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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 17, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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india's general election will administer now render moody's b t p, increase its root across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment swaying, focused in key states, and will the media be able to cover the vote? reading? i'm fairly ongoing coverage, but in the, as an action on, i'll just say around the, the hello, i'm sammy say them. this is the news live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes, palestinians mock prison. his date was made a double the number of detainees in his way the jails. and before the war, many reform told just sexual abuse in human rights violations. and his radio strike targets one of the few places to get internet connection and gaza city, killing 7 palestinians and wounding 20 of those around president says is false is
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ready to face. any threats of israel promises to strike and the was flooding in decades ravages pods. of catholics then focusing more than a 170000 people from the homes, the mass, the tension, ill treatment and in full disappearances. some of the allegations view and says it's received about protest sitting in prison is and is right, the cost to be wednesday, mox palestinian prison is de, honoring the thousands of detainees. have. busy open indefinitely in his re, the jails. that is right. as far as these have released 1506 people from garza since april. the 4th, including women and children, view and agency for palestinian refugee says that were held for weeks in military
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facilities with no means of communicating with the families. although allegations include sexual abuse and torture, including psychological and physical home. i'll just here as laura han has been speaking to former prisoners in the occupied westbank, the pain is knocked on the walls in either refugee camp. the occupation is too close to home. is right in minute tree rates and the rest are routine months, a mirror and all the activists refuse to accept these ready cracked down. he was arrested in december and held in ultimately that to prison the 2 months to new york torture since i hadn't thought, oh father, it was the 1st time that i was looking for. i was on the golf and i have to you know, a to walk like this always. if you raise your head or look to see
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what are your you will be the ones that has been out before. he describes worsening conditions. no electricity. this will food or some light. this will access to medical care and torch of life. you was to lose my mind because you have nothing to do. they are full to every single man. also, it's one of 23 known is right. the ministry presence and the only one in the occupied westbank, the number of inmates is increasing rapidly. well, let's take a look at some of those to 6 on posting and present us. this being about 8000 palestinians arrested since october the 7th. that's the equivalent of around $44.00 people every single day, according to official, is ready to take us when the will began in october. so it just says of 5000 promising is incarcerated in this friday jails. now we're looking at both the
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$9000.00 and many of those a being held in administrative tension without any formal charges or trial before the war that was around $1300.00. and since the war, that number has just up to move is 3600 policy and inmates before the war. they was 33 women behind the boss. now there are more than 80, that was $170.00 children. now that number is molten 200 and you don't want to get the role of the violation being committed to. they are about the humanities ation. we are talking about the worst period of that he needs no just the conditions, but also the scale of abuse. and is rarely prison guards are boasting about the crimes they carried out on it up is ready to these channels, 13 broke costs video of how god's show of the treatment of prisoners. with videos like this posting is worried about the state of their loved ones. well,
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some received the worst news, they didn't survive their imprisonment is right. the authorities a withholding the bodies of these 26 postings who died in custody more than half of them in the past 6 months. so families have not been able to bury their loved ones, nor han alger. sarah and the occupied westbank knew that abraham joins us now live from bethlehem prison his day. of course a very important day for palestinians. how's it being marked their investment? him? yes, i mean we've been at the gathering of palestinians who is easing the pictures of their that's and he's in his really prisons demanding the release saying that since the war, many of them could not even hear news about them, how they're doing. and the only story is they're heating from release prisoners are about difficult conditions inside is really jails. so he had more about this
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experience from someone who has been in, on his way to jail. we had visiting now the family of that also has signed a release prisoner who has just been released less than 2 weeks ago and will be asking him about that experience. he spent 20 months in his way any jails says, but also what is she in service? uh we'll come home safe in the thought. we can see it's a mock some bruises in your face. tell us what's happened of the time throughout the time we were detained by there's a new co pays on forces. we would harass to basically abuse mainly on the head to so varied the conditions. in other words, the after october 7th, what happened to all the but a senior prisoner is nothing short of it. so now i'm a very bad conditions very but abuse,
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physical abuse. tor towed in humane conditions off the october 7th. what happened to you exactly? to be honest, i was beaten by towed by the lady i saw just with and without the threes is they is ready to the soldiers claim that the is aly, captives are subjected to the same which are false the what about the your fellow detainees? and then you can, he had many testimonies. i myself, it was bad. so then bates, in full, for continuous 40 minutes, we were tortured, physically abused. at the same time, these ladies told us where marketing get us. all some of them were even filming guys and live broadcasting the session. we can understand that as the what is
