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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 17, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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is having to go through the rustling crossing in recent months. most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the of the law. i'm and there's a problem and this has been useful in life from coming off of the next 16 minutes, as well as a full is carries out most strikes on gaza targeting one of the few areas where people can find of internet connection. 7 palestinians are killed and 20 wounded pertaining to nothing displace palestinians to go back to move in gaza to find bay homes destroyed. turbulent times for bowling to us. a cross manufacturer is facing
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most closely in congress after a string of safety related incidents. and some of the was floods in decades have had large pots of context on displacing more than a 100000 people. and on keisha sims' facilities, sports views, barcelona, or sensation we dumped out of the champions. we bought p. s g and another spanish super truck rail, madrid look to keep, they hope to live in the competition when they visit. mentioned specific late to the it's 15 g m t, that's 5 pm and gaza. we're in is rarely functioned yet has attacked a group of palestinians gathering at one of the few places they can connect to the internet. at least 7 people were killed and 20 others injured. that happened to be shaken, have one neighborhood of gauze a city attend, had been set up for those, trying to access the internet communications unlimited throughout the tao tree.
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palestinians often have to gather at one point where the connectivity is stable. it will displays palestinians trying to return to move in gaza, facing another set back as well as military has been carrying out a 2 day ground operation in the northern city of bay till noon. but i think it more difficult for people to find shelter. jacob brown has the basest homes. what stood all that remains as rubble displaced, palestinians returning to bait. honeymoon and northern gals that find few reminds us of the lives they. once we have the model of, of them on the destruction has affected us correctly. i left the full story house and another area within the city. enough to that we would displace to another full areas and speak with habit. we were tons of a 100 and try to live in the schools. this is my brother's house. i'm standing on. with a homes destroyed, many palestinians have been trying to find shelter in local schools,
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but renewed his riley bombing in the past few days has created even more difficulties for those trying to rebuild their lives. the, you know, these really were place started by carpet bombing the entire area, especially after that, these really armor equal storms, the area bulldozing whatever comes their way. and then they opened fire on us while we were sheltering and the into the hundreds of families have fled by $800.00. and since the latest is ready, incursion in search of another place to find shelter. now the men were rounded up, taken in groups, while women and children were stripped off all their belongings. we were all civilians taking shelter in school building. where should we go? tell us, where should we go to? as these palestinians are displaced, once again, many a wondering whether anything will be left nice. no place is safe in the entire goal
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. is this true? photos of juice to ruins? is pedro's policy of scores? the thing is bad. total destruction is rails. miller tree has now withdrawn from bait honeymoon. but for these palestinians, the damage is already done. jacob brown, elder 0. this is brianna correspondent, honey mussel. if he's joining us live from alpha and southern gaza. honey, when we split this tom yesterday is where the air strikes had killed children in the playground. now people trying to connect to the internet. yes, absolutely. and by the hour so far, what we're seeing, how the entire gaza strip just is being evolved into this killing box. the just, the killings on 4 days really military work was the, not all the people are being killed, the record number, but the daughter does the station of a residential bill is going to entire residential. it blocks including also
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a public facility is an infrastructure as we look at the entire elimination of social services and just the uh, the event within the past. the couple hours the attack on people are trying to, uh, to get internet connection to set up. there is system in which they are able to connect to the outside world that just trying to it break the restrictions and the uh, the a, the blockade on, on communications with the past a few months. i've been very difficult for people in the northern part in gaza city where a more than one time they were completely removed from the grid and really cut off it from the outside world. 7 people were killed right at the spot and a dozen other injuries were reported to allow the baptist hospital. the attack took place and assist with one the neighborhood. that's a district through the northern part of garza city, once densely populated, is driving with so many department stores in his findings as small business in the
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area. now looks like more of that goes town and an early or a, a tax it a across the district, the saws, tungsten, ongoing artillery, sending of the eastern part of it. but i city, they, eastern part of, of golf and city. i all the northern city as well. and just within the past half an hour, we got our confirmed reports of a drawing firing missiles that evacuation center at the western parts of garza city . that's a school that happens to be an honor was school with visible flag of on. oh wow i the rooftop of the building was evacuated inside the facility inside the school itself. been sheltering since the beginning of this war. honey, thank you very much for that. that is honey, my food with the very latest live in alpha and southern gaza. the groceries in german foreign ministers are in israel. mason leaders death talks on ron, david cameron, and i don't mean a bad bulk have met to prime minister benjamin netanyahu. cameron says israel will
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act off to iran strikes on saturday, but hopes it will do so in a way that doesn't to escalate the situation. the german foreign minister quote on israel to act prudently and responsibly. the wrong says it's drawing and missile strikes were in response to, as well as the attack on his consulate building. and sylvia, earlier this month has bella has launch drones and missiles on the town of ad on shot and northern israel. at least 18 people have been injured. is rarely emergency crews say one person is in a critical condition. what does the say the rockets have a community center in the town? local media, it says most of the engine is where the soldiers this follows and it's really drawn strong that killed at least 3 people and 711 on on tuesday. that's bringing our correspondent home, the son who's she's joining us live from tennessee even home the firstly, what do you hear and about things hezbollah, drones and ms solve guessing through the. 4 4
