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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 17, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the, the, this business uptake these roads thought no bundle a dash football to use the the hello, i'm sammy say that this is the news out live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes. palestinians mug prison is day with nat, a double the number of the paintings and is right, the jails and before the war, many reform torture abuse and human rights violations. these really security forces
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must immediately end their active participation in the ad. support for sector attacks on pad is united nations condemns is really made to be involved in set to violence against palestinian civilians in the occupied west side. and his right of the strike targets one of the few places to get internet connection in gaza. city sitting 7 palestinians and wounding 20 others. ron's president says these forces are ready to face a threat of israel's promise to strike your wrong. the mass of the tensions ill treatment and enforced disappearances. those the allegations do and says it has received about palestinian prisoners under his riley custody. wednesday marks palestinian prison is de,
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honoring the thousands of detainees held awesome indefinitely in his riley jails is ready. authorities have released 1506 people from gaza since april 4th, including women and children, view and agency for palestinian refugee says that were held 4 weeks admitted free facilities with no means of communicating with the families. other allegations include sexual abuse and torture, including psychological and physical hom. i'll just as laura holland has been speaking to form a prison is the occupied westbank the pain is knocked on the walls in either refugee camp. the occupation is too close to home. is right in minute tree rates and the rest are routine months of the are and all the activists refuse to accept these rated crackdown he was arrested in december and held in ultimately
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that to present the 2 months to new york. for charles, since i hadn't thought, oh father, it was the 1st time that i was looking for. i was on the golf and i have to, you know, to plug this all was. if you would raise your head or look or to see what are your you will be the ones that has been out before he describes worsening conditions. no electricity. this will food or some light. this will access to medical care and torch of life. you was to lose my mind because you'll have nothing to do. they are full to every single man. alsa is one of 23 known is right, the ministry presence, and the only one in the occupied westbank, the number of inmates is increasing rapidly. well, let's take a look at some of those to, to 6 on posting and present us. this being about 8000 palestinians arrested since
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october, the 7th. that's the equivalent of around $44.00 people every single day. according to official is ready to take us when the war began in october. that would just say it's a $5000.00 policy using costs, right in this friday jails. now we're looking at more than 9 thousands and many of those are being held in administrative tension without any formal charges or trial before the war that was around $1300.00. and since the war, that number has just up to move is 3600 policy and inmates before the war. they was 33 women behind the boss. now there are more than $8170.00 children. now that number is more than 200, and you don't want to get the role of the violation being committed to. they are about the issue many zation thing. we are talking about the worst period of detainees, know just the conditions,
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but also the scale of abuse and is rarely prison guards are boasting about the crimes they carried out on it up is ready to these channels, 13 broke costs video of how god's show of the treatment of prisoners with videos like this posting is worry about the state of their loved ones. well, some received the worst news. they didn't survive. their imprisonment is ready. authorities a withholding the bodies of these 26 postings who died in custody. more than half of them in the past 6 months. so families have not been able to bury their loved ones, nor hon. i'll just sarah the occupied westbank. i knew that abraham joins me now from bethlehem, so prisoners, dan, important dates in the palestinian count and the house of being mocked where you on me that where we are. we're seeing palestinians coming out gathering some, simon is a prisoner is as well as children from palestinian schools here in bethlehem to
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mark today to remember is really jail those who many of her, of their families do not know the conditions. now they are sick, they cannot visit them. so it's a chance to remind the worlds of their prisoners to remind the world that they have people inside this way the deals of the very difficult. but this isn't to talk more about that. i'm joined now by i felt like that is who is from the palestinians. prisoners society says that the law at least the can you tell us what exactly do you mean by this today with market the palestinian prisoners day is april. 17 jones has a is really a, a how for us of mission was that getting into the front of the city and did he needs have escalating? this is before the eyes and those of the inside were at the same time as in the
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side war is been waged by these right is on guys. at the same time, there is a 80 of completion for just continue to randomly detain popella seen in a young man for all the base where our people are out to. and again, our crime, there's a whole was that more than $9500.00 kind of city and did any is out about or lying behind is a bars. they are as it been subjected to hans measure, including stores, total, physical and verbal abuse. they are even denied the most basic to mississippi is of live. they are, as a said, subject to that the verbal abuse, physically abuse, and massive thoughts or v as a to a completion forces continue to take on. just made sure is that when the rent that our lives and the life of prisoners almost impossible being no question in the
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society or is this the most difficult to be in the for the that in these? yes. for decades the palestinians have been heads behind is a bunch of these particular this particular days are the worst, have uh this is clearly seen as the, the sense of staying in the lease are demonstrating massive marks of daughter and abuse being goofy and has been clearly and candidly stating that they will continue to to the lives of the palestinian date and he is in to have and they are denied medical care. they are being subjected to starvation and they are being subjected to their but of physical abuse. and so, so where are the internet and of human rights organizations?
