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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 17, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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to landscape, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day since it is going to unspeakable horror as to reveal all about what's happening. because of the death of media, attention the stream on out just the or the at least 40 palestinians have been killed, including many children. it is right. it strikes across the gulf of strength and the last 24 hours. the other ones are in jordan, this is obviously a life and also coming he's really security forces must immediately end their active participation in the ad support for set their attacks on palestinians. the you and condemns is randy, military involvement and stuff. lavonne and cindy outside westbank against protestant am civilians finding escalates between israel and the hezbollah with
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both sides. trading at strikes as belong come on as killed in a turn attack. and southern level loss claims president finds a new military recruitment claims west of nations for failing to send enough ammunition to stop russian attacks on energy and the we're beginning gaza where these randy ministry has killed at least 40 palestinians, including several children and a series of ass strikes across the street in the last 24 hours. at least 7 people were killed in rafa in the south of to and his rainy strikes hit our homes. and the not refugee camp. bodies are piling up and nearby hospitals, which are already overwhelmed. 33840 palace demands have not been killed since israel laurence gets more in october. to 0 is honey mike. mood begins coverage now from a roof in southern garza. as the didn't dying lie side by side
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on the floor of blocks, the hospital and central gauze, the majority of the victims of an attack on mcgraw as a refugee camp. our children believed to have been playing together when the strike happened. further north, in a densely populated area of garza city, is really fire struck again. this time hitting a vehicle carrying police officers where we received a report that there had been a targeting. we went there and find people torn to pieces by witness to say, the targeting was carried out to strikes those who survived the 1st rank. we're targeting the 2nd one. the did a load it up. that's why the survivors are taken to hospitals. that can cause we're operating with minimum capacity. we received an unusually high number of injured people. were limited in staff so which split the cases between our alley and commo ad, one,
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hospital women and children continue to make up the vast majority of those killed in this for children with playing and were taken by surprise with me. so i was pulling on the nothing was happening, things were calm. the are of countries and not taking sides. look at this, you can see these are not resistance fighters. it's a little child. besides an outpouring of grief, there's under here anger that truly of the world. so what was happening this for would in any my, most of the, of the rough and stuttering guns or israel's will cabinet has met for the 50 times and surrounds unprecedented attack on saturday. ministers debated how they should respond around 300 missiles and drones were launching the 1st as a direct strength on his way from iran to iran says the attack was in retaliation for the bombing of the raining and conflict and the syrian capital domestic us 2
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weeks ago stephanie deck has following developments from occupied east jerusalem. no clear statement coming out of tuesday, back and forth with the work cabinet actually met some reports saying they met in a smaller form that there was agreement on how to counter it wrong. and it's proxies. but it was the timing that's now being debated. other media leaks saying that there wasn't a word cabinet meeting, a tools that these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu met with a security officials at the minister of defense intent. i believe what is clear is that it is an incredibly complicated situation. that's also why we haven't heard yet from the prime minister himself is always talked about iran as an x, a central threat to israel since that attack we haven't heard from him at all. he's under pressure from a foreign countries from the americans, from the brits from the germans, from many others, not to escalate that. this is a time for calm at the same time from within his coalition government, within the people that are keeping him in power. the only way he was able to return
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to power as a prime minister, people like a budget or smart tricia. it's a by that and give you a once in a very direct and harsh response to iran. so a lot of pressure on the prime minister, the tulips continue, some media reports indicating that there is certainly a consensus that the has to be a response, but the timing of it and what kind of shape that is going to take, of course, is a big question mark, stephanie decor. i'll g 0 it occupied is choose mean all the white house says it will soon announce a new round of sanctions against iran. it also says that expects if allies to follow suit. i'll just say it was out in fish as a little from washington dc that the americans have been talking in the last couple of days of greek or sanctions on a run. we know that the bite and white house to buy in this national security team had been talking to the g 7 and also a number of important allies on the mood music coming out of the white house. is