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will clearly slipping through israel's air defense, a joint missile and grown attack on israel's northern border and leaving 18 people injured one of them critically, while reports are indicating that a majority of those injured or is really soldiers. there's been no confirmation by these really military, as it usually does, take them around a day to confirm is there any casualties among the military? lots of these really army did release a statement saying that shortly after that attack in the northern part of the country, they were able to identify the launch sites in southern lebanon. and they said they struck them along with the hezbollah military outposts in southern lebanon. and now these really army says that this is a continuation of the cross border exchanges. a fire that have started since october the 8th and has been increasing steadily. okay, on the, we've got the, as we're going to pulling the brush and jim and foreign ministers in israel today, they've been urging com. as nothing you know,
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has made it clear that as well will do what it wants and won't be dictated to both of those world leaders that have spoken and they are urging com. but these really prime minister, while speaking to his cabinet this morning, it said that israel will act in a way that works for israel, while the german foreign minister and the british foreign minister are urging a de escalation, saying that some sort of strike by these really would cause a wider regional conflicts, fears of a larger escalation throughout the wider middle east. that's on yahoo says that israel is going to react at a time and place that works for them. this is similar to what we've been hearing. it's from all other is really officials like israel's defense minister, you'll have guidelines and even these really army chief of staff. the main question on everyone's minds remains the same when how and where will is role respond to it, onto the attack or items of thank you for that. that is on the sometimes with the latest live in kind of these to ron's president says it's most has already to face
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any thread, evaluate ice. he made the comments through national army de dosage or bobby reports from the capital pet on the show of military force in iran during its annual army day celebrations. the goal to show the nation's military preparedness. but the events this year comes just days after iran launched an unprecedented attack on israel for whose leaders the president had this warrant . i got to got automotive. if our action was to be large scale, then nothing would be left of design. this regime, their false ground door collapsed in operation. any attack on our soil will be dealt with fiercely and severely among the iran launch, more than $300.00 drones and miss house toward israel on saturday. in response to the attack on this console of the section in damascus on april 1st,
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which killed 7 members of the revolutionary guards. the operation up to promised by the military is being viewed here as a historic with but concerns about what comes next has put the country on high alerts. so if israel target's a site in iran that is not that sensitive, for example, somewhere close to the border since iran is not looking for will then in this case a wrong could respond to his proxies. but if it's euro attacks, any sensitive sides, i think a wrong respond on a larger scale. and even its allies like us interests could be targeted in the region. as iranian officials wait for israel to respond, they continue to highlight their military strength. the attack on israel has shown that iran leaders are willing to follow through on their threats while the daily life goes on without any major disruption. the historic tensions have put people on edge fearing that an attack here could how far reaching consequences door safari
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out to 0. 10 while the us is discussing preparations for new sanctions against iran and coordination with its allies. that's bringing on white house correspondent, kimberly how could she's joining us live from washington dc and us treasury department has targeted i was reading kimberly moving 500 people in companies connected to the vonny and government since the stall to the fight in administration 3 years ago. so what's left a sanction? it's yeah, you wonder what could be last given the fact that already before this 1st set of sections the united states have already section 600 individuals entities connected terrorism, terrorism financing, human rights abuse. and so you're thinking, what's left? well, there was something left to what they've section now is a comprehensive set of sections on miss our program drawn programs. and you'll remember this is significant because it was. 2 saturday evening,
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more than were 100 missiles that were targeted by iran towards israel ad 300 munitions. so that's why this was targeted this time and also new sections towards entities supporting the i r g c. and also raw's defense industry and the reason dividing ministration is doing this. they're doing it also though in partnership with their allies. you'll remember that right after the a ronnie and air attack that occurred on saturday on sunday president by the inconvenience to a meeting of virtually with g 7 leaders to coordinate a sort of a response that was done with a partners. so there will be sections that will be done with other g 7 nation. so the president is rolling these out for the treasury department, but expect the other g 7 nations. we'll do similar type sections that will follow that this sort of a goal and all of this is to do grade arrives military capabilities. so that
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further types of attacks like we saw over the weekend, cannot happen again. okay. kimberly, and the other story we're watching from dc today is the defense secretary lloyd austin. will be questions about the departments and budgets. yeah, so this would be typically on any other tuesday kind of a routine sort of budget hearing. but given what happened over the weekend, this takes on new significance edit for a number of reasons. not only is this looking at the budget for 2425, but us stalled defense supplemental is it's called the past and the send it about 8 weeks ago. it's $95000000000.00 for you frame taiwan as well as israel installed in the house of representative has to pass both chambers in order to be signed into law. will it's gotten some sort of fresh, written bigger ation. as