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v a is ready to pick and focuses on signatories to enter that, so that human rights convinces they are obligated to uphold the rights of the palestinian detainees. namely those the day and throw get the thousands and thousands have been detained and has been hi, this lady was recently pro guys that many of them were executed. and those who have been reset, amenities have soon to be in lots of those terms. and us 3 made many of them with a hand the blindfolded handcuffs and execute one. they're the ones that if i'm the members of the person there as well, please. especially with the news was serving long life sentences. once through those small fields, this is why we're seeing many,
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many because they are due to a palestinian home and not allowing them to have a prisoner renewal but prisoner. somebody inside is really an issue that strikes of the house of the struggle that thanks so much knew that abraham hello, the mayor of i'll put all the in the occupied. west bank says these riley mood street was involved in the killings of, to palestinians on monday. so often it's about who witnessed the attack, says sol, just supported onset is right. the settlers who fide, indiscriminately laces, kings come off to a 14 year old is riley went missing the romanella. he was found dead on sack today . i'm so thinking about the new uh, simplest, started coming in civilian clothes and with weekends and in front of these really ami. the shooting was by the troops and statements. they would see the guns fine with the able to kill the distance between the st lives. and the youth was about 15
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maces the with 2 injuries that they didn't stats, and it resulted in the mazda to, of, to, in the same place. their minds used today. there was communication just as it has been for the past month with the is riley sighed through the palestinian liaison office and they were informed about the violations that the statements were carrying out. but the occupation forces did not to us the thing that the 1st time i've called them. oh, it is an assistant professor of public policy at the doha institute for graduate studies, joins us now here live in the studio, but have you with us. so 1st of all, how crucial a role does the states play in supporting sex or a tax? so, i mean very close, and i mean, isn't it? is a separate a separate colonial state. i mean, since it's establishment, the center of its policies has been confiscating, but a student that i'm picking out, but a students of the territories of the villages and towns. so this is a,
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this is central resides existence at school on projects. and in the last 24 hours time and we've seen reports and statements from the united nations and from human rights organizations like human rights. what speaking about is riley on the actual participation in sets the tax talk to us a little bit about the displacement that causes with human rights watch saying they've counted 20 displaced communities since october the 7th. so suddenly it's, it's almost impossible to differentiate between is, these is like an army and the such that it's, i mean, the same entity model this, i mean on the state level is what is the policy has been encouraging promoting and spawn setting uh, simpler federalism and they and they've been on exam the things, i mean there's weapons give out. yes, i mean later, we know, i mean some of the minnesota of intended has been, has autumn to, to 300000 such there's the same certificate as our members or if you put the
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members busy that is right now to me for those. so there's no fine line between both the 2 groups that personally will tell you they sometimes shop in these really minute for uniforms. we haven't had any reports about them being reprimanded for though. of course, of course, of course. i mean it's, it's a, it's, it's by design, it's systematic. so the state is tiffany parker and this, and so for those of you can sort of set for the same as, as autumn. so there is no difference between the 2 groups. some of the item you put the tech stuff that was when the adults decent goods are the subjects and but assuming that it's so it's not a fit judge, the army is part of this institution, same as the surplus. so you've got to wonder what's the point of us and e, you, sanctions on the sides of the groups when in fact, that being supported according to the u. n. and human rights groups by the army with auto spect. i mean, this is a joke, a 6 your going into the section. i mean, if, if, if, if the, if for some of the countries of the us as is keen to stop this, i mean douglas is, is very clear. it stays at 80 states, not the set those. i mean,
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it's what's up from the by punishing unimposing sensors when he's at it. so. okay, now bear with us the time because i'm just getting would hear that there's been a statement by authors, prime minister, he's been talking about those negotiations which are going on indirectly between how my son is runs to give you a little bit of context to this of course the background is what author is mediating to try and secure a seas 5 dealing golf so so let's listen to what he's had to say about whether it's towards the guy a, b, m. i. s was a matter of with respect to the ongoing negotiations i informed his excell and see the latest developments. regretfully, the negotiations are facing some ups and downs. at the moment the negotiations have been struggling. we are doing our best to iron out all the obstacles. we are also doing our best to have a swap deal reached the time that it doesn't sound like these talks. i'm making a whole lot of progress right now. listen to that statement by causes 5 minutes. so right side, the cortex, and yet it doesn't even stop at this stage at the, the,
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the company government is being attacked by some elements of these that are in the government. and also some us congressman as well. i q as in caught that also not putting enough pressure on how much, what part of the plane to cushion rule and the mediation process. so uh, i think we are in a deadlock though, and i don't think i can base that i use. i mean nothing. yeah, i wouldn't see days today, the government, nothing else. it has treated the captives as collected of damage. and i don't think he has a keen interest to release them whatsoever. i mean, the fact that these are in his own databases are attacking how most targets, which could, which could also host the old have, is a captives and these targets. i mean, it's an indication that they don't kid. i mean for them it's done. all right, thanks so much time and kind of moved for coming and sharing your perspective on these developers. the