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speaking and hebrew. they were saying in april that they are broadcasting based systems live. as we were physically abused for more than 50 can 6 continuous minutes. and i thought we weren't that close to depth can see the culture can see. and it did, you attended by any doctors, you know, not at all after october 7, and none of the palestinian detainees is receiving any medical evidence and let alone that we so where subjected to starvation caught on. and we'll put that many have been any slight, they've become bad compatible the before and after october 7th. before october 7, i could say that we lived through a stable conditions. we were receiving regular meals. we weren't able to read. we were not physically abused at all. so we would have saving,
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submit that get attention after october 7. then it was a ton, it's a totally by the medicaid. and so the dog damage, and as i said earlier, it is a huge, so not me. i'm printing all the palestinian data names who are really under in here main condition, all international laws and take this have been violated by these and you could pick them for as soon as i look on the ledge. yeah, i mean if we ask you about your little terms and get them home, if you tell them the stories, yes, i was open to them. i told them what happened when said to me, i don't want to have been through no doubt they were failing about it, but this is not the and the flight. this is not the 1st time so used to be different. yes, i usually just, you have to, they were here when you were detained by this lady's? yes. my to didn't. what ahead they would have crying the way to panicking. they were thrown much sized. they were feeling very bad,
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that the father is detained. it is not the 1st time for me to be detained, and every time they did not know exactly if i wouldn't come back or not be in the detention, i hope not, nothing, but this is what i hope, but i don't. no one knows what's going to happen then and again, no one knows what's going to happen, even those prisoners who has been deporting about who have been released, the support of the prisoners swap. do we've seen a number of them being reinforced? that again, there is no guarantee that anyone in the past and in the community would not be put in his rating presence. all right, thanks so much. and abraham the not in gaza city and is ready. we'll plan is attacked, the group and palestinians gathering and one of the few locations where they can
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connect to the internet. at least 7 palestinians were killed and 20 others wounded . it happened in the shuttle of the wall neighborhoods 10 to didn't set out. so those trying to access the internet, the spot, the cell service throughout the tower tree, palestinians often have to gather it's a point where connectivity is relatively stable. let's go live now. so thought a cab, the zoom. it joins us from bluff in southern garza, so today's deaths ready on the school. how easy it is for goals and to be killed over the simplest of task, just i'm trying to connect to the internet of the well, yes, i mean that is a part of the hardships about the palestinians. i really have been going through since they one of the fighting has people trying to have internet access. they have been targeted by the spend a minute to where at least 7 palestinians have been reported killed with more than 20 others being reported in just as they are right now. receiving medical
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treatments in separate hospitals, another and cause upon the realities that new areas across the gaza strip had been widely bon bonded. we're talking about the bottles and confrontations off to raging and a mobile call area as well. this is the how big confirming specifically in the eastern part, darren by law, that the is ready minute 3 had been demolishing complete residential neighborhoods . one off to the other as people have been also saying that we can clearly hear and read a few of the read the vibrations or the it's very a text on the unless i write refuge account work, a new residential tower. a from us on the residential towers have been completely destroyed. now that happens in light of the on going is really efforts to expand the curriculum that they have been recently establishing in the middle area. clearly, people here in the south are completely terrified and this ongoing, bottom into light of the on going is valley looming with the option of invading
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drop off where people have know what else left to flee. as this report shows, to thousands of palestinians with no place to go. this is the reality of rough la garza southern most. it's a once home to 275000 people. now sheltering nearly $1500000.00 will be the one who would be a huge problem in the ground invasion takes place and rough. you can see thousands of people move in a 1000000 and a half people in rough week and they go, we can barely find space for each other. every 10 posts, 6 for all 3 families instead of one. the least you can find is 2 families inside of 10 christmas. what will happen when they gets into the rough? uh we can we go, and that is the fee for do so here of to is very defense minister off kalonde met top officials last week to work on preparations for ground invasion until we're
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definitely terrified and whoever says he is not afraid is lying. we can't go anywhere, but why so you can take more people and neither can rough uh, what do you graphically, it can't take anymore. we are really worried. for months, some of these displaced from the north have crammed into roughly living intent camps, school, 10 shelters, and homes of relatives. while some areas this to look like this, much of a rough, like the rest of the garza is russell. these rarely strikes have repeatedly talkative area leveling terms and cling tens of thousands of palestinians in the i need to, we are scared if an invasion takes place and dropped off, where can we go? we are more than 20 people. i really dream about going back to my home. i wish i can go back to my apartment, even if it is rubble. now, i'll stay in attend there, but at my place, we are emotionally devastated. most people sheltering hit come go. no, no kind. of course, the boy then to egypt,
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as there was no way left to play that spence, of international communities, including view as to william that to any slum defensive by israel would be a catastrophe. topic about zoom out just a rough, rough southern gaza. and if that's not tough enough, the u. n is saying now that israel is imposing what it calls law full restrictions on a didn't golf. so what does that look like on the ground? well, generally send me the situation on the ground in terms of the flow of the humanitarian aid sounds really a di, specifically that the numbers of humanitarian chromeboys that are getting through out. com. i will send them on drop off crossings. call really match the entire images needs of going through the population. specifically that as we have been hearing from sources and roof crossing that through the numbers of a duck are getting cannot really reach 500 to humanitarian trucks on