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a result of what happened over the weekend, the buying and ministration has been pushing for this, but it's not going to be passed in. the current form is going to be likely separated up into 4 different bills. but here's how it's getting sort of some fresh new life. the defense secretary is making the case for this as he sort of makes the argument for this fresh budget for next year. so the arguments are sort of one end of the say we're going to see some boats coming up this week for the separate funding. but the secretary is making the argument where they are loading this week on this funding for the current threats or for next year. threats, they're still the same actors. it's a ron, it's russia, it's the dpr, k, the ends, the bottom line is the secretaries and say you just the last few moments, should of ron strike again on to israel or the united states, we're going to do what is necessary to protect our troops. we will respond at
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a time and place of our choosing. kimberly, thank you for that. that's on white house correspondent, kimberly how could live in washington dc. it is rarely time so pushed back into pots of gold and gaza for the 1st time and weeks. meanwhile, the military has continued bombing at alpha with 1500000 palestinians, a sheltering a couple of them has moved from gauze of 7 most se, thousands of palestinians with no place to go. this is the reality of russell goes the southern most city. once home to 2 175000 people, now sheltering nearly 1500000 will still be the one who would be a huge problem in the ground invasion takes place and rough. you can see thousands of people move in a 1000000 and a half people in rough week and they go, we can barely find space for each other. every team posted 6 full 3 families
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instead of one with the least you can find is 2 families inside of 10 christmas. what will happen when they gets into the rough? uh we can we go, and that is the fee for those who are here after is very defense minister of colonial mitt topple officials last week to work on preparations for ground invasion. and we're definitely terrified and whoever says he is not afraid is lying . we can't go anywhere, but why so you can take more people and neither can rough. uh, what do you graphically, it can't take any more. we are really worried. for months, families displaced from the north, have crammed into rough uh, living intent camps, school 10 shelters, and homes of relatives. while some areas are still looked like this, much of a rough, like the rest of the garza is russell. these rarely strikes have repeatedly talkative area leveling terms and clean tens of thousands of palestinians in the on. as soon as we are scared, if an invasion takes place and drops off, where can we go?
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we are more than 20 people. i really dream about going back to my home. i wish i can go back to my apartment, even if it is rubble. now, i'll stay in a tense there, but at my place, we are emotionally devastated. most people sheltering hit come go. no, no kind of course the boys enter egypt as there was no way left to play that spence of international communities including do you, us to go on back to any slum defensive by israel would be a catastrophe. topic about zoom out just a rough, rough southern gaza repenting more head on the news. allah, including the russian mother tree, killed us more than 10 people in s tried on the ukrainian city of shanahan's palestinians month present his day with many detainees, reporting tortures, section abuse, and other rights violations in his riley jails. uninstalled p. s. j complete to eva month return, while from the champions. they will find that again, fossil learn
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a piece of a vehicle, the action, the g 7 foreign ministers, a gathering for a 3 day missing on the italian island of free. the mason were focused on the situation in the middle east, as well as the war and ukraine took so expected on a political solutions of peace and security in the middle east. g 7 leaders will meet in june. well, for more on the set spring in georgia hall, he is joining us live from could pre enjoying, what are we expecting to hear from the g 7 foreign ministers day we were hearing from our white house correspondent, kimberly how could she was talking about how the us is, is, is trying to pa, so was going to pause more sanctions on iran. it wants to do so with its g 7 allies . can we expect anything on this? but i think the g 7 foreign ministers meeting here in caffrey over the next 48
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hours so, so we'll play 5. what is a fost emerging consensus among israel's closest allies by the us? of course the u. k. as well as number of the you countries and of course there's other countries that make up the g 7 across a range of international meetings. now a consensus to do everything possible to try to avoid a wide, a war. it involves urging maximum caution unrestrained on israel as it deliberates it's next moves. it's response to it runs attack over the weekend and in an effort to support that move, it involves a united front in applying new sanctions against iran, against the radian entities and proxies. an effort that leads us how will be sufficient to persuade these well that it doesn't need to go any further at this stage that it showed you the words of president fight and take the wind, the wind being the demonstration on saturday night and on sunday morning but is
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rather along with a combination of allies at western and our was able to move and able to stand up to a range. and regression fact is the hope now at the center of international diplomacy. it is perhaps a faint hope. and that is because 2 of the foreign ministers coming here in the next few hours. i know these are bad bulk of germany, and david cameron of the u. k. have come fresh for meetings with these ramsey, do shipping tel aviv during the morning, david cameron emerging from that, saying it is clear that these writers making a decision to act, that we hope that they do so in a way that does as little as possible to escalate this, perhaps the clearest sign that is that and is really response is being planned and the blinking the secretary of state us exercise will be he. he will likely reiterate the us position that he will not stand alongside these rarely, if it's minutes. i relate retaliates level non, so i will, none of the other allies do so either that it's also an effort to try and pull
