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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 17, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the around as president says, forces are ready to face any threats of the israel's promise to retaliate around thrown into the color that i'm associated. hey, this is out of here at light from the hospital. so coming up is really strikes across the goal is the strip calories 40 palestinians, including children, a 24 hour period, palestinians unlocking prison his day was nearly double. the number of the tiny is in his. randy jails, not many report to chat,
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abuse human rights fine. the task polls closed in the solomon islands wrapping up an election that could have a major impact on china is the ron is mocking. it's national on the day just days after it's retaliatory. ms. allan jordan strikes across against israel notches, are being held in various cities across the country. and president abraham writes, he says, around forces already to face any threat and light of israel's threat to retaliate . several changes are also made to this year's event of to security concerns. a data yet you have it all man in a well planned, quick and accurate response are forces, punish, design is regime and put it in its place. and this was an announcement to the whole world, and that's a global powers to design this virginia,
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that the nation of iran is ready. our forces are ready to act and we are standing by for the director most living. well that's being taught correspondence also jabbar as you joins us live now from terror on adults. and what, what did we hear from rice? and in addition to those strong ones will be raining. presidents use this opportunity to deliver more threats and warnings to israel. he said that if our action was to be on a larger scale than what we've seen in operation to promise on saturday, that they could see there would be nothing left of their sinus receive. he also went on to say that any attack on iran soil would be met with a fierce and severe response. the radiant president also said that the operation that erewhon carried out for the 1st time in this country's history show that the there was a false sense of grand are about israel's military. and that was one of the objectives to break. that's a psychological association that the world has with these really military. and the
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zine is regina. they were a new president, was joined by the head of her owns armed forces, as well as the head of the revolutionary guard. and this event was moved from the area around dom i'm calling the mazda of liam to a barracks in north eastern part of terry hall and due to security concerns. but still, we heard from the waiting president to use the opportunity to highlight iran military might dosage of already. there was a very nice just for us from those celebrations in iran today. thank you very much . don't as well. meanwhile, israel is, will cabinet, is expected to meet again later on wednesday as it continues to decide how to respond to toronto attack. it's believe administered and now debasing the scope and timing and such a response. most of the 300000 drones that launched from israel, from the ron, i'm sorry. what intercepted tyrone says that attack was in retaliation. so the bombing of the rating and come to that building in damascus some 2 weeks ago. and
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the us is now preparing new sanctions against iran in coordination with its allies . washington is expect to the target turnarounds, miss holland drawing program in the wake of a runs attack on his rail. the treasury secretary john yelling says that every option is on the table to disrupt when she called ron's terrorism. financing is around has been cooling for grades of sanctions, of to around 5 of those drones and missiles against it on saturday. the autonomy to what's happening on the grounds now on the war ongoing. so which shows no signs of using these really minute tray has killed at least 40 palestinians including several children. and the latest series of strikes across the strip over the past 24 hours. at least 7 people accounts and ruffin in the south during the tax on the home. and they have no refuge account eval if they've been strikes on
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the gauzy and garza city and the north body is putting up in nearby hospitals which was ready overwhelmed. honey ma, what has the license now from rough and southern gaza? of the didn't dying lie side by side on the floor of blocks, the hospital and central gauze. the majority of the victims of an attack on most of the refugee camp. our children believed to have been playing together when the strike happened. further north, in a densely populated area of gauze, a city really fire struck again this time hitting a vehicle, carrying police officers where we received a report that there had been a targeting. we went there and find people torn to pieces by witness to say, the targeting was carried out on 2 strikes. those who survived the 1st rank, we're targeting the 2nd one. the did a load it up while any survivors are taken to hospitals that can cause we're