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knowing girl is the sitting. these writing will play and is a tactic group of palestinians gathering at a location where they can connect to the internet. at least 7 palestinians were killed and 20 others injured. it happened in the shape of one neighborhood, attentive being set out for those, trying to access the internet, the spot, the cell service throughout the tower tree. i'm assuming is often i have to gather at one point where connectivity is relatively stable. let's go live now to thought a cup i assume is joining us from alpha in southern, gaza and tonic. today's kennings just on the line, how easy it is for palestinians to be killed over those simple task life trying to connect to the internet. yes that's is the reality impact sammy on the ground as palestinians have been killed with different means as they've been looking for it as they are trying to get internet connection is what really happened today. we're at least 15 palestinians have for report that
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killed in the ship, one neighborhood. that was one of the earliest attacks that was carried out today. you clearly we can see the new strikes on onto the ribbon bottom and tad completely destroyed and unfold. residential house is not only in kansas city, but as well in the middle area, whether it's where the military now is operating in albert pot open with a rock refuge account, as they are aiming, according to political and security expert, saying that they are expanding the curriculum that they have been recently establishing in the middle areas of cancer, so blessing that we've been north, the south of the gaza strip, but new increase in terms of casualties amongst civilians. industrial that has been rising in the past 24 hours to reach at least 56000 has been killed. thought the you and the human rights office has been talking about is rel, imposing what it says off on law for restrictions on aid in gone. so what does that look like on the ground that's. that's right. so i
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will show you the uh the you on rights. busy office said that the entire process is really difficult as uh, the uh, the truck can. our truck cannot be a measurements in order to show the length of, of a getting into the territory. because these trucks are loaded in a way that could be completely as suitable for i scanning and not be completely loaded. as the majority of these humanitarian agencies i've been doing in detached 3, i'm a we have been recording that there was only a slight increase in terms of the state in comparison with the previous old days. that's also the same type copy of really sufficient on. now in order to know more about the humanitarian conditions and the flow of age into the gaza strip, we are joined right now with a bite mister. he shuddered one, he is the director of public relations and media in a rough crossing. you have to conduct yourself, you show, thank you for the time being out of my case. so you can look at those on the
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situation on the ground, namely the number off on the trucks coming in to through the crossing throughout the us. since the beginning, before, until this moment on the humanitarian aid has been threat coming in to gas and the quantities of the leave age does not in some advice. they cannot even meet the minimum. the basic needs of has the massive destruction of the scale of killing and the collapse of the health sector are quite clear to the whole world. about $150.00 trucks are coming on daily basis, including commercial trucks and as well as i saw in these trucks. and that's the amount of really paid compared to the humanitarian condition of the cousins. they have not sufficient at all to where i'm from. i could, so what all the opposite,
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because face and the humidity and, and the ends on the center of the united states and that everything's a piano. a one of the obstacles are numerous in the 1st and foremost is days later to be some 4th season. just kind of, i was in the, the deep aid and so from the agents on the sides into this. so it gets a slip through karma beside them. the is a, the completion process of denying i was on the many of the page, namely the medical supplies, particularly the medical medicine and some medical ambulances. in addition to that, 2nd not, not the number of, of the trucks is not sufficient enough so that i bought from that because some of these trucks entering, you can log into the 10 back mc in order to be loaded with both of these a requirements that that somebody else i can send me an thank you for being with the we have heard about how difficult is the humanitarian situation in gauze. this
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trip, as there was no, any clear, remarkable change in terms of the numbers of humanitarian convoys being allowed to get into the territory. all right, we'll leave with that. thanks so much thought a come by. so now iran surprised it and says his country's fullest is already the face. any threats that's as the as ready, war cabinet besides it's next step off the last weekend's drone, and miss ha, retaliatory strike on these rel, bypass drawn. right? you see says many any move bias, so we met with another strength by iran. you made the comments during national ami day march has been held in cities across the wrong. several changes were made to this is event due to security concerns. a data yet you have it all man in a well planned, quick and accurate response are forces, punish, design is regime and put it in its place. and this was an announcement to the whole world. and that's a global powers to design this virginia,
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that the nation of iran is ready. our forces are ready to act and we are standing by for the director and dosage a body joins us live from ron. so how the comments by r i c b receive that well, send me the comments made by the president during this very important day in the country are being seen here as facts, no longer just rhetoric. something the radians have been saying for, for decades here are now a reality that they've been able to achieve since they launched operation to promise on israel. on saturday. the waiting president also had for the warnings for is rarely officials that if you're wrong, chose to launch a large scale attack that there will be nothing less of israel anyway. didn't president also said that this idea that israel, it has this old, mighty and untouchable military force is