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israel back. and i think further to all of that, they will be an effort as well in the coming hours to try and re focus attention that has drifted in recent days back towards the war on guys up to what time us the captives these ready to capture students still being held, the need for you to the need for a cease fire. i beg your pardon and for the opening of aid floodgates to reach those who are desperately needed team guy. so john hall, keeping an eye on that g 7 foreign ministers meeting for us and pre thank you. jonah the authorities in northern ukraine. say at least 14 people have been killed and a russian missile and strive on the city of chan have and thousands of people were injured in the attack, which hitch residential buildings and critical infrastructure was also damaged from the city. a 150 kilometers north of the capital came. charles trusts, it has moved from tulsa in central ukraine. of some dramatic videos. the taxes are
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paid on the internet showing at least 2 of the strikes civilians ducking down, taking cover by offense. there's also video, there's a page of emergency service, he's trying to free. what we understand is a woman that was trapped under the rubble is unclear as to whether she receive free . yes. has been reaction by the ukrainian government president zalinski on his telegram channel, watching that this would not have happened if you created received enough a defense equipment. and if the wells determination to count to russian, tara was sufficient also to foreign minister demitra calais. but i said, these innocent people would not have been killed or injured if you crane had sufficient a defense capabilities and a reference to the middle east and those real good attacks on israel, by iran. in the last few days he said 3 days ago in the middle east, we saw what reliable protection of human lives for me. so i was, looks like. so that is an indication of just how angry, seemingly ukrainian,
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those sources be great and military and government all about this lack of a defense that they're suffering. and they blaming the, the delay of a hold up in the release of 60 plus $1000000000.00. why arguments in the us congress and play g is by european allies also that it taking a long time to get here. child stratford, which is 0 pull tava, central ukraine, and $808.00 is a considering boosting a defenses for ukraine keepers warning that it struggling to contain a russian offensive due to a lack of ammunition and supplies. adults defense minister has spoken to algebra and says the member states of taking the concern seriously. as we have seen last year, that the counter offensive was very, very difficult for the opinions that the russians have fortified. a that, that from the line at the same time we have seen successes, especially in the crimea and on the backseat, the by ukraine. i think we have to be aware of the fact that this might be
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a long and prolonged situation and, and therefore we kind of give in to the pressure of russia that has turned into calling them into aware economy that's sponging money and also like human life so soldiers into, into this one, show your friends must be able to resist that, and that's why they need our continued support, especially in the areas of, of air defense and munition. so it is difficult to say whether that would be possible. these are, of course, the internationally recognized borders of ukraine. hey, prominent california university has banned books and student from speaking of the graduation ceremony because of the opposition to as well as one gaza. last year, several university presidents resigned off to hostile congressional questioning and pressure campaigns from pro israel groups. rentals reports from los angeles,
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of the most little american student us now to boss i'm being chosen as valedictorian for the university of southern california was cause for celebration. but then usc abruptly band to buy some from speaking because of a pressure campaign by pro israel activist. she says she feels surprised, disappointed, and betrayed a university as opposed to in race discourse. it's supposed to embrace ideological inquiry. if you silence one person, you're effective, we silencing a lot of people, campus, jewish groups opposed to boston selection, and the campaign to silence her was fired up by social media posts like this one from self help book author and self described. jewish activist, samantha edits features of muslim anti semitic anti israel students to bottoms detractors pointed to links from her instagram page to a site that criticizes zionism as quote a racist,
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subtler colonial ideology. not an anti semite. and i think any conflation of anti zionism and anti semitism is deeply deep. we problem matic usc provost andrew guzman wrote to the university community, saying that the decision was all about campus safety. say the intensity of feelings fueled by social media has escalated to the point of creating substantial risks relating to security and disruption at commencement. the council of american islamic relations called us sees decision, cowardly messages. obviously, the messages we don't stand by our students, especially those students happen to be most of the students, especially if they are students who are there to speak for palestinian human rights . and the message they said is that we reward the bigots who, who engage in deformation and threats against the security of
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a university. last year, the heads of harvard and the university of pennsylvania were forced to resign. after being ruled by conservative republicans in a congressional hearing about alleged anti semitism on campus today. on wednesday, the president of columbia university named much traffic faces questions from the same congressional committee about anti war activism, student protests and freedom of speech. rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles, still ahead on use. all of those counting is underway in the solomon islands. in an election that could have major impact on china's influence of the south pacific, the sacramento kings move a step closer to the end be a tail fix. it will have that story and the
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color of the weather is set favor across the good paul told the origin tina, and surely this system have this large area cloud that's a cold front. it's making his way further northwards at east was weakening, somewhat as it does so high pressure a little further south does keep it fine and sunny. so some pleasant soul, some sunshine for want of service and for some to you, all guy $21.00 celsius in point of service on wednesday of some of the temperature, the to a full size or what's the weather will creep its way into rio. western pos are producing some live the shows up towards the north as well, and big down pools, the seasonal rise of cost pumping. the way further north was through guy on a french guide, us every now and up towards the carrot bay and wanted to show as to when to where the greats arad serious wanted to shout was also extending their way down across the lee woods. scattering a shout across central america, southern parts of central america in particular, but nothing huge going on here. las you funded to i'm more the way of sunshine
