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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 17, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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made rule, not selves, they find an enemy, and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people in power investigate explosion is and questions they use them to be of our around the one out there, the, [000:00:00;00] the color that run this policy attain. this is a news our life from the coming up in the next 16 minutes around the president says his forces are ready to face any sweat of the israel from us to retaliate for around for an attack while as really strikes across because of strep, and calories 40 palestinians including children, and the last 24 hours is really security forces must immediately enter their active
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participation in and support for set their attacks on palestinians. the united nations condemns is really military involvement and set to violence against palestinian civilians in the occupied west by the spaniards unlocking prisoners day with handling double the number of detainees and as rarely jails and before many report torture abuse and human rights violations. fox the tech was in the us protest against a controversial contracts between google and these rating military code project members. the ron is mocking its national army de just days of to retaliate tree miss all and drug and strike against israel launches are being held in various cities across the
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country. president abraham rise. he says around this forces are ready to is any threat and light of israel's threat to retaliate. several changes that were made to this is event of to security concerns. well, that's bringing on correspondence of july. she joins us live from the reading and capital. tyrone to us, i see that right. you see has found any is really move even a small one will be met with a strong and decisive response. a yes, no sides. yeah. the rating presidents spoke almost 2 hours ago and for the 1st time in her on history, his words were not broadcast live. what we've been seeing over the past few minutes is the tape feet of the comments made by the way, new president, during which he reiterated iran successful campaign against israel. that was launched in true promise operation. on sunday morning, the ringing president also said that should there be the smallest attempt by israel to attack the ring and soil. it will be met with
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a fierce and swift response. the president also went on to say that the there is no need for, for an true presence in the region, and that the countries in the middle east are able to defend themselves. i think it's not worthy to give you a little bit of background about the wrongs. national army day is began in 1921 as a result of a military coup with that over through the last dynasty. that was the fall jar dynasty and iran. since then, every year, annually, over the past 103 years, iran has been holding this military parade to show that as forces are ready and usually unveiling as their military capabilities as well. but this is the 1st time in the past, a 103 years that are on has a broad cast, the events live. what we saw was pictures from s for han and other major cities, the military parade, light fixtures, but not from the capitol. to iran, also, the event is usually house outside
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a mom holding these mazda liam in to around. but due to security concerns, it was moved to love his own barracks and military base just note is a in tyrone. so it gives you an idea of the security concerns that the officials had, but nonetheless, the reigning president delivered a speech. he was joined by the head of iran revolutionary guard, as well as the for a rainy and a head of the army. the chief of staff of the armed forces and we're still getting the tail end of his speech to see what further warnings has had for the united states. and israel. joseph jabari there with a very, very latest for us from the uranium capital will be staying across those on the day celebrations for you here on 0. thank you very much. dosa. meanwhile, israel will cabinet is expected to be missing again later on wednesday as it continues to decide on how to respond to iran for attack is believed with
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administers and now debasing the scope and timing of thoughts for responds. most of the $300.00 missiles and drawings launched from a ron. what intercepted tyrone says that attack was in retaliation, so the bombing of the rainy and come to a building of damascus 2 weeks ago. meanwhile, the us is now preparing your sanctions against iran in tools and nation with its allies. washington is expected to target tear runs, mississauga and ryan program and wake is a runs attack on his rail. the treasury secretary on the feeling that says that every option is on the table to disrupt what she called iran terrorism financing. israel has been calling for grace at sanctions of to ron fired. there was drones and miss halls against us on saturday. well, an official has went out from washington dc. the americans have been talking in the last couple of days of greek or sanctions on a run. we know that the bite and white house to bite this national security team have been talking to the g 7 and also a number of important allies and the mood music coming out of the white house is
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that the sanction should be in place within the next 2448 hours or so we have from the treasury secretary janet, you know, and it will be her department. they'll be responsible for putting the sanctions in place. and she said the sanctions will be up and running within the next couple of days. and then we have had more recently from national security advisor jake sullivan, who suggested that there will be targeted sanctions the miss out on the food industry. now, the joint industry and around has been a consent for the united states for some considerable time because they've provided drones and technology to the russians. and those joins have been used on the attacks against ukrainian infrastructure. and of course, the have been the sanctions in place before and the united states, things that they can go farther this time, i'd really degrade the military capability of the radiance. even though it seems that that didn't quite work the last time. but what the state department has said in the last 24 hours is that perhaps the sanctions lead to the reigning an attack