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that the sanction should be in place within the next 2448 hours or so. we have from the treasury secretary janet you know, and it will be hard department, they'll be responsible for putting the sanctions in place. and she said the sanctions will be up and running within the next couple of days. and then we have had more recently from national security advisor jake sullivan, who suggested that there will be targeted sanctions the miss out on joint industry . now, the joint industry and around has been a consent for the united states for some considerable time because they've provided drones and technology to the russians. and those joins have been used on the attacks against ukrainian infrastructure. and of course, the have been the sanctions in place before, and the united states thinks that they can go farther this time. i'd really degrade the military capability of the radiance. even though it seems that that didn't quite what caused the last time. but what the state department has said in the last 24 hours is that perhaps the sanctions lead to the reigning and attack not being
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effective as possible. that it perhaps was slightly more symbolic because they don't have the equipment, the material, the technology to build themselves that can really challenge these really air defense systems. on that point. take sullivan says we are also working with these release to make sure that there is better coordination more integration in air defenses across the middle east. so we should expect some sort of announcement in the next 24 to 48 hours. and at the same time, the united states is also what kicked to make sure that israel's response is perhaps proportional to the i can send that if there is something seriously significant ends up for volks, the iranians. there is every danger that the us will get dragged into a wider conflict. something that they've sort to avoid since the war started in guys a back in october. and of course they've given pledges, is that their support, they've defensive israel as i am club. and that means they could be dr. game to
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a wider conflict in the middle east. i would say sure, i'll just say to washington, if he's one person is dead off to and his rainy drain, striking southern 11 on the mountain killed them. the a tank was a senior member of has belong, investigate to say he was targeted was driving in the area of and the tensions along the living on israel border have escalated significantly since the october 7 attacks separately is ready for us is i've also had to have them in southern lebanon, not correspondence. le. hi, sean reports from outside the house and of time district. i mean the sound of the shop, sub 11 on the house wants to just buy is really well plain. and so i thought you took it off the fire to see if there are any casualties at this home. while we're best to close. this fixture
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smoke from fire talking to emergency services on the fresh, just the fresh of pocket and receiving reports. moment by moment. just try to show you inside the house has gone completely gone. this was on the war will play strike is really will play strike and the same area. i'm a shop witness. over the past $48.00. several is really strikes. it's just part of this continuing confrontation.
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also, all the areas just fall from the for when we all are on trench, couldn't meet us for were behind the toner, find of all which is which is it time goes to the city of mine for skilled set to be a has will a member and several really enjoyed and this is the situation. this is the scene in south lebanon. so i'm a shop are the hash images here. the man across the, in the occupied westbank says these really ministry was involved in the beginning of 2 palestinians on monday. so la bunny, java, who witnessed the attack. soldiers supported the um, there's really settlers who find indiscriminately the latest getting comes off to a 14 year old is randy boy, even missing the ramallah was found dead on saturday. and i'm assaulted in but though with the new uh, simplest, started coming in civilian clothes and with we pins and in front of the israeli army, the shooting was by the troops and cities. they would see the guns fine with the
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able to kill the distance between the st lives. and the youth was about 15 maces the wood to injuries that they didn't stop, send it resulted in the mazda to of, to, in the same place. the minds used today. they was communication just as it has been for the past months with he is writing, signed through the post in the, in the eyes on office. and they were informed about the violations that the statements were carrying out. but the occupation forces did not to us. the thing is that the you and human rights office has condemned the israel military involvement and several of violence and the outside westbank is really security forces must immediately end their active participation in and support for set their attacks. on palestinians is really, authorities must instead to prevent further attacks, including by bringing those responsible to account those reasonably suspected of criminal acts, including murder or other unlawful kennings must be brought to justice through