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events. shala's have a sounds happened while the library across the central plains, northern plains of the us moving into the great lakes, nasty system, this the all tonight i wrap to and that's a weakening feature that makes us wife of a switch, but not just know continuing the central canada, the, the, the latest news as it breaks around on has given a cause that people come out and not not, but your guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage. but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, it even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have. the unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of
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college as an ever think is a feminist issue. to on heard voices, we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life in his with connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's called us, it's right here. and right now the stream announces era a news . the news, our man is on and don't have a mind to about top stories. the sound is one has carried off more strikes, essentially north of the gaza. one of the places was on a group of people trying to access the internet and attend 7 people were killed. u
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k. foreign minister david cameron says it's clear as well. we'll take action off to yvonne and strikes on saturday. he's visiting is run alongside germany's foreign minister, adelina baffle simple. first quitting from his trains. and g 7 foreign ministers, a gathering for us thomas, an estimate. i'll discuss goals for coordinates and sanctions against. yvonne increased support for ukraine would also be high on the agenda. mass, the tensions ill treatment and, and full disappearances. those of the allegations, the un says it's received about palestinian prisoners and as ready custody. wednesday marks palestinian prisoners de, honoring the thousands of detainees. how often and definitely in is rarely jails is ready. authorities have least just dropped the $1500.00 people from gauze us since april 4th, including women and children. the one agency for palestinian refugee says they were
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held for weeks and military facilities with no means of communication with their families. other obligations them to the section abuse and torture, including psychological and physical home. and bethlehem and the occupied westbank palestinians have held the valley and support of prisoners these abraham reports. and it's been called as the worst year for the prisoners inside the only and the number of the simians was interested by these weighted forces. but also the level of violation by these really an army, these really forces against the or, you know, families here have not been able to visit their loved ones and is really jailed since the war started for many. here they were putting a lot of work on the swap deals, because this would have been the only way to reduce prisoners in jail. specifically, the ones was the highest and the long sentences families here are concerned,
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especially as is really pushes ways of city and cities, villages on a daily basis, or resting many pounds. there has always been charge here. there's always been administrative and arbitrary detention. there has always been a denial of their rights as the prisoners, but it has escalated significantly, 7 october time. this is a form of punishment against the there isn't enough medicine or doctors, they beat them up. often. my father was chopped in his neck an arm especially that we hear news of prisoners dying and is rarely do with the internet and is really the way for them to be really united is would really be difficult to go to any pile of city and families offline that they either have a prison or is ready jail or they honda for the new jail or they know someone
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who does that, but i just need a specialist. they'll be my last name to hundreds of students have gathered at columbia university new york to them on the institution cot ties with israel. the schools president is appearing before a congressional committee to respond to allegations of anti semitism on campus since as well as war and gaza began and have told that they have been regular protests at american universities condemning the war. students who support palestinian, so they've been disproportionately targeted and sensitive by campus officials that spring. and of course correspondence, kristen salumi, she's joining us live from new york and columbia has been one of the universities most in the spotlight since the warm gauze of again christian. what's happening there today? absolutely. well, we cannot get on campus to show you what is happening on campus,
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but i can tell you that as of about 4 am in the early morning hours, students entered the main lawn of the campus, interrupted about 60 times. they've set up what they're calling a gaza solidarity encampment and they're calling on the university to dive best from israel in protest of the ongoing war that's happening there. we can't get on campus because security, you might see behind me in the back is very tight. there's a lot of police here as well as campus security, and some demonstrators have gathered outside the campus as well. presumably they're not students and don't have access to the campus, but i do have one of the demonstrators here with me now. and i'd like to talk to her a little bit about what's happening. she doesn't want to give her name or show her face. and why is that? first of a, i'm afraid that the university will of tentatively attacked me for participating in the pro palestinian movements as they have indiscriminately attacked students of
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all estimates of these races and face who supports post ending with ration. you're saying that as the president of the university, i'm a new septic is facing a republican house committee right now. being accused of the anti semitism here at columbia. they have pointed to videos of students here on campus chanting into fata, among other things. how do you respond to the accusations that your protest movement has been anti semitic? i definitely think that the university, although it will bill itself as socially liberal, it is definitely fiscally conservative and it has many financial ties. so that is really a part slides. and the ongoing genocide in palestine. so of course it's convenient to fashion a narrative where students where socially progressive supports palestinian lives and in terms of anti semitism on campus, i think this is part of the fear mongering tactic in which the university is