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a daily basis. and that also includes that the human, the commercial trucks that are delivered to the private sector, so gladly as the u. an a wright's office says that's completely the is wait a minute to continues to impose and low for restrictions as they have been cooling, to remove all kinds of restrictions being imposed on a delivery just to help people to recover from the off to a map. so that is very ongoing ministry campaign that had made the majority of palestinians to be financially broken. all right, thanks so much todd a couple also. thank you. scott, those prime minister says negotiations between how my son is where i have sold. so the high says it still working through the issues the golf nation has the media a thing trying to secure a seas 5 deal in gaza. be in my office a better with respect to the ongoing negotiations, i informed his excellency,
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the latest developments. regretfully, the negotiations are facing some ups and downs at the moment to negotiations have been struggling. we are doing our best to iron out all the obstacles. we are also doing our best to have a swap deal reached for the british foreign secretary, david cameron is in israel meeting latest assets, folks on the wrong cameron says this row will i, i'll stay around strikes on site today. besides the hopes that acts in a way that does little to escalate the situation. the wrong says it strode and missed all the task was in response to as well. striking comments. consider building in syria earlier this month. the situation is very concerning. it's right to show solidarity with israel. it's right to have made of use clear about what should happen next. but it's clear these rate is all making a decision to act. we hope they do so in a way that does is little to escalate this as possible. and in a way that,
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as i said yesterday, is, is small off is whether it's tough, but the real need is to re focus back on how mass back on the hostages back home. getting the agent back to me on the back on getting a pause in the conflict in gauze. that's why i'm here today to talk to is ready to go to the palestinian authority to try and push those things forward. of the runs president says these countries forces are ready to face any threats that says these riley will cabinet decides its next step following the rounds. retaliatory strike on saturday, right? you see says any further move by as well will be met with another strike. he made the comments during national on the day march is being held in cities across the wrong, and several changes were made to this is event due to security concerns. by data, yet you have a dominant in a well planned, quick, and accurate response or forces punish, design his resume and put it in its place. and this was an announcement to the
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whole world. and that's a global powers to design this virginia that the nation of iran is ready. our forces are ready to act and we are standing by for the director living last spring . and i'm the son hurts. he joins us now from tel aviv. so how do we understand david cameron is just met with ben. you mean nothing. yeah. was coming out of that of the pulling in apparent rejection of international pressure. the is really prime minister speaking in a week week cabinet meeting saying that his role will respond. however, it sees fit and that quote is wrote, reserves is right to defend itself, but the u. k. 4 and secretaries visit was not the only 4 and visited israel today. we also have the german 4 administer speaking with not only these really prime minister, but also the for administer. israel caps in which both leaders had emphasized that
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israel is going to respond at a time that it sees fit for itself. there's been a lot of international pressure from germany, from the united kingdom, the united states, especially for israel not to respond, fearing it will lead to some sort of larger escalation. but remember, all of this is because it was a retaliation against these rallies who had struck the beat on you and console it in damascus on april 1st. so nothing yahoo is speaking out saying that to israel will do whatever it sees fit at a time. and place that works for them. all right, thanks so much. i'm the, some of those meetings come as the us for past new sanctions against iran in coordination with its allies. out to zeros white house correspondent, kimberly how good joins us live now. so what exactly, all the new sanctions the discussing? oh yeah, well what we know is that shortly after
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a ron struck as israel with the air attack on saturday. the us president convened a meeting of g 7 leaders and when he did so he said that there would be some sort of coordinated response to send a ron a message. and now we are expecting that that message will be a coordinated sections not only in part of the united states, but also partners and allies of the united states. the national security advisor jake sullivan releasing a statement saying that the united states is preparing to release a new sanctions that would target a runs missed saw and road program as well as sanctions for entities supporting the i r g c. as well as a ron's defense ministry. now again, the united states says it is not acting alone is expecting that its allies will
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also be releasing sanctions targeting similar entities and programs of iran. and that they will be following either simultaneously or in the days to come. the goal of this is to try and degrade a ron's military program. it's military capabilities and also so that it cannot carry out attacks such as it did in the last few days. all right, thanks and kimberly, actually let's talk a little bit about what's happening in congress today was can we expect when some of the by the administration officials golf against that committee? so yeah, so what we've got going on on capitol hill is happening in the house of representatives, and that's where a lot of the activities happening right now. sammy, specifically, lloyd austin, the defense secretary, and a lot of the attention there right now is happening because the us president is
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looking for funding, not only for israel, but also for ukraine. and well, this is typically kind of a routine budget hearing. there's new intensity of focus on this because of long standing supplemental bills separate from this hearing. but then gathering some attention, there was a, you'll recall a few weeks back. a $95000000000.00 supplemental bill that was passed in the senate book installed in the house of representatives. the us president has been pushing for that. it go out a little traction yesterday because the house speaker johnson said that in fact, he would be willing to pass this, but in separate forms. so even though lloyd austin is going to be talking about a routine budget, that argument for next year, he's making the same case that what is needed is there are persistence security. so that threats whether here or across a broad, whether it's israel,