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not being effective as possible. that perhaps was slightly more symbolic because we don't have the equipment, the material, the technology to build themselves. that can really challenge these really air defense systems on that point. take sullivan says we are also working with these really is to make sure that there is better coordination. more integration in air defenses across the middle east. so we should expect some sort of announcement in the next 24 to 48 hours. and at the same time, the united states is also what kicked to make sure that israel is this points is perhaps proportional the i can send that if there is something hugely significant and that provokes the iranians. there is, every danger is that the us will get dragged into a wider conflict. something that they've sort to avoid since the war started in guys a back in october. and of course they've given pledges, is that their support,
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their defensive israel is iron claude. and that means they could be dragged in to a wider conflict in the middle east. i would say, sure, i'll just go to washington as well. let's dig into some of this with the time i come in and he's an assistant professor of public policy at the doha institute for graduate studies. tom, it around to tack on is rarely so we've been courting an unprecedented, but tyrone would also say that israel of choice to attack, it's embassy and damascus. that that was also meant to be off limits. so now it feels like we're an uncharted territory and i'm trying to get my head around what the options are here in terms of israel is response. now they obviously want to avoid naija escalation, but they also want that to be symmetrical, right? think they need to respond almost in kind in order for, for them not to that week. so water exactly. their options. no says, i mean, exactly. i mean, it's clear, i mean, from the messages we're hearing from coming from is that a and it's own allies like united states that there wouldn't be
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a response. i did send the ation, but everyone is talking about a measure of calculated one. but again, any time things come get out of control, i mean if, if, if something goes wrong with such menissi, this points and then we'll have another escalation again. so we're not out of the woods. it is we are in on the top of the 3. and the, and it's all depends on how is that, and we'll, uh, we'll go ahead with this response, the scale fit with that it's measured or not. and this is all they have to be seen . well, we're not heading into what seems to be day for me. things with this really will cabinet. we know what proportionally there is plenty of division within the wall cabinets as well. how far do you think we are away from, from any kind of a decision? a id, i'm not sure, but again yes, the divisions of the because yes, the cabinet is divided because there's some numbers of the cabinets will say enough with what we have achieved so far. the idea that for the 1st time in, in this vision of those 3, there is
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a coalition of country that looks together to predict is a, including out of countries. this has a great achievement. so wish wish would stop here and, and the model this invest more than this in this game. you know why the other members of the condition of the monks and they want to hit back to protect it to protect isn't it's probably, you know, because there's a, has been at that. and it's, it's an easy way to store. and it's the 1st time is it on hits that eclipse, but again, to figure out was, isn't it again, was it a and these are the one who started all this. go by hitting the it on the embassy and thought on. so let's wait and see. well, as they are trying to make that decision, i've been wondering how much influence weston anita, is having it, and how this decision is made. i see the british foreign secretary david cameron is on his way into town to talk. so obviously washington has been very vocal about what they do and don't do not want to see i, i think, what's the country's always suddenly those have the upper hand than this. they have the full liberty, if they're really the 15 about something is what are the complement of if it was
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not for them, the web builder would have been even more damaging. but the, as i was up to visit i ins, belfy it onto that tax on is that because if it was not for the school mission, then things would have been totally different. so they have the leverage and they can. so basically it is a big one, but i think that okay, and what degree and in a very limited response to say face, is it as a position lawless or fortunate aspect? can it 70 for now? not on directory, on rainy and soil at st. and i'm wondering though these us sanctions, these new ones that we're hearing about, do you think they'll have any impact at all? probably, but very limited. the most does it because it on has been uh, as the degrades a bypassing the senses and the, and the, using the motor less it on is a member of the brakes. it says excellent relations with that, i shop on site and i think the relations of this comforters of stuff trading with it on plus and other countries. i think the it'll sensors is over. i mean, i mean, you see that option ukraine would, i mean, i mean,
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the western countries would have been things that specials economy would collapse in 3 or 4 months, but it doesn't happen. i mean it's, it's the opposite. i mean, i mean, all the points coming from us up with the growth today. it's a sewing machine, it's been going on. so in on is more of a single summer position and it has a new subject partners includes english on china. i'm really not sure how with this with the school, i mean it's such a small symbolic but. busy think they would really was and if that's where you don't come at, always great to speak to you. thank you for joining me again on the news. oh my pleasure. the timing now to the wall and goes on what's happening on the ground van 50 shows no signs of using these really minute tre has killed at least 40 palestinians, including several children. and the laces series of strikes across the strip over the past 24 hours. at least 7 people were killed and rough up in the south. during an attack on a home in the oven, a refugee can several say been strikes on the gauzy and gauze. the city in the
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north proportions, the bodies piling up in nearby hospitals, which were already overwhelmed. well, let's speak to tom. a couple of them in rough hunt and southern gaza. tarry keeping, telling us for days now about how the strikes of an escalating it's just that's definitely in the past 24 hours. exactly the is where the minutes, where you have to go into a larger scale military and area of the abutment. and it strikes that targeted and then of residential houses now starting from the south key and rough, all the noise where residential house was completely destroyed. at least 7 palestinians have been reported killed, including 4 children from apples had no family. they have been killed without any private warning and look, let's at least more attacks have had been carried out in the middle area, which was the main focus for the a is very bombardment. they have destroyed a medicine warehouse on the factory that has been allocated for producing
