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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 17, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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calling every meal is like a piece of the farm to the tape, hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the the know on elizabeth bottom and this is the news our life and our ha coming out for the next 60 minutes. the widespread destruction in gaza is rarely strikes to store palestinian homes. the most of the strip. catherine took a corporal regional de escalation is cut those 5 minutes to it says the country is reassessing its role as a mediation between this right and how much ron's presidents has this forces are
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ready to face any threats as israel promises to retaliate off the saturday strikes some children at times for bullying. the us a cough manufacturer is facing most cushion in congress. officers turn of safety related incidents turned on piece of statements with the sports news. barcelona all sensation the dumped out of the champion speed, but the stream and the middle of spanish stupid web around the good. we looked to keep the hopes to live in the composition when they visit men. just especially later, the will be getting the news out in northern garza where it is rarely asked why? because tom, this is a group of palestinians gathering at one of the few places they can connect to the internet. at least 7 people have been told and 20 others injured. that happens to be shaken as one neighborhood of gauze, a city attentive being set out for those,
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trying to access the internet, communications and limited throughout the territory. palestinians often have to gather at one point where the connectivity stable will displays palestinians trying to return to northern gaza, facing and of a setback, as well as military has been carrying off a 2 day ground operation in the northern city of beta noon. making it more difficult for people to find shelter. jacob brown has the latest where holmes was stood, all that remains as rubble displaced, palestinians returning to bate honeymoon and northern gals that find few reminders of the live stay once the model of the destruction has affected us correctly. i lost the full story house and another area within the city. enough to that we would displace to another full areas that speak with habit. we were tons of a 100 and try to live in school. so this is my brother's house. i'm standing on with a homes destroyed,
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many palestinians have been trying to find shelter in local schools, but renewed his riley bombing in the past few days has created even more difficulties for those trying to rebuild their lives. the, you know, these really were place started by carpet bombing the entire area, especially after that, these really armor de coal storms, the area bulldozing whatever comes their way. and then they opened fire on us while we were sheltering and the into the hundreds of families have fled by $800.00. and since the latest is ready, incursion in search of another place to find shelter. now the men were rounded up, taken in groups, while women and children were stripped off all their belongings. we were all civilians taking shelter in school building hallway. where should we go? tell us, where should we go to? as these palestinians are displaced, once again, many
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a wondering whether anything will be left my life, no place is safe in the entire goal. is this true? photos of jews to ruins? is pedro's policy of scores. nothing is bad. toe to destruction. israel's military has now withdrawn from bait honeymoon, but for these palestinians, the damage is already done. jacob brown, elder 0 that springing on correspondence and gaza hunting muscle of is joining us live from alpha and southern gaza and how many people continue to be killed as they go about trying to do the most basic things, access the most basic services. yes that is correct. and just within the past hour we heard a confirmation of from the hospital in gaza. city did not the the baptist hospital did the number of people who were killed as a evacuation center at the western part of gauze and city. that's in the shutter
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rescue, you've got the northernmost from part of gauze, the city has rise into 6 people will get out really. at least the 3 children among the people who arrive to hospital kills have a drawn fire. the missile inside this evacuation center. this is not the 1st time within these deliberate attacks inside or targeting on or what facilities across the guster. what are the are the evacuation centers largely schools turned into shelter. sheltered places for. 1 were balance city and displaced families across the street, but also other schools and other facilities like distribution points. this is 11 more prove that there is nothing really save here and there is no where place no, no safety place across the strip of, from the exact origin centers into residential homes or into people who are in their neighborhood to try to set up a distribution point for an enter new taxes point to just to get access to the internet and connect with the world. so many people killed as they were trying to
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get connected to the internet. the past few months have been very difficult for palestinians everywhere across the gas turban, we had often time we were off the grid completely, no internet, no phone service, no whatsoever. no communication completely cut off the front. the rest of the world and not separate a talk. 13 more people were killed in a, a stick with one neighborhood that's in the, the northern part of garza city. and these people were gathering around a residential buildings. then hearing eye witnesses in the area who described these people were inside this residential home. and when the late afternoon hour they were just outside the building. when the, when a drawn fired a lease couple of missiles at them. there's really a military and now that has a draw on it from areas in the northern part, i noticed you're not right. he can leaving trails of destruction on auto devastation with complete elimination of social services just making the place in
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on an habitable people wants to go back to honey. thank you very much for that. that is honeywell, who is an old alexis lions. joining us live from alpha, the pressures and german foreign ministers have been in israel and mason leaders, death adults on iran. david cameron and adelina babel met prime minister benjamin netanyahu. cameron says israel will left off to ron strikes on saturday, but hopes that will do so in a way that doesn't to escalate the situation. the german 4 minutes to quote on israel to act prudently and responsibly. the wrong says strong and missile strikes in response to israel's attack on it's conflict building and syria. earlier this month has bella has launched drones and missiles into northern israel. the lebanese group says it targets with a military base and our, i'm shape near the board to the is ready. military says 14 soldiers were injured,
