charles profit algebra, lima. still ahead on knowledge as they are. i will be hearing from the head of an agency and gaza on the ship out of here in crisis then and while the outcome will be supplement on selection, on wednesday,
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we'll have repercussions for the rest of the asia pacific region. the critical debate, pony farmers are angry, people are starving and we actually have to experts all good because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments, politicians and 50 often in the highest level they've been using games for this policy. let me cut out of the service to intimidate and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera, this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes this country holdings, more beauties than just looks like beaches,
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historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical, and cultural beauties. why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. as backer is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line, the, [000:00:00;00] the, to watching out of me and as the put on and off of a mando of on top stories. this is what was what cabinet to set to meet for 50 times since
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a ron's unprecedented weekend attack around 300 missiles and drawings from the watched on saturday in the 1st edit direct to strike on his route from iran. as registrants and goss, i have killed at least 20 palestinians. witnesses say a group of children who are playing their own regarding pressure g cap and one of the attacks. and it's rarely strikes on a police call have kills line palestinian, some goddess setting women, and children are among the injured the that's getting more on the humanitarian situation and gaza. joining us now from the far as with her lobby. he's executive director of the aide organization, rock my world life. thank you for your time. can you tell us about the work that you open? eyes ation is doing and gaza in terms of who you're helping and how the hello . uh, so arriving here to guys uh uh,
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last night where the convoy of the medical mission, medical and mr. off my medical mission number 8. uh, coming here to as part of what we're doing. and uh, i live eating the pain and helping humanity. we have 26 doctors from all different specialties and critically of those individuals who will operate and help the people and the one that uh, in addition to that, we will, we will send 13 doctors of very highly specialized persons and medical professionals to north guys. ok, so this is going to be our 1st attempt in coordination with the local authorities to be in north because uh, starting tomorrow and operating on individuals there. in addition to that, uh, we have so far provided over a 130 containers full of medical supplies, food baskets, and uh, shelter items. okay. far into verizon and uh,
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starting tomorrow. we will also provide uh the convoys going into north guys uh for the very 1st time. okay, mr. how the, the doctor does that have come into gaza? are they working in the hospitals in gaza? and if so, what are the conditions that they finding in the hospitals of the yes, so they will be joining in the european hospitals. and uh, so i dont locks hospital in addition to the other hospital is that uh the 13 medical doctor going into the north gaza. one of the hospitals that will be operating is come on as one. of course, as we know, come on that one has been hit, but its operating about 30 percent at this point. and the doctors that are going are from the orthopedics, and i'll call you of as scalars and other specialties. okay. needed in that area.
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um, in, in uh, yeah, okay. your organization, i understand work to help some of the most vulnerable and gaza, including women and children. tell us about some of the, the conditions that these groups of dealing with on the ground. but you can see well as we can see, a hundreds and thousands of people are lying all over the place. inside the hospitals, the conditions are extremely dire. people are taking shelter inside the hospitals, just to stay safe and to stay close to the medical facilities. many of those individuals have families are being treated or they're just stay in because they are displaced from the north and from different areas. so the displacement is a huge problem with, as we know, and in other font and rough, i city only about 1500000 people have been displaced and that hundreds of
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thousands of other people have been displaced from different cities into the area. so this is creating a strain on the limit on the resources, which is r o, it's pretty limited. and the authorities here are, you know, trying to deal with the masses and helping what they can. but of course, the resources are extremely now it's been and we need all of the assistance and the help that we can be provided. yeah. and given, you know, 1500000 people, that's nearly 3 quarters of gauze population crammed into the alpha on the border with egypt. just how concern to you about israel as you know, the age of plants for an attack on delphi as well. this is an extremely concerning especially from the medical point of view um having already a strange medical facilities. many of those have been the commissions and they're out of service and to add more injuries and wanted that will
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require more medical needs. uh is, is extremely difficult for all the doctors that are treating. we know that many people are waiting in line for some surgeries that will take many weeks or waiting for a doctor that will come from outside to operate on that on those cases. so you know, any, any further escalation of this situation will only drug exacerbate resources and make it difficult for the convoys to conduct its humanitarian work lobby of boston . i will. why thank you so much for your time. we really appreciate it. thank you for being an northern gaza and is riley strike on a moss on the mosque and the jabante a refugee camp has killed one person. an injured 11 emergency team scrambled to rescue, survive as trapped under bubbles in the alpha kuda area. mulanda on color with has