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whether it's ukraine, this needs funding and it needs to happen fast. so what's going to be happening is there are way to be both in the house of representatives. this is going to be funding for israel, the potentially that's going to be passed and also for ukraine and lloyd austin is going to be making the case that all of these threats need investment. and the house of representatives needs to move quickly. all right, good stuff. that, kimberly, how could, why house a o, julie norman is an associate professor and politics and international relations at university college london joins us that now from london. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, talking about the new sanctions. the us is drawing up. what is the left for the us to sanction? at this point is a question that comes to mind. i mean the wrong is one of the most sanctioned countries on us, isn't it? that's exactly right stanley. the us itself already has pretty much all the
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sanctions out on or on as possible. um and i would say your opinion allied is i'd have numerous sanctions as well on travel restrictions, trade, bruce extra restrictions unfrozen assets. so what they're going to be looking to do over these next few days is really just double down where they can, especially as we heard from jake sullivan saying, especially especially on or runs a drone and missile defense programs. and possibly on the revolutionary garden defense ministries as well. and so i think we'll see them leading into that. but at the end of the day, you know, i think you're right. and these are more of a diplomatic show of force the 1st to a run. but also to israel as an ally, showing that the us and allies are trying to do something, even though the impact i think will be somewhat minimal given the sanctions that are already in place. you mentioned that was supposed to target the defense industries, specifically drones, ms. how production do you think is already have any impact on those industries?
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so yeah, again, i would say somewhat and minimal. and again, there's already been some attention and sanctions to the drone industry. and that includes from the you, because even before this last weekend around was exporting some of those drones to russia. so the issue has been trying to sanction that program for a while. they'll be intensifying that as much as they can. um, but as we've seen with other sanctions on or on around has been very savvy in getting around many of these sanctions they've been able to find buying partners. and i imagine we'll see that in this case as well. um, what we often see with sanctions is if there is an effect, it's off and on more the middle cost and the working costs then on those in power and, and we're seeing that in iran right now as well. how much of back have previous rounds of sanctions had because as you mentioned, the radians, they've found ways to get around the sanctions, but has it impacted other parts of like the economy? for example. yeah. again, i would say, you know,
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for the space they have found workarounds, especially in terms of oil exports. they've obviously found a willing buyer with china and that has helped with our economy a little bit, especially in the last year or 2. but for regular ronnie and citizens, they are stealing this economic crisis. inflation is extremely high. the currency has been extremely devalued. and what people are, you are a 30 percent, i think below the poverty line right now. and so it real impacts we've done on that work in class and middle class, even as a weights are usually able to skirt around the sanction somewhat effectively. do you think the economy will suffer even ball going forward with these lights of sanctions? so again, i think where the economy is hit, the most is with the trade restrictions, and most of those are already in place. what we will see now is it getting more targeted sanctions on specific industries? but as we've discussed, i think, even though this are, i'm your somewhat of a diplomatic messaging and trying to have an impact where possible,
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but will probably not have a mass of effect on either the military capabilities or on the economy. and again, this is the end of the day a lot if there is a more damaging sanctions already in place. right, thank you so much for your analysis and thoughts on that. it's time for why that here's a to now one place to say we have got some quotes whether now moving across the golf. but take a look at some of these because protera in the you a 137. but let me just a frame in 24, as you may have seen those credible scenes in dubai. so, 100 millimeters of frame here in 24 as the name of the last couple of days under the 64 millimeters. the frank compare that with the average annual rifle of 94 millimeters. so no one that we sold as atrocious conditions, the west of weather. as i said, he's making his way for the east with surprise has got to come back in behind the
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system. we'll bring some live, the showers of southern pol. so i'll be around as a weakening one, but it will still bring some flooding brains across southern me, around into west kind of stuff and able to with bucket start over the next few days that the guy with the dry weather coming back in behind is settled and sundays, here we go. once free friday settled on sunday, 2, across the eastern side of the mediterranean, most sunshine here. shabby right, mazing across the bus. first for time, i mean most the type of just 40 back to around 18 celsius. the, in the stumble, diesel decided would make the stay a long sheet drive as long as you drive to across north africa. now still live the winds, lifting some stuff to the sand across the sahara. the showers continue pumping up the gulf of guinea. right now, still to come on this news out, the rushing, the trees killed at least 13 people in this strikes on the crate in city of chaplain i see and vote counting on the way the solomon islands. like some that could i have a major impacts on china's influence. the south pacific,
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the exploring diverse cultural examining political disco, exposing societies, doctor award winning intense investigations. the get compelling insights into humanity open until the stories from asia were in the pacific. 101 east. on now to 0. in the vietnam war, the us army use the highly toxic herbicides with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later. the same happened in the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the care for 2