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a false sort that's now been proven this idea of logical and belief that israel's military is all mighty and powerful, has now collapsed. all right, we'll leave it there. thanks so much. talk to jabari you case foreign secretary david cameron is in israel meeting, laid is that talk about iran. cameron says this right well acts in response to it. ron's attacks but says he hopes they'll act in a way that does little to escalate the situation as well as presidents isaac hertzog says the world must act decisively against the wrong. and let's go live now to ben and smith, who joins us from occupied east jerusalem. so any sign is ready. officials are listening to that call from david cameron. will somebody we know that israel is, will cabinet, is going to be again as it continues to discuss how to respond to iranians attack
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on as well. and those responses could take various guys, it could be a diplomatic response. it could be an attack on a rating proxies and that means has paula in southern lebanon, as we know, is it happens today as well as killed 3 people in attacks on southern $1100.00, including a, has bullet come on to the bottom. the uptake in violence uh after what has been a comparatively quiet week or as well could launch some sound, some sort of a tax on a rainy and tara trip. now the us, as we know, we've already caught him as well to show restraint on britain's foreign minister. and germany's foreign minister have been here today carrying a similar message. israel's foreign minister as well. cap says he's leading a diplomatic offense if he's written to dozens of countries asking them to impose sanctions. david cameron burton's foreign minister said after the meeting, but it's clearly as riley is making the decision to act. he says, we hope they do. so in a way that does as little as possible to escalate the problem breton wants to see
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sanctions imposed on iran. and after that meeting said, david cameron, i'm on the line. a babel jeremy's foreign minister heading to italy. that is a g 73 day meeting of g 7 for a ministers where they will on the agenda one, the gender will be discussing how they respond to be around. to talk on these rel, i'm what functions they might degree to impulse. all right, good stuff. that i thank so much, but it's me. one of us is preparing new sanctions against iran and coordination with its allies. washington is expected to talk to her on miss holland driving program the way, cuz it runs a tack on as well. treasury secretary, janet yelling says every option is on the table to disrupt what she called. ron's terrorism. financing is rather has been calling for great to sanctions officer on 5 more than 300 drones and missiles against it on the size of the day on how son of
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my dad is professor of middle east and north africa studies at the university of to her on joins us now live from the rainy and capital good to have you with us. so 1st of all, how much concern is that over the life of the sanctions moves by the us and it's western allies in terms of the sanctions? there is less that they're not gonna states can offer because everything is sanctioned. specifically when it comes to mind. mississauga and drone programs are with regards to the nuclear file. everything is sanctioned. so i suspect there is not much that can concern the rains and, and basically on the sanctions a side you any is, are, are not expecting that much to a fee offered by the united states that can affect their economy or their, a military and their defensive capabilities, so it's,
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it's not that much concerning, i suspect. so not a lot of concern. it comes to economy in defense. what about the activity, the diplomatic activity that we're seeing, the west to mobilize right now we've got position german officials in israel is like causing concern as well. that's part of the ready and rhetoric nowadays to showcase the west. i have congress see, these are the same countries that vetoed a resolution that condemned the attack on the right hand consulate, which was a clear violation of international law, the vienna convention, but bronze breton and the united states did be told that the resolution indians now are talking in a publicly and even given the right and public as well, receiving this message of about him being very hypocritical one day deal with
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yvonne, an israel. and i think that diplomatic offensive against yvonne does not get to places that are less receptive, that have been blessed, receptive of what the west policy that us policy towards yvonne has been, namely eastern powers, rising hours and the global. so these are critical of israel, critical of what it does in gaza when it did, it goes the way the consulate and there's no change there given in terms of the public opinion. if you look at what the public is thinking, including the west, there is no shift there. many who believe that israel is conducting a genocide in guys a received the news of yvonne strike against the israel with you know,
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a less criticism. and they, they, they saw the israel, it was the, the party that triggered this by attacking your own consulate. so ava, israel is the front of it. and it's trying to, uh, basically drive other countries into a different now did other than the genocide conducted in casa. all right. talking about those rising tensions. what does the fact that we are seeing both iran and israel engage in such a widely telegraphing of the next steps? tell us about the prospects of this becoming a wider conflict as well. i think of what the radiance that was primarily targeted at the parents their di terrance was targeted by israel. israel was in on an income, mental campaign engine closer to yvonne moving away and moving the attention
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away from the guys after the criticism and pressure on it. because of what it does in gaza at was, was going off to try to divert attention. the 2 ends after the hit on a brand new and consummate the one is, could not take it anymore. they had to respond. so it re establishing their determines by creative allies in their conditional practice. these, that'd be as well. now these right, these are talking about retaliation. this is not perceived as retaliation, and it's perceived as another attack on yvonne because the one is where the fuck people retaliated after these rate the least attack their consulate aspect international. not unions basically have the right to do so after the un security concept failed to respond to that is rarely a stack on the when it comes to the time after the, when you're suggesting that the stop of the war on gods that can stop the menus