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operating with a minimum capacity. we've received an unusually high number of injured people. were limited in staff so which split the cases between our alley and come all add one hospitals, women and children continue to make up the vast majority of those killed in this for children with playing and were taken by surprise with me. so i was fooling them, nothing was happening, things would calm the arab countries and not taking sides. look at this, you can see these are not resistance fighters. it's a little child. besides an outpouring of grief, there's under here, the anger that truly of the world. so what was happening this for would in anyway, most of the, of the rough and stuttering guns on that smell space or tower cowboys. and he's also been rough at and southern gaza talk some awful things that you were telling us out here about how those strikes have also been escalation of
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the will. undoubtedly the gaza strip has been a hit on an hourly basis in every single day. as the maturity of areas had become unsolved, it is very fire. now, recently we have been recording multiple strikes, of course, many areas in gauze now included. if you know the run part in a should hold one neighborhood, or at least 13 palestinians have to reported, killed in that area of to a gathering for palestinians had been directly targeted without any prior warnings . but similarly now, as well as at the time ends in order to expand the core, we deal with that. it has the really simply use tablets in the middle areas that steps between the north and the southern portion of this trip. as they are destroying houses, cleaning the entire area as also they are trying to raise agriculture alarms in order to guarantee that there is no any threats in this area as they have to be
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noticed when number of casualties being reported. additionally, in the south, overnight strikes were really recorded as southern palestinians have been reported killed in a rough all had the vast majority where young children we are talking about for children being killed at these area that had been targeted as regarded as a very densely populated area now clearly what we can see is that there is new, any lead, talk to now and as strikes and move. i said, are you to expand, you know, the fights in the middle areas in been over and portion of us are rock refugee camp and tar your in rough up. it felt like over the last little while we so more a trucks making it into the strip through that crossing it seems to have changed. and the last few days, the united nations is also saying that aid is being restricted again. what have you been hearing there? on the ground as well as we have been hearing from uh the uh, rough uh, crossing committee saying that they have been recording
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a very slight increase in terms of the numbers of humanitarian trucks being allowed to get into the gaza strip and also drink current. apple side of course, and what was up on generally the slight increase cannot completely matches the entire edmunds news for garza's population. we are talking about yesterday, at least more than $170.00 humanitarian trucks get into the territory, including trucks for the private commercial sector. so clearly that you know what the east with the military has been saying that they have been increasing sharply. the capacity of 8 supplies to the gaza strip to reach 500 trucks the day. and the same time the u on white's office has been saying that as well as still placing a red, i'm know some restrictions on a deliveries to the gaza strip as they are being quoting consistently. so on conditional and meaningful sustainable flow, the supplies to the gaza strip as the entire population has been suffering from
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high rates of mount nutrition and more signs of famine looming on the horizon spot . yet we have 3 hearings from 5 witnesses and then over at pots of garza's trip, they had been recently receiving a that could be early enough for one me a be day time, a couple of them that was a very latest for us from the ground. and rafa and the southern parts of the guns district. thank you. time april the 17th and locks palestinian prisoners de, honoring the thousands of palestinians held off on indefinitely. and is there any chance? and this comes as you and says it's received numerous reports of massed attentions of treatment and the enforce disappearance of palestinians by these randy ministry is right. new authorities have released some 1560 tanny's from gauze us since april the 7th. okay. and women and children do you, an agency for palestinian refugees says that they will help for weeks in military facilities with no means of communication with the families of allegations into
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sexual abuse and torture and treating psychological and physical home. while it is really human rights group is also using his writing politicians of sanctioning the systematic mas treatment of palestinian presidents, physicians for human rights, as violations and creative force, disappearances, torture, and depriving palestinians on their rights since the war and golf and broke out from prisoners in the occupied westbank have been speaking trial correspondence or call the pain is knocked on the walls in either refugee camp. the occupation is too close to home. is right in minute tree rates and the rest are routine. months of the are and all the activists refuse to accept these rated crackdown he was arrested in december and held in ultimately that tree prison for 2 months. can you torture since i hadn't thought, oh, father,
