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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 17, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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who will be held instead of deal with regards to the supreme strategic committee between the 2 countries. and of course uh we have on the objective of treat exchange of $5000000000.00. and we would like to deepen our water collaboration in the sectors of tourism and energy. during the past of the month of february and 13, we have a grid on economic and depart. they'll show that this would accelerate to meet our objectives on the today district. uh, also with the decision to start the negotiations between turn key and the g. c. c. on the free trade would contribute. i want relationship with the state of cutoff in order to improve and promote our institution. our relationship is with the d. c . c. what would continue negotiations until with member of states. we have spoken
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about military and military cooperation and defense industry. and now my colleagues of the price it today, we have to be the about the latest developments in our region. we have stated from the, on the said that the is right in the crimes, but, but the rated in the guys are the extra sort of a thing that is go off a blow door to be genetic conflict. still what happened over the past week and has proven once again that the break or frozen water is not far off. it's not the fault of pitch on the before the events in see or the we have spent for to, to leave yet the attention and i have conducted some communication on calls and discussions that we continue our efforts in this area in old the exercise
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um to exercise the restraints across the board on for all the forces from outside the region need to be in with the developments accordingly. and also, we want, we don't want to conflicts of usually as our regions to be imported into our region. we need to learn lessons from the teams of a trailer, with the international. lo is a bounding a by o m a. he, it is very clear that nothing the yahoo is trying to drag the region into world in order to maintain on to stay in power. for those who provide unconditioned, the support they need to to view their position. so gen calais, basically, the foundation, the cause roots of the, the evidence is the oppression that has been perpetrated in guides on here
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and read another couple of ideas. i would like to know on the lines, the home of the fact that the people of guys, the, all of the victims is not israel needs or iran. colorado is, of course, is that is bound to implement. the security council doesn't use in the 27th from the 8th, and the judge and what the on the measures as ordained by the international court of justice and to thickness facility action on the steps to allow a human it to be an aide and been fed su courses of negotiations that leads to a 2 state solution. what and will be that's now that the similar live, all the countries, the chief among which the united states of america that has influence on is what i have to say enough to is right. you don't mind the ladies and gentlemen over the press as myself, i'm sure if mohammed do,
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we have reviewed the needed steps to um, to alleviate suffering golf for all. what about a senior people cut out is spending all the effort as it can to do is to seize via fangs through the 5th of todd live defense shift. i mean, i'm check mohammed and his colleagues as well, who are accepting extensive efforts and we do appreciate that. and for us, we need to continue our work in order not to damage the will establish the rights of the police, the indian people, or what has happened. this is the importance of unity among the palestinians. our to find the ultimate objective here is to establish a uh it just a p, as we will continue to this will continue to contribute to the establishment of an independent palestinian state. on the 1967 board does,
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i hope that this uh visit would be a good i mean for the state and young people to the peoples of cuts are on very gen clark. thank you very much. so i know what was the couple of questions 1st question because they don't want me to work kind of to just see it on monday. so was it all you are excellent. see prime minister of guitar today. you have spoken about the, um, glitches in the negotiations. are there any features or reasons for such a set the bags. uh huh. and to what extent can such negotiations start building a positive fruits and the thank you for the question. this pay it off, cuts out a has confirmed and swiss. so does this commitment to contribute positively, john, i'm constructively, towards the negotiations on price on ways to bridge the gap between the concerned
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parties. for that, sure, believe this method has taken enough of the cost long months. the difference is where very broad and we have been working very closely with our water part notice be in the united states or the, or the republic of egypt to print such a gaps um and submit the proposals constructively. how will i made, did that or would on, with the have limited oral and we can propose things about the policies, what didn't agree to what we, what i have mentioned today about the negotiations of being in a very sensitive point. me. i told him, i just talked about the importance of these negotiations, and this all outcomes such negotiations must lead to that at least of captives and
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end of the 1000. it was our objective from day one. how. what brought us, unfortunately, that has been misuse of such mediation and to explore things such mediation for the narrow political interest. this has lived the step of a good time to evaluate the entire situation that we are at this point right now. we are re evaluating our role as me da toes and how the parties are engaged with this. uh, with this um m a d h and there is abuse. um, there is a home done to the outside of your role and this is unacceptable. when we engage in such a process, it was on humanitarian. it was here who been uh, on a humanitarian basis to protect our policy. and yet, you know, brought, that is how, what brought us here. unfortunately,