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from retaliating did not, was not receive 12 by his rail and the united states, the radios took that 3rd option that direct striking and retaliating against israel . so any pad, the escalation on the part of today's right is, is not going to be perceived as a, as, as a retaliation is going to be perceived as an offensive that the waiting is with 12 will be forced to retaliate. and the supreme national security council here, the body that decides on such issues as issued the statement, which i think is the basic, you know, the gist of what yvonne is thinking, moving probably worked and the hit on iran will, will be retaliated against, all right, recklessly against isn't so much us and i the on the as now you're watching out this era. it's time to recap those headlines, palestinians, a mocking prison this day is b, u, and says receive numerous reports of mess, pretensions, and mistreatment by these. right. and the minute treat detainees and the occupied
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westbank 10, i'll do 0. they've suffered repeated torture. this way they will plan is attacked. a group of palestinians gathering to connect to the internet in gaza city. at least 7 people have been killed. 20 of is wounded. ron's president abraham lot you see says he's false as a ready to face any threats in life as well as promised to respond to the wrong struggling this all the time around this mocking is nationally ami day just days officer is an unprecedented strike on this route. the now the regional governor of the northern ukrainian city of chatham, if he was confirmed 3 russian missiles struck the city on wednesday morning. at least 13 people were supposedly killed. 6, the injured and critical infrastructure of the city damaged face is the latest
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russian missile 500 cities across ukraine comes that hadn't been a totally to somebody from brussels on wednesday. afternoon child strengths that is in ukraine city of what all that's in polls tava region. so that stopped 1st of all, charles, the question of the rescue f. it's how they proceeded as well . we understand that those efforts to try and find people trapped under the rubble free. those that have already been located is ongoing, some pretty dramatic video that has been uploaded, showing what we on the stands to be a woman trapped under the rubble and emergency services trying to get her out. did you say this attack happened this morning? the regional authorities say that these 3 missiles were, is gun, the ballistic missiles. these fly at incredible speed up to 6 times the speed of sound that very difficult to knock out of the skies full of ukrainians,
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especially. so the current in say, during this period whether it's suffering such a terrible deficit in a defense, as you say, at least 13 people confirmed data. so for 60, all those injured including children, local authorities, a saying that it took out an 8 story apartment block. it was being described as a civilian, multi purpose building. they're also saying that there was damage to a nearby hospital and some form of educational facility. but to yeah, this is the latest attack in these daily, daily, not the attacks that we've seen in recent weeks in recent months. this escalation by russian policies seemingly able to target anywhere across ukraine. of course, russia consistently says that it doesn't deliberately targets civilian infrastructure and civilians, but yeah, an indication of just how dangerous it can be anywhere across this country with
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seemingly civilian architecture. civilian infrastructure is still being hit. all right, thanks so much child strengths of to hi, ukraine's president assigned a new military recruitment law. same that increasing true numbers. come on. this face manpower shows the war against russia. the legislation hangs payments to volunteers as well as adding new policies for draft dodging president for all of them is that in sky is blamed, is west and allies. so the impacts of recent russian attacks on energy infrastructure across the country. besides this minute she was unable to shoot down this house that ran out so that munition went off. the can choose, we run out of old messiahs that defended to pay a lot. when someone says that i lies conch provide us with the so that weapon will they comp in ukraine with visual that force, because that would be perceived as if you crane is engaging nato in the oil. well,
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after yesterday's attack, i want to ask you a question. is israel positive nato or not? but it is. the answer is right. it is not a nato country, the nato allies, including nato countries. but being defending israel, they showed the iranian forces. the israel was not alone, and this is a lesson. this is a response to any one on any continent who says you need to be very careful when assisting ukraine, so that you don't engage nato countries in the will not. paul's of open for parliamentary elections in croatia, the governing conservative christ and democratic union policy led by prime minister under the blanket which is taking on the group of less doing opposition policies, led by presidents on milan of which the elections became mind and control. this the optimal line of each declared it would run for prime minnesota. crazy is constitutional court ruled, you must 1st resign the office of president 1st, which is refused to do unofficially results will be announced in the coming hours
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while speaking outside, opposing stationary on wednesday morning. pression prime minister, under the plank of which had this the se, a given the altered geo, below geo political context that we live in globally european wise regionally crazy . i mean, serious, responsible people, that's our people can rely on for the next 4 years. and in that way, be product protected from all possible guys that may occur. well, a lot is that staking the rice of crisis general election, here are the 2 candidates, the prime minister under a blank of which it was 1st elected in 2016 and this one, the last 2 votes. now krasier has been 10 relative political stability under his leadership and his taking a pro weston position in supporting ukraine. his arrival is the main office ocean leader and president saw it on milan, which now he surprised. he announced to his surprise,