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a judicial process that complies with international human rights standards and follows a prompt, impartial, independent, effective, transparent investigation. for more than rabbani is from the center for conflict and see monetary and studies, he says secular violence. the symptom of israel's expansion is. the settlers are armed by these early states. they operate under the auspices and with the protection of these really military. so to address settler violence independently of is really state and government policy doesn't really make much sense it's. it's the equivalent of addressing the symptoms while doing nothing about the costs. the role of the policy didn't authority. security forces is not to defend palestinians from attacks by his relatives, but rather to protect israel and its occupation from resistance by its own people. the policy and authority security forces are prohibited from operating in
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those areas outside the main cities. wherever. most of the subtler violets take place and they've also taking a political decision to actively cooperate with israel's army of occupation in order to prevent power sending resistance to exactly these kinds of instances of southern violence that we're discussing now. so the policy disorder is simply not a factor in this equation except that it can be seen as yet another auxiliary of israel's expansion. this policy in the occupied westbank scott advice on the security council. it remains undecided on a palestinian bid to become a full member, the us ambassador to the you and says she doesn't see the decision leading to a 2 state solution. our position has been clear, president biden has said categorically that we support
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a 2 state solution for addressing the situation in the middle east where palestinians will have a state of their own. and israel is secure in their state and we are working on the crown to get to that place as quickly as possible. we do not see that doing a resolution in the security council will necessarily get us to uh, to a place where we can find that solution a 2 state solution moving forward. so google employees of stage citizens to protest against the tech. john's business with is really government protest as rather than the companies offices in new york in california, google and rival tech from amazon and reportedly signed a 1200000000 dollar contract for these when the government, back in 2021. the project members, the deal is set to provide cloud computing, infrastructure, and services as well. it's been a good time for a short break here. and i'll just say when we come back, i have to, you know,
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to plug this over. if you raise your head or look to see what are your you will be, but we took the palestinian prisoners who say they were tortured and is ready to james. and we look at how people in several south, east asian countries are coping with that intense month long heat way more than that stings the the, the hello. let's see. some really nice the weather. recently, around the middle east device, $44.00, i'm going to be just afraid. it's only 6 hours it move right close to cut out, but it's in the process of pulling out of the way 24 hours. we've seen a 64 millimeters of rain. let's compare that to the annual average. it's about 8
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months with a freight in just one day. it will make its wife of a switch, but you can see the impact that it has on the by, as it's made its way across some law trial reported here as well and damaging wayne's. but as you can see, widespread flooding it has of course, cause major disruption. it is in the process of easing for east west, but call it out the possibility of another shallow 2 as we go through. why to stay on in too fast day. the worst of the weather will slip across southern paths all around, into buckets down as we go through the next couple of days. and the normal service resumed, more in the way of very warm sunshine sunshine. continuing to across that eastern side of the mediterranean, where the scientists stay the say settled, we will say some showers petering out as they make my way across the bus. for us, the show is a painting out to across the northern pos opportunity as to quite a risk. went there across north africa, but lossy fine and try. and so the shot was that it took the gulf of guinea.
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why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back, or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line holding the powerful to account as we examined the us as role in the world. on l g 0, the the the welcome back you watching. i'll just say right quick reminder about top stories
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here this hour. these randy ministry has killed these 40 on his demands, including the children and a series of attacks of house concepts ended up being rushed to hospitals which are already overwhelmed. a man who witnessed the coming of 2 comments to me ends in a session. we're talking the by the west bank on monday. says these randy ministry was involved. bonham's came off to a 14 year old is really boy went missing from the ramallah. lights found that on israel's count out more as strikes in southern lebanon and local come on of hezbollah was killed in a drone attack on a car in the area. and now the human agency for palestinian refugees says it's received numerous reports of mass detentions those treatment on the enforce disappearance of palestinians. by this very minute treat is right now, far it has have at least 1500 detainees, some guys, up since april, 4th, including women and children. unrest says all of them were held for weeks and military facilities with no means of communicating with family torture,