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a medicine and medication for hospitalization. theater, 3, it has been completely destroyed alongside that in the number of pots of guns. a stripe is very mandatory, had targeted a gathering for palestinians were police. so now 6 palestinians have the report of killed according to initial report. as this number is expected to rise, but generally the concentration is in the middle areas as bottles and confrontations, all are still raging. even though the right part of it was a rock, a refugee camp, and also endeavors by where civilians that have been killed. as there is new and the live top in areas land bombardments on tiers, what citizens have been describing the situation to be the dead and dying life side by side on the floor of along the hospital and central gauze. the majority of the victims of an attack on my god, the refugee camp. our children believed to have been playing together when the
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strike happened. further north in a densely populated area of garza city, rate expires truck again. this time hitting a vehicle, carrying police officers where we received a report that there had been a targeting. we went there and find people torn to pieces by witness to say, the targeting was carried out on 2 strikes. those who survived the 1st tranquil target and the 2nd one who did are loaded up while any survivors are taken to hospital that can cause we're operating with a minimum capacity. we've received an unusually high number of injured people. were limited in stature, which split the cases between our alley and come all add one austin, the women and children continue to make up. the vast majority of those killed in this for the children was playing and were taken by surprise with me. so i was pulling on, nothing was happening, things would come, the arab countries and not taking a side. look at this, you can see these are not resistance fighters. it's
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a little child. besides an outpouring of grief, there's under here, the anger that truly of the lose. so what was happening this for with in and even more of the of the a rough and stuttering gauze. meanwhile, the un says that the spite israel briefly reopening the arrows border crossing with cause not enough, a still coming in nearly half of its age and a very requests for an open cause that were denied by israel last week. okay, bill is under reports now from you in headquarters in new york, the u. n. teams are starting to gain access to areas in gaza after these really military has left. and what they say it is really military has left behind, is different station homes of cars, trucks, roads, i completely destroyed. the vast majority of school have been destroyed and there is not
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a single university that the spending in gaza. it will take years to, to, to bring back students to school. and you can imagine what is the implication for that the un says a raise border crossing in the north was reopened by these railways, but only temporarily. and very little aid got in the stress that any trucks that do get in to gaza does not necessarily mean more aid is even reaching palestinians. let's not be distracted. but by that, i think that what is important is also to understand and it's, it's the for the has to be not only on the crossing, but also on the internal distribution. unless we sold the issue of the internal distribution of the main dining assistance, we will fail the assistance of other things you can gather today. you and humanitarian. some say that until there is a cease fire,
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many parts of guys and will be too dangerous to work in effectively. gabriel's on though, i'll just see it at the united nations in new york. let's go back to the tires. i was there and in rough at and southern gaza tart it felt like in the last couple of weeks there was not kind of run thing off of a trucks making it into the straight through rough. uh, but that also seems to have tailed off in recent days. what have you been hearing? it was such a late it was a very slow increase in terms of the numbers of humanitarian folks and chromeboys being allowed to get into the gardens. this trip, for example, yesterday, more than $178.00 folks have been allowed to get into the dancers, trip by post, karma was salad and drop off, caressing wild. it is where the ministry has been saying that they have been allowing an increasing the capacity of age to reach around $500.00 humanitarian talks on a daily basis. and that's what the, in fact the un wright's office has been saying that is well, has been imposing,
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i'm placing on low for restrictions on entering because this trip is specifically to then over at pot had been one of the most fun, rural areas that was highly affected from the ongoing military campaign being launched by the east, very side. but clearly as we have been talking to our witnesses on the ground and then over at pots of concert, they have been saying that we only right now receiving aid. that could be only enough for one meal be day, and that could be totally on sufficient to match the elements needs of hundreds of thousands of palestinians who are still truck in gilbert positive jobs. and being unfolded by a dozens of strikes and onto the bombardment. and that's clearly is the reality here on the ground that the numbers that are getting you to the goal is this trip is, is, are still very limited on these. the 8 that are getting on trucks are getting into the gaza strip. also contains a number of a humanitarian of commercial trucks that have been directed to the private sector in inside the territory. so clearly there was no,
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any remarkable and the great touchable change in terms of the capacity of the sites, the spine, to the international court of justice. judging according to take the menus to increase the flow to the character to allow indeed the i, c, j, the u. n. and multiple other countries to talk up was in there with alexis forest from the ground. and we're also thank you to our i told them that as i come by in the occupied westbank says the israeli military was involved in the killing of troop. how this thing is on monday salo, bonnie, jump in to witness. the attack says that soldiers supported on is really such as who fired indiscriminately. these latest killings that come off to 14 year old is rarely went missing and ramallah and resend, found dead on saturday. i'm assaulted in by the new uh, simplest, started coming in, civilian clothes and with we pins and in front of the israeli army. the shooting was by the troops and statements. there was,