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women fought for justice. i guess some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange analogies, 0 and the, [000:00:00;00] the, i'll come back here watching out a 0 time to recap the headlines, palestinians. the mocking prison is day, is view and says it's received numerous reports of mass, detentions, and mistreatment by these, right. the minute treat detainees and the occupied westbank i'll just say are they suffered, repeated told chuck and his writing will apply in his tactic group about
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a simians gathering to connect to the incidents and gaza city to the 7 people that killed 20 of us wounded around president and brought him the ac says is false. is a ready to face any threats israel's promising to attack again off that that are on struggling in miss solver. it's how it's big strike last week. just ron, this monkey, it's national ami dates this days. officer. it's unprecedented strike on this route . the sliced palestinians, attempting to return to northern gauze, have enjoyed another set by israel's metro. he's been carrying out as a 2 day ground operation. bates alone making it more difficult for people to find shelter. jacob brown reports where homes once stood old, that remains as rubble displaced palestinians returning to beta noon and northern guys to find a few reminders of the lives they. once news of the model of, of them on the destruction has affected us greatly. i left the full story house in
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another area within the city and enough to that we were displaced to another full areas that speak with habit. we were tons of a 100 and try to live in schools. all. this is my brother's house. i'm standing on and with that homes destroyed, many palestinians have been trying to find shelter in lots of schools. but renewed is riley bombing in the past few days has created even more difficulties for those trying to rebuild their lives. the you, these really were plane started by carpet bombing the entire area. after that these really armored vehicles on the area bulldozing whatever comes their way. then they opened fire on us while we were sheltering at building hundreds of families have fled by 800 since the latest is really incursion in search of another place to find shelter. no is not. the men were rounded up, taken in groups,
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while women and children were stripped off all their belongings. we were all civilians taking shelter in school building hallway. where should we go? tell us, where should we go to? as these palestinians are displaced, once again, many a wondering whether anything will be left alone. i know places say in them the entire goal history. a lot about what does increase the ruins? mattresses rose the colors, the scores and nothing is bad. total destruction, this is rails military has now withdrawn from bait honeymoon. but for these palestinians, the damage is already done. jacob brown, l g 0, d 7. following the ministers, a gathering for a 3 day meeting on the tylen island of cub. pretty off the coast of naples, the meeting will focus on the situation in the middle east, including the red sea, as well as the war and ukraine. torques are expected to explore a path towards the political solutions,
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guaranteed peace and security in the region. d 7 data is neat in june a while for more on this, that spring and joe now how he's and the to the italian island of country for us. so jen, what's expected out of these g 7 farm is? are they going to follow the line of what we've heard already out of the u. k. in germany? i expect very much so. so i mean, i think what we're seeing is a consensus emerging and emerging it some speed now among israel's closest allies, the united states, of course, the u. k. countries in the european union. and those countries that make up the rest of the g 7, it's foreign ministers, as you said on the way here, that'll be to hear over the next 48 hours on the island of capri. it is a consensus that involves 1st urging with one voice, maximum caution and restraint upon these rel,
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is it deliberates its response to those attacks by iran over the weekend. and you know, the fee of being that a wrong step, or indeed even a further step by israel may result in a dangerous tit for tat that ends ends up in a wide, a war. and as a means of supporting that effort. again speaking with one voice, a consensus to apply for the sanctions to a ron, to a writing entities and proxies. as a way of trying to encourage is route, but it doesn't need to go any further that it can, as president biden suggested, suggested it should take the when the, when being it's demonstration in the as of sunday morning along with the help of a coalition of allies to be able to stand up to the right integration. so that's the hope that is perhaps the faint hope behind international diplomacy. at the moment it behind high level meetings, e. u. leaders do to meet in the coming as in brussels as an extraordinary counsel. some of the t 7 minutes is, as i said, coming here, 2 of those,
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the 7 minutes. this david cameron of the u. k. none of these are fed bulk of germany coming fresh from meetings with these really leadership and tell a v during the morning. david cameron, emerging from that, saying it's clear, these riley's are making a decision to act. we hope they do so in a way that does as little as possible to escalate the things that perhaps the clear is signed yet the israel is preparing some kind of response. anthony, blinking to us like dislike will be here. he will likely reiterates the us positions that it will not be coming to a israel side in any military retaliation. and i think beyond that they will also be a move towards trying to re emphasize will re focus attention that has slipped in the recent days. busy on the war on gauze of how mosque these, right, the captive still being held on the need for an immediate c spy, and for uninfected access to god in gaza for humanitarian night to those who desperately need join at how much you and then m a t is the within the g 7 towards