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it was the 1st time that i was looking for. i was on the golf and i have to you know, to plug this or was if you would raise your head or look to see what are your you will be the ones that has been out before. he describes worsening conditions. no electricity. this will food or some light. this will access to medical care and torture. my few was to lose my mind because i have nothing to do. they are full to every single man. also, it's one of 23 known is right, the ministry presence and the only one in the occupied westbank, the number of inmates is increasing rapidly. well, let's take a look at some of those to 6 on posting and present us. this being about 8000 palestinians arrested since october, the 7th. that's the equivalent of around $44.00 people every single day,
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according to official, is ready to take us when the will began in october. so it just says of 5000 promising is incarcerated in this friday. jails now we're looking at multiple $9000.00 ons, many of those are being held in administrative tension without any formal charges or trial before the war that was around $1300.00. and since the war, that number shows up to move is 3600 policy and inmates sustained a will. there was 33 women behind the boss. now there are more than 80 that was $170.00 children. now that number is molten 200 and what is it alternate and to get the role of the violation being committed to they are about the humanities ation. we are talking about the worst period of that he needs no just the conditions, but also the scale of abuse and is rarely prison guards are boasting about the crimes they carried out on it up is ready to these channels, 13 broad costs,
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video of how god's show of the treatment of prisoners with videos like this posting is worried about the state of their loved ones. well, some received the worst news. they didn't survive their imprisonment. is right. the authorities, a withholding the bodies of these 26 postings who died in custody more than half of them in the past 6 months. so families have not been able to bury their loved ones nor han alger. sarah, the occupied westbank for let's speak to a correspondent need to abraham. she joins us now from best buy. have you don't understand you from speaking to family members of some people still in custody? a yes. massage a we are here at a job. the village in near a job by a village in bethlehem, in the house of the longest serving palestinian prisoner currently in his really jails who have been incarcerated in 1985. the family at the 1st
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instance saw that he had been killed before they received the news that he was alive. so i'm going to be speaking now to the son of how much that and said was only 40 days old when his father has been in prison. the getting the i'm sure that i find tell us what do you know what to that? and how did you come to know about his car and not enough tips? little modify. no, honestly speaking, i do not know much about to my father when he was detained by days or eighties. i was only one month old. oh no you know about my father are made stories told by my mother see me and i stayed peace and my grandmother and also from the very soul visitations, i paid to him in the prison for when the v is i was denied any right visitation
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rights life by these really so it's an accountant for 12 consecutive years, not i did not because obviously a visit my father to the degree that he was did not recognize me. the last time it was this for me, i just need and he did not recognize me and nor did i. for 12 years i was denied or visitation rights and i prayed to god almighty, he wouldn't be released soon. i hope he would be included in any field showed us why. that's how he used my father. holla, no, no, no, not for the head of his 11 grandchildren or 3 sons. you know, he did not see any of his 11 grandson during maximum. we had of only 2 or 3 visits paid and he is 2 or 3 visit with you on the years. very small just had a number of a know about the, about his conditions after the war. now we can know by the how it is no secret that
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since the war began 6 months ago, we have been deeply concerned about my father and all the other kind of sit in denise that there are a confirmed reports that they make any is on 3 days, ha, slay the ard with the store towards and many of the prisoners club prisoner did send tickets, are not able to visit them that they needs. that's why we are living in c, and you can. so unplug panic when we, when i'm at home, i do not know if they have been transferred to other prisons and what conditions are they living in? well, most people just been very few information taken from some of the they didn't use it a simply detain, that at least we have come to know that they have been deprived of 80 to this even
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the, the, you know, 10 says yeah. and then uh, the simple tools they had also denied is proper food. i don't even want to think about the remote, cannot you optimistic about any future? so i've seen how many i am always maintaining high hopes. i pray to god the my to to have my father's really together with all the palestinian did thing is it is flux to anything good and sometimes i have high spirits of the other day. i'm more disappointed. yes, i continue to pray to god that might be to have my father, but at least i also pray that the war comes to an end the blood, but among the public opinion has come to an end of the line. i hope every cent swipe the laser each. and so this is one of the stories of thousands of palestinians who have loved ones in his rated prisons. and especially those who have long sentences have always looked at swap deals,