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there are many people that they can one up man, the ships from politicians with narrow interests. and lots of people are trying to conduct their election campaigns a by hurting the state of katara. this is unacceptable to hit something and close the rooms and been in public. they would make good and destructive, unfortunate, the destructive state diminished. i don't remember, it tells me where i've committed to all what role from such or how many to you basis. how about bed is limited to such a rule? and there is a limit to our water capacity, them contributing constructively and such negotiations under sort of cuts out a would make the decision in the right time. thank you. honey city to show
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you how you shop a startup was it, has you see my home, you are excellent. see for a minute sort of to clear what to 0 to position from this connection between 10 and between is what you and your on. are there any initiatives for the escalation and to prevent confrontation or show comes in and somebody thank you very much for the question. as his excellency, the prime minister. and i have mentioned this in my remark, concept of him over for the see and especially with regards to the issue of palestine. the crisis there is extensive called the nation process sees of the one that they can level as well as other institutions continue to communicate and disregard the amount of shit. and i agree with my account that bob check mohammed the as the contact degree within the organization of his stomach,
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a lot of cooperation also in, in, in international id. now we are in constant communication, as you know, tennessee and katara, please that you have very close relations. few minutes i left him follow up with regards to the eh, ceasefire negotiations. though we accept all one of the most effort in order to achieve such an outcome in the family that you who would want to put them on. we appreciate and support the category for us and the adoption for us on a consultations are ongoing with them. okay, then it decided that the menu button was a set, so some institutions communicate with the us on basic all what advice on consultation and interference inset and issues. i do want to talk about the details . here we are in constant and continuous communication with all water and
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colleagues and cuts out, especially with the ceasefire. negotiations cut out as plate use a very important to overall how can we support a such are all i'm contribute to such role, whether it goes to humanitarian a do we have very important coordination, explicitly, suspicion, you know, for the it's, the thing is type entity, time what are the things that we can do? we share ideas and opinions, especially between the 2 countries. on the i'll go to friendly nations. we would like to present a joint strategy. we have a extensive activities and of us who knocked in in this area on that. and then the show up on that autumn afflictions of such a such joint activities or reflected in our position in the night. the admissions we do coordinate in these on these issues. in short,
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coordination is extensive and ongoing. done continuous between the 2 countries sorta sense, but as counting from sigma. so so anyways i decide that the shape, mohammad, how you decide to code though, let's put the see i thought was so like i said go or this big enough to hold on while washington by the where i live the how so let's see has a to the the minute eat on was the protocol, not yet the size it will buy mass united am and will be the look at the custodian tried not of them the solo to may not co does he doing much of style one, why do a lot of you have is what up and i'm a by the had the alberto but tell him cannot that will cause i don't see a country he does read and it cleaves to highlight that this right you oh, well on to my atalla cool. the thought was told band it on why the i can with the
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here that i had, the thought was on the can. i saw the, the summit. i don't want to mental concealment. it's on the cover that the position with voice to the news and, and the americans are edging the parties not to escape that and to contend the situation. and as we mentioned from the beginning that the war was death. and if you have a spill over on the region, as we have seen that since, that since the attack happened on bay in cost of that which by is ready to, which resulted in getting some off of it in, in the officials. and this tension has been just, you know, mounting up of course we are trying to urge the policies that to, to contain the situation. and we don't know yet whether this condition will be
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contained on its way to get out of control. i think this is something unknown, but what we are hearing, at least from the parties that none of the parties want to escape. they tend to expand this conflicts regarding the, the communication that's happened between his honestly. i mean, i'm very to ship a within the gcc and some other leaders in the region of course. and in a such a difficult moment, we believe that communication is very important between the videos. what's happening right now is happening very close to all of agent. and i think that it's very important that the, all the leaders are a quarter to an end to them and to see him in the same position the same direction . and this is what we have seen from all the leaders that we have communication with the as i mentioned from the beginning and from the beginning of this war, this war will pass that us, can you what amanda has having goes as long as it's continues to expand in that age
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and, and the best way to do use get it, but age and then to put down the tension is to stop the walk that and listen this. so unless you does, you have an easy uh versus the from of design for. so my question is with the, for the minister of talk to you, mister minister, you have just met the almost point it could be which he, if he's might, i mean just a couple of hours ago, please, will you tell us what you both have discussed, particularly regarding the, the latest development in casa, and also would you please give us some details regarding the ongoing, for a mean difficult issue of palestinians state internationally. the truck to chicago to do the thing is doable. good. uh, almost uh, see us through needed assign honey. yeah. the see, i see it on the dash really cuz it should be there. uh your cost your thoughts with