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the middle east and gaza? well, the old indications at this moment all that to is the purpose of this meeting now, or else that went before has been overshadowed by the weekends attacked by iran. the effort will be now to come up with a set of new sanctions. and so this g 7 to be seen to speak with one voice to be seen, to be sending a singular message to a rob, so on pay. but there doesn't seem to be any pushback that we've heard from the likes about of these. a bad luck in germany. we heard from david cameron, it will be italian farm, is the antonio johnny going. so the spelling out that those sanctions will not necessarily target the country as a whole, as we've been hearing from that expert, just before the break trade sections, of course, on large scale already in place. they will focus on individuals have been involved in actions against israel. they will focus on specific entities at jake sullivan, the us national security adviser, adding further white to that saying the us will be looking to target iran to miss
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out and drone manufacturing facilities and program as well as the entities supporting the revolutionary gods. cool. and it runs defense ministry. all right, thanks so much john. how the now the regional government and the northern ukrainian city of chatham, the have as confirmed 3 russian this i'll struck the city on wednesday morning. at least 13 people were reportedly killed and 16 wounded critical infrastructure, and the city was damage to. this is the latest russian missile strike on cities across ukraine. child strength that has more from post tava in central view crane. some dramatic videos. the taxes are paid on the internet showing at least 2 of the strikes civilians ducking down, taking cover by offense. there's also video,
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there's a page of emergency service he's trying to free. what we understand is a woman that was trapped under the rubble is unclear as to whether she receive free . yes, has been reaction by the ukranian government president zalinski on his telegram channel, watching that this would not have happened if you created received enough a defense equipment. and if the wells determination to count to russian, tara was sufficient also to foreign minister demitra calais, but i said, these innocent people would not have been killed or injured if you crane had sufficient a defense capabilities and a reference to the middle east. and those real good attacks on israel, by iran, in the last few days he said 3 days ago in the middle east, we saw what reliable protection of human lives for me. so i was, looks like. so that is an indication of just how angry, seemingly ukrainian, those sources be great and military and government all about this lack of
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a defense that they're suffering. and they blaming the, the delay of a hold up in the release of 60 plus $1000000000.00. why arguments in the us congress and play g is by european allies also that it taking a long time to get here, child stratford, which is 0 pull taba, central ukraine. the kremlin has concerned russian peacekeepers all withdrawing from the golden and cut off region. and that sort of a done these videos show russian on the vehicles on the way out of the tower tree media and as a by john the sold several rules for the region since the collapse. so the union, russian deployed peacekeepers they have in 2020 s. the con. medians are forced to leave the region off the us or by john took it in a brief operation. in september, the people in christ voting and parliamentary elections, the governing conservative christ and democratic union policy led by prime minister and the right plank of h, is taking on a group of left wing opposition,
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policies like by presidents on milan of which the elections became mind and control the say after milan of age declared, he would run for prime minister precious constitutional court rule the most resign the office of president 1st, which he's refused to do so. unofficially results will be announced in the coming hours. and vote counting is on the way in the solomon islands in an election that could decide the faith of the south pacific nations ties with china prime, minnesota. and i say sort of as slides to bring the country closer to badging. his opponent say, the growing chinese influence needs to be reconsidered. this jessica washington reports the issue is not the main concern of by sizes. as appalling center. the antonio ref solomon islanders queued to cost a balance i, they need to work together to address that issues that really affecting the people
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of some of mine and home to more than 720000 people. this is one of the poorest countries in the pacific. most of the population works informal jobs, thousands leave on less than $2.00 a day. for sanitation and the lack of education opportunities. also pose a barrier to develop have looking for genuine to chance on the 1st day with the sun life and reset to that. they think the solomon islands has recently become the focal point of us china competition in the south pacific. as the 2 countries, joseph influence in the regional ship, this is the 1st election since prime minister, minnesota, very. and to diplomatic relations with taiwan or the pulling of that is the strong security packed with china in 2022. and my that has since resulted in support from china, for major projects like a stadium used to host the pacific games of heightened interest from the us. and i
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like to engage more with the country through development and diplomacy, including the opening of the u. s embassy last year. there is a scope absolutely for any leader of solomon islands to leverage the extra interest from, from logic. how is the traditional and you bottom is that there's also a challenge there and sensors. um, you know, does that result in getting the support that the country needs that's best for its development? it's economic development. incumbent says he's made the country more relevant on the world stage. his opponents say the island nation should return to the phone with traditional partners like neighboring australia. the intricacies of geo politics all fall from the minds of most voters, but some asking whether these developments have had an impact on their lives. now we, we have the dice, we try to i think for me, i was hoping that that would be
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a good change for this country. but i've had to see that happen. it could be weeks before people know who will be the next prime minister. the decision that may have ramifications will be on the board is of the archipelago. jessica washington, which is 0. the now the mayor of, i'll come by and the occupied westbank says these riley ministry was involved in the killing of to the killings rather of, to palestinians on monday. so often it's about who witnessed the attacks of soldiers. suppose it um this way, the census who 5 in discriminatory the late this killings come off for a 14 year old. 14 year old is riley went missing the mama. he was found dead on site today. the u. n. human rights office is condemning, as well as military involvement and sense of violence in the occupied westbank.