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he begun fine with the able to kill the distance between the st lives and the youth was about 15 maces the with 2 injuries at that instant center resulted in the mazda to of 2 in the same place. the minds used today they was communication just as it has been for the past months with the is riley sighed through the palestinian liaison office and they were informed about the violations that the statements were carrying out. but the occupation forces did not to us. the thing is that all the un human rights office has condemned israel has military involvement and such a violence in the occupied westbank. these really security forces must immediately end their active participation in and support for set their attacks on palestinians is really, authorities must instead to prevent further attacks, including by bringing those responsible to account. those reasonably suspected of criminal acts including murder or other unlawful kennings must be brought to justice through
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a judicial process that complies with international human rights standards and follows a prompt, impartial, independent, effective, transparent investigation. following rabbani is from the center of conflict and humanitarian studies. he says, such a violent is a symptom that israel's expansionism the settlers are armed by these rarely states . they operate under the auspices and with the protection of the is really military . so to address settler violence independently of is really state and government policy doesn't really make much sense it's. it's the equivalent of addressing the symptoms while doing nothing about the cause. the role of the policy didn't authority, security forces is not to defend palestinians from attacks by his relatives, but rather to protect israel and its occupation from resistance by its own
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people. the tossing industry security forces are prohibited from operating in those areas outside the main cities where most of the subtler violets take place. and they've also taken a political decision to actively cooperate with israel's army of occupation in order to prevent power sending resistance to exactly these kinds of instances of some of the vitamins that were discussing now. so the policy disorder is simply not a factor in this equation. except that it can be seen as yet another auxiliary of israel's expansionist policy in the occupied westbank. well meanwhile is there any forces have stormed the town of funding 9 east of hebron and the occupied westbank . a large number of his really minute tree, vehicles and boulders has entered the town. the images using show the demolition of a palestinian home. israel has escalated its raids across the occupied westbank as
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it continues to bombard casa. in april, the 17th locks published and in present to stay on during the thousands of palestinians, how often indefinitely in is randy presents. this comes as you and says it's received in numerous reports of mass detentions ill treatment on the enforce disappearance of palestinians by the is ready, ministry is revenue authority is have released 1506 digit detainees from gauze us since april. the 4th, including women and children, the one agency for palestinian refugees says that they were all held for weeks and military facilities with no means of communication with their families. of the allegations include sexual abuse and torture, including psychological and physical home. well, and is there any human rights group is also accusing? is really politicians of sanctioning the systematic mis treatments of palestinian prisoners physicians for human rights. it says that violations include false disappearance as torture, and depriving palestinians of their rights since the war and gaza broke out. some
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of the prisoners and the occupied westbank had been speaking trial correspondent for con the pain is knocked on the walls in either refugee camp. the occupation is too close to home is right in that tree. raids an arrest, a routine, buns, a mirror, and all the activists refuse to accept these ready cracked down. he was arrested in december and held in ultimately that to prison. the 2 months to new york torture since i hadn't thought, oh father, it was the 1st time that i was looking for. i was on the golf and i have to you know, a dual flag. this always. if you raise your head or look to see what are your you will be the ones that has been out before he describes the worsening conditions. no electricity. this will food or some light. this will
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access to medical care and torch of life. you was to lose my mind because you have nothing to do. they are full to every single man. also, it's one of 23 known is right, the ministry presence and the only one in the occupied westbank, the number of inmates is increasing rapidly. well, let's take a look at some of those to 6 on posting and present us. this being about $8000.00 palestinians a rest of the since october, the 7th. that's the equivalent of around $44.00 people every single day. according to official is ready to take us when the war began in october. that would just say it's a $5000.00 promising is incarcerated in this friday jails. now we're looking at both the $9000.00 and many of those a being held in administrative tension without any formal charges or trial before the war that was around $1300.00. and since the war,
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that number has just up to move is 3600 policy and inmates disposable. there was 33 women behind the boss. now there are more than 80 that was $170.00 children. now that number is more than 200 and it will alternate and to get the role of the violation being committed to. they are about the humanities ation. we are talking about the worst period of that he needs no just the conditions, but also the scale of abuse and is rarely prison guards are boasting about the crimes they carried out on it up is ready to these channels, 13 broke costs video of how god's show of the treatment of prisoners with videos like this posting is worried about the state of their loved ones. well, some received the worst news. they didn't survive their imprisonment. is right. the authorities, a withholding the bodies of these 26 postings who died in custody more than half of