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including 6, seriously. has bolo says it was a response to it is really drawn, stripe that killed at least 3 people in southern 11 on, on tuesday. that's bringing on correspondence from the son who's, who's joining us, live from tennessee, the and the is there any army has confirmed that there's been a number of injuries on the of the that's right. these really army conforming. 14 is really soldiers were injured. 6 of them seriously to moderately and 6 lightly. they were reportedly using this building that was a community center before a lot of those areas on israel's northern border were evacuated sometime in october . now these really army is saying that they identified the launch sites in southern lebanon and have struck other his bullet targets like a military outpost. this is a continuation of these cross border exchanges. a fire that we have been seeing since october, the 8th, that these railways saying they are no longer just on the defense,
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but they are quote, active we're turning to pursuing has been a lot wherever they operate. and i'm the, as israel considers how to respond to ron's attacks, is really government's is under pressure from both friends and foes. a lot of pressure on me is really government internationally, not to respond to it on a task on saturday night. i don't remember it onto the task, was the retaliation for an is really a task that took place on april 1st in damascus on the it, on the, in conflict in which several people were killed among them. senior i r g c commanders. now there have been a lot of countries are trying to talk to prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he had reported link dogs their calls. but today he spoke with the u. k. prime minister re, she's soon act as well as the foreign secretary, as well as the german foreign minister all trying to tell. and that's in yahoo, that they are urging com and for him not to respond. but netanyahu is seemingly
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rejecting all of that and saying that as well we'll, we'll indeed respond at a time and place of their choosing. the thank you for that. the son who for today just live in thought of these stuckey, is foreign minister, how confidant has held talks with casa, is prime and foreign minister here in the you said as well as warn, gaza was the root cause of regional attention. you know, it was nothing he had is very clear that nothing the yahoo is trying to drag the region into world in order to maintain on to stay in power. for those who provide unconditioned the support, they need to to view their position urgently. basically the foundation, the cause routes of the the evidence is the oppression that is being perpetrated in god. so here i would like to underline the facts of the people of guys the all the victims is not. israel needs are iran
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ahead of the skate ition. we've been an intense conversation with the both the, the news and, and the americans urging the party is not to escalate and to contend the situation . and as we mentioned from the beginning that to the war was definitely have a spill over on the agent. and we have seen that since the, since the attack happened on the day in cost of that which uh buy is ready to, which resulted in getting some off of it in the officials. and this tension has been just, you know, mounting up and this was said 5. was that the press conference and to ha, on one of the important point that today we have seen this was quite rare, the prime minister of got that said that he's country todd is reassessing his
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position as in many youth are in this conflict due to the some put occasions, reckless statements, and what do understand that these hex was meaning the statements that positions that are coming from the is ready to officials in community, into prime minister, been you. i mean, nothing. yeah. accusing katara or not exerting enough power over how miles to persuade how miles to release the, the, the, the, the, the, the hostages. so we have seen these repeated accusations coming from his rallies. and the prime minister said that these accusations are actually very much of destructive contests. rule is to be immediate or not to be in favor of any party because got that is not potty in these conflicts. but it's very much important to note that for the 1st time you're hearing that a top official in contact, the prime minister will cut their seats that he's confident is reassessing. it's situation, it's rule as a mediator in this conflict. so, but for the,
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regarding the statements that were coming from the turkish for the minister had coffee down, he said that's why i think the new on the, to a team of capital we have seen. how did that did the actors out of the region also getting ruled in this conflict? and the re score of this regional award is now a minute is now serious. and he's also saying that you have seen housing to national were particularly the western powers. they got united against iran in these statements and stands and their support for these rail. but now we say that we expect the same countries to come together and to put a united pressure, one israel to stop the war, to announce an an a ceasefire to the wrongs president says it's full says, are ready to face any threat this as these really will cabinet considered as it's next move off of head ons retaliatory strike on israel last weekend? everything that i use, he made the comments through national ami de dosage volume reports from the
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capitals paid on the show of military force in iran during its annual army day celebrations. the goal to show the nation's military preparedness. but the events this year comes just days after iran launched an unprecedented attack on israel for whose leaders the president had this warrant . i got a got on hold. if our action was to be large scale, then nothing would be left of design. this regime, their false ground door collapsed in operation. any attack on our soil will be dealt with fiercely and severely. i'm on the iran launch more than 300 drones and miss house toward israel on saturday. in response to the attack on this console of the section in damascus on april 1st, which killed 7 members of the revolutionary guards. the operation dropped to promise by the military is being viewed here as