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bid for prime minister shortly after cooling and of the election. but this was ruled unconstitutional by the constitutional quote. president, milan of h wins while they could lead to strong ties with russia along the which has opposed . supposing you cried from on this, we can speak now to young and blue shots, who joins us live from zacko. so there is a bit of a back story to this. take us through the history between the presidents and the prime minister, a hi samuel explained everything go really nice. it's a really interesting situation right here in the craze. so with the elections the taking place in the middle of the week instead of usual sundays. so 3700000 people are holding for the new parliament and but the public impression is like a we are we just single battle between 2 largest offers and viruses. oh,
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and barely. there is a prime minister under the blank of each end. the president's autumn no longer the relation between them is important for understanding the circumstances of these elections. and this is a relation full of insults. at one point blank which caught all cooperation with milan or beach and that had its consequences. the institutions were blogs, the president's also supreme court ambassadors mandatory military lead. there was a good ne, selected for the 1st time and his history, milano, which is the often being accused of these open issues for being properly sick. he's the words are often address so far arise then, so far left to laws to last a to do a large part of the voters who voted for him when he became president. but then again, he gains the great support on in current folders from right to left. most of his appointed people who saw in his strong language, the tools this has to be spoken. basically to him. the other hand is one because of
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corruption. he has to, uh, full terms as prime minister, but i think those a tiers he last thursday minutes there was 15 of them due to corruption scandals. so that's his biggest burden. so one of them is going to have a coalition for the new parliament. all right, and take us through the way this conformity is going legally, right? because the quotes are involved, of course no longer be surprised everyone when he pulled parliamentary elections even his own as if the party and the for the 1st couple of days is doubles as a phase ratings, but not the for the long time. so according to constitutional course, at milan, which oversteps his constitutional powers by getting enrolled into the campaign because he must to remain neutral. so course official, a 4th released a warning and that's no longer wish to resign is the president if you wants to be a part of the company. and actually they trust them. so and you as the police, if,
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as if it violates the constitution and brings me long to reach out to companies. uh, conventions put him on a company in posters videos and said throughout. so regarding this, everything went smoothly so far, even though we have some, uh, really unusual uh campaign by the locals here will value it's um, quite boring campaign also, because under these uh, conditions uh, milano, excluding confront, deblanco beach or other leaders. uh so people have questions, let me hear anything about their actual programs, whether it be that thanks so much sheila now google employees in the us of health protests against the tech john's colleagues with as well. they rallied in the company's offices in new york. i'm california under the $1200000000.00 project, nimbus, google and amazon to build cloud computing facilities for israel. mitre. not
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only is the lack of transparency concerning, but just the context of which the contract is being taken place. and we know that the genocide in gaza is one of the or is the 1st a power genocide. so we find that big tech is that the forefront of kind of like, streamlining this genocide against palestinians. a project nimbus was signed 3 years ago. it's a multi year contract to provide it as well as public sector and ministry with cloud delta storage solutions. the same, it was signed anonymous, google, and amazon book is where it's an open method condemning the deal. instead, the technology would help as well spy on palestinians and expand illegal settlements. according to his right, the media of the contract states, the 2 companies cannot hold the services even while under pressure. it's a boy called as well on to the low end state and is the author of the palestine
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lamar tree for come, this rouse and surveillance in the street. you joins us now from sidney. good. have you with assigned to me is start with the role that these tech giants playing when it comes to the conflict in gaza, especially when it comes to surveillance. well, it's vital and as you say, the project name is, has been going for a while. in fact, just in the last month of the use of denying the project name, this was directly connected to the israeli defense force, or in fact, any kind of military use. there was an interesting lake to time magazine of all places concerned with that. in fact, yes, google particularly and project nimbus was directly working with these riley defense forces, including loc lane, garza, and obviously was seen in the last 6 months. a huge number of i enabled tools in garza essentially mass killing machines. so could 11 the oh, the gospel and although we haven't got
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a 100 percent confirmation that those project name is involved all, most certainly they have because they require massive amounts of cloud computing, power, and sources. i've been speaking to sites lucky that they are in use and this, i think, really goes to the heart of the problem here. that big tech, google, amazon, facebook, and others are increasingly not just in bed with these rarely, military but, and effective date. mean they ties with these rally defense companies as well. and anthony, how much of a challenge all these protest demonstration citizens posing to these types of jobs operations with this? well, i think it's incredibly important. i mean, i've been following the story for quite a few years. and in fact, there's quite a section in my book on project nimbus and speaking to some people who have been protesting for a long time, long before october, separate as protests are increasing, including off and organized by a group called no tech for a pots on which essentially is a us space group,