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them in the past 6 months. so families have not been able to bury their loved ones nor han alger, sarah and the occupied westbank. the un security council remains undecided on a palestinian did to become a full member of how the student will star t is currently in terms of the state. it's expected to push for a vote in the coming days. the us and boss of the there, it says she doesn't see the decision that leading to a 2 state solution. our position has been clear. president biden has said categorically that we support a 2 state solution for addressing the situation in the middle east where palestinians will have a state of their own. and israel is secure in their state and we are working on the crown to get to that place as quickly as possible. we do not see that doing a resolution in the security council will necessarily get us to uh, to
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a place where we can find a solution uh, a 2 state solution. moving forward. a google employees in the us has held protests against the tech giant's ties with his ro, they rallied in the companies offices in new york, and in california, google and amazon reported to be signed a 1200000000 dollar contract with the as really government back in 2021. under the name project nimbus, the company is on to build cloud computing facilities for as well as military and according to is really media. the contracts stipulates for 2 companies cannot help desk services that use a boy called pressure. not only is the lack of transparency concerning, but just the context of which the contract is being taking place. and we know that the genocide in plaza is one of the or is the 1st a power genocide. so we find that big tech is that the forefront of kind of like,
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streamlining this genocide against palestinians or other streaming of us on is a professor at the u. c. l, a department event information studies. and he says project number is not informed to the lack of transparency. this is not really an issue involving google and amazon, the company palance here. uh 5 headed by peter t o is a supporter of the former president. trump is a company that you've been using many of its military project. she has been using projections software with other states project. nimbus is at least, you know, as i mentioned earlier, it's quite notable for it's lack of transparency, right? so we don't really know if, you know, sort of equivalence of this are happening with this particular set of partnerships for all data interoperability for all cloud computing for other, for in states. but certainly one imagine that that is something that could happen or is happening. i'll spell a head for you here on the 0 post clothes in an election that could have
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a major impact on china's influence in the south pacific and ukraine's present funds. and due to increase on the number the the, i feel like we have something of a big cool down on the way across the eastern parts of europe. now you can see robin little cloud coming into central and eastern areas where the systems associated with that. and this one here, this is the coolest side of the system at the head of that. that's why we still have a little bit of won't same place, but it's going to get squeezed out to the right. remember couple of days ago. but chris is getting up to 33 degrees celsius. it's 22. i'm forwarding as we go through the next couple of days. and by fast, i will be lucky to get to around 30 degrees as a 20 degree drop in just a matter of a 4 or 5 days. and at the moment we're looking at some for you, right?
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whether on that same whether system that will continue to drive his wife or the south woods and east with some heavy of pockets of rain coming down into grace easing down across the balkans. scattering a shell assist brushing off up towards the northwest as well outlined snow coming in as well for good measure. meanwhile, is fine and dry across the op air, and potentially i move on. sun side across spain and portugal in the warm sunshine continues to across north africa, colorado. 37 sale just suddenly when switches around as we go on into that 1st i so not quite as halt at that stage may to some sand storms across the hall, right? here probably the showers meanwhile, across southern parts of west africa. the latest news as it breaks. iran has given a cause that people have just come out and logged up. but you guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse
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before they get better describing some residents to the brakes from around the world. people have told us the circumstances is even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have. how well this is trent who pays the price. when are we can to clean up to new orleans more think, 1204 black people lost their life. not a single rich american loss. they like the real cost of the climate to emergency. the most vulnerable people who are suffering are poor people. but even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. outages here as new series died off to the higher the
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the welcome back to watching all to 0. let's remind you about top stories. the silence around this president abraham raise. he says his forces are ready to fight any threat in light of israel's promise to respond to a wrong tyrone as walking. it's national army, they just days off towards for talent dream. this island drug and strikes against israel is really minute treat me. law has killed at least 40 palestinians, including many children and a series of attacks across garza, over the past 24 hours. the injured have been rushed to hospitals, but you all ready? tell us the news, unlocking prisoners vain as to you and says it's received numerous reports of master tension on the street from us by the israeli military detainees in the okay, pied westbank town to 0. they've suffered repeated torch. the polls have closed in the solomon islands where people have been verging and in general
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election versus worried about the rising cost of living. and they're all son who fear the government's close to ties with china. but this isn't the new challenge that the south pacific nation faces with around 900 islands, but over a vast area, counting the pilots themselves will take weeds. finally, low reports gearing up for what's being described as the most important election since independence from britain. almost 50 years ago, folders in the country of 3 quarters of a 1000000 are choosing local officials and electing 50 and peace. who will then select the next prime minister, prime minister, minnesota. so go about it is seeking the 2nd term. he's brought his country closer to china 1st by separating diplomatic ties with taiwan. then by signing a security agreement that has raised pierce by the us and its allies of a chinese military base, their opposition politicians want the review of the chinese pass. that is something