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these really security forces must immediately end their active participation in and support for set their attacks on palestinians. is really, authorities must instead to prevent further attacks, including by bringing those responsible to account those reasonably suspected of criminal acts, including murder or other unlawful kennings must be brought to justice through a judicial process that complies with international human rights standards and follows a prompt, impartial independence, effective, transparent investigation. why not, by me is from the center of conflict times humanitarian studies. he says that to the violence is a symptom of his rouse, expansion isn't. as the settlers are armed by these rarely states. they operate under the auspices and with the protection of the is really military. so to address settler violence independently of is really state and government policy doesn't
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really make much sense it's. it's the equivalent of addressing the symptoms while doing nothing about the cause. the role of the policy didn't authority, security forces is not to defend palestinians from attacks by his relatives, but rather to protect israel and its occupation from resistance by its own people. the tossing industry security forces are prohibited from operating in those areas outside the main cities where most of the subtler violets take place. and they've also taken a political decision to actively cooperate with israel's army of occupation in order to prevent policy and even resistance to exactly these kinds of instances of southern violence that we're discussing now. so the policy disorder is simply not a factor in this equation,
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except that it can be seen as yet another auxiliary of israel's expansionist policy. in the occupied westbank, a prominent california university has banned the most same student from speaking. it's a graduation ceremony because of our opposition to his rose war. on garza, last year, several of the university presidents resigned of to hostile congressional questioning and pressure campaigns from pro his role groups. well, brand, those reports from los angeles for muslim american student us now to boss i'm being chosen as valid. victoria for the university of southern california was cause for celebration. but then usc abruptly banned to buy some from speaking because of a pressure campaign by pro israel activist. she says she feels surprised, disappointed, and betrayed. our university is supposed to in race this course. it's supposed to embrace ideological inquiry. if you silence one person, you're effective,
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we silencing a lot of people, campus, jewish groups opposed to boston selection, and the campaign to silence her was fired up by social media posts like this one from self help book author and self described. jewish activist, samantha edis, features of muslim and high phonetic anti israel students to bottoms detractors pointed to links from her instagram page to a site that criticizes zionism as quote, a racist, subtler colonial ideology. not an anti semite. and i think any conflation of anti design is on and anti semitism is deeply deep. we problem matic usc provost andrew guzman wrote to the university community saying that the decision was all about campus safety. say the intensity of feelings fueled by social media has escalated to the point of creating substantial risks relating to
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security and disruption at commencement. the council of american islamic relations called us sees decision, cowardly. now the messages, obviously the messages we don't stand by our students, especially if those students happen to be most of the students, especially if they are students who are there to speak for palestinian human rights . and the message they said is that we reward the bigots who, who engage in deformation and threats against the security of a university. last year, the heads of harvard and the university of pennsylvania were forced to resign. after being ruled by conservative republicans in a congressional hearing about alleged anti semitism on campus today. on wednesday, the president of columbia university named much traffic faces questions from the same congressional committee about anti war activism, student protests and freedom of speech. rob reynolds, l g, 0,
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los angeles. the now at least a 117000 people have been full from the homes in cash to expand that was floods then decades. and also basing this debate to med vanco reports from bad to worse and ty, regions of conflicts done in the north and the west underwater. some houses, a family identifiable with water up to the roofs. evacuations have been underway for 2 weeks now. the pharmacist, besides the testing rescuers help us by transporting people, delivering us food, water, and gasoline. all generators in the village are working now. the president's costume, somebody kind of visited some of the worst hit areas. he's called on the government's to limit any known essential spending and use the money to help the people. because really remember where we're going through difficult times. this is
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a nationwide does austin, but positive changes are coming now the water is receding. gradually. i think the upcoming 10 days will be the most critical. several 100000 people have said the houses was matched or even washed away by the floods of the around river. it's europe's the longest causing extensive damage across the pots of convex, done, and southern russia in the past few weeks, due to melting ice other rivers in russia, like the top bowl inside barrier have also passed that banks thousands of had to leave the area of 3rd season rochelle, being criticized for not paying enough attention to full costing water levels and responding more effectively to meet them into the bank, go out to 0 in laws. formerly the only song sushi has been moved from prison to house arrest. the man for government says it's a precautionary measure because of an intense heat, twice the 78 year old was detained by the military officer,