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including psychological and physical hom. i'm section abuse are also alleged and is there any human rights group is also accusing? is ready, politicians have sanctioning the systematic mistreatment of palestinian prisoners. the group physicians for human rights says violations include 4th disappearances and torture for prisoners in the occupied westbank had been speaking to our reporter nor com. the pain is marked on the walls in either refugee camp. the occupation is too close to home. this is ridi minute tree rates and the rest are routine months of the are and all the activists refuse to accept these rated crackdown. he was arrested in december and held an ultimate treat prison to 2 months. it's a continuous torture. since i hadn't thought, oh father, it was the 1st time that i was looking for. i was on the golf and i have to you know, to plug this or was,
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if you raise your head or look to see what are your, you will be the ones that has been out before. he describes the worst thing conditions, no electricity. this will food or sunlight. this will access to medical care and torture. my few was to lose my mind because you'll have nothing to do. they are full to every single man. also, it's one of 23 known it's right. the ministry presence and the only one in the occupied westbank, the number of inmates is increasing rapidly. well, let's take a look at some of those to 6 on posting and present us. this being about 8000 palestinians arrested since october, the 7th. that's the equivalent of around 44 people every single day, according to official, is ready to take us when the war began in october, that with just the 5000 promising is incarcerated in this friday jails. now we're
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looking at multiple 9 thousands and many of those are being held in administrative tension without any formal charges or trial before the war that was around $1300.00 . and since the war that number show up to move is 3600 policy and inmates sustained a will that with both the 3 women behind the boss, now there are more than 80. there was 170 children. now that number is more than 200 and you don't want to get the wrong. all of the violation being committed to they are about the issue many zation thing. we are talking about the worst period of that he needs no just the conditions, but also the scale of abuse and is rarely prison guards are boasting about the crimes they carried out on it up is ready to these channels, 13 broke costs video of how god's show of the treatment of prisoners with videos
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like this posting is worry about the state of their loved ones. well, some received the worst news they didn't survive their imprisonment. is right. the authorities, a withholding the bodies of at least 26 posting ins who died in custody, more than half of them in the past 6 months. so families have not been able to bury their loved ones, nor hon. i'll just sarah the occupied westbank the your claims president assigned a new military recruitment. no, it's saying that boosting trip numbers has come on. his face. manpower, shortage is interval against russia. legislation increases payments to volunteers, as well as adding new penalties for draft dodging. so presidency lensky has blamed his western allies for the impact of recent russian attacks on energy infrastructure across the country. saying his ministry was unable to shoot
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themselves because they'd run out of ammunition or not. if they can choose, we run out of old besides that defended to pay a lot. when someone says that i lives comp, provide us with the so that weapon, or the company in ukraine with the so that force because that would be perceived as if you crane is engaging nato in the war. well, after yes, today's attack, i want to ask you a question. is israel positive nato or not? what is the answer is right, is not a nato country. the nato allies, including nato countries, that being defending israel, they showed the wrong in forces. the israel was not alone, and this is a lesson. this is a response to anyone on any continent who says you need to be very careful when assisting ukraine, so that you don't engage nato countries in the will not, not post clothes and just under an hour and a vote to elect 50 members of parliament in the solomon islands, people are worried about the rising cost of living, and there was some who failed. the government's kosa, ties with china. but this isn't the only challenge the island nation faces. with
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around 900 islands spread over a vast area, counting the bullets we'll take weeks of the low ripples gearing up for what's being described as the most important election since independence from britain almost 50 years ago. folders in the country of 3 quarters of a 1000000 are choosing local officials and electing 50 and peace. who will then select the next prime minister prime minister, minnesota. so go about it is seeking the 2nd term. he's brought his country closer to china. first, by separating diplomatic ties with taiwan, then by signing a security agreement that has raised pierce by the us and its allies of a chinese military base. their opposition politicians want to review of the chinese pat. this and thing that is very uh, containing like in the lives of the ccv in this country like people are not really