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just uh good for me is all the time to the uh how tall is the item, is it the um the drawer dresser and it was an uh set on uh eh, the goose name is not that because i know it was a saw your my should let impression that it, we're going to do some shape moment that after misquote each month we are, we have yet we have discussed results for the last many issues and the width. and i have also spoken with my brother share. i'm and with regards to cease fire, what is, how much is position from children of this issue? and where are we at this point in time? we, instead people have expressed our opinion in disregard, which was the machine cuts out with the 1st the more, as you know, for the 2 state solution. software with cuts out of with many other countries in tennessee is existing extensive efforts to go out or to more than
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50000 have been killed in such a could i did you. so if there is any, um, uh, let me talk you on somebody. the thing to benefit from such an incident is brought to the establishment of the 2 state solution in this region, especially there are so many countries in the west. they want to solve the code, almost the solution, but they have some doubts regarding how much i should be able to solve that and try to get you over. i especially the, the whole side of the propaganda from is that you, of course, against the mouse on the would like to present time as a, as a duty some as an organization similar to uses. uh, unfortunately it's such a prop, again that is supported by such countries in order to eliminate such a perception issue that we especially idea for a solution to the policy in the an issue and the 2 state solution. what all that
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expectations on, where do they stand on this? we have all of them to clarify this point and we have should. the ideas i have also mentioned was. busy the counterparts in the west wood is this the sooner they, they, i agree, they agree on the scene is paid to on the boat as of 1967 and palm beach on it. and how much does the military wing go when such a country is establish what a sense of step is there would be no need for such a military wing on how much would become a political party. and therefore the road to what is up in a city and state. uh, that's why this is a very important quarter for the entire world that and i have, and i have received federal, cold from officials in hum us. so we
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have been listing that to the country, foreign minister who's also causes prime minister. shake them home. i've been up of i'm on also on a, he's been hosting the turkish foreign minister, how con, feed on. and they were both talking of calls about the war on gaza and the escalating tensions in the region. following yvonne's vitale. a treat attack on israel on saturday. that is of course, yvonne's 1st direct strike on israel, fun divani and tower tree. that's when it's sent around $300.00 drones and messiahs again from iran into is really tell tree most of which were intercepted, not just by as well, but also by its allies, including the united states version funds and also a number of middle eastern countries. saudi arabia and jordan, so the foreign ministers of kasha and turkey have been talking about keeping the
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focus on gaza on the suffering of people in gaza. and they and, and, and they said that the tensions that we're seeing as a result of, of yvonne's, of iran strike because of the war on gaza. the country foreign minister said that they spoke in great detail about the escalation that cost. i confirmed its positions the policies that all parties in the region need to deescalate. he said they need to resort to rationality and sol, issues to rational and not force. they spoke about how the humanitarian situation and gaza as being exacerbated by the day of very big focus on that. again. even before the country, foreign minister traveled to doha, the turkish foreign minister by the travel to the country capital took he is foreign ministry, spoke about how one of the main aims of this trip was to keep the focus of the
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humanity or in situation and gaza. a correspondent russell said that his, the listening he was actually attending that news conference and he's, he's joining us live from this a very clear message. one of the escalation in the region wrestle and the turkish foreign minister saying that the latest incidents licensed escalation showed that he said the outbreak of war is not far off. as indeed indeed. so the, for the minister and the prime minister off task that said that the 2 companies, they came together to integrate their coordination to de escalate distribution in the region. and just getting the attention on the raise scores, origin of a conflict here. so, so they said that they have discussed about too many teddy and cries this year and also these rarely aggression and how to deter, that's how to stand against that the aggression as well. how does it one of the
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important point that today we have seen this was quite rare, the prime minister off got that said that she's country todd is reassessing his position as in many youth are in this conflict due to the some put occasions, reckless statements. and what do you understand that the tax was meaning the statements that positions that are coming from the is rather the officials in communion, the prime minister been you? i mean, nothing. yeah. well, at cruising katara or not exerting enough power over how miles to persuade how mosque to release the, the, the, the, the, the, the hostages. so we have seen this repeated accusations coming from is rarely used . and the prime minister said that these accusations are actually very much a disruptive cartels. the rule is to be immediate or not to be in favor of any proxy because got that is not potty in this complex. but it's very much important to know that for the 1st time of hearing that a top official income tax,
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the prime minister sees that his country is reassessing, its situation, its rule as a mediator in this conflict. so, but for the, regarding that, that statement that were coming from the turkish fort, administer how coffee down to said that. so i think the new on the to a team of capital, we have seen how the actors out of the region also getting involved in this conflict. and the re score of this regional award is not you minute is now serious . and he's also says that you have seen how do you to natural wear, particularly the western powers. they got united against iran in these statements and stands and their support for israel. but not we said that we expect the same countries to come together and to put a united pressure, one israel to stop the war. and to announce an an a ceasefire. but one of the important point today also that she mat, the,