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employing. a very nefarious strategy of identity politics, which leads to an unfortunate form of populism sick plastic adage of divide and conquer. so a, and i hear you're saying uh, they have pointed to students to students being harassed in some cases, physically assaulted. have 5 students like yourself faced similar actions from students. many of us have phase disciplinary actions, and it actually doesn't matter. like i mentioned what ethnic background, what state you follow, what race you are, the students will take disciplinary action against you on fairly. and that's a drop of a has if you've support for policy any movements. so actually a lot of the pro co sign supporters have indiscriminately been suspended, are unable to attend classes. they have had their health insurance revoke for they have even been evicted. ringback and a 24 hour notice. thank you so much for joining us and giving us that perspective,
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we will continue to reach out to the university to try to get response from them and access to the campus. at this time, of course, the grilling of the university is president and members of the board and an anti semitism task force are getting grilled by the house republicans in washington, dc. reporting here in new york christmas. we may al jazeera kristen. thank you very much for that, a correspondent, as just as negotiations between our mazda and as well, and have stores, but that is working through the issues between the parties. the gulf nation has been mediating and is trying to secure a cx, 5 days and gaza. be in my office a better with respect to the ongoing negotiations i informed his excell and see the latest developments. regretfully, the negotiations are facing some ups and downs. at the moment, the negotiations have been struggling. we are doing our best to iron out all the obstacles. we are also doing our best to have
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a swap deal reached. that's where the military has systematically targeted hospitals across bozza during its war and december and is rarely shell hit gauze as largest for tennessee clinic destroying more than $4000.00 embryos, which was stored in gauze and cities of bus. my i v s. center. this is, this tension can split into the, into the lab. i do have a picture of, of the to contain, of when their lives opened and all the guys evaporated. and all of these lives with the, the can to take it away. 5000 lives in winch and the usa across manufacturer. boeing is in the spotlight again. the us congress is holding back to back hearings on wednesday, examining safety failures on the company's a croft among those testifying is what's the bill a cents on it for the bowling engineer?
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it has want of a loading manufacturer and deficiencies and just quoting for more than a 1000 bowling planes to be grounded allegations of safety failures on you. boeing phased heavy criticism in january when adult plugs flew off the 737 max jet lineup . wallet was in flight in 2018, one of his jets crushed and indonesia killed in 189 people on board the following year. yes, another crash in ethiopia killed a 157 people. bone says it's taken steps to ensure safety procedures, but some employees have claimed pressure to meet deadlines, let to know quality control and dangerous manufacturing shield costs. told coach this is a former airline safety engineer full, boeing and the ceo of a safe dot com. and who's joining us live from san francisco to thank you very much for your time mr. curse is so one of the committees has invited a panel of aviation experts who released a report recently criticizing what they called boeing's inadequate and confusing
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safety culture. does boeing have a problem mastic safety culture? well clearly this is that something that has been talked about. in fact, there was a, an agreement with the us government in 2021 that identified the severe shortcomings with the 737 max program. and to this day, the boeing is under some investigation related to that related to the 737 match door event in january. but getting to the 2 periods today, one of them is from a committee that has been working for several months trying to understand boys process for certifying new aircraft. because this process is very complex, that needs the expertise with a deep knowledge of the technology. the federal aviation administration often allows the organizations like the manufacturers to have their own employees certify
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that the aircraft is meeting all regulatory requirements. and this is a very serious a responsibility. and one of the difficulties is that these are people who are on the one hand working on behalf of the federal aviation administration. on the other hand, they're being paid by the manufacturer in this case boy. but isn't that, isn't that a very problematic conflict of interest? it's a potential conflict of interest. and it's one that the, as a recognizes and there had been efforts, ongoing efforts for decades to make sure that the process is a secure at the information gets to the us government the way it should. and because of the huge amount of work that has to be done for any aircraft certification, dsa has traditionally put in place a program that allows manufacturers with limits to have their employees work on the behalf of a f, a, a. and when things fail, when information is hidden from sa,
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which happened with the 737 match, then the government will step in and make changes. okay, but you have said that one of the investigation has been taking place for 3 years. now. the allegations from the whistle blow are incredibly serious, including that sections of a 787 dream line as fuselage of main body when connected properly could break up june slice off to being wound down all the time. we went to, we expect the investigation into this to conclude, is it ok for the 7? it's 7 dreamliner to be flying. in the meantime, a sudden 87 has had problems when it was 1st put in the service about a decade ago. and in fact, it had been grounded for several months for an entirely different set of reasons. the allegations from this was a blower on deed serious and i would hope that and the hearing that's happening today that some of the facts will come to lie in that appropriate action will be taken. whether or not there was actually a issues going on with this on the line or with the design of the 77. that will