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that is very uh, containing like, uh, in place of the ccv in this country like people are not really making decisions that comes from the on the way. the thing of the things they've been in for extra money go to and things so, but it's something that we don't want to see in this country. so the body argues deeper ties would paging, brings much needed developments. solomon's was proud to host the pacific games in menus built and funded by china capacity, i suppose, of a pacific nation's we'll be looking to see what the consequences are of taking the a very of the pro china stance. i mean, of course, they want to the connections with china. they like the chinese aid projects, but they don't like the political pressures, the but you politics is far from the minds of many voters. they say they want to
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cnn to both buying and the better quality of life. the change you want to see is a government, but the people says that is the one of the meetings, but they do want to see people. first is everything that they do is a cation in education, in health, as well as employees in the country were progress and development have yet to reach many of the remote islands. it's the core issues that will likely determine the result. barnaby low, i'll just say well poconos back is a non resident fellow with it done to councils into a pacific security initiative. he says the solomon islands ties to china, has been a major campaign issue, debate over whether mr. side of our res bracelet beijing. since 2019, when the solomon islands changed their diplomatic recognition from taiwan to the people's republic of china, it's been hotly debated during the election campaign. mister south of all right has been claiming as 63 election,
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that is bought development benefits that we've done instead of the every day. why as solomon islanders well as opponents like matthew, while one of the opposite issue leader in the national parliament has criticized mister shut with all right for selling out the country sovereignty and of are you that in fact has not want to talk with such to the country as hold orders go to the post and i certainly have issues are going to help them there much. you know, solomon islands has a lot of challenges with reducing poverty, improving infrastructure and putting, including the state of the health care system. and those are the issues that are front of my, for voters. it's not like they're sitting there thinking about rand politics in grand geo political strategy every day. you know, they're really concerned with pocket ish book issues and they're wellbeing. and that's why you see politicians when they talk about foreign policy in the selection framing it through the lens of domestic issues, bias which as opposed have opened for parliamentary elections in croatia. and the government has faced demonstrations and recent months led by the left wing
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opposition who accused those in power of corruption. chris is also the newest member of the european union. the governing agencies and policy is being challenged by a coalition that opposes support for ukraine. unofficial results will be announced around midnight local time on wednesday. after weeks of uncertainty, haiti's government has named members of a new transitional council to take power problem, and it's not real and re announced his resignation last month following a wave of violence after he left the country in february, the gangs now controlled most as a capital puerto prince and then the council will govern for 2 years with the end of creating a pop towards elections. fewer and special envoy for libya has resigned saying he sees no hope for political progress that i'm july. but tv said that the un cannot successfully support libby as political transition because of the latest i'm pushing their own interests about finding the solution. is very sad,
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but the note is that said in libya to be the barcode with the beautiful pollution want to get out to dismiss became for me and ask for a formula which we go beyond what was the does do you want to put an end to the crisis to book on what the best sufferings and under the circumstances. there is no way for you and can operate successfully because the books break one of the 4, any sort of pieces. what do we have priests, the day. unfortunately, a law as a full melita on sounds,
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richie has been moved from prison to house arrest. government says it's a precautionary measure. it because of an intense heat wave. the 78 year old was detained by the ministry of truth. true in 2021. she since been convicted of multiple offences ranging from freeze and corruption, she denies full charges. indian security forces say they've killed at least $29.00 now as triples during the fist gun bottle. in the central stage of chapter, scott, 3 senior commanders of the band communist policy of india are reported to have been among those killed. so we'll kind of just days ahead of national elections in india, at least 79 now as problems have been killed since the start of the. yeah. the, the regional government in the northern ukrainian city of trinity, he has confirmed 3. russian missile struck the city on wednesday morning. at least
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4 people were portion who killed several injured and critical infrastructure and the city was damaged. this is the latest question. missed on stripe, on cities, across to crane, and comes ahead of a nature anita summit and brussels on wednesday afternoon. well meanwhile, new kinds of president has signed a new military recruitment tool, and it's all aimed at increasing fixed number of commanders, the face non power shortages in this war against russia. this legislation hikes payments to volunteers as well as adding new penalties for draft dodging president, brought to me as lensky has blamed his western allies for the impact of recent russian attacks on energy infrastructure across the country. he says, ministry was unable to shoot down missiles because they ran out of munition not. you can choose, we run out of old messiahs that defend it. you pay a lot when someone says that i lives comp, provide us with the so that weapon will they come be in ukraine with the so that
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force because that would be perceived as if you crane is engaging nato in the war. well, after yesterday's attack, i want to ask you a question. is israel positive nato or not? what is the answer is riley is not a nature country. the nato allies, including nato countries, that being defending israel, they showed the wrong in forces. the israel was not alone, and this is a lesson. this is a response to any one on any continent who says you need to be very careful when assisting ukraine, so that you don't engage nato countries in the role model. well, the u. s. president drove button on the republican house speaker may now be close to a deal that we'll see for an aid packages voted on in congress. will ukraine, israel and other countries in the, in the pacific region, as well as taiwan proposals from speaking mike johnson on now being considered at by the us administration. a white house correspondent, committee house that has all. and it passed the senate. but for weeks,