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how much political bureau chief he smiled. hen. yeah, she had him don't have to day and asked him what they have this cost during their meeting to said that she had tried to understand how much position when it comes to the, the explanation of force deceased by the poor as the medications as a one but one thing that you said was quite particularly important. she said that if somebody to honey how much for the computer chief says that if a palestinian state based on the 1968 a borders is guaranteed, is this top list down hamas minutes? the ring is ready to give off on their arms, they are ready to dissolve themselves. so this is quite a bold statement coming from one of how much top officials in terms of power steering instead of being recognized internationally. that's how most committed to wing is ready to dissolve itself. the
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rest of, i thought it was really interesting, those comments from the country, foreign minister and prime minister of he, you know, he said that mediation is, you know, that they have a limited role that they comp propose things. so the policy was agreed to end of the negotiation. so when a very sensitive point and both foreign ministers also spoke so much about the importance of the establishment of a palestinian state, it's very difficult to see how, how the efforts to woods that can really be made in earnest. when we know when near a seas file, indeed indeed they both were quite firm on the roadmap. so 1st that so that they need a permanent ceasefire and immediately they need it. and then the humanitarian aid corporate, who many, 10 of them a to flow into, into gaza and bucks that bolt have stressed that the ultimate wheel solution for
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a loss. the piece only can be achieved by the top by the establishment of a palestinian space. so we don't have that palestinian state, there's not going to be a just solution. and the time for solutions are not going to work. so this disaster is going to come again and again hit the region. so both were quite for them. when it comes the altima solution, their answer was definitely a political condition or for a palestinian state international. and that has been also, as i said, the cracks of the meetings between, between the per, the, between the turkish fort administer and his might. and yeah, as well, and also between the 2 ministers in the day. so thank you so much for that that. so i'll correspondent to wrestle says, joining us live from here in doe, ha, that's bringing home the son who's she's joining us live from kind of even home, the incredibly strong condemnation from the turkish foreign minister off the is riley of the israeli government saying that it is israel that was pushing the
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entire region to the brink of war? that's exactly right. turkish officials were not exact. we can't, they were candid rather in their remarks about these really is saying that israel wanted the world to condemn and they sit on an attack. but it was silence when israel has been committing these atrocities in gaza, continuing with their results now entering. it's 7 months. and it's no surprise that this is the reaction coming from the turkish foreign minister. when just a day ago, the turkish president had had similar comments saying that it was smith and yahoo himself, who is to blame if there is any sort of escalation within the region. and remember the reasons why the audience had launched this attack. it was a retaliation for and is really air strike on the, on the in consulate in damascus that had killed several people among them. senior i r g c commanders. honda, thank you very much for that. that is homeless on the reaction with more from kind
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of eve and that does it for this half hour of news, but do stay with us. we are back in another half hour with the ounces a news hour and inside story is coming up next. thank you for watching the the fellow i'm pleased to say we have got some quotes whether now moving across the gulf, but take a look of some of these figures katira in the you a 137 millimeters, the frame in 24. as you may have seen those incredible scenes in the by so 100 millimeters of frame here in 24 hours and over the last couple of days. and it was $64.00 millimeters to frank. compare that with the average annual rank full of 90 full millimeters. so no one that we sold as
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a trophy as conditions the west of weather, as i said, is making his way for the east with surprises. got to come back in behind. the system will bring some live, the showers of southern pos override as a weakening one, but it will still bring some flooding brains across southern me around in. so i've kind of thought maybe 2 o'clock is done over the next few days. it'd be guy with the dry weather coming back in behind is settled and sunny. here we go. once free fraud i saw balloon sunny to across the eastern side of the mediterranean bull sunshine here. shabby right mazing across the bus 1st for a time. and we will see a type of just 40 back to around 18 celsius. the, in the stumble east beside it would make the stay a long sheet drive as long as you drive to across north africa. now still live the waist, lifting some stuff to the sand. across the sahara, the showers continue and pumping up the gulf. gimme the unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and
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everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there. it is. all right, here and right now the stream announces era why is focused on expelling? asked on refugees. i've got a strong sense of move is a legal pockets. donnen says it's for security reasons. is this politically motivated than how well, how about officials deal with the many thousands of people who may be arriving? this is inside store the hello that on james space,
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hundreds of thousands of ask guns to being forced to leave pockets done as part of the government crackdown many of lives for decades and consider that home. but the .


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