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making decisions that comes from they own the way the thing of the things they've been friends for their money go to and thing. so, but it's something that we don't want to see in this country. so the body argues deeper ties would be jean, brings much needed. developing solomon's was proud to host the pacific games in menus built and funded by china capacity. i suppose other pacific nations will be looking to see what the consequences are of taking a very of the pro china stance. i mean, of course, they want the connections with china. they like the chinese aid projects, but they don't like the political pressures. but you politics is far from the minds of many voters. they say they want to cnn to both buying in a better quality of life. the change you want to see is a government, but the people that just the one of the meetings, but they didn't want to see people 1st is everything that they do is
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a cation in education, in health, as well as employees in the country were progress and development have yet to reach many of the remote islands. it's the core issues that will likely determine the result. barnaby low, i'll just say hey, these government does named members have a new transitional council. as the buddies steps closer to taking power counsel hopes to bring stability in the face of increasing lawlessness. prime minister ariel already announced his resignation last month following a wave of violence off the left. the country in february gains control most of the capital for the prince. the 9 member council will govern for 2 years. but the aim of tracing a path towards elections. as soon as the president nicholas madura has ordered the close of his government's embassy and consults in ecuador in protest, against equitable storming of the mexican embassy earlier this month, i'll just say it was manual. roplenger has more now from mexico city. hot,
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the musical political settle. this is the moment then as well in president, because that's model ordered the closure of these countries embassy in ecuador during a meeting of the community of latin american and caribbean states in honduras on tuesday. a lot of the novel sent a lot of, not that i'm, but i go to the embassy in ecuador, to close to close the consumers in quito to close immediately. the consumers in way a key for the diplomatic personnel to return to venezuela or immediate. same thing, maybe at the move by venezuela was done in protest at the events of april. the 5th in which ecuadorian police forcefully entered mexico's embassy. indeed, during the rate they detained former vice president, jorge eyeglass, who had been evading arrest in the mexican embassy since december. mexico's president, under this monroe lopez over the has asked, is counter parts in the region to endorse mexico's complaint against ecuador before
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the international court of justice. go, you may go see, read and look, what is the mexican government decides to go to the international court of justice and to the united nations? we will go with them. these comma, okay, did we call to restore form of vice president? whole, hey, gloss, to his condition at the mexican embassy, and to handle his case with the corresponding international rights. a low ecuador, as president, the near the noble act was not invited to participate in tuesdays meeting of regional leaders. he has defended his country's position, telling the media that he has no regret. so for the rate on the mexican embassy, by his country's security forces. following the events of april, the 5th in the bill pressure on ecuador from the international community has been growing the order by venezuela to remove its diplomatic mission. follows an announcement by nick rog, what last week? to cut diplomatic ties with ecuador altogether. when we got up a little al jazeera mexico city,
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7 of the 18 jury was needed for donald trump's house. money trial have been chosen . trump is the 1st for my u. s. president to face a criminal trial. he's accused of a payments to an adult film, stop told tourism 6 or tenants needed in the u. k. a bill to ban smoking for younger generations as positives for us headland parliament. the bill would bound the sale of tobacco products to anyone born after january, 1st, 2009. effectively raising the smoking age by year every year until it applies to then top population to bind to national airport, diverted dozens of incoming flights. on tuesday, off the heavy rains hit the city and cause widespread flooding many runaways at the wells biggest at triple a. couple of good standing was that because of the deluge? roads and residential area as well. so hits with many homes reporting leaks with doors, windows and fluids and emergency services and amman have spent the last 24 hours coming out rescue missions in the wake of floods which killed at least 18 people
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rescue as of continues and look for the missing levels. have supplied 1st day to thousands of people. no heat wave is bringing scorching temperatures to many parts of southeast asia. the philippines time on vietnam and indonesia are among countries baking of the month long intense heat. jessica washington reports in the invitation capital concepts in the streets of human city in vietnam. it's a struggle for many to get through the de la la. com. it's so tiring, pushing this car under industry feet. i'm used to the work with the heat. it's unbearable. the heat wave is having a wide, square, distinct, and you like a good time. what do you mean? the whole city is under receipt wave and it's affecting life in the city. many children fell sick due to the heat. we don't have the infrastructure needed to adapt to a hospital, whether it's a seamless scene in the philippines filipinos in manila or trying to cool down any
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way they can. even if we have an umbrella, the heat hits us in our faces.


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