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a historic with but concerns about what comes next has put the country on high alerts. so if israel target's a site in iran that is not that sensitive, for example, somewhere close to the border since iran is not looking for will then in this case a wrong could respond to his proxies. but if it's euro attacks, any sensitive sites, i think a wrong respond on a larger scale. and even its allies like us interests could be targeted in the region. as iranian officials wait for israel to respond, they continue to highlight their military strength. the attack on israel has shown that airlines leaders are willing to follow through on their threats while the daily life goes on without any major disruption. the historic tensions have put people on edge fearing that attack here could how far reaching consequences door so safari out to 010. well, the us is discussing preparations for new sanctions against iran and coordination
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with its allies as bringing our white house correspondent kimberly house that she was joining us live from the white house committee. us treasury department has targeted more than 500 people and companies connected to that, ronnie and government, some somebody administration us in stock to the administration. so what is left to sanction? what are they considering here? right, because the you think already they've read targeted terrorism financing, or entities. they've targeted a t, ron for human rights abuses. so it really seems like there's nothing left to section, but they found things to sanction, as specifically it has a lot to do with the air attacks that occurred on saturday. and you'll recall that shortly after that attack, the us president can view the video conference of g 7 leaders to coordinate some sort of diplomatic response. and now we're seeing the 1st evidence of that. and it
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has to do with the sections by the treasury department, specifically to do with ron's um, sort of the defense department had targeting of that. so what it is is, is this really sections targeting the missile and rolled programs, which of course were what was aimed at is realized saturday, but also entities supported the i r g c and a runs defense department. and again, expect similar type sections to be ruled out by the allies of the united states. so the purpose of all this is to essentially try and prevent what happened on saturday . another tax, it looks a lot like the one that was in the israel. and i mean it would be hard to imagine how they can do that when yvonne was able to carry out those attacks, despise all the sanctions. it's already on the kimberly, we've heard from the us defense secretary has been questioned about the department's budget,
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and he's been speaking about around reiteration us support for israel. that's right. and this was an already kind of scheduled hearing about routine matters to do with the 20242025 defense budget. but it kind of brand new life into it after the attacks because what everyone was really concerned about was a supplemental funding bill that was passed in the us senate at $95000000000.00 funding bill for israel, for ukraine, for taiwan. the white house has been pushing for weeks was passed on to send it, but it stalled in the house of representatives. now it has new life resent to it as a result of the attacks on israel over the weekend, but it's going to look very different is going to be separated into 4 different bills and it's going to be voted on on saturday evening. we're hearing according to the speaker, mike johnson, as but so what the, the defense secretary lloyd asked is doing is he's making
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a case for not only as defense budget, but also for this the spending bills. and he's making the argument, but their persistent security threats, whether it's russia, whether it's a dpr k or whether it's a rod, as we saw on saturday, he says, he's making the argument, but a run lots. this unprecedented taxes the by the administration, trying to do maximum damage and make no mistake. they will try to do it again and they will try, although it didn't quite work out. he says, as they hit oh, take a listen. but what ron should learn is that number one, they're, they, their assumptions are off and in you know, number 2 that, you know, we're going to do what's necessary to, to help in a defensive it's. and so what defense secretary lloyd austin is saying is
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essentially that a ron is likely to retaliate should, is realize it says retaliate against or wrong. what is happening is exactly what the united states hope would not happen in that is get into a tit for tat or broadening of the conflict in the middle east. the bottom line is the united states says that if that is to happen, there needs to be an investment, not only in these other nations, but in the us interest in the region. and if there is any strike on us interest in the region, the united states says it will do what it needs to do, defend you, it us troops as a time and place of the us is choosing. kimberly, thank you so much for that. so i'll watch house correspondents, company healthcare joining us live from washington dc. g 7 farm. and this is a gathering for a 3 day meeting on the italian island of capri. the mission. we're focused on the situation in the middle east as well as the war and ukraine, so so expected on
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a political solution for peace and security in the middle east. g 7 latest will meet in june. john hall has moved from country as i think what we see emerging now and emerging at pace is a consensus among israel's closest allies, led to close by the united states, across a series of international meetings from his rad itself, to you leaders meeting in brussels to g 7 foreign ministers meeting here on the island of capri, a consensus that all possible must be done to avoid a wide conflict in the middle east. it is a consensus that involves applying maximum pressure on israel, urging caution unrestrained as it deliberates in its response to in iran is attack over the weekend on supporting that effort. a show of unity among the allies to apply for the sanctions on the wrong. on the right, it radian entities and proxies in an effort to try and persuade israel that it doesn't need to go any further at the stage that it showed this president fight and
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put it, take the wind, the wind being the demonstration over the weekend that it israel, along with its allies, could more than withstand a radiant aggression that is the hope at least that underlies international diplomacy. at this point, it may be a faint hope, and that is because 2 of the foreign ministers arriving here in country and in a bad bulk of germany. and david cameron of the united kingdom had meetings on wednesday morning before coming here with benjamin netanyahu. and the rest of these really leadership urging restraint, delivering that message, of course. but david cameron, coming back saying it's clear the is right, he's making a decision to act. so the clearest signs there that the international community believes israel is planning some sort of the response. i think we will see here the us secretary of state and to me, blinking reiterating the us position, that it will not stand militarily alongside israel if it retaliates in kind against the wrong and therefore no with any of the other allies of that. also an attempt to
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try and reign israel in as they g 7 ministers full gather here in country, joe, nicole elders here on the island of country and will join now by muhammad and most of the professor of media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. mr. and must be always good to have you with us on algebra that stopped by talking about what we're hearing from our white house correspondents in washington dc from our correspondent on the italian island of can free which is of the west of the you want to sanction yvonne over its attacks on as well over the weekend the same lead as wouldn't the un security council condemn, as well as the bombing of the iranian consulate in damascus. they're all telling israel not to escalate the situation, but what are the, what are the actions coming as well? right. i mean, it's been fascinating to watch. as you mentioned, these countries are refusing to condemn it. they are the attack on the iranian
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a consulate, not only that, but they're not even acknowledging that there was an attack on a console it yesterday there was a press briefing where matthew miller, spokes person says, you know, we're not even sure if it is a console and he was pressed by an american journalist. yeah. and the american journalist says, how long does it take for you to figure out if this is a consulate and every by, of course, this is just the smoke screen. everybody knows there was a concert building. and so it's been fascinating to, to watch that, but they're, they're not putting the appropriate pressure on the entity that needs pressure applied to it. they're turning a blind eye to is really aggression. and they're throwing all of the blame on iran, which was just retaliated, right. and then of course, not framing it up that way. so i think that they're going to continue to go along the same course. this is kind of what, this kind of uh, you know, us foreign policy does. yeah. and i think we can expect more of that unfortunately . yeah. and on a cost way again, you know, as we were hearing from all white house correspondent and puffing most sanctions on iran when iran is already one of the most sanction countries in history. right. and
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while there's so much focus now on the yvonne israel tensions and what's as well going to do and how is around going to respond. yeah. how, what does that mean for vasa and what as well can do and gosh, a while the goals attention is now distracted. right? well, 1st of all, i think there's kind of a diminishing returns with respect to the sanctions. i don't think us is going to get what it wants to out of additional sanctions, because there's only so much more that they can do any wrong. has actually proved relatively resilient in the face of the ongoing sanctions. and they've moved over toward russia and china. so they've been able to pivot, so i don't think that that's gonna really have much of an effect on, on, on your run with respect to israel. so certainly part of this was, you know, part of the attack on the iranian consulate in syria was meant to be a distraction. israel is losing the war. there was an editorial published and hearts of the day before yesterday. and it said something like a total defeat for israel,
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and they talked about the 4 elements of the feed from us still exists. they haven't destroyed and lost, they haven't gotten the hostages back. israel is less safe. and israel has a worse standing in the global community than it did when it launched this war. so hotter, it's and is really media outlet is calling this a total defeat is real, is really government can see that. and that's one of the reasons why they attacked the consequence to shift the narrative back to a kind of pro israel position on israel, sympathy in the global community. and then as you mention, they can then use all of this as a smoke screen to continue their bombardment of gaza, which we've seen over the last few days. a number of massacres are being carried out. yeah, absolutely. i mean, today 7 people who were trying to connect to the internet and attend code yesterday . children playing, you know, in a playground in a, in a refugee camp. we had some very interesting if not depressing front of you comments from the country, foreign and prime minister talking about the very difficult role of
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a mediator. we know kaiser has been key and in the sees find negotiations just saying that they comp make the policies do anything they don't want to do. how does that followed for an end to the conflict? well, we've been talking right. it must be very frustrating. first of all, for, for a thought on, especially because they're being accused by israel, of not being a fair, a neutral arbiter, which is, which is absurd. they've been praised far and wide even by the united states. right? for remaining neutral and really trying to broker a ceasefire. the reality is that the united states has to put pressure on israel to create the conditions for a cease fire not caught putting pressure on from us. so what exactly what the to is, foreign minister said that the us needs to say, you know, fix it as well. how much is already on board with a ceasefire agreement? they've put forth recommendations, proposals that are consistent with what the international community wants and what with what daniel levy is calling a reasonable position. he's the former is really negotiator. yeah. so how mazda is
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position is consistent with what the, the world wants, and it's the us and israel, better obstructing a peace agreement. so it must be very frustrating for, for the mediators, especially for, for a pop out or, and especially given that there been accused by israel. the reality is this, we're not gonna get to cease fire until the united states applies. it's leverage because israel does not want to stop this for i've been saying for 6 months that israel's main goal and all of this is the academic requirements because of the gaza strip. they want it to use october 7th as an opportunity to get rid of the guys and, and then they can take over the gaza strip. that's their goal. that's the so called greater israel plan. all right, mr. well, hold on and mostly thank you as a way for you to analysis. really appreciate it. thank you. to the head on the new resolve we belong in croatia with the accountant of boats is on the way off to an unusual complementary election. and the russian ministry kills 14 people and as strikes from the ukrainian city of china and the sacramento kings and
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the, the step closer to the n b, a playoff piece. it will have that story in the one place to say we have got some quotes whether now moving across the gulf. but take a look of some of these figures. protera in the you a 137, but let me just a frame in 24. as you may have seen those incredible scenes in the by so 100 millimeters of frame here in 24 hours. and over the last couple of days under the 64 millimeters, the frank compare that with the average annual rightful of 94 millimeters. so no one that we sold as a trophy is conditions the west of weather, as i said, is making his way further. east was surprise us got to come back and behind on that
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system we'll bring some live the showers of southern past. i'll be around as a weakening one, but it will still bring some flooding brains across southern me around into west kind of stuff. and everything was boxed on over the next few days. that the guy with the dry weather coming back in behind is settled. and sunny's here was a go on through fraud. i saw balloon sunny 2 across the eastern side of the mediterranean bull sunshine here. shabby right, mazing across the bus for us, for time. i mean most the type of just 40 back to around 18 celsius. the, in the stumble, these decided would make the stay a long as you drive, as long as you drive to across north africa. now still live the winds, lifting some tough to sand across the sahara. the showers continue pumping up the gulf of guinea. coveted beyond wells taken without hesitation, fulton died for power that finds out while we live here
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we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people in power investigate, explodes, this and questions they use them to be of our around because now to sierra now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even have this is most important, which of these are going to and bushy, poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on, out of the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, for watching the news. all the man is put on them and a reminder of on top stories, the cell is run has carried out more strikes and central and northern gaza. one of the places was on a group of people trying to access the internet and attempt 7 people were killed. colorado says it's reassessing its role as a mediation between them. awesome is right, and the wong casa, the prime minister, made the comments off the top for the turkey is foreign minister, base trust, the need to be escalate tensions between yvonne and israel and u. k. foreign minister, david cameron says it's clear as well. we'll take action off to iranians next on saturday. he's visiting israel alongside germany's foreign minister and the name of
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babel that bows. calling from his train. they prominent california university, his band and most than students from speaking at a graduation ceremony because of the opposition to as well as long gaza loss to a several university presidents result and off to hospital congressional questioning on prussia campaigns from pro israel goods reynolds report from los angeles, a muslim american student us now to boss and being chosen as a valid victoria for the university of southern california was cause for celebration. but then usc abruptly banned to bottom from speaking because of a pressure campaign by pro israel activist. she says she feels surprised, disappointed, and betrayed. a university is supposed to in race discourse. it's supposed to embrace ideological inquiry. if you silence one person, you're effective, we silencing a lot of people, campus, jewish groups opposed to boston selection and the campaign to silence her was fired
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up by social media posts like this one from self help book author and self described. jewish activism, samantha edits features of muslim anti semitic, and anti israel students to bottoms detractors pointed to links from her instagram page to a site that criticizes zionism as quote, a racist settler colonial ideology. not an anti semite. and i think any conflation of anti zionism and anti semitism is deeply deep. we problem matic usc provost andrew guzman wrote to the university community, saying that the decision was all about campus safety. say the intensity of feelings fueled by social media has escalated to the point of creating substantial risks relating to security and disruption at commencement. the council of american islamic relations called us sees decision, cowardly messages. obviously,
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the messages we will stand by our students, especially if those students happen to be most of the students, the especially if they are students who are there to speak for palestinian human rights. and the message they said is that we reward the bigots who, who engage and deformation and threats against the security of a university. last year, the heads of harvard and the university of pennsylvania were forced to resign. after being ruled by conservative republicans in a congressional hearing about alleged anti semitism on campus today. on wednesday, the president of columbia university named much traffic faces questions from the same congressional committee about anti war activism, student protests and freedom of speech, rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles. and the congressional hearing with columbia university's president as testifying, is now underway. that's good. the nations from kristen salumi,
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she's outside the university campus in new york. custom. columbia has been one of the universities, most of a spotlight since the wall and gaza began. what's been happening there today? well in the early morning hours here are students flooded the main campus, the lawn of the main campus and set up like 60 times. there's hundreds of them there. they're calling this 7 cabinets for solidarity with gaza and they are vowing to camp out in the middle of the campus until the university divest all of its investments from israel. and until there's an end to the killing of civilians in gaza. this campus has been a hot bed of debate and demonstrations and protests, and this protest in particular was planned to coincide with that hearing that's happening in washington d. c. where the university president is defending the schools efforts to clamp down
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on anti semitism facing harsh, harsh questions from congressional republicans about anti semitism on campus. the president, defending the university saying that protests here have largely been peaceful and political not violent. and in fact, i spoke to some of the students here earlier. some of them disagree with that assessment, both jewish students and pro palestinian students. the one demonstrator i spoke with didn't even want to give her name or show her face on camera because she says that the pro palestinian students are the ones who are, are being harassed. this is what she said this. i'm afraid that the university will of tentatively attacked me for participating in the pro palestinian movements as they have indiscriminately attacked students of all estimates of these races and face who supports post ending with ration. many of us have phase disciplinary
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actions, and it actually doesn't matter. like i mentioned what ethnic background, what state you follow, what race you are, the students will take disciplinary action against you on fairly and up a drop of a has if you've support for policy movements and the students have also been threatened with suspension if they continue their demonstration on the campus, you can see a little bit of the security behind me, the barricades that have been set up all around the campus. we are not allowed to go onto the campus and see what's happening there. there's a heavy police presence all around the campus so far. everything's been very useful, however, and the students, again bowing to stay until the university divest itself and miss kristen, thank you very much for that. kristen salumi joining us live from outside columbia university in new york. the
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the, any results show correlation, routing conservatives on close to one the most seats and parliamentary elections. but exit polls suggest the correlation. democratic union was so short of an outright majority needed to form a government out of a 151 pod them and received the policy is expected to take 58. they political arrivals. these tend to left coalition led by the social democrats, a set to $144.00 seats, followed by the right wing homeland event with 13. and here's a look at the top candidates, the prime minister incumbent andre plank of which was 1st elected in 2016 and has won the last 2 votes for which she has maintained relative political stability under his leadership and his taking a pro western position. in supposing ukraine, his rival is the president zora banana, which he announced a surprise. but if the problem is to shortly off the cooling and early election.
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but this was ruled unconstitutional by the constitutional court mulanda which has opposed support on your credit. but for more on this we can speak to you alayna blue shots. she's joining us live from sawgrass. so yet, and it took us through the early result so far of the, of course, well, a 1st exit polls shows that the, how the zip are to from minister under blaine because each $159.00 seats a. and as if it positive patients residents underlying them, it's 244 as you over the said, the creation parliament has the hundreds of 51 seats. so both of them needs some post election pollutions for majority. we will wait some more for the official resolves to, but for now, how does it and prime minister under the blank we are in the lead, is you can see electra said to call the police in the middle of the week instead of usual sundays. and we have today the highest, they're now in the fall, i'm going through like some inquiries,
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stuff in the boss the 20 years. so some analysis now said that the, these decision uh, contributed to such a high through. now because people got an additional day off. so for a whole things uh, when milan, which pulled the parliamentary elections, he said that the reverse of justice will flooded the streets and the we actually had some other streets. things are going up today, but obviously nothing to weigh milan and the to wanted. heavy rain fell on the as i get it, but a this afternoon, but to never the last we saw hundreds of people waiting in lines for holding. okay. yeah. dana and what kind of impact will this result, you know, is confirmed, have on crisis position within the european union. well, a prime minister under place of which is some seniors is
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a reliable partner in the team player in the western new york. with him as a prime minister, croatia has been firmly committed to you and then they saw on the other hand, a little milan of issue, the president of the grace. i had some, a really controversial statements onto my, my grand statements, nationally, statements really controversial contribution lines about in the neighbor, especially boston has to go over now. but also, as you mentioned about the new russia and the war in the ukraine. and there was some fear that with him as a prime minister, the craze should would follow the fetch a similar to slovakia. we could see these differences between playing pollution, milano beach, also during the campaign, milan which accused blame for reach of corruption, blaine. who would you choose milan beach or for violating the constitution? and of course we had to mention that the, according to constitutional court milano, each over set, he's constitutional of bowers,
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by getting involved in the come thing. they release warning a and the said that milan and he tries to resign as a president to if he wants to be a part of the come thing. also they tracked into a new as the police. he says that they brings milan, which to complain of everything went smoothly accompanying we saw how unusual it was. and now during the night to see who was the results of his cnn. and thank you so much for one of that context and those early results. again, i agree. shots joining us live from zagreb the pathology, the northern new clients. at least 14 people have been killed in a russian missiles. try calling the city of cheer and have dozens of people entered in the attack, which hitch residential buildings. critical infrastructure was so damaged in the
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city. a 150 kilometers north of the capital. king charles truck that has moved from pole to the in central ukraine of some dramatic videos. the taxes are paid on the internet showing at least 2 of the strikes civilians ducking down, taking cover by offense. there's also video, there's a page of emergency service. he's trying to free, what we understand is a woman that was trapped under the rubble is unclear as to whether she receive free . yes, has been reaction by the ukrainian government president zalinski on his telegram channel, watching that this would not have happened if you created received enough a defense equipment. and if the wells determination to count to russian, tara was sufficient also to foreign minister demitra calais, but i said, these innocent people would not have been killed or injured if you crane had sufficient a defense capabilities and a reference to the middle east. and those real good attacks on israel, by iran,
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in the last few days he said 3 days ago in the middle east, we saw what reliable protection of human lives for me. so i was, looks like. so that is an indication of just how angry, seemingly ukrainian, those sources be great and military and government all about this lack of a defense that they're suffering. and they blaming the, the delay of a hold up in the release of 60 plus $1000000000.00. why arguments in the us congress and play g is by european allies also that it taking a long time to get here, child stratford, which is 0 posada central ukraine. naturally design considering boosting a defenses for ukraine cave is wanting that it's struggling to contain a russian offensive due to a lack of ammunition and supplies. the dodge defense minister has spoken to all 0 and says member states to take the concern seriously. as we have seen da sierra that the counter offensive was very, very difficult for the, for any us that the russians have fortified. a that,
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that from the line. at the same time, we have seen successes, especially in the crimea, and on the vaccine the by ukraine. i think we have to be aware of the fact that this might be a long and prolonged situation and, and therefore, we kind of given to the pressure of russia, the test turn is to call them into a war economy that's sponging money and also like human life, so soldiers into, into this war. sure, your friends must be able to resist that, and that's why they need our continued support, especially in the areas of, of air defense and i munition. so it is difficult to say whether that would be possible. these are, of course, the internationally recognized borders of ukraine. the u. s. congress is holding back to back hearings examining safety failures and bowlings manufacturing practices among those testifying is what's the lowest sam sally pulled. the bowling
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engineer has want of alarming deficiencies and just calling for more than a 1000 bowen plains to be grounded. but us company has face several safety failures and we send to you is including 2 deadly crashes. for tom todd kush, this is a former airline safety engineer for boeing and ceo of safe don't. com. he says problems that boeing has been under scrutiny for years. factory. in fact, there was a, an agreement with the us government in 2021 that identified the severe shortcomings with the 737 match program. and to this day, the boeing is under um, some investigation related to that related to the 737 max store event, january. but getting to the 2 periods today, one of them is from a committee that has been working for several months trying to understand boys process for certifying new aircraft. because this process is very complex,
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that needs the expertise with a deep knowledge of this technology. 787 has had problems when it was for us put in the service about a decade ago. and in fact, it had been grounded for several months for an entirely different set of reasons. the allegations from this was of lower are indeed serious. and i would hope that in the hearing that's happening today, that some of the facts will come to lie and that appropriate action will be taken. whether or not there was actually a issues going on with this on the line or with the design of the 77. that will take a while to understand, and it may be months or even years before the full story is understood and actions taken by the us government, or to the head on the news. alice, some of the was funds in decades of hip launch pots has cost of stock. displacing. more than a 100000 people, adams, full fine, munich, and looking to finish the job against us no later. and the champion, sleep pizza will be here with the details.
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the business latest is brought to you while he gives us a line supply on one of your this makes model completes.
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the business latest is free for you. i guess is that an i my, on one of your makes modern plates. the post office 40 is pizza. elizabeth, thank you so much, man, just the city and rail madrid. we'll go ahead a later in the champions league. cool to final 2nd leg. and it says that you who have the slides advantage spell be at home following last week's 33 1st make rule in terms of the wide picture. pip audio is made on the top of the premium league and also in the semi final. so be if a cup incredibly, they are in contention to follow up a triple with a trophy quadruple the season. standing in a way of holding time european champions,
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the spanish giants. we have at 51 of the 2 legs by city. in last season, the semi finals rail bus collar until he is aware of the threat posed by earning holland. but the teddy in is backing is defenders to keep the norwegian quiet share with all of the others. if we talk about individual students, holland is one of the most interest class meant that you have to. so the fact that you didn't see too much in the 1st lecture is a bit credited to a defense norm. but talent can be the best sense of fluids in the world, and it is always a very, very dangerous play. for this, the other match sees also all who are looking to win the champions league for the 1st time take on fine munich away. first lake ended too. oh awesome. we're going to wednesday's game of to losing to aston villa at the feet. that's been to the chances of winning the premium. i think um everyone is ready. like i said, i think we can use it as a reaction um its
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a big opportunity for us. it's on the biggest page. so everyone wants to show um what we're capable of. and um, yeah, there's no better way to do it by munich or looking to win the championship for 7th time. for a start striking however, it's a different story. hurricane is aiming to land. he's supposed to have a major on of advancing against awesome. it would be extra sweet for him, as he used to play for the gun is all tribals taught them from the top is pointed to it will be a 1000 if we don't want anything this year because we're expected to, to in. but i know we can do is take that into into that too and try and turn it around. so uh yeah, i think this is a hoss. yeah. we had a in winning and losing, and of course that you can do it all good savings throughout the year and still end up on the, on the losing sides with $100.00 days to go until the stores of the olympic games in paris. it should be
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a ton of excitement and anticipation for the capital residents must be met with mixed reactions, total sizes, and has more it's been 7 years in the making for paris as the city finalizes preparations for the starts of the games come july 10 and the whole 1000 asp lease from $206.00 countries will descend on francis capital for an event that's expected to drawing $13000000.00 spectators. so the 2100000 inhabitants who live the span of disruptive period for lots of them the are listed as shown on these really all the stuff. i'm excited no story. that's certainly not the answer. i'm not excited at all about the olympics, even if it's still a great event for paris. i have a lot of concerns about the organization, transportation. the fact that will continue to work and concerns for those who are going to swim in that water. that is just disgusting. really disgusting. yes, i have a lot of concerns organized as a set, the confidence,
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the mood and the city would change us even is that many prisons are said they would like to leave the city during the games if they could. and a half down, so if it, whether the sitting is ready as possible as meeting the minute a small spike as well. i don't think the city of paris itself is ready. in fact, there are things that we should have planned for sooner, like i'm thinking of the month upon us tally construction site. in fact, we were promised a lot of stuff. i even remember that we were promised that transportation would be free and nothing has been done. so i don't think we're ready know. simple spoken to some locals be of interest, be met with optimizon, manage wants for the city to show as qualities as it goes up for its 1st hosting of the games for a 100 years. the opening ceremony is set to take place on the rivers center, but it could be moved to the start, the fronts to, to concerns over security and cleanliness retail. so they give us your own space because their insurance boom. yes, we're looking forward to it because it's
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a chance to say the olympic games in france. so we're happy and we can't wait. we know the whole world is watching us, so we'll do our best to welcome the world france. lucky you have a back guarantee. i'm a false here, think ceremony will kick off the games on the 26th of july, tom size ins out 0. the golden state warriors, or out of the in the a plane to invent funding a 11894 defeats to the sacramento kings kingsbury school, 32 points, and the air in fox contribute to 20 for sacramento. now move onto the game on friday against the new winnings, pelicans. the window will headphones to the play own golden space. i found myself on the playoffs for the 3rd time in the last 5 seasons at the premier cup, which is serving as a qualification tournament for mixed use. asia cab. one side is looking to take to the in price of the pay you all doing like the team to beat at the events and i'm
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on it's made of full wins from full by beating saudi arabia earlier. the pool will be in the semi finals with the winter of the tournament qualify for next years show piece court. that's what was full of things for the time being. i'll be here again later with some ok to up. thank you very much for that. at least a 117000 people have been forced from their homes and cause of stone. the worst floods there in decades onto basing is dimitri. residential reports from bad to worse and ty, regions of conflicts done in the north and the west underwater. some houses, a family identifiable with water up to the roofs. evacuations have been underway for 2 weeks now, before which is beside the rescue is help us by transporting people, delivering us food, water, and gasoline. all generators in the village are working now. presidents costumes. i'm kind of visited some of the worst hit areas. he's called on the government's to
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limit any known essential spending and use the money to help the people. usually remember just where we are going through difficult times. this is a nationwide does austin, but positive changes are coming now. the water is receding. gradually. i think the upcoming 10 days will be the most critical. several 100000 people have said the houses was matched or even washed away by the floods of the overall river. it's europe's the longest causing extensive damage across the pots of convex, done, and southern russia in the past few weeks, due to melting ice other rivers in russia elect, the bowl inside barrier have also passed that banks thousands of had to leave the area of 3rd season rochelle, being criticized for not paying enough attention to full costing water levels and responding more effectively to beat them into the bank go out to 0. we're taking you to the united nations. now the united nations security council in new york when there is about to be
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a briefing held by that man who you can see on your screens. the commission in general of the united nations release of relief works agency sleep for the plaza, rename that's listed in a situation into cuz it's free for the operational challenges we are confronted, we so but as indicated by ministers subsidy, we will also be talking about the old, this called so a balance of the discomforting of the agency. as you know today she has become more and more difficult to operate in the gaza. but the agency is also on the pressure in he's do that in an enjoys box. now the haven't been number of the competitive social media competitive member states have been to reach out. the number of countries have suspended 10 for the the support to is the organization.
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because of the over the allegation that the staff might have participated to the massacre of october 7. as you know, as an agency we have the act of very prompt to emit did see this stuff has been terminated. that point us on the mind of the secretary general public initiated an investigation. and at the same time we have the free scandinavian institute on the the championship alpha kept in color. and that the former minister of foreign affairs of francis doing a review of all the risk management of the agency. but let's be clear, the talk against the only one. i'm not about know, try to do the reasons behind it is just cheaper to participate in, residues that from the rest of the state to. so this is what is at stake
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today. what keeps being accused of perpetrating the risk of g state use, but what's perpetrating the risk just state use, easy options of a political solution. we have been lasting, temporary organization, at least today, we are genuine, you know, put into a processor. the agency can become a gain of a temporary nature and i can find the transition, you know, defy future state of quite his time to take over the pubic services like education and primary has. so the discussion today will be to elevate also what these really at stake, why really be dismantled today before a pretty good solution is reached. thank you so much. the


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