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which is opposing these kinds of activities and not as asking for transparency, which is the lease that google amazon could provide. been in fact, exposing these companies to corporate risk, meaning that without the risk action, whether they're saying, for example, in the u. k. you know, allows these palestine action is bring lots of it to the see what, which is a, you know, essentially a public organization finding no, but systems in the u. k. a launch is really defense company with great deal of success. in fact, the similar tactics of being used in the us against google and amazon correctly. so for the collusion, we thought just these read the military. but as i said, we're saying since october 7, a lot of sources that i'm speaking to in has been even if he stories in the media, talking about how in fact, the collision between silicon valley and his rally defense companies is increasing . because these are our ingles are in the last 6 months, has been testing a lot of a i tools not just 11 to and the gospel with others as well. and he's relevant for
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these really companies need massive amounts of computing power. amazon google are offering best services, and i think that kind of collusion is something that should this not just be exposed, but also forward against some type employees at amazon, of cold, for an international investigation in the past into the role accompanies play in violation of human rights and international humanitarian law is, is there a failure here to hold these companies to any kind of review loan accountability? well, yes, i mean, there's been really no accountability mean the same fee is facebook. google, amazon are essentially above the law. they really arguably on the masters at the end of this because there is no accountability in the us or any way. and i think that really also shows that companies like this in fact see an appeal in these really military, a lot of the process. and the last is against project name is com. but equally from
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arab muslim and jewish employee, it's not all caused by many who say that within those organization they are silenced or bullied, or in fact kicked out, or even raising these kinds of legitimate questions and the lack of accountability . i mean, look, the last fees we have had evidence that for example, facebook was complicit in genocide in me in law. what happened after that? nothing facebook isn't held to account, but we have a situation where google and amazon and the company is found to be directly complicit in mass killing in gaza when the tools are these rails being using shouldn't someone to be held to account for that and at the moment there's no indication that they will be without the prior to that happening in the us and beyond. and to me i'm, i'm curious because he, you know, some of the protesters personally and, and as he said, some of these people have lost the job of being as if you put it silence bullied or kicked out. what kind of impacts is that having is that breaking the will of,
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of protesters and those who all the steps i want the tech companies to doing. and it's like it's the opposite semi that of course they may have lost their jobs and that's obviously very hard for them initially. financial aid to be sure. but a lot of people have spoken to either the have not stay silent, even if they've left or been kicked out of those companies. in fact, i've increased the public profile and discussion as a say no tech for a pa sides role. as a advocacy organization is growing, one can find information online, i have no direct connection to them, but i've done events with them. and i really in my, uh what they doing because they are raising an issue of silicon valley complicity. now that people can take initially and financial aid for doing so, i'm more and more as was becoming automated, 2nd, automated, killing, as was saying in gals and, and frankly at times also in ukraine is even more need to hold these companies to account. and frankly, the us congress, which has been asleep at the wheel for years, whether it's democrat over
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a public and it's a step up massively as all the countries do as well. me a you, which is talked about these kind of regulation has thus far done. nothing concrete at all. all right. good to talk to you. thanks so much anthony. thanks, i'm a prominent california university has banned the most them student from speaking of the graduation ceremony because the federal position to israel's war on garza last year, several university presidents resigned off to hostile congressional questioning. and pressure campaigns from pro is rel, groups pro browser folds from the sun's rays of the muslim american students, us not to box them being chosen as valid. victoria, for the university of southern california was cause for celebration, but then usc abruptly band to buy some from speaking because of a pressure campaign by pro israel activist. she says she feels surprised, disappointed, and betrayed our university is supposed to in race this course. it's supposed to
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embrace ideological inquiry. if you silence one person, you're effective, we silencing a lot of people, campus, jewish groups opposed to boss and selection. and the campaign to silence her was fired up by social media posts like this one from self help book author and self described. jewish activism. samantha edits features of muslim anti semitic, and anti israel students to bottoms detractors pointed to links from her instagram page to a site that criticizes zionism as quote a racist, subtler colonial ideology. not an anti semite. and i think any conflation of anti zionism and anti semitism is deeply deep. we problem matic usc provost andrew guzman wrote to the university community, saying that the decision was all about campus safety. say the intensity of feelings fueled by social media has escalated to the point of creating substantial risks
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relating to security and disruption at commencement. the council of american islamic relations called us these decision, cowardly messages. obviously, the messages we don't stand by our students, especially those students, happened to be most of the students, especially if they are students who are there to speak for palestinian human rights . and the message they said is that we reward the bigots who, who engage in deformation and threats against the security of a university. last year, the heads of harvard and the university of pennsylvania were forced to resign. after being ruled by conservative republicans in a congressional hearing about alleged anti semitism on campus today. on wednesday, the president of columbia university named much traffic faces questions from the same congressional committee about anti war activism,