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been the size of the attack in giovanni, us, a cinematic one. this is why because newton efficiency as soon as the hold on neighborhood where the most skillful holder has been targeted yesterday night. and the simplest one best and have been killed was to release and living get injured at this place is a residential lo i, by the way, this is the most. here is the microphones. i'm not sure we can see it displays, as you can see, the surrounding old of the houses are residential houses and all of them at the throat as the most has been destroyed. the, the solomon islands on the pacific ocean as you to hold elections on wednesday, looks to worried about the rising cost of living. and there was some who few of the
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governments closer ties with china. this isn't the only challenge the island nation faces, with around 900 item spread over a huge area. counting the ballots will take weeks on or below, reports. gearing up for its being described as the most important elections has independence from britain almost 50 years ago. folders in the country of 3 quarters of a 1000000 are choosing local officials and electing 50 and peace. who will then select the next prime minister prime minister, minnesota. so go about it is seeking the 2nd term. he's brought his country closer to china. first, by separating diplomatic ties with taiwan, then by signing a security agreement that has raised pierce by the us and its allies of a chinese military base. their opposition politicians want the review of the chinese package. so if there's something that is very uh,
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containing like in place of the ccp in this country like google, and it's really making decisions that comes from the, on the way to tingle things. they've been influenced by money go to and things. so that is something that we don't want to see in this country. so the body argues deeper ties would be jean, brings much needed developments. soloman's was proud to host the pacific games and been use built and funded by china capacity. i suppose other pacific nations will be looking to see what the consequences are of taking a very of the pro china stance. i mean, of course, they want to the connections with china. they like the chinese aid projects, the that they don't like the political pressures. but you politics as far from the minds of many voters. they say they want to cnn to both buying and a better quality of life. the change you want to see is a government with the people. that is the,
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one of the meetings within the want to see people 1st is everything that they do is a cation in education, in health, and as well as employees in the country were progress and development. have yet to reach many of the remote islands. it's the core issues that will likely determine the result. barnaby low, i'll just there may define has destroyed one of the best known landmarks and denmark, the 17th century stock exchange for the famous files on the going renovation in the capital. copenhagen noticeable and it's next to the danish parliament and the old city roads for blocks is $55.00 is 4 to limit the damage the building became the headquarters. the danish chamber of commerce off of denmark, stock exchange, moved in the 1970s. that's it from elizabeth put on them, but you can always keep up to date with all the news on our website. and i'll just
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com. whether was next, that inside story will examine. one, you sit on and what it will take to stop the humanitarian crisis. news a hello. let's see some really nice the weather recently around the middle east device. 44, i'm going to be just afraid. it's only 6 hours. it may very close to cut out, but it's in the process of pulling out of the way 24 hours. we've seen a 60 full millimeters of right. let's compare that to the annual average. it's about 8 months with a freight. and just one day it will make us wife of a switch, but you can see the impact that it has on the by, as it's made its way across some law trial reported here as well and damaging wayne's. but as you can see, widespread flooding it has of course,
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cause major disruption. it is in the process of easing for the east west, but call it out the possibility of another shower ro to as we go through, why to stay on in too fast. they, the worst of the weather will slip across southern paths all around into pakistan as we go through the next couple of days. and then normal service resumed, more in the way of very warm sunshine sunshine continuing to across that eastern side of the mediterranean. why the scientists say the say settled, we will say some showers petering out as they make their way across the bus. for us, the show was a page ring out to across the northern pos opportunity as to what a risk went there across north africa. but losey fine and try and so the shot was that it took the gulf of guinea examining the headlines. is it or is released today for the forms of life and got unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview,
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just like the war sharing personal stories with a globe or, or do you want to create a world where women come and feel naturally released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility. around a conflict with go and inside the war. and so don is taking a heavy toll and civilians with millions pulls from that homes and on the verge of what does it take to stop the humanitarian crisis? and can diplomacy stopped the fighting? this is inside still the hello the on james base, the down is facing a humanitarian crisis. a civil war drags on with no end in sight. the un say


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