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take a while to understand and it may be months or even years before the full story is understood, an action was taken by the us government. mr. curtis, thank you very much for your time, for your expertise on those that is a todd cash. it's live in san francisco. thanks for having me. the most counting is on the way in the solomon islands and an election that couldn't decide the phase of the south pacific nations ties with china from minnesota. manasseh, so divide a has pledge to bring the country closer to badging. his opponent say the growling chinese influenced needs to be reconsidered. but his jessica washington reports this issue is not the main concern for most versus just pulling soon to the 20 hour . solomon islanders queued to cost a balance i, they need to work together to address the issues that really affecting the people books of my mind and home to more than 720000 people. this is one of the poorest countries in the pacific. most of the population works informal jobs,
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thousands live on less than $2.00 a day for sanitation and the lack of education opportunities. also pose a barrier to develop have looking for gathering to chance on the 1st day with the sun life and the re 7 to that basic which is the solomon islands has recently become the focal point of view as china, competition in the south pacific. as the 2 countries joso for influence in the region. this is the 1st election since the prime minister menissi. so very ended diplomatic relations with taiwan with bullying. he's strong security packed with china in 2022, and my that has since resulted in support from china, for major projects like a stadium used to host the pacific games. an intelligent interest from the us and its allies to engage more with the country through development and diplomacy, including the opening of the us embassy last year. there is
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a scope absolutely for any leader of solomon islands to leverage the extra interest from a lot of houses above traditional and new bottom is that there's also challenges there. and sensors. um, you know, does that result in getting the support that the country needs? that's best for its development, it's economic development. encumbrances, he's made the country more relevant on the world stage. his opponents say the island nation should return to the phone with traditional partners like neighboring australia. the intricacies of geo politics all fall from the minds of most voters, but some asking whether these developments have had an impact on their lives. now we, we have developed, i think bias we try to i think for me i was hoping that that would be a good change for this country. but, but that for you to see that happen,
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it could be weeks before people know who will be the next prime minister. decision that may have ramifications will be on the board is of the archipelago. jessica washington to 0. the still ahead on the news outlet and sold fine munich and looking to finish the job against us, no legs and the champions league piece it would be here with the details. the business latest is sponsored by him to lot global. your real estate destination in due by the
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business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the office for she has p to elizabeth. thank you so much. manchester city and rail madrid. well, go ahead. say hey, late, say you may champion to the quarter finals 2nd leg. it is fuzzy who have the slight
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advantage. they'll be at home following last week's 33 1st leg rule. in terms of the why the picture pick audio this man on the top of the premium, the again, also in the semi finals of the f, a cup. incredibly, they are in contention to follow up a trouble with the trophy. quadruple the season. standing in the way of the full team time european champions, the spanish giants will have at 51 the 2 legs by city. in last season, the semi finals rail boss called him and she lost the is a way of the threat posed by earning holland. but these had in these backing these defenders to keep the norwegian quiet. i'm of the if we talk about individuals, harland is cool. one of the most interesting placements that you have to. so the fact that you didn't see too much in the 1st lecture is a bit credited to a defense for talent can be the person to forward in the world. and it is always a very, very dangerous plan for this. and the other match sees also who are looking to win
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the champions league for the 1st time. take on buying munich away. the 1st leg into 2 old awesome old going to wednesday's game of the losing to estimate for the defeat that's been to be chances of winning the premium league. i think um everyone is ready. like i said, i think we can use it as a reaction um its a big opportunity for us some of the biggest stage. so everyone wants to show what we're capable of. and um, yeah, there's no better way to do it by munich or looking to win the championship for a 7th time. put a star striking however, it's a different story. henry kane is aiming to ladies 1st. ever a major on advancing against arsenal would be extra sweet. for him, as he used to play for the gun is all tribals talking to me from the troubles pointed to it will be a filing season if we don't want anything this year because we're expected to, to in. but i know we can do is take that into into that too and,
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and try and turn it around. so uh, yeah, seeing us, uh, there's a hoss, you know, we had a in winning and losing and of course that you can do it all. good savings throughout the year and still end up on the, on the losing sides. a p. s g all ready into the same as the lead? totally on for them at fossil motor, down 3 and 2. from the 1st a griffin, you put them further behind less than 15 minutes. even. i say it's also made easy at window ronald adolfo was saying sort of the following. if he is to play it through on go to frank side, made a one minute phone with each counts full of ball supply. it was monday and billy school before hoffman and then it goes in between you and to continue them. but they, in the 2nd hall, helped us on $64.00, and advocates on the 9th that also so boston no, the coach chevy, st. p a. c will play both your documents in the cities for jam inside with to one down on aggregate to officially going to do it. but when to the, on the nice to go ahead in the time, i say it's a go, he back was 2 goals of that,