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a qu in 2021. she's been convicted of multiple offences, ranging from treason to corruption, old charges. she denies the philippines time in vietnam and in today's are also among countries feeding the intense heat twice. jessica washington has mall from the in the nation capital jakarta and the streets of her team in sitting in vietnam . it's a struggle for many to get through the de la. com. it's so tiring, pushing this card under industry feet. i'm used to the work with the heat. it's unbearable. the heat wave is having a widespread effect. new, like a get, the whole city is under receipt wave and it's affecting life in the city. many children's cell sick due to the heat. we don't have the infrastructure needed to adapt to a hospital with a yeah. it's a stimulus. seen in the philippines,
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filipinos in manila are trying to cool down any way they can. even if we have an umbrella, the heat hits us in our faces. thousands of schools across the philippines suspended clauses earlier this month or switched to online learning due to the scorching heat. the annual dry season has already started in some provinces in indonesia, which can result in more intense heat due to reduced cloud cover. side to say this month's extreme heat is partly due to the 2nd year of the all new weather phenomena, as well as climate change apart on january, february might have. so i looked at the this was the hottest 3 months and 100 years of old duration shows. that these years likely to reach the hardest global temperature in history. and it's likely this april will be the hottest on record to in thailand. the annual song crowd rolls of festival over the weekend. that was high temperatures in the traditional way. the time ministry of public health warns that temperatures in many areas
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a said to exceed 40 degree celsius. unicef ones that high temperatures and humidity this month could put children at serious risk of heat related illnesses, including breathing problems and cardiovascular. second, vietnam, most of my taxi right is like millions around to region, no choice but to work outdoors all day long. i don't know. i spend a lot of time out on the street and this hot weather is hurting the experts say the heat is likely to continue for weeks. jessica washington, which is 0 to comes in. it weighs $100.00 days to go until the style to the island pick games in paris should be at the time of excitement and anticipation for the french capitals. residents with being matched with mixed reactions from science and explains is being 7 years in the making for paris is the city
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finalize preparations for the starts of the games. come july 10 and the whole 1000 athletes from $206.00 countries will descend on francis capital for an event that's expected to drawing $13000000.00 spectators for the 2 point. 1000000 inhabitants who live the spin, a disruptive period for lots of them. the links is, as shown on the zullie on the self and excited no story. that's certainly not the answer. i'm not excited at all about the olympics, even if it's still a great event for paris. i have a lot of concerns about the organization, transportation. the fact that we'll continue to work and concerns for those who are going to swim in that water. that is just disgusting. really disgusting. yes, i have a lot of concerns organized as a set, the confidence, the mood in the city will change as the event is that many parisians have said they would like to leave the city during the games. if they could have doubts over whether the sitting is ready and as possible as needed,
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the minutes spike. and i don't think the city of paris itself is ready. in fact, there are things that we should have planned for sooner, like i'm thinking of the month upon us tower construction side. in fact, we were promised a lot of stuff. i even remember that we were promised that transportation would be free and nothing has been done. so i don't think we're ready. no. i'm simple spoken to some locals be of interest, be met with optimizon, manage wants for the city to show as qualities as it goes up for its 1st hosting of the games for a 100 years. the opening ceremony is set to take place on the rivers center, but it could be moved to the step to fronts, to, to concerns of a security and cleanliness, real. that's also a big impression on suppose because the insurance boom. yes, we're looking forward to it because it's a chance to see the olympic games in france. so we're happy and we can't wait. we know the whole world is watching us, so we'll do our best to welcome the world france like you have a back down to apple for your thing. ceremony will kick off the games on the 26th
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of july, tom size ins out 0 both. i'd say for this news out, but you can get more know low stories we've been telling you about to head over to al jazeera, don't come on by a couple of them. and the latest news as it breaks and wrong on has given a cause that people come out in large numbers. the guys are nice population, a board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residence to the brain. from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, even more important than usual, to come together to share what they feel they have a unique perspective. everything is political. you must be out of college and everything is a feminist issue. to on heard voices, we see our literacy destroying the ability to have
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a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life in his with connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's home us. it's right here and right now the stream on our so now let me tell you about safari valley decal results the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only electric very close here, like coming here, sits on with a large stairs face with a look in my private for me. now thanks royal, i can also offer somebody valley equal resort to been gone. now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what,
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this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even half? this is the most important point and bushy poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on out the end is right. yes. trying to talk, it's one of the few places to get internet connection in gaza. city, killing 7 palestinians and wounding 20 others. the sammy say them, this is out just a live from dell hall. so coming up for turning to nothing, displace palestinians go back to an open,


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