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student protests and freedom of speech. rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles. still are heading out this era. look at how people in several south east asian countries, a coping with an intense months long c twice. the . the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global your real estate destination, and due by the
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business late industries sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the heat wave is bringing scorching temperatures to many parts of southeast asia. the philippines, thailand, vietnam in indonesia, although among countries baiting in the month long in tens,
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hate jessica washington. as more from the indonesian capital jakarta in the streets of human city in vietnam. it's a struggle for many to get through the de la la. com. it's so tiring, pushing this card under industry feet. i'm used to the work with the heat. it's unbearable. the heat wave is having a wide spread instinct. new like a good, the whole city is under receipt wave and it's affecting life in the city. many children fell sick due to the heat. we don't have the infrastructure needed to adapt to a hospital with a yeah. it's a stimulus. seen in the philippines. filipinos in manila are trying to cool down any way they can. even if we have an umbrella, the heat hits us in our faces. thousands of schools across the philippines, suspended classes earlier this month, or switched to online learning due to the scorching heat. the annual dry season has
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already started in some provinces in indonesia, which can result in more intense heat due to reduced cloud cover. side to say this month's extreme heat is partly due to the 2nd year of the all new weather phenomena, as well as climate change apart on january, february model. so i looked at the, this was the hottest 3 months in 100 years, a full duration shows that this year is likely to reach the hardest global temperature in history. and it's likely this april will be the hottest on record to in thailand's daniel. so i'm trying to lose a festival over the weekend. that was high temperatures in the traditional way. the time ministry of public health warns that temperatures in many areas a said to exceed 40 degree celsius. unicef ones that high temperatures and humidity this month could put children at serious risk of heat related illnesses, including breathing problems and cardiovascular. second, vietnam,
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most of my taxi right is like millions around to region, no choice but to work outdoors all day long. i don't know, i spend a lot of time out on the street and this hot weather is hurting the experts say the heat is likely to continue for weeks. jessica washington, which is 0 to comes in. now while south east asia deals with scorching hate, the golf for agent is experiencing widespread flooding, defined to national levels, run ways. what 8 on days had forcing it to briefly hold operations for the major trends for hub is now returning to normal as the fund waters receive many flights. all still delight though those and see services in the u. a are still urging people to stay at home. emergency services in the amount of been carrying out a series of rescue missions in the wake of floods that at least 18 people were
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killed. rescue is all continuing to look for the missing and also supplied 1st aid to thousands of people. and investigation is on the way off through a boat full of corpses was found. the drift of the northeast coast of brazil. police say the 9 bodies were likely african migrants from molly and more of the time. yeah. the boat is similar to vessels, often used by migrants trying to reach spain's canary islands. this is wireless presidents is old, and the closure of these countries diplomatic missions in ecuador, in protest over a raid on the mexican embassy and key to mexico, had granted ecuadorian form a vice president of a gloss asylum alice before his arrest. several other latin american caribbean countries of suppose in mexico's calls to suspend ecuador from the un.
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or you can get much more on our website. the address that for you is out to 0. don't com. sit for the show or the good news is not fancy, it's hey, is back in a moment with another full body. i'm so stay with us. the one of the biggest selections of 2024 in the general election will prime minister now render movies be taking increase its route across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've sent employment suede boots as in key states. and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading and fairly ongoing coverage in the as an election on tuesday, around the killing of i'll just return it is shooting of the hawk. there was not an isolated event. it highlighted the whole question of press freedom of turn in a skilled one doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction of the
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terms of the 0 world looks at the number of journalist skills into occupied palestinian territories, which has increased dramatically during the war on god and at the problems of holding anyone accountable for 3rd task shooting the messenger 10 to 0 these are the must rockies on the drum as they used to march 3 d o t before dawn box with an increase is really military presence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives at austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the st. cloud coats, images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and towards will for is the city often defies the federal suite. use of the law on the street right now that it's easy to move around by the
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law because the difference in the warren goal is to change the situation. in nablus, we have 70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in gone to the palestinians lock prison. his day was nearly double the number of the time he is in his randy child and the full name report for the child abuse and human rights financial hello there. i'm associate payne. this is alda 0 at life from also coming and is really as trying to talk. it's one of the few places to get internet connection and garza
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city coming 7 palestinians on waiting 20.


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