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is the only way to be able to re unite with their family members need to abraham there on the ground for us speaking to family members and best to him today. thank you so much data. well, i'm still ahead here on elder 0. crane's president signs a new law or the increase on the numbers. i'm gonna take a look at how people and several southeast asian countries are creeping with an intense, long, long gateway, the the hello april showers pretty about sunset the weather across here. but there might be more plus, 3 showers coming in across the northwest. right down across the central path and we have got this line of cloud and re this weather system, bringing some cold up,
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fresh air. i went to weather down towards the south east as i was thinking as well, a little further south with ad east wilson cooling off significantly behind looking at around 9 cells, just stabbing bell gray longest bells of rain coming into book rest $21.00 degrees and that heavy right, stretching right down towards milton, positive grease and slipping towards bulk area, plus 3 showers. as i said up to was the northwest as we go one through what was the stay into what the state they will sink further south is more snow flowers coming in over the outs could scattering the south west of weather for the east and cooling of further down towards that southeast corner, i believe we'll see some heavy rain for a time, lodging showers here long as you try fine and sunny across much of spain and portugal till i find a sunny 2 across the good pots of north africa, where a woman car, right 37 celsius on wednesday, those winds do go around. looking at 32. by the time we come to us by may while the usual shells continuing along the southern parts of west africa with heavy down pools for southern nigeria.
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the o, well, it's a threat. but who pays the price? when are we can katrina, new orleans more than 1200 poor black people, lost them nights not a single rich american lost their life. the real cost of the climate to emergency the most vulnerable people who are suffering are poor people. but even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. outages here as new series dying us off to the higher of the the
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welcome back to watching al jazeera. and let's remind you about top stories. the sounds around this president, abraham ray, steve says his forces are ready to face any thread in light of israel's promise to respond to a run around his smoking. it's national army day. just a is often retaliatory, missed on android and strikes against israel. montes ready ministry has killed at least 40 palestinians, including many children, and a series of attacks across casa, in the past 24 hours. the injured have been rushed to hospitals with child already tell us the news on locking prisoners day. as the u. n says it's received numerous reports of mass detention since this treatments by the is randy ministry. the chinese and the occupied westbank lounge was 0. they've suffered repeated torch polls of closed in the solomon islands, where people have been voting in a general election. voters are worried about the rising cost of living, and they're awesome who fee of the government's close to ties with china. but this
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isn't the only challenge the south pacific nation faces. with around $900.00 island spread over a vast area, even counting the ballots will take weeks, found to be low reports gearing up for what's being described as the most important election since independence from britain almost 50 years ago. folders in the country of 3 quarters of a 1000000 are choosing local officials and electing 50 and peace. who will then select the next prime minister prime minister, minnesota. so go about it is seeking the 2nd term. he's brought his country closer to china. first, by separating diplomatic ties with taiwan, then by signing a security agreement that has raised pierce by the us and its allies of a chinese military base. their opposition politicians want to review of the chinese have something that is very uh, containing like, uh, in place of the ccv in this country like people are not really making decisions
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that comes from the on the way to tingle things. they've been influenced by money, gods, and things, so that is something that we don't want to see in this country. so the body argues deeper ties would be june, brings much needed developments. soloman's was proud to host the pacific games and been use built and funded by china capacity. i suppose other pacific nations will be looking to see what the consequences are of taking the a very of the pro china stance. i mean, of course, they want to the connections with china. they like the chinese a projects, but they don't like the political pressures. but you politics is far from the minds of many voters. they say they want to cnn to both buying and a better quality of life. the change you want to see is a government, but the people says that it's the one of the meetings,