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the house of representatives refused to vote on a white house approved 95000000000 dollar. a package providing for an assistance for is really you frame and also taiwan. but now the white house confirmed is considering separate a proposal, put forward by how speaker mike johnson. the speaker called the us president joe biden to put forward the idea. and now national security council spoke 1st and john kirby says that as long as is real ukraine and the in the pacific get the resources that are needed. they say at 1st blush, this could work. they are just reviewing the proposal right now at the white house, and even though the white house pushed for a stand alone bill, john kirby says that the separate bills are not a deal breaker by johnson says that each of these individual aid packages could be loaded on as early as this week,
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kimberly help it out to 0. the white house was staying in the united states. 7 of the 18 georgia is needed for donald trump's hush money trial has now been chosen. trump is a fast us president to face the criminal trial. he's accused of of payments to an adult films. dawn 12 doors and 6 ultimates on needed. this election is based on impartiality, but many questions so far have simply said that they owned united airlines has blamed a fast course, the loss of a $124000000.00 on the temporary grounding of some. boeing plains, dozens of 737, next 9 at croft were taken out of service in january of the panel. blue house of an alaska airlines jet mid flies. united has indicated will receive for a few in new plains from boeing, the caea than expected. and it's also begun leasing air bus models to phillips, please. in the united kingdom,
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a bill to bad smoking for younger people has now passed its 1st title in parliament . if passed, it would bound the sale of tobacco products to any one born off to january, 1st, 2009. so it effectively raises the smoking age by and every year until it eventually applies to the entire population. in the 1st boat on this bill, 383 m. p 's, versed in favor with 67 version. you can still head few here on the i'll just there and use on a piece of danish history. last, as one of the country's most famous landmarks is destroyed and a fine the
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the visa, some of the 1st images from the aerial assessment of called bleaching in the great value range. bleaching occurs by movement ocean temperatures and pollution. first
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call to expel the algae to get the color range of color. at extreme range, his wife over an extended period of time, making some structures to been severely damaged. scientists have declared 2020 for a mass bleaching event. what's happening here on the great fire roof is also happening on rapes around the world. or the last 12 months, warming sea surface temperatures have cause bleaching events in the northern hemisphere and the elementary conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. marine biologist. jodi rama says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's an organ assigned to the biggest cro system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef means many years to recover from these heat waves, and it's just not getting it a unique perspective. that's the place himself does. told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency,
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but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really a lot about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out just the or the the welcome back you by international airport timeouts and thousands of incoming flights on choose day off the heavy rains hip, the city and cause wide spread flooding many runways as you see them at one of the wilds. busiest and travel homes were covered with standing war. so because of that
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shoots deluge roads and residential areas also hits with many homes, were forcing leaks through the doors, windows, roofs, uh, emergency services and amman have also been carrying out a series of rescue missions that in the wake of funds, which kills at least 18 people rescue is continuing to look for the missing have also been supplying fast a to thousands of people or how long the gulf region deals with floods. a heat wave is bringing scorching temperatures to many parts of southeast asia, the philippines, thailand, vietnam, and engineers out or among countries baking and the month long, intense. he's correspondent jessica washington reports from the indonesian capital chicata, the streets of human city in vietnam. it's a struggle for many to get through the de la la. com. it's so tiring, pushing this car under industry feet. i'm used to the work with the heat. it's
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unbearable. the heat wave is having a wide square, distinct, new, like a good time. what do you mean? the whole city is under receipt wave and it's affecting life in the city. many children fell sick due to the heat. we don't have the infrastructure needed to adapt to a hospital, whether it's a stimulus, seen in the philippines. filipinos in manila are trying to cool down any way they can even if we have an umbrella, the heat hits us in our faces. thousands of schools across the philippines, suspended classes earlier this month, or switched to online learning due to the scorching heat. the annual dry season has already started in some provinces in indonesia, which can result in more intense heat due to reduced cloud cover. side to say this month's extreme heat is partly due to the 2nd year of the all new with phenomena as well as climate change and then water if overriding model. so i looked at the,
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this was the hottest 3 months in 100 years of old duration shows that this year is likely to reach the hardest global temperature in history. and it's likely this april will be the hottest on record to in thailand's daniel. so i'm trying to lose the festival over the weekend. that was high temperatures. in the traditional way. the time ministry of public health warns that temperatures in many areas a said to exceed 40 degree celsius. unicef ones that high temperatures and humidity this month could put children at serious risk of heat related illnesses, including breathing problems and cardiovascular. second, vietnam, most of my taxi right is like millions around to region, no choice but to work outdoors all day long. i don't know, i spend a lot of time out on the street and this hot weather is hurting beating. i will have to say the huge isn't likely to continue for weeks. jessica washington to 0 to