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right. which means at that point they were aging through. but that came to meant nicholas phone crew hating it in. so make it 3 secret across it and just 3 minutes after that. also 7 to schooled a full full development which so them progressed by full on advocates. they went to the law school for the 1st time in 11 years with $100.00 days to go until the start of the, of the big games in paris, which would be a time of excitement and anticipation for the capital residence. but it's been met with mixed reactions from science and has more and it's been 7 years in the making for paris as the city finalized. his preparations for the start of the games come july 10 and a whole 1000 athletes from $206.00 countries will descend on francis capital for an event that's expected to drawing $13000000.00 spectators. so the 2100000 inhabitants who live the span of disruptive period for lots of them,
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the real big successful, know these really all the stuff and excited no story. that's certainly not the answer. i'm not excited at all about the olympics, even if it's still a great event for paris. i have a lot of concerns about the organization, transportation. the fact that we'll continue to work and concerns for those who are going to swim in that water. that is just disgusting. really disgusting. yes, i have a lot of concerns organized as a set, the confidence, the mood and the system would change as the event is. the many parisians, a said they would like to leave the city during the games if they could. and half down, so if whether the sitting is ready as possible as meeting the minute to specify that as well. i don't think the city of paris itself is ready. in fact, there are things that we should have planned for sooner, like i'm thinking of the month upon us tower construction side. in fact, we were promised a lot of stuff. i even remember that we were promised that transportation would be
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free and nothing has been done. so i don't think we're ready. no. i'm simple spoken to some locals be of interest, be met with optimizon, manage wants for the city to show as qualities as it goes up for its 1st hosting of the games for a 100 years. the opening ceremony is set to take place on the rivers center, but it could be moved to the step, the fronts to, to concerns of a security and cleanliness real. that's also a big impact. you're all supposed to consider insurance. boom, yes, we're looking forward to it. because it's a chance to say the olympic games in france. so we're happy and we can't wait. we know the whole world is watching us. so we'll do our best to welcome the wealth friend. lucky you have a back down to you. i hope all's your think ceremony will kick off the games on the 26th of july. tom size is out 0 or the golden state warriors, or else of the n b, a playing tournaments following a 118. 94 defeats of the sacramento kings taken, murray scold 52 points and they are in fox contributed for 20 for sacramento. now
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move onto the game on friday again, samuel needs pelicans. when i went up on to the sales golden state and the missed out on the playoffs for the feed time in the last 5 seasons. yeah, and that's what we're supposed to use with the time being. i'll have another update in a couple of hours to, to a piece of thank you very much for that. finally, this bulletin, at least 117000 people have been full from their homes and conflicts. tom was lots there in that case, onto baiting as dimitry, medical den cover from bad to worse and ty, regions of conflicts done in the north and the west underwater. some houses, a family identifiable with water up to the roofs. evacuations have been underway for 2 weeks. now, before which is beside the strike, rescuers help us by transporting people, delivering us food, water, and gasoline. all generators in the village are working now. presidents costumes.
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i'm kind of visited some of the worst hit areas. he's called on the government's to limit any known essential spending and use the money to help the people. because really remember this is just where we're going through difficult times. this is a nationwide does austin, but positive changes are coming now. the water is receding. gradually. i think the upcoming 10 days will be the most critical. several 100000 people have said the houses was matched or even washed away by the floods of the overall river. it's europe's the longest causing extensive damage across the pots of context on and southern russia in the past few weeks, due to melting ice other rivers in russia, like the top bowl inside barrier have also passed that banks thousands of have to leave the area of 3rd season rochelle, being criticized for not paying enough attention to full costing water levels and responding more effectively to beat them into the bank. go out to 0. well,
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that set somebody, elizabeth, put on them for this half hour for this news all, but stay with us. we're back in just a few minutes. thank you for watching the these are some of the 1st images from the aerial assessment of cold bleaching in the great barrier reef. bleaching occurs when moment ocean temperatures and pollution 1st call to expel the algae to get the color range of color at extreme or intake wise over an extended period of time means some structures have been severely damaged. scientists have declared 2024 a mass bleaching event. what's happening here on the great fire roof is also happening on rapes around the world. or the last 12 months warming sea surface temperatures have caused bleaching events in the northern hemisphere. and the elementary conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. marine biologist, jodi rama says ocean temperatures are increasing at
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a rate never seen before. and that's an organ assigned to the biggest cro system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef means many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it. so how is your vacation in this the shelves? the chest. wow. the been and the full for an a progressive change. you're locked in america. this time the slides remain high as the violence against gender and sexual minority. i come to one of iris to the 2 young women who have taken different routes to establish greater
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freedom and equality. welcome to generation change as well. series attempts to understand, i'm telling you is that mobilize youth around the world. generation change on out you 0. the this is about the air force carries out most strikes. one, gaza talk is one of the few areas where people can find an internet connection. 7 palestinians, a cold and 20 room. the hello. i'm elizabeth donovan. this is out of your life from joy. how so coming off pertaining to nothing displays, palestinians go back to nolan, gaza, to find a homes destroyed. ron's presidents has has for somebody to face any tread as rel,
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promises to retaliate assessed a strikes. and some of the was funds in decades have had large positive assets. dawn displays.


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