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but they didn't want to see people. first, the everything that they do is a cation in education, in health. and that's realism clements. in the country where progress and development have yet to reach many of the remote islands is the core of issues that will likely determine the result. find it below, i'll just 0. the ukraine's president has signed a new military recruitment film. it's aimed at increasing fruits on this, i found his face non power shortages in the war against russia. and legislation hikes, payments to warranty is as well as adding new penalties for draft dodging on president telling me, is, lensky has blamed, has weston allies to, for the reasons impact of russian attacks on energy infrastructure across the country. he says military was unable to shut down this aisles because they ran out
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of munitions. not the can choose. we run out of old messiahs that defend it to pay a lot. when someone says that i lives comp, provide us with a so that weapon will they come be in ukraine with the so that force because that would be perceived as if you crane is engaging nato in the war. well, after yesterday's attack, i want to ask you a question. is israel positive nato will not use the answer? israel is not a nato country. the nato allies, including nato countries, that being defending israel, they showed the wrong in forces. the israel was not alone. and this is a lesson, this is a response to any one on any continent who says you need to be very careful when assisting ukraine, so that you don't engage nato countries in the role model. a man last formulator on sounds. sushi has been moved from prison to house arrest. the ministry government says it's a precautionary measure because of an intense heat wave. the 78 year old was
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detained by the military officer, a crew and 2021. she since been convicted of multiple offences, arranging from trees and corruption all charges. she denies all the philippines, thailand, vietnam and indonesia are also among the countries baking in the month throng intense heat. jessica washington reports from the information capital chicata and the streets of human city in vietnam. it's a struggle for many to get through the day. long. lots of it so tiring, pushing this car under in the seat. i'm used to the work with the heat. it's unbearable. the heat wave is having a wide spread instinct and you're like a good. the whole city is under receipt wave and it's affecting life in the city. many children fell sick due to the heat. we don't have the infrastructure needed to adapt to a hospital with a yeah. it's a stimulus. seen in the philippines. filipinos in manila are trying to cool down
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any way they can. even if we have an umbrella, the heat hits us in our faces. thousands of schools across the philippines suspended clauses earlier this month, or switched to online learning due to the scorching heat. a daniel dry season has already started in some provinces in indonesia, which can result in more intense heat due to reduced cloud cover. side to say this month's extreme heat is partly due to the 2nd year of the all new weather phenomena, as well as climate change apart on january for a variety model. so i looked at the, this was the hottest 3 months in 100 years of old duration shows that this year is likely to reach the hardest global temperature in history. and it's likely this april will be the hottest on record to in thailand, the annual song crowd, water festival over the weekend. that was high temperatures. in the traditional way . the time industry is public health warns that temperatures in many areas
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a set to exceed 40 degree celsius. unicef ones that high temperatures and humidity this month could put children at serious risk of heat related illnesses, including breathing problems and cardiovascular 2nd, vietnam motorbike taxi right. is like millions around to region, no choice but to work outdoors all day long. i don't, i don't know. i spend a lot of time also in the street and this hot weather is hurting the experts say the huge isn't likely to continue for weeks. jessica washington to 0 to come home. while that heat wave is bringing scorching temperatures to many parts of southeast asia at the gulf region is dealing with floods to by international airport diverse of thousands of incoming flights on choose day off the heavy rains at besetti and caused widespread flooding. as you see many runways at one of the wilds, busiest ad travel habits will covered with standing water because of the deluge.
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roads and residential areas will also hit as many homes are forcing leaks through stores, windows, and even roofs. this emergency services and our lawn has been carrying out a series of rescue missions and the waco salons, which kills at least 18 people. rescue is continually left for the missing and also supplied 1st a to thousands of people. venezuelan president nicholas mentor has ordered the closure of his government's embassy and country. that's in ecuador, and protest against ecuador storming as the next can embassy out of this month. on the rock hello has moved from mexico city and i am buy honda. they me quotes, political settle. this is the moment then as well. and president, we go. last model ordered the closure of his countries embassy in ecuador during a meeting of the community of latin american and caribbean states in honduras on tuesday. a lot of the novel set, a lot of.


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