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come to an investigation as on the way off to a boat full of corpses, was found the drift of the northeastern christopher cell. police say the 9 bodies were likely african migrants from malia and more attaining virtues. similar to the vessels often used by my friends trying to reach spain's canary islands. venezuela's president, nicholas monroe has ordered the clarissa and his governments embassy and conceal it's an equitable in protest against that nation's decision. just on the mexican embassy earlier this month, to arrest diploma, vice president for a class. that action prompted mexico which had of glass political asylum to suspend different logic relations of equitable money. raw flow has moved from mexico city a sign by honda. they may hiccups political settlement. this is the moment venezuelan president because that's model ordered the closure of his country's embassy in ecuador during a meeting of the community of latin american and caribbean states in honduras on
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tuesday. a lot of the novel sent a lot of, not that i'm, but i go to the embassy in ecuador, to close to close the consumers in quito to close immediately. the consumers in way a key for the diplomatic personnel to return to venezuela or immediate. same thing maybe at the move by venezuela was done in protest at the events of april. the 5th in which ecuadorian police forcefully entered mexico's embassy in detail during the raid they detained, former vice president hold hey glass, who had been evading arrest in the mexican embassy since december? mexico's president under this monroe lopez over the other order has asked his counterparts in the region to endorse mexico's complaint against ecuador before the international court of justice. go, your mind may go see the local. this, the mexican government decides to go to the international court of justice and to the united nations. we will go with them. is comma, okay, did we call to restore former vice president whole, hey gloss, to his condition at the mexican embassy,
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and to handle his case with the corresponding international rights to the equity, worst president then in noble act was not invited to participate in tuesdays meeting of regional leaders, he has defended his country's position, telling the media that he has no regrets over the rate on the mexican embassy, by his country's security forces. following the events of april, the 5th in the door pressure on ecuador from the international community has been growing. the order by venezuela to remove its diplomatic mission follows an announcement by nick a rog. what last week? to cut diplomatic ties with ecuador altogether? when was it up a little al jazeera, mexico city, a f i a has destroyed one of the best known lines, locks, and deadlocks, capital. copenhagen, the cities, 17th century stock exchange, known as both as the boston, was engulfed in flames. charlie onto a half a story. one of copenhagen's most iconic landmarks
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collapsing in flames. the old stock exchange coat fire early on tuesday, leaving the nation, devastated the dutch renee from style building was being renovated to restore it to its former glory. but it was the scaffolding and coverings the ultimately hung, put emergency services, allowing the fire to take hold and its celebrated spice to topple the. yeah, it's terrible. a comp put into words what the stock exchange means for us as a building and does a symbol for copenhagen. the full dragons are a part of our sky line, and a lot of paper from copenhagen move past it every day. it's a full 100 year old cultural history that has been lost no time in copenhagen, but also in denmark. no longer an active stock exchange. the building is headquarters to the danish change at columbus. there were no reports of injuries,
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but there was huge concern for its many priceless alt what it's an all american ford building on the 20. so it's very story building a lot of old, valuable insights trying to rescue the most could only stand instead. but some pauses by helps emergency crew rescue some of the historic paintings and all the facts when the building. it was actually the most impressive hole in copenhagen leaving them either way again and the goal and elements all around. all the contagious candidates. we lost something big today . as the plains receded, it became evident much of the damages to the front of the building. the rid damage being less severe, to eddie, to tell if this piece of data is history can be salvaged. charlie angela out. is there a lot, so for this news out,
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remember you can always find lots more on our website out of there. i don't. com. don't go away there. i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with much more of today's, please stay with us here on out just here. the one of the biggest selections of 2024. india is general election. will administer now render movies be taking increase its route across the country? how will economic uncertainty and you've sent employment sway voters in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading unfairly, ongoing coverage, but in the as elections on out tuesday, around a week to look at the world's top business stories. how much of those plans going to cost is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies to construction and small businesses. we have just started seeing in stations come down in many costs. well,
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to understand how it affects the 9 outline forth how big a problem is labeled. food insecurity. counting the cost on outages here. how well does it rent that? who pays the price? when we came to clean up to new orleans more than $1200.00 poor black people lost their lights, not a single rich americans lost their life. the real cost of the climate to emergency the most vulnerable people who are suffering are poor people. but even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. outages here as new series died off to the higher. ok, foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis,
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haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the around this president says his forces are ready to face. any threats of to israel is permits to retaliate around thrown into the color that i'm associated, hey, this is out of here at life from the hospital. so coming up is really strikes across the goal is a strip calories for the palestinians, including children or the 24 hour